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There is limited knowledge of the orientation cues used by reef fish in their movement among different habitats, especially those cues used during darkness. Although acoustic cues have been found to be important for settlement-stage fish as they seek settlement habitats, only a small number of studies support the possible role of acoustic cues in the orientation of post-settled and adult reef fish. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether habitat-specific acoustic cues were involved in the nocturnal movements of juvenile reef fish to small experimental patch reefs that were broadcasting sound previously recorded from different habitats (Fringing Reef, Lagoon, Silent). Juvenile fish arriving at each patch reef were caught the next morning by divers and were identified. There were a greater number of occasions when juvenile fish (from all species together) moved onto the patch reefs broadcasting Fringing Reef and Lagoon sound (43 and 38%, respectively) compared to Silent reefs (19%) (χ2 = 33.5; P < 0.05). There were significantly more occasions when juvenile fish from the family Nemipteridae were attracted to the patch reefs broadcasting Lagoon sound (63%) versus those reefs broadcasting either Fringing Reef sound (31%) or Silent (6%). In contrast, there were more occasions when juveniles from the family Pomacentridae were attracted to the patch reefs broadcasting Fringing Reef sound (56%) than either Lagoon (24%) or Silent patch reefs (20%) (χ2 = 19.5; P < 0.05). These results indicate that some juvenile fish use specific habitat sounds to guide their nocturnal movements. Therefore, the fish are able to not only use the directional information contained in acoustic cues, but can also interpret the content of the acoustic signals for relevant habitat information which is then used in their decision-making for orientation.  相似文献   

This historic review describes the people that were involved in studying some aspect of fish immunology and vaccination from as early as 1854. Between 1850 and 1940, most scientists were looking at fish from the angle of comparative anatomy, embryology, physiology, taxonomy and fish diseases. Most publications from this early period are describing the morphology of blood cells and hemopoietic or lymphoid organs. The first publications on specific immune responses and vaccination of fish were found in the period 1935-1938. However, the immune mechanisms behind protective immunization were largely unknown in those days. In the period after 1940, the first researchers can be found devoting their whole career to fish immunology. This paper has been organized largely by individuals and not so much by accomplishments. It is not the intent of this review to evaluate the scientific merit of the work discussed, but to provide the reader with information that was - at least in part - lost to the scientific community. Publications from before 1940 or in languages other than English (e.g. Russian) are usually not found by today's database searches on the Internet.  相似文献   

Most of the exploited fish stocks in the North Sea are also used as a food supply by a number of seal species; the same is true for some fish and invertebrate stocks in the Antarctic—although the fisheries there are, at present, much smaller than those in the North Sea. The information needed for a critical assessment of such interactions is reviewed. Using existing techniques it is possible to estimate the quantity and size-classes of each fish or invertebrate species consumed by seals and to compare this with the commercial catch. If fishing mortality is known, these estimates can be used to calculate the level of mortality imposed by the seals. However, a realistic evaluation requires information on the distribution and movements of the fish, the seals' feeding effort, and the fisheries effort in time and space. At present it is difficult or impossible to obtain this information, but recent technological developments in telemetry equipment will soon make it feasible. To assess the economic effects of changes in seal numbers on the fishery, or the ecological effects of changes in fisheries effort on seal populations, requires additional information on the responses of the fishery and the seals to changes in fish abundance, and of the commercial market to changes in the supply of fish.  相似文献   

Species–environment relationships are key information for the development of planning and management strategies for conservation or restoration of ecosystems. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are one widely applied type of species distribution model (SDM). Fuzzy neural networks (FNNs), that is, fuzzified ANNs, have been introduced to take into account the uncertainties inherent in fish behaviour and errors in input data. Despite their high predictive ability in modelling complex systems, FNNs cannot describe habitat preference curves (HPCs), although these are the basis for habitat quality assessment. The present study therefore aimed to evaluate the applicability of FNNs for modelling habitat preference and spatial distributions of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes), one of the most common freshwater fish in Japan. Three independent data sets were collected during a series of field surveys and used for model development and evaluation of FNNs. A weight decay backpropagation algorithm was additionally introduced, and its effects on the FNNs were evaluated on the basis of model performance and habitat preference information retrieved from the field observation data. Modified sensitivity analysis was applied to derive HPCs of the target fish. Application of weight decay backpropagation markedly reduced the variability of the model structures, improved the generalization ability of the FNNs, and resulted in well-converged and consistent HPCs that were similar to those evaluated by fuzzy habitat preference models. These results support the applicability of FNNs to habitat preference modelling, which can provide useful information on the habitat use by the target fish. Further study should focus on the effects of sources of uncertainty, such as zero abundance, on the SDMs and the resulting habitat preference evaluation.  相似文献   

