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In this study we show that expression of active Cdc42Hs and Rac1 GTPases, two Rho family members, leads to the reorganization of the vimentin intermediate filament (IF) network, showing a perinuclear collapse. Cdc42Hs displays a stronger effect than Rac1 as 90% versus 75% of GTPase-expressing cells show vimentin collapse. Similar vimentin IF modifications were observed when endogenous Cdc42Hs was activated by bradykinin treatment, endogenous Rac1 by platelet-derived growth factor/epidermal growth factor, or both endogenous proteins upon expression of active RhoG. This reorganization of the vimentin IF network is not associated with any significant increase in soluble vimentin. Using effector loop mutants of Cdc42Hs and Rac1, we show that the vimentin collapse is mostly independent of CRIB (Cdc42Hs or Rac-interacting binding)-mediated pathways such as JNK or PAK activation but is associated with actin reorganization. This does not result from F-actin depolymerization, because cytochalasin D treatment or Scar-WA expression have merely no effect on vimentin organization. Finally, we show that genistein treatment of Cdc42 and Rac1-expressing cells strongly reduces vimentin collapse, whereas staurosporin, wortmannin, LY-294002, R(p)-cAMP, or RII, the regulatory subunit of protein kinase A, remain ineffective. Moreover, we detected an increase in cellular tyrosine phosphorylation content after Cdc42Hs and Rac1 expression without modification of the vimentin phosphorylation status. These data indicate that Cdc42Hs and Rac1 GTPases control vimentin IF organization involving tyrosine phosphorylation events.  相似文献   

Cell adhesion to extracellular matrix is an important physiological stimulus for organization of the actin-based cytoskeleton. Adhesion to the matrix glycoprotein thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) triggers the sustained formation of F-actin microspikes that contain the actin-bundling protein fascin. These structures are also implicated in cell migration, which may be an important function of TSP-1 in tissue remodelling and wound repair. To further understand the function of fascin microspikes, we examined whether their assembly is regulated by Rho family GTPases. We report that expression of constitutively active mutants of Rac or Cdc42 triggered localization of fascin to lamellipodia, filopodia, and cell edges in fibroblasts or myoblasts. Biochemical assays demonstrated prolonged activation of Rac and Cdc42 in C2C12 cells adherent to TSP-1 and activation of the downstream kinase p21-activated kinase (PAK). Expression of dominant-negative Rac or Cdc42 in C2C12 myoblasts blocked spreading and formation of fascin spikes on TSP-1. Spreading and spike assembly were also blocked by pharmacological inhibition of F-actin turnover. Shear-loading of monospecific anti-fascin immunoglobulins, which block the binding of fascin to actin into cytoplasm, strongly inhibited spreading, actin cytoskeletal organization and migration on TSP-1 and also affected the motility of cells on fibronectin. We conclude that fascin is a critical component downstream of Rac and Cdc42 that is needed for actin cytoskeletal organization and cell migration responses to thrombospondin-1.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori has been identified as the major aetiological agent in the development of chronic gastritis and duodenal ulcer, and it plays a role in the development of gastric carcinoma. Attachment of H. pylori to gastric epithelial cells leads to nuclear and cytoskeletal responses in host cells. Here, we show that Rho GTPases Rac1 and Cdc42 were activated during infection of gastric epithelial cells with either the wild-type H. pylori or the mutant strain cagA. In contrast, no activation of Rho GTPases was observed when H. pylori mutant strains (virB7 and PAI) were used that lack functional type IV secretion apparatus. We demonstrated that H. pylori-induced activation of Rac1 and Cdc42 led to the activation of p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1) mediating nuclear responses, whereas the mutant strain PAI had no effect on PAK1 activity. Activation of Rac1, Cdc42 and PAK1 represented a very early event in colonization of gastric epithelial cells by H. pylori. Rac1 and Cdc42 were recruited to the sites of bacterial attachment and are therefore probably involved in the regulation of local and overall cytoskeleton rearrangement in host cells. Finally, actin rearrangement and epithelial cell motility in H. pylori infection depended on the presence of a functional type IV secretion system encoded by the cag pathogenicity island (PAI).  相似文献   

