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Messenger RNA (mRNA) for globin was isolated from spleens of irradiated mice in which erythroid differentiation was induced by a bone marrow graft. The globin mRNA was isolated either by means of sucrose gradients of reticulocyte polysomal RNA or by affinity chromatography of total spleen RNA on poly (U)-sepharose. The globin mRNA was tested in a wheat embryo cell-free system. The appearance of mRNA in the spleen erythroid colonies was correlated with other parameters of erythroid differentiation such as globin synthesis, activity of delta-aminolevulinic acid synthetase and iron uptake. Poly(A) containing mRNA did appear already on the 3rd day after grafting. However, significant translational activity of globin mRNA could be demonstrated only one day later together with the increase in globin synthesis and delta-aminolevulinic acid synthetase and enhanced iron uptake. In the second part of this study mouse spleen cells rich in erythroid elements were incubated with a specific heme synthesis inhibitor (isonicotinic acid hydrazide, INH) and the synthesis of 9 S RNA was estimated. It was found that a 40-minute incubation with INH reduced uridine incorporation into 9 S RNA fraction by about 40%.  相似文献   

Plasma from BALB/c mice bled 90 minutes after allogeneic lymphocyte injection significantly rises glucose induced insulin secretion. This rise is observed in pancreas either from non-treated or from allogeneized mice. This rise is time and dose-dependent. An 1/40 dilution is enough to bring about a significant increase on insulin secretion. This effect is seen when mice are bled between 60 and 180 minutes after injection with a maximum effect at 90-120 minutes. Plasma from BALB/c mice injected with C57BL/6 J lymphocytes rises insulin secretion from BALB/c, C57BL/6 J, C3h and C57BL/KsJ mice pancreas. Plasma from streptozotocin diabetic BALB/c mice and from genetically diabetic C57BL/KsJ mdb-mdb mice injected with allogeneic lymphocytes stimulates glucose induced insulin secretion but to a lesser extent than plasma from normal non-diabetic mice does.  相似文献   

Using inbred guinea pigs of strains JY 1, JY 2, 2 and 13, whose major histocompatibility gene complexes are different from each other at the B region and/or the I region, the authors aimed to detect cytotoxic thymus-derived lymphocytes (CTL) against allogeneic target cells. Various in vivo and in vitro sensitization methods that have been described for murine CTL systems were used. For detection of CTL, Con A- or PHA-induced 51Cr-labeled lymphoblasts were incubated with sensitized spleen cells or lymph node cells for 4 hr, and 51Cr released into the supernatant was assayed. Under these conditions, no significant lysis of the target cells was observed. On the other hand, significant levels of both delayed-type hypersensitivity and humoral antibodies were detected in the animals sensitized by in vivo methods.  相似文献   

A system is described in which C57/Bl lymphocytes can be sensitized in vitro against H-2 alloantigens of DBA/2 fibroblasts. Cytotoxicity of sensitized lymphocytes was measured by 51Crrelease from DBA/2 mastocytoma cells which were used as sensitive target cells. During the sensitization period one can observe lymphoid blast transformation and proliferation to start from the third day. Optimal cytotoxic effect of sensitized lymphocytes is reached on the fifth day. C57/Bl lymphocytes sensitized on C3H fibroblasts were found not to be cytotoxic to DBA/ 2 mastocytoma cells.  相似文献   

Allogeneic lymphocytes can inhibit proliferation of erythroid cells in the spleens of irradiated mice grafted with syngeneic bone marrow cells. Since there is a linear relationship between the number of injected lymphocytes and erythroid activity, the method is frequently used as a graft-vs-host assay. In this investigation we show that the reduction of erythroid activity is due to both a reaction of the lymphocytes against the tissues of the host and against the grafted bone marrow cells. Thus, reduced erythropoietic activity does not necessarily indicate that the bone marrow targets possess antigens against which the lymphocytes are reactive.  相似文献   

