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骨髓源性肝干细胞的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来全球掀起了有关干细胞的研究热潮 ,除血液干细胞、胚胎干细胞和神经干细胞外 ,肝干细胞也是引人注目的内容之一。肝干细胞的存在与否曾是一个争议性问题 ,目前已趋于肯定。自从Pe tersenetal[1] 有关骨髓细胞能分化为肝上皮细胞系的论文发表后 ,关于血源性干细胞能转化为肝实质细胞的事实引起了广泛的关注[2~ 4 ] ,本文就有关研究进展综述如下。1.肝内干细胞成体动物肝脏内有干细胞吗 ?这个问题已经争论了半个多世纪 ,目前通过体内、外实验证实了肝干细胞的存在 ,肝的卵圆细胞和小肝细胞作为肝干细胞或肝前体细胞的观点…  相似文献   

脂肪源性干细胞的多向分化潜力及应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脂肪组织中含有一类具有多向分化潜力的细胞,即脂肪源性干细胞,简称脂肪干细胞。其生物学性质与骨髓间充质干细胞相类似,并可向脂肪、骨、软骨、肌肉、内皮、造血、肝、胰岛和神经等多种细胞方向分化。由于脂肪组织在人体内储量丰富,获取简便创伤小,在组织工程、器官修复、基因治疗等方面都有着广阔的应用前景,因此脂肪干细胞已成为继骨髓间充质干细胞后干细胞领域另一个备受关注的热点。通过以分析脂肪干细胞的多向分化潜力,综述了这一领域最新的研究进展,并就其应用前景及目前研究中一些争议问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

脂肪组织中含有一类具有多向分化潜力的细胞,即脂肪源性干细胞,简称脂肪干细胞。其生物学性质与骨髓间充质干细胞相类似,并可向脂肪、骨、软骨、肌肉、内皮、造血、肝、胰岛和神经等多种细胞方向分化。由于脂肪组织在人体内储量丰富,获取简便创伤小,在组织工程、器官修复、基因治疗等方面都有着广阔的应用前景,因此脂肪干细胞已成为继骨髓间充质干细胞后干细胞领域另一个备受关注的热点。通过以分析脂肪干细胞的多向分化潜力,综述了这一领域最新的研究进展,并就其应用前景及目前研究中一些争议问题进行了探讨  相似文献   

目的观察不同三维支架材料对棕色脂肪来源干细胞(BADSCs)诱导分化成起搏细胞的效果,为构建生物起搏器提供实验依据。 方法将培养7 d的原代BADSCs分别种植到胶原海绵、明胶海绵和透明质酸水凝胶3种不同的材料中,在不同时间用光镜和扫描电镜观察细胞-支架复合体中细胞形态学的变化,免疫荧光染色检测心肌细胞、起搏细胞相关蛋白的表达。采用单因素方差分析。 结果细胞在3种支架上均能存活、增殖,LIVE/DEAD检测显示,培养3 d的胶原海绵、明胶海绵和透明质酸水凝胶3种细胞-支架复合物死细胞率分别为(46.35±1.50)%、(47.00±1.60)%和(1.76±1.08)%,其中细胞在透明质酸水凝胶中死亡率最低,并且细胞-透明质酸水凝胶复合物可自发性地搏动,三组比较差异具有统计学意义(F = 37.56,P < 0.05)。培养至2周时,胶原海绵、明胶海绵和透明质酸水凝胶中Connexin45细胞阳性率分别为(10.67±1.25)%、(13.67±1.25)%和(21.00±1.60)%,差异有统计学意义(F = 9.435,P < 0.01),HCN2细胞阳性率分别为(11.00±1.60)%、(14.00±2.16)%和(34.33±3.68)%,差异有统计学意义(F = 17.52,P < 0.01),HCN4细胞阳性率分别为(18.67±2.05)%、(13.00±1.60)%和(66.00±2.94)%,差异有统计学意义(F = 27.96,P < 0.01),Sr细胞阳性率分别为(13.00±1.63)%、(14.33±1.24)%和(75.33±3.30)%,差异有统计学意义(F = 36.40,P < 0.01),水凝胶中Connexin45、HCN2、HCN4和Sr的细胞阳性率均高于胶原海绵和明胶海绵,差异均具有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。 结论BADSCs在胶原海绵、明胶海绵和透明质酸水凝胶中均能很好地生长和分化,但透明质酸水凝胶更适用于组织工程化起搏器的构建。  相似文献   