Dbl is a representative prototype of a growing family of oncogene products that contain the Dbl homology/pleckstrin homology elements in their primary structures and are associated with a variety of neoplastic pathologies. Members of the Dbl family have been shown to function as physiological activators (guanine nucleotide exchange factors) of the Rho-like small GTPases. Although the expression of GTPase-defective versions of Rho proteins has been shown to induce a transformed phenotype under different conditions, their transformation capacity has been typically weak and incomplete relative to that exhibited by dbl-like oncogenes. Moreover, in some cases (e.g. NIH3T3 fibroblasts), expression of GTPase-defective Cdc42 results in growth inhibition. Thus, in attempting to reconstitute dbl-induced transformation of NIH3T3 fibroblasts, we have generated spontaneously activated ("fast-cycling") mutants of Cdc42, Rac1, and RhoA that mimic the functional effects of activation by the Dbl oncoprotein. When stably expressed in NIH3T3 cells, all three mutants caused the loss of serum dependence and showed increased saturation density. Furthermore, all three stable cell lines were tumorigenic when injected into nude mice. Our data demonstrate that all three Dbl targets need to be activated to promote the full complement of Dbl effects. More importantly, activation of each of these GTP-binding proteins contributes to a different and distinct facet of cellular transformation.  相似文献   

Host cell invasion of the food-borne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni is one of the primary reasons of tissue damage in humans but molecular mechanisms are widely unclear. Here, we show that C. jejuni triggers membrane ruffling in the eukaryotic cell followed by invasion in a very specific manner first with its tip followed by the flagellar end. To pinpoint important signalling events involved in the C. jejuni invasion process, we examined the role of small Rho family GTPases. Using specific GTPase-modifying toxins, inhibitors and GTPase expression constructs we show that Rac1 and Cdc42, but not RhoA, are involved in C. jejuni invasion. In agreement with these observations, we found that internalization of C. jejuni is accompanied by a time-dependent activation of both Rac1 and Cdc42. Finally, we show that the activation of these GTPases involves different host cell kinases and the bacterial fibronectin-binding protein CadF. Thus, CadF is a bifunctional protein which triggers bacterial binding to host cells as well as signalling leading to GTPase activation. Collectively, our results suggest that C. jejuni invade host target cells by a unique mechanism and the activation of the Rho GTPase members Rac1 and Cdc42 plays a crucial role in this entry process.  相似文献   

The transforming growth factor beta (TGFbeta) plays an important role in cell growth and differentiation. However, the intracellular signaling pathways through which TGFbeta inhibits skeletal myogenesis remain largely undefined. By measuring GTP-loading of Rho GTPases and the organization of the F-actin cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane, we analyzed the effect of TGFbeta addition on the activity of three GTPases, Rac1, Cdc42Hs and RhoA. We report that TGFbeta activates Rac1 and Cdc42Hs in skeletal muscle cells, two GTPases previously described to inhibit skeletal muscle cell differentiation whereas it inactivates RhoA, a positive regulator of myogenesis. We further show that TGFbeta activates the C-jun N-terminal kinases (JNK) pathway in myoblastic cells through Rac1 and Cdc42Hs GTPases. We propose that the activation of Rho family proteins Rac1 and Cdc42Hs which subsequently regulate JNK activity participates in the inhibition of myogenesis by TGFbeta.  相似文献   

