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Fluctuations in the amounts of choline, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) and diradylglycerol have been used to monitor phospholipase activation in the human neutrophil. Stimulation of human neutrophils by formylmethionyl-leucylphenylalanine (fMet-Leu-Phe) resulted in a rapid activation of both phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate breakdown by phospholipase C and phosphatidylcholine breakdown by phospholipase D. Diradylglycerol accumulation occurred more slowly than that of either choline or IP3 and was inhibited by 30 mM-butanol, suggesting that the bulk was derived from the phospholipase D pathway via phosphatidate phosphohydrolase. Consistent with this is the observation that choline and diradylglycerol are produced in similar amounts. 1,2-Diacylglycerol (DAG) and 1-O-alkyl-2-acyl-sn-glycerol species accumulated with different time courses, indicating that one or more steps in the phospholipase D pathway was selective for the diacyl species. Superoxide production by fMet-Leu-Phe-stimulated neutrophils paralleled DAG accumulation over the first 5 min, but thereafter this production stopped, despite the fact that DAG remained elevated. We conclude that DAG derived from the phospholipase D pathway is only one of the second messengers important in controlling this functional response.  相似文献   

The immunosuppressive peptide cyclosporin A is a powerful inhibitor of the Ca2+-dependent permeability transition in rat liver mitochondria. When swelling is used to monitor the transition, the inhibitor is effective regardless of whether N-ethylmaleimide, Hg2+, WY-14643, t-butyl hydroperoxide, oxalacetate, rhein, phosphate, phosphoenolpyruvate, or ruthenium red plus uncoupler is used as the inducing agent. Twenty-five to fifty pmol/mg protein of cyclosporin A reduces the swelling response by 50% with complete inhibition obtained at about 150 pmol/mg protein. The compound, which does not inhibit Ca2+ uptake or mitochondrial phospholipase A2, is effective when added before or after the transition promoting agent. These findings, together with the shape of the inhibition dose-response curve, suggest that cyclosporin A essentially titrates a mitochondrial component which is present at 80-90 pmol/mg protein. It is proposed that this component is a solute unselective, regulated pore or a factor involved in controlling such a structure.  相似文献   

P Gelas  G Ribbes  M Record  F Terce  H Chap 《FEBS letters》1989,251(1-2):213-218
Signal transduction involving phosphatidylcholine hydrolysis has been investigated in human neutrophils (PMN) after in situ generation of [3H]alkylacyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine ([3H]alkylacyl-GPC) by cell incubation with [3H]alkylacetyl-GPC. When PMN were stimulated with the chemotactic peptide N-formyl-Met-Leu-Phe(fMLP) or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) in the presence of cytochalasin B, both 1-O-alkyl-2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphate (PA) and 1-O-alkyl-2-acyl-sn-glycerol (AAG) were generated. On addition of the agonists in the presence of ethanol, phosphatidylethanol (PEt) [corrected] was formed with a concomitant decrease in PA and AAG. These results indicate the presence of a phospholipase D (PLD) acting on phosphatidylcholine in human PMN. The kinetics of hydrolysis were quite different according to the stimulus. Whereas fMLP induced a maximum rise in PA and AAG at 30-45 s, these products began to appear only after 1 min upon cell incubation with PMA. Similar amounts of products were formed at 1 min with fMLP and only at 5 min with PMA. Although similar time courses of PA generation were obtained in the absence of cytochalasin B, AAG were no longer involved and therefore cannot account for intracellular second messenger under physiological conditions. Subcellular distribution studies demonstrated the exclusive location of PA and PEt [corrected] in the plasma membrane. The possible involvement of PA in respiratory burst activation is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated phospholipid signal transduction, calcium flux, O2- anion production and actin polymerization after stimulation with the C fragment and chemoattractant, C5a, and then determined how C5a pretreatment affected subsequent responses to formyl peptide in human neutrophils. We have previously demonstrated that the novel lipids, phosphatidylinositol trisphosphate (PIP3) and phosphatidylinositol(3,4)P2 (PI(3,4)P2), rise transiently in neutrophils after activation with formyl peptide. Furthermore, the rise in PIP3 parallels actin polymerization. In this study, neutrophils activated with C5a exhibited two distinct G protein-dependent signal pathways involving different phosphoinositides: 1) [32P]PI(4,5)P2 hydrolysis and [32P]PA production, and 2) the transient formation of D-3-phosphorylated phosphoinositides, [32P]PIP3 and [32P]PI(3,4)P2. When neutrophils were preincubated with C5a for 5 min before stimulation with formyl peptide, [32P]PI(4,5)P2 hydrolysis was unchanged, and [32P]PA production and O2- formation were slightly enhanced compared with controls stimulated with formyl peptide in the absence of C5a. In contrast, [32P]PIP3 production, right angle light scatter, and actin polymerization were all reduced 35 to 40%. Therefore, these data support the hypothesis that PIP3 plays a role in chemotaxis but not superoxide formation.  相似文献   

