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Aedes aegypti (L.) fed on rabbits immunized with mosquito antigens showed a reduction in fecundity in the first oviposition and decreased viability of the progeny. Feeding behaviour of mosquitoes was not affected and no significant mortality was observed due to the presence of anti-mosquito antibodies in the bloodmeal. Antibodies were detected in the oocytes of mosquitoes 48 h after the bloodmeal. The role of specific antibodies in influencing fecundity is discussed.  相似文献   

Anti-mosquito antibodies, produced in mice inoculated with mosquito homogenates or exposed to mosquito bites, reacted with a variety of mosquito antigens including muscle, gut, fat body and nervous tissue; those in anti-mosquito bite sera reacted solely with salivary glands. Mosquitoes fed on restrained immunized mice showed a significant increase in mortality correlated to both the titre and specificity of the anti-mosquito antibodies ingested. No changes in their fecundity or feeding success were noted. Mosquitoes exposed to unrestrained immunized mice or mosquito-bitten mice, however, showed a significant reduction in feeding success, possibly reflecting enhanced host grooming.  相似文献   

In Queensland, Australia, in response to isolated cases of dengue infection, larval control of the vector Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) is targeted at breeding sites within 200 m of a case and interior spraying with a pyrethroid adulticide is targeted at premises within 100 m. To ascertain whether these limits are appropriate, we conducted a mark-release-recapture study to measure the dispersal of female Ae. aegypti in the city of Cairns where transmission occurs. Female mosquitoes reared from wild collected eggs were differentially marked with fluorescent dust depending on whether they were to be released blood-fed or non-blood-fed, and a total of 1,948 females was released. A total of 132 sticky ovitraps was set at 64 premises within a 200 m radius and collections of trapped adults were made at 5-15 days post-release. Sixty-seven females (3.4%) were recaptured, with the furthest being caught 200 m from the release point, and the mean distance travelled was 78 m. Overall, 23.1% of the recaptures outside the release site were taken beyond 100 m by day 15. Dispersal was comparable for both blood-fed and non-blood-fed releases. There was a significant tendency for dispersal to be in a north-westerly direction, probably because of the presence of numerous containers and heavy shading by trees in this direction and a busy road to the south of the release point that appeared to inhibit dispersal. The results suggest that adulticiding may have to be extended beyond 100 m if more than 8 days have elapsed since female Ae. aegypti could have fed upon a viraemic dengue case. The study also shows that dispersal is not random, and that it may be possible to maximize vector control by taking into account environmental factors that affect the direction of female mosquito flight.  相似文献   

Transinfections of the maternally transmitted endosymbiont Wolbachia pipientis can reduce RNA virus replication and prevent transmission by Aedes aegypti, and also have the capacity to invade wild-type populations, potentially reaching and maintaining high infection frequencies. Levels of virus transmission blocking are positively correlated with Wolbachia intracellular density. Despite reaching high densities in Ae. aegypti, transinfections of wAlbA, a strain native to Aedes albopictus, showed no blocking of Semliki Forest Virus in previous intrathoracic injection challenges. To further characterize wAlbA blocking in Ae. aegypti, adult females were intrathoracically challenged with Zika (ZIKV) and dengue viruses, and then fed a ZIKV-containing bloodmeal. No blocking was observed with either virus when challenged by intrathoracic injection. However, when ZIKV was delivered orally, wAlbA-infected females showed a significant reduction in viral replication and dissemination compared with uninfected controls, as well as a complete absence of virus in saliva. Although other Wolbachia strains have been shown to cause more robust viral blocking in Ae. aegypti, these findings demonstrate that, in principle, wAlbA could be used to reduce virus transmission in this species. Moreover, the results highlight the potential for underestimation of the strength of virus-blocking when based on intrathoracic injection compared with more natural oral challenges.  相似文献   

The mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.) (Diptera: Culicidae) is the primary global vector for dengue virus (DENV), yet considerable genetic variation exists among populations in terms of its competence to vector DENV. Variability in adult body size has also been observed among various mosquito populations and several studies have reported a relationship between body size and arbovirus dissemination, although most of these relied on artificially derived variation in body size. Here we examine the relationship between body size and disseminated DENV infection among 10 Ae. aegypti populations reared under optimum laboratory conditions. Body size variability was inferred from wing length measurements and DENV competence was evaluated as the proportion of individuals with disseminated infections following exposure to the dengue-2 JAM1409 strain. There were significant differences in mean wing lengths among populations (anova, F(9,22)= 7.10, P < 0.0001), ranging from 2.16 mm (Bangkok population) to 2.79 mm (MOYO-S [susceptible] population). We also observed significant differences among some populations in mean DENV infection rates (Waller-Duncan K-ratio t-test), ranging from 19.54% (MOYO-R [refractory] population) to 56.60% (MOYO-S population). However, we did not observe evidence for significant interactions between body size and DENV dissemination. We suggest that either the two traits are genetically independent or that our ability to detect interactions between them was limited by their respective inheritances as quantitative traits.  相似文献   

