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A new procedure was used to conjugate lactose and dextran with BSA without using coupling or activating reagents. The method is simple, rapid and cheap. Reducing sugars covalently bind to proteins when lyophilized together and briefly heated to a high temperature.  相似文献   

The changes of cell surface carbohydrates were examined with FITC (fluorescein isothiocyanate)‐labeled lectins during the conjugation process of the green alga Zygnema cruciatum. The Ulex europaeus agglutinin (UEA)‐specific materials were detected consistently on the surface of vegetative cells, but were absent on the surface of protruding papillae or conjugation tube. The tips of male and female papillae were labeled with soybean agglutinin (SBA) and peanut agglutinin (PNA) during conjugation. The SBA‐ and PNA‐specific materials appeared first at the tip of male papillae and began to accumulate on the surface of female papillae. No labeling of these lectins was detected on the surface of vegetative filaments throughout the conjugation process. FITC‐ConA (Concanavalin A) and FITC‐RCA (Ricinus communis agglutinin) did not label the vegetative filaments of Z. cruciatum, but a trace labeling of these lectins was observed on the surface of some swollen papillae occasionally. Blocking experiments with various lectins showed that these SBA‐ and PNA‐specific glycoconjugates might be involved in the signaling between male and female papillae.  相似文献   

Tyr(Bzl) and Tyr gramicidin A were prepared by the solid phase method using a 4-(oxymethyl)-Pam resin and Bpoc as alpha-amino-protecting group. The benzylated analog [Gr.T(Bzl)] was purified by chromatography on silica gel and then on LH60 Sephadex. Removal of benzyl groups was carried out by hydrogenolysis and the debenzylated derivative (Gr.T) was purified in the same way. Both gramicidins were checked and characterized by t.l.c., HPLC, circular dichroism, 1H n.m.r. and single channel measurements. CD spectra were found to be different for Gr.T(Bzl) and Gr.T and strongly dependent upon the solvent and the concentration. Single channel conductance of Gr. T is slightly lower than that of Gr.A (A Gr.T approximately equal to 0.7 A Gr.T).  相似文献   

Radioligand targeting of somatostatin receptor subtype 2 (sstr2)-positive tumors with synthetic somatostatin analogues such as octreotide is subject to improvement in tumor to nontumor biodistribution, in part because internalization of such somatostatin analogues is limited by sstr2 recycling to the cell surface. We reasoned that it might be possible to prepare probe-carrying somatostatin analogues that would escape recycling, efficiently depositing probe molecules inside cells and ultimately increasing their intracellular concentration. We have incorporated cathepsin-B-cleavable linkers into (Tyr3)-octreotate chelate conjugates and examined these constructs as to cellular uptake, externalization, subcellular localization, and cleavage in the rat pancreatic tumor cell line AR42J in culture. Comparison of the cleavable radioligands with a noncleavable control indicates that scission of the constituent cathepsin B substrate occurs at a rate faster than ligand externalization, depositing virtually all internalized cleaved radiochelates within lysosomal compartments.  相似文献   

Site-specific attachment of metal chelators or cytotoxic agents to the carbohydrate region of monoclonal antibodies results in clinically useful immunoconjugates [Doerr et al. (1991) Ann Surg 214: 118, Wynant et al. (1991) Prostate 18: 229]. Since the capacity of monoclonal antibodies (mAb) to mediate tumor cell lysis via antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) or complement-dependent cytotoxicity (CDC) may accentuate the therapeutic effectiveness of immunoconjugates, we determined whether site-specific modification of mAb carbohydrates interfered with these functions. The chemical modifications examined consisted of periodate oxidation and subsequent conjugation to either a peptide linker/chelator (GYK-DTPA) or a cytotoxic drug (doxorubicin adipic dihydrazide). mAb-associated carbohydrates were also modified metabolically by incubating hybridoma cells in the presence of a glucosidase inhibitor deoxymannojirimycin to produce high-mannose antibody. All four forms (unaltered, oxidized, conjugated and high-mannose) of murine mAb OVB-3 mediated tumor cell lysis via CDC. Similarly, equivalent ADCC was observed with native and conjugated forms of mAb OVB-3 and EGFR.1. ADCC was achieved with different murine effector cells such as naive (NS), poly (I*C)- and lipopolysaccharide-stimulated (SS) spleen cells, orCorynebacterium-parvum-elicited peritoneal cells (PEC). All murine effector cell types mediated tumor cell lysis but differed in potency such that PEC>SS>NS. Excellent ADCC activity was also demonstrable by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells with OVB-3-GYK-DTPA and high-mannose OVB-3 mAb. ADCC activity was detectable in vivo: both native and conjugated OVB-3 inhibited growth of OVCAR-3 xenografts in nude mice primed withC. parvum. In conclusion, modification of mAb carbohydrates did not compromise their in vivo or in vitro biological functions. Therefore, combination therapy using immunomodulators to enhance the effector functions of site-specific immunoconjugates could be seriously contemplated.  相似文献   

