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In the present study, we investigated the mechanisms by which zinc causes growth arrest in colon cancer cells. The results suggest that zinc treatment stabilizes the levels of the wild-type adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) protein at the post-translational level since the APC mRNA levels and the promoter activity of the APC gene were decreased in HCT-116 cells (which express the wild-type APC gene) after treatment with ZnCl2. Increased levels of wild-type but not truncated APC proteins were required for the ZnCl2-mediated G2/M phase arrest in different colon cancer cell lines. We further tested whether serum-stimulation, which induces cell cycle arrest in the S phase, can relieve ZnCl2-induced G2/M phase arrest of HCT-116 cells. Results showed that in the HCT-116 cells pretreated with ZnCl2, the serum-stimulation neither changed the distribution of G2/M phase arrested cells nor the increased levels of APC protein. The G2/M phase arrest correlated with retarded growth of HCT-116 cells. To further establish that wild-type APC protein plays a role in ZnCl2-induced G2/M arrest, we treated SW480 colon cancer cells that express truncated APC protein. We found that ZnCl2 treatment did not induce G2/M phase arrest in SW480 cells; however, the cell growth was retarded due to the loss of E-cadherin and alpha-tubulin levels. These results suggest that ZnCl2 inhibits the proliferation of colon cancer cells (which carry the wild-type APC gene) through stabilization of the APC protein and cell cycle arrest in the G2/M phase. On the other hand, ZnCl2 inhibits the proliferation of colon cancer cells (which carry the mutant APC gene) by disrupting cellular attachment and microtubule stability.  相似文献   

Most colorectal cancers have mutations of the adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) gene or the beta-catenin gene that stabilize beta-catenin and activate beta-catenin target genes, leading ultimately to cancer. The molecular mechanisms of APC function in beta-catenin degradation are not completely known. APC binds beta-catenin and is involved in the Axin complex, suggesting that APC regulates beta-catenin phosphorylation. Some evidence also suggests that APC regulates beta-catenin nuclear export. Here, we examine the effects of APC mutations on beta-catenin phosphorylation, ubiquitination, and degradation in the colon cancer cell lines SW480, DLD-1, and HT29, each of which contains a different APC truncation. Although the current models suggest that beta-catenin phosphorylation should be inhibited by APC mutations, we detected significant beta-catenin phosphorylation in these cells. However, beta-catenin ubiquitination and degradation were inhibited in SW480 but not in DLD-1 and HT29 cells. The ubiquitination ofbeta-catenin in SW480 cells can be rescued by exogenous expression of APC. The APC domains required for beta-catenin ubiquitination were analyzed. Our results suggest that APC regulates beta-catenin phosphorylation and ubiquitination by distinct domains and by separate molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   

Adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) tumor suppressor protein has been shown to be localized near the distal ends of microtubules (MTs) at the edges of migrating cells. We expressed green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion proteins with full-length and deletion mutants of Xenopus APC in Xenopus epithelial cells, and observed their dynamic behavior in live cells. During cell spreading and wound healing, GFP-tagged full-length APC was concentrated as granules at the tip regions of cellular extensions. At higher magnification, APC appeared to move along MTs and concentrate as granules at the growing plus ends. When MTs began to shorten, the APC granules dropped off from the MT ends. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that fuzzy structures surrounding MTs were the ultrastructural counterparts for these GFP signals. The COOH-terminal region of APC was targeted to the growing MT ends without forming granular aggregates, and abruptly disappeared when MTs began to shorten. The APC lacking the COOH-terminal region formed granular aggregates that moved along MTs toward their plus ends in an ATP-dependent manner. These findings indicated that APC is a unique MT-associated protein that moves along selected MTs and concentrates at their growing plus ends through their multiple functional domains.  相似文献   

