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Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) inhibit neurotransmitter release by hydrolysing SNARE proteins. The most important serotype BoNT/A employs the synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2 (SV2) isoforms A-C as neuronal receptors. Here, we identified their binding site by blocking SV2 interaction using monoclonal antibodies with characterised epitopes within the cell binding domain (HC). The site is located on the backside of the conserved ganglioside binding pocket at the interface of the HCC and HCN subdomains. The dimension of the binding pocket was characterised in detail by site directed mutagenesis allowing the development of potent inhibitors as well as modifying receptor binding properties.  相似文献   

Summary A non destructive intact-plant assay for estimating nitrogenase activity (C2H2 reduction) of pot-grown sorghum and millet plants is described. Plants with intact shoots sustained more activity than plants whose tops were removed prior to the assay. With this technique individual plants can be assayed several times during their life cycle. The C2H2 reduction was linear up to 16h incubation in this assay procedure. More rapid diffusion of C2H2 was achieved by injection through a Suba seal in the bottom of the pot. The equlibration of injected C2H2 in the gas phase of the pots filled with sand and sand:FYM media was completed within 1 h. Significantly higher nitrogenase activity and better growth of sorghum and millet plants occurred when plants were grown in a mixture of sand and farmyard manure (FYM) than when plants were grown in vermiculite, soil, or sand + soil medium. Nitrogenase activity and plant growth were greater in a mixture of sand with 2 and 3% FYM than with 0.5 and 1% FYM. Activity was higher when the plants were incubated at 33°C and 40°C than at 27°C. Activity also increased with increasing soil moisture. There were significant differences amongst 15 sorghum cultivars screened for associated nitrogenase activity. This new technique has good prospects for screening cultivars of millet, sorghum and other grain crops for their nitrogen-fixing ability.Submitted as Journal article No. 358 by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT).  相似文献   

Botulinum neurotoxins translocate their enzymatic domain across vesicular membranes. The molecular triggers of this process are unknown. Here, we tested the possibility that this is elicited by protonation of conserved surface carboxylates. Glutamate-48, glutamate-653 and aspartate-877 were identified as possible candidates and changed into amide. This triple mutant showed increased neurotoxicity due to faster cytosolic delivery of the enzymatic domain; membrane translocation could take place at less acidic pH. Thus, neutralisation of specific negative surface charges facilitates membrane contact permitting a faster initiation of the toxin membrane insertion.  相似文献   

Mesophyll mitochondria from green leaves of the C(4) plants Zea mays (NADP-ME-type), Panicum miliaceum (NAD-ME-type) and Panicum maximum (PEP-CK-type) oxidized NADH, malate and succinate at relatively high rates with respiratory control, but glycine was not oxidized. Among the mitochondrial proteins involved in glycine oxidation, the L, P and T proteins of glycine decarboxylase complex (GDC) and serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) were present, while the H protein of GDC was undetectable. In contrast, mesophyll mitochondria from etiolated leaves of Z. mays oxidized glycine at a slow rate and with no respiratory control, and contained the H protein as well as the other GDC proteins and SHMT. The T and P proteins and SHMT were present in the mitochondria from etiolated leaves at significantly higher levels than in those from green leaves of Z. mays. The content of the L protein was almost identical in all three C(4) plants examined and close to the value obtained for mesophyll mitochondria from the C(3) plant Pisum sativum, whereas the other GDC proteins and SHMT were less abundant than the L protein. We discuss possible reasons for the H protein's absence in mesophyll mitochondria of C(4) plants, as well as the role(s) the other GDC components could play in its absence.  相似文献   

