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Geladas spend an unusually large amount of time in quiet, mutual grooming in this captive sample, part of which is presumably due to the effects of captivity and part is a reflection of the gelada pattern of social interactions. The most frequent signals associated with threat or displacement (lid) occurs only at a rate of 5.3 times per hour. Herding and displacement activities are important, but infrequent.One-male bisexual units are extremely cohesive. A male does not tolerate the positioning of another male between himself and any of his females, and the adults of the groups react antagonistically to each other's proximity.The solitary male is not groomed by other adults, but stays withChief's group and backsChief in interactions with the other group.Chief's group is a two-male unit in some ways, but withDemon being excluded from any activity or location which interferes withChief's interactions with his group.The females inEcho's group exhibit a dominance hierarchy, as measured in displacement, or denial of desirable social space. Interactions between individuals ofEcho's group reflect strong preferences between individuals, prohibitions toward certain relationships by more dominant individuals, and the ability to enlist the support of others in coalitions. Coalitions are simply another expression of social relationships that are more frequently expressed in grooming, proximity, and displacement.  相似文献   

In a captive group of geladas three cases of infanticide have been observed after replacement of the harem-leader. Two of the infants were born before the replacement, the third one 12 weeks afterwards. The possible function of infanticide is discussed. Female counterstrategies other than avoiding contact with the male were not observed.  相似文献   

The anti-predator behavior of gelada baboons has been observed to consist of simple flight (i.e. they flee to cliffs after becoming alarmed by potential predators). However, active antipredator behavior was observed in a recently found gelada population in Arsi, Ethiopia. This population showed frequent active counter-attacks and severe mobbing at predators. Males fought domestic dogs on the plain and exhibited a systematic mobbing behavior towards a leopard on the cliff face to chase it off. These active anti-predator behaviors are the first confirmed reports on gelada baboons and may provide a useful insight for the understanding of the process of evolutionary adaptation to highland habitats by gelada baboons, as well as for the origin of this small southern population.  相似文献   

Vocalizations and accompanying behaviors of adult gelada baboons were studied in four one-male groups kept in large outdoor enclosures in the zoos of Stuttgart and Rheine. Twenty-two acoustically different vocal patterns were determined. According to behavioural context, they were grouped into two categories: (1) contact calls and (2) aggressive and defensive calls. Frequency of calling and the production of different vocalizations were related to social rank and to the age of the sender. Vocalizations in species of the closely related genera Papio and Macaca are compared and their evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Gelada faecal samples were analyzed for nutritional content and for particle size, and compared with similar data forPapio baboons, cattle, and zebra. Particle size in gelada is similar to that for zebra, larger than that for cattle and smaller than that for baboons. Gelada and baboons are less efficient than ungulates at extracting protein from their diet. The data on energy extraction are less easy to interpret and appear to be confounded by dietary and seasonal factors. It is suggested that gelada may be too large to compete effectively with ruminants in low altitude grassland habitats under the climatic conditions that have prevailed in eastern Africa since the late Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Animals that live in groups are frequently exposed to conflict situations and must in some way maintain group cohesion. One mechanism that appears to restore social relationships after they have been disrupted by conflict isreconciliation. This study investigated reconciliatory behavior in the gelada baboon,Theropithecus gelada. The subjects were 11 adult geladas, housed in a large outdoor enclosure at the Bronx Zoo/Wildlife Conservation Park, New York. Five-minute focal animal samples following spontaneous aggression were compared with 5-min matched-control samples. The results of this study were: (1) geladas reunited in a friendly way after aggression; (2) former opponents were attracted to one another rather than dispersed from one another after a conflict; (3) most post-conflict reunions occurred within the first 2 min of the post-conflict period; and (4) geladas do not have any specific types of behavior associated with post-conflict reunions as do chimpanzees and macaques. The results of this study support the hypothesis that gelada baboons reconcile after aggression.  相似文献   

Field studies of two species of baboons suggest that Altmann's model of maternal time budgets (1980, Baboon Mothers and Infants, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press) provides a good qualitative but a poor quantitative fit to observed changes in the time that mothers spend feeding across infant age. We suggest that the poor quantitative fit might be explained by the fact that food quality varies across time, so that females are forced to feed for longer to gain the same nutrient intake when quality is poor. The hypothesis was tested with data from both gelada baboons,Theropithecus gelada , and Altmann's own baboons, Papio cynocephalus, with rainfall and ambient temperature as indices of vegetation nutritional quality. The results confirm that a three-factor model incorporating infant age, rainfall in the 2 preceding months and current ambient temperature provides a significantly improved fit to the observed data. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Concepts of ecological units, such as population, community, and ecosystem, are at the basis of ecological theory and research and have increasingly become the focus of conservation strategies. Concepts of these units still suffer from inconsistencies and confusions over terminology. The different concepts are treated here together as a common "conceptual cluster," with similar ecological functions (roles) and similar problems in their definition and use. An analysis of the multitude of existing terms and concepts that have been developed for these units reveals that they differ with respect to at least four basic criteria: (i) the questions as to whether they are defined statistically or via a network of interactions; (ii) if their boundaries are drawn by topographical or process-related criteria; (iii) how high the required internal relationships are; and (iv) if they are perceived as "real" entities or abstractions by an observer The various definitions cannot be easily sorted into just a few types, but they can be characterized by several independent criteria. I argue that serious problems arise if the different possibilities of defining ecological units are not recognized and if the concepts are perceived as self-evident. The different concepts of ecological units should be defined and used in a philosophically informed manner I propose a dual approach to the use of ecological units. Generic meanings of the main concepts (especially population, community, and ecosystem) should be retained only as heuristically useful perspectives, while specific and "operational" definitions of the concepts as units should be developed, depending on specific purposes of their use. Some thoughts on the basic requirements for such definitions and the domains of their uses are briefly explained.  相似文献   

