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Unlike modern mammalian communities, terrestrial Paleozoic and Mesozoic vertebrate systems were characterized by carnivore faunas that were as diverse as their herbivore faunas. The comparatively narrow food base available to carnivores in these paleosystems raises the possibility that predator–prey interactions contributed to unstable ecosystems by driving populations to extinction. Here, we develop a model of predator–prey interactions based on diversity, abundance and body size patterns observed in the Permo‐Triassic vertebrate fossil record of the Karoo Basin, South Africa. Our simulations reflect empirical evidence that despite relatively high carnivore: herbivore species ratios, herbivore abundances were sufficient for carnivores to maintain required intake levels through most of the Karoo sequence. However, high mortality rates amongst herbivore populations, even accounting for birth rates of different‐sized species, are predicted for assemblages immediately preceding the end‐Guadalupian and end‐Permian mass extinctions, as well as in the Middle Triassic when archosaurs replaced therapsids as the dominant terrestrial fauna. These results suggest that high rates of herbivore mortality could have played an important role in biodiversity declines leading up to each of these turnover events. Such declines would have made the systems especially vulnerable to subsequent stochastic events and environmental perturbations, culminating in large‐scale extinctions.  相似文献   


Actualistic studies on mammalian carnivore taphonomy in southern South America are reviewed here, including pumas, small cats, foxes, and other, smaller carnivores. Patterns for different carnivore taxa and their variation are elicited. Also temporal and spatial variability is analysed, and comparisons are made to other carnivores and regions. While generally these Neotropical carnivores produce low damage intensity, stronger modifications and their implications are described as well. These patterns and their variation are put in context by taking into account the particular physical and biotic conditions in the southern Neotropics.  相似文献   

Evolutionarily distinctive host lineages might harbor fewer parasite species because they have fewer opportunities for parasite sharing than hosts having extant close relatives, or because diverse parasite assemblages promote host diversification. We evaluate these hypotheses using data from 930 species of parasites reported to infect free‐living carnivores. We applied nonparametric richness estimators to estimate parasite diversity among well‐sampled carnivore species and assessed how well host evolutionary distinctiveness, relative to other biological and environmental factors, explained variation in estimated parasite diversity. Species richness estimates indicate that the current published literature captures less than 50% of the true parasite diversity for most carnivores. Parasite species richness declined with evolutionary distinctiveness of carnivore hosts (i.e., length of terminal ranches of the phylogeny) and increased with host species body mass and geographic range area. We found no support for the hypothesis that hosts from more diverse lineages support a higher number of generalist parasites, but we did find evidence that parasite assemblages might have driven host lineage diversification through mechanisms linked to sexual selection. Collectively, this work provides strong support for host evolutionary history being an essential predictor of parasite diversity, and offers a simple model for predicting parasite diversity in understudied carnivore species.  相似文献   

The prey base for Patagonian carnivores has been altered greatly over the past 150 years due to widespread overgrazing by livestock, invasions by exotic wildlife, and hunting. On ranches in northern Patagonia carnivores consume mostly exotic species, and native herbivores are ecologically extinct in their role as prey. In this study we compare diets of the culpeo (Lycalopex culpaeus), chilla (L. griseus), puma (Puma concolor), Geoffroy's cat (Leopardus geoffroyi), colocolo (L. colocolo), and hog-nosed skunks (Conepatus chinga and C. humboldtii) in a reserve with a mostly native prey base to their diets on the ranches, and evaluate how differences in prey bases affect trophic interactions among carnivores. Carnivores in the reserve consumed mostly native prey. Dietary overlap among carnivores was not significant on the reserve, but was highly significant on the ranches. This homogenization of diets where densities of native species are reduced could lead to stronger negative interactions among carnivores, altering the composition of the carnivore assemblage to the detriment of the more specialized species. Study of carnivore diets may be a relatively quick way to evaluate the conservation status and ecological functionality of prey assemblages in Patagonia and other areas where these have been altered.  相似文献   