Immunization of C57BL/6 mice with BALB.B spleen cells in vivo and subsequent boosting in mixed lymphocyte culture result in the generation of cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs) which are specific for a limited number of immunodominant antigens. Experiments are described which suggest the existence of a hierarchy of immunodominance in this donor: host combination. Two antigens, CTT-1.3 and CTT-2.3, are dominant in the C57BL/6 anti-BALB.B CTL response. The distribution of these antigens among CXB recombinant inbred (RI) strains suggests that they segregate as single gene traits. Elimination of the CTT-1.3 and CTT-2.3 antigens by complementation in the responder, or elimination from the priming and boosting stages by the selection.of CXB RI strain mice as responders or stimulators, reveals a second level of immunodominant antigens which include CTT-3.3 and CTT-4.3. CXB mice which express one of the CTT-1.3 or CTT-2.3 antigens will produce CTLs specific for the other antigen upon priming and boosting with BALB.B cells. Expression of both antigens in responders results in the generation of CTLs specific for the second level, dominant antigens. Immunodominance is not confined to the C57BL/6 anti-BALB.B system but can also be observed in the BALB.B anti-C57BL/6 and B10.D2 anti-DBA/2 systems. Finally, generation of CTLs following priming and boosting with dominant and dominated antigens presented on different cells confirmed that immunodominance can only be observed when the dominant and dominated antigens are presented on the same cells. These observations suggest that immunodominance is revealed at the level of antigen-presenting cells primarily involved in vivo priming.  相似文献   

Subcellular fractions containing different H-2 antigens were tested for their ability to inhibit specific T cell-target cell conjugate formation. H-2-containing membrane vesicles, lentil-lectin-purified H-2 antigens solubilized with detergent (referred to in the text as high-density fraction) or incorporated into lipid vesicles, inhibited T cell-target cell conjugate formation effectively and specifically. However, two- to threefold more protein was required to inhibit T cell-target cell conjugate formation when detergent-solubilized lentil-lectin-purified H-2 antigens were tested. This suggests that a lipid matrix is advantageous for interaction with anti-H-2 T-cell receptors. Experiments were also undertaken to demonstrate specific binding of liposomes containing 125I-labeled H-2 antigen to anti-H-2-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). The binding of the 125I-labeled H-2-containing liposomes was saturable and was specifically inhibited by unlabeled H-2 antigens. Monospecific anti-H-2 sera specifically inhibited the binding of liposomes containing H-2 antigen to the CTLs. The results suggest that a specific interaction can occur between serologically defined H-2 antigens and the receptor of anti-H-2 CTLs.  相似文献   

Immunization of mice with multiple non-H-2 histocompatibility antigens results in the generation of cytolytic T lymphocytes that are specific for a limited number of immunodominant antigens. The experiments presented in this communication were designed to reveal immunodominance in pairwise combinations of autosomal and sex-linked non-H-2 histocompatibility (H) antigens. Priming and boosting responders with the male antigen, H-Y, paired with the H-4.2, H-7.1, or H-3.1 antigens, resulted in the generation of cytolytic T cells specific for the autosomal H antigens but not the H-Y antigen. Furthermore, co-immunization and boosting of C57BL/6 female responder spleen cells with BALB.B male cells resulted in the generation of cytolytic T cells specific for the BALB.B immunodominant antigens but not H-Y. No dominance was observed in H-4-plus H-7-incompatible combinations. Co-immunization of three different H-3 congenic strains with H-3.1 plus H-Y demonstrated that an efficient anti-H-3.1 T cell response is required for observing H-3.1 immunodominance over H-Y. Co-expression of H-3.1 and H-Y on the same priming and boosting cells was required for immunodominance. In fact, immunization with H-3.1 and H-Y presented on different cells resulted in normal generation of H-Y-specific cytolytic T cells, but no generation of H-3.1-specific cytolytic T cells resulted unless H-Y-specific cells were stimulated in the mixed lymphocyte cultures. These observations suggest that in vitro T cell responses to paired, non-H-2 H antigens may be independent, competitive, or synergistic, depending on the identity of the antigens and the priming and boosting conditions.  相似文献   