Calmodulin (CaM) binding to the intracellular C-terminal tail (CTT) of the cardiac L-type Ca2+ channel (CaV1.2) regulates Ca2+ entry by recognizing sites that contribute to negative feedback mechanisms for channel closing. CaM associates with CaV1.2 under low resting [Ca2+], but is poised to change conformation and position when intracellular [Ca2+] rises. CaM binding Ca2+, and the domains of CaM binding the CTT are linked thermodynamic functions. To better understand regulation, we determined the energetics of CaM domains binding to peptides representing pre-IQ sites A1588, and C1614 and the IQ motif studied as overlapping peptides IQ1644 and IQ1650 as well as their effect on calcium binding. (Ca2+)4-CaM bound to all four peptides very favorably (Kd ≤ 2 nM). Linkage analysis showed that IQ1644-1670 bound with a Kd ~ 1 pM. In the pre-IQ region, (Ca2+)2-N-domain bound preferentially to A1588, while (Ca2+)2-C-domain preferred C1614. When bound to C1614, calcium binding in the N-domain affected the tertiary conformation of the C-domain. Based on the thermodynamics, we propose a structural mechanism for calcium-dependent conformational change in which the linker between CTT sites A and C buckles to form an A-C hairpin that is bridged by calcium-saturated CaM.  相似文献   

Summary Evidence from results of autoradiographic studies in mice indicates that nuclei of Sertoli cells and of epithelial cells in the ductuli efferentes contain receptors for 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D3.  相似文献   

Tetanus vaccines contain detoxified tetanus neurotoxin. In order to check for residual toxicity, the detoxified material (toxoid) has to be tested in guinea pigs. These tests are time-consuming and raise animal welfare issues. In line with the “3R” principles of replacing, reducing and refining animal tests, the “binding and cleavage” (BINACLE) assay for detection of active tetanus neurotoxin has been developed as a potential alternative to toxicity testing in animals. This in vitro test system can discriminate well between toxic and detoxified toxin molecules based on their receptor-binding and proteolytic characteristics.Here we describe an international study to assess the transferability of the BINACLE assay. We show that all participating laboratories were able to successfully perform the assay. Generally, assay variability was within an acceptable range. A toxin concentration-dependent increase of assay signals was observed in all tests. Furthermore, participants were able to detect low tetanus neurotoxin concentrations close to the estimated in vivo detection limit.In conclusion, the data from this study indicate that the methodology of the BINACLE assay seems to be robust, reproducible and easily transferable between laboratories. These findings substantiate our notion that the method can be suitable for the routine testing of tetanus toxoids.  相似文献   

Galileo is a DNA transposon responsible for the generation of several chromosomal inversions in Drosophila. In contrast to other members of the P-element superfamily, it has unusually long terminal inverted-repeats (TIRs) that resemble those of Foldback elements. To investigate the function of the long TIRs we derived consensus and ancestral sequences for the Galileo transposase in three species of Drosophilids. Following gene synthesis, we expressed and purified their constituent THAP domains and tested their binding activity towards the respective Galileo TIRs. DNase I footprinting located the most proximal DNA binding site about 70 bp from the transposon end. Using this sequence we identified further binding sites in the tandem repeats that are found within the long TIRs. This suggests that the synaptic complex between Galileo ends may be a complicated structure containing higher-order multimers of the transposase. We also attempted to reconstitute Galileo transposition in Drosophila embryos but no events were detected. Thus, although the limited numbers of Galileo copies in each genome were sufficient to provide functional consensus sequences for the THAP domains, they do not specify a fully active transposase. Since the THAP recognition sequence is short, and will occur many times in a large genome, it seems likely that the multiple binding sites within the long, internally repetitive, TIRs of Galileo and other Foldback-like elements may provide the transposase with its binding specificity.  相似文献   

The atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) gene is initially expressed throughout the myocardial layer of the heart, but during subsequent development, expression becomes limited to the atrial chambers. Mouse knockout and mammalian cell culture studies have shown that the ANF gene is regulated by combinatorial interactions between Nkx2-5, GATA-4, Tbx5, and SRF; however, the molecular mechanisms leading to chamber-specific expression are currently unknown. We have isolated the Xenopus ANF promoter in order to examine the temporal and spatial regulation of the ANF gene in vivo using transgenic embryos. The mammalian and Xenopus ANF promoters show remarkable sequence similarity, including an Nkx2-5 binding site (NKE), two GATA sites, a T-box binding site (TBE), and two SRF binding sites (SREs). Our transgenic studies show that mutation of either SRE, the TBE or the distal GATA element, strongly reduces expression from the ANF promoter. However, mutations of the NKE, the proximal GATA, or both elements together, result in relatively minor reductions in transgene expression within the myocardium. Surprisingly, mutation of these elements results in ectopic ANF promoter activity in the kidneys, facial muscles, and aortic arch artery-associated muscles, and causes persistent expression in the ventricle and outflow tract of the heart. We propose that the NKE and proximal GATA elements serve as crucial binding sites for assembly of a repressor complex that is required for atrial-specific expression of the ANF gene.  相似文献   

The effect of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA), a selective glutamate receptor agonist, on the release of previously incorporated [3H]-aminobutyric acid(GABA) was examined in superfused striatal slices of the rat. NMDA (0.01 to 1.0 mM) increased [3H]GABA overflow with an EC50 value of 0.09 mM. The [3H]GABA releasing effect of NMDA was an external Ca2+-dependent process and the GABA uptake inhibitor nipecotic acid (0.1 mM) potentiated this effect. These findings support the view that NMDA evokes GABA release from vesicular pool in striatal GABAergic neurons. Addition of glycine (1 mM), a cotransmitter for NMDA receptor, did not influence the NMDA-induced [3H]GABA overflow. Kynurenic acid (1 mM), an antagonist of glycineB site, decreased the [3H]GABA-releasing effect of NMDA and this reduction was suspended by addition of 1 mM glycine. Neither glycine nor kynurenic acid exerted effects on resting [3H]GABA outflow. These data suggest that glycineB binding site at NMDA receptor may be saturated by glycine released from neighboring cells. Glycyldodecylamide (GDA) and N-dodecylsarcosine, inhibitors of glycineT1 transporter, inhibited the uptake of [3H]glycine (IC50 33 and 16 M) in synaptosomes prepared from rat hippocampus. When hippocampal slices were loaded with [3H]glycine, resting efflux was detected whereas electrical stimulation failed to evoke [3H]glycine overflow. Neither GDA (0.1 mM) nor N-dodecylsarcosine (0.3 mM) influenced [3H]glycine efflux. Using Krebs-bicarbonate buffer with reduced Na+ for superfusion of hippocampal slices produced an increased [3H]glycine outflow and electrical stimulation further enhanced this release. These experiments speak for glial and neuronal [3H]glycine release in hippocampus with a dominant role of the former one. GDA, however, did not influence resting or stimulated [3H]glycine efflux even when buffer with low Na+ concentration was applied.  相似文献   

Cen X  Yu L  Yu CA 《FEBS letters》2008,582(4):523-526
The key step of the "protonmotive Q-cycle" mechanism for cytochrome bc1 complex is the bifurcated oxidation of ubiquinol at the Qp site. ISP is reduced when its head domain is at the b-position and subsequent move to the c1 position, to reduce cytochrome c1, upon protein conformational changes caused by the electron transfer from cytochrome b(L) to b(H). Results of analyses of the inhibitory efficacy and the binding affinity, determined by isothermal titration calorimetry, of Pm and Pf, on different redox states of cytochrome bc1 complexes, confirm this speculation. Pm inhibitor has a higher affinity and better efficacy with the cytochrome b(H) reduced complex and Pf binds better and has a higher efficacy with the ISP reduced complex.  相似文献   