Analysis of leukotriene B4 production by purified rat and human neutrophil leukotriene (LT) A4 hydrolases in the presence of 5(S)-trans-5,6-oxido-7,9-trans-11-cis-eicosatrienoic acid (leukotriene A3) demonstrated that this epoxide is a potent inhibitor of LTA4 hydrolase. Insignificant amounts of 5(S), 12(R)-dihydroxy-6-cis-8,10-trans-eicosatrienoic acid (leukotriene B3) were formed by incubation of rat neutrophils with leukotriene A3 or by the purified rat and human LTA4 hydrolases incubated with leukotriene A3. Leukotriene A3 was shown to be a potent inhibitor of leukotriene B4 production by rat neutrophils and also by purified rat and human LTA4 hydrolases. Covalent coupling of [3H]leukotriene A4 to both rat and human neutrophil LTA4 hydrolases was shown, and this coupling was inhibited by preincubation of the enzymes with leukotriene A4. Preincubation of rat neutrophils with leukotriene A3 also prevented labeling of LTA4 hydrolase by [3H]leukotriene A4. This result indicates that leukotriene A3 prevents covalent coupling of the substrate leukotriene A4 and inhibits the production of leukotriene B4 by blocking the binding of leukotriene A4 to the enzyme.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) inhibited secretion of human hepatocyte growth factor (hHGF), which is also known as scatter factor or fibroblast-derived tumor cytotoxic factor, by MRC-5 cells. The effect was detectable at as little as 10 pg/ml and was more potent than that of dexamethasone. Complete inhibition was observed after 12 h in the presence of 5 ng/ml of TGF-beta 1. Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate-induced secretion of hHGF from human skin fibroblasts was also suppressed by TGF-beta 1. TGF-beta 2 inhibited hHGF secretion by MRC-5 cells to the same extent as TGF-beta 1, but other growth factors such as epidermal growth factor and acidic and basic fibroblast growth factors had only a slight or null inhibitory effect.  相似文献   

Latrunculin A is a potent inhibitor of phagocytosis by macrophages   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have found that latrunculin A, a Red Sea sponge toxin, is a potent inhibitor of immunological phagocytosis by mouse peritoneal macrophages, but does not block the binding (recognition) of the immune complexes (erythrocytes sensitized with IgG antibodies) to the cells. The inhibition begins to be appreciable around 12 nM latrunculin A, and is complete with a toxin concentration of 60 nM. This inhibitory effect does not interfere with the cell viability, and can be reversed when the macrophages are incubated in fresh medium. Since latrunculin A is a disrupting agent of microfilament organization, these results strengthen the evidence for the active participation of microfilaments in the mechanism of phagocytosis and at the same time provide a new tool for the investigation of phagocytosis at the molecular level.  相似文献   

The relationship between the inhibition of neutrophil responsiveness to chemoattractants caused by preincubation with phorbol esters and the activation of protein kinase C was investigated using the protein kinase antagonist H7. The latter compound was found to inhibit the phosphorylation of the 50 kDa protein kinase C substrate stimulated by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). On the other hand, H7 was found not to affect the quin2 and secretory responses of the neutrophils to fMet-Leu-Phe and leukotriene B4. In addition, pretreatment of the cells with H7 blocked the ability of PMA to inhibit the latter two responses to the addition of the chemoattractants. Taken together, these results provide strong evidence for the involvement of protein kinase C in the inhibition of neutrophil--and probably also other cells--responsiveness brought about by preincubation with phorbol esters. Additionally, they invite a reevaluation of the role of protein kinase C in the excitation-response coupling sequence of these cells directed more towards a negative, modulatory, role than that of a critical element in its initiation.  相似文献   

