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In organisms lacking parental care or when eggs of more than one female are layed together, parents preferentially tend to avoid eating their own offspring. In some species of newts (Caudata: Salamandridae), there is no parental care and cannibalism of eggs and larvae occurs when philopatric adults remain in the pond throughout the breeding season where eggs and larvae develop. Kin discrimination by both adult newts and larvae would be expected to occur during the breeding season as it would enable individuals to benefit from the nutrients obtained from eating eggs and larvae while they avoid eating close relatives. The effects of kinship on cannibalism of eggs and larvae were examined in two species of newts. In separate, but similar, paired behavioral trials adult female red-spotted newts, Notophthalmus viridescens, and smooth newts, Triturus vulgaris, were allowed to consume their own egg or an egg from another female. Female red-spotted newts, but not smooth newts, preferred to eat eggs of other females rather than their own, and overall smooth newts were ‘reluctant’ to eat conspecific eggs. To test for ontogenetic shifts in discrimination abilities, additional experiments were performed with adult female red-spotted newts paired with their own larvae and a larva from another female. In addition, the effects of kinship on the attraction or repulsion of larvae was also studied in red-spotted newts. Females showed no significant discrimination abilities during acts of cannibalism on larvae. Larvae spent similar amounts of time with siblings and non-siblings. These results suggest that the ability of adult newts to discriminate among eggs varies between species and that the elicitation of a kin-discrimination response may be context-dependent. For red-spotted newts, there was no evidence of discrimination abilities within and between other life-history stages.  相似文献   

Grant and Kluge have recently stated that Bremer support and their own REP (“relative explanatory power”), are the only objective measures of group support. This paper discusses their claim, showing that their philosophical arguments have no basis, and that their own numerical examples actually serve to illustrate shortcomings of REP.  相似文献   

Maternal care is provided by several spider species, but there are no reports of mother spiders recognizing their young, which suggests that maternal care can be exploited by unrelated individuals. Diaea ergandros, a crab spider with extreme, sacrificial maternal care, does accept unrelated spiderlings (ca. 43.9% of spiderlings) into its nest in areas of high nest density. However, a field and a laboratory experiment with mother spiders and natural and adoptive spiderlings demonstrated that mothers did recognize their own offspring. Recognition was not expressed in survival as adopted (unrelated) spiderlings had similar survival rate to that of natural offspring. Instead it was displayed in growth; mother D. ergandros caught large prey items for their own offspring, but not for adopted spiderlings, and so natural offspring grew more than adopted spiderlings. Also, mothers produced trophic oocytes, which are important for the sacrificial care that influences spiderling survival, only when they lived with their own offspring.  相似文献   

The present study on maternal ‘imprinting’ in goats initially failed to replicate previous findings that mothers discriminate between their own and alien young, accepting their own kid and rejecting alien kids. Rather, 62% of the mothers accepted both their own and alien kid. This disparity was not due to breed differences, age, or behaviour of the aliens but to length of time the alien kids had been with their own mother. When behaviour was eliminated through anaesthesia or left intact, older aliens that had had no contact with their mother were accepted by other mothers, while those aliens with more than 8 h of contact with their own mothers were rejected (whether anaesthetized or not) by other mothers. Maternal ‘imprinting’ in goats may take longer than previously reported, and mothers may ‘label’ their kids and learn to recognize the labels.  相似文献   

Wild and game-farm mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) raised in pure strain and mixed groups were tested for initial mate preference in a choice test. Female mallards showed no significant preference but males of either strain raised with females of their own strain significantly preferred female models of their own strain during the test. Males raised with females of the other strain merely showed attenuation of their preference for female models of their own strain and did not show preference for female models of the other strain. Game-farm mallards approached models significantly sooner than wild mallards and there was a significant sex × mate interaction.  相似文献   

Some philosophers and physicians have argued that alcoholic patients, who are responsible for their liver failure by virtue of alcoholism, ought to be given lower priority for a transplant when donated livers are being allocated to patients in need of a liver transplant. The primary argument for this proposal, known as the Responsibility Argument, is based on the more general idea that patients who require scarce medical resources should be given lower priority for those resources when they are responsible for needing them and when they are competing with patients who need the same resources through no fault of their own. Since alcoholic patients are responsible for needing a new liver and are in direct competition with other patients who need a new liver through no fault of their own, it follows that alcoholic patients ought to be given lower priority for a transplant. In this article, I argue against the Responsibility Argument by suggesting that in order for it to avoid the force of plausible counter examples, it must be revised to say that patients who are responsible for needing a scarce medical resource due to engaging in behavior that is not socially valuable ought to be given lower priority. I'll then argue that allocating organs according to social value is inconsistent or in tension with liberal neutrality on the good life. Thus, if one is committed to liberal neutrality, one ought to reject the Responsibility Argument.  相似文献   

