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Fatty acid-derived acyl chains of phospholipids and lipoproteins are central to bacterial membrane fluidity and lipoprotein function. Though it can incorporate exogenous unsaturated fatty acids (UFA), Staphylococcus aureus synthesizes branched chain fatty acids (BCFA), not UFA, to modulate or increase membrane fluidity. However, both endogenous BCFA and exogenous UFA can be attached to bacterial lipoproteins. Furthermore, S. aureus membrane lipid content varies based upon the amount of exogenous lipid in the environment. Thus far, the relevance of acyl chain diversity within the S. aureus cell envelope is limited to the observation that attachment of UFA to lipoproteins enhances cytokine secretion by cell lines in a TLR2-dependent manner. Here, we leveraged a BCFA auxotroph of S. aureus and determined that driving UFA incorporation disrupted infection dynamics and increased cytokine production in the liver during systemic infection of mice. In contrast, infection of TLR2-deficient mice restored inflammatory cytokines and bacterial burden to wildtype levels, linking the shift in acyl chain composition toward UFA to detrimental immune activation in vivo. In in vitro studies, bacterial lipoproteins isolated from UFA-supplemented cultures were resistant to lipase-mediated ester hydrolysis and exhibited heightened TLR2-dependent innate cell activation, whereas lipoproteins with BCFA esters were completely inactivated after lipase treatment. These results suggest that de novo synthesis of BCFA reduces lipoprotein-mediated TLR2 activation and improves lipase-mediated hydrolysis making it an important determinant of innate immunity. Overall, this study highlights the potential relevance of cell envelope acyl chain repertoire in infection dynamics of bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

The human ZC3H14 gene, which encodes a ubiquitously expressed polyadenosine zinc finger RNA-binding protein, is mutated in an inherited form of autosomal recessive, nonsyndromic intellectual disability. To gain insight into neurological functions of ZC3H14, we previously developed a Drosophila melanogaster model of ZC3H14 loss by deleting the fly ortholog, Nab2. Studies in this invertebrate model revealed that Nab2 controls final patterns of neuron projection within fully developed adult brains, but the role of Nab2 during development of the Drosophila brain is not known. Here, we identify roles for Nab2 in controlling the dynamic growth of axons in the developing brain mushroom bodies, which support olfactory learning and memory, and regulating abundance of a small fraction of the total brain proteome. The group of Nab2-regulated brain proteins, identified by quantitative proteomic analysis, includes the microtubule-binding protein Futsch, the neuronal Ig-family transmembrane protein turtle, the glial:neuron adhesion protein contactin, the Rac GTPase-activating protein tumbleweed, and the planar cell polarity factor Van Gogh, which collectively link Nab2 to the processes of brain morphogenesis, neuroblast proliferation, circadian sleep/wake cycles, and synaptic development. Overall, these data indicate that Nab2 controls the abundance of a subset of brain proteins during the active process of wiring the pupal brain mushroom body and thus provide a window into potentially conserved functions of the Nab2/ZC3H14 RNA-binding proteins in neurodevelopment.  相似文献   

《Nucleic acids research》2022,50(18):10264
The mutational spectrum of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) does not resemble any of the known mutational signatures of the nuclear genome and variation in mtDNA mutational spectra between different organisms is still incomprehensible. Since mitochondria are responsible for aerobic respiration, it is expected that mtDNA mutational spectrum is affected by oxidative damage. Assuming that oxidative damage increases with age, we analyse mtDNA mutagenesis of different species in regards to their generation length. Analysing, (i) dozens of thousands of somatic mtDNA mutations in samples of different ages (ii) 70053 polymorphic synonymous mtDNA substitutions reconstructed in 424 mammalian species with different generation lengths and (iii) synonymous nucleotide content of 650 complete mitochondrial genomes of mammalian species we observed that the frequency of AH > GH substitutions (H: heavy strand notation) is twice bigger in species with high versus low generation length making their mtDNA more AH poor and GH rich. Considering that AH > GH substitutions are also sensitive to the time spent single-stranded (TSSS) during asynchronous mtDNA replication we demonstrated that AH > GH substitution rate is a function of both species-specific generation length and position-specific TSSS. We propose that AH > GH is a mitochondria-specific signature of oxidative damage associated with both aging and TSSS.  相似文献   