New taphonomic data on the Sterkfontein Member 4 (South Africa) fossil hominid assemblage are presented. The previous estimate of hominid individuals represented in the deposit (45) is increased to 87. New minimum numbers of hominid skeletal elements are provided, and incidences of bone surface damage inflicted by prehistoric biological agents are summarized. The hominid sample from Member 4 is composed predominately of gnathic remains and has a paucity of postcrania. This dearth of postcrania limits, to some extent, inferences about the formation of the Sterkfontein assemblage. However, carnivore tooth marks on some fossil specimens and an overall broad similarity in patterns of skeletal part representation between Sterkfontein and primate bone assemblages created by extant carnivores suggest that carnivores did have some involvement in the accumulation of the fossil hominid assemblage. Thus, this study provides support for the “carnivore‐collecting hypothesis” of Brain (Brain [ 1981 ] The Hunters or the Hunted? Chicago: University of Chicago Press), which implicates large carnivores as prominent collecting agents of hominid body parts in Sterkfontein Member 4. Evidence of bone surface damage is, however, too scant to make confident inferences about specific carnivore taxon/taxa involved in hominid bone collection at the site. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Fear of predation can have major impacts on the behaviour of prey species. Recently the concept of the ecology of fear has been defined and formalised; yet there has been relatively little focus on how these ideas apply to large carnivore species which, although not prey sensu stricto, also experience fear as a result of threats from humans. Large carnivores are likely also subject to a Landscape of Fear similar to that described for prey species. We argue that although fear is generic, ‘human‐caused mortality’ represents a distinct and very important cause of fear for large carnivores, particularly terrestrial large carnivores as their activities overlap with those of humans to a greater degree. We introduce the idea of a ‘Landscape of Coexistence’ for large carnivores to denote a subset of the Landscape of Fear where sufficient areas of low human‐caused mortality risk are present in the landscape for long term coexistence of large carnivores and humans. We then explore aspects of terrestrial large carnivore behavioural ecology that may be best explained by risk of human‐caused mortality, and how the nature of a Landscape of Coexistence for these large carnivores is likely to be shaped by specific factors such as habitat structure, wild and domestic prey base, and human distribution and behaviour. The human characteristics of this Landscape of Coexistence may be as important in determining large carnivore distribution and behavioural ecology as the distribution of resources. Understanding the Landscape of Coexistence for terrestrial large carnivores is therefore important for their biology and conservation throughout large parts of their remaining ranges. Synthesis The Landscape of Fear concept describing the relationship between predator and prey also applies to the relationship between humans and top carnivores. We synthesise current research to introduce the Landscape of Coexistence concept, arguing that top predators respond to the risks of human‐caused mortality through spatiotemporal partitioning of activities to reduce contact with people. The character of the Landscape of Coexistence may be more important than the distribution of resources in determining large carnivore distribution and behavioural ecology in human dominated landscapes. Understanding their behavioural responses to human threats is crucial to successful conservation of large carnivores.  相似文献   

Large carnivore community structure is affected by direct and indirect interactions between intra-guild members. Co-existence between different species within a carnivore guild may occur through diet, habitat or temporal partitioning. Since carnivore species are highly dependent on availability and accessibility of prey, diet partitioning is potentially one of the most important mechanisms in allowing carnivores to co-exist. Intra-guild interactions may vary over time as carnivore prey preference and diet overlap can change due to seasonal changes in resource availability. We conducted scat analysis to compare the seasonal changes in prey preference, diet partitioning and niche breadth of four large carnivore species, namely leopard Panthera pardus, spotted hyena Crocuta crocuta, brown hyena Parahyaena brunnea and wild dog Lycaon pictus in central Tuli, Botswana. Large carnivores in central Tuli display a high dietary overlap, with spotted hyena and brown hyena displaying almost complete dietary overlap and the other carnivore species displaying slightly lower but still significant dietary overlap. Dietary niche breadth for both hyena species was high possibly due to their flexible foraging strategies, including scavenging, while leopard and wild dog showed a relatively low niche breadth, suggesting a more specialised diet. High dietary overlap in central Tuli is possibly explained by the high abundance of prey species in the area thereby reducing competition pressure between carnivore species. Our research highlights the need to assess the influence of diet partitioning in structuring large carnivore communities across multiple study sites, by demonstrating that in prey rich environments, the need for diet partitioning by carnivores to avoid competition may be limited.  相似文献   

Species loss can result in the subsequent loss of affiliate species. Though largely ignored to date, these coextinctions can pose threats to human health by altering the composition, quantity and distribution of zoonotic parasites. We simulated host extinctions from more than 1300 host–parasite associations for 29 North American carnivores to investigate changes in parasite composition and species richness. We also explored the geography of zoonotic parasite richness under three carnivore composition scenarios and examined corresponding levels of human exposure. We found that changes in parasite assemblages differed among parasite groups. Because viruses tend to be generalists, the proportion of parasites that are viruses increased as more carnivores went extinct. Coextinction of carnivore parasites is unlikely to be common, given that few specialist parasites exploit hosts of conservation concern. However, local extirpations of widespread carnivore hosts can reduce overall zoonotic richness and shift distributions of parasite-rich areas. How biodiversity influences disease risks remains the subject of debate. Our results make clear that hosts vary in their contribution to human health risks. As a consequence, so too does the loss (or gain) of particular hosts. Anticipating changes in host composition in future environments may help inform parasite conservation and disease mitigation efforts.  相似文献   

