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Role of histones in chromatin condensation   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Hyperacetylated chromatin was isolated from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells grown in n-butyrate containing medium and fractionated by mild digestion with deoxyribonuclease II and precipitation with MgCl2. The most highly acetylated forms of histones H4 and H3 as well as the acetylated subspecies of H2B were found almost entirely associated with the putatively active Mg2+-soluble chromatin fraction. The Mg2+-insoluble fraction contained mainly mono- and diacetylated molecules of H4 and H3.  相似文献   

The relationships between the core histone N termini and linker histones during chromatin assembly and salt-dependent chromatin condensation were investigated using defined chromatin model systems reconstituted from tandemly repeated 5 S rDNA, histone H5, and either native "intact" core histone octamers or "tailless" histone octamers lacking their N-terminal domains. Nuclease digestion and sedimentation studies indicate that H5 binding and the resulting constraint of entering and exiting nucleosomal DNA occur to the same extent in both tailless and intact chromatin arrays. However, despite possessing a normal chromatosomal structure, tailless chromatin arrays can neither condense into extensively folded structures nor cooperatively oligomerize in MgCl(2). Tailless nucleosomal arrays lacking linker histones also are unable to either fold extensively or oligomerize, demonstrating that the core histone N termini perform the same functions during salt-dependent condensation regardless of whether linker histones are components of the array. Our results further indicate that disruption of core histone N termini function in vitro allows a linker histone-containing chromatin fiber to exist in a decondensed state under conditions that normally would promote extensive fiber condensation. These findings have key implications for both the mechanism of chromatin condensation, and the regulation of genomic function by chromatin.  相似文献   

When nucleosomal core histones were isolated from rat liver nuclei incubated with [14C]NAD+ and fractionated into the individual components (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4), [14C]adenosine diphosphate ribose (ADP-Rib) was found to be associated with all of them. However, while about 15% of the H2B molecules were modified, less than 2% of the other fractions contained radioactive ADP-Rib. The nucleotide attached to H2B was identified as a single monomer of ADP-Rib. On subjectint H2B to electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels containing 2.5 M urea and 0.9 N acetic acid, one single band of H2B with 5% less mobility than the unomdified control was obtained. The linkage between H2B and ADP-Rib was rapidly hydrolyzed with 0.1 N NaOH or with 1 M neutral hydroxylamine. Hydrolysis of ADP-ribosylated H2B with trypsin generated a single peptide linked to ADP-Rib, which corresponded to the sequence Pro-Glu-Pro-Ala-Lys. We were able to dansylate the NH2-terminal proline, which proved that the imino group of this amino acid was not substituted. These findings, together with the chemical properties of the linkage, which were typical of those of an ester-like bond, strongly suggest that the ADP-Rib residue was linked to the gamma-COOH group of the glutamic acid in position 2 of H2B.  相似文献   

The pattern of nucleosomal histones poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation is changed under conditions which affect the poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation state of the enzyme. At low NAD concentrations the enzyme can poly(ADP-ribosyl)ate histones H1 and H1, H2A, A2A, and H2B. However at NAD concentrations above 10 microM the enzyme preferentially poly(ADP-ribosyl)ates histone H1 to a hyper ADP-ribosylated form. Furthermore we have observed hyper ADP-ribosylation of histone H2B at NAD concentrations of 10 microM suggesting that histone H2B can undergo the same type of ADP-ribosylation pattern as histone H1. Also at higher NAD concentrations an elongation of the polymer attached to the enzyme and other nuclear proteins takes place.  相似文献   

