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Within the framework of the international research project MELMARINA, seasonal dynamics of plankton communities in three North African coastal lagoons (Merja Zerga, Ghar El Melh, and Lake Manzala) were investigated. The sampling period extended from July 2003 to September 2004 with the aim of evaluating hydrological and other influences on the structure, composition and space-time development of these communities in each lagoon. Phytoplankton in Merja Zerga showed a quasi-permanent predominance of marine diatoms in the open sea station and in the marine inlet channel. Dinoflagellates were abundant in summer and early autumn in the marine inlet and extended into the central lagoon station. In Ghar El Melh, marine species (especially diatoms and dinoflagellates) dominated despite occasional winter inflows of freshwater. In Lake Manzala, freshwater species generally predominated and the planktonic communities were comparatively very diverse. Chlorophyceae contributed 39% of the total species recorded and diatoms and cyanophyceans were also common; the Dinophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Chrysophyceae and Cryptophyceae less so. Zooplankton communities in both Ghar El Melh and Merja Zerga were dominated by marine copepods. Rotifera, Copepoda, Ostracoda, and Cladocera were recorded in both lagoons as were meroplanktonic larvae of Polychaeta, Cirripedia, Mysidacea and Gastropoda and free living nematodes. Ghar El Melh was the more productive of these two lagoons with spring and early summer being the productive seasons. Zooplankton communities in Lake Manzala were generally dominated by rotifers and highest zooplankton abundances occurred in April (2003). Sampling stations near the marine inlets showed the highest diversity and the zooplankton communities showed considerable spatial variation within this large lagoon. The three lagoons represent very different water bodies contrasted strongly in terms of tidal effects and freshwater availability. Yet, there are some similarities in ecosystem structure. Space-time development of the plankton communities was similar especially in Merja Zerga and Ghar El Melh. Species abundances and specific diversities indicated that seasonal changes in salinity and nutrient concentrations were the main influential factors. Lake Manzala was the most productive lagoon and all the three sites supported toxic algal species. Relatively low plankton biomass in Merja Zerga and Ghar El Melh probably resulted from a combination of factors including highly episodic nutrient inputs, light suppression (by turbidity) and nutrient competition with benthic algae. Water quality variables were largely driven by the hydrological regime specific to each lagoon. Nutrient enrichment and, particularly for Lake Manzala, sea level rise threaten the sustainability of the planktonic ecosystems in all three lagoons. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: J. R. Thompson & R. J. Flower Hydro-ecological Monitoring and Modelling of North African Coastal Lagoons  相似文献   

Hydrological and hydrodynamic characteristics are important controls in all wetlands including coastal lagoons. Enhanced understanding of lagoon functioning can be obtained through the acquisition and interpretation of hydrological, meteorological and related data. The MELMARINA Project investigated links between hydrological and ecological conditions within North African coastal lagoons. It employed three primary sites: Merja Zerga in Morocco, Ghar El Melh in Tunisia and Lake Manzala in Egypt. Hydrological, meteorological and related data were acquired for these lagoons. Data included precipitation, evaporation, wind speed and direction, freshwater discharges into the lagoons, tides beyond the lagoons in the open sea, lagoon bathymetry and time series of lagoon water levels/depths. Data were acquired from secondary sources (including online archives) and targeted field survey and monitoring programmes. Interpretation of these data provides insights into the hydrological functioning of the lagoons and contributed to the modelling requirements of MELMARINA. The functioning of Merja Zerga is dominated by the exchange of water between the Atlantic and the lagoon. Large, tidally induced oscillations in water level are responsible for the inundation of extensive inter-tidal mudflats whilst the rapid replacement of water by exchanges with the sea diminishes the influence of freshwater inflows and winter rainfall. The smaller Mediterranean tides reduce the magnitude of lagoon–sea exchanges and result in much smaller water level oscillations within Ghar El Melh. As a result, this lagoon lacks the inter-tidal environments found within the Moroccan site and hydrodynamic conditions are more likely influenced by wind set up. Although freshwater inflows to Ghar El Melh are smaller than those in Merja Zerga, their effects, coupled with heavy winter rainfall, can persist due to longer residence times of water within the lagoon. Freshwater inflows are central to the functioning of Lake Manzala. Large discharges of relatively freshwater are provided by major drains which cross the Nile Delta. These influence lake water levels and are responsible for the freshwater conditions within large parts of the lake. The small tidal range of the eastern Mediterranean, coupled with constricted connections with the sea, reduces the influence of lake–sea exchanges and tidally induced water level oscillations within Lake Manzala. Guest editors: J. R. Thompson & R. J. Flower Hydro-ecological Monitoring and Modelling of North African Coastal Lagoons  相似文献   