用4株基孔肯雅病毒经口感染白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊,进行了易感性和传播性的研究。结果表明,这两种蚊虫对基孔肯雅病毒易感。无论白纹伊蚊或埃及伊蚊,感染后第5-6天即可通过吸血将病毒传播给乳鼠,至第8-13天,传播率可高达55.55%-100%。感染蚊亦可经叮咬将病毒传播给小鸡。埃及伊蚊的易感性和传播率高于白纹伊蚊。实验还发现,不同来源毒株之间存在一定差异,如分离自云南白纹伊蚊的M81株的感染率和传播率均高于其它毒株。这些结果表明,白纹伊蚊和埃及伊蚊在基孔肯雅病毒的保存和传播中起重要作用。  相似文献   

Insecticide susceptibility of a 1995 Townsville Aedes aegypti (L.) population was investigated in the laboratory according to World Health Organization guidelines. Using baseline data from two Townsville populations (1955 and 1989), larval bioassays detected significant increases in susceptibility to synthetic pyrethroids and malathion, and significant reductions in susceptibility to most organophosphates and propoxur. Adult bioassays detected significant resistance to bendiocarb and DDT. Comparison of larval data with the international reference ROCK strain showed substantial resistance to have developed to malathion and fenthion. Further analysis revealed the presence of distinct substrains in the baseline 1989 population, which displayed varying levels of temephos susceptibility. We concluded that susceptibility investigations should assess mosquito populations collected from many sites within an area rather than taking a single population from one site, and that the 1989 Ae. aegypti colony would be unsuitable for use as a susceptible reference population.  相似文献   

Abstract   Our paper presents an assessment of research and operational development in relation to medically important mosquito-borne disease, mainly the arboviruses Ross River, Barmah Forest, Murray Valley encephalitis, Japanese encephalitis, Kunjin and dengue, but also with respect to malaria. Since 1972, there have been considerable gains in research output, organisational structure, communication, surveillance including quarantine inspection and operational control. This has been due to the 1974 epidemic of Murray Valley encephalitis virus extending into temperate Australia, increasing occurrence of Ross River and the dengue viruses, the discovery of Barmah Forest virus as a disease entity in 1988, and the introduction of Japanese encephalitis in 1995. Because many of the outputs involve methodologies of global import, this has resulted in an unprecedented upsurge in publications of international standard.  相似文献   

Laboratory tests were conducted to determine the feasibility of making the mosquito ovitrap lethal to Aedes aegypti (L.) when they attempt to oviposit in the trap. Heavy-weight velour paper strips (2.54 x 11 cm) were used as an alternative to the wooden paddle normally provided as a substrate for mosquito oviposition. The paper strips were pretreated with insecticide solutions and allowed to dry before being used in oviposition cups of 473 ml capacity, filled with water initially to within 2.5 cm of the brim. Insecticides chosen for their quick knock-down efficacy were bendiocarb 76% WP (1.06 mg a.i./strip) and four pyrethroids: permethrin 25% WP (0.16 mg a.i./strip), deltamethin 4.75% SC (0.87 mg a.i./strip), cypermethrin 40% WP (2.81 mg a.i./strip), and cyfluthrin 20% WP (0.57 mg a.i./ strip). For experimental evaluation, two oviposition cups (one with an insecticide-treated strip and one with an untreated strip) were placed in cages (cubic 30 cm) with gravid female Ae. aegypti mosquitoes (aged 6-8 days) from a susceptible laboratory strain. Mortality-rates of female mosquitoes were 45% for bendiocarb, 47% for permethrin, 98% for deltamethrin, 100% for cypermethrin, and 100% for cyfluthrin. Young instar larvae added to the treated cups died within 2h. After water evaporation from the cups for 38 days, fresh mosquito females had access to previously submerged portions of the velour paper paddle, and mortality rates of 59% or more occurred. Cups that had water (360 ml) dripped into them, to simulate rain, produced female mosquito mortality rates of > 50% and all larvae died within 3 h of being added. These tests demonstrate that the ovitrap can be made lethal to both adults and larvae by insecticidal treatment of the ovistrip. Field efficacy trials are underway in Brazil to access the impact of this simple, low-cost, environmentally benign approach on populations of the dengue vector Ae. aegypti.  相似文献   