Supernumerary teeth are teeth that are present in addition to normal teeth. Although several hypotheses and some molecular signalling pathways explain the formation of supernumerary teeth, but their exact disease pathogenesis is unknown. To study the molecular mechanisms of supernumerary tooth‐related syndrome (Gardner syndrome), a deeper understanding of the aetiology of supernumerary teeth and the associated syndrome is needed, with the goal of inhibiting disease inheritance via prenatal diagnosis. We recruited a Chinese family with Gardner syndrome. Haematoxylin and eosin staining of supernumerary teeth and colonic polyp lesion biopsies revealed that these patients exhibited significant pathological characteristics. APC gene mutations were detected by PCR and direct sequencing. We revealed the pathological pathway involved in human supernumerary tooth development and the mouse tooth germ development expression profile by RNA sequencing (RNA‐seq). Sequencing analysis revealed that an APC gene mutation in exon 15, namely 4292‐4293‐Del GA, caused Gardner syndrome in this family. This mutation not only initiated the various manifestations typical of Gardner syndrome but also resulted in odontoma and supernumerary teeth in this case. Furthermore, RNA‐seq analysis of human supernumerary teeth suggests that the APC gene is the key gene involved in the development of supernumerary teeth in humans. The mouse tooth germ development expression profile shows that the APC gene plays an important role in tooth germ development. We identified a new mutation in the APC gene that results in supernumerary teeth in association with Gardner syndrome. This information may shed light on the molecular pathogenesis of supernumerary teeth. Gene‐based diagnosis and gene therapy for supernumerary teeth may become available in the future, and our study provides a high‐resolution reference for treating other syndromes associated with supernumerary teeth.  相似文献   

Lost of adenomatous polyposis coli gene (Apc) disturbs the migration of intestinal epithelial cells but the mechanisms have not been fully characterized. Since we have demonstrated that SK3/KCa2.3 channel promotes cancer cell migration, we hypothesized that Apc mutation may affect SK3/KCa2.3 channel-mediated colon epithelial cell motility. We report evidence that SK3/KCa2.3 channel promotes colon epithelial cells motility. Following Apc mutation SK3/KCa2.3 expression is largely reduced leading to a suppression of the SK3/KCa2.3 channel mediated-cell migration. Our findings reveal a previously unknown function of the SK3/KCa2.3 channel in epithelial colonic cells, and suggest that Apc is a powerful regulator SK3/KCa2.3 channel.  相似文献   

The adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) protein is implicated in the majority of hereditary and sporadic colon cancers. APC is known to function as a tumor suppressor through downregulation of beta-catenin as part of a high molecular weight complex known as the beta-catenin destruction complex. The molecular composition of the intact complex and its site of action in the cell are still not well understood. Reports on the subcellular localization of APC in various cell systems have differed significantly and have been consistent with an association with a cytosolic complex, with microtubules, with the nucleus, or with the cortical actin cytoskeleton. To better understand the role of APC and the destruction complex in colorectal cancer, we have begun to characterize and isolate these complexes from confluent polarized human colon epithelial cell monolayers and other epithelial cell types. Subcellular fractionation and immunofluorescence microscopy reveal that a predominant fraction of APC associates tightly with the apical plasma membrane in a variety of epithelial cell types. This apical membrane association is not dependent on the mutational status of either APC or beta-catenin. An additional pool of APC is cytosolic and fractionates into two distinct high molecular weight complexes, 20S and 60S in size. Only the 20S fraction contains an appreciable portion of the cellular axin and small but detectable amounts of glycogen synthase kinase 3beta and beta-catenin. Therefore, it is likely to correspond to the previously characterized beta-catenin destruction complex. Dishevelled is almost entirely cytosolic, but does not significantly cofractionate with the 20S complex. The disproportionate amount of APC in the apical membrane and the lack of other destruction complex components in the 60S fraction of APC raise questions about whether these pools of APC take part in the degradation of beta-catenin, or alternatively, whether they could be involved in other functions of the protein that still must be determined.  相似文献   

The first differentiation event in mammalian development gives rise to the blastocyst, consisting of two cell lineages that have also segregated in how the cell cycle is structured. Pluripotent cells of the inner cell mass divide mitotically to retain a diploid DNA content, but the outer trophoblast cells can amplify their genomes more than 500-fold by undergoing multiple rounds of DNA replication, completely bypassing mitosis. Central to this striking divergence in cell cycle control is the E3 ubiquitin-ligase activity of the anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C). Extended suppression of APC/C activity during interphase of mouse pluripotent cells promotes rapid cell cycle progression by allowing stabilization of cyclins, whereas unopposed APC/C activity during S phase of mouse trophoblast cells triggers proteasomal-mediated degradation of geminin and giant cell formation. While differential APC/C activity might govern the atypical cell cycles observed in pre-implantation mouse embryos, geminin is a critical APC/C substrate that: (1) escapes degradation in pluripotent cells to maintain expression of Oct4, Sox2 and Nanog; and (2) mediates specification and endoreduplication when targeted for ectopic destruction in trophoblast. Thus, in contrast to trophoblast giant cells that lack geminin, geminin is preserved in both mouse pluripotent cells and non-endoreduplicating human cytotrophoblast cells.  相似文献   