The initial host response toward the extracellular parasite Trypanosoma brucei is characterized by the early release of inflammatory mediators associated with a type 1 immune response. In this study, we show that this inflammatory response is dependent on activation of the innate immune system mediated by the adaptor molecule MyD88. In the present study, MyD88-deficient macrophages are nonresponsive toward both soluble variant-specific surface glycoprotein (VSG), as well as membrane-bound VSG purified from T. brucei. Infection of MyD88-deficient mice with either clonal or nonclonal stocks of T. brucei resulted in elevated levels of parasitemia. This was accompanied by reduced plasma IFN-gamma and TNF levels during the initial stage of infection, followed by moderately lower VSG-specific IgG2a Ab titers during the chronic stages of infection. Analysis of several TLR-deficient mice revealed a partial requirement for TLR9 in the production of IFN-gamma and VSG-specific IgG2a Ab levels during T. brucei infections. These results implicate the mammalian TLR family and MyD88 signaling in the innate immune recognition of T. brucei.  相似文献   

SARS-CoV-2 infection presents clinical manifestations ranging from asymptomatic to fatal respiratory failure. Despite the induction of functional SARS-CoV-2-specific CD8+ T-cell responses in convalescent individuals, the role of virus-specific CD8+ T-cell responses in the control of SARS-CoV-2 replication remains unknown. In the present study, we show that subacute SARS-CoV-2 replication can be controlled in the absence of CD8+ T cells in cynomolgus macaques. Eight macaques were intranasally inoculated with 105 or 106 TCID50 of SARS-CoV-2, and three of the eight macaques were treated with a monoclonal anti-CD8 antibody on days 5 and 7 post-infection. In these three macaques, CD8+ T cells were undetectable on day 7 and thereafter, while virus-specific CD8+ T-cell responses were induced in the remaining five untreated animals. Viral RNA was detected in nasopharyngeal swabs for 10–17 days post-infection in all macaques, and the kinetics of viral RNA levels in pharyngeal swabs and plasma neutralizing antibody titers were comparable between the anti-CD8 antibody treated and untreated animals. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was detected in the pharyngeal mucosa and/or retropharyngeal lymph node obtained at necropsy on day 21 in two of the untreated group but undetectable in all macaques treated with anti-CD8 antibody. CD8+ T-cell responses may contribute to viral control in SARS-CoV-2 infection, but our results indicate possible containment of subacute viral replication in the absence of CD8+ T cells, implying that CD8+ T-cell dysfunction may not solely lead to viral control failure.  相似文献   