The influence of cis-diamminedichloroplatinum (II) (cis-DDP) binding to chromatin in chicken erythrocyte nuclei and the nucleosomal core particle is investigated. The cis-DDP modifications alter DNA-protein interactions associated with the higher order structure of chromatin to significantly inhibit the rate of micrococcal nuclease digestion and alter the digestion profile. However, cis-DDP modification of core particle has little effect on the digestion rate and the relative distribution of DNA fragments produced by microccocal nuclease digestion. Analysis of the monomer DNA fragments derived from the digestion of modified nuclei suggests that cis-DDP binding does not significantly disrupt the DNA structure within the core particle, with its major influence being on the internucleosomal DNA. Together these findings suggest that cis-DDP may preferentially bind to the internucleosomal region and/or that the formation of the intrastrand cross-link involving adjacent guanines exhibits a preference for the linker region. Sucrose gradient profiles of the modified nucleoprotein complexes further confirm that the digestion profile for micrococcal nuclease is altered by cis-DDP binding and that the greatest changes occur at the initial stages of digestion. The covalent cross-links within bulk chromatin fix a sub-population of subnucleosomal and nucleosomal products, which are released only after reversal by NaCN treatment. Coupled with our previous findings, it appears that this cis-DDP mediated cross-linking network is primarily associated with protein-protein crosslinks of the low mobility group (LMG) proteins.  相似文献   

The attachment of sister kinetochores to microtubules from opposite spindle poles is essential for faithful chromosome segregation. Kinetochore assembly requires centromere-specific nucleosomes containing the histone H3 variant CenH3. However, the functional roles of the canonical histones (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4) in chromosome segregation remain elusive. Using a library of histone point mutants in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 24 histone residues that conferred sensitivity to the microtubule-depolymerizing drugs thiabendazole (TBZ) and benomyl were identified. Twenty-three of these mutations were clustered at three spatially separated nucleosomal regions designated TBS-I, -II, and -III (TBZ/benomyl-sensitive regions I-III). Elevation of mono-polar attachment induced by prior nocodazole treatment was observed in H2A-I112A (TBS-I), H2A-E57A (TBS-II), and H4-L97A (TBS-III) cells. Severe impairment of the centromere localization of Sgo1, a key modulator of chromosome bi-orientation, occurred in H2A-I112A and H2A-E57A cells. In addition, the pericentromeric localization of Htz1, the histone H2A variant, was impaired in H4-L97A cells. These results suggest that the spatially separated nucleosomal regions, TBS-I and -II, are necessary for Sgo1-mediated chromosome bi-orientation and that TBS-III is required for Htz1 function.  相似文献   

A Stein  K Holley  J Zeliff  T Townsend 《Biochemistry》1985,24(7):1783-1790
Addition of core histones to chromatin or chromatin core particles at physiological ionic strength results in soluble nucleohistone complexes when polyglutamic acid is included in the sample. The interaction between nucleosomes and added core histones is strong enough to inhibit nucleosome formation on a closed circular DNA in the same solution. Complexes consisting of core particles and core histones run as discrete nucleoprotein particles on polyacrylamide gels. Consistent with the electrophoretic properties of these particles, protein cross-linking with dimethyl suberimidate indicates that added core histones are bound as excess octamers. Histones in the excess octamers do not exchange with nucleosomal core histones at an ionic strength of 0.1 M and can be selectively removed from core particles by incubating the complexes in a solution containing sufficient DNA. Under conditions where added histones are confined to the surface of chromatin, the excess histones are mobile and can migrate onto a contiguous extension of naked DNA and form nucleosomes.  相似文献   