Immunodetection of Rho-like plant proteins with Rac1 and Cdc42Hs antibodies   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A few small GTP-binding proteins of the Ras superfamily have been identified in plants, including members of the Rho family: the proteins belonging to this group are known in mammalian and yeast cells to be involved in the control of polarity, cell morphogenesis and movement by regulating cytoskeleton organization. An investigation into where some Rho-like proteins are located in plant cells was made. The antibodies used, anti-Cdc42Hs and anti-Rac 1, were raised against conserved characteristic sequences of Cdc42Hs and Rac1 mammalian proteins respectively. In fixed cells, Cdc42Hs antibody recognized epitopes generally co-localized with microtubules which may be implicated in the establishment of cell polarity, whereas the proteins recognized by Rac1 antibody seemed to be associated with organelle membranes. The same anti-bodies were used in Western blots of proteins from tobacco BY-2 and lucerne A2 suspension cells: Cdc42Hs antibody recognized three bands whereas Rac1 antibody revealed only one band of 18 kDa Mr. A [35S]GTP overlay revealed four bands of the same Mr as those recognized in Western blots by Cdc42Hs and Rac1 antibodies.Key words: Rho G-proteins, Cdc42, Rac1, Immunofluorescence, plant cells.   相似文献   

Rho family GTPases have been assigned important roles in the formation of actin-based morphologies in nonneuronal cells. Here we show that microinjection of Cdc42Hs and Rac1 promoted formation of filopodia and lamellipodia in N1E-115 neuroblastoma growth cones and along neurites. These actin-containing structures were also induced by injection of Clostridium botulinum C3 exoenzyme, which abolishes RhoA-mediated functions such as neurite retraction. The C3 response was inhibited by coinjection with the dominant negative mutant Cdc42Hs(T17N), while the Cdc42Hs response could be competed by coinjection with RhoA. We also demonstrate that the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) can induce filopodia and lamellipodia on neuroblastoma growth cones via muscarinic ACh receptor activation, but only when applied in a concentration gradient. ACh-induced formation of filopodia and lamellipodia was inhibited by preinjection with the dominant negative mutants Cdc42Hs(T17N) and Rac1(T17N), respectively. Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA)-induced neurite retraction, which is mediated by RhoA, was inhibited by ACh, while C3 exoenzyme-mediated neurite outgrowth was inhibited by injection with Cdc42Hs(T17N) or Rac1(T17N). Together these results suggest that there is competition between the ACh- and LPA-induced morphological pathways mediated by Cdc42Hs and/or Rac1 and by RhoA, leading to either neurite development or collapse.  相似文献   

Members of the Rho subfamily of GTP-binding proteins are implicated in the regulation of phospholipase D (PLD). In the present study, we demonstrate a physical association between a Rho family member, Cdc42, and PLD1. Binding of Cdc42 to PLD1 and subsequent activation are GTP-dependent. Although binding of Cdc42 to PLD1 does not require geranylgeranylation, activation of PLD1 is dependent on this lipid modification of Cdc42. Specific point mutations in the switch I region of Cdc42 abolish binding to and, therefore, activation of PLD1 by Cdc42. Deletion of the Rho insert region, which consists of residues 120-139, from Cdc42 does not interfere with binding to PLD1 but inhibits Cdc42 stimulated PLD1 activity. Interestingly, deletion of the insert region from Cdc42 also inhibits activation of PLD1 by Arf and protein kinase C. With the lack of specific inhibitors of PLD activity, the insert deletion mutant of Cdc42 (designated (DeltaL8)Cdc42) is a novel reagent for in vitro studies of PLD1 regulation, as well as for in vivo studies of Cdc42-mediated signaling pathways leading to PLD1 activation. Because the insert region is required for the transforming activity of Cdc42, regulation of PLD1 by this region on Cdc42 is of major interest.  相似文献   