Recent studies have investigated whether the Wnt family of extracellular ligands can signal at long range, spreading from their source and acting as morphogens, or whether they signal only in a juxtacrine manner to neighboring cells. The original evidence for long-range Wnt signaling arose from studies of Wg, a Drosophila Wnt protein, which patterns the wing disc over several cell diameters from a central source of Wg ligand. However, the requirement of long-range Wg for patterning was called into question when it was reported that replacing the secreted protein Wg with a membrane-tethered version, NRT-Wg, results in flies with normally patterned wings. We and others previously reported that Wg spreads in the ovary about 50 μm or 5 cell diameters, from the cap cells to the follicle stem cells (FSCs) and that Wg stimulates FSC proliferation. We used the NRT-wg flies to analyze the consequence of tethering Wg to the cap cells. NRT-wg homozygous flies are sickly, but we found that hemizygous NRT-wg/null flies, carrying only one copy of tethered Wingless, were significantly healthier. Despite their overall improved health, these hemizygous flies displayed dramatic reductions in fertility and in FSC proliferation. Further, FSC proliferation was nearly undetectable when the wg locus was converted to NRT-wg only in adults, and the resulting germarium phenotype was consistent with a previously reported wg loss-of-function phenotype. We conclude that Wg protein spreads from its source cells in the germarium to promote FSC proliferation.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, the heat shock protein 15 (Hsp15) is part of the cellular response to elevated temperature. Hsp15 interacts with peptidyl-tRNA-50S complexes that arise upon dissociation of translating 70S ribosomes, and is proposed to facilitate their rescue and recycling. A previous structure of E. coli Hsp15 in complex with peptidyl-tRNA-50S complex reported a binding site located at the central protuberance of the 50S subunit. By contrast, recent structures of RqcP, the Hsp15 homolog in Bacillus subtilis, in complex with peptidyl-tRNA-50S complexes have revealed a distinct site positioned between the anticodon-stem-loop (ASL) of the P-site tRNA and H69 of the 23S rRNA. Here we demonstrate that exposure of E. coli cells to heat shock leads to a decrease in 70S ribosomes and accumulation of 50S subunits, thus identifying a natural substrate for Hsp15 binding. Additionally, we have determined a cryo-EM reconstruction of the Hsp15-50S-peptidyl-tRNA complex isolated from heat shocked E. coli cells, revealing that Hsp15 binds to the 50S-peptidyl-tRNA complex analogously to its B. subtilis homolog RqcP. Collectively, our findings support a model where Hsp15 stabilizes the peptidyl-tRNA in the P-site and thereby promotes access to the A-site for putative rescue factors to release the aberrant nascent polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

Mucosal transmission is the predominant mode of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection worldwide, and the mucosal innate interferon response represents an important component of the earliest host response to the infection. Our goal here was to assess the changes in mRNA expression of innate mucosal genes after oral simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) inoculation of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) that were followed throughout their course of disease progression. The SIV plasma viral load was highest in the macaque that progressed rapidly to simian AIDS (99 days) and lowest in the macaque that progressed more slowly (>700 days). The mRNA levels of six innate/effector genes in the oral mucosa indicated that slower disease progression was associated with increased expression of these genes. This distinction was most evident when comparing the slowest-progressing macaque to the intermediate and rapid progressors. Expression levels of alpha and gamma interferons, the antiviral interferon-stimulated gene product 2′-5′ oligoadenylate synthetase (OAS), and the chemokines CXCL9 and CXCL10 in the slow progressor were elevated at each of the three oral mucosal biopsy time points examined (day 2 to 4, 14 to 21, and day 70 postinfection). In contrast, the more rapidly progressing macaques demonstrated elevated levels of these cytokine/chemokine mRNA at lymph nodes, coincident with decreased levels at the mucosal sites, and a decreased ability to elicit an effective anti-SIV antibody response. These data provide evidence that a robust mucosal innate/effector immune response is beneficial following lentiviral exposure; however, it is likely that the anatomical location and timing of the response need to be coordinated to permit an effective immune response able to delay progression to simian AIDS.  相似文献   

Primate lentiviruses are typically apathogenic in their evolutionarily coadapted host species but can be lethal when transferred to new host species. Why such infections are pathogenic in humans and rhesus macaques (RMs) but not in sooty mangabeys (SMs), a natural host, remains unclear. Studies of chronically infected animals point to the importance of diminished immune activation in response to the infection in SMs. In this study, we sought the causes and timing of the differences in immune activation in a comparative study of acute SIV infection in RMs and SMs. Surprisingly, we show that in acute infection immune activation is comparable in SMs and RMs but thereafter, SMs quickly resolve immune activation, whereas RMs did not. Early resolution of immune activation in SMs correlated with increased expression of PD-1 and with preservation of CD4(+) T cell counts and lymphatic tissue architecture. These findings point to early control of immune activation by host immunoregulatory mechanisms as a major determinant of the different disease outcomes in SIV infection of natural vs non-natural hosts.  相似文献   

