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It is confirmed that inhibitors of DNA repair caffeine and 3-aminobenzamide decrease the survival of gamma-irradiated HeLa cells. It is shown that the decreased survival of irradiated cells is reversed when Escherichia coli RecA protein is introduced into cell nucleases with the aid of liposomes. This effect is more expressed in caffeine-treated (before or after irradiation) than in 3-aminobenzamide-treated (before irradiation) cells. It is suggested that E. coli 38 kD RecA protein may compensate the function of HeLa RecA-like protein, inhibited by DNA repair inhibitors, which is necessary for the repair of single-strand breaks and double-strand breaks of DNA.  相似文献   

RecA protein of Escherichia coli and chromosome partitioning   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Escherichia coli cells deficient in RecA protein frequently contain an abnormal number of chromosomes after completion of ongoing rounds of DNA replication. This suggests that RecA protein may be required for correct timing of initiation of DNA replication; however, we show here that initiation of DNA replication is properly timed in recA mutants. We also find that more than 10% of recA mutant cells contain no DNA. These anucleate cells appear to arise from partitioning of all the DNA into one daughter cell and no DNA into the other daughter cell. Based on these and previously published results, we propose that RecA protein is required for equal partitioning of chromosomes into the two daughter cells.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RdgC protein is a potential negative regulator of RecA function. RdgC inhibits RecA protein-promoted DNA strand exchange, ATPase activity, and RecA-dependent LexA cleavage. The primary mechanism of RdgC inhibition appears to involve a simple competition for DNA binding sites, especially on duplex DNA. The capacity of RecA to compete with RdgC is improved by the DinI protein. RdgC protein can inhibit DNA strand exchange catalyzed by RecA nucleoprotein filaments formed on single-stranded DNA by binding to the homologous duplex DNA and thereby blocking access to that DNA by the RecA nucleoprotein filaments. RdgC protein binds to single-stranded and double-stranded DNA, and the protein can be visualized on DNA using electron microscopy. RdgC protein exists in solution as a mixture of oligomeric states in equilibrium, most likely as monomers, dimers, and tetramers. This concentration-dependent change of state appears to affect its mode of binding to DNA and its capacity to inhibit RecA. The various species differ in their capacity to inhibit RecA function.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli dinD is an SOS gene up-regulated in response to DNA damage. We find that the purified DinD protein is a novel inhibitor of RecA-mediated DNA strand exchange activities. Most modulators of RecA protein activity act by controlling the amount of RecA protein bound to single-stranded DNA by affecting either the loading of RecA protein onto DNA or the disassembly of RecA nucleoprotein filaments bound to single-stranded DNA. The DinD protein, however, acts postsynaptically to inhibit RecA during an on-going DNA strand exchange, likely through the disassembly of RecA filaments. DinD protein does not affect RecA single-stranded DNA filaments but efficiently disassembles RecA when bound to two or more DNA strands, effectively halting RecA-mediated branch migration. By utilizing a nonspecific duplex DNA-binding protein, YebG, we show that the DinD effect is not simply due to duplex DNA sequestration. We present a model suggesting that the negative effects of DinD protein are targeted to a specific conformational state of the RecA protein and discuss the potential role of DinD protein in the regulation of recombinational DNA repair.  相似文献   

Enzymatic activities of the RecA protein of Escherichia coli   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G M Weinstock 《Biochimie》1982,64(8-9):611-616