The immunization of C57BL/6 responder mice with spleen cells from H-2-matched BALB.B donors, which differ by multiple non-H-2 histocompatibility (H) antigens, results in the generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) that are specific for only a limited number of immunodominant antigens. Previous analysis of the genes encoding these dominant antigens has not mapped these genes to any of the non-H-2 H loci defined by congenic strains. It would have been expected that the histogenetic techniques employed for congenic strain selection would have preferentially identified the "strongest" H antigens. Therefore, we have investigated the possibility that immunodominant antigens do not belong to the class of non-H-2 H antigens encoded by genes mapping to H loci defined and mapped by congenic strains. The first experiments were aimed at identifying antigens that were expressed by independently derived inbred strains and were cross-reactive with the immunodominant cytotoxic T cell target (CTT-1) antigen of BALB.B. Strong cross-reaction with the C3H.SW (H-2b) strain was observed; the C3H gene encoding this antigen was mapped with BXH recombinant inbred strains. Contrary to the mapping of the CTT-1 gene to chromosome 1 in BALB.B, the C3H gene was shown to map to either chromosome 4 or chromosome 7. This result indicates that identical, or at least extensively cross-reactive, non-H-2 antigens may be encoded by genes mapping to independently segregating loci in different inbred strains. The tissue distribution of immunodominant antigens was approached by determining the reactivity of CTL specific for these antigens with either lymphoid-derived or fibroblast-derived targets. These CTL effectively lysed lymphoblast and lymphoid tumor targets but did not lyse an SV40-transformed fibroblast line that was shown to be efficiently lysed by CTL specific for non-H-2 H antigens defined by congenic strains. Therefore, it was concluded that immunodominant antigens detected by B6 anti-BALB.B CTL have a restricted tissue distribution in comparison to non-H-2 H antigens defined by congenic strains. The implications of these results for our understanding of the origin and heterogeneity of non-H-2 cell-surface antigen recognized by effector T cells are discussed.  相似文献   

The T-lymphocytes resident in the spleens of thymectomized, lethally irradiated mice that had been reconstituted with syngeneic bone marrow (TXB) were characterized. Both recently reconstituted N-TXB, (approximately 3 weeks after bone marrow injection) and aged (>6 months after reconstitution) A-TXB animals were studied. The T-lymphocytes from spleens of recently reconstituted N-TXB donors did not respond to PHA but did react significantly to Concanavalin A (Con A). The lack of PHA sensitivity was not due to dilution of reactive cells by other cell types. Removal of adherent cells, likewise, did not restore N-TXB spleen cell PHA responsiveness. N-TXB splenic T-cells were cortisone resistant. N-TXB spleen cells by themselves did not cause a graft vs host response. However, N-TXB spleen cells amplified the graft vs host response of normal lymph node cells but not N-TXB lymph node cells. Addition of cyclic GMP enhanced [3H]thymidine uptake of N-TXB spleen cells caused by Con A. N-TXB spleen cells were exclusively spleen seeking. The Con A reactive cell within N-TXB spleens was demonstrated to be of donor origin. Fetal liver as well as syngeneic bone marrow contained cells capable of reconstituting the Con A response. Spleen cells from aged. (>6 months) A-TXB were found to be PHA sensitive. Competitive inhibition assays measuring θ expression in A-TXB spleen cells indicate a significant increase in the θ positive lymphocyte population occurred with time. The data indicate that considerable reconstitution of θ positive cells had occurred in A-TXB donors. The results also suggest that the T-lymphocyte population of the TXB spleen may be a unique subpopulation of T-lymphocytes that resides exclusively in spleen and bone marrow.  相似文献   

Hydrocortisone, Agostilben, Agovirin, Neolutin and Superanabolon partially to completely inhibit the absorption capacity of HLA antigens on the lymphocytes in vitro. The effect is directly proportional to the duration of lymphocyte treatment and the type of hormone, yet unrelated to the type of antigen. The importance of this phenomenon for HLA antigen typing in hormones-treated patients is discussed.  相似文献   

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