The ability to predict how another individual will behave is useful in social competition. Chimpanzees can predict the behaviour of another based on what they observe her to see, hear, know and infer. Here we show that chimpanzees act on the assumption that others have preferences that match their own. All subjects began with a preference for a box with a picture of food over one with a picture of nothing, even though the pictures had no causal relation to the contents. In a back-and-forth food competition, chimpanzees then avoided the box with the picture of food when their competitor had chosen one of the boxes before them—presumably on the assumption that the competitor shared their own preference for it and had already chosen it. Chimpanzees predicted that their competitor''s preference would match their own and adjusted their behavioural strategies accordingly.  相似文献   

Female mice are said to be unable to distinguish own from alien offspring and will indiscriminately nurse each other's young in communal nests. Here, we present results of a split‐litter experiment that tested whether offspring growth was affected depending on whether they were nursed by their own or unrelated foster mothers. Pups of reciprocal crosses between C57/B6 and CBA/Ca strains were fostered in mixed litters that consisted half of their natural siblings and half of unrelated littermates of the reciprocal genotype. Analysing the relative growth of the two pup types showed that offspring gained proportionally more weight when nursed by their own mothers than their cross‐fostered litter mates during the period from day 15 until weaning, during which maternal provisioning effort contributes to pup weight gain. Before day 15 of the pups’ life, however, we found no advantage of being nursed by biological mothers, and we suggest that this may be due to the effects of paternally expressed genes in young that mask their maternal identity, thus favouring indiscriminate nursing of all young in a communal nest.  相似文献   

Japanese and American subjects performed triangle tests withvarious concentrations of sucrose. NaCl and MSG. Both sets ofsubjects were tested in their own countries in their own languages.The Japanese discriminated significantly better for sucroseand MSG, while for NaCl there were no significant differencesbetween the groups. To protect against variation in water puritybetween the American and Japanese laboratories. 10 mM NaCl wasused as the solvent, while judges were pre-adapted to the solventto render it tasteless. Changing from purified water to 10 mMNaCl as the solvent, alters the discriminability of the stimuli.  相似文献   

Infanticide, the killing of conspecific young, is commonly recognized as an adaptive behavioural strategy enhancing the fitness of the perpetrator. Infanticide is supposed to be inhibited in several male rodent species after mating with a time lag to the time when perpetrators own offspring would be born. This is because males with no parental care do not recognize their own offspring. It has been suggested that copulation alone is enough to inhibit infanticidal behaviour in male rodents. Infanticidal behaviour occurs in more than 50% of male bank voles (Myodes glareolus), and offspring loss because of infanticide may have a great effect on breeding success and population recruitment. In a laboratory experiment, we studied whether infanticidal male bank voles after successful mating stop the killing of pups. Infanticidal males were paired with a female until successful copulation. After the young were born, the males’ infanticidal behaviour was studied from the time of expected birth of own pups until their post‐weaning age. We predicted that mated infanticidal males are inhibited from committing infanticide especially during the time period when pups are less than 10 d old. Against our prediction, 67% of the infanticidal males continued the killing of pups in the age of 3 d. Infanticidal behaviour remained stable, and half of the males were infanticidal still at the age of weaning of pups. Our results are contradictory to previous studies, as we observed no inhibition of infanticide during early life of pups nor increase in infanticide again when their own offspring would have reached the ‘safe’ age and size after weaning. We suggest that mating alone is not sufficient to inhibit infanticide. Thus, we suggest that other cues of the female with whom the male mated with or on her territory are needed for inhibition to occur.  相似文献   

Maternal discrimination of infant vocalizations in squirrel monkeys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Responses of mother squirrel monkeys to vocalizations of their own and other infants were examined to determine whether mothers could discriminate their infants on the basis of auditory cues. Thirty mothers, whose infants ranged in age from one to seven months were tested in three conditions in which their own infant, a different infant, and no infant served as the stimulus. Mothers were tested in an enclosed alleyway with opaque end panels behind which stimuli were placed. The quantity and quality of maternal responses clearly differed in the three conditions and indicated that mothers recognized their own infants. Differences in maternal vocalizations were the most pronounced. All but one type of vocalization increased in the own-infant condition; the exception, a high-pitched shrill, decreased. Mothers also spent more time near the stimulus and were more active when tested with their own infants.  相似文献   

Women in developing countries suffer considerable moribidity and mortality due to inability to control their own fertility and lack of access to family planning services. Over 500,000 deaths each year are related to pregnancy. Two thirds of these maternal deaths could be prevented by providing contraception to those women who wish to use it in developing countries. There is no tenable ethical defence of cultural and religious behaviour which denies a woman a choice as to whether she will undertake a pregnancy or not. Implementation of the principles of the programme ofactionfrom the 1994 Cairo Population Conference would, through empowering women to control their own fertility, have a huge impact on maternal health in the developing world.  相似文献   

An inhibitor of granulocyte-macrophage colony growth is produced when agar is autoclaved. We have no evidence that this inhibitor is specific for the granulocyte-macrophage precursor; autoclaved agar may well also be deleterious to the culture of other cell types. We therefore suggest that workers should not use autoclaved agar routinely without first testing it for similar inhibitory actions in their own particular culture systems.  相似文献   