The adaptor protein Lnk is expressed in haemopoietic cells and plays a critical role in haemopoiesis. Animal model studies demonstrated that Lnk acts as a broad inhibitor of signalling pathways in haemopoietic lineages. Lnk belongs to a family of proteins sharing several structural motifs, including an SH2 (Src homology 2) domain which binds phosphotyrosine residues in various signal-transducing proteins. The SH2 domain is essential for Lnk-mediated negative regulation of several cytokine receptors [e.g. Mpl, EpoR (erythropoietin receptor), c-Kit]. Therefore inhibition of the binding of Lnk to cytokine receptors might lead to enhanced downstream signalling of the receptor and thereby to improved haemopoiesis in response to exposure to cytokines (e.g. erythropoietin in anaemic patients). This hypothesis led us to define the exact binding site of Lnk to the stem cell factor receptor c-Kit. Pull-down experiments using GST (glutathione transferase)-fusion proteins of the different domains of c-Kit showed that Lnk almost exclusively binds to the phosphorylated juxtamembrane domain. Binding of Lnk to the juxtamembrane domain was abolished by point mutation of Tyr(568) and was competed by peptides with a phosphotyrosine residue at position 568. Co-immunoprecipitation with full-length wild-type or Y568F mutant c-Kit and Lnk confirmed these results, thus showing the importance of this phosphorylated tyrosine residue. Lnk bound directly to c-Kit without requiring other interacting partners. The identification of the binding site of Lnk to c-Kit will be useful to discover inhibitory molecules that prevent the binding of these two proteins, thus making haemopoietic cells more sensitive to growth factors.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae YDL219w (DTD1) gene, which codes for an amino acid sequence sharing 34% identity with the Escherichia coli D-Tyr-tRNA(Tyr) deacylase, was cloned, and its product was functionally characterized. Overexpression in the yeast of the DTD1 gene from a multicopy plasmid increased D-Tyr-tRNA(Tyr) deacylase activity in crude extracts by two orders of magnitude. Upon disruption of the chromosomal gene, deacylase activity was decreased by more than 90%, and the sensitivity to D-tyrosine of the growth of S. cerevisiae was exacerbated. The toxicity of D-tyrosine was also enhanced under conditions of nitrogen starvation, which stimulate the uptake of D-amino acids. In relation with these behaviors, the capacity of purified S. cerevisiae tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase to produce D-Tyr-tRNA(Tyr) could be shown. Finally, the phylogenetic distribution of genes homologous to DTD1 was examined in connection with L-tyrosine prototrophy or auxotrophy. In the auxotrophs, DTD1-like genes are systematically absent. In the prototrophs, the putative occurrence of a deacylase is variable. It possibly depends on the L-tyrosine anabolic pathway adopted by the cell.  相似文献   

Spectrin is a ubiquitous heterodimeric scaffolding protein that stabilizes membranes and organizes protein and lipid microdomains on both the plasma membrane and intracellular organelles. Phosphorylation of beta-spectrin on Ser/Thr is well recognized. Less clear is whether alpha-spectrin is phosphorylated in vivo and whether spectrin is phosphorylated on tyrosine (pTyr). We affirmatively answer both questions. In cultured Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, alphaII spectrin undergoes in vivo tyrosine phosphorylation. Enhancement of the steady state level of pTyr-modified alphaII spectrin by vanadate, a phosphatase inhibitor, implies a dynamic balance between alphaII spectrin phosphorylation and dephosphorylation. Recombinant peptides containing the Src homology 3 domain of alphaII spectrin (but not the Src homology 3 domain of alphaI spectrin) bind specifically to phosphorylated c-Src in Madin-Darby canine kidney cell lysates, suggesting that this kinase is responsible for its in vivo phosphorylation. pTyr-modified alphaII spectrin is resistant to maitotoxin-induced cleavage by mu-calpain in vivo. In vitro studies of recombinant alphaII spectrin peptides representing repeats 9-12 identify two sites of pTyr modification. The first site is at Tyr(1073), a residue immediately adjacent to a region encoded by alternative exon usage (insert 1). The second site is at Tyr(1176). This residue flanks the major site of cleavage by the calcium-dependent protease calpain, and phosphorylation of Tyr(1176) by c-Src reduces the susceptibility of alphaII spectrin to cleavage by mu-calpain. Calpain cleavage of spectrin, activated by Ca(2+) and calmodulin, contributes to diverse cellular processes including synaptic remodeling, receptor-mediated endocytosis, apoptosis, and the response of the renal epithelial cell to ischemic injury. Tyrosine phosphorylation of alphaII spectrin now would appear to also mediate these events. The spectrin skeleton thus forms a point of convergence between kinase/phosphatase and Ca(2+)-mediated signaling cascades.  相似文献   

