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While studies of tri-trophic interactions have uncovered a variety of mechanisms influencing the dietary specialization of insect herbivores, such studies have neglected host-plant selection by generalists. Here, we report an initial investigation on how host-plant quality and a tachinid parasitoid interact to affect the survival and host-plant selection by a polyphagous herbivore. This herbivore, Grammia geneura (Strecker) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae), is a food-mixing caterpillar that feeds preferentially on forbs. A previous study suggested that G. geneura might eat certain host species for reasons other than benefits of physiological utilization. We hypothesized that host-plant mediated defenses could act against parasitoids, the major mortality agents of late instar G. geneura . Field observations indicated that caterpillars sometimes survived an attack by the parasitoid Exorista mella Walker (Diptera: Tachinidae) in nature. Laboratory experiments showed that the survival of parasitized caterpillars increased on acceptable but nutritionally inferior host-plant species, indicating that anti-parasitoid defense may explain host-plant selection in this dietary generalist. We found no indication that host-plant selection changed according to the parasitism status of individual caterpillars.  相似文献   

Interactions with parasites may promote the evolution of disassortative mating in host populations as a mechanism through which genetically diverse offspring can be produced. This possibility has been confirmed through simulation studies and suggested for some empirical systems in which disassortative mating by disease resistance genotype has been documented. The generality of this phenomenon is unclear, however, because existing theory has considered only a subset of possible genetic and mating scenarios. Here we present results from analytical models that consider a broader range of genetic and mating scenarios and allow the evolution of non-random mating in the parasite as well. Our results confirm results of previous simulation studies, demonstrating that coevolutionary interactions with parasites can indeed lead to the evolution of host disassortative mating. However, our results also show that the conditions under which this occurs are significantly more fickle than previously thought, requiring specific forms of infection genetics and modes of non-random mating that do not generate substantial sexual selection. In cases where such conditions are not met, hosts may evolve random or assortative mating. Our analyses also reveal that coevolutionary interactions with hosts cause the evolution of non-random mating in parasites as well. In some cases, particularly those where mating occurs within groups, we find that assortative mating evolves sufficiently to catalyze sympatric speciation in the interacting species.  相似文献   

Moderate rates of herbivory can enhance primary production. This hypothesis has led to a controversy as to whether such positive effects can result in mutualistic interactions between plants and herbivores. We present a model for the ecology and evolution of plant-herbivore systems to address this question. In this model, herbivores have a positive indirect effect on plants through recycling of a limiting nutrient. Plants can evolve but are constrained by a trade-off between growth and antiherbivore defense. Although evolution generally does not lead to optimal plant performance, our evolutionary analysis shows that, under certain conditions, the plant-herbivore interaction can be considered mutualistic. This requires in particular that herbivores efficiently recycle nutrients and that plant reproduction be positively correlated with primary production. We emphasize that two different definitions of mutualism need to be distinguished. A first ecological definition of mutualism is based on the short-term response of plants to herbivore removal, whereas a second evolutionary definition rests on the long-term response of plants to herbivore removal, allowing plants to adapt to the absence of herbivores. The conditions for an evolutionary mutualism are more stringent than those for an ecological mutualism. A particularly counterintuitive result is that higher herbivore recycling efficiency results both in increased plant benefits and in the evolution of increased plant defense. Thus, antagonistic evolution occurs within a mutualistic interaction.  相似文献   

Co‐evolutionary arms races have provided clear evidence for evolutionary change, especially in host–parasite systems. The evolution of host‐specific races in the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus), however, is also an example where sexual conflict influences the outcome. Cuckoo females benefit from better adaptation to overcome host defences, whereas cuckoo males face a trade‐off between the benefits of better adaptation to a host and the benefits of multiple mating with females from other host‐races. The outcome of this trade‐off might be genetic differentiation or prevention of it by genetic swamping. We use a simulation model to test which outcome is more likely with three sympatric cuckoo host‐races. We assume a cost for cuckoo chicks that express a host adaptation allele not suited to their foster host species and that cuckoo males that switch to another host‐race experience either a fitness benefit or cost. Over most of the parameter space, cuckoo male host‐race fidelity increases significantly with time, and gene flow between host‐races ceases within a few thousand to a hundred thousand generations. Our results hence support the idea that common cuckoo host‐races might be in the incipient stages of speciation.  相似文献   

The mode of pollination is often neglected regarding the evolution of selfing. Yet the distribution of mating systems seems to depend on the mode of pollination, and pollinators are likely to interfere with selfing evolution, since they can cause strong selective pressures on floral traits. Most selfing species reduce their investment in reproduction, and display smaller flowers, with less nectar and scents (referred to as selfing syndrome). We model the evolution of prior selfing when it affects both the demography of plants and pollinators and the investment of plants in pollination. Including the selfing syndrome in the model allows to predict several outcomes: plants can evolve either toward complete outcrossing, complete selfing, or to a stable mixed‐mating system, even when inbreeding depression is high. We predict that the evolution to high prior selfing could lead to evolutionary suicides, highlighting the importance of merging demography and evolution in models. The consequence of the selfing syndrome on plant–pollinator interactions could be a widespread mechanism driving the evolution of selfing in animal‐pollinated taxa.  相似文献   

An increase in biological diversity leads to a greater stability of ecosystem properties. For host–parasite interactions, this is illustrated by the ‘dilution effect’: a negative correlation between host biodiversity and disease risk. We show that a similar mechanism might stabilise host–parasite dynamics at a lower level of diversity, i.e. at the level of genetic diversity within host species. A long‐term time shift experiment, based on a historical reconstruction of a Daphnia–parasite coevolution, reveals infectivity cycles with more stable amplitude in experienced than in naive hosts. Coevolutionary models incorporating an increase in host allelic diversity over time explain the detected asymmetry. The accumulation of resistance alleles creates an opportunity for the host to stabilise Red Queen dynamics. It leads to a larger arsenal enhancing the host performance in its coevolution with the parasite in which ‘it takes all the running both antagonists can do to keep in the same place’.  相似文献   

Non‐pollinating consumers of floral resources, especially ants, can disrupt pollination and plant reproductive processes. As an alternative food resource to flowers, extrafloral nectar (EFN) may distract and satiate ants from flowers, thereby reducing their antagonistic effects on plants. Yet, EFN may actually attract and increase ant density on plants, thus increasing the disruption of pollination and/or their defense of plants. In this study, we tested the effects of ants and EFN on pollinating seed‐consuming interactions between senita cacti and senita moths in the Sonoran Desert. Prior study of senita showed that EFN can distract ants from flowers, but consequences for plant–pollinator interactions remain unstudied. In our current study, ant exclusion had no effect on pollination or oviposition when moths were abundant (>85% flower visitation). Yet, in an ant by EFN factorial experiment under lower moth abundance (<40% visitation), there was a significant effect of ant exclusion (but not EFN or an ant × EFN) on pollination and oviposition. In contrast with our predictions, ant presence increased rather than decreased pollination (and oviposition) by moths, indicating a beneficial effect of ants on plant reproduction. While ant density on plants showed a saturating response to continuous experimental variation in EFN, in support of ant satiation and distraction, the probability of pollination and oviposition increased and saturated with ant density, again showing a beneficial effect of ants on plant reproduction. Ants showed no significant effect on fruit set, fruit survival, or fruit production of oviposited flowers in the ant exclusion experiment. Ants did not affect the survival of moth larvae, but there was a marginally significant effect of ants in reducing wasp parasitism of moths. We suggest that EFN may not only distract ants from disrupting plant–pollinator interactions, but they may also enhance plant–pollinator interactions by increasing pollination and reducing wasp parasitism. Though often considered dichotomous hypotheses, ant distraction and plant defense may be synergistic, though the mechanism(s) for such positive ant effects on plant–pollinator interactions needs further study.  相似文献   

Biological nitrogen (N2) fixation performed by diazotrophs (N2 fixing bacteria) is thought to be one of the main sources of plant available N in pristine ecosystems like arctic tundra. However, direct evidence of a transfer of fixed N2 to non-diazotroph associated plants is lacking to date. Here, we present results from an in situ 15N–N2 labelling study in the High Arctic. Three dominant vegetation types (organic crust composed of free-living cyanobacteria, mosses, cotton grass) were subjected to acetylene reduction assays (ARA) performed regularly throughout the growing season, as well as 15N–N2 incubations. The 15N-label was followed into the dominant N2 fixer associations, soil, soil microbial biomass and non-diazotroph associated plants three days and three weeks after labelling. Mosses contributed most to habitat N2 fixation throughout the measuring campaigns, and N2 fixation activity was highest at the beginning of the growing season in all plots. Fixed 15N–N2 became quickly (within 3 days) available to non-diazotroph associated plants in all investigated vegetation types, proving that N2 fixation is an actual source of available N in pristine ecosystems.  相似文献   

After evidencing the great importance of plants for animals and humans in consequence of the photosynthesis, several considerations on plant evolution are made. One of the peculiar characteristics of the plant is the sessile property, due especially to the cell wall. This factor, principally, strengthened by the photosynthetic process, determined the particular developmental pattern of the plant, which is characterized by the continuous formation of new organs. The plant immobility, although negative for its survival, has been, in great part, overcome by the acquisition of the capacity of adaptation (plasticity) to the environmental stresses and changes, and the establishment of more adapted genotypes. This capacity to react to the external signals induced Trewavas to speak of "plant intelligence". The plant movement incapacity and the evolution of the sexual reproduction system were strongly correlated. In this context, the evolution of the flower in the Angiosperms has been particularly important to allow the male gamete to fertilize the immobile female gamete. Moreover, the formation of fruit and seed greatly improved the dispersal and conservation of the progeny in the environment. With the flower, mechanisms to favour the outcrossing among different individuals appeared, which are essential to increase the genetic variability and, then, the plant evolution itself. Although the Angiosperms seem highly evolved, the plant evolution is not surely finished, because many reported morpho-physiological processes may be still considered susceptible of further improvement. In the last years the relationships among humans, plants and environment are becoming closer and closer. This is due to the use of the DNA recombinant techniques with the aim to modify artificially plant characters. Therefore, the risk of a plant evolution strongly directed towards practical or commercial objectives, or "an artificial evolution", may be hypothesized.  相似文献   

Summary The yucca-yucca moth interaction is a classic case of obligate mutualism. Female moths pollinate and oviposit in the gynoecium of the flower; however, maturing larvae eat a fraction of the developing seeds. We studied within-fruit distributions of four seed types (fertile, infertile, eaten and uneaten seeds) in order to evaluate costs and benefits in aYucca schottii population in southeastern Arizona. We focused on how the spatial arrangement of seeds affected larval behaviour and, hence, the costs of the mutualism to the yucca. Infertile seeds were distributed throughout both infested and uninfested locules. Additionally, moth larvae feeding in a single locule preferred fertile seeds and even avoided infertile seeds and left the fruit significantly more often when they encountered infertile seeds. We suggest that, regardless of the cause of infertile seeds, they function as blocking units within seed locules and therefore reduce seed predation by moth larvae. We also suggest that, together with certain other fruit traits, the presence of infertile seeds promotes the evolutionary stability of this pollination mutualism.  相似文献   

Exotic plant invasions can notably alter the nitrogen (N) cycle of ecosystems. However, there is large variation in the magnitude and direction of their impact that remains unexplained. We present a structured meta‐analysis of 100 papers, covering 113 invasive plant species with 345 cases of invasion across the globe and reporting impacts on N cycle‐related metrics. We aim to explain heterogeneity of impacts by considering methodological aspects, properties of the invaded site and phylogenetic and functional characteristics of the invaders and the natives. Overall, plant invasions increased N pools and accelerated fluxes, even when excluding N‐fixing invaders. The impact on N pools depended mainly on functional differences and was greater when the invasive plants and the natives differed in N‐fixation ability, plant height and plant/leaf habit. Furthermore, the impact on N fluxes was related mainly to climate, being greater under warm and moist conditions. Our findings show that more functionally distant invaders occurring in mild climates are causing the strongest alterations to the N cycle.  相似文献   

Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is an uncontrolled clonal proliferation of abnormal myeloid progenitor cells in the bone marrow and blood. Advances in cancer genomics have revealed the spectrum of somatic mutations that give rise to human AML and drawn our attention to its molecular evolution and clonal architecture. It is now evident that most AML genomes harbour small numbers of mutations, which are acquired in a stepwise manner. This characteristic, combined with our ability to identify mutations in individual leukaemic cells and our detailed understanding of normal human and murine haematopoiesis, makes AML an excellent model for understanding the principles of cancer evolution. Furthermore, a better understanding of how AML evolves can help us devise strategies to improve the therapy and prognosis of AML patients. Here, we draw from recent advances in genomics, clinical studies and experimental models to describe the current knowledge of the clonal evolution of AML and its implications for the biology and treatment of leukaemias and other cancers.KEY WORDS: Acute myeloid leukaemia, Cancer, Clonal evolution, In vivo models of leukaemia, Mutation  相似文献   

Since its original formulation by Janzen in 1966, the hypothesis that obligate ant‐plants (myrmecophytes) defended effectively against herbivores by resident mutualistic ants have reduced their direct, chemical defence has been widely adopted. We tested this hypothesis by quantifying three classes of phenolic compounds (hydrolysable tannins, flavonoids, and condensed tannins) spectrophotometrically in the foliage of 20 ant‐plant and non‐ant‐plant species of the three unrelated genera Leonardoxa,Macaranga and Acacia (and three other closely related Mimosoideae from the genera Leucaena, Mimosa and Prosopis). We further determined biological activities of leaf extracts of the mimosoid species against fungal spore germination (as measure of pathogen resistance), seed germination (as measure of allelopathic activity), and caterpillar growth (as measure of anti‐herbivore defence).
Condensed tannin content in three of four populations of the non‐myrmecophytic Leonardoxa was significantly higher than in populations of the myrmecophyte. In contrast, we observed no consistent differences between ant‐plants and non‐ant‐plants in the Mimosoideae and in the genus Macaranga, though contents of phenolic compounds varied strongly among different species in each of these two plant groups. Similarly, among the investigated Mimosoideae, biological activity against spore or seed germination and caterpillar growth varied considerably but showed no clear relation with the existence of an obligate mutualism with ants. Our results did not support the hypothesis of ‘trade‐offs’ between indirect, biotic and direct, chemical defence in ant‐plants.
A critical re‐evaluation of the published data suggests that support for this hypothesis is more tenuous than is usually believed. The general and well‐established phenomenon that myrmecophytes are subject to severe attack by herbivores when deprived of their ants still lacks an explanation. It remains to be studied whether the trade‐off hypothesis holds true only for specific compounds (such as chitinases and amides whose cost may be the direct negative effects on plants’ ant mutualists), or whether the pattern of dramatically reduced direct defence of ant‐plants is caused by classes of defensive compounds not yet studied.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that regulate skin pigmentation have been the subject of intense research in recent decades. In contrast with melanin biogenesis and transport within melanocytes, little is known about how melanin is transferred and processed within keratinocytes. Several models have been proposed for how melanin is transferred, with strong evidence supporting coupled exo/endocytosis. Recently, two reports suggest that upon internalization, melanin is stored within keratinocytes in an arrested compartment, allowing the pigment to persist for long periods. In this commentary, we identify a striking parallelism between melanin processing within keratinocytes and the host‐pathogen interaction with Plasmodium, opening new avenues to understand the complex molecular mechanisms that ensure skin pigmentation and photoprotection.   相似文献   

Many studies demonstrated the importance of facilitative effect by nurse plant on seedling establishment. Few studies evaluated the negative effects of consumers on plant establishment under nurse plants by dealing with them during multiple demographic processes. We investigated the balance between the facilitative effect and negative effects of consumers during multiple demographic processes in Malawi in southeastern Africa. We chose Ficus natalensis as a nurse plant and compared it with three other microsites in tropical woodlands: Brachystegia floribunda (a dominant woodland species), Uapaca kirkiana (a woodland species), and a treeless site. We quantified the seed rain, postdispersal seed predation, germination, and seedling survival of Syzygium guineense ssp. afromontanum (a common forest species). Within each microsite, we quantified the overall probability of recruitment. We also measured seedling abundance of S. guineense ssp. afromontanum. We found that Ficus natalensis exerted both positive and negative impacts on the establishment of S. guineense ssp. afromontanum. Ficus natalensis facilitated seed deposition, seed germination, and seedling survival. On the other hand, seed removal at postdispersal stage was highest under F. natalensis. Interestingly, B. floribunda also had positive effects on germination and seedling survival, but not on seed deposition. When we excluded the seed arrival stage from our estimation of the recruitment probability, the highest value was found under B. floribunda, not under F. natalensis. When we included the seed arrival stage, however, the order of recruitment probability between F. natalensis and B. floribunda was reversed. The probability was one order of magnitude higher under F. natalensis than under B. floribunda. Our estimation of the probability which included the seed arrival stage was consistent with natural patterns of S. guineense ssp. afromontanum establishment. Despite the presence of opposite effects, the net effects of F. natalensis on S. guineense ssp. afromontanum recruitment in tropical woodlands can be positive.  相似文献   

A new study in Caenorhabditis elegans shows that homologous autosomes segregate non-randomly with the sex chromosome in the heterogametic sex. Segregation occurs according to size, small autosomes segregating with, and large autosomes segregating away from the X-chromosome. Such sex-biased transmission of autosomes could facilitate the spread of sexually antagonistic alleles whose effects favor the fitness of one sex at the expense of the other. This may provide a first step toward the evolution of new sex determination systems.  相似文献   

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