Enhancement of Escherichia coli RecA protein enzymatic function by dATP   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Escherichia coli recA protein has been shown to hydrolyze several nucleoside triphosphates in the presence of ssDNA. The substitution of dATP for rATP has significant effects on various recA protein biochemical properties. In the presence of dATP, recA protein can invade more secondary structure in native ssDNA than it can in the presence of rATP. The dATP-recA protein complex can compete more effectively with the E. coli ssDNA binding protein (SSB) for ssDNA binding sites compared with the rATP-recA protein complex. Finally, the rate of dATP hydrolysis stimulated by dsDNA is greater than the rate of rATP hydrolysis. These effects, in turn, are observed as alterations in the recA protein catalyzed DNA strand exchange reaction. In the absence of SSB protein, the rate of joint molecule and product formation in the DNA strand exchange reaction is greater in the presence of dATP than in the presence of rATP. The rate of product formation in the dATP-dependent reaction is also faster than the rATP-dependent reaction when SSB protein is added to the ssDNA before recA protein; the rate of rATP-dependent product formation is inhibited 10-fold under these conditions. This nucleotide, dATP, was previously shown to induce an apparent affinity of recA protein for ssDNA which is higher than any other NTP. These results suggest that the observed enhancement of enzymatic activity may be related to the steady-state properties of the high-affinity ssDNA binding state of recA protein. In addition, the data suggest that recA protein functions in NTP hydrolysis as a dimer of protein filaments and that the binding of ssDNA to only one of the recA filaments is sufficient to activate all recA protein molecules in the dimeric filament. The implications of this finding to the enzymatic function of recA protein are discussed.  相似文献   

The RecA protein of Escherichia coli plays important roles in homologous recombination, recombinational DNA repair, and SOS induction. Because its functions are conserved among the phylogenetic kingdoms, RecA investigations have provided a paradigm for understanding these biological processes. The RecA protein has been overproduced in E. coli and purified using a variety of purification schemes requiring multiple, time-intensive steps. The purification schemes share a dependence on appropriate RecA structure and/or function at one or more steps. In this report, we used a modified protein splicing element (intein) and a chitin-binding domain, fused to the C-terminus of RecA, to facilitate a one-step affinity purification of RecA protein without modification of the native protein sequence. Following the single chromatographic step, RecA protein that is greater than 95% physical purity at a concentration of greater than microM was obtained. The protein displays in vitro activities that are identical to those of protein isolated using classical procedures. The purification strategy described here promises to yield mutant RecA proteins in sufficient quantity for rigorous biophysical characterization without dependence on intrinsic RecA function.  相似文献   

The RecX protein is a potent inhibitor of RecA activities. We identified several factors that affect RecX-RecA interaction. The interaction is enhanced by the RecA C terminus and by significant concentrations of free Mg(2+) ion. The interaction is also enhanced by an N-terminal His(6) tag on the RecX protein. We conclude that RecX protein interacts most effectively with a RecA functional state designated A(o) and that the RecA C terminus has a role in modulating the interaction. We further identified a C-terminal point mutation in RecA protein (E343K) that significantly alters the interaction between RecA and RecX proteins.  相似文献   

K McEntee 《Biochemistry》1985,24(16):4345-4351
The recA enzyme of Escherichia coli catalyzes renaturation of DNA coupled to hydrolysis of ATP. The rate of enzymatic renaturation is linearly dependent on recA protein concentration and shows saturation kinetics with respect to DNA concentration. The kinetic analysis of the reaction indicates that the Km for DNA is 65 microM while the kcat is approximately 48 pmol of duplex formed (pmol of recA)-1 (20 min)-1. RecA protein catalyzed renaturation has been characterized with respect to salt sensitivity, Mg2+ ion and pH optima, requirements for nucleoside triphosphates, and inhibition by nonhydrolyzable nucleoside triphosphates and analogues. These results are consistent with a Michaelis-Menten mechanism for DNA renaturation catalyzed by recA protein. A model is described in which oligomers of recA protein bind rapidly to single-stranded DNA, and in the presence of ATP, these nucleoprotein intermediates aggregate to bring complementary sequences into close proximity for homologous pairing. As with other DNA pairing reactions catalyzed by recA protein, ongoing DNA hydrolysis is required for renaturation. However, unlike the strand assimilation or transfer reaction, renaturation is inhibited by E. coli helix-destabilizing protein.  相似文献   