The retention and readability of visible implant (VI) tags were evaluated in juvenile brown trout. The tags were implanted in the adipose eyelid tissue posterior to the left eye, in a total of 6697 fish in 18 groups. During the first year, tag retention increased with tagging experience, from 58 to 64% in 3–summer–old fish and from 86 to 96% in 4–summer–old fish. The effect of fish size at tagging on tag loss was clear in the 3–summer–old groups in 1991 (ANOVA, P = 0.00001). Tag retention in 3–year–old and 4–summer–old fish in 1992 and 1993 varied from 96 to 99% and the handling of the fish after tagging affected retention significantly ( t –test, P = 0.0002), the average being 98.7% for those transposed by submerging and 96.5% in those transposed by dropping. After inspection the fish were released into a natural environment. On recapture after 6 months or more the red tags (faded almost to white) and yellow tags (originally close to white) were difficult to distinguish. No infection or tissue damage was found after either inspection or stocking.  相似文献   

We recorded the responses of lateral line units in the midbrain torus semicircularis of goldfish, Carassius auratus, to a 50-Hz vibrating sphere and determined the unit's spatial receptive fields for various distances between fish and sphere and for different directions of sphere vibration. All but one unit responded to the vibrating sphere with an increase in discharge rate. Only a proportion (25?%) of the units exhibited phase-locked responses. Receptive fields were narrow or broad and contained one, two or more areas of increased discharge rate. The data show that the receptive fields of toral lateral line units are in many respects similar to those of brainstem units but differ from those of afferent nerve fibres. The responses of primary afferents represent the pressure gradient pattern generated by a vibrating sphere and provide information about sphere location and vibration direction. Across the array of lateral line neuromasts, the fish brain in principle can derive this information. Nevertheless, toral units tuned to a distinct sphere location or sensitive to a distinct sphere vibration direction were not found. Therefore, it is conceivable that the torus semicircularis uses a population code to determine spatial location and vibration direction of a vibrating sphere.  相似文献   

Traditional community fishing methods commonly employed in the tropical Pacific were used to generate information on the fishery biology of Acanthurus nigrofuscus at Woleai Atoll, Micronesia, over a short time period. A simple depletion model was used to estimate the biomass of A. nigrofuscus at four back reef lagoon sites at Woleai, using two different fishing methods; spear fishing and drive-in-net fishing. The mean biomass and density of A. nigrofuscus on the lagoon reefs was 8000 g ha −1 and 183 fish ha −1 respectively, with a total estimated standing stock for the lagoon of 91 500 fish or a biomass of 4·0 t. The size frequencies of fish caught by spear fishing were biased towards larger sized individuals, while those from drive-in-net fishing were thought to be more representative of the true population size frequencies. Variation in the density and biomass of A. nigrofuscus at the four reef sites was thought to be due to the length of time between episodes of community fishing at each reef site. The sex ratio (male: female) of A. nigrofuscus was significantly different from unity (1: 0·47) and males grew larger than females. Sexually mature fish were present in all size classes above the minimum capture length and spawning activity was greatest during the period of the full moon.  相似文献   