成体干细胞多能性研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
黄海霞  汤雪明 《生命科学》2002,14(3):129-134
成体干细胞是存在于机体组织的一类原始状态细胞,它们能够进行自我复制和特异分化,用于维持新陈代谢和创伤修复,年珲来越来越多的实验表明成体干细胞多向分化潜能,一种组织的干细胞可以分化成其他组织类型的细胞。作者介绍了国际上对成体干细胞概念的新看法,讨论了成体干细胞多能性的调控机理及与之相关的研究方法,还简要概括了成体干细胞在理论和临床应用上的重要意义。  相似文献   

脂肪组织不仅是机体的能量储存库,而且也是重要的内分泌器官。脂肪组织分泌多种激素和细胞因子,参与调节机体多种生理和病理过程。目前飞速发展的蛋白质组学技术,为深入研究脂肪发育的分子机制及其代谢紊乱发生的遗传机理提供了有力的工具。对蛋白质组学在脂肪组织中的研究进展进行了综述,为脂肪组织的发育调控及代谢疾病的治疗提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

肌源干细胞可塑性研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前已证实肌肉中至少存在两种干细胞:肌卫星细胞和肌源干细胞。肌源干细胞被认为是卫星细胞的前体细胞,具有较高的增殖能力、更好的细胞生存能力和更宽的分化能力。肌源干细胞不仅能够分化成血、肌肉、脂肪、骨、软骨、内皮等中胚层细胞,而且也能打破胚层限制分化成外胚层和内胚层细胞。文章对肌源干细胞的分离纯化、鉴定、可塑性及临床应用做一综述。  相似文献   

脂肪干细胞(adipose-derived stem cells,ADSCs)是一类从脂肪分离出来的具有自我更新及多向分化潜能的成体干细胞,ADSCs具有高度的可塑性,可分化成多种类型的细胞。与其他干细胞相比,ADSCs具有来源充足,取材方便,供体易接受等独特优势,已成为基础医学及临床治疗的研究热点。ADSCs诱导分化和移植可有效治疗多种组织损伤性疾病,改善或修复器官功能,近年来ADSCs作为细胞疗法及组织工程的新型种子细胞在泌尿系统疾病治疗中取得了重大进展。本文重点讨论ADSCs的生物学特性及其在泌尿系统疾病中的应用前景。  相似文献   

肌源干细胞研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前已证实肌肉是具有多向分化潜能的成体干细胞的一个储存库。研究者认为骨骼肌中至少有两种干细胞:肌卫星细胞(muscle satellite cells)和肌源干细胞(muscle-derived stem cells, MDSCs),并且使用几种方法从肌肉中分离获得不同类群的MDSCs。研究发现分离这些细胞的方法影响干细胞的特征。本文对MDSCs的行为、生物学特征、分离、分化及其在治疗组织器官修复和再生中应用的可能性等作一概括介绍。  相似文献   

外泌体是细胞外膜质纳米囊泡,将蛋白质、核酸(DNA和RNA)转运到靶细胞中,介导局部和系统的细胞间通信,从而改变受体细胞的行为.这些小泡在许多生物功能中发挥重要作用,如脂肪合成、免疫调节、神经再生和肿瘤调节等.脂肪间充质干细胞目前被认为是细胞治疗和再生医学领域中一种功能丰富的工具,可产生和分泌多种外泌体,继承细胞的多种...  相似文献   

In the present study a well-established differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) technique is used to measure the water transport phenomena during freezing of stromal vascular fraction (SVF) and adipose tissue derived adult stem (ADAS) cells at different passages (Passages 0 and 2). Volumetric shrinkage during freezing of adipose derived cells was obtained at a cooling rate of 20 degrees C/min in the presence of extracellular ice and two different, commonly used, cryoprotective agents, CPAs (10% DMSO and 10% Glycerol). The adipose derived cells were modeled as spheres of 50 microm diameter with an osmotically inactive volume (Vb) of 0.6Vo, where Vo is the isotonic cell volume. By fitting a model of water transport to the experimentally obtained volumetric shrinkage data, the "best-fit" membrane permeability parameters (reference membrane permeability to water, Lpg or Lpg[cpa] and the activation energy, ELp or ELp[cpa]) were determined. The "best-fit" membrane permeability parameters for adipose derived cells in the absence and presence of CPAs ranged from: Lpg=23.1-111.5x10(-15) m3/Ns (0.135-0.652 microm/min-atm) and ELp=43.1-168.8 kJ/mol (9.7-40.4 kcal/mol). Numerical simulations of water transport were then performed under a variety of cooling rates (5-100 degrees C/min) using the experimentally determined membrane permeability parameters. And finally, the simulation results were analyzed to predict the optimal rates of freezing adipose derived cells in the presence and absence of CPAs.  相似文献   

