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An approach is described for rapidly determining protein structures by NMR that utilizes proteins containing 13C-methyl labeled Val, Leu, and Ile (1) and protonated Phe and Tyr in a deuterated background. Using this strategy, the key NOEs that define the hydrophobic core and overall fold of the protein are easily obtained. NMR data are acquired using cryogenic probe technology which markedly reduces the spectrometer time needed for data acquisition. The approach is demonstrated by determining the overall fold of the antiapoptotic protein, Bcl-xL, from data collected in only 4 days. Refinement of the Bcl-xL structure to a backbone rmsd of 0.95 Å was accomplished with data collected in an additional 3 days. A distance analysis of 180 different proteins and structure calculations using simulated data suggests that our method will allow the global folds of a wide variety of proteins to be determined.  相似文献   

Determination of precise and accurate protein structures by NMR generally requires weeks or even months to acquire and interpret all the necessary NMR data. However, even medium-accuracy fold information can often provide key clues about protein evolution and biochemical function(s). In this article we describe a largely automatic strategy for rapid determination of medium-accuracy protein backbone structures. Our strategy derives from ideas originally introduced by other groups for determining medium-accuracy NMR structures of large proteins using deuterated, (13)C-, (15)N-enriched protein samples with selective protonation of side-chain methyl groups ((13)CH(3)). Data collection includes acquiring NMR spectra for automatically determining assignments of backbone and side-chain (15)N, H(N) resonances, and side-chain (13)CH(3) methyl resonances. These assignments are determined automatically by the program AutoAssign using backbone triple resonance NMR data, together with Spin System Type Assignment Constraints (STACs) derived from side-chain triple-resonance experiments. The program AutoStructure then derives conformational constraints using these chemical shifts, amide (1)H/(2)H exchange, nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY), and residual dipolar coupling data. The total time required for collecting such NMR data can potentially be as short as a few days. Here we demonstrate an integrated set of NMR software which can process these NMR spectra, carry out resonance assignments, interpret NOESY data, and generate medium-accuracy structures within a few days. The feasibility of this combined data collection and analysis strategy starting from raw NMR time domain data was illustrated by automatic analysis of a medium accuracy structure of the Z domain of Staphylococcal protein A.  相似文献   

Although nearly half of today's major pharmaceutical drugs target human integral membrane proteins (hIMPs), only 30 hIMP structures are currently available in the Protein Data Bank, largely owing to inefficiencies in protein production. Here we describe a strategy for the rapid structure determination of hIMPs, using solution NMR spectroscopy with systematically labeled proteins produced via cell-free expression. We report new backbone structures of six hIMPs, solved in only 18 months from 15 initial targets. Application of our protocols to an additional 135 hIMPs with molecular weight <30 kDa yielded 38 hIMPs suitable for structural characterization by solution NMR spectroscopy without additional optimization.  相似文献   

For facilitating the identification of appropriate functionalities that may serve as a binding motif of functional monomers, a selection strategy based on high-throughput screening of the binding properties of readily available sorbent materials has been developed. Thereby, the affinity of such ligands to the protein of interest may be rapidly determined. From these studies, it is anticipated that ligand functionalities will be derived, which may lead to advanced selection and design of dedicated functional monomers suitable for decorating the surface of a scavenger material. Thus, specific binding of the target protein of interest should be enabled even in complex solutions such as e.g., biotechnologically relevant cell lysates. In the present contribution, an automated screening method for studying ligand interactions of selected sorbent materials with pepsin - a protein of the protease family - was developed. Aqueous buffer solutions containing pepsin at known constant concentration were pipetted through an array of miniaturized chromatographic solid phase extraction (SPE) columns containing a variety of sorbent materials, and the eluted solutions were analyzed by UV/vis spectroscopy. The established screening protocol was validated against resin materials of known interaction with pepsin. Finally, the developed screening strategy was adapted for a robot system enabling high-throughput screening for a wide variety of sorbent materials and ligand functionalities in a fully automated approach. The obtained results clearly indicate that the established screening routine provides valuable data for characterizing resin-immobilized ligands, and their affinity toward pepsin.  相似文献   