RhoG is a member of the Rho family of GTPases that shares 72% and 62% sequence identity with Rac1 and Cdc42Hs, respectively. We have expressed mutant RhoG proteins fused to the green fluorescent protein and analyzed subsequent changes in cell surface morphology and modifications of cytoskeletal structures. In rat and mouse fibroblasts, green fluorescent protein chimera and endogenous RhoG proteins colocalize according to a tubular cytoplasmic pattern, with perinuclear accumulation and local concentration at the plasma membrane. Constitutively active RhoG proteins produce morphological and cytoskeletal changes similar to those elicited by a simultaneous activation of Rac1 and Cdc42Hs, i.e., the formation of ruffles, lamellipodia, filopodia, and partial loss of stress fibers. In addition, RhoG and Cdc42Hs promote the formation of microvilli at the cell apical membrane. RhoG-dependent events are not mediated through a direct interaction with Rac1 and Cdc42Hs targets such as PAK-1, POR1, or WASP proteins but require endogenous Rac1 and Cdc42Hs activities: coexpression of a dominant negative Rac1 impairs membrane ruffling and lamellipodia but not filopodia or microvilli formation. Conversely, coexpression of a dominant negative Cdc42Hs only blocks microvilli and filopodia, but not membrane ruffling and lamellipodia. Microtubule depolymerization upon nocodazole treatment leads to a loss of RhoG protein from the cell periphery associated with a reversal of the RhoG phenotype, whereas PDGF or bradykinin stimulation of nocodazole-treated cells could still promote Rac1- and Cdc42Hs-dependent cytoskeletal reorganization. Therefore, our data demonstrate that RhoG controls a pathway that requires the microtubule network and activates Rac1 and Cdc42Hs independently of their growth factor signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Type I phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase (PIP5K) catalyzes the formation of the phospholipid, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP(2)), which is implicated in many cellular processes. The Rho GTPases, RhoA and Rac1, have been shown previously to activate PIP5K and to bind PIP5K. Three type I PIP5K isoforms (Ialpha,Ibeta, and Igamma) have been identified; however, it is unclear whether these isoforms are differentially or even sequentially regulated by Rho GTPases. Here we show that RhoA and Rac1, as well as Cdc42, but not the Ras-like GTPases, RalA and Rap1A, markedly stimulate PIP(2) synthesis by all three PIP5K isoforms expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, both in vitro and in vivo. RhoA-stimulated PIP(2) synthesis by the PIP5K isoforms was mediated by the RhoA effector, Rho-kinase. Stimulation of PIP5K isoforms by Rac1 and Cdc42 was apparently independent of and additive with RhoA- and Rho-kinase, as shown by studies with C3 transferase and Rho-kinase mutants. RhoA, and to a lesser extent Rac1, but not Cdc42, interacted in a nucleotide-independent form with all three PIP5K isoforms. Binding of PIP5K isoforms to GTP-bound, but not GDP-bound, RhoA could be displaced by Rho-kinase, suggesting a direct and constitutive PIP5K-Rho GTPase binding, which, however, does not trigger PIP5K activation. In summary, our findings indicate that synthesis of PIP(2) by the three PIP5K isoforms is controlled by RhoA, acting via Rho-kinase, as well as Rac1 and Cdc42, implicating that regulation of PIP(2) synthesis has a central position in signaling by these three Rho GTPases.  相似文献   

Non-malignant mammary epithelial cells (MECs) undergo acinar morphogenesis in three-dimensional Matrigel culture, a trait that is lost upon oncogenic transformation. Rho GTPases are thought to play important roles in regulating epithelial cell-cell junctions, but their contributions to acinar morphogenesis remain unclear. Here we report that the activity of Rho GTPases is down-regulated in non-malignant MECs in three-dimensional culture with particular suppression of Rac1 and Cdc42. Inducible expression of a constitutively active form of Vav2, a Rho GTPase guanine nucleotide exchange factor activated by receptor tyrosine kinases, in three-dimensional MEC culture activated Rac1 and Cdc42; Vav2 induction from early stages of culture impaired acinar morphogenesis, and induction in preformed acini disrupted the pre-established acinar architecture and led to cellular outgrowths. Knockdown studies demonstrated that Rac1 and Cdc42 mediate the constitutively active Vav2 phenotype, whereas in contrast, RhoA knockdown intensified the Vav2-induced disruption of acini, leading to more aggressive cell outgrowth and branching morphogenesis. These results indicate that RhoA plays an antagonistic role to Rac1/Cdc42 in the control of mammary epithelial acinar morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Ras family small GTPases play a critical role in malignant transformation, and Rho subfamily members contribute significantly to this process. Anchorage-independent growth and the ability to avoid detachment-induced apoptosis (anoikis) are hallmarks of transformed epithelial cells. In this study, we have demonstrated that constitutive activation of Cdc42 inhibits anoikis in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells. We showed that activated Cdc42 stimulates the ERK, JNK, and p38 MAPK pathways in suspension condition; however, inhibition of these signaling does not affect Cdc42-stimulated cell survival. However, we demonstrated that inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway abolishes the protective effect of Cdc42 on anoikis. Taking advantage of a double regulatory expression system, we also showed that Cdc42-stimulated cell survival in suspension condition is, at least in part, mediated by Rac1. We also provide evidence for a positive feedback loop involving Rac1 and PI3K. In addition, we show that the survival functions of both constitutively active Cdc42 and Rac1 GTPases are abrogated by Latrunculin B, an actin filament-depolymerizing agent, implying an important role for the actin cytoskeleton in mediating survival signaling activated by Cdc42 and Rac1. Together, our results indicate a role for Cdc42 in anchorage-independent survival of epithelial cells. We also propose that this survival function depends on a positive feedback loop involving Rac1 and PI3K.  相似文献   