Sugar conjugation of biooactive peptides has been shown to be a powerful tool to modulate peptide pharmacokinetics. In the case of radiolabeled somatostatin analogues developed for in vivo scintigraphy of somatostatin receptor (sst) expressing tumors, it generally led to tracers with predominant renal excretion and low uptake in nontarget organs, and in some cases also with enhanced tumor accumulation. Especially with respect to endoradiotherapeutic applicability of these tracers, however, understanding the structural requirements for minimal kidney accumulation and maximal tumor uptake is important. The aim of this study was therefore the evaluation of the potential of specific glycoside structures in combination with reduced peptide net charge to reduce kidney accumulation without affecting tumor accumulation. Three glyco analogues of radioiodinated Tyr(3)-octreotate (TOCA) with z = 0 were evaluated in a comparative study using [(125)I]Mtr-TOCA (z = +1), the maltotriose-Amadori analogue of [(125)I]TOCA, as a reference, [(125)I]Glucuron-TOCA, the Amadori conjugate with glucuronic acid, and [(125)I]Gluc-S- and [(125)I]Gal-S-TOCA, the coupling products with glucosyl- and mannosyl-mercaptopropionate. In cells transfected with sst(1)-sst(5), all three new analogues show sst-subtype binding profiles similar to I-Mtr-TOCA with high, but somewhat reduced, affinity for sst(2). In contrast, internalization into sst(2)-expressing cells (in % of [(125)I]Tyr(3)-octreotide ([(125)I]TOC)) as well as the EC(50,R) of unlabeled TOC for internalization determined in dual-tracer experiments are substantially enhanced for [(123)I]Gal-S-TOCA and [(123)I]Gluc-S-TOCA (internalization, 190% +/- 12% and 265% +/- 20%, respectively, vs 168% +/- 6% of [(125)I]TOC for [(123)I]Mtr-TOCA; EC(50,R), 2.62 +/- 0.07 and 2.96 +/- 0.14, respectively, vs 1.81 +/- 0.07 for [(123)I]Mtr-TOCA). The tumor accumulation of [(125)I]Gal-S-TOCA and [(125)I]Gluc-S-TOCA in AR42J tumor-bearing nude mice 1 h p.i. is consequently very high (22.6 +/- 2.2 and 26.2 +/- 5.6%ID/g) and comparable to that of [(125)I]Mtr-TOCA (25.1 +/- 4.4%ID/g). [(125)I]Glucuron-TOCA showed lower uptake in sst-expressing tissues than did [(125)I]Mtr-TOCA, but considerably enhanced accumulation in nontarget organs such as liver, intestine, and kidney. Due to increased lipophilicity, hepatic and intestinal uptake 1 and 4 h p.i. of [(125)I]Gal-S-TOCA and [(125)I]Gluc-S-TOCA was also slightly higher than that of [(125)I]Mtr-TOCA. Kidney accumulation, however, was reduced by approximately 50% for both compounds (2.6 +/- 0.3 and 2.2 +/- 0.4, respectively, vs 4.0 +/- 0.7%ID/g at 1 h p.i.). Because no sugar-specific effect was detected in the latter case, it is concluded that general ligand pharmacokinetics and especially kidney accumulation of the tracers investigated are mainly determined by physicochemical characteristics such as lipophilicity, net charge, and also charge distribution ([(125)I]Glucuron-TOCA vs [(125)I]Gal-S- and [(125)I]Gluc-S-TOCA). With respect to receptor targeting, however, the structure of the carbohydrate moiety plays an important role, leading to dramatically enhanced ligand internalization, especially in the case of [(123)I]Gluc-S-TOCA. Taking into account the combined effects of the Gluc-S-moiety both on kidney and on tumor accumulation, this group seems to be a promising synthon for the synthesis of other radiolabeled peptide analogues with improved pharmacokinetics.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylation is rare, representing only about 0.5% of phosphorylations in the cell under basal conditions. While mitogenic tyrosine kinase signaling has been extensively explored, the role of phosphotyrosine signaling across the cell cycle and in particular during mitosis is poorly understood.