We describe a simple approach to classify amino acid residue types in NMR spectra of proteins for supporting the backbone resonance assignments. It makes use of the differences in biosynthetic pathways of the 20 amino acids in Escherichia coli. Therefore, it is distinct from the parameters routinely exploited in the backbone resonance assignment such as chemical shifts and spin topology information. The combination of biosynthetically directed fractional 13C-labeling and uniform 15N-labeling enables us to obtain both residue-type specific information and sequential connectivities from a single protein sample. The residue-type classification exploiting biosynthetic pathways can be used for accelerating the conventional backbone assignment procedure.  相似文献   

A new strategy of backbone resonance assignment is proposed based on a combination of the most sensitive TROSY-type triple resonance experiments such as TROSY-HNCA and TROSY-HNCO with a new 3D multiple-quantum HACACO experiment. The favourable relaxation properties of the multiple-quantum coherences and signal detection using the 13C antiphase coherences optimize the performance of the proposed experiment for application to larger proteins. In addition to the 1HN, 15N,13C and 13C chemical shifts the 3D multiple-quantum HACACO experiment provides assignment for the 1H resonances in constrast to previously proposed experiments for large proteins. The strategy is demonstrated with the 44 kDa uniformly 15N,13C-labeled and fractionally 35% deuterated trimeric B. subtilis Chorismate Mutase measured at 20°C and 9°C. Measurements at the lower temperature indicate that the new strategy can be applied to even larger proteins with molecular weights up to 80 kDa.  相似文献   

The quality of protein structures determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is contingent on the number and quality of experimentally-derived resonance assignments, distance and angular restraints. Two key features of protein NMR data have posed challenges for the routine and automated structure determination of small to medium sized proteins; (1) spectral resolution – especially of crowded nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) spectra, and (2) the reliance on a continuous network of weak scalar couplings as part of most common assignment protocols. In order to facilitate NMR structure determination, we developed a semi-automated strategy that utilizes non-uniform sampling (NUS) and multidimensional decomposition (MDD) for optimal data collection and processing of selected, high resolution multidimensional NMR experiments, combined it with an ABACUS protocol for sequential and side chain resonance assignments, and streamlined this procedure to execute structure and refinement calculations in CYANA and CNS, respectively. Two graphical user interfaces (GUIs) were developed to facilitate efficient analysis and compilation of the data and to guide automated structure determination. This integrated method was implemented and refined on over 30 high quality structures of proteins ranging from 5.5 to 16.5 kDa in size.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of two-dimensional (2D) crystals has demonstrated potential for structure determination of membrane proteins. Technical limitations in large-scale crystallization screens have, however, prevented a major breakthrough in the routine application of this technology. Dialysis is generally used for detergent removal and reconstitution of the protein into a lipid bilayer, and devices for testing numerous conditions in parallel are not readily available. Furthermore, the small size of resulting 2D crystals requires electron microscopy to evaluate the results and automation of the necessary steps is essential to achieve a reasonable throughput. We have designed a crystallization block, using standard microplate dimensions, by which 96 unique samples can be dialyzed simultaneously against 96 different buffers and have demonstrated that the rate of detergent dialysis is comparable to those obtained with conventional dialysis devices. A liquid-handling robot was employed to set up 2D crystallization trials with the membrane proteins CopA from Archaeoglobus fulgidus and light-harvesting complex II (LH2) from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. For CopA, 1 week of dialysis yielded tubular crystals and, for LH2, large and well-ordered vesicular 2D crystals were obtained after 24 h, illustrating the feasibility of this approach. Combined with a high-throughput procedure for preparation of EM-grids and automation of the subsequent negative staining step, the crystallization block offers a novel pipeline that promises to speed up large-scale screening of 2D crystallization and to increase the likelihood of producing well-ordered crystals for analysis by electron crystallography.  相似文献   