Three North African coastal lagoons were selected as primary sites for integrated ecological and hydrological monitoring and modelling as part of the MELMARINA Project (see Flower & Thompson, 2009). The three sites, Merja Zerga (13.2 km2, Morocco), Ghar El Melh (35.6 km2, Tunisia) and Lake Manzala (c. 700 km2, Egypt), are permanent water bodies with at least one well-defined connection with the sea. This article provides an account of each lagoon’s physical characteristics and recent development including the impacts of human activities. The two sites on the Mediterranean (Ghar El Melh and Lake Manzala) are characterised by small tidally driven variations in water level whilst Merga Zerga, on the Atlantic coast, experiences large tidally induced water level variations and so contains large inter-tidal environments. All the three lagoons receive freshwater inflows from their landward margins, varying in magnitude, seasonality and ecological significance. Freshwater inflows from drains strongly influence ecological conditions within Lake Manzala. All the three lagoons have significant biodiversity interest, especially for resident and migratory birds as well as fish, and support local human populations. Each lagoon experienced significant changes during the twentieth century possibly affecting declines in biodiversity value. These largely resulted from agricultural expansion and intensification and include reclamation and hydrological modifications which have both decreased freshwater inflows due to upstream diversions (Merja Zerga and Ghar El Melh) and increased the influx of freshwater through the return of irrigation drainage (Merja Zerga and Lake Manzala). All three sites experienced nutrient enrichment due to agricultural runoff and discharge of domestic wastewater. Industrial waste discharge is a particular, but not exclusive, problem for Lake Manzala. Problems of water quantity and quality will increase through the twenty-first century with increasing demands for water while effects of climate change will enhance freshwater scarcity. Conflicts between human and environmental uses of water will increase and unless improvements in water use efficiency and wastewater treatment can be brought about wetlands including coastal lagoons are likely to suffer further loss and degradation. These problems will be compounded by sea level rise. Guest editors: J. R. Thompson & R. J. Flower Hydro-ecological Monitoring and Modelling of North African Coastal Lagoons  相似文献   

This paper examines the ecological and biological status of fisheries in three coastal lagoons in the southern Mediterranean region: Merja Zerga in Morocco, Ghar El Melh in Tunisia and Lake Manzala in Egypt. Despite similarities in some ecological characteristics, the three lagoons’ respective fisheries show differences in specific composition, in population structure and in their production both in qualitative and quantitative aspects. Thus, in Merja Zerga and Ghar El Melh the fish fauna shows a marine affinity where grey mullet and eels dominate the fish production. In Lake Manzala the ichthyofauna displays a more freshwater affinity with tilapia the dominant group of species. Otherwise, overall fish production at the three sites is regulated by variations in fishing activities, local environments and seasonal conditions. A decrease in fish production was noted over recent years and this is attributed to deteriorating ecological conditions. A variety of factors are implicated including sea communication problems, reduction of the continental (fresh) water supply and increase of pollution causing eutrophication. In addition, over fishing with a continuing increase of fishing effort units, contributes to fisheries decline. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: J. R. Thompson & R. J. Flower Hydro-ecological Monitoring and Modelling of North African Coastal Lagoons  相似文献   