Carnivore intraguild dynamics depend on a complex interplay of environmental affinities and interspecific interactions. Context‐dependency is commonly expected with varying suites of interacting species and environmental conditions but seldom empirically described. In South Africa, decentralized approaches to conservation and the resulting multi‐tenure conservation landscapes have markedly altered the environmental stage that shapes the structure of local carnivore assemblages. We explored assemblage‐wide patterns of carnivore spatial (residual occupancy probability) and temporal (diel activity overlap) co‐occurrence across three adjacent wildlife‐oriented management contexts—a provincial protected area, a private ecotourism reserve, and commercial game ranches. We found that carnivores were generally distributed independently across space, but existing spatial dependencies were context‐specific. Spatial overlap was most common in the protected area, where species occur at higher relative abundances, and in game ranches, where predator persecution presumably narrows the scope for spatial asymmetries. In the private reserve, spatial co‐occurrence patterns were more heterogeneous but did not follow a dominance hierarchy associated with higher apex predator densities. Pair‐specific variability suggests that subordinate carnivores may alternate between pre‐emptive behavioral strategies and fine‐scale co‐occurrence with dominant competitors. Consistency in species‐pairs diel activity asynchrony suggested that temporal overlap patterns in our study areas mostly depend on species'' endogenous clock rather than the local context. Collectively, our research highlights the complexity and context‐dependency of guild‐level implications of current management and conservation paradigms; specifically, the unheeded potential for interventions to influence the local network of carnivore interactions with unknown population‐level and cascading effects.  相似文献   

Biodiversity in southern Africa is globally extraordinary but threatened by human activities. Although there are considerable biodiversity conservation initiatives within the region, no one has yet assessed the potential use of large carnivores in such actions. Surrogate approaches have often been suggested as one such way of capitalizing on large carnivores. Here we review the suitability of the large carnivore guild (i.e., brown hyaena Hyaena hyaena, spotted hyaena Crocuta crocutta, cheetah Acinonyx jubatus, leopard Panthera pardus, lion Panthea leo and African wild dog Lycaon pictus) to act as surrogate species for biodiversity conservation in southern Africa. We suggest that the guild must be complete for the large carnivores to fully provide their role as ecological keystones. The potential for large carnivores to act as umbrella and indicator species seems limited. However, self-sustaining populations of large carnivores may be useful indicators of unfragmented landscapes. Moreover, diversity within the large carnivore guild may reflect overall biodiversity. Although the global appeal of the large African carnivores makes them important international flagships, we stress that international conservation funding must be linked to local communities for them to be important also locally. In summary, we suggest that the flagship value of these large carnivores should be used to promote biodiversity conservation in the region, and that the suggested relationship between large carnivore diversity and overall biodiversity is empirically tested. Finally we suggest that direct conservation activities should focus on enhancing the keystone values of large carnivores through complete guild conservation and restoration.  相似文献   

The costs of carnivory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Mammalian carnivores fall into two broad dietary groups: smaller carnivores (<20 kg) that feed on very small prey (invertebrates and small vertebrates) and larger carnivores (>20 kg) that specialize in feeding on large vertebrates. We develop a model that predicts the mass-related energy budgets and limits of carnivore size within these groups. We show that the transition from small to large prey can be predicted by the maximization of net energy gain; larger carnivores achieve a higher net gain rate by concentrating on large prey. However, because it requires more energy to pursue and subdue large prey, this leads to a 2-fold step increase in energy expenditure, as well as increased intake. Across all species, energy expenditure and intake both follow a three-fourths scaling with body mass. However, when each dietary group is considered individually they both display a shallower scaling. This suggests that carnivores at the upper limits of each group are constrained by intake and adopt energy conserving strategies to counter this. Given predictions of expenditure and estimates of intake, we predict a maximum carnivore mass of approximately a ton, consistent with the largest extinct species. Our approach provides a framework for understanding carnivore energetics, size, and extinction dynamics.  相似文献   