Dkk1 is a secreted antagonist of the LRP5‐mediated Wnt signaling pathway that plays a pivotal role in bone biology. Because there are no well‐documented LRP5‐based assays of Dkk1 binding, we developed a cell‐based assay of Dkk1/LRP5 binding using radioactive 125I‐Dkk1. In contrast to LRP6, transfection of LRP5 alone into 293A cells resulted in a low level of specific binding that was unsuitable for routine assay. However, co‐transfection of LRP5 with the chaperone protein MesD (which itself does not bind Dkk1) or Kremen‐2 (a known Dkk1 receptor), or both, resulted in a marked enhancement of specific binding that was sufficient for evaluation of Dkk1 antagonists. LRP5 fragments comprising the third and fourth β‐propellers plus the ligand binding domain, or the first β‐propeller, each inhibited Dkk1 binding, with mean IC50s of 10 and 196 nM, respectively. The extracellular domain of Kremen‐2 (“soluble Kremen”) was a weaker antagonist (mean IC50 806 nM). We also found that cells transfected with a high bone mass mutation LRP5(G171V) had a subtly reduced level of Dkk1 binding, compared to wild type LRP5‐transfected cells, and no enhancement of binding by MesD. We conclude that (1) LRP5‐transfected cells do not offer a suitable cell‐based Dkk1 binding assay, unless co‐transfected with either MesD, Kremen‐2, or both; (2) soluble fragments of LRP5 containing either the third and fourth β‐propellers plus the ligand binding domain, or the first β‐propeller, antagonize Dkk1 binding; and (3) a high bone mass mutant LRP5(G171V), has subtly reduced Dkk1 binding, and, in contrast to LRP5, no enhancement of binding with MesD. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 1066–1075, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cell suspensions of Desulfovibrio vulgaris were found to catalyze, in the absence of sulfate, the complete conversion of 1 lactate to 1 acetate, 1 CO2, and 2 H2 (G0=-8.8 kJ/mol) and of 1 pyruvate to 1 acetate, 1 CO2, and 1 H2 (G0=-52 kJ/mol). Protonophores, the proton translocating ATPase inhibitor N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, and arsenate specifically inhibited H2 formation from lactate but not from pyruvate. The results suggest that lactate oxidation to pyruvate and H2 (G 0=+43.2 kJ/mol) is energy driven.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) carboxykinase catalyzes the reversible formation of oxaloacetate and adenosine triphosphate from PEP, adenosine diphosphate and carbon dioxide, and uses Mn2+ as the activating metal ion. Comparison with the crystalline structure of homologous Escherichia coli PEP carboxykinase [Tari et al. (1997) Nature Struct. Biol. 4, 990–994] shows that Lys213 is one of the ligands to Mn2+ at the enzyme active site. Coordination of Mn2+ to a lysyl residue is not common and suggests a low pK a value for the ε-NH2 group of Lys213. In this work, we evaluate the role of neighboring Phe216 in contributing to provide a low polarity microenvironment suitable to keep the ε-NH2 of Lys213 in the unprotonated form. Mutation Phe216Tyr shows that the introduction of a hydroxyl group in the lateral chain of the residue produces a substantial loss in the enzyme affinity for Mn2+, suggesting an increase of the pK a of Lys213. In agreement with this interpretation, theoretical calculations indicate an alkaline shift of 2.8 pH units in the pK a of the ε-amino group of Lys213 upon Phe216Tyr mutation.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies is correlated with a conversion of the normal cellular form of the prion protein (PrPC) into the abnormal isoform (scrapie form of PrP). Contact of the normal PrP with its abnormal isoform, the scrapie form of PrP, induces the transformation. Knowledge of molecules that inhibit such contacts leads to an understanding of the mechanism of the aggregation, and these molecules may serve as leads for drugs against transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. Therefore, we screened a synthetic octapeptide library of the globular domain of the human PrPC for binding affinity to PrPC. Two fragments with binding affinity, 149YYRENMHR156 and 153NMHRYPNQ160, were identified with Kd values of 21 and 25 μM, respectively. A 10-fold excess of peptide 153NMHRYPNQ160 inhibits aggregation of the PrP by 99%. NMR and mass spectrometry showed that the binding region of the peptide 153NMHRYPNQ160 is located at helix 3 of the PrP.  相似文献   

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