The regulation of the two isoforms of phospholipase C-gamma, PLCgamma(1) and PLCgamma(2), by cell surface receptors involves protein tyrosine phosphorylation as well as interaction with adapter proteins and phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PtdInsP(3)) generated by inositol phospholipid 3-kinases (PI3Ks). All three processes may lead to recruitment of the PLCgamma isozymes to the plasma membrane and/or stimulation of their catalytic activity. Recent evidence suggests that PLCgamma may also be regulated by Rho GTPases. In this study, PLCgamma(1) and PLCgamma(2) were reconstituted in intact cells and in a cell-free system with Rho GTPases to examine their influence on PLCgamma activity. PLCgamma(2), but not PLCgamma(1), was markedly activated in intact cells by constitutively active Rac1(G12V), Rac2(G12V), and Rac3(G12V) but not by Cdc42(G12V) and RhoA(G14V). The mechanism of PLCgamma(2) activation was apparently independent of phosphorylation of tyrosine residues known to be modified by PLCgamma(2)-activating protein-tyrosine kinases. Activation of PLCgamma(2) by Rac2(G12V) in intact cells coincided with a translocation of PLCgamma(2) from the soluble to the particulate fraction. PLCgamma isozyme-specific activation of PLCgamma(2) by Rac GTPases (Rac1 approximately Rac2 > Rac3), but not by Cdc42 or RhoA, was also observed in a cell-free system. Herein, activation of wild-type Rac GTPases with guanosine 5'-(3-O-thio)triphosphate caused a marked stimulation of PLCgamma(2) but had no effect on the activity of PLCgamma(1). PLCgamma(1) and PLCgamma(2) have previously been shown to be indiscriminately activated by PtdInsP(3) in vitro. Thus, the results suggest a novel mechanism of PLCgamma(2) activation by Rac GTPases involving neither protein tyrosine phosphorylation nor PI3K-mediated generation of PtdInsP(3).  相似文献   

Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) is a key regulator of tumor development. Recently, the tumor microenvironment, with the presence of tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs), has gained considerable interest. The mechanisms of macrophage/TAM migration as well as the role of HIF-1 in macrophages for tumor progression are still under debate. We present evidence that under normoxic conditions, nitric oxide (NO) promotes macrophage migration. The response was impaired in macrophages from leukocyte conditional HIF-1α−/− mice. NO production and cell migration in response to cytokines were attenuated in macrophages from iNOS−/− mice, suggesting that iNOS-derived NO transmits cytokine signaling toward cell migration. We further identified the small GTPases Cdc42 and Rac1 as effectors of the NO–HIF axis to drive macrophage migration by modulating the actin cytoskeleton. Our observations strengthen the role of HIF-1 in macrophages as a target of NO in facilitating functional responses such as migration.  相似文献   