The discovery of a potent intracellular inhibitor of human neutrophil elastase which is orally active and has a long duration of action is described. The pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of a trans-lactam development candidate, GW311616A, are described.  相似文献   

A novel, bis-indolylmaleimide, Ro 31-8425, bearing a conformationally restricted side chain, inhibits protein kinase C isolated from rat brain and human neutrophils with a high degree of selectivity over cAMP-dependent kinase and Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent kinase. It also inhibits phorbol ester-induced intracellular events known to be mediated by protein kinase C (p47 phosphorylation in intact platelets, CD3 and CD4 down-regulation in T-cells). Ro 31-8425 inhibited superoxide generation in human neutrophils activated by both receptor stimuli (formyl-methionyl-leucylphenylalanine, opsonized zymosan, IgG and heat aggregated IgG) and post-receptor stimuli (1,2-dioctanoylglycerol and fluoride). The compound also blocked antigen driven, but not IL-2 induced, T-cell proliferation. These results support a central role for protein kinase C in the activation of the respiratory burst and antigen-driven T-cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Chemically modified lipopolysaccharides of Salmonella abortus-equi were tested for mitogenicity on mouse spleen cells as well as antagonism of the mitogenicity of intact lipopolysaccharide (LPS). All the lipopolysaccharide preparations deacylated by different alkaline treatments suffered a drastic loss of mitogenicity. The mitogenic activity of lipid A was also lost when succinic residues were introduced on hydroxyl groups. Partially deacylated alkaline-treated preparations (but not completely deacylated preparations) inhibited the activation of splenic B-cells by LPS. They were found to be toxic to spleen cells, however, and to suppress not only the mitogenicity of LPS but that of concanavalin A as well. This inhibitory action was not exhibited when all of the fatty acid was eliminated. Succinylated lipid A, on the other hand, was not toxic to the cells and inhibited the B-cell mitogenicity of lipopolysaccharide (but not the T-cell mitogenicity of concanavalin A). Chemical analysis revealed that about 4.6 mol of succinic acid had been introduced into lipid A by succinylation, and that the fatty acid and phosphate composition was unchanged by this treatment. Macrophages do not seem to participate in this inhibition. Inhibition was observed when succinylated lipid A was added either at the same time or after lipid A mitogen, but optimal inhibition was expressed when it was added to the culture 3 h before LPS. Inhibition was not affected by washing the cells before adding LPS. Inhibition increased as the ratio of suppressor to mitogen increased, suggesting that the succinylated lipid A competes with intact LPS.  相似文献   

The role of specific granules and cytochrome b in superoxide (O(2)) release was studied by comparing the effects of three different stimuli on normal human neutrophils, neutrophils congenitally deficient in specific granules, and granule-free normal neutrophil cytoplasts. Phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) stimulated normal neutrophils to release more O(2) than did N-formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine (fMet-Leu-Phe), which stimulated greater release than the calcium ionophore A23187. Neutrophils lacking specific granules produced variable amounts of O(2) in response to all stimuli. Stimulation with PMA, fMet-Leu-Phe, and A23187 produced maximal rates of O(2) release that were 32, 55, and 21% of that by normal cells. Likewise, granule-free neutrophil cytoplasts released 24, 20, and 0% of the O(2) released by intact cells. These data suggest that the stimuli require different mechanisms for activation. Three subcellular fractions (azurophil granule rich, specific granule rich, and plasma membrane rich) were separated by Percoll gradients from normal resting and stimulated neutrophils. In resting neutrophils, the cytochrome b content in the plasma membrane was 31% of the total, with the rest in the specific granule-rich fraction. Ten minutes after stimulation, PMA, fMet-Leu-Phe, and A23187 induced translocation of 27, 8, and 49%, respectively, of the cytochrome b from the specific granule-rich fraction to the plasma membrane. Although our data support a role for specific granule factors in A23187-induced O(2) release, there is no correlation between the amount of cytochrome b incorporated into the plasma membrane and the extent of O(2) production activated by the different stimuli.  相似文献   

