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扬子鳄蛋壳白带的变化及其实践意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 996~ 1 997年通过对扬子鳄蛋进行孵化实验 ,以及对扬子鳄繁殖研究中心鳄蛋人工孵化的几年观察 ,得出孵化中蛋壳结构因出现白带而疏松 ;蛋壳白带变化呈一定规律性 ,在 ( 3 1± 1 )℃下 ,白点在产后 2 4小时出现 ,约 7天环绕蛋一周 ,约 2 1天 (除端部 )长满蛋一半 ,约 3 2天长满蛋一端 ,约 4 2天充满全蛋壳 ;受精蛋的发育受到白点出现时间限制 ,产后 72小时之前出白点的蛋都可孵出小鳄 ,之后出白点的蛋几乎孵不出鳄 ;孵化中 ,蛋壳可因蛋内吸水过多而开裂 ,蛋可因失水过多而空头 ,这二种现象都不利于蛋孵化。  相似文献   

人工驯养下扬子鳄的生长规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究结果表明扬子鳄在饲养条件下的生长具有一定的规律性。饲养群体中,5龄以前的鳄生长速率较快,其中在2龄前生长速率最快,在5龄至7龄间生长速率明显减慢;鳄体长与体重之间呈正相关,两者在体长小于50cm时呈直线相关,体长大于50cm时呈曲线相关。不同性别的扬子鳄年生长状况不同,从5龄开始雌雄鳄体重出现显著差异,雄鳄重于雌鳄;从6龄开始雌雄鳄在体长方面的生长速率出现差异,雄鳄生长明显快于雌鳄;达到10龄后,雌雄鳄在体长和体重方面的增长均明显减慢,达到15龄时两者的体形已相差悬殊,雄性大于雌性。由von Berta-lanffy生长模型分析,雌鳄达到25龄而雄鳄达到35龄后,各自的体长几乎停止生长,雌鳄平均最大体长为173cm,雄鳄平均最大体长为219cm。在人工越冬下,除第一次越冬外,扬子鳄在越冬室内的冬眠中体况无明显变化,体能明显消耗出现在户外冬眠过程中。本研究为扬子鳄的科学化饲养提供理论依据。  相似文献   

通过两个核基因NT-3基因(约740 bp)和BDNF基因部分序列(约720 bp)的分析,对爬行动物的系统发生关系中鳄类与鸟类和哺乳类系统发生关系、龟类在爬行动物系统发生中的位置以及扬子鳄属的划分等问题进行探讨.结果表明,在NT-3基因序列中,有307个位点存在变异(约为总位点数的47.3%),BDNF基因序列有256个变异位点(约为38.79%);构建的分子系统树显示,NT-3和BDNF基因以及两序列合并数据后所得系统树的拓扑结构均支持鳄类和鸟类聚为一支构成姐妹群,鳄类与蜥蜴类尽管在形态上非常相似,但它们的亲缘关系仍然较远;同时支持把龟鳖类作为鳄类和鸟类支系的姐妹群,支持把蜥蜴类(有鳞类)放在爬行类系统发生树的基部,而不是龟鳖类作为现代爬行类中最基部的1支.对扬子鳄分类地位的研究结果支持在现存的鳄类中扬子鳄与密西西比鳄的亲缘关系较近的结论.  相似文献   

扬子鳄味蕾及口腔上皮形态学初步观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文用光镜对扬子鳄味蕾的分布及口腔上皮的形态进行了观察。结果表明,味蕾主要集中在舌中间和腭帆的上皮中,舌腺分布于舌中部固有层内。本文还对扬子鳄味蕾分布的特点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

扬子鳄皮肤腺结构与发育的初步观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
扬子鳄有三种皮肤腺:背腺、泄殖腔麝腺和下颌腺。背腺位于背中线左右两侧第二行鳞片下方,其确切位置个体间差异很大,如表1。幼鳄背腺形态多种多样,但显示出是一种退化器官,未观察到腺开口,也未观察到半成鳄和成鳄的背腺,因此扬子鳄背腺可能不具功能。泄殖腔麝腺位于泄殖腔腹唇内,梨形,腺管开口于泄殖腔腹壁,成体腺腔很大,腺的底部壁较厚,腺细胞明显地分成若干小叶,其它部位壁较薄,小叶不明显,属全泌腺,分泌油脂物,繁殖期特别发达,但性未成熟个体亦具功能,是一种信息素下颌腺位于下颌后方两侧皮肤内,圆柱状,脉管开口于下颌腹侧皮肤表面,成体腺腔不规则,腺壁厚,从包囊到腺腔,腺细胞可明显地分成三个区,属全泌腺,分泌油脂物,在繁殖期特别发达,此腺到性成熟才具功能。  相似文献   

