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An extensive set of amber and ochre sites in the lacI gene has been characterized with respect to the base change required to generate the nonsense codon (Miller et al., 1977; Coulondre &; Miller, 1977). These mutations have been used to analyze the forward mutational spectrum of a series of mutagens in Escherichia coli. The sites induced by N′-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, ethyl methanesulfonate, 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide, and ultraviolet light, were examined, as well as those which arose spontaneously. Sites induced by the G · C → A · T transition were compared with those generated by 2-aminopurine mutagenesis. All together, more than 4000 independent occurrences of amber and ochre mutations were tabulated in order to define the respective mutagenic specificities. With the exception of the A · T → G · C change, all base substitutions lead to the generation of nonsense codons from wild-type. The A · T → G · C transition was monitored in a reversion system, in which the ochre to amber conversion (UAA → UAG) was scored, as well as the UAA → CAA reversion.Both NG3 and EMS were found to be highly specific for the G · C → A · T transition, less than 1% transversions appearing in either case. At between 1% and 5% the level of the G · C → A · T change, NG can stimulate the A · T → G · C transition. EMS stimulates the A · T → G · C transition at a significantly lower rate. NQO is also highly specific for G · C base-pairs, but approximately 10% of the changes found at these sites are transversions. Mutations found spontaneously or after irradiation with ultraviolet light showed none of the specificities found for EMS, NG or NQO. All transversions were detected in both cases. Moreover, a significant number of tandem double base changes were found to be induced by u.v. irradiation. Some of these have been verified directly by protein sequencing. The frequencies of occurrence of amber and ochre mutations arising from the G · C → A · T transition have been compared for different mutagens, revealing several striking hotspots. The implications of these findings with respect to the mechanism of mutagenesis and the application of different mutagens are discussed.  相似文献   

LacI mutants obtained following 2 and 6 h of thymine deprivation were cloned and sequenced. The mutational spectra recovered were dissimilar. After 2 h of starvation the majority of mutations were base substitutions, largely G: C→C: G transversions. Frameshift mutations but not deletions were observed. In contrast, following 6 h of starvation, with the exception of the G: C→C: G transversion, all possible base substitutions were recovered. Moreover, several deletions but no frameshift events were observed. The differences in the mutational spectra recovered after two periods of thymine deprivation highlight the role of altered nucleotide pools and the potential influence of DNA replication mechanisms.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis in the lacI gene of Escherichia coli has been examined in cells grown in the presence of beryllium, manganese or chromium compounds, metals with suspected mutagenic or carcinogenic potential. 2--3-fold increases in mutation frequency were produced by BeCl2, MnCl2 and K2Cr2O7. Among the cells grown in the presence of Be2+, the frequency of amber and ochre mutants was 3-fold higher than the spontaneous background, suggesting that at least part of the increased mutagenicity was due to base-substitution mutations. The specificity of base-substitution mutations induced by Be2+ and Mn2+ in the lacI gene was analyzed. Among the amber mutations induced in cells grown in the presence of Be2+, an increase in G:C----A:T transitions was detected. In contrast, following growth in Mn2+, no increase in amber and ochre mutation frequencies was observed, and the mutational spectrum resembled that obtained spontaneously indicating that mutations induced by Mn2+ in the lacI gene involve changes that do not yield nonsense mutations. These results suggest that metals may exert a number of different mutagenic effects and that these effects vary for each metal.  相似文献   

We have determined the UV (254 nm) damage distribution in the transcribed and non-transcribed strands of the i-d region of the Escherichia coli lacI gene. The locations of replication blocking lesions were revealed as termination sites of T7 DNA polymerase and/or T4 DNA polymerase 3'-5' exonuclease. Termination products, i.e. both cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and 6-4 photoproducts, were resolved and analysed on an automated DNA sequencer. These two major photoproducts are not randomly distributed along the gene, but occur in clusters, in longer runs of pyrimidines. We also have compared the UV damage distribution with the previously reported UV-induced base substitutions in the same region. Mutational hotspots, in both repair-deficient and repair-proficient strains of E. coli, are all located in stretches of pyrimidines, and thus correlate well with the distribution of photolesions. One mutational hotspot in the wild-type strain may reflect the high frequency of closely opposed lesions. To explain the other mutational hotspots, we propose that the repair of UV lesions is impaired due to the local conformation of the DNA, which might deviate from the B-form. This hypothesis is supported by the excess of mutational hotspots in pyrimidine runs in the Uvr+ strain compared to Uvr-. Runs of pyrimidines thus represent both damage- and mutation-prone sequences following UV treatment.  相似文献   