Adenomatous polyposis coli gene product (APC) is a tumor suppressor linked to familial adenomatous polyposis and is thought to be involved in cellular polarization and migration in moving epithelial cells. APC interacts with the mammalian homolog of Discs large (DLG). DLG is a member of the membrane-associated guanylate kinase superfamily and is thought to function as a scaffolding protein that coordinates the assembly of a lateral plasma membrane-localized protein complex in epithelial cells. We confirmed the suitability of several anti-APC antibodies for immunocytochemical analysis. Using these antibodies, we showed that APC clusters were colocalized with DLG protein at cellular protrusions of subconfluent MDCK cells. A portion of the clusters was found at the tips of microtubules extending into the cellular protrusions. In addition, actin stress fibers converged near the clusters. When microtubules were disrupted by nocodazole, the colocalization of APC and DLG was lost due to the disappearance of APC clusters. However, the coclusters remained after depolymerization of actin filaments with latrunculin A. This is the first report showing colocalization of APC and DLG in non-polarized epithelial cells. This colocalization suggests that DLG functions not only at the lateral cell–cell contact sites of polarized epithelial cells but also at the protrusions of non-polarized epithelial cells through the interaction with APC protein.  相似文献   

Summary Primary cultures of mouse colonic epithelial cells have been obtained that are typically epithelial by morphology and moreover express keratins and endogenousβ-galactosidase; this latter activity was also demonstrated in the epithelial lining of the mouse colonic mucosa. The proliferative response of the primary colonic epithelial cells to epidermal growth factor, insulin, and the bile acid, deoxycholic acid, has been studied. Using primary cultures maintained at suboptimal growth conditions, which yielded 96 to 100% quiescent cells, epidermal growth factor, insulin, and the bile acid, deoxycholic acid, at concentrations at which it normally occurs in the aqueous phase of human feces, stimulated proliferation as measured by autoradiography. Exposure of the cells to combinations of these factors resulted in additive increases in growth. In conclusion, cells from the normal mouse colon can now be cultured while retaining at least two normal marker functions and moreover respond to some known mitogens and the potential tumor promoter deoxycholic acid. The cells can also be subcultivated while maintaining their epithelial morphology and marker functions for at least 3 passages.  相似文献   

Loss of full-length adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) protein correlates with the development of colon cancers in familial and sporadic cases. In addition to its role in regulating β-catenin levels in the Wnt signaling pathway, the APC protein is implicated in regulating cytoskeletal organization. APC stabilizes microtubules in vivo and in vitro, and this may play a role in cell migration (Näthke, I.S., C.L. Adams, P. Polakis, J.H. Sellin, and W.J. Nelson. 1996. J. Cell Biol. 134:165–179; Mimori-Kiyosue, Y., N. Shiina, and S. Tsukita. 2000. J. Cell Biol. 148:505–517; Zumbrunn, J., K. Inoshita, A.A. Hyman, and I.S. Näthke. 2001. Curr. Biol. 11:44–49) and in the attachment of microtubules to kinetochores during mitosis (Fodde, R., J. Kuipers, C. Rosenberg, R. Smits, M. Kielman, C. Gaspar, J.H. van Es, C. Breukel, J. Wiegant, R.H. Giles, and H. Clevers. 2001. Nat. Cell Biol. 3:433–438; Kaplan, K.B., A. Burds, J.R. Swedlow, S.S. Bekir, P.K. Sorger, and I.S. Näthke. 2001. Nat. Cell Biol. 3:429–432). The localization of endogenous APC protein is complex: actin- and microtubule-dependent pools of APC have been identified in cultured cells (Näthke et al., 1996; Mimori-Kiyosue et al., 2000; Reinacher-Schick, A., and B.M. Gumbiner. 2001. J. Cell Biol. 152:491–502; Rosin-Arbesfeld, R., G. Ihrke, and M. Bienz. 2001. EMBO J. 20:5929–5939). However, the localization of APC in tissues has not been identified at high resolution. Here, we show that in fully polarized epithelial cells from the inner ear, endogenous APC protein associates with the plus ends of microtubules located at the basal plasma membrane. Consistent with a role for APC in supporting the cytoskeletal organization of epithelial cells in vivo, the number of microtubules is significantly reduced in apico-basal arrays of microtubule bundles isolated from mice heterozygous for APC.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of enhanced expression of epithelial Na(+)channels (ENaC) on the ATP-induced Cl(-)secretion in the mouse epithelium using short-circuit current (I(SC)) and RT-PCR techniques. The amiloride sensitivity of basal current (I(b)) across the cultured endometrial epithelia was found to vary with the magnitude of the I(b), the higher the I(b)the greater its sensitivity to amiloride, indicating possible elevation of ENaC. However, the magnitude of ATP-induced I(SC), previously demonstrated to be mediated by Ca(2+)-activated chloride channel (CaCC), decreased as the amiloride sensitivity of the I(b)increased, suggesting a possible inhibitory effect of elevated expression of ENaC on ATP-mediated chloride secretion. The Matrigel treatment for culturing the endometrial epithelia affected the amiloride sensitivity of the I(b)as well as the ATP-induced I(SC)reversedly. Competitive RT-PCR demonstrated that the expression of both ENaC gamma subunits and CaCC was enhanced in Matrigel-treated cultures. However, the observed reduction in the ATP-induced or CaCC-mediated I(SC)could not be explained by the CaCC expression pattern. These data suggest that inhibition of CaCC function is due to enhanced ENaC expression. Therefore, in addition to interacting with CFTR, ENaC also appears to interact with CaCC in the mouse endometrial epithelium. Physiologically the present findings indicate that enhanced expression of ENaC leads to suppression of other Cl(-)channels, such as CFTR and CaCC, thereby preconditioning the endometrium in favour of overall salt and water absorption as observed during embryo implantation.  相似文献   