Abstract. The incidence of dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) in Thailand has increased cyclically since the first recognized outbreak in 1958. Without an effective vaccine against dengue, and considering the clinical difficulty of treating DHF cases, vector control is needed to prevent dengue transmission. Since the establishment of the WHO Aedes Research Unit in 1964, continued since 1973 as the WHO Collaborating Centre at the Department of Medical Research in Bangkok, much operational research has been carried out in Thailand on the bionomics and control of dengue vectors: Aedes aegypti and Ae.albopictus. This review shows that, as in most other countries, dengue vector control programmes in Thailand make little use of the procedures arising from research, nor have they reduced the upward trend of dengue or prevented DHF outbreaks. Implications of the reluctance to use results of operational research on vector control are considered and remedial suggestions made.  相似文献   

Culex annulirostris Skuse, colonized from Brisbane, Queensland, and Mildura, Victoria, Australia, were effective vectors of Murray Valley encephalitis virus at 20, 27 and 32-35 degrees C with full extrinsic incubation periods of 15, 10 and 4 days respectively. At 20 degrees C, 7-11 days post-infection, transmission by the Mildura colony (0-20%) was less efficient than the Brisbane colony (30-70%) but both were capable of 75-100% transmission after longer extrinsic incubation periods. Discriminant analysis of body and salivary gland titres showed that these were not satisfactory indicators of transmission. Wild-caught Aedes sagax (Skuse) and Cx annulirostris from the Murray Valley showed equal competence, but Aedes alboannulatus (Macquart) was a poor vector. The results provide data on rural amplification of Murray Valley encephalitis virus during spring and suggest that further work on the potential of Ae. sagax as a natural vector is warranted.  相似文献   

Aedes aegypti mosquitoes carrying the wAlbB Wolbachia strain show a reduced capacity to transmit dengue virus. wAlbB has been introduced into wild Ae. aegypti populations in several field sites in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where it has persisted at high frequency for more than 2 years and significantly reduced dengue incidence. Although these encouraging results indicate that wAlbB releases can be an effective dengue control strategy, the long-term success depends on wAlbB maintaining high population frequencies and virus transmission inhibition, and both could be compromised by Wolbachia–host coevolution in the field. Here, wAlbB-carrying Ae. aegypti collected from the field 20 months after the cessation of releases showed no reduction in Wolbachia density or tissue distribution changes compared to a wAlbB laboratory colony. The wAlbB strain continued to induce complete unidirectional cytoplasmic incompatibility, showed perfect maternal transmission under laboratory conditions, and retained its capacity to inhibit dengue. Additionally, a field-collected wAlbB line was challenged with Malaysian dengue patient blood, and showed significant blocking of virus dissemination to the salivary glands. These results indicate that wAlbB continues to inhibit currently circulating strains of dengue in field populations of Ae. aegypti, and provides additional support for the continued scale-up of Wolbachia wAlbB releases for dengue control.This article is part of the theme issue ‘Novel control strategies for mosquito-borne diseases’.  相似文献   

Population genetics of the mosquito Aedes vigilax (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae), a major vector of arboviruses (e.g. Barmah Forest, Ross River), were investigated to obtain an indirect estimate of mosquito dispersal characteristics in typical habitats of Aedes vigilax in south-east Queensland: on the off-shore islands of Moreton Bay and on the mainland where disjunct breeding populations of Ae. vigilax are distributed along intertidal marsh. Six allozyme loci were assessed for genetic differentiation between samples from 11 localities. Significant larval variation between some breeding sites was attributed to site-specific selection. Nonsignificant genetic differentiation was found among collections of adult mosquitoes caught in light traps throughout the study area (exceeding 60x27 km), indicating widespread dispersal. As distances of < or = 9 km over water did not appear to act as effective barriers to Ae. vigilax dispersal, localized control activities applied to Ae. vigilax breeding sites are unlikely to be effective against the vagile adult population. Therefore, the contiguous shires programme of broad acre control is endorsed to prevent the spread of arboviruses carried by Ae. vigilax  相似文献   

Hosts are frequently infected with more than one parasite or pathogen at any one time, but little is known as to how they respond to multiple immune challenges compared to those involving single infections. We investigated the proteome of Aedes aegypti larvae following infection with either Edhazardia aedis or Vavraia culicis, and coinfections involving both. They are both obligate intracellular parasites belonging to the phylum microsporidia and infect natural populations of Ae. aegypti. The results found some proteins only showing modified abundance in response to infections involving E. aedis, while others were only differentially abundant when infections involved V. culicis. Some proteins only responded with modified abundance to the coinfection condition, while others were differentially abundant in response to all three types of infection. As time since infection increased, the response to each of the single parasite infections diverged, while the response to the E. aedis and coinfection treatments converged. Some of the proteins differentially abundant in response to infection were identified. They included two vacuolar ATPases, proteins known to have a role in determining the infection success of intracellular parasites. This result suggests microsporidia could influence the infection success of other intracellular pathogens infecting vector species of mosquito, including viruses, Plasmodium and Wolbachia.  相似文献   

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