Surface sediments and sediment cores were collected from coastal lagoons and lakes located in the Southern Mediterranean Region (SMR) as part of the MELMARINA Project which involved integrated eco-hydrological monitoring and modelling. This study uses surface sediments and sediment cores to infer spatial characteristics and temporal changes at the MELMARINA primary sites, Merja Zerga in Morocco, Ghar El Melh in Tunisia and Lake Manzala in Egypt. In addition, surface sediment sampling was undertaken at Egyptian Lake Bardawil and sediment cores were collected from the Lagune de Nador (Morocco). Sediment distribution patterns are investigated using GIS with georeferenced sample locations to facilitate display and resurvey. Major variations in sedimentary organic matter and, particularly, carbonate content, occur within and between sites. Local landscapes combined with hydrological and biogeochemical processes influence the distributions of sediment bulk components (carbonates, organic material and clastic matter) and molluscan shells and shell debris are an important source of sedimentary carbonate at all three primary sites. Sediment cores were dated using natural (210Pb) and artificial (137Cs) radionuclides, and sediment accumulation rate changes indicate that sources of sediment supply varied markedly through the twentieth century but have generally diminished after the mid-1960s. Sedimentary siliceous microfossils (diatoms) were generally poorly preserved, but mollusc shell remains were well represented. Sediment chronologies and sediment bulk composition allow discussion of some recent changes in bulk, minerogenic and biogenic sediment accumulation patterns in the SMR lagoons. Sediment accumulation rates also varied between sites and multiple cores from Lake Manzala indicated that rates showed considerable spatial variability. Low-level sediment contamination by fossil fuel combustion particulates and trace metals was demonstrated for Ghar El Melh and Lagune de Nador where Pb and Zn accumulation rates were highest in twentieth century sediment. It is emphasized that sediment quality and quantity have strong influences on lagoon ecosystem function and sedimentation is relevant to hydromorphology and to concepts of ecological quality. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: J. R. Thompson & R. J. Flower Hydro-ecological Monitoring and Modelling of North African Coastal Lagoons  相似文献   

Anguillicola crassus, parasite nematode of the European eel Anguilla anguilla, was recorded for the first time in Tunisia (1999) in the Ichkeul lagoon. Its distribution has since spread toward Bizerte and Ghar El Melh lagoons. The monthly epidemiological survey reveals that A. crassus exists throughout the year in the Ichkeul lagoon. In this lagoon, its prevalence is low in winter (12% in December), with a marked increases in the spring reaching a maximum in March (35%), before it starts to decrease in summer with a minimum in July (4.35%), which in turn is followed by a pronounced new rise in autumn (30% in November). However, mean intensity values do not show such a marked variation. The majority of the values are between 1 and 1.5 parasites per host. In the Bizerte and Ghar El Melh lagoons, the presence of this nematode is limited only to one to three months. Investigations in the Tunis lagoon did not reveal until now the presence of A. crassus. It has been observed that the length of the eel influences the prevalence values: A. crassus becomes less common if the length of the eel increases. Comparatively with the global epidemiological values of A. crassus signalled subsequently (1999) in the Ichkeul lagoon, we note that the present values record a clean increase.  相似文献   

North African coastal lagoons are unique ecosystems that often suffer degradation due to human activities. Therefore, monitoring methods are required to identify stressors and assist with the management of these valuable and often understudied ecosystems. A synthetic indicator of water ecological quality would be desirable for regular monitoring of these ecosystems under pressure. In 2008 an optical procedure was developed and applied in Ghar El Melh, a Tunisian lagoon which has been increasingly impacted by pollutant loading, especially from agriculture. In situ hyperspectral irradiance was measured at several stations, from which the apparent optical properties (AOPs), namely the irradiance attenuation coefficient K(λ) and the reflectance ratio R(λ), were obtained in order to relate them to water composition, in terms of light-attenuating substances (LASs). The significant relationships observed between R and LAS values enabled the application of a hyperspectral optical classification, which effectively highlighted threatened sectors of the lagoon. The pattern of differing water quality across the lagoon system that was derived from the hyperspectral classification agreed well with that obtained from a conventional optical classification that included AOPs and LASs. We suggest that hyperspectral analysis and classification is a useful monitoring tool for the assessment of change in coastal lagoons, and perhaps also in other shallow-water ecosystems.  相似文献   