Survival of three strains of Escherichia coli K12 was studied with respect to radiation protection by dithiothreitol (DTT). The three strains compared were AB2462 recA, AB2470 rec21 and their DNA repair-competent prototype, AB1157. The strains were incubated in 10 mmol dm-3 DTT for 60 min and allowed an expression period for SOS functions to appear which may have been induced by DTT. Following the expression period the DTT-incubated cells and incubated control cells were irradiated. When AB1157 cells were pretreated with chloramphenicol (200 micrograms cm-3) for a period of 30 min prior to addition of the induction media no increase in survival was seen. When catalase (0.1 mg cm-3) was added to the AB1157 cells prior to the induction media a decrease in the degree of induction was noted with an enhancement ratio (ER) of 0.893 (ER-1 = 1.12). Furthermore, DTT-treated AB2462 and AB2470 demonstrated no increase in survival when compared to control cells. In radiation experiments on either strain of E. coli with or without DTT present during irradiation, the following were observed: (1) survival of AB1157 was enhanced with a dose modification factor (DMF) of 1.7 with DTT present and 1.3 with pretreatment; (2) the rec mutants showed no change in survival at any dose with a DMF of approximately 1.0. Results indicate that, using our protocol, inducible repair is of more importance than free radical scavenging by DTT. Furthermore, DTT-treated AB2462 demonstrated no increase in survival when compared to control cells. In radiation experiments on either strain of E. coli with and without DTT present during irradiation, the following were observed: (1) survival of AB1157 was enhanced with a DMF of 1.7 with DTT present during irradiation and 1.3 with only pretreatment; (2) the recA and recB mutants showed no change in cell survival at any dose with a DMF of approximately 1.0. Results indicate that, using our pretreatment protocol, inducible repair is of more importance in protection than free radical scavenging by DTT.  相似文献   

We have characterised a RecA protein fused to the simian virus 40 large T nuclear-localisation signal. The fusion protein was targeted to the nucleus in transgenic tobacco plants with high efficiency. By contrast, authentic RecA was not enriched in the nuclei of plant cells expressing comparable amounts of protein. For detailed characterisation of the strand-exchange activity of the nuclear-targeted RecA protein, a nearly identical protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. This protein was found to bind to single-stranded DNA with the same stoichiometry and to promote the exchange of homologous DNA strands with the same kinetics as authentic RecA. It was concluded that the amino-terminal modification did not alter any of the essential properties of RecA and that the fusion protein is a fully functional strand-exchange protein. However, the ATPase activity of this protein was 20 times greater than that of RecA in the absence of single-stranded DNA. As with RecA, this activity was further stimulated by the addition of single-stranded DNA. Since ATPase activity is correlated with the ability of RecA to assume its high affinity state for DNA, the nuclear-targeted RecA protein might be regarded as a constitutively stimulated RecA variant, fully functional in promoting homologous recombination.  相似文献   

B Müller  I Burdett    S C West 《The EMBO journal》1992,11(7):2685-2693
The structure and stability of recombination intermediates made by RecA protein have been investigated following deproteinization. The intermediates consist of two duplex DNA molecules connected by a junction, as visualized by electron microscopy. Although we expected the structures to be highly unstable due to branch migration of the junction, this was not the case. Instead, we found that the intermediates were stable at 37 degrees C. At 56 degrees C, greater than 60% of the intermediates remained after 6 h of incubation. Only at higher temperatures was significant branch migration observed. This unexpected stability suggests that the formation of extensive lengths of heteroduplex DNA in Escherichia coli is likely to require the continued action of proteins, and does not occur via spontaneous branch migration. We show that heteroduplex DNA may be formed in vitro by ATP-dependent strand exchange catalysed by RecA protein or by the RuvA and RuvB proteins of E. coli.  相似文献   

S C Kowalczykowski 《Biochimie》1991,73(2-3):289-304
The recA protein of E coli participates in several diverse biological processes and promotes a variety of complex in vitro reactions. A careful comparison of the phenotypic behavior of E coli recA mutations to the biochemical properties of the corresponding mutant proteins reveals a close parallel both between recombination phenotype and DNA strand exchange and renaturation activities, and between inducible phenomena and repressor cleavage activity. The biochemical alterations manifest by the mutant recA proteins are reflected in the strength of their interaction with ssDNA. The defective mutant recA proteins fail to properly assume the high-affinity DNA-binding state that is characteristic of the wild-type protein and, consequently, form less stable complexes with DNA. The mutant proteins displaying an 'enhanced' activity bind ssDNA with approximately the same affinity as the wild-type protein but, due to altered protein-protein interactions, they associate more rapidly with ssDNA. These changes proportionately affect the ability of recA protein to compete with SSB protein, to interact with dsDNA, and, perhaps, to bind repressor proteins. In turn, the DNA strand exchange, DNA renaturation, and repressor cleavage activities mirror these modifications.  相似文献   