Two recent, independent studies tackled this question from different angles to reveal exciting new insights into the role of this modification during cell division. Caron et al.1 Caron D, Byrne DP, Thebault P, Soulet D, Landry CR, Eyers PA, Elowe S. Mitotic phosphotyrosine network analysis reveals that tyrosine phosphorylation regulates Polo-like kinase 1 (PLK1). Sci Signal 2016; 9:rs14; PMID:27965426; http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/scisignal.aah3525[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] exploited mitotic phosphoproteomics data sets to determine the extent of mitotic tyrosine phosphorylation, and St-Denis et al.2 St-Denis N, Gupta GD, Lin ZY, Gonzalez-Badillo B, Veri AO, Knight JD, Rajendran D, Couzens AL, Currie KW, Tkach JM, et al. Phenotypic and interaction profiling of the human phosphatases identifies diverse mitotic regulators. Cell Rep 2016; 17:2488-501; PMID:27880917; http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2016.10.078[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] identified protein tyrosine phosphatases from all subfamilies as regulators of mitotic progression or spindle formation. These studied collectively revealed that tyrosine phosphorylation may play a more prominent and active role in mitotic progression than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

In this study, the role of two conversed tyrosines (Tyr5 and Tyr42) from the scorpion toxin BmK AGP-SYPU1 was investigated with an effective Escherichia coli expression system. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to individually substitute Tyr5 and Tyr42 with hydrophobic or hydrophilic amino acids, and the extent to which these scorpion toxin BmK AGP-SYPU1 tyrosines contribute to analgesic activity was evaluated. The results of the mouse-twisting test showed that Tyr5 and Tyr42 are associated with the analgesic activity of the toxin because the analgesic activities of Y5F and Y42F were significantly increased compared with the rBmK AGP-SYPU1; however, the Y5W had decreased activity. The results of molecular simulation reveal the following: (1) for analgesic activity, the core domain of the scorpion toxin BmK AGP-SYPU1 is key and (2) for pharmacological function, Tyr42 is most likely involved when the core domain conformation is altered. These studies identify a new relationship between the structure and analgesic activity of the scorpion toxin BmK AGP-SYPU1 and are significant for further research and the application of analgesic peptides.  相似文献   

One of the main objectives of our current work is the development of new somatostatin analogs that would retain the general characteristics of [Tyr(3)]octreotate (Tate) while showing potential for clinical application. In this respect, study of their interaction with the sst(2) is crucial in providing preliminary structure-activity relationships data. In the present work we report on the synthesis and the preliminary biological evaluation of a total of 15 new structurally modified [Tyr(3)]octreotate analogs. The binding affinities were determined during competition binding assays in sst(2)-positive rat acinar pancreatic AR4-2J cell membranes using [(125)I-Tyr(3)]octreotide as the radioligand.  相似文献   

The Src family tyrosine kinase Hck possesses two phosphorylation sites, Tyr(527) and Tyr(416), that affect the catalytic activity in opposite ways. When phosphorylated, Tyr(527) and residues C-terminal to it are involved in an inhibitory intramolecular interaction with the SH2 domain. However, this sequence does not conform to the sequence of the high affinity SH2 ligand, pYEEI. We mutated this sequence to YEEI and show that this mutant form of Hck cannot be activated by exogenous SH2 ligands. The SH3 domain of Hck is also involved in an inhibitory interaction with the catalytic domain. The SH3 ligand Nef binds to and activates YEEI-Hck mutant in a similar manner to wild-type Hck, indicating that disrupting the SH3 interaction overrides the strengthened SH2 interaction. The other phosphorylation site, Tyr(416), is the autophosphorylation site in the activation loop. Phosphorylation of Tyr(416) is required for Hck activation. We mutated this residue to alanine and characterized its catalytic activity. The Y416A mutant shows a higher K(m) value for peptide and a lower V(max) than autophosphorylated wild-type Hck. We also present evidence for cross-talk between the activation loop and the intramolecular binding of the SH2 and SH3 domains.  相似文献   