A review of studies, mainly experimental, on modifications of fish behavior caused by microscale habitat heterogeneity. Elements or units of heterogeneity influence on decision making in fish either as contestable physical resources, or as information cues or signals. Habitat heterogeneity arises from abiotic physical objects, aggregations of prey, and grouping fish. Feeding behavior of fish including food search, choice, and consumption are significantly dependent on the structure of heterogeneity of the habitat, where fish are foraging. Depending on the parameters of heterogeneity, prey characteristics and a predator foraging mode, heterogeneous habitats can either facilitate feeding behavior, or makes it more difficult. Habitat heterogeneity plays significant and, as a rule, positive role providing various refuges for fish hiding from predators. Landmarks help fish to find the shortest route to shelters. If a habitat is rather homogeneous or in a novel habitat, which appears to be homogeneous, shoaling of fish makes surroundings of each individual in the school structured providing fish with a substitute of shelters and landmarks. Recent experimental and field results convincingly demonstrate that the effects of main biotic and abiotic factors can be significantly modified by the structure (level of spatial heterogeneity) of habitats. When a habitat is physically structured, tendencies to disperse and establish individual territories prevail. In uniform, poorly structured habitats, fish tend to gather in schools or shoals and maintain larger aggregations. Food is considered the major contestable resource, but fish often demonstrate interference competition not for food, but for heterogeneous sites in the habitat, where they vigorously fight either for a shelter or just for visually non-uniform area. Visually heterogeneous sites can be used by fish as a template of a future individual territory, where fish can find not only food but also a refuge from predators. Fish use individual territories for much longer period than food patches. Just the presence of either physical refuge or “social refuge” neutralized the inhibiting effect of kairomons and allowed fish to feed more intensively despite the potential danger. We suggest that the decision-making was influenced only by available information of possibility to use a refuge. Habitat complexity is almost always accompanied by visual and other types of heterogeneity. Adaptive significance of fish attraction to the units of heterogeneity is probably related to the fact that under natural situations vital for fish objects are often tightly coupled with heterogeneous sites. Thus, units of habitat heterogeneity can be reliable signals or information cues in uncertain, i.e. changeable and poorly predictable, habitats.  相似文献   

Two successive randomized trials examined the effect of an increased intake of fatty fish, or the use of fish oil supplements, in reducing mortality in men with heart disease. The Diet and Reinfarction Trial (DART) was conducted in 2033 men who were recovering from acute myocardial infarction (MI). Those who were advised to eat fatty fish (or who opted to take fish oil capsules instead) had a 29% reduction in all-cause mortality over the following two years compared with those not so advised. The effect appeared in the first few months of the trial. The Diet and Angina Randomized Trial (DART 2) involved 3114 men with stable angina. Advice to eat fatty fish did not reduce mortality, and taking fish oil capsules was associated with a higher risk of cardiac and sudden death. The adverse effects of fish or fish oil were restricted to men not taking β-blockers or dihydropyridine calcium-channel blockers, and were greater in those taking digoxin. Evidence from other sources strongly suggests an anti-arrhythmic action of fish oil, particularly after MI or in the presence of acute ischemia. The apparently conflicting results of the two trials may reflect different actions of n-3 fatty acids in acute and chronic conditions, together with different effects of eating fish and taking fish oil capsules. A mechanism is proposed that could account for these findings.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the taste system provides information used in the regulation of food ingestion. In mammals, each cell group within the taste buds expresses either the T1R or the T2R taste receptor for preference-aversion discrimination. However, no such information is available regarding fish. We developed a novel system for quantitatively assaying taste preference-aversion in medaka fish. In this study, we prepared fluorescently labeled foods with fine cavities designed to retain tastants until they were bitten by the fish. The subjects were fed food containing a mixture of amino acids and inosine monophosphate (AN food), denatonium benzoate (DN food) or no tastant (NT food), and the amounts of ingested food were measured by fluorescence microscopy. Statistical analysis of the fluorescence intensities yielded quantitative measurements of AN food preference and DN food aversion. We then generated a transgenic fish expressing dominant-negative Galpha(i2) both in T1R-expressing and in T2R-expressing cells. The feeding assay revealed that the transgenic fish was unable to show a preference for AN food and an aversion to DN food. The assay system was useful for evaluating taste-blind behaviors, and the results indicate that the two taste signaling pathways conveying preferable and aversive taste information are conserved in fish as well as in mammals.  相似文献   