The effect of hydrostatic pressure on the conformational properties of the E. coli methionine repressor protein in aqueous solution was investigated by infrared spectroscopy. Changes in hydrostatic pressure produce dramatic changes in the spectral region of the conformation-sensitive amide I band. As the pressure is raised up to 18 kbar, the protein undergoes a rearrangement of alpha-helical segments into beta-type structures; after the pressure is released the beta-strands reconvert into less ordered alpha-helical or random segments.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the DNA sequence changes in a total of 409 ultraviolet light-induced mutations in the lacI gene of Escherichia coli: 227 in a Uvr+ and 182 in a UvrB- strain. Both differences and similarities were observed. In both strains the mutations were predominantly (60 to 75%) base substitutions, followed by smaller contributions of single-base frameshifts, deletions and frameshift hotspot mutations. The base substitutions proved largely similar in the two strains but differences were observed among the single-base frameshifts, the deletions and the hotspot mutations. Among the base substitutions, both transitions (72.5%) and transversions (27.5%) were observed. The largest single group was G.C----A.T (60% of all base substitutions). The sites where G.C----A.T changes occurred were strongly correlated (97.5%) with sequences of adjacent pyrimidines, indicating mutation targeted ultraviolet photoproducts. Comparable amounts of mutation occurred at cytosine/cytosine and (mixed) cytosine/thymine sites. From an analysis of the prevalence of mutation at either the 5' or 3' side of a dipyrimidine, we conclude that both cyclobutane dimers and (6-4) lesions may contribute to mutation. Despite the general similarity of the base-substitution spectra between the wild-type and excision-defective strains, a number of sites were uniquely mutable in the UvrB- strain. Analysis of their surrounding DNA sequences suggested that, in addition to damage directly at the site of mutation, the potential for nearby opposite-strand damage may be important in determining the mutability of a site. The ultraviolet light-induced frameshift mutations were largely single-base losses. Inspection of the DNA sequences at which the frameshifts occurred suggested that they resulted from targeted mutagenesis, probably at cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers. The prevalence of frameshift mutations at homodimers (TT or CC) suggests that their formation involves local misalignment (slippage) and that base-pairing properties are partially retained in cyclobutane dimers. While the frameshift mutations in the Uvr+ strain were distributed over many different sites, more than half in the UvrB- strain were concentrated at a single site. Ultraviolet light-induced deletions as well as frameshift hotspot mutations (+/- TGGC at positions 620 to 632) are considered to be examples of untargeted or semitargeted mutagenesis. Hotspot mutations in the Uvr+ strain showed an increased contribution by (-)TGGC relative to (+)TGGC, indicating that ultraviolet light may specifically promote the loss of the four bases.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have obtained via DNA sequence analysis a spectrum of 174 spontaneous mutations occurring in the lac I gene of Escherichia coli. The spectrum comprised base substitution, frameshift, deletion, duplication and insertion mutations, of which the relative contributions to spontaneous mutation could be estimated. Two thirds of all lacI mutations occurred in the frameshift hotspot site. An analysis of the local DNA sequence suggested that the intensity of this hotspot may depend on structural features of the DNA that extend beyond those permitted by the repeated tetramer at this site. Deletions comprised the largest non-hotspot class (37%). They could be divided into two subclasses, depending on whether they included the lac operator sequence; the latter was found to be a preferred site for deletion endpoints. Most of the deletions internal to the lacI gene were associated with the presence of directly or invertedly repeated sequences capable of accounting for their endpoints. Base substitutions comprised 34% of the non-hotspot events. Unlike the base substitution spectrum obtained via nonsense mutations, G . C----A . T transitions do not predominate. A new base substitution hotspot was discovered at position +6 in the lac operator; its intensity may reflect specific features of the operator DNA. IS1 insertion mutations contributed 12% of the non-hotspot mutations and occurred dispersed throughout the gene in both orientations. Since the lacI gene is not A + T-rich, the contribution of IS1 insertion to spontaneous mutation in general might be underestimated. Single-base frameshift mutations were found only infrequently. In general, they did not occur in runs of a common base. Instead, their occurrence seemed based on the "perfection" of direct or inverted repeats in the local DNA sequence. Three (tandem) duplication events were recovered. No repeated sequences were found that might have determined their endpoints.  相似文献   

Summary The frequency of lac - mutations induced in an F lacI S plasmid, transferred by conjugation from UV-irradiated, excision-deficient donors to excision-deficient, pro lac recipients, is 2-3 fold higher than that typical of non-mating cells which contain the plasmid. These additional induced mutations can probably be ascribed to errors made during the first, or repliconation, synthesis that takes place in the recipient during the course of plasmid transfer. We also find that spontaneous mutation rates are enhanced in conjugating cells, indicating that fewer errors are corrected, or more made, during transfer replication.  相似文献   