The specificity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast on the removal of carbohydrates by fermentation was studied. The common monosaccharides, D-glucose, D-fructose, D-mannose, and D-galactose were completely removed; D-glucuronic acid and D-ribose were partially removed; but D-xylose, D-rhamnose, and L-sorbose were not removed and were completely resistant. Of four glycosides, methyl and phenyl alpha- and beta-D-glucopyranosides, three of the four were partially removed and methyl beta-D-glucopyranoside was not removed. The disaccharides, maltose, sucrose, and turanose were completely removed, while cellobiose, lactose, and melibiose were completely resistant. Isomaltose and alpha,alpha-trehalose were partially removed. Maltotriose and raffinose were partially removed, but isomaltotriose and melezitose were completely resistant. The tetrasaccharides, maltotetraose, isomaltotetraose, and acarbose, were completely resistant. Further, the yeast enzymes did not alter any of the resistant carbohydrates by transglycosylation or condensation reactions or by any other types of reactions.  相似文献   

Spodoptera littoralis is a phytophagous generalist. Its host range includes more than 40 plant species, some of which produce 3-nitropropanoic acid (3-NPA), an irreversible inhibitor of mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase. Growth in larvae fed an artificial diet with a sublethal admixture of 3-NPA (4.2 μmol per g) was slowed significantly, but larvae experienced no increase in mortality. In contrast, larvae injected with 25.2 μmol/g (bodyweight) 3-NPA experienced acute toxicity and death. To study the detoxification mechanism of 3-NPA in S. littoralis, the insect frass was analyzed by HPLC-MS. Comparative analysis of 3-NPA-treated and -untreated control samples using HR-MS2 revealed a group of differential signals that were identified as amino acid amides of 3-NPA with glycine, alanine, serine, and threonine. When sublethal amounts of stable isotope-labeled 3-NPA were injected into a larva's hemolymph, 3-NPA amino acid conjugates were identified as putative detoxification products. Bioassays with synthetic standards confirmed that the toxicity of the amides was negligible in comparison to the toxicity of free 3-NPA, demonstrating that amino acid conjugation in S. littoralis represents an efficient way to detoxify 3-NPA. Furthermore, biosynthetic studies using crude fractions of the gut tissue indicated that conjugation of 3-NPA with amino acids occurs in epithelial cells of the insect's gut. Taken together, these results suggest that the detoxification of 3-NPA in S. littoralis proceeds via conjugation to specific amino acids within the epithelial cells followed by export of the nontoxic amino acid conjugates to the hemolymph via as yet uncharacterized mechanisms, most likely involving the Malpighian tubules.  相似文献   

With water as sole eluant, the retention volumes for carbohydrates on an aluminate-resin column generally decrease in the order: ketoses>aldoses>alditols>methyl glycosides; retention increases with molecular size. Both aluminate ion and hydroxide ion contribute to the chromatographic properties of an aluminate resin. To avoid alkaline degradation and interconversion, which can occur extensively at 25°, chromatography of reducing sugars must be performed both rapidly and at low temperature. A mixture of d-glucose and d-fructose can be completely separated on a short aluminate column.  相似文献   

Kirmaier C  He C  Holten D 《Biochemistry》2001,40(40):12132-12139
We have investigated the primary charge separation processes in Rb. capsulatus reaction centers (RCs) bearing the mutations Phe(L181) --> Tyr, Tyr(M208) --> Phe, and Leu(M212) --> His. In the YFH mutant, decay of the excited primary electron donor P occurs with an 11 +/- 2 ps time constant and is trifurcated to give (1) internal conversion to the ground state ( approximately 10% yield), (2) charge separation to the L side of the RC ( approximately 60% yield), and (3) electron transfer to the M-side bacteriopheophytin BPh(M) ( approximately 30% yield). These results relate previous work in which the ionizable residues Lys (at L178) and Asp (at M201) have been used to facilitate charge separation to the M side of the RC, and the widely studied L181 and M208 mutants. One conclusion that comes from this work is that the Tyr (M208) --> Phe and Gly(M201) --> Asp mutations near the L-side bacteriochlorophyll (BChl(L)) raise the free energy of P(+)BChl(L)(-) by comparable amounts. The results also suggest that the free energy of P(+)BChl(M)(-) is lowered more substantially by a Tyr at L181 than a Lys at L178. The results on the YFH mutant further demonstrate that the free energy differences between the L- and M-side charge-separated states play a significant role in the directionality of charge separation in the wild-type RC, and place limits on the contributing role of differential electronic matrix elements on the two sides of the RC.  相似文献   

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