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When diploid cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae homozygous for the temperature-sensitive cell division cycle mutation cdc6-1 are grown at a semipermissive temperature they exhibit elevated genomic instability, as indicated by enhanced mitotic gene conversion, mitotic intergenic recombination, chromosomal loss, chromosomal gain, and chromosomal rearrangements. Employing quantitative Southern analysis of chromosomes separated by transverse alternating field gel electrophoresis (TAFE), we have demonstrated that 2N-1 cells monosomic for chromosome VII, owing to the cdc6-1 defect, show slow growth and subsequently yield 2N variants that grow at a normal rate in association with restitution of disomy for chromosome VII. Analysis of TAFE gels also demonstrates that cdc6-1/cdc6-1 diploids give rise to aberrant chromosomes of novel lengths. We propose an explanation for the genomic instability induced by the cdc6-1 mutation, which suggests that hyper-recombination, chromosomal loss, chromosomal gain and chromosomal rearrangements reflect aberrant mitotic division by cdc6-1/cdc6-1 cells containing chromosomes that have not replicated fully.  相似文献   

MRX, an evolutionally conserved DNA damage response complex composed of Mre11, Rad50 and Xrs2, is involved in DNA double strand break (DSB) repair, checkpoint activation and telomere maintenance. At DSBs, MRX plays a role in generating single stranded DNA (ssDNA) and signalling cell cycle arrest. Here we investigated whether MRX also contributes to generating ssDNA or signalling cell cycle arrest at uncapped telomeres. To investigate the role of MRX, we generated a conditionally degradable Rad50 protein and combined this with cdc13-1, a temperature sensitive mutation in the Cdc13 telomere capping protein. We show that Rad50 does not contribute to ssDNA generation or cell cycle arrest in response to cdcl3-1 uncapped telomeres. Instead, we find that Rad50 inhibits ssDNA accumulation and promotes cdc13-1 cell viability, consistent with a major role for MRX in telomere capping.  相似文献   

Yeast mutants lacking mitochondrial NAD+-specific isocitrate dehydrogenase (idhΔ) or aconitase (aco1Δ) were found to share several growth phenotypes as well as patterns of specific protein expression that differed from the parental strain. These shared properties of idhΔ and aco1Δ strains were eliminated or moderated by co-disruption of the CIT1 gene encoding mitochondrial citrate synthase. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analyses indicated a particularly dramatic increase in cellular citrate levels in idhΔ and aco1Δ strains, whereas citrate levels were substantially lower in idhΔcit1Δ and aco1Δcit1Δ strains. Exogenous addition of citrate to parental strain cultures partially recapitulated effects of high endogenous levels of citrate in idhΔ and aco1Δ strains. Finally, effects of elevated cellular citrate in idhΔ and aco1Δ mutant strains were partially alleviated by addition of iron or by an increase in pH of the growth medium, suggesting that detrimental effects of citrate are due to elevated levels of the ionized form of this metabolite.  相似文献   

Isolation of pleiotropic yeast mutants requiring ergosterol for growth   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Mutant strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae which require ergosterol for growth have been isolated. These mutants are all petite and require a fatty acid. Several mutants require methionine in addition. These mutants have been classified into 6 complementation groups. For one of the mutants the enzymatic block has been localized after lanosterol. These mutants do not show a stringent requirement for ergosterol, as sitosterol, stigmasterol or cholesterol also support growth. Mutants of this type will be of value not only in studies of sterol biosynthesis, but also in assessing the biological role of sterols in the cytoplasmic yeast membrane. Similar mutants but without a stringent requirement for a sterol have been previously isolated by Resnick and Mortimer (8).  相似文献   

Summary The p34cdc2 protein kinase plays a central role in the regulation of the eukaryotic cell cycle, being required both in late G1 for the commitment to S-phase and in late G2 for the initiation of mitosis. p34cdc2 also determines the precise timing of entry into mitosis in fission yeast, where a number of gene produts that regulate p34cdc2 activity have been identified and characterised. To investigate further the mitotic role of p34cdc2 in this organism we have isolated new cold-sensitive p34cdc2 mutants. These are defective only in their G2 function and are extragenic suppressors of the lethal premature entry into mitosis brought about by mutating the mitotic inhibitor p107wee1 and overproducing the mitotic activator p80cdc25. One of the mutant proteins p34cdc2-E8 is only functional in the absence of p107wee1, and all the mutant strains have reduced histone H1 kinase activity in vitro. Each mutant allele has been cloned and sequenced, and the lesions responsible for the cold-sensitive phenotypes identified. All the mutations were found to map to regions that are conserved between the fission yeast p34cdc2 and functional homologues from higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Expulsion of live pathogenic yeast by macrophages   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Phagocytic cells, such as neutrophils and macrophages, perform a critical role in protecting organisms from infection by engulfing and destroying invading microbes . Although some bacteria and fungi have evolved strategies to survive within a phagocyte after uptake, most of these pathogens must eventually kill the host cell if they are to escape and infect other tissues . However, we now demonstrate that the human fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans is able to escape from within macrophages without killing the host cell by a novel expulsive mechanism. This process occurs in both murine J774 cells and primary human macrophages. It is extremely rapid and yet can occur many hours after phagocytosis of the pathogen. Expulsion occurs independently of the initial route of phagocytic uptake and does not require phagosome maturation . After the expulsive event, both the host macrophage and the expelled C. neoformans appear morphologically normal and continue to proliferate, suggesting that this process may represent an important mechanism by which pathogens are able to escape from phagocytic cells without triggering host cell death and thus inflammation .  相似文献   