To investigate the DNA binding site of RecA protein, we constructed 15 recA mutants having alterations in the regions homologous to the other ssDNA binding proteins. The in vivo analyses showed that the mutational change at Arg243, Lys248, Tyr264, or simultaneously at Lys6 and Lys19, or Lys6 and Lys23 caused severe defects in the recA functions, while other mutational changes did not. Purified RecA-K6A-K23A (Lys6 and Lys23 changed to Ala and Ala, respectively) protein was indistinguishable from the wild-type RecA protein in its binding to DNA. However, the RecA-R243A (Arg243 changed to Ala) and RecA-Y264A (Tyr264 changed to Ala) proteins were defective in binding to both ss- and ds-DNA. In self-oligomerization property, RecA-R243A was proficient but RecA-Y264A was deficient, suggesting that the RecA-R243A protein had a defect in DNA binding site and the RecA-Y264A protein was defective in its interaction with the adjacent RecA molecule. The region of residues 243–257 including the Arg243 is highly homologous to the DNA binding motif in the ssDNA binding proteins, while the eukaryotic RecA homologues have a similar structure at the amino-terminal side proximal to the nucleotide binding core. The region of residues 243–257 would be a part of the DNA binding site. The other parts of this site would be the Tyr103 and the region of residues 178–183, which were cross-linked to ssDNA. These three regions lie in a line in the crystal structure.  相似文献   

The replacement of Escherichia coli recA gene (recAEc) with the Pseudomonas aeruginosa recAPa gene in Escherichia coli cells results in constitutive hyper-recombination (high frequency of recombination exchanges per unit length of DNA) in the absence of constitutive SOS response. To understand the biochemical basis of this unusual in vivo phenotype, we compared in vitro the recombination properties of RecAPa protein with those of RecAEc protein. Consistent with hyper-recombination activity, RecAPa protein appeared to be more proficient both in joint molecule formation, producing extensive DNA networks in strand exchange reaction, and in competition with single-stranded DNA binding (SSB) protein for single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding sites. The RecAPa protein showed in vitro a normal ability for cleavage of the E. coli LexA repressor (a basic step in SOS regulon derepression) both in the absence and in the presence (i.e. even under suboptimal conditions for RecAEc protein) of SSB protein. However, unlike other hyper-recombinogenic proteins, such as RecA441 and RecA730, RecAPa protein displaced insufficient SSB protein from ssDNA at low magnesium concentration to induce the SOS response constitutively. In searching for particular characteristics of RecAPa in comparison with RecAEc, RecA441 and RecA803 proteins, RecAPa showed unusually high abilities: to be resistant to the displacement by SSB protein from poly(dT); to stabilize a ternary complex RecA::ATP::ssDNA to high salt concentrations; and to be much more rapid in both the nucleation of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and the steady-state rate of dsDNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis at pH 7.5. We hypothesized that the high affinity of RecAPa protein for ssDNA, and especially dsDNA, is the factor that directs the ternary complex to bind secondary DNA to initiate additional acts of recombination instead of to bind LexA repressor to induce constitutive SOS response.  相似文献   

In previous work (E. S. Tessman and P. K. Peterson, J. Bacteriol. 163:677-687 and 688-695, 1985), we isolated many novel protease-constitutive (Prtc) recA mutants, i.e., mutants in which the RecA protein was always in the protease state without the usual need for DNA damage to activate it. Most Prtc mutants were recombinase positive and were designated Prtc Rec+; only a few Prtc mutants were recombinase negative, and those were designated Prtc Rec-. We report changes in DNA sequence of the recA gene for several of these mutants. The mutational changes clustered at three regions on the linear RecA polypeptide. Region 1 includes amino acid residues 25 through 39, region 2 includes amino acid residues 157 through 184, and region 3 includes amino acid residues 298 through 301. The in vivo response of these Prtc mutants to different effectors suggests that the RecA effector-binding sites have been altered. In particular we propose that the mutations may define single-stranded DNA- and nucleoside triphosphate-binding domains of RecA, that polypeptide regions 1 and 3 comprise part of the single-stranded DNA-binding domain, and that polypeptide regions 2 and 3 comprise part of the nucleoside triphosphate-binding domain. The overlapping of single-stranded DNA- and nucleoside triphosphate-binding domains in region 3 can explain previously known complex allosteric effects. Each of four Prtc Rec- mutants sequenced was found to contain a single amino acid change, showing that the change of just one amino acid can affect both the protease and recombinase activities and indicating that the functional domains for these two activities of RecA overlap. A recA promoter-down mutation was isolated by its ability to suppress the RecA protease activity of one of our strong Prtc mutants.  相似文献   