The prevalence of the diapause response of the freshwater crustacean Daphnia magna to chemical cues on fish predation was evaluated in 35 clones originating from 14 European water bodies—inhabited or not inhabited by fish. Clonal lineages of experimental animals were cultured for 4 weeks in the presence or absence of water to which an extract of faeces of crucian carps (Carassius carassius), that were fed with Daphnia, was added. The proportion of females producing diapausing forms during the experimental period was used as a measure of the diapause response. A positive diapause response to fish predation cues was observed in 43% of investigated clones that originated from 71% of the water bodies tested. This indicated that the diapause response to fish scent is a common phenomenon in Daphnia magna from various locations in Europe. Surprisingly, no signs of a stronger diapause reaction to the tested cues were found in Daphnia originating from water bodies inhabited by fish compared with those from fish-free habitats.  相似文献   

Commercial production of catfish requires frequent feeding, which contributes to effusive microbial blooms in ponds. Microbial production of the muddy metabolite 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) can reduce fish flavor quality. Although commercial seasonings may be added to fillets, little information is available concerning the sensory interaction of seasonings and MIB. The replicate sensory evaluation of catfish fillet samples containing either 1.0 or 10.0 ppb chemically-synthesized MIB conducted under controlled conditions indicated a more frequent acceptance of fish as on-flavored in samples treated with a " lemon-pepper" commercial seasoning preparation than either untreated samples or those treated with a " cajun-spice" seasoning blend. In addition, experimentation conducted with fish containing MIB from biological sources within the production pond, indicated a similar reduction in MIB flavor of lemon-pepper-treated samples. Although a 4-terpenol co-eluted with MIB from lemon-pepper treated samples subjected to gas chromatography mass spectroscopy, the compound(s) in the lemon-pepper preparation that interfere with the perception of MIB was (were) not identified.  相似文献   

Packed cell volumes (PCVs) and plasma chemistry parameters were measured in 15 adult and 18 nestling African fish eagles (Haliaeetus vocifer) sampled from June 2002 through January 2003 in Uganda. Morphologic measurements were obtained from 15 adult eagles. All eagles were examined for blood parasites and sexed by examination of DNA from red blood cells. Ten adults and eight nestlings were sampled from Lake Mburo and five adults and 10 nestlings were sampled from Lake Victoria near Entebbe, Uganda. Analysis of variance was conducted to assess the association between site, age, sex, and plasma chemistry parameters and the association between sex and morphologic characteristics. Plasma chemistry values for nestling and adult African fish eagles were similar to those reported for other captive and free-ranging eagle species. Packed cell volumes for nestling African fish eagles were markedly lower than values reported for nestlings of other eagle species, although the mean estimated age of nestlings sampled also was lower. A significant association (P < or =0.05) was found between PCV of nestling eagles and study site (lower at Lake Mburo) but no association was found between PCV and nestling body weight (P> or =0.05). An unidentified Plasmodium sp. was present in erythrocytes of three nestlings from Lake Mburo. No other blood parasites were seen. There was significant variation (P< or =0.05) in PCV, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, cholesterol concentrations, and creatine kinase activity between adults and nestlings; all were lower in adults. Aspartate transaminase activity was higher in adults. Like other Haliaeetus sp., body weight, bill depth, culmen length, footpad length, and hallux length as well as bill depth measurements were significantly (P < or = 0.05) greater for females than males. The objective of the study was to provide baseline biologic and physiologic information that may prove useful in the management and study of captive and wild populations of African fish eagles.  相似文献   