The product of the cdc2 gene encodes the p34cdc2 protein kinase that controls entry of yeast cells into S phase and mitosis. In higher eukaryotes, at least two cdc2 -like genes appear to be involved in these processes. A cdc2 homologous gene has previously been isolated from alfalfa and shown to complement a fission yeast cdc2 ts mutant. Here the isolation of cdc2MsB , a cognate cdc2 gene from alfalfa ( Medicago sativa ) is reported. Southern blot analysis shows that cdc2MsA and cdc2MsB are present as single copy genes in different tetraploid Medicago species. cdc2MsB encodes a slightly larger mRNA (1.5 kb) than cdc2MsA (1.4 kb). Both genes were found to be expressed at similar steady state levels in different alfalfa organs. Expression levels of both cdc2Ms genes correlate with the proliferative state of the organs. Complementation studies revealed that in contrast to cdc2MsA, cdc2MsB was not able to rescue a cdc2 ts fission yeast mutant. cdc2MsB was also unable to rescue a G2/M-arrested cdc28 ts budding yeast mutant which could be rescued by expression of the cdc2MsA gene. Conversely, cdc2MsB but not cdc2MsA was found to complement the G1/S block of another cdc28 ts budding yeast mutant. These results suggest that cdc2MsA and cdc2MsB function at different control points in the cell cycle.  相似文献   

Pso2/Snm1 plays a key role in the repair of DNA interstrand cross-links in yeast. Human cells possess three orthologues of Pso2; SNM1A, SNM1B/Apollo and SNM1C/Artemis. Studies using mammalian cells disrupted or depleted for these genes have yielded equivocal evidence that any of these is a true functional homologues of the yeast gene. Here we show that ectopic expression of only one of the three human orthologues, hSNM1A, effectively suppresses the sensitivity of yeast pso2 (snm1) disruptants to cross-linking agents. Two other phenotypes of the pso2 mutants are also partially rescued by ectopic expression of hSNM1A, namely the double-strand repair break defect observed during cross-link processing in pso2 cells, as well as the spontaneous intrachromatid recombination defect of pso2 msh2 double mutants. Finally, we show that recombinant hSNM1A is a 5'-exonuclease, as also recently reported for the yeast Pso2 protein. Together our data suggest that hSnm1A is a functional homologue of yeast Pso2/Snm1.  相似文献   

Ethanol proved to be a strong mutagenic agent of Saccharomyces mitochondrial DNA. Other active membrane solvents, such as tert-butanol, isopropanol, and sodium dodecyl sulfate, also turned out to be powerful petite mutation [rho-] inducers. Mutants defective in ergosterol synthesis (erg mutants) showed an extremely high frequency of spontaneous petite cells, suggesting that mitochondrial membrane alterations that were caused either by changes in its composition, as in the erg mutants, or by the effects of organic solvents resulted in an increase in the proportion of petite mutants. Wine yeast strains were generally more tolerant to the mutagenic effects of alcohols on mitochondrial DNA and more sensitive to the effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate than laboratory strains. However, resistance to petite mutation formation in laboratory strains was increased by mitochondrial transfer from alcohol-tolerant wine yeasts. Hence, the stability of the [rho+] mitochondrial DNA in either the presence or absence of solvents depends in part on the nature of the mitochondrial DNA itself. The low frequency of petite mutants found in wine yeast-laboratory yeast hybrids and the fact that the high frequency of petite mutants of a particular wine spore segregated meiotically indicated that many nuclear genes also play an important role in the mitochondrial genome in both the presence and absence of membrane solvents.  相似文献   

Yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) provide a powerful tool for the isolation and mapping of large regions of mammalian chromosomes. We developed a rapid and efficient method for the isolation of DNA fragments representing the extreme ends of YAC clones by the insertion of a rescue plasmid into the YAC vector by homologous recombination. Two rescue vectors were constructed containing a yeast LYS2 selectable gene, a bacterial origin of replication, an antibiotic resistance gene, a polylinker containing multiple restriction sites, and a fragment homologous to one arm of the pYAC4 vector. The 'end-cloning' procedure involves transformation of the rescue vector into yeast cells carrying a YAC clone, followed by preparation of yeast DNA and transformation into bacterial cells. The resulting plasmids carry end-specific DNA fragments up to 20 kb in length, which are suitable for use as hybridization probes, as templates for direct DNA sequencing, and as probes for mapping by fluorescence in situ hybridization. These vectors are suitable for the rescue of end-clones from any YAC constructed using a pYAC-derived vector. We demonstrate the utility of these plasmids by rescuing YAC-end fragments from a human YAC library.  相似文献   

Isolation of ethanol-tolerant mutants of yeast by continuous selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Mutants of Saccharomyces uvarum, 5D-cyc with increased tolerance to ethanol have been isolated by a continuous selection technique which allows the culture itself to determine the intensity of selection via a feedback control circuit. The output of CO2 from a continuous culture of the yeast was monitored using an infrared analyser and the signal from that analyser fed to a potentiometric controller which regulated the introduction of a concentrated ethanol solution into the culture vessel. The frequency of ethanol addition to the culture thus increased as the tolerance of the organisms improved.The use of this system permitted the selection of mutants of yeast which were viable in the presence of 12% w/v ethanol and which showed higher fermentation rates (as measured by CO2 production) than the wild-type in the presence of 10% w/v ethanol and above. The technique of continuous selection with feedback should be generally applicable to the isolation of mutants of any microorganism to improved tolerance to any inhibitory condition of either its physical or chemical environment.  相似文献   

The fission yeast septation initiation network (SIN) triggers the onset of septum formation and cytokinesis. SIN proteins signal from the spindle pole body (SPB), to which they bind in a cell cycle-dependent manner, via the scaffold proteins sid4p and cdc11p. cdc11p becomes hyperphosphorylated during anaphase, when the SIN is active. We have investigated the phosphorylation state of cdc11p during mitosis in various mutant backgrounds. We show that association of cdc11p with the spindle pole body is required for its phosphorylation and that ectopic activation of the SIN results in hyperphosphorylation of cdc11p. We demonstrate that mitotic hyperphosphorylation of cdc11p requires the activity of cdc7p and that its dephosphorylation at the end of mitosis requires PP2A-par1p. Furthermore, spindle checkpoint arrest prevents cdc11p hyperphosphorylation. Finally, we show that the septation inhibitor byr4p interacts preferentially with hypophosphorylated cdc11p. We conclude that cdc11p hyperphosphorylation correlates with activation of the SIN and that this may be mediated primarily by cdc7p in vivo.  相似文献   

J Jimnez  E Longo    T Benítez 《Applied microbiology》1988,54(12):3126-3132
Ethanol proved to be a strong mutagenic agent of Saccharomyces mitochondrial DNA. Other active membrane solvents, such as tert-butanol, isopropanol, and sodium dodecyl sulfate, also turned out to be powerful petite mutation [rho-] inducers. Mutants defective in ergosterol synthesis (erg mutants) showed an extremely high frequency of spontaneous petite cells, suggesting that mitochondrial membrane alterations that were caused either by changes in its composition, as in the erg mutants, or by the effects of organic solvents resulted in an increase in the proportion of petite mutants. Wine yeast strains were generally more tolerant to the mutagenic effects of alcohols on mitochondrial DNA and more sensitive to the effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate than laboratory strains. However, resistance to petite mutation formation in laboratory strains was increased by mitochondrial transfer from alcohol-tolerant wine yeasts. Hence, the stability of the [rho+] mitochondrial DNA in either the presence or absence of solvents depends in part on the nature of the mitochondrial DNA itself. The low frequency of petite mutants found in wine yeast-laboratory yeast hybrids and the fact that the high frequency of petite mutants of a particular wine spore segregated meiotically indicated that many nuclear genes also play an important role in the mitochondrial genome in both the presence and absence of membrane solvents.  相似文献   

《FEMS microbiology letters》1986,32(3-4):179-187
The mechaṅism of catabolite repression in yeast is not well understood, although it has been established that cAMP does not play a role similar to that found in Escherichia coli. To identify the elements implicated in catabolite repression in yeast, a variety of mutants affected in this process have been isolated by different research groups. A systematic review of the results reported in the literature is presented. The conclusion that can be drawn is that the mechanism of catabolite repression is a complex one, with no single gene controlling all the genes subject to repression. The expression of a given gene or set of genes is controlled by several regulatory genes, but it is not yet known whether these genes act cooperatively or sequentially.  相似文献   

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