  • 1 Dogs Canis familiaris are the world's most common carnivore and are known to interact with wildlife as predators, prey, competitors, and disease reservoirs or vectors.
  • 2 Despite these varied roles in the community, the interaction of dogs with sympatric wild carnivore species is poorly understood. We review how dogs have been classified in the literature, and illustrate how the location and ranging behaviour of dogs are important factors in predicting their interactions with wild prey and carnivores.
  • 3 We detail evidence of dogs as intraguild competitors with sympatric carnivores in the context of exploitative, interference and apparent competition.
  • 4 Dogs can have localized impacts on prey populations, but in general they are not exploitative competitors with carnivores. Rather, most dog populations are highly dependent on human‐derived food and gain a relatively small proportion of their diet from wild prey. However, because of human‐derived food subsidies, dogs can occur at high population densities and thus could potentially outcompete native carnivores, especially when prey is limited.
  • 5 Dogs can be effective interference competitors, especially with medium‐sized and small carnivores. Dogs may fill the role of an interactive medium‐sized canid within the carnivore community, especially in areas where the native large carnivore community is depauperate.
  • 6 Dogs can also be reservoirs of pathogens, because most populations around the world are free‐ranging and unvaccinated. Diseases such as rabies and canine distemper have resulted in severe population declines in several endangered carnivores coexisting with high‐density dog populations. Dogs can therefore be viewed as pathogen‐mediated apparent competitors, capable of facilitating large‐scale population declines in carnivores.
  • 7 Based on this information, we propose conceptual models that use dog population size and ranging patterns to predict the potential for dogs to be intraguild competitors. We discuss how interactions between dogs and carnivores might influence native carnivore communities.

Large carnivores are often used as focal species (indicators, umbrellas, flagships or keystones) in conservation strategies either aimed at conserving carnivores, the rest of the biodiversity that occupies their habitats, or both. We evaluate their suitability for these roles in the context of boreal forest biodiversity conservation in the muti-use landscapes of Scandinavia. The enormous conflicts, especially with livestock, that carnivores cause in these areas makes them very controversial flagships to the extent that it may affect rural people's attitudes to conservation in general. Because of the broad habitat tolerance of large carnivores and their prey, and the difficulties in surveying carnivore numbers, they are very insensitive and impractical indicators of forest biodiversity. This ability of large carnivores to thrive in industrial forests means that the many species that are sensitive to modern forestry will not fall under the umbrella of areas managed for large carnivores. If large carnivores have a keystone function with respect to affecting the density of their ungulate prey it is likely to lead to even further conflicts with hunters who gain economic benefit from harvesting wild ungulates. In other words, none of the classic `ecological' arguments are likely to help justify large carnivore conservation, and large carnivore conservation is unlikely to help conserve the rest of the boreal forest's biodiversity. Based on these arguments we recommend that (1) justification for large carnivore conservation focus on the real philosophical and value orientated reasons rather than ecological justifications, (2) that this conservation should be brought about in practice by dedicated management programs that specifically address the conflicts caused by large carnivores, and (3) that boreal forest biodiversity is best conserved by specific actions designed to establish reserves or change forestry practices.  相似文献   

Carnivore kill frequency is a fundamental part of predator–prey interactions, which are important shapers of ecosystems. Current field kill frequency data are rare and existing models are insufficiently adapted to carnivore functional groups. We developed a kill frequency model accounting for carnivore mass, prey mass, pack size, partial consumption of prey and carnivore gut capacity. Two main carnivore functional groups, small prey‐feeders versus large prey‐feeders, were established based on the relationship between stomach capacity (C) and pack corrected prey mass (iMprey). Although the majority of small prey‐feeders is below, and of large prey‐feeders above a body mass of 10–20 kg, both occur across the whole body size spectrum, indicating that the dichotomy is rather linked to body size‐related ecology than physiology. The model predicts a negative relationship between predator size and kill frequency for large prey‐feeders. However, for small prey‐feeders, this negative relationship was absent. When comparing carnivore prey requirements to estimated stomach capacity, small carnivores may have to eat to their full capacity repeatedly per day, requiring fast digestion and gut clearance. Large carnivores do not necessarily have to eat to full gastric capacity per day, or do not need to eat every day, which in turn reduces kill frequencies or drives other ecological processes such as scavenging, kleptoparasitism, and partial carcass consumption. Where ecological conditions allow, large prey‐feeding appears attractive for carnivores, which can thus reduce activities related to hunting. This is particularly so for large carnivores, who can achieve distinct reductions in hunting activity due to their relatively large gut capacity.  相似文献   