Blood counts from more than 1000 young-of-the-year rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri (Richardson), were examined to determine if static exposure to malachite green at 1·35,13·5, or 21·0 mg/1 for 25–30 min or 42·0 or 72·0 mg/1 for 5 min caused chronic leucopaenia. The major changes in fish exposed for 25–30 min came during the first 24 h. After an initial lag of 3·4 h, total leucocyte-thrombocyte counts in both treated and control fish rapidly declined. Recovery was essentially complete 1·4 days after exposure, and no leucopaenia was noted after 14 or 28 days. Thrombocytosis developed during the first 24 h in fish exposed to the higher concentrations. Lymphopaenia and neutrophilia also developed, but abated after the 4th post-treatment day. Leucocyte numbers in control and exposed groups were virtually the same by the 14th day. The total leucocyte-thrombocyte counts in fish exposed for 5 min declined after 24 h, but counts were not as depressed as those in fish exposed for 30 min.
Because leucocyte changes similar to those in exposed fish were evident in the controls in both experiments, we believe that the leucocyte changes in rainbow trout exposed to malachite green were a result of a nonspecific vertebrate stress syndrome, rather than of specific leucocytotoxic effect of this chemical.  相似文献   

Hepatic metabolites and enzymes in the marine fish, scup or porgy (Stenotomus chrysops), were determined in freeze-clamped tissue taken either within a day of removing fish from their natural habitat or after scup were held in captivity for 6-8 months. The same determinations were made for liver from fed or 48 hr-starved rats (Mus norvegicus albinus). Compared with rat liver, both groups of fish had, per gram of liver, higher contents of AMP, inorganic phosphate, glucose, glucose-6-phosphate, malate, glutamate and NH4+. ATP was lower in fish liver, and ADP, lactate and pyruvate contents were similar in rats and fish. Fish held in captivity had significantly lower pyruvate, alpha-ketoglutarate, and cytosolic free NAD+/NADH and higher cytosolic free NADPH/NADP+. These decreases were similar to those seen when starved rats were compared with fed ones. In scup liver, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase was 3-8 times, malic enzyme about 2 times, and alanine aminotransferase 2-4 times higher than those activities in rat liver. Those results and a higher cytosolic free NADPH/NADP+ are consistent with the liver being the major site of lipogenesis in fish.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to evaluate whether the composition of previous dietary fat affects the absorption and composition of lymph obtained after a meal of fish oil. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed diets containing either corn oil or fish oil (MaxEPA) for 2 weeks. They were then given intraduodenally a bolus of an emulsion of 0.5 ml of fish oil plus 0.5 ml of 20 mM sodium taurocholate. Intestinal lymph was collected from a cannula in the main intestinal lymph trunk for various times after oil administration. Rats proportion of the test dose fo fish oil than those fed corn oil. There was an effect of previous diet on the fatty acid composition of the lymph. Rats fed fish oil had a higher percentage of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids in the lymph lipids than those fed corn oil while those fed corn oil had a higher percentage of linoleic acid. These results rule out decreased intestinal absorption as a mechanism for the hypotriacylglycerolemic effect of dietary fish oils. They also indicate a significant contribution of endogenous lipids to the fatty acids in lymph.  相似文献   

The macro-pathological impact of plerocercoid infection of perch Perca fluviatilis livers was quantitatively determined by an index of liver lesion ( I LL) in fish from Upper Lake Constance (ULC). These results were compared to the I LL values of perch from two other lakes. From February to November 1999, 2071 perch were examined from the three sites. Prevalence of infection in ULC was 13% in actively growing first year (0+ year) perch and 94% in older fish, whereas in the two lakes used for comparison the figures for 0+ year perch were 12 and 20%, and in older fish 62 and 60%, respectively. Infected livers from perch caught in ULC revealed significantly higher I LL values than those of fish from the other two lakes. Perch livers from ULC containing more than three Triaenophorus nodulosus larvae also showed significantly more serious pathological alterations than uninfected livers or those with normal infection levels of one to three T. nodulosus . In all three lakes, excluding heavily infected perch from ULC, 0+ year perch livers revealed little or no damage, whereas in livers of older perch pathological alterations were apparent. In addition, analysis of age and total length data showed that perch infected with one to three parasites in ULC grew significantly slower than uninfected ones, and severely infected perch (greater than three parasites) grew significantly slower than those with a normal parasite load. With respect to mass, growth of ULC fish suffering normal infection (49% of all adults) was reduced by 9% and in those with severe infections (45% of all adults) growth was 16% below expected at normal harvesting age.  相似文献   