扬子鳄的起源   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了现存鳄彼此间的亲缘关系、扬子鳄起源的时间和地点。主要结论可归纳如下:①现存鳄类在科、属、种分类上都存在不同意见;②扬子鳄与密河鳄被分在同一属内,但两者之间的亲缘关系存在争议,两者在形态、生化、细胞、分子生物学上差异很大;③Stell认为扬子鳄在中新世开始出现,作者认为它可能起源于渐新世或中新世早期;④Stell认为分布于北美的汤氏鳄(A.thomsoni)可能是扬子鳄的祖先类型,而另一些学者认为扬子鳄起源于亚洲的可能性更大些。  相似文献   

目的 研究双峰驼舌的形态结构和舌粘膜的组织学结构.方法 肉眼观察舌的形态结构,用直尺和游标卡尺测量各个参数;光镜下,观察舌粘膜的组织学结构.结果 双峰驼的舌由舌尖、舌体和舌根3部分组成;舌背粘膜厚而粗糙,舌腹粘膜薄而光滑;舌乳头包括丝状乳头、菌状乳头、轮廓乳头、锥状乳头和豆状乳头.舌表面角质化程度高,舌尖有明显的正中沟和横向的皱褶.菌状乳头味蕾不很发达,丝状乳头粗而长;舌根宽而厚,锥状和豆状等机械乳头相当发达,轮廓乳头较大;舌肌的横纹肌发达,味腺只见于舌根部.结论 双峰驼舌的形态学特点和组织学结构与其生长的荒漠、半荒漠环境及摄食多刺而粗糙植物的习性相适应.  相似文献   

几种鳄分子系统发生的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
朱伟铨  王义权  吴孝兵  周开亚 《遗传》2001,23(5):435-438
百年来关于扬子鳄的分类学位置存在着很多争议,本测得扬子鳄、暹罗鳄和湾鳄的mtDNA ND4和Cytb基因,并从GenBank中获得密西西比鳄和海龟的DN4基因和Cytb基因相应片段。用Clustal X1.8进行对位排列,以海龟为外群构建分子进化系统树。结果显示,在鳄类动物中,扬子鳄与密西西比鳄的亲缘关系最近,两ND4基因序列碱基差异的20.68%,而Cytb基因序列碱基差异为14.43%,但扬子鳄与密西西相比与鳄的分类问题仍将有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

夏同胜  朱家龙  邵民 《四川动物》2006,25(2):400-402
分析5~8年龄段的扬子鳄在不同环境条件下越冬出现的发病死亡结果,表明越冬期内空气温度的昼夜剧烈变化,使得越冬池内的水温发生较大的波动,导致处在越冬中的扬子鳄生理功能紊乱,使鳄患病甚至死亡,当年的室外饲养质量影响鳄的发病时间.  相似文献   

南陵县扬子鳄的种群数量及栖息地质量   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
1986-1998年,在安徽省南陵县对扬子鳄种群资源及分布区栖息地状况进行了4次调查。1999年对该县扬子鳄部分栖息地的质量做了研究。结果显示,南陵县扬子鳄野生种群目前只30头左右,每4年平均递减率约38%,分布于6个镇,7个行政村中,75%的栖息地已经消失,其中东河、三里、石铺三镇生活有全县80%的扬子鳄,而石铺镇扬子鳄密度最大,引起扬子鳄种群数量下降的主要原因是栖息地破坏,同时对鳄的捕杀,污染、天灾也是重要因素,其野外栖息地主要为两种类型,农耕区普通池塘和丘陵山地的山塘、水库,耕作区食物,栖息条件较好,人鳄矛盾较小的局部水域依然是扬子鳄最佳选择,但这类水域农药化肥污染已构成对扬子鳄的潜在威胁。  相似文献   