Major hemoglobins of adult Papio cynocephalus, P. gelada, and P. hamadryas and of newborn P. cynocephalus were purified; globins were prepared; and α and β or α and γ chains were separated. The amino acid compositions and aminoterminal groups were determined. These were compared with analogous data for human hemoglobins, other baboon hemoglobins and macaque hemoglobins.  相似文献   

Blood protein polymorphism of gelada baboon (Theropithecus gelada) to the south of the Rift Valley, Arsi Region, were examined for 36 genetic loci using three electrophoresis techniques for 48 blood samples from three localities, and compared with the northern geladas. New variant alleles and genetic markers of Hb-α, PA-2, and TBPA loci were detected. The distribution patterns of the variant alleles of Hb-α, PA-2, TBPA, Pi, Gc, PGM-II, and TBPA loci were localized in the geographic regions of south and north gelada populations, respectively. Genetic variability of southern geladas was estimated as Ppoly=0.083 and , which was comparable to northern geladas. A remarkably high genetic differentiation between the two geographic populations was shown byNei's genetic distance=0.071 and GST value=0.420. Our results of genetic analysis suggest that the southern and northern gelada populations have been separated for several hundred thousand years, and gene flow between the two geographic populations is severely restricted. The southern gelada baboon may be regarded as a distinct subspecies.  相似文献   

Bipedal locomotion by gelada baboons is used for travelling between adjacent feeding sites. The same could be true of its origins in man.  相似文献   

Here, we provide quantitative data concerning adult and immature play distribution in geladas discussing the results in the light of their social dynamics. Sex differences in immature play does not seem to reflect sex differences in adult role; in fact, frequency, modality (C-play and LR-play), and motivation (measured by play initiations) to play did not vary according to the different sex-class combinations. The occurrence of adult-adult play suggests that geladas are characterized by an apparent more than actual rigidity in their social relationships and this is particularly evident in females which show peculiar traits in the use of social play. Specifically, adult females played with other adult females as much as with immature ones, thus suggesting their high motivation to engage in such interactions. This adult play behavioural pattern is typical of species showing relaxed/fluid more than despotic/rigid social relationships. Such assumption is also supported by the positive correlation observed between play and affinitive behaviours (grooming and agonistic support) found within each age-category (adult females and immature subjects). This evidence, together with the lack of correlation between aggressive contacts and social play, suggests that geladas use play for social assessment purposes and/or to increase their social affiliation levels.  相似文献   

We conducted an extensive survey in search of hybrid baboons betweenPapio hamadryas andP. anubis along the Wabi-Shebeli river at the border of the Arusi and Bale Regions, Ethiopia. We made inquiries of villagers on the roadsides concerning the existence of baboon species. We also conducted direct observations at several sites. There are three routes which lead to the north bank of the Wabi-Shebeli river (Arusi Region), and we found hybrid baboons on the bank of the Wabi-Shebeli river in two routes among the three. We found hamadryas baboons in all of the three routes at the cliff areas. There are two routes which lead to the south bank of the Wabi-Shebeli river (Bale Region). We conducted a survey on one of the two. We found hamadryas baboons at the cliff areas of the route. We observed a population of gelada baboons along the cliff extending over 20 km along the north bank of the Wabi-Shebeli river (Arusi Region). This area is far to the south of the known distribution range of gelada baboons (Yalden et al., 1977). The gelada baboons of this area appeared to represent a different form (subspecies?) from those at Debre Sina (Showa Region) based on our observations in both areas. We reached the conclusion that the distributions of baboon species along the Wabi-Shebeli river may have been strongly affected by the intensive cultivation on the plateau of the highland. The distribution patterns of the three baboon species,P. anubis, P. hamadryas, andTheropithecus gelada, appeared to be influenced by their individual adaptabilities to the cliff environment. Hamadryas baboons were distributed continuously along the cliff and the narrow lowland of the Wabi-Shebeli river. Anubis baboons were distributed discontinuously on the cliffs, and their populations tended to be small and isolated. These anubis baboons were strongly hybridized with hamadryas baboons.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequences of fibrinopeptides A and B from savanna baboons, Papio anubis and Papio hamadryas, and highland baboon, Theropithecus gelada, were established. The sequences of the fibrinopeptides A from the three baboons were identical: (sequence: see text) The fibrinopeptides B were composed of 9 residues and demonstrated the sequence: (sequence see text) where X3 = Arg in P. anubis, His in P. hamadryas, and Gly in Th. gelada. Position-3 of the B peptides was the only replacement site observed among the 25 amino acid residues in both fibrinopeptides from the baboons. Based on these sequences, a molecular phylogeny for the three species of baboons was deduced. The evolutionary rates of the peptides B of the baboons and macaques were also estimated. It was observed that the fibrinopeptides changed at an uneven rate during the evolution of old-world monkeys, i.e., baboons and macaques.  相似文献   

We propose definitions and procedures for comparing nucleosome maps and discuss current agreement and disagreement on the effect of histone sequence preferences on nucleosome organization in vivo.  相似文献   

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