[3H]Leucine incorporation into histones of seminiferous epithelial cells of hypophysectomized rats was used to calculate the molar proportions of the core histones of spermatogonia. The molar proportions H3:H2B:(H2A + protein A24):H4 are 1:1:1:1, viz. identical with those reported by others for somatic cells. Similar results were obtained when molar proportions of histones of seminiferous epithelial cells from immature rat testis (predominantly populated with spermatogonia) were determined by the dye-binding method. These data are relevant to mechanisms for the replacement of some of the core histones by variants during the primary spermatocyte stages.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic chromosomal DNA is assembled into regularly spaced nucleosomes, which play a central role in gene regulation by determining accessibility of control regions. The nucleosome contains ∼147 bp of DNA wrapped ∼1.7 times around a central core histone octamer. The linker histone, H1, binds both to the nucleosome, sealing the DNA coils, and to the linker DNA between nucleosomes, directing chromatin folding. Micrococcal nuclease (MNase) digests the linker to yield the chromatosome, containing H1 and ∼160 bp, and then converts it to a core particle, containing ∼147 bp and no H1. Sequencing of nucleosomal DNA obtained after MNase digestion (MNase-seq) generates genome-wide nucleosome maps that are important for understanding gene regulation. We present an improved MNase-seq method involving simultaneous digestion with exonuclease III, which removes linker DNA. Remarkably, we discovered two novel intermediate particles containing 154 or 161 bp, corresponding to 7 bp protruding from one or both sides of the nucleosome core. These particles are detected in yeast lacking H1 and in H1-depleted mouse chromatin. They can be reconstituted in vitro using purified core histones and DNA. We propose that these ‘proto-chromatosomes’ are fundamental chromatin subunits, which include the H1 binding site and influence nucleosome spacing independently of H1.  相似文献   

Conservative assembly and segregation of nucleosomal histones   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
I M Leffak  R Grainger  H Weintraub 《Cell》1977,12(3):837-845
The assembly of new histones into nucleosomes and the segregation of old histones during replication were investigated using a density gradient, sedimentation equilibrium analysis of histones labeled in vivo with dense amino acids. After a 1 hr pulse of dense amino acids and 3H-lysine, nucleosomes were isolated from chick myoblast organ cultures, and the histones were cross-linked to octamers. The octamers were purified from DNA and then banded to equilibrium in cesium-formate guanidinium-HCI density gradients. The cross-linked dense octamers have the same density as the noncross-linked dense histones, and both were significantly heavier than histones synthesized in the presence of light amino acids. This experiment shows that new histone does not mix with old histone in the new nucleosomes, since the labeling protocol allows density labeling of only one histone for every seven preexisting unlabeled histones. Thus the assembly of new histone octamers is conservative. Using essentially the same experimental design, but varying the details of the labeling procedures, we also show that the dense histone octamer is stable over 3-4 generations, that neighboring octamers tend to be synthesized at the same time, and that old and new histone octamers segregate conservatively over 2-3 generations.  相似文献   

Linker DNA bending induced by the core histones of chromatin   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
J Yao  P T Lowary  J Widom 《Biochemistry》1991,30(34):8408-8414
We have previously reported that ionic conditions that stabilize the folding of long chromatin into 30-nm filaments cause linker DNA to bend, bringing the two nucleosomes of a dinucleosome into contact [Yao, J., Lowary, P. T., & Widom, J. (1990) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 7603-7607]. Dinucleosomes are studied because they allow the unambiguous detection of linker DNA bending through measurement of their nucleosome-nucleosome distance. Because of the large resistance of DNA to bending, the observed compaction must be facilitated by the histones. We have now tested the role of histone H1 (and its variant, H5) in this process. We find that dinucleosomes from which the H1 and H5 have been removed are able to compact to the same extent as native dinucleosomes; the transition is shifted to higher salt concentrations. We conclude that histone H1 is not essential for compacting the chromatin filament. However, H1 contributes to the free energy of compaction, and so it may select a single, ordered, compact state (the 30-nm filament, in long chromatin) from a family of compact states which are possible in its absence.  相似文献   

Using high performance liquid chromatography we have successfully purified four core histones from mature human sperm chromatin. The H2A variants present in sperm (H2A.X and limited H2A.Z) have been shown previously to be minor variants in somatic chromatin. The histones are highly modified as evidenced by extensive acetylation and an as yet uncharacterized multicharge modification of H2B. Based on our data, we conclude that histone proteins are a minor component of each mature spermatozoa. Given the unique nature of the histone variants present in sperm, we propose that this chromatin component has a specific function and may possibly facilitate the programming of genes which will be active in early development.  相似文献   

Arrangement of histones in chromatin   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
M Bustin 《Nature: New biology》1973,245(146):207-209

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