The study of the spatiotemporal distribution of talitrid amphipods was carried out along a transect in three stations belonging to the lagoon complex of Ghar El Melh, namely the supralittoral zones of the old harbour of Ghar El Melh, the opposite to Boughaz and Sidi Ali Mekki lagoon. Four species belonging to Talitridae family with two different genera were identified at all stations. These species are Orchestia gammarellus, Orchestia mediterranea, Orchestia stephenseni and Platorchestia platensis. The first two species were collected during the four seasons. The study of the density showed that the most important global mean density in talitrid was found in the supralittoral zone of opposite to Boughaz. In addition, statistical analysis showed a significant difference in the seasonal distribution of amphipods based on plant associations. Furthermore, the highest diversity of talitrid was observed in the winter in the supralittoral zone of opposite to Boughaz and in summer in the supralittoral zones of Sidi Ali Mekki lagoon and the old harbour of Ghar El Melh. Results showed that at all stations, a highly significant correlation of amphipod community with Cymodocea banquette was observed. Moreover, principal component analysis showed that the distribution of the different species depends on climatic and edaphic factors.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in phytoplankton species composition (frequencies) and densities (cell numbers) in nine North African coastal lakes selected in Morocco (Merja Sidi Bou Rhaba, Zerga and Bokka), Tunisia (Chitane, Ichkeul and Korba lakes) and Egypt (Edku, Burullus and Manzala lakes) were investigated during 1998. The main aim was to provide gase-line information about overall phytoplankton diversity and how phytoplanktoncharacteristics differ between these contrasting aquatic systems.Water samples were collected at approximately three monthly intervals and phytoplankton analysis revealed marked seasonal and spatial differences in the quantitative and qualitative composition of the communities at each site. The Egyptian lakes generally had larger crops (Manzala and Burullus had mean crop densities of more than 104 cells ml–1) but in the western North African sites only Korba and Sidi Bou Rhaba had closely comparable densities. Algae belonging to Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Dinophyceae and Euglenophyceae were recorded. Taxa representative of all these algal groups occurred in two lakes (Korba and Manzala) but at the other seven sites only some of the groups were present.The Chlorophyceae was the most dominant group in lakes Burullus, Manzala, Korba and Sidi Bou Rhaba whereas Bacillariophyceae were dominant in lakes Zerga, Bokka and Edku. In Ichkeul and acidic Chitane the Dinophyceae and the Cyanophyceae were the dominant groups, respectively. The maximum percentage of Euglenophyceae occurred in Edku Lake but this group was absent in Sidi Bou Rhaba and Ichkeul. Cyanophyceans were present in significant numbers in all investigated lakes except in Ichkeul. A total of fifty-three genera were recorded, 17 of Chlorophyceae, 18 of Bacillariophyceae, 11 of Cyanophyceae, 3 of Chrysophyceae, 2 of Euglenophyceae and 2 of Dinophyceae. The maximum number of species (34) occurred in Burullus Lake and the minimum (6) in Ichkeul Lake. Only one lake (acidic Chitane) possessed species indicative of oligotrophic conditions. The Nile Delta lakes were the most species diverse sites.The phytoplankton communities of the nine North African lakes were composed entirely of cosmopolitan species but with one new species (Cyclotella choctawatcheeana) was recorded for the region. The data presented provide a contemporary account of the levels of algal diversity present in these sites at the end of the 20th century. The relevance of phytoplankton communities to assessment of lake status and future monitoring studies in the region is emphasised.  相似文献   

Exploitation of land and water resources has increased rapidly in North Africa during the 20th century, paralleling regional population growth. As part of the CASSARINA Project (see Flower, 2001), the environmental status of nine wetland lakes in Morocco, Tunisia, and Egypt was evaluated. All are conservationally important habitats and several are Ramsar Sites (internationally recognized bird reserves) and several support significant fisheries. All are shallow (<2 m in depth) but vary greatly in area.Where available, documentary information on relevant 20th century changes is given. Survey transects for aquatic vegetation were established and used to provide baseline ecological information on the aquatic plant communities during 1997–1999. Unusually, one site (Tunisian Megene Chitane) supported acidophilous vegetation (some taxa being nationally rare). Aquatic macrophytes declined catastrophically at two sites during the 1990s. Merja Bokka was drained in 1998 and, at Garaet El Ichkeul, fringing Phragmites and Scirpus spp. were lost, mainly as a result of salinity changes. Elsewhere, fringing macrophytes remain (extensively so in the Nile Delta lakes) common, despite major land reclamation and water quality problems, or are degraded by grazing (Merja Zerga). Marginal vegetation during 1997/98 changed markedly at Megene Chitane due to water level lowering.Documentary records indicated that throughout the 20th century, reclamation and hydrologic modifications, mainly for agricultural purposes, affected all nine sites. The loss of lake area by reclamation is substantial for the Nile Delta lakes (Edku, Burullus and Manzala). For the western sites, some data indicate increasing salinity in the most recent decade but the Delta lakes have become generally fresher during the 20th century, as supply of Nile water for irrigation increased.Despite intense human disturbance, many of the remaining CASSARINA sites still support regions of high aquatic diversity. Spatial scale monitoring of the larger sites for seasonal and inter-annual changes in open water area and in aquatic plant abundances is a key requirement for integrated environmental change assessment in the 21st century.  相似文献   