Phospholipase C-beta(2) (PLC beta(2)) is activated both by heterotrimeric G protein alpha- and beta gamma- subunits and by Rho GTPases. In this study, activated Rho GTPases are shown to stimulate PLC beta isozymes with the rank order of PLC beta(2) > PLC beta(3) > or = PLC beta(1). The sensitivity of PLC beta isozymes to Rho GTPases was clearly different from that observed for G protein beta gamma dimers, which decreased in the following order: PLC beta(3) > PLC beta(2) > PLC beta(1) for beta(1)gamma(1/2) and PLC beta(2) > PLC beta(1) > PLC beta(3) for beta(5)gamma(2). Rac1 and Rac2 were found to be more potent and efficacious activators of PLC beta(2) than was Cdc42Hs. The stimulation of PLC beta(2) by Rho GTPases and G protein beta gamma dimers was additive, suggesting that PLC beta(2) activation can be augmented by independent regulation of the enzyme by the two stimuli. Using chimeric PLC beta(1)-PLC beta(2) enzymes, beta gamma dimers, and Rho GTPases are shown to require different regions of PLC beta(2) to mediate efficient stimulation of the enzyme. Although the catalytic subdomains X and Y of PLC beta(2) were sufficient for efficient stimulation by beta gamma, the presence of the putative pleckstrin homology domain of PLC beta(2) was absolutely required for the stimulation of the enzyme by Rho GTPases. Taken together, these results identify Rho GTPases as novel PLC beta regulators, which mediate PLC beta isozyme-specific stimulation and are potentially involved in coordinating the activation of PLC beta(2) by extracellular mediators in intact cells.  相似文献   

Although diverse signaling cascades require the coordinated regulation of heterotrimeric G proteins and small GTPases, these connections remain poorly understood. We present the crystal structure of the GTPase Rac1 bound to phospholipase C-beta2 (PLC-beta2), a classic effector of heterotrimeric G proteins. Rac1 engages the pleckstrin-homology (PH) domain of PLC-beta2 to optimize its orientation for substrate membranes. Gbetagamma also engages the PH domain to activate PLC-beta2, and these two activation events are compatible, leading to additive stimulation of phospholipase activity. In contrast to PLC-delta, the PH domain of PLC-beta2 cannot bind phosphoinositides, eliminating this mode of regulation. The structure of the Rac1-PLC-beta2 complex reveals determinants that dictate selectivity of PLC-beta isozymes for Rac GTPases over other Rho-family GTPases, and substitutions within PLC-beta2 abrogate its stimulation by Rac1 but not by Gbetagamma, allowing for functional dissection of this integral signaling node.  相似文献   

n-Chimaerin is a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) mainly for Rac1 and less so for Cdc42Hs in vitro. The GAP activity of n-chimaerin is regulated by phospholipids and phorbol esters. Microinjection of Rac1 and Cdc42Hs into mammalian cells induces formation of the actin-based structures lamellipodia and filopodia, respectively, with the former being prevented by coinjection of the chimaerin GAP domain. Strikingly, microinjection of the full-length n-chimaerin into fibroblasts and neuroblastoma cells induces the simultaneous formation of lamellipodia and filopodia. These structures undergo cycles of dissolution and formation, resembling natural morphological events occurring at the leading edge of fibroblasts and neuronal growth cones. The effects of n-chimaerin on formation of lamellipodia and filopodia were inhibited by dominant negative Rac1(T17N) and Cdc42Hs(T17N), respectively. n-Chimaerin's effects were also inhibited by coinjection with Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor or by treatment with phorbol ester. A mutant n-chimaerin with no GAP activity and impaired p21 binding was ineffective in inducing morphological changes, while a mutant lacking GAP activity alone was effective. Microinjected n-chimaerin colocalized in situ with F-actin. Taken together, these results suggest that n-chimaerin acts synergistically with Rac1 and Cdc42Hs to induce actin-based morphological changes and that this action involves Rac1 and Cdc42Hs binding but not GAP activity. Thus, GAPs may have morphological functions in addition to downregulation of GTPases.  相似文献   

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