Type I cGMP-dependent protein kinases (PKGIs) are important components of various signaling pathways and are canonically activated by nitric oxide– and natriuretic peptide–induced cGMP generation. However, some reports have shown that PKGIα can also be activated in vitro by oxidizing agents. Using in vitro kinase assays, here, we found that purified PKGIα stored in PBS with Flag peptide became oxidized and activated even in the absence of oxidizing agent; furthermore, once established, this activation could not be reversed by reduction with DTT. We demonstrate that activation was enhanced by addition of Cu2+ before storage, indicating it was driven by oxidation and mediated by trace metals present during storage. Previous reports suggested that PKGIα Cys43, Cys118, and Cys196 play key roles in oxidation-induced kinase activation; we show that activation was reduced by C118A or C196V mutations, although C43S PKGIα activation was not reduced. In contrast, under the same conditions, purified PKGIβ activity only slightly increased with storage. Using PKGIα/PKGIβ chimeras, we found that residues throughout the PKGIα-specific autoinhibitory loop were responsible for this activation. To explore whether oxidants activate PKGIα in H9c2 and C2C12 cells, we monitored vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein phosphorylation downstream of PKGIα. While we observed PKGIα Cys43 crosslinking in response to H2O2 (indicating an oxidizing environment in the cells), we were unable to detect increased vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein phosphorylation under these conditions. Taken together, we conclude that while PKGIα can be readily activated by oxidation in vitro, there is currently no direct evidence of oxidation-induced PKGIα activation in vivo.  相似文献   

人类妊娠维持和分娩启动,与母胎界面免疫微环境的动态平衡密切相关。妊娠早期,母胎界面丰富的血供和免疫细胞相互作用营造的免疫耐受微环境是胚胎着床的关键;临近分娩时,原位或招募的免疫细胞在母胎界面局部形成炎性反应环境,促使胎儿从母体排出。因此,母胎界面免疫微环境调控着妊娠和分娩的各个环节,其平衡紊乱或异常会导致流产或早产的发生。本文就母胎界面几种重要的免疫细胞在分娩启动及早产发生中的作用和机制加以综述。  相似文献   

The Ubiquitin-fold modifier 1 (Ufm1) is a ubiquitin-like protein that can also be conjugated to protein substrates and subsequently alter their fates. Both UFMylation and de-UFMylation are mediated by Ufm1-specific proteases (UFSPs). In humans, it is widely believed that UFSP2 is the only active Ufm1 protease involved in Ufm1 maturation and de-UFMylation, whereas UFSP1 is thought to be inactive. Here, Liang et al. provide strong evidence showing that human UFSP1 is also an active Ufm1 protease. These results solve an age-old mystery in the human Ufm1 conjugation system and could have a greater impact not only on Ufm1 biology but also on the translation of genes employing nontraditional start codons.  相似文献   

Fogg MH  Kaur A  Cho YG  Wang F 《Journal of virology》2005,79(20):12681-12691
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection persists for life in humans, similar to other gammaherpesviruses in the same lymphocryptovirus (LCV) genus that naturally infect Old World nonhuman primates. The specific immune elements required for control of EBV infection and potential immune evasion strategies essential for persistent EBV infection are not well defined. We evaluated the cellular immune response to latent infection proteins in rhesus macaques with naturally and experimentally acquired rhesus LCV (rhLCV) infection. RhLCV EBNA-1 (rhEBNA-1) was the most frequently targeted latent infection protein and induced the most robust responses by peripheral blood mononuclear cells tested ex vivo using the gamma interferon ELISPOT assay. In contrast, although in vitro stimulation and expansion of rhLCV-specific T lymphocytes demonstrated cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) activity against autologous rhLCV-infected B cells, rhEBNA-1-specific CTL activity could not be detected. rhEBNA-1 CTL epitopes were identified and demonstrated that rhEBNA-1-specific CTL were stimulated and expanded in vitro but did not lyse targets expressing rhEBNA-1. Similarly, rhEBNA-1-specific CTL clones were able to lyse targets pulsed with rhEBNA-1 peptides or expressing rhEBNA-1 deleted for the glycine-alanine repeat (GAR) but not full-length rhEBNA-1 or rhLCV-infected B cells. