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During planar polarity patterning of the Drosophila wing, a "core" group of planar polarity genes has been identified which acts downstream of global polarity cues to locally coordinate cell polarity and specify trichome production at distal cell edges. These genes encode protein products that assemble into asymmetric apicolateral complexes that straddle the proximodistal junctional region between adjacent cells. We have carried out detailed genetic analysis experiments, analysing the requirements of each complex component for planar polarity patterning. We find that the three transmembrane proteins at the core of the complex, Frizzled, Strabismus and Flamingo, are required earliest in development and are the only components needed for intercellular polarity signalling. Notably, cells that lack both Frizzled and Strabismus are unable to signal, revealing an absolute requirement for both proteins in cell-cell communication. In contrast the cytoplasmic components Dishevelled, Prickle and Diego are not needed for intercellular communication. These factors contribute to the cell-cell propagation of polarity, most likely by promotion of intracellular asymmetry. Interestingly, both local polarity propagation and trichome placement occur normally in mutant backgrounds where asymmetry of polarity protein distribution is undetectable, suggesting such asymmetry is not an absolute requirement for any of the functions of the core complex.  相似文献   

The coordination of epithelial planar polarization is a critical step in the formation of well-ordered tissues. The process has been extensively studied in Drosophila, where genetic analysis has identified a set of "tissue polarity" genes that serve to coordinate planar polarity of cells in the developing wings, bristles and eyes. In the last several years, it has emerged that six of these genes encode junctional proteins. In the wing epithelium, these proteins undergo a polarized redistribution, forming separate proximal and distal cortical domains within each cell. The mechanisms that mediate cortical polarization and cue its direction have been the subject of intense investigation. Cuing the orientation of cortical polarization appears to depend on the atypical Cadherins Fat and Dachsous, although these proteins do not become polarized themselves, nor do they colocalize with components of polarized cortical domains. Interestingly, these Cadherins also act at earlier developmental stages to polarize tissue growth along the proximal-distal axis and it will be interesting to see whether these processes are mechanistically related. Once the axis of polarization is determined, cortical polarity seems to be propagated, at least locally, by a cascade of direct cell-cell interactions mediated by the proximal and distal domains. The cell biological mechanisms leading to polarization are still unclear, but the process depends on the control of Protein Phosphatase 2A activity by its regulatory subunit, Widerborst. Interestingly, Widerborst is found on a planar web of microtubules with connections to apical junctions, suggesting that these microtubules may have an important function in polarizing the cortex.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that order cellular packing geometry are critical for the functioning of many tissues, but they are poorly understood. Here, we investigate this problem in the developing wing of Drosophila. The surface of the wing is decorated by hexagonally packed hairs that are uniformly oriented by the planar cell polarity pathway. They are constructed by a hexagonal array of wing epithelial cells. Wing epithelial cells are irregularly arranged throughout most of development, but they become hexagonally packed shortly before hair formation. During the process, individual cell boundaries grow and shrink, resulting in local neighbor exchanges, and Cadherin is actively endocytosed and recycled through Rab11 endosomes. Hexagonal packing depends on the activity of the planar cell polarity proteins. We propose that these proteins polarize trafficking of Cadherin-containing exocyst vesicles during junction remodeling. This may be a common mechanism for the action of planar cell polarity proteins in diverse systems.  相似文献   

Cells in a variety of developmental contexts sense extracellular cues that are given locally on their surfaces, and subsequently amplify the initial signal to achieve cell polarization. Drosophila wing cells acquire planar polarity along the proximal-distal (P-D) axis, in which the amplification of the presumptive cue involves assembly of a multiprotein complex that spans distal and proximal boundaries of adjacent cells. Here we pursue the mechanisms that place one of the components, Frizzled (Fz), at the distal side. Intracellular particles of GFP-tagged Fz moved preferentially toward distal boundaries before Fz::GFP and other components were tightly localized at the P/D cortex. Arrays of microtubules (MTs) were approximately oriented along the P-D axis and these MTs contributed to the formation of the cortical complex. Furthermore, there appeared to be a bias in the P-D MTs, with slightly more plus ends oriented distally. The hypothesis of polarized vesicular trafficking of Fz is discussed.  相似文献   

It was recently suggested that a proximal to distal gradient of the protocadherin Dachsous (Ds) acts as a cue for planar cell polarity (PCP) in the Drosophila wing, orienting cell-cell interactions by inhibiting the activity of the protocadherin Fat (Ft). This Ft-Ds signaling model is based on mutant loss-of-function phenotypes, leaving open the question of whether Ds is instructive or permissive for PCP. We developed tools for misexpressing ds and ft in vitro and in vivo, and have used these to test aspects of the model. First, this model predicts that Ds and Ft can bind. We show that Ft and Ds mediate preferentially heterophilic cell adhesion in vitro, and that each stabilizes the other on the cell surface. Second, the model predicts that artificial gradients of Ds are sufficient to reorient PCP in the wing; our data confirms this prediction. Finally, loss-of-function phenotypes suggest that the gradient of ds expression is necessary for correct PCP throughout the wing. Surprisingly, this is not the case. Uniform levels of ds drive normally oriented PCP and, in all but the most proximal regions of the wing, uniform ds rescues the ds mutant PCP phenotype. Nor are distal PCP defects increased by the loss of spatial information from the distally expressed four-jointed (fj) gene, which encodes putative modulator of Ft-Ds signaling. Thus, while our results support the existence of Ft-Ds binding and show that it is sufficient to alter PCP, ds expression is permissive or redundant with other PCP cues in much of the wing.  相似文献   

Cell migration is fundamental in both animal morphogenesis and disease. The migration of individual cells is relatively well-studied; however, in vivo, cells often remain joined by cell-cell junctions and migrate in cohesive groups. How such groups of cells coordinate their migration is poorly understood. The planar polarity pathway coordinates the polarity of non-migrating cells in epithelial sheets and is required for cell rearrangements during vertebrate morphogenesis. It is therefore a good candidate to play a role in the collective migration of groups of cells. Drosophila border cell migration is a well-characterised and genetically tractable model of collective cell migration, during which a group of about six to ten epithelial cells detaches from the anterior end of the developing egg chamber and migrates invasively towards the oocyte. We find that the planar polarity pathway promotes this invasive migration, acting both in the migrating cells themselves and in the non-migratory polar follicle cells that they carry along. Disruption of planar polarity signalling causes abnormalities in actin-rich processes on the cell surface and leads to less-efficient migration. This is apparently due, in part, to a loss of regulation of Rho GTPase activity by the planar polarity receptor Frizzled, which itself becomes localised to the migratory edge of the border cells. We conclude that, during collective cell migration, the planar polarity pathway can mediate communication between motile and non-motile cells, which enhances the efficiency of migration via the modulation of actin dynamics.  相似文献   

Long-range coordination of planar polarity in Drosophila   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The mechanisms by which cells become polarised in the plane of an epithelium have been studied in Drosophila for many years. Work has focussed on two key questions: firstly, how individual cells adopt a defined polarity, and secondly how the polarity of each cell within a tissue is aligned with its neighbours. It has been established that asymmetric subcellular localisation of a number of polarity proteins is an essential mechanism underlying polarisation of single cells. The process by which this polarity is coordinated between cells however is less well understood, but is thought to involve gradients of activity of the atypical cadherins Dachsous and Fat. Subsequently, this long-range polarity signal is refined by local cell-cell interactions involving the transmembrane molecules Frizzled, Strabismus and Flamingo. The role of these factors in coordinating polarity will be discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Planar polarity refers to the asymmetry of a cell within the plane of the epithelium; for example, cells may form hairs that point in a posterior direction, or cilia may beat in one way. This property implies that cells have information about their orientation; we wish to understand the nature of this information. Relevant also is the body plan of insects, which, in the ectoderm and somatic mesoderm, consists of a chain of alternating anterior and posterior compartments - basic units of development with independent cell lineage and subject to independent genetic control.RESULTS: Using the abdomen of adult Drosophila, we have taken genes required for normal polarity and either removed the gene or constitutively expressed it in small clones of cells and observed the effects on polarity. Hitherto, all such studies of polarity genes have not found any difference of behavior between the different compartments. We report here that the three genes, four-jointed, dachsous, and fat, cause opposite effects in anterior and posterior compartments. For example, in anterior compartments, clones ectopically expressing four-jointed reverse the polarity of cells in front of the clone, while, in posterior compartments, they reverse behind the clone. These three genes have been reported by others to be functionally linked.CONCLUSIONS: This discovery impacts on models of how cells read polarity. At the heart of one class of models is the hypothesis that cell polarity is determined by the vector of a morphogen gradient. Here, we present evidence that cell polarity in the abdomen depends on at least two protein gradients (Fj and Ds), each of which is reflected at compartment borders. Consequently, these gradients have opposing slopes in the two compartments. Because all polarized structures made by abdominal cells point posteriorly, we surmise that cells in each compartment are programmed to interpret these protein gradients with opposite signs, pointing up the gradient in one compartment and down the gradient in the other.  相似文献   

Chung S  Kim S  Yoon J  Adler PN  Yim J 《Genetics》2007,176(2):891-903
Planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling is mediated by the serpentine receptor Frizzled (Fz) and transduced by Dishevelled (Dsh). Wingless (Wg) signaling utilizes Drosophila Frizzled 2 (DFz2) as a receptor and also requires Dsh for transducing signals to regulate cell proliferation and differentiation in many developmental contexts. Distinct pathways are activated downstream of Dsh in Wg- and Fz-signaling pathways. Recently, a number of genes, which have essential roles as downstream components of PCP signaling, have been identified in Drosophila. They include the small GTPase RhoA/Rho1, its downstream effector Drosophila rho-associated kinase (Drok), and a number of genes such as inturned (in) and fuzzy (fy), whose biochemical functions are unclear. RhoA and Drok provide a link from Fz/Dsh signaling to the modulation of actin cytoskeleton. Here we report the identification of the novel gene target of wingless (tow) by enhancer trap screening. tow expression is negatively regulated by Wg signaling in wing imaginal discs, and the balance between tow and the Drok pathway regulates wing-hair morphogenesis. A loss-of-function mutation in tow does not result in a distinct phenotype. Genetic interaction and gain-of-function studies provide evidence that Tow acts downstream of Fz/Dsh and plays a role in restricting the number of hairs that wing cells form.  相似文献   

The effect of mechanical stress on the topology and planar polarity (PP) of the Xenopus embryonic ciliated epithelium was studied. It was found that the explantation of different sections of the blastocoel roof of the early gastrula disrupted the normal orientation of rows of ciliated cells (CCs) and led to the partition of zones with a single PP into several sections with different polarity or to the occurrence of chaotic patterns. Mechanical stretching of explants increased the order of their PP and oriented it predominantly perpendicular to the stretching axis. Changes in mechanical stress had no significant effect on the ciliated epithelium topology.  相似文献   

The regular array of distally pointing hairs on the mature Drosophila wing is evidence for the fine control of Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) during wing development. Normal wing PCP requires both the Frizzled (Fz) PCP pathway and the Fat/Dachsous (Ft/Ds) pathway, although the functional relationship between these pathways remains under debate. There is strong evidence that the Fz PCP pathway signals twice during wing development, and we have previously presented a Bidirectional-Biphasic Fz PCP signaling model which proposes that the Early and Late Fz PCP signals are in different directions and employ different isoforms of the Prickle protein. The goal of this study was to investigate the role of the Ft/Ds pathway in the context of our Fz PCP signaling model. Our results allow us to draw the following conclusions: (1) The Early Fz PCP signals are in opposing directions in the anterior and posterior wing and converge precisely at the site of the L3 wing vein. (2) Increased or decreased expression of Ft/Ds pathway genes can alter the direction of the Early Fz PCP signal without affecting the Late Fz PCP signal. (3) Lowfat, a Ft/Ds pathway regulator, is required for the normal orientation of the Early Fz PCP signal but not the Late Fz PCP signal. (4) At the time of the Early Fz PCP signal there are symmetric gradients of dachsous (ds) expression centered on the L3 wing vein, suggesting Ds activity gradients may orient the Fz signal. (5) Localized knockdown or over-expression of Ft/Ds pathway genes shows that boundaries/gradients of Ft/Ds pathway gene expression can redirect the Early Fz PCP signal specifically. (6) Altering the timing of ds knockdown during wing development can separate the role of the Ft/Ds pathway in wing morphogenesis from its role in Early Fz PCP signaling.  相似文献   

In the wing disks of Drosophila slowly dividing cells of Minute mutations are progressively eliminated from Minute/Minute+ mosaic compartments by a process known as cell competition. From a study of two different Minutes we show here that the intensity of competition is greater in the more extreme Minute with the slowest rate of cell division. The way in which the more rapidly growing Minute+ clones grow and overcome the surrounding Minute cells is described and cell competition is shown to be a result of local interactions between slow- and faster-growing cells.  相似文献   

Yang CH  Axelrod JD  Simon MA 《Cell》2002,108(5):675-688
Planar polarity is evident in the coordinated orientation of ommatidia in the Drosophila eye. This process requires that the R3 photoreceptor precursor of each ommatidium have a higher level of Frizzled signaling than its neighboring R4 precursor. We show that two cadherin superfamily members, Fat and Dachsous, and the transmembrane/secreted protein Four-jointed play important roles in this process. Our data support a model in which the bias of Frizzled signaling between the R3/R4 precursors results from higher Fat function in the precursor cell closer to the equator, which becomes R3. We also provide evidence that positional information regulating Fat action is provided by graded expression of Dachsous across the eye and the action of Four-jointed, which is expressed in an opposing expression gradient and appears to modulate Dachsous function.  相似文献   

In Drosophila melanogaster certain mutations alter the polarity of trichomes and bristles, cuticular structures secreted by the epithelial cells of the adult fly. Since sensory neurons arise from epithelial cell precursors, and sensory axons grow along the inner faces of epithelial cells, we have studied the developing wings of these mutants to see whether the change in epithelial cell polarity has an influence on the direction of axon outgrowth. The nerve patterns formed in the mutants prickled, inturned, and frizzled, however, were largely normal, indicating that in these cases the polarity of the cuticular structures produced by the epithelial cells is altered without any effect on the polarity of the associated axons.  相似文献   

The integument of the Drosophila adult abdomen bears oriented hairs and bristles that indicate the planar polarity of the epidermal cells. We study four polarity genes, frizzled (fz), prickle (pk), Van gogh/strabismus (Vang/stbm) and starry night/flamingo (stan/fmi), and note what happens when these genes are either removed or overexpressed in clones of cells. The edges of the clones are interfaces between cells that carry different amounts of gene products, interfaces that can cause reversals of planar polarity in the clone and wild-type cells outside them. To explain, we present a model that builds on our earlier picture of a gradient of X, the vector of which specifies planar polarity and depends on two cadherin proteins, Dachsous and Fat. We conjecture that the X gradient is read out, cell by cell, as a scalar value of Fz activity, and that Pk acts in this process, possibly to determine the sign of the Fz activity gradient. We discuss evidence that cells can compare their scalar readout of the level of X with that of their neighbours and can set their own readout towards an average of those. This averaging, when it occurs near the edges of clones, changes the scalar response of cells inside and outside the clones, leading to new vectors that change polarity. The results argue that Stan must be present in both cells being compared and acts as a conduit between them for the transfer of information. And also that Vang assists in the receipt of this information. The comparison between neighbours is crucial, because it gives the vector that orients hairs--these point towards the neighbour cell that has the lowest level of Fz activity. Recently, it has been shown that, for a limited period shortly before hair outgrowth in the wing, the four proteins we study, as well as others, become asymmetrically localised in the cell membrane, and this process is thought to be instrumental in the acquisition of cell polarity. However, some results do not fit with this view--we suggest that these localisations may be more a consequence than a cause of planar polarity.  相似文献   

Almost every cell in the Drosophila pupal wing forms a single, distally pointing cuticular hair. The function of the frizzled (fz) gene is essential for the elaboration of the normal wing hair pattern. In the absence of fz function hairs develop, but they display an abnormal polarity. We have examined the developmental expression of the fi gene at the RNA level via in situ hybridization and at the protein level via Western blotting. We have found that fz is expressed in all regions of the epidermis before, during, and after the fz cold sensitive period. We have also found that fz function is not required for normal fi expression. We have further found that mutations in several other tissue polarity genes do not noticeably alter the expression or the modification state of the Fz protein. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Patterned gene expression directs bipolar planar polarity in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During convergent extension in Drosophila, polarized cell movements cause the germband to narrow along the dorsal-ventral (D-V) axis and more than double in length along the anterior-posterior (A-P) axis. This tissue remodeling requires the correct patterning of gene expression along the A-P axis, perpendicular to the direction of cell movement. Here, we demonstrate that A-P patterning information results in the polarized localization of cortical proteins in intercalating cells. In particular, cell fate differences conferred by striped expression of the even-skipped and runt pair-rule genes are both necessary and sufficient to orient planar polarity. This polarity consists of an enrichment of nonmuscle myosin II at A-P cell borders and Bazooka/PAR-3 protein at the reciprocal D-V cell borders. Moreover, bazooka mutants are defective for germband extension. These results indicate that spatial patterns of gene expression coordinate planar polarity across a multicellular population through the localized distribution of proteins required for cell movement.  相似文献   

Sensory epithelia of the inner ear require a coordinated alignment of hair cell stereociliary bundles as an essential element of mechanoreceptive function. Hair cell bundle alignment is mediated by core planar cell polarity (PCP) proteins, such as Vangl2, that localize asymmetrically to the circumference of the cell near its apical surface. During early phases of cell orientation in the chicken basilar papilla (BP), Vangl2 is present at supporting cell junctions that lie orthogonal to the polarity axis. Several days later, there is a striking shift in the Vangl2 pattern associated with hair cells that reorient towards the distal (apical) end of the organ. How the localization of PCP proteins transmits planar polarity information across the developing sensory epithelium remains unclear. To address this question, the normal asymmetric localization of Vangl2 was disrupted by overexpressing Vangl2 in clusters of cells. The BP was infected with replication-competent retrovirus encoding Vangl2 prior to hair cell differentiation. Virus-infected cells showed normal development of individual stereociliary bundles, indicating that asymmetry was established at the cellular level. Yet, bundles were misoriented in ears infected with Vangl2 virus but not Wnt5a virus. Notably, Vangl2 misexpression did not randomize bundle orientations but rather generated larger variations around a normal mean angle. Cell clusters with excess Vangl2 could induce non-autonomous polarity disruptions in wild-type neighboring cells. Furthermore, there appears to be a directional bias in the propagation of bundle misorientation that is towards the abneural edge of the epithelium. Finally, regional bundle reorientation was inhibited by Vangl2 overexpression. In conclusion, ectopic Vangl2 protein causes inaccurate local propagation of polarity information, and Vangl2 acts in a non-cell-autonomous fashion in the sensory system of vertebrates.  相似文献   

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