Summary Using a nonselective method, we have estimated the proportion of untargeted mutations in the lacI gene of E. coli by transferring either irradiated or unirradiated F pro lac plasmids from an excision deficient donor to an excision deficient pro lac deleted recipient that had been irradiated and allowed to induce recA dependent functions for 30 min. We find that about 10 percent of the mutations induced by either 3.5 Jm-2 or 7 Jm-2 UV are untargeted.  相似文献   

Summary In Escherichia coli the iron uptake systems are regulated by the fur gene product. The synthesis of the outer membrane proteins fiu, fepA, fecA, fhuA, fhuE and cir is derepressed at low iron concentrations in the medium or constitutive in a fur mutant. The fur gene region cloned into pACYC184 was analysed by restriction analysis, Tn1000 mutagenesis and complementation studies. The presence of fur + plasmids repressed synthesis of the proteins fepA, fecA, fhuE and cir in a chromosomal fur mutant. More quantitatively, the repression to wild-type levels was shown with lac fusions to the genes fiu, fepA and cir. In minicells an 18,000 dalton protein was identified as the fur gene product. Correlated with the fur protein a slightly smaller protein, possibly a degradation product, was observed. The gene fur was mapped on the E. coli chromosome near nagA at about 15.5 min.  相似文献   

The gene nagC encodes the repressor for the nag regulon. A point mutation within the gene, which confers a super-repressor phenotype and makes the repressor insensitive to the inducer, N-acetylglucosamine 6-phosphate, has been characterized. The mutation is semi-dominant since heterozygous diploids have reduced growth rates on glucosamine and N-acetylglucosamine compared to the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

Spontaneous forward mutation in lacI was analyzed by DNA sequencing in a Dut- strain of E. coli. Hyperuracil incorporation into DNA due to the defect in deoxyuridinetriphosphatase caused a 5-fold increase in mutation frequency. Deletion, duplication and base-substitution frequencies were all enhanced in the Dut- strain. However, the analysis of the specificity of mutation revealed a remarkable site- and class-specificity. For example, base substitutions at a single site, a G:C = greater than A:T transition (Ochre 34) accounted for 55% of the base substitutions recovered. The spontaneous A:T = greater than G:C hotspot at position +6 at the lac operator was also recovered at an enhanced frequency in the Dut- strain where it accounted for 25% of the base substitutions. Many of the deletion and duplication events were recovered more than once; most had endpoints in A/T rich regions. The spontaneous frameshift hotspot involving the gain or loss of 5'-CTGG-3' in a region where this tetramer is tandemly repeated 3 times, was also greatly enhanced. No frameshifts involving a single base pair nor IS1 insertions were identified among the 86 lacI mutants sequenced. The analysis of these events reveals them to be generally consistent with a mechanism involving AP sites generated by the removal of misincorporated uracil by uracil-N-glycosylase. Considering the number of potential AP sites (approximately 1 per 170 base pairs) E. coli is remarkably refractory to mutational consequences of deoxyuridine misincorporation in place of thymidine.  相似文献   

N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG)-induced forward mutations within the first 540 base-pairs of the lacI gene of Escherichia coli were cloned and sequenced. In total, 167 MNNG-induced independent mutations were characterized, with G.C to A.T transitions accounting for all but three of the mutations. This mutagenic specificity is consistent with the mispairing predicted by the methylation of the O6 position of guanine. The characterization of such large numbers of mutations permitted an analysis of the influence of local DNA sequence on mutagenesis. This analysis revealed a strong influence by the 5' flanking base. On average, guanine residues preceded (5') by a guanine or an adenine residue were, respectively, nine times and five times more likely to mutate after treatment with MNNG than those preceded by a pyrimidine residue.  相似文献   

Although neocarzinostatin (NCS) attacks DNA almost exclusively at adenine and thymine residues in vitro, exposure of Escherichia coli to this antitumor drug resulted in a high frequency of mutations at guanine:cytosine base pairs in the lacI gene. Thus, NCS-induced base substitution mutations do not appear to result from the major DNA lesions that have been biochemically characterized. The overall distribution of nonsense mutations produced by NCS was distinctly nonrandom, consisting in part of a few "hotspots" and a large number of "coldspots." The existence of these coldspots implies that untargeted mutagenesis does not make a significant contribution to the mutations induced by this SOS-dependent mutagen.  相似文献   

The purine regulon repressor, PurR, was identified as a component of the Escherichia coli regulatory system for pyrC, the gene that encodes dihydroorotase, an enzyme in de novo pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis. PurR binds to a pyrC control site that resembles a pur regulon operator and represses expression by twofold. Mutations that increase binding of PurR to the control site in vitro concomitantly increase in vivo regulation. There are completely independent mechanisms for regulation of pyrC by purine and pyrimidine nucleotides. Cross pathway regulation of pyrC by PurR may provide one mechanism to coordinate synthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides.  相似文献   

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