In this study the lingual and sublingual glands, the lingual stem and the epithelial surface of the protrusible secondary tongue were investigated by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The quality of the secretions of the epithelia was characterized histochemically. The lingual epithelium is formed by superficial (pavement) and goblet cells and at the margin of the tongue pad are also regions covered by ciliated cells. On the dorsal part of the tongue there are goblet cells of type A with mainly acidic secretions and of type B containing neutral secretions. Most of the goblet cells on the ventral side of the tongue (hypoglottis) show a strong alcian blue/PAS positive reaction (type I) and some produce neutral secretions (type II). The glandular cells of the lingual gland react positively to alcian blue and PAS in the apical region of the gland. In contrast there is only alcian blue-positive staining in the basal part of the gland. The size and complexity of the inclusion bodies of the secretory granules increase in a basal direction. In addition, there are ciliated cells in the glandular epithelium. Although the epithelium of the lingual stem is thin, it is double-layered. The cell types observed in this region are identical to those of the ventral part of the protrusible tongue. At the margin of the sublingual gland are trough-like structures. In the center, tubular parts are observed. The cells of this gland are stain strongly with alcian blue (pH 1.0) mainly in the basal part of the gland. The results of this are compared to the tongue pad and the lingual gland of Salamandra salamandra and Ambystoma mexicanum.  相似文献   

The ostrich's tongue is situated in the posterior part of the oropharyngeal cavity and its length is only about a quarter of the beak cavity. The triangular shortened tongue has retained the usual division into the apex, the body and the root. There are no conical papillae between the body and the root of the tongue, and the presence of the flat fold with lateral processes sliding over the tongue root in the posterior part of the lingual body is a unique morphological feature. All lingual mucosa covers non-keratinised stratified epithelium, and the lamina propria of the mucosa is filled with mucous glands whose round or semilunar openings are found on both the dorsal and ventral surface of the tongue. The complex glands found in the lingual body are composed of alveoli and/or tubules. Moreover, simple tubular glands seen in the posterior part of the tongue root are an exception. Numerous observations have shown that the ostrich's tongue is a modified structure, though not a rudimentary one, whose main function is to produce the secretion moisturising the beak cavity surface and the ingested semidry plant food in this savannah species.  相似文献   

The serous lingual glands of von Ebner secrete lingual lipase, an enzyme that begins fat digestion in the stomach. The objective of this study was to characterize the neuromodulators in the rat tongue and von Ebner glands using immunocytochemical techniques. Rat lingual tissues were fixed in formalin, embedded in paraffin and sectioned at 4 microns for light microscopic studies. Immunocytochemical localization of neuromodulators was performed with monospecific anti-rat neuromodulator IgG or control (preimmune) IgG as the primary antibody, using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique. No staining was seen with control anti-rat IgG. Immunospecific staining for vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), tyrosine hydroxylase and choline acetyltransferase (CHAT) was observed in nerves in the tongue, and cells containing immunospecific staining for serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) were seen in the stroma between the lingual glands. Selected cells in the serous glands stained positively for the presence of substance P and somatostatin. Adrenergic, VIP-containing and cholinergic nerves appear to innervate the tongue and serous glands. Substance P and somatostatin were identified in cells of the lingual serous glands and may be additional local modulators regulating lingual lipase release.  相似文献   

Summary The serous lingual glands of von Ebner secrete lingual lipase, an enzyme that begins fat digestion in the stomach. The objective of this study was to characterize the neuromodulators in the rat tongue and von Ebner glands using immunocytochemical techniques. Rat lingual tissues were fixed in formalin, embedded in paraffin and sectioned at 4 m for light microscopic studies. Immunocytochemical localization of neuromodulators was performed with monospecific anti-rat neuromodulator IgG or control (preimmune) IgG as the primary antibody, using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) technique. No staining was seen with control antirat IgG. Immunospecific staining for vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), tyrosine hydroxylase and choline acetyltransferase (CHAT) was observed in nerves in the tongue, and cells containing immunospecific staining for serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) were seen in the stroma between the lingual glands. Selected cells in the serous glands stained positively for the presence of substance P and somatostatin. Adrenergic, VIP-containing and cholinergic nerves appear to innervate the tongue and serous glands. Substance P and somatostatin were identified in cells of the lingual serous glands and may be additional local modulators regulating lingual lipase release.  相似文献   