The recombinant expression of integral membrane proteins is considered a major challenge, and together with the crystallization step, the major hurdle toward routine structure determination of membrane proteins. Basic methodologies for high-throughput (HTP) expression optimization of soluble proteins have recently emerged, providing statistically significant success rates for producing such proteins. Experimental procedures for handling integral membrane proteins are generally more challenging, and there have been no previous comprehensive reports of HTP technology for membrane protein production. Here, we present a generic and integrated parallel HTP strategy for cloning and expression screening of membrane proteins in their detergent solubilized form. Based on this strategy, we provide overall success rates for membrane protein production in Escherichia coli, as well as initial benchmarking statistics of parameters such as expression vectors, strains, and solubilizing detergents. The technologies were applied to 49 E. coli integral membrane proteins with human homologs and revealed that 71% of these proteins could be produced at sufficient levels to allow milligram amounts of protein to be relatively easily purified, which is a significantly higher success rate than anticipated. We attribute the high success rate to the quality and robustness of the methodology used, and to introducing multiple parameters such as different vectors, strains, and detergents. The presented strategy demonstrates the usefulness of HTP technologies for membrane protein production, and the feasibility of large-scale programs for elucidation of structure and function of bacterial integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

About 8000 genes encode membrane proteins in the human genome. The information about their druggability will be very useful to facilitate drug discovery and development. The main problem, however, consists of limited structural and functional information about these proteins because they are difficult to produce biochemically and to study. In this paper we describe the strategy that combines Cell-free protein expression, NMR spectroscopy, and molecular DYnamics simulation (CNDY) techniques. Results of a pilot CNDY experiment provide us with a guiding light towards expedited identification of the hit compounds against a new uncharacterized membrane protein as a potentially druggable target. These hits can then be further characterized and optimized to develop the initial lead compound quicker. We illustrate such “omics” approach for drug discovery with the CNDY strategy applied to two example proteins: hypoxia-induced genes HIGD1A and HIGD1B.  相似文献   

NMR experiments are presented which allow backbone resonance assignment, secondary structure identification, and in favorable cases also molecular fold topology determination from a series of two-dimensional 1H-15N HSQC-like spectra. The 1H-15N correlation peaks are frequency shifted by an amount ± X along the 15N dimension, where X is the C, C, or H frequency of the same or the preceding residue. Because of the low dimensionality (2D) of the experiments, high-resolution spectra are obtained in a short overall experimental time. The whole series of seven experiments can be performed in typically less than one day. This approach significantly reduces experimental time when compared to the standard 3D-based methods. The here presented methodology is thus especially appealing in the context of high-throughput NMR studies of protein structure, dynamics or molecular interfaces.  相似文献   

Ozawa K  Wu PS  Dixon NE  Otting G 《The FEBS journal》2006,273(18):4154-4159
[(15)N]-heteronuclear single quantum coherence (HSQC) spectra provide a readily accessible fingerprint of [(15)N]-labelled proteins, where the backbone amide group of each nonproline amino acid residue contributes a single cross-peak. Cell-free protein synthesis offers a fast and economical route to enhance the information content of [(15)N]-HSQC spectra by amino acid type selective [(15)N]-labelling. The samples can be measured without chromatographic protein purification, dilution of isotopes by transaminase activities are suppressed, and a combinatorial isotope labelling scheme can be adopted that combines reduced spectral overlap with a minimum number of samples for the identification of all [(15)N]-HSQC cross-peaks by amino acid residue type. These techniques are particularly powerful for tracking [(15)N]-HSQC cross-peaks after titration with unlabelled ligand molecules or macromolecular binding partners. In particular, combinatorial isotope labelling can provide complete cross-peak identification by amino acid type in 24 h, including protein production and NMR measurement.  相似文献   

Protein purification is still very empirical, and a unified method for purifying proteins without an affinity tag is not available yet. In the postgenomic era, functional genomics, however, strongly demands such a method. In this paper we have formulated a unique method that can be applied for purifying any recombinant basic protein from Escherichia coli. Here, we have found that if the pH of the buffer is merely one pH unit below the isoelectric point (pI) of the recombinant proteins, most of the latter bind to the column. This result supports the Henderson-Hasselbalch principle. Considering that E. coli proteins are mostly acidic, and based on the pI determined theoretically, apparently all recombinant basic proteins (at least pI−1 ? 6.94) may be purified from E. coli in a single step using a cation-exchanger resin, SP-Sepharose, and a selected buffer pH, depending on the pI of the recombinant protein. Approximately, two-fifths of human proteome, including many if not all nucleic acid-interacting proteins, have a pI of 7.94 or higher; virtually all these 12,000 proteins may be purified using this method in a single step.  相似文献   