Vascular reactivity and high dietary eicosapentaenoic acid   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Epidemiologic studies suggest that high dietary intake of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), a precursor of the trienoic prostaglandins, is associated with a low incidence and reduced extent of myocardial infarction. Vascular reactivity of isolated aortic strips from rats maintained for 3 weeks on a control diet or on a diet supplemented with menhaden fish oil (17% EPA) was examined with norepinephrine, sodium arachidonate, KC1, PGF2 alpha and nitroprusside. Aortic strips from rats fed the fish oil diet were significantly less responsive to the contractile effects of norepinephrine and arachidonate compared to those from control diet rats. Treatment of aortic strips with indomethacin decreased responsiveness to norepinephrine. The magnitude of the decrease was greater in control rats resulting in a similar vascular response between the 2 groups after blockade. Contractions to arachidonate were abolished by indomethacin. There were no differences in vascular responses to KC1, PGF2 alpha and nitroprusside in aortic strips from control diet rats and those from the fish oil diet rats. Aortic strips from the fish oil diet rats contained more EPA than those from the control diet rats. Thus, the contractile effect of norepinephrine in isolated rat aortic strips is normally augmented by intrinsic prostaglandins, and this augmentation is diminished by dietary intake of EPA.  相似文献   

The cDNA sequences of vitellogenin receptor proteins (VgR(+) and VgR(-)), containing or lacking the O-linked sugar domain, were determined in Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.). VgR(-) gene expression in the ovary was compared in captive-reared and wild Atlantic bluefin tuna during the reproductive cycle. Gonad samples from adult fish were sampled from 2008 to 2010 from stocks reared in captivity at different commercial fattening operations in the Mediterranean Sea and from wild individuals caught either by traditional tuna traps during their migration towards the spawning grounds in the Mediterranean Sea or by the long-line artisanal fishery. In addition, juvenile male and female Atlantic bluefin tuna were sampled from a farming facility, to obtain baseline information and pre-adulthood amounts of VgR(-). The total length of VgR(+) cDNA was 4006 nucleotides (nt) and that of VgR(-) was 3946 nt. Relative amounts of VgR(-) were greater in juvenile females and in those adults having only previtellogenic oocytes (119 ± 55 and 146 ± 26 folds more than juvenile males, respectively). Amounts of VgR(-) were less in individuals with yolked oocytes (ripening stage, May-June) and increased after spawning in July (92 ± 20 and 113 ± 13 folds more than juvenile males in ripening and post-spawning fish, respectively). These data suggest that regulation of VgR(-) is not under oestrogen control. During the ripening period, greater VgR(-) gene expression was observed in wild fish than in fish reared in captivity, possibly because of (a) differences in water temperature exposure and/or energy storage, and/or (b) an inadequate diet in reared Atlantic bluefin tuna.  相似文献   

The limitations intrinsic to morphology-based identification systems have created an urgent need for reliable genetic methods that enable the unequivocal recognition of fish species, particularly those that are prone to overexploitation and/or market substitution. The aim of this study was to develop a comprehensive reference library of DNA sequence data to allow the explicit identification of 53 commercially available fish species in South Africa, most of which were locally caught marine species. Sequences of approximately 655 base pairs were generated for all species from the cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) gene, the region widely adopted for DNA barcoding. Specimens of the genus Thunnus were examined in further detail, employing additional mitochondrial DNA control region sequencing. Cumulative analysis of the sequences from the COI region revealed mean conspecific, congeneric and confamilial Kimura 2-parameter distances of 0.10%, 4.58% and 15.43%, respectively. The results showed that the vast majority (98%) of fish species examined could be readily differentiated by their COI barcodes, but that supplementary control region sequencing was more useful for the discrimination of three Thunnus species. Additionally, the analysis of COI data raised the prospect that Thyrsites atun (snoek) could constitute a species pair. The present study has established the necessary genetic information to permit the unambiguous identification of 53 commonly marketed fish species in South Africa, the applications of which hold a plethora of benefits relating to ecology research, fisheries management and control of commercial practices.  相似文献   

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