Lingual epithelial cells, including those of the taste buds, are regularly replaced by proliferative stem cells. We found that integrin beta(1), a keratinocyte stem cell marker, was expressed at the basal layer and taste buds of adult mouse tongue epithelium. We purified and cultured integrin beta(1)-positive cells (termed KT-1 cells), whose growth was stimulated by epidermal growth factor (EGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2). FGF-2 stimulation induced translocation of the FGF type I receptor (FGFR1) into nuclei, suggesting that the growth-stimulating effect of FGF-2 was mediated through FGFR1. EGF and FGF-2 also regulated cell surface expression of the neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) in KT-1 cells. Anti-N-CAM antibody immunoreactivity was restricted to the gustatory epithelium and the nerves in the tongue epithelium, giving rise to the possibility that KT-1 may contain gustatory epithelial cells. KT-1 cells may thus be useful for analyzing the factors that regulate the growth and differentiation of lingual and gustatory epithelial cells in vitro.  相似文献   

Aims:  The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of low iron availability on biofilm formation and adherence to HEp-2 cells of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) strains isolated from diarrhoea cases.
Methods and Results:  The ability of EAEC to form biofilm on a plastic surface was evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively after 3 and 18 h of incubation of strains with or without the iron chelator 2,2-dipyridyl. When submitted to low iron conditions, prototype EAEC 042 strain showed a decrease in biofilm formation. Conversely, an increase in biofilm formation was observed for the clinical EAEC strains cultured in restricted iron condition. Moreover, the reduction of iron concentration inhibited the aggregative adherence to HEp-2 cells of all EAEC strains tested. However, all effects promoted by iron chelation were suppressed by thiourea.
Conclusions:  Low iron availability may modulate biofilm formation and adhesive properties of EAEC strains to HEp-2 cells.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The data obtained in this study provide useful insights on the influence of low iron conditions possibly associated with redox stress on the pathogenesis of EAEC strains.  相似文献   

Interleukin-18 (IL-18) belongs to the interleukin-1 family and was identified as an interferon-gamma inducing factor. We investigated IL-18 mRNA-expressing cells in the mouse uterus. By RNase protection assay, IL-18 mRNA and alpha subunit of IL-18 receptor mRNA were detected in the uterus. In the uterus, IL-18 mRNA levels increased during sexual maturation. In situ hybridization analysis demonstrated IL-18 mRNA-expressing cells in the mouse uterus of different ages. At 21 days of age, IL-18 mRNA-expressing cells were detected in the luminal epithelial cells and stromal cells although the IL-18 mRNA signal was weak. At 42 days of age, IL-18 mRNA signal was mainly detected in the stromal cells located near the myometrium, and in some of the luminal and glandular epithelial cells. In the uterus of 63-day-old adult mice, a strong hybridization signal for IL-18 mRNA was detected at estrus, but was weak at diestrus. IL-18 mRNA was mainly detected in the glandular epithelial cells and stromal cells. The effect of estradiol-17beta (E(2)) on IL-18 mRNA-expressing cells in the uterus was examined in ovariectomized mice. In oil-treated mice IL-18 mRNA signal was localized in luminal epithelial cells and stromal cells, while in E(2)-treated mice IL-18 mRNA signal was localized in stromal cells alone. These results suggest that the mouse uterus has an IL-18 system, and IL-18 exerts a physiological role within the uterus in a paracrine manner, and that IL-18 gene expression is regulated by estrogen.  相似文献   