The effect and relative efficiency of cyclosporin A (CsA) and cyclosporin G (CsG) on suppressing the activation of primed autoimmune rat T-helper lymphocytes were assayed. The autoimmune T-helper cells (ThS) are a long-term line specific to the retinal soluble antigen (SAg) and can adoptively transfer experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU), after in vitro reactivation with antigen or mitogen, to naive syngeneic hosts. Antigen-driven production of interleukin-2 (IL-2) and antigen-driven proliferation were inhibited in a dose-dependent manner and to a similar extent at each of the respective cyclosporin concentrations. CsA was 8-10 times more potent than CsG, with ID50-CsA occurring at 0.5 to 2 ng/ml, and ID50-CsG at 5 to 20 ng/ml, depending on the experiment and the cyclosporin batch. Addition of exogenous lymphokines in the form of rat spleen concanavalin A (Con A)-conditioned medium (SCM) or recombinant IL-2 (but not recombinant IL-1) was able to reverse only about half of the inhibition, as measured along the linear part of the dose-response curve. Inhibition of IL-2 production was lost if a maximally inhibitory dose of cyclosporin was added to the cultures later than 8 hr after antigen stimulation, while proliferation was still suppressed to 50% by cyclosporin added as late as 12 hr and could not be restored by addition of SCM. Both cyclosporins at concentrations that blocked proliferation and IL-2 production significantly suppressed the generation of high-affinity and low-affinity IL-2 receptors by ThS in response to antigen (as assayed by direct binding of 125I-IL-2). These results suggest that CsA and CsG inhibit antigen-induced expansion of ThS by interfering with more than one activation step. In contrast, the in vitro activation of the uveitogenic potential of ThS cells, incubated with antigen in the presence of CsA or CsG and adoptively transferred into untreated recipients, was not affected by the cyclosporins. Thus, triggering of the pathogenic potential of primed autoimmune T-helper lymphocytes can take place in the presence of cyclosporin and in the absence of cellular proliferation.  相似文献   

Complement is an important mediator of vascular injury following oxidative stress. We recently demonstrated that complement activation following endothelial oxidative stress is mediated by mannose-binding lectin (MBL) and activation of the lectin complement pathway. Here, we investigated whether nine plant lectins which have a binding profile similar to that of MBL competitively inhibit MBL deposition and subsequent complement activation following human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) oxidative stress. HUVEC oxidative stress (1% O(2), 24 hr) significantly increased Ulex europaeus agglutinin II (UEA-II) binding by 72 +/- 9% compared to normoxic cells. UEA-II inhibited MBL binding to HUVEC in a concentration-dependent manner following oxidative stress. Further, MBL inhibited UEA-II binding to HUVEC in a concentration-dependent manner following oxidative stress, suggesting a common ligand. UEA-II (< or = 100 micromol/L) did not attenuate the hemolytic activity, nor did it inhibit C3a des Arg formation from alternative or classical complement pathway-specific hemolytic assays. C3 deposition (measured by ELISA) following HUVEC oxidative stress was inhibited by UEA-II in a concentration-dependent manner (IC(50) = 10 pmol/L). UEA-II inhibited C3 and MBL co-localization (confocal microscopy) in a concentration-dependent manner on HUVEC following oxidative stress (IC(50) approximately 1 pmol/L). Finally, UEA-II significantly inhibited complement-dependent neutrophil chemotaxis, but failed to inhibit fMLP-mediated chemotaxis, following endothelial oxidative stress. These data demonstrate that UEA-II is a novel, potent inhibitor of human MBL deposition and complement activation following human endothelial oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The inhibition of O2- production by serine protease inhibitors such as chloromethyl ketone derivatives, has been used as evidence to indicate that protease activity is essential for the production of O2- by neutrophils. However, chloromethyl ketones are potent inhibitors of sulfhydryl groups. This study demonstrates that chloromethyl ketones inhibited non-protein sulfhydryl groups as well as O2- production by human neutrophils stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA). Their inhibition of O2- production could be prevented by reduced glutathione. The results suggest that inhibition of O2- production by chloromethyl ketones is largely due to their inhibition of sulfhydryl groups.  相似文献   