The southern African late Pliocene to early Pleistocene carnivore guild was much larger than that of the present day. Understanding how this guild may have functioned is important for the reconstruction of carnivore-hominin interactions and to assess the potential for hominin scavenging in southern Africa. In modern ecosystems, the coexistence of larger carnivore species is constrained by several factors, which include high levels of interspecific competition. Here, the composition of the fossil carnivore guild is examined using Sterkfontein Member 4 (Cradle of Humankind, South Africa) as a case study. Sterkfontein Member 4 contains 10 larger carnivore taxa (body mass > 21.5 kg) and may also contain two Australopithecus species. Two possible causes of higher numbers of carnivore species in the South African fossil record are initially considered. First, that there is a bias introduced through comparing assemblages of differing sizes; second, carnivore biodiversity may have been artificially inflated due to previous taxonomic splitting of carnivore species, such as Crocuta. These possibilities are rejected and modern ecological data are used to construct a simple spatial model to determine how many carnivores could have co-existed. Although the resulting model indicates that the carnivore taxa present in Member 4 could have co-occurred, modern ecological studies indicate that it is highly unlikely that they would have co-existed simultaneously. Considering the complex depositional processes that operate in the southern African cave sites, it is proposed that the larger carnivore guild observed in the Sterkfontein Member 4 fossil assemblage is a palimpsest created by time-averaging. In light of this, we suggest that sites which have a large number of carnivore taxa should be examined for time-averaging, while those sites which have relatively few species may be a better reflection of carnivore communities.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic modification of the landscape, resultant habitat loss, and decades of persecution have resulted in severe decline and fragmentation of large carnivore populations worldwide. Infectious disease is also identified as a primary threat to many carnivores. In wildlife species, population demography and group persistence are strongly influenced by group or population size. This is referred to as the Allee effect, in which a population or group is at an increased risk of extinction when the number or density of individuals falls below some threshold due to ecological and/or genetic factors. However, in social mammalian species, the relationship between the number of individuals and the risk of extinction is complicated because aggregation may enhance pathogen exposure and transmission. Although theoretical studies of the interaction between infectious disease transmission and Allee effects reveal important implications for carnivore management and population extinction risk, information about the interaction has yet to be synthesized. In this paper, we assess life history strategies of medium to large carnivore species (≥2.4 kg) and their influence on population dynamics, with a special focus on infectious disease. While declining population trends are observed in 73 % of all carnivores (both social and solitary species), infectious disease is identified as a significant cause of population decline in 45 % of social carnivores and 3 % of solitary carnivores. Furthermore, where carnivores suffer a combination of rapid population decline and infectious disease, Allee effects may be more likely to impact social as compared to solitary carnivore populations. These potentially additive interactions may strongly influence disease transmission dynamics and population persistence potential. Understanding the mechanisms that can result in Allee effects in endangered carnivore populations and the manner in which infectious disease interfaces at this nexus may define the outcome of developed conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Tanzania''s Ruaha landscape is an international priority area for large carnivores, supporting over 10% of the world''s lions and important populations of leopards and spotted hyaenas. However, lack of ecological data on large carnivore distribution and habitat use hinders the development of effective carnivore conservation strategies in this critical landscape. Therefore, the study aimed to (i) identify the most significant ecogeographical variables influencing the potential distribution of lions, leopards and spotted hyaenas across the Ruaha landscape; (ii) identify zones with highest suitability for harbouring those species; and (iii) use species distribution modelling algorithms (SDMs) to define important areas for conservation of large carnivores. Habitat suitability was calculated based on environmental features from georeferenced presence-only carnivore location data. Potential distribution of large carnivores appeared to be strongly influenced by water availability; highly suitable areas were situated close to rivers and experienced above average annual precipitation. Net primary productivity and tree cover also exerted some influence on habitat suitability. All three species showed relatively narrow niche breadth and low tolerance to changes in habitat characteristics. From 21,050 km2 assessed, 8.1% (1,702 km2) emerged as highly suitable for all three large carnivores collectively. Of that area, 95.4% (1,624 km2) was located within 30 km of the Park-village border, raising concerns about human-carnivore conflict. This was of particular concern for spotted hyaenas, as they were located significantly closer to the Park boundary than lions and leopards. This study provides the first map of potential carnivore distribution across the globally important Ruaha landscape, and demonstrates that SDMs can be effective for understanding large carnivore habitat requirements in poorly sampled areas. This approach could have relevance for many other important wildlife areas that only have limited, haphazard presence-only data, but which urgently require strategic conservation planning.  相似文献   

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