Between 1961 and 1964 the water levels of Lake Victoria increased abruptly. This increase produced changes around the shoreline of the lake, creating new habitats in the form of lagoons. Such lagoons were cut off from the main lake by differing widths of floating vegetation. Chemically and physically these new regions resembled small tropical fish ponds, with a nocturnal reduction in both dissolved oxygen and temperature.
The lagoons were occupied shortly after their appearance by characteristic groups of fishes, which depended for their species composition on the degree of isolation of the different bodies of water from the main lake. It was generally found that the more isolated the lagoon, the more impoverished it was in numbers of species. The most successful colonizers of these waters were Tilapia leucosticta and Haplochromis nubilus , which were present in all lagoons.
Populations of these two species showed a tendency to stunt, which was more marked in the more isolated populations. This, together with the population changes associated with isolation, suggests that the mat of floating vegetation, by reason of the de-oxygenated conditions that exist under it, acts as a form of biological filter. Thus fish from the lake can only penetrate to the nearer lagoons, the populations in the more isolated waters remaining more or less segregated.  相似文献   

Lake Manzala remains the largest of the Nile Delta lakes and has undergone substantial recent changes particularly over the last 30 years due to regulation of freshwater inflows, land reclamation and increasing loads of BOD and nutrients. The latter are particularly associated with polluted drains flowing into the lake. An increasing fraction of the N load may also come from the expanding fish farming industry within and around the lake. Over the past 20–25 years, the N load from the drains has increased three times whilst the P load has remained approximately constant. This is despite a 40% reduction in freshwater inflows due to diversion of water towards the Sinai for land development. As a result of these changes, the concentration of total N in the drains has increased 4.5 times while the total P concentration has increased by 50% over the same period. Increases in nutrient concentrations can be attributed to increase in the use of fertilizer combined with an expanding population served by sewers, improved living standards and increased industrial production. Nutrient enrichment has resulted in declining water quality and eutrophication, especially in the southern parts of Lake Manzala. A combined hydrodynamic-ecological model has been set up for the lake and is used to analyse the development of water quality as a function of the load of organic material and nutrients. Model results show that 86% of the N load and 59% of the P load are retained within the lake. Despite the efficient treatment of wastewater by the lake ecosystem, approximately 6,000 tonnes of N and 1,300 tonnes of P are exported to the Mediterranean through the two main lake–sea connections. This nutrient export has important implications for coastal fisheries production. The present investigation suggests that the current anthropogenic nutrient load to the coastal zone exceeds that of pre-Aswan High Dam conditions despite large reductions in the annual pulse of water and nutrients brought about by the dam. A series of model simulations with reduced nutrient load are investigated in order to identify the conditions required to enable the propagation of vegetation throughout the lake. Submerged rooted vegetation is used as an indicator for water quality as it needs light for growth and in polluted, eutrophicated waters turbidity increases hampering vegetation growth. Simulation results indicate that the nutrient load has to be reduced to approximately 25% of the present loads if submerged rooted vegetation is to become re-established in the more polluted south eastern parts of the lake. Guest editors: J. R. Thompson & R. J. Flower Hydro-ecological Monitoring and Modelling of North African Coastal Lagoons  相似文献   