The therapeutic potential of adult stem cells may become a relevant option in clinical care in the future. In hand and plastic surgery, cell therapy might be used to enhance nerve regeneration and help surgeons and clinicians to repair debilitating nerve injuries. Adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) are found in abundant quantities and can be harvested with a low morbidity. In order to define the optimal fat harvest location and detect any potential differences in ASC proliferation properties, we compared biopsies from different anatomical sites (inguinal, flank, pericardiac, omentum, neck) in Sprague–Dawley rats. ASCs were expanded from each biopsy and a proliferation assay using different mitogenic factors, basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) was performed. Our results show that when compared with the pericardiac region, cells isolated from the inguinal, flank, omental and neck regions grow significantly better in growth medium alone. bFGF significantly enhanced the growth rate of ASCs isolated from all regions except the omentum. PDGF had minimal effect on ASC proliferation rate but increases the growth of ASCs from the neck region. Analysis of all the data suggests that ASCs from the neck region may be the ideal stem cell sources for tissue engineering approaches for the regeneration of nervous tissue.  相似文献   

Secreted proteins, which may be involved in the regulation of various biological processes, are the potential targets for diagnosis and treatment of diverse diseases. In this study, to identify the human hepatoma HepG2 cells-derived secreted proteins more extensively, we applied the protein sample preparations using the combinations of denaturation methods and molecular-mass cutoff via ultrafiltration to the two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (2D LC–MS/MS) analysis. We were able to identify a total of 86 proteins containing widely known secreted proteins of HepG2 such as alpha-fetoprotein, of which 73 proteins including 27 signal peptide-containing proteins have never been reported to be secreted from HepG2 cells in other proteomic studies. Among the identified signal peptide-containing proteins, ten proteins such as growth differentiation factor 15, osteopontin and stanniocalcin 2 were discovered as new secreted proteins of HepG2 cells. These observations suggest that the combinations of different sample preparation methods and 2D LC–MS/MS analysis are useful for identifying a wider range of low-abundance proteins and that the secreted proteins from HepG2 identified in this study may be useful as liver-specific biomarkers for diagnosis and treatment.  相似文献   

The present day research on stem cells is yet not filled to the gunwales. The correlation of stem cell technology with tissue repair still has a long way to go. Since Embryonic stem cells are a kind of thorn inside when it comes to therapeutics, there emerged few potent contemporary sources of stem cells. Though bone marrow proves to be the pioneer among these, they lose themselves to adipose tissue in various aspects. The major shortcoming of bone marrow lies in lieu of its loss in potency with age. Adipose tissue puts up a tough competition among leading edge stem cell sources like cord blood and cord matrix. Adipose tissue wins over its counterparts in that it possesses astounding proliferation potency in vitro and holds a prominent stand in showcasing in vivo tissue repair efficacy. In spite of its precedence, the whole enchilada of adipose derived stem cells is still in its salad days. In our work we aim at excogitating the Mesenchymal stem cell population present in cultured adipose derived stem cells, in a wide perspective. Furthermore, the coalition of cell adhesion molecules with the proliferation potency of MSC and analysis of growth curve of ADSC was also paid accolade. The presence of robust MSC with immense differentiation and transdifferentiation potency was endorsed by lucrative differentiation of P3 cells into mesodermal and neuronal lineages. Additionally, mesenchymal stem cells exhibiting coherent expression of surface markers at P3 in all samples can be cryopreserved for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