Social selection is expected to favour the evolution of female aggressive defence of nesting resources in cavity-nesting birds, which may be also mediated by testosterone (T) levels. Male T levels could express male dominance and thereby territorial safety for female partners and thereby reduce their need for aggressive defence. Here, we explored the role of T levels in female-female competition in a songbird, the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca. In an experiment with female decoys placed close to the nestbox at the end of laying, we explored if female aggressiveness is related to their own T level or to mate T level. T levels of males and females were measured in the middle of the nestling period. Mean female aggressiveness towards decoys in three presentations was estimated through proximity to the decoy and number of attacks by females, two variables which were positively associated. Aggressiveness by female nest owners to female decoys was negatively related to male T level but unrelated to own T level. There was no assortative mating with respect to T level. Female aggressiveness is more strongly related to the hormonal status of mates than to their own.  相似文献   

Blustein J 《Bioethics》1993,7(4):289-314
No profession has undergone as much scrutiny in the past several decades as that of medicine. Indeed, one might well argue that no profession has ever undergone so much change in so short a time. An essential part of this change has been the growing insistence that competent, adult patients have the right to decide about the course of their own medical treatment. However, the familiar and widely accepted principle of patient self-determination entails a corollary that has received little attention in the growing literature on the ethics of physician-patient relations: if patients are to direct the course of their own medical treatment, then physicians are at least sometimes to be guided in their actions on behalf of patients by values that are not, and may even be incompatible with, their own values. Unless it is supposed that it would be best if physicians were simply to accommodate any and all patient requests, a possibility I consider and reject in this paper, there are bound to be numerous instances of legitimate moral conflict between the preferences of physicians and patients. In this paper, I examine the implications of this sort of moral conflict from the standpoint of the integrity of the physician....I have also considered the common practice of patient referral from the standpoint of physician integrity, and asked whether a physician who refuses to treat a patient as a matter of conscience can consistently refer the patient to another physician for the same treatment....  相似文献   

Facially disfigured blind patients have historically been considered for face transplantation with skepticism. Although no formal position paper regarding their exclusion has been published to date, functional, social, rehabilitative, and ethical concerns related to blind patients' candidacy for face transplantation may be inferred. The authors provide a summary of these reservations and a counterargument to their assumptions, drawing on outcomes measures reported for face transplant procedures performed to date, and their own institutional experience in performing face transplants on blind patients. The authors therefore provide a rationale for the inclusion of facially disfigured blind patients in face transplantation protocols in the future.  相似文献   

《Applied Animal Ethology》1982,8(1-2):109-117
The objective of this study was to determine the effect of tranquilization on the responses of ewes to alien lambs substituted for own lambs 48–72 h after parturition. Eleven ewes whose young had been taken away, and nine ewes with a lamb of their own, were penned with alien lambs following a single injection of the tranquilizer perphenazine. Seventeen control ewes, including 15 whose only young had been taken away, were also exposed to alien lambs after receiving placebo injections of normal saline. The responses of the ewes to the alien lambs were studied over a four-day period.All ten tranquilized ewes exposed to a single alien lamb without their own young present readily accepted the strange offspring. All of the tranquilized ewes accompanied by one of their own offspring, and a single ewe that was given an alien set of twins in place of her own single lamb, subsequently rejected the strange young. Six of 15 control ewes, with own young removed, accepted alien lambs. The remaining 11 control ewes rejected alien lambs. The success of fostering appeared to be positively related to the persistence of sucking attempts by the lamb, and inversely related to the aggressiveness of the ewe. Tranquilization under the conditions employed can be an efficient technique for fostering single alien lambs on post-partum ewes that have lost their own lambs, but does not facilitate fostering on ewes with their own young present.  相似文献   

Cannibalism is a common occurrence in nature, and many cannibals prey on relatively small and defenseless life stages, such as eggs or young juveniles. Such behavior provides many benefits to the cannibal, but cannibalistic individuals also face risks, including the cost of decreasing their inclusive fitness by eating close relatives such as siblings or offspring. This risk can be mitigated if cannibals can recognize and avoid preying on kin. Here, we tested whether male ringlegged earwigs Euborellia annulipes avoid cannibalizing eggs that they had sired. In this species, females care for their own eggs, but males provide no care and frequently prey upon eggs. We found that when presented with an unguarded clutch of eggs, male earwigs nearly always cannibalized some eggs, but that the proportion of eggs eaten was smaller if the male had sired the clutch. This suggests that males can distinguish between their own offspring and unrelated offspring and that they avoid harming their kin.  相似文献   

Dispersal of close relatives within a breeding colony of Europeanbee-eaters, Merops aptaster, was investigated by comparing thespatial separation of breeding relatives with that between thesame individual and a control individual hatched nearby in thesame year. One-year-old males breed closer to their brothers,but not to their parents, than do controls. The main benefitof breeding in proximity to relatives appears to be enhancedhelping behavior: potential helpers are more likely to helpand to help more quickly after nest failure when their own nestis close to that of the potential recipient of help. Breedingin proximity to relatives also appears to carry a cost becausenest failure is spatially aggregated: this implies that individualsbreeding close to relatives are less likely to have a relativeavailable to help should their own breeding attempt fail. Therewas no evidence that the proximity of relatives enhanced nestestablishment, defense against predators, or information transfer.  相似文献   

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