Here we compare the properties of leukocyte antigens H19 and CD59 with those of the PI-linked 18,000-20,000 Mr molecules which inhibit lysis of human cells by the autologous terminal complement components C5b-9. H19, a 19,000 Mr protein found on human erythrocytes, monocytes, neutrophils, T-lymphocytes and other cells, is one of the ligands involved in the spontaneous rosette formation between human T-lymphocytes and erythrocytes. Recent evidence indicates that H19 also participates in T-cell activation. CD59 is a widely distributed 18,000-25,000 Mr protein anchored to the cell membrane by phosphatidylinositol (PI). The function of CD59 is unknown. Affinity-purified H19 incorporates into cell membranes and inhibits channel formation by human C5b-9 on guinea pig erythrocytes. Significant inhibition is achieved with picogram quantities of H19, corresponding to approximately 600 molecules per erythrocyte. H19 is most effective when C9 is limiting but quite active when C5b-7 or C8 are limiting, indicating that it may interact with several of the structurally related terminal complement components. The inhibitory activity is blocked by mAbs to either CD59 or to H19. H19 is PI-anchored: it is released from the cell membrane by treatment with PI-specific phospholipase C, and it is absent from cells from a patient with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH). Analysis of PNH erythrocytes after treatment with terminal complement proteins shows that the H19-negative erythrocytes are more susceptible to C5b-9-mediated lysis. Treatment of normal human erythrocytes with either anti-H19 or anti-CD59 renders them more susceptible to lysis by human C5b-9. We conclude that H19 and CD59 are probably the same molecule and are identical or closely related to the recently described inhibitors of C5b-9 channel formation.  相似文献   

The effect of a lipopeptide antifungal agent, cilofungin, on serum opsonization and phagocytosis of Candida albicans yeast phase cells in human neutrophil monolayer assays was investigated. Simultaneous addition of fungicidal concentrations of cilofungin did not enhance or inhibit phagocytosis of C. albicans. Pretreatment of Candida blastospores with cilofungin in the absence of serum complement for 1 h did not affect phagocytosis. However, pretreatment of blastospores with cilofungin and complement promoted a significant increase in ingestion. Pretreatment of neutrophils with cilofungin in serum-free media did not affect neutrophil viability. In contrast, pre-exposure of neutrophils to cilofungin in the presence of complement inhibited ingestion of blastospores.  相似文献   

The epoxide 5(S) trans-5,6 oxido, 7,9 trans-11,14,17 cis eicosatetraenoic acid (leukotriene A5) was chemically synthesized and demonstrated to be both a substrate and an inhibitor of partially purified rat and human LTA4 hydrolase. Both rat and human LTA4 hydrolase utilized leukotriene A5 less effectively as a substrate than leukotriene A4. Incubation of leukotriene A5 (10 microM) or leukotriene A4 (10 microM) with rat neutrophils demonstrated formation of 123 pmol LTB5/min/10(7) cells and 408 pmol LTB4/min/10(7) cells respectively. Purified rat neutrophil LTA4 hydrolase incubated with 100 microM leukotriene A5 produced 22 nmol LTB5/min/mg protein and when incubated with 100 microM leukotriene A4 produced 50 nmol LTB4/min/mg protein. Human neutrophil LTA4 hydrolase incubated with 100 microM leukotriene A5 produced 24 nmol LTB5/min/mg protein and when incubated with 100 microM leukotriene A4 produced 52 nmol LTB4/min/mg protein. Leukotriene A5 was an inhibitor of the formation of leukotriene B4 from leukotriene A4 by both the rat and human neutrophil LTA4 hydrolase. Excess leukotriene A5 prevented covalent coupling of [3H] leukotriene A4 to LTA4 hydrolase suggesting inhibition may involve covalent coupling of leukotriene A5 to the LTA4 hydrolase.  相似文献   

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