A good understanding of how migratory animals use their habitat network is expected to provide important insights for the prediction of population dynamics at both local and regional scales. We focused on how the physical structure of a habitat network could affect fish migration between Lake Biwa and its tributary lagoons. Although the lagoons provide suitable breeding and nursery grounds for native fishes, it is a matter of concern that they can also be a hotbed of invasive exotic fishes. Here, we assessed the migration patterns of native crucian carps (Carassius spp.) and exotic largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) using their carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes as migration tracers. As there were marked differences in the carbon isotope ratios of basal food webs between the main lake and its tributary lagoons, stable isotopic signatures of individual fishes collected from each lagoon enabled us to judge whether they were residents of the lagoon or recent immigrants from the main lake. The analysis revealed that native and invasive fishes showed different migration patterns across a variety of lagoons. Exotic fishes frequently immigrated from the main lake to the lagoon as the distance of the channel connecting these two habitats was short. For native crucian carps, in contrast, their migrations were unaffected by the channel distance but were promoted by narrow channels. Physical barriers of weirs and dense vegetation within the channel obstructed their migrations. Such ecological information on migration behavior will be vital to plan designs for habitat restoration to conserve native fishes.  相似文献   

Ghar El Melh is a shallow lagoon (average depth of 0.8 m) that has undergone a eutrophication process due to growing human pressures. To obtain a global frame of the ecosystem functioning, an optical and an ecological classification were used in parallel. Downwelling and upwelling spectral irradiances were measured in situ in 22 sampling stations across the water body; then Apparent Optical Properties (AOPs), namely reflectance R(λ) and vertical attenuation coefficient Kd(λ) were calculated for each wavelength of visible spectrum, furnishing typical spectra from turbid waters, rich in dissolved and suspended matter. From water samples of the same stations the concentrations of OASs (Optically Active Substances), i.e. Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter (CDOM), Non-Algal Particulate (NAP) and Phytoplankton, were assessed. The use of an optical classification for water bodies rich in TSM and CDOM, integrating AOPs and OASs, highlighted a great spatial heterogeneity, well overlapping with hydrology and human impacts patterns. A modified version of the Ecological Evaluation Index (EEI), considering the macrophyte distribution (based on a visual assessment of macrophyte coverage, without quantitative sampling) was then used, highlighting an intermediate ecological condition, despite high water turbidities. The integrated use of both systems thus furnished a complete characterization, rapidly detecting the most impacted sectors and the possible primary causes. The method might be applied as a monitoring procedure in other Mediterranean coastal lagoons, with the aim to adopt a common conservation strategy for these important transitional water bodies.  相似文献   

The Merja Zerga lagoon is a semi-enclosed marine ecosystem in which various types of human activities have been developed. This paper characterizes the biosedimentary units of the lagoon and defines a reference status of the quality and health of the macrozoobenthic communities that can be used as bioindicators of the quality of the global marine environment. Specific and functional diversity were high: 147 taxa were identified; they were distributed within seven main trophic groups. Trophic structure is dominated by the suspension-feeding bivalve Cerastoderma edule and the deposit-feeding bivalve Scrobicularia plana, while micrograzers and macroherbivores remain low. Biotic index values indicated that the site is moderately perturbed and that the benthic communities are unbalanced. Nevertheless, the communities showed a seasonal stability of abundances and a high specific richness all through the year.  相似文献   

1. Nursery areas are commonly recognized as important habitats for the management and conservation of fish stocks. Here we report the use of nursery areas by an exploited offshore cichlid in Lake Malawi, Rhamphochromis longiceps .
2. Like all haplochromine cichlids that have been studied, the species is a maternal mouthbrooder that broods eggs for several weeks following spawning. We found evidence that during this brooding period females migrate from open water to release juveniles in three shallow peripheral waterbodies (Chia Lagoon, Unaka Lagoon, Lake Malombe). However, it was unclear whether there is geographical population structuring within the species, which could indicate stock differences in their use of these nursery habitats, or if the lake contains a genetically panmictic population that employs nursery habitats opportunistically.
3. To investigate spatial and temporal population structuring within the lake we genotyped populations at seven microsatellite DNA loci. Overall, we found no significant spatial structuring among juveniles from the peripheral lagoons or among breeding males within the main lake body. Moreover, we found no evidence of temporal structuring among males on the breeding grounds within Lake Malawi or females entering Chia lagoon. Together, these results suggest that Lake Malawi contains a genetically homogeneous population of R. longiceps .
4. At present we know little of the distribution of juvenile R. longiceps elsewhere in the Lake Malawi basin, but their absence from surveyed rocky and sandy littoral habitats makes it possible that the species is dependent upon a small number of nearshore nursery areas, including these lagoons. As such, conservation of lagoon habitats and monitoring of exploited fish stocks within them may be important for effective preservation of biodiversity within the catchment.  相似文献   