Methyl methacrylate corrosion casts were made of the blood-vascular system of the lingual salt glands of the estuarine crocodile, Crocodylus porosus, and examined with light and scanning electron microscopy. The 28–40 individual salt glands, each opening separately via a single pore onto the dorsal surface of the tongue, are supplied by a pair of lingual arteries. Each gland is richly vascularized and is composed of 14–20 lobular sub-units, each having a dense network of capillaries. The blood flow in each gland is from the centre to its periphery, opposite to the direction of the flow of secretions in the ducts of the gland. The main collecting duct leading from the gland to the external pore was well vascularized. The blood supply to the glands of juvenile crocodiles raised in 20‰ salt water was more dense than in freshwater and, from cast masses, had a three-fold greater vascular volume. This study provides the first evidence which shows that the salt glands of crocodiles are morphologically labile and can adapt to the environmental salinity. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Harderian gland is a poorly understood anterior ocular gland that occurs in most terrestrial vertebrates. Numerous extraorbital functions have been ascribed to the Harderian gland, principally based on its association with the nasolacrimal duct. Few studies have centered on archosaurs and the majority of those available focused solely on the Harderian gland of birds. Little is known about the lacrimal apparatus of the crocodilians. We examined the lacrimal apparatus of several specimens of Alligator mississippiensis anatomically, histologically, and histochemically and studied the embryogenesis of this system. The nasolacrimal duct possesses a distal secretory area, which is more convoluted than that of typical mammals or lepidosaurs. The alligator Harderian gland possesses a unique combination of characteristics found in lepidosaurs, birds, and mammals. Like that of both mammals and lepidosaurs, it is a large, tuboloacinar gland that appears to secrete both mucoprotein and lipids. However, the presence of blood vessels and immune cells is reminiscent of that of the avian Harderian gland. The immunogenesis of the alligator Harderian gland appears to be tied to the development of the vascular system. The presence of a distinct palpebral gland in the anterior aspect of the ventral eyelid is a feature unique to alligators. Based on position, this gland does not appear to be homologous to the anterior lacrimal gland of lepidosaurs. Lymphatic aggregations were also found in the palpebral gland. The presence of interstitial immune cells in the orbital glands of alligators suggests that the alligator lacrimal apparatus, like that of birds, may play a role in the head-associated lymphatic tissue system.  相似文献   

The major salivary glands of birds develop by branching or elongation of the epithelial cords. The development of the minor salivary glands in form of the lingual glands has never been described. Among birds, only Anatidae have three types of the lingual glands: rostral, caudo‐lateral, and caudo‐medial lingual glands. The study aims to characterize the manner and rate of the lingual glands development in the domestic duck and their topographical arrangement relative to the hyoid apparatus. The study reveals that all three types of the lingual glands develop by branching. We describe five stages of the lingual glands development in the domestic ducks: prebud, initial bud, pseudoglandular, canalicular, and terminal bud stage. The pattern of the lingual glands development in birds is similar to that described for mammals, with the exception, that the terminal buds are formed at the same time as the lumen of the glands. Generally, the rostral lingual gland starts to branch earlier than the caudal lingual glands. The 3D‐reconstruction shows the location and direction of lingual gland development relative to the entoglossal cartilage and basibranchial bone. Light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy allow to characterize the histogenesis of the embryonic epithelium into glandular epithelium. At a time of hatching only secretory units of caudal lingual glands resemble the secretory units of the adult domestic duck. The rostral and caudo‐lateral lingual glands are arranged on the sides of the entoglossal cartilage and basibranchial bone and caudo‐madial lingual glands are located over the basibranchial bone. We suggest that such an arrangement of the lingual glands in the domestic duck is important during food intake and responsible for reduction of friction and formation of food bites.  相似文献   

The morphology and histomorphology of the tongue and the histochemistry of the lingual glands of eight specimens from four species of Ligurian Sea odontocetes (Stenella coeruleoalba, Tursiops truncatus, Grampus griseus, and Ziphius cavirostris) were studied. The shape of tongues and the appearance of their dorsal surfaces differed between species. The lingual glands differed in size, distribution, and histochemistry by species. In S. coeruleoalba and G. griseus, a strong alcianophilic mucous material was detected in the lingual glands, while neutral and acidic mucous substances were observed in the most proximal secretory acini. In G. griseus, small simple alveolar apocrine glands were also found, and the duct of the serous lingual glands in Z. cavirostris is of apocrine type. Numerous mechanoreceptors were observed. Only the tongue of the young specimens showed marginal papillae: their histomorphological composition is consistent with the hypothesis that they create a tight seal between the tongue and the roof of the cavity in order to create suction. This comparative study suggests that differences in tongue morphology and in the morphology and histochemistry of lingual glands might be related to feeding habits.  相似文献   

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