A standard set of three APSY-NMR experiments has been used in daily practice to obtain polypeptide backbone NMR assignments in globular proteins with sizes up to about 150 residues, which had been identified as targets for structure determination by the Joint Center for Structural Genomics (JCSG) under the auspices of the Protein Structure Initiative (PSI). In a representative sample of 30 proteins, initial fully automated data analysis with the software UNIO-MATCH-2014 yielded complete or partial assignments for over 90 % of the residues. For most proteins the APSY data acquisition was completed in less than 30 h. The results of the automated procedure provided a basis for efficient interactive validation and extension to near-completion of the assignments by reference to the same 3D heteronuclear-resolved [1H,1H]-NOESY spectra that were subsequently used for the collection of conformational constraints. High-quality structures were obtained for all 30 proteins, using the J-UNIO protocol, which includes extensive automation of NMR structure determination.  相似文献   

The automation of protein structure determination using NMR is coming of age. The tedious processes of resonance assignment, followed by assignment of NOE (nuclear Overhauser enhancement) interactions (now intertwined with structure calculation), assembly of input files for structure calculation, intermediate analyses of incorrect assignments and bad input data, and finally structure validation are all being automated with sophisticated software tools. The robustness of the different approaches continues to deal with problems of completeness and uniqueness; nevertheless, the future is very bright for automation of NMR structure generation to approach the levels found in X-ray crystallography. Currently, near completely automated structure determination is possible for small proteins, and the prospect for medium-sized and large proteins is good.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive analysis of protein dynamics for a micro-crystallin protein in the solid-state. Experimental data include 15N T 1 relaxation times measured at two different magnetic fields as well as 1H–15N dipole, 15N CSA cross correlated relaxation rates which are sensitive to the spectral density function J(0) and are thus a measure of T 2 in the solid-state. In addition, global order parameters are included from a 1H,15N dipolar recoupling experiment. The data are analyzed within the framework of the extended model-free Clore–Lipari–Szabo theory. We find slow motional correlation times in the range of 5 and 150 ns. Assuming a wobbling in a cone motion, the amplitude of motion of the respective amide moiety is on the order of 10° for the half-opening angle of the cone in most of the cases. The experiments are demonstrated using a perdeuterated sample of the chicken α-spectrin SH3 domain.  相似文献   

Solution NMR structure determination of proteins revisited   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
This 'Perspective' bears on the present state of protein structure determination by NMR in solution. The focus is on a comparison of the infrastructure available for NMR structure determination when compared to protein crystal structure determination by X-ray diffraction. The main conclusion emerges that the unique potential of NMR to generate high resolution data also on dynamics, interactions and conformational equilibria has contributed to a lack of standard procedures for structure determination which would be readily amenable to improved efficiency by automation. To spark renewed discussion on the topic of NMR structure determination of proteins, procedural steps with high potential for improvement are identified.  相似文献   

The simultaneous interpretation of a suite of dipole-dipole and dipole-CSA cross-correlation rates involving the backbone nuclei 13C, 1H,13CO, 15N and 1HN can be used to resolve the ambiguities associated with each individual cross-correlation rate. The method is based on the transformation of experimental cross-correlation rates via calculated values based on standard peptide plane geometry and solid-state 13CO CSA parameters into a dihedral angle probability surface. Triple resonance NMR experiments with improved sensitivity have been devised for the quantification of relaxation interference between 1H(i)-13C(i)/15N(i)-1HN(i) and 1H(i–1)-13C(i–1)/15N(i)-1HN(i) dipole-dipole mechanisms in 15N,13C-labeled proteins. The approach is illustrated with an application to 13C,15N-labeled ubiquitin.  相似文献   

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