The activated type 1 insulin-like growth factor (IGF-IR) increases the expression of Id1 proteins in mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEF). Up-regulation depends on a functional receptor and on multiple pathways originating from different domains of the receptor. In MEF, Id1 protein expression is also up-regulated by serum and certain oncogenes. Signaling through Stat3 plays an important, but not exclusive, role in the up-regulation of Id1 protein levels. In all instances, the increase in Id1 protein expression is paralleled by a corresponding increase in Id1 promoter activity, as measured with a reporter gene.  相似文献   

Lithobius forficatus (Myriapoda, Chilopoda, Lithobiidae) is a widespread species of centipede that is common across Europe. Its midgut epithelial cells are an important line of defense against toxic substances that originate in food, such as pathogens and metals. Despite this important role, the biology of the midgut epithelium is not well known. Here we describe the ultrastructure of the midgut epithelium, as well as the replacement of degenerated midgut epithelial cells. The midgut epithelium of L. forficatus is composed of digestive, secretory, and regenerative cells. The cytoplasm of digestive cells shows regionalization in organelle distribution, which is consistent with the role of these cells in secretion of enzymes, absorption of nutrients, and accumulation of lipids and glycogen. Secretory cells, which do not reach the luminal surface of the midgut epithelium, possess numerous electron‐dense and electron‐lucent granules and may have an endocrine function. Hemidesmosomes anchor secretory cells to the basal lamina. Regenerative cells play the role of midgut stem cells, as they are able to proliferate and differentiate. Their proliferation occurs in a continuous manner, and their progeny differentiate only into digestive cells. The regeneration of secretory cells was not observed. Mitotic divisions of regenerative cells were confirmed using immunolabeling against BrdU and phosphohistone H3. Hemocytes associate with the midgut epithelium, accumulating between the visceral muscles and beneath the basal lamina of the midgut epithelium. Hemocytes also occur among the digestive cells of the midgut epithelium in animals infected with Rickettsia‐like microorganisms. These hemocytes presumably have an immunoprotective function in the midgut.  相似文献   

【目的】利用杆状病毒表达系统表达诺如病毒(GenegroupⅡ)VP2蛋白,分析其亚细胞定位,为深入研究VP2蛋白的功能奠定基础。【方法】设计可扩增完整ORF3基因片段的引物P1和P2,在下游引物中引入6×His标签的编码序列,从质粒pMD-ORF3中克隆了含有6×His编码序列的ORF3基因,与pFastBac1载体连接,构建重组质粒pFB-ORF3,转化DH10Bac感受态细胞获得重组杆状病毒基因组Bac-ORF3,脂质体介导转染sf9昆虫细胞获得表达VP2蛋白的重组杆状病毒Ac-VP2,感染sf9细胞后,收集病变细胞,采用抗6×His标签的单克隆抗体作为一抗进行Western blot与间接免疫荧光实验鉴定。【结果】Western blot实验证实Ac-VP2感染的sf9细胞在约29 kD处出现特异性条带;间接免疫荧光实验证实Ac-VP2感染的sf9细胞出现特异性绿色荧光,并且VP2主要定位于sf9的细胞核与细胞膜。【结论】诺如病毒VP2蛋白在Ac-VP2感染的sf9细胞中获得成功表达,并且主要定位于sf9细胞的细胞核与细胞膜。  相似文献   

Biochemical analysis of the male germ cell-associated kinase (mak) gene, which was isolated recently by using weak cross-hybridization with the v-ros tyrosine kinase gene, revealed that the gene was highly expressed in mammalian testicular germ cells, but not in ovarian cells. In order to identify the cells which express the mak gene in more detail, we localized mak mRNA in frozen sections of mouse testis by non-radioactive in situ hybridization. In this study, we utilized thymine-thymine (T-T) dimerized mak cDNA as a haptenic, non-radioactive probe, and the signal was detected enzyme-immunohistochemically by using an anti-T-T antibody. As a result, mak mRNA was localized intensely in late pachytene (stage X) and diplotene (stage XI) spermatocytes, and faintly in dividing spermatocytes (stage XII) and early round spermatids (stage I-II), suggesting that the gene may play an important role in the phase around meiotic cell division, but not throughout the entire meiosis.  相似文献   

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