Summary We further characterize a novel plasmid function preventing SOS induction called Psi (Plasmid SOS Inhibition). We show that Psi function is expressed by psiB, a gene located at coordinate 54.9 of plasmid R6-5 and near oriT, the origin of conjugal transfer. Deletions and amber mutations of the psiB gene permitted us to demonstrate that PsiB polypeptide (apparent molecular weight, 12 kDa) is responsible for Psi function. PsiB protein prevents recA730-promoted mutagenesis and intra-chromosomal recombination but not recombination following conjugation. Overproduction of PsiB protein sensitizes the host cell to UV irradiation. We propose that PsiB polypeptide has an anti-SOS action by inhibiting activation of RecA protein, thus preventing the occurrence of LexA-controlled functions.  相似文献   

To verify the extent of contribution of spontaneous DNA lesions to spontaneous mutagenesis, we have developed a new genetic system to examine simultaneously both forward mutations and recombination events occurring within about 600 base pairs of a transgenic rpsL target sequence located on Escherichia coli chromosome. In a wild-type strain, the recombination events were occurring at a frequency comparable to that of point mutations within the rpsL sequence. When the cells were UV-irradiated, the recombination events were induced much more sharply than point mutations. In a recA null mutant, no recombination event was observed. These data suggest that the blockage of DNA replication, probably caused by spontaneous DNA lesions, occurs often in normally growing E. coli cells and is mainly processed by cellular functions requiring the RecA protein. However, the recA mutant strain showed elevated frequencies of single-base frameshifts and large deletions, implying a novel mutator action of this strain. A similar mutator action of the recA mutant was also observed with a plasmid-based rpsL mutation assay. Therefore, if the recombinogenic problems in DNA replication are not properly processed by the RecA function, these would be a potential source for mutagenesis leading to single-base frameshift and large deletion in E. coli. Furthermore, the single-base frameshifts induced in the recA-deficient cells appeared to be efficiently suppressed by the mutS-dependent mismatch repair system. Thus, it seems likely that the single-base frameshifts are derived from slippage errors that are not directly caused by DNA lesions but made indirectly during some kind of error-prone DNA synthesis in the recA mutant cells.  相似文献   

We have characterized the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) binding properties of RecA protein, using an assay based on changes in the fluorescence of 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI)-dsDNA complexes. Here we use fluorescence, nitrocellulose filter-binding, and DNase I-sensitivity assays to demonstrate the binding of two duplex DNA molecules by the RecA protein filament. We previously established that the binding stoichiometry for the RecA protein-dsDNA complex is three base-pairs per RecA protein monomer, in the presence of ATP. In the presence of ATPgammaS, however, the binding stoichiometry depends on the MgCl2 concentration. The stoichiometry is 3 bp per monomer at low MgCl2 concentrations, but changes to 6 bp per monomer at higher MgCl2 concentrations, with the transition occurring at approximately 5 mM MgCl2. Above this MgCl2 concentration, the dsDNA within the RecA nucleoprotein complex becomes uncharacteristically sensitive to DNase I digestion. For these reasons we suggest that, at the elevated MgCl2 conditions, the RecA-dsDNA nucleoprotein filament can bind a second equivalent of dsDNA. These results demonstrate that RecA protein has the capacity to bind two dsDNA molecules, and they suggest that RecA or RecA-like proteins may effect homologous recognition between intact DNA duplexes.  相似文献   

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