We evaluated the use of a combination of adipose tissue derived adult stem cells (ADSCs) obtained from liposuction and injectable poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) spheres for adipose tissue engineering. Adipogenesis was examined in nude mice injected subcutaneously with ADSCs (group I), PLGA spheres (group II), or ADSCs attached PLGA spheres (group III) cultured in adipogenic medium for 7 days. After 4 and 8 weeks, newly formed adipose tissue was observed in groups II and III but not in group I. Oil red O staining of newly formed tissue showed that there was substantially more tissue regeneration and adipogenic differentiation in group III than in group II. RT-PCR confirmed that, after 8 weeks, the PLGA-attached ADSCs had fully differentiated into adipocytes. This study provides significant evidence that ADSCs and PLGA spheres can be used in a clinical setting to generate adipose tissue as a noninvasive soft tissue filler.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that cells with the properties of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) can be derived from adult peripheral tissues, including adipose tissue, muscle and dermis. We isolated hMSCs from the stromal-vascular portion of subcutaneous adipose tissue from seven adult subjects. These cells could be readily differentiated into cells of the chondrocyte, osteocyte and adipocyte lineage demonstrating their multipotency. We studied the functional properties of hMSCs-derived adipocytes and compared them with adipocytes differentiated from hMSCs obtained from bone marrow (BM-hMSC). The two cell types displayed similar lipolytic capacity upon stimulation with catecholamines, including a pronounced antilipolytic effect mediated through alpha2A-adrenoceptors, a typical trait in human but not rodent fat cells. Furthermore, both cell types secreted the fat cell-specific factors leptin and adiponectin in comparable amounts per time unit. The fat tissue-derived hMSCs retained their differentiation capacity up to at least fifteen passages. We conclude that hMSCs derived from adult human adipose tissue can be differentiated into fully functional adipocytes with a similar, if not identical, phenotype as that observed in cells derived from BM-hMSCs. Human adipose-tissue-derived MSCs could therefore constitute an efficient and easily obtainable renewable cellular source for studies of adipocyte biology.  相似文献   

Adipose-derived stem/stromal cell (ASC)-based tissue engineered muscle grafts could provide an effective alternative therapy to autografts – which are limited by their availability – for the regeneration of damaged muscle. However, the current myogenic potential of ASCs is limited by their low differentiation efficiency into myoblasts. The aim of this study was to enhance the myogenic response of human ASCs to biochemical cues by providing biophysical stimuli (11% cyclic uniaxial strain, 0.5 Hz, 1 h/day) to mimic the cues present in the native muscle microenvironment. ASCs elongated and fused upon induction with myogenic induction medium alone. Yet, their myogenic characteristics were significantly enhanced with the addition of biophysical stimulation; the nuclei per cell increased approximately 4.5-fold by day 21 in dynamic compared to static conditions (23.3 ± 7.3 vs. 5.2 ± 1.6, respectively), they aligned at almost 45° to the direction of strain, and exhibited significantly higher expression of myogenic proteins (desmin, myoD and myosin heavy chain). These results demonstrate that mimicking the biophysical cues inherent to the native muscle microenvironment in monolayer ASC cultures significantly improves their differentiation along the myogenic lineage.  相似文献   

Recloned dogs derived from adipose stem cells of a transgenic cloned beagle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oh HJ  Park JE  Kim MJ  Hong SG  Ra JC  Jo JY  Kang SK  Jang G  Lee BC 《Theriogenology》2011,75(7):1221-1231
A number of studies have postulated that efficiency in mammalian cloning is inversely correlated with donor cell differentiation status and may be increased by using undifferentiated cells as nuclear donors. Here, we attempted the recloning of dogs by nuclear transfer of canine adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (cAd-MSCs) from a transgenic cloned beagle to determine if cAd-MSCs can be a suitable donor cell type. In order to isolate cAd-MSCs, adipose tissues were collected from a transgenic cloned beagle produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) of canine fetal fibroblasts modified genetically with a red fluorescent protein (RFP) gene. The cAd-MSCs expressed the RFP gene and cell-surface marker characteristics of MSCs including CD29, CD44 and thy1.1. Furthermore, cAd-MSCs underwent osteogenic, adipogenic, myogenic, neurogenic and chondrogenic differentiation when exposed to specific differentiation-inducing conditions. In order to investigate the developmental potential of cAd-MSCs, we carried out SCNT. Fused-couplets (82/109, 75.2%) were chemically activated and transferred into the uterine tube of five naturally estrus-synchronized surrogates. One of them (20%) maintained pregnancy and subsequently gave birth to two healthy cloned pups. The present study demonstrated for the first time the successful production of cloned beagles by nuclear transfer of cAd-MSCs. Another important outcome of the present study is the successful recloning of RFP-expressing transgenic cloned beagle pups by nuclear transfer of cells derived from a transgenic cloned beagle. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that adipose stem cells can be a good nuclear donor source for dog cloning.  相似文献   

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