Lagoons in the heavily populated, semi-arid coastal zone of the Southern Mediterranean Region exemplify the conflict between human utilisation of water and related resources and aquatic ecosystems. Having recognised the requirement to improve understanding of the functioning of the region’s coastal wetlands, the MELMARINA Project undertook integrated hydro-ecological monitoring and modelling within lagoons in Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. This article highlights some key issues regarding environmental science and management of the region’s coastal lagoons revealed during the course of the project. It stresses the importance of hydrology as a key control upon lagoon functioning and ecosystem dynamics. Hydrological modifications due to water resource management schemes are the cause of many recent changes experienced within lagoons. Linkages between water quality, water availability, human activities and biological characteristics of coastal lagoons are discussed with particular reference to the controls upon vegetation within the MELMARINA lagoons. A series of methodological advances are reviewed which have potential for wider application within coastal lagoons. It is suggested that the use of lagoon sediment for environmental reconstruction can be invaluable, especially when monitoring data are lacking. Recent advances in instrumentation technologies make long-term continuous monitoring more feasible although these approaches can be combined with more traditional site surveys to provide wider spatial coverage at the expense of temporal resolution. Wider spatial coverage can also be achieved through the use of space-borne or aerial remote sensing imagery whilst longer-term trends in site characteristics can be assessed through historical map analyses. Geographical Information Systems, which facilitate the storage and interrogation of large and varied datasets, have enormous potential. Similarly, coupled hydro-ecological models can inform understanding of lagoon functioning and can assess scenarios associated with environmental change or alternative management approaches. The application of integrated, basin-wide approaches to the management of water resources and aquatic ecosystems in the Southern Mediterranean Region is advocated. This includes the application of principles from the EU’s Water Framework Directive. Finally, the need to place management in the context of climate change and associated sea level rise is stressed. Emphasis should be placed on the development of adaptation strategies designed to minimise the effects of these changes. Guest editors: J. R. Thompson & R. J. Flower Hydro-ecological Monitoring and Modelling of North African Coastal Lagoons  相似文献   

In Tunisia, while wetlands are considered as remarkable habitats for their faunal and floral diversity, few studies on the species diversity of terrestrial isopods were performed. To fill this gap, the spatio‐temporal distribution of Oniscidea at Ghar El Melh lagoon (north‐east of Tunisia) was analysed. Sampling was carried out with 50 × 50 cm quadrats along a perpendicular transect to the shoreline. Nine species of terrestrial isopods belonging to seven genera were identified. Chaetophiloscia elongata Dollfus, 1884 was the most abundant species in all seasons except for summer; its relative abundance ranged from 38.9% to 77% in summer and autumn, respectively. Hill diversity indices ranged from 0.86 to 0.94 and equitability indices from 0.33 and 0.68. The statistical analysis showed a significant difference of isopod species and plant associations among seasons.  相似文献   

Extreme events affect coastal vegetation in several ways. They cause massive tree defoliations and mortality that carry changes in vegetation structure and floristic composition. In order to assess these changes in dry tropical forests, coastal vegetation and mangroves in El Rosario archipelago, and their relationship with extreme events between 2002 and 2014, Quickbird and Worldview Satellite images with uneven periodicity were analyzed and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) was calculated for these vegetation covers. Time series analysis was performed to oceanographic and climate variables such as maximum wind velocity, daily precipitation, significant wave height, peak wave period and maximum and minimum air temperatures. The first two axes of a redundancy analysis explained 65% of data variance (p value ≤ 0.05) and showed that the decrease of the NDVI and extension of beach vegetation were related to increases in wind frequency and intensity. However, mangrove vegetation was benefited by the increase in the frequency of short drought events, although their NDVI decreased when these drought events became longer. Drought events were related to El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) anomalies that had the strongest effects on coastal vegetation and dry forest, as shown by the minimum values of NDVI recorded in 2010. Mangrove vegetation was more resilient to such droughts and strong winds than coastal and dry forest vegetation due to their location along bays or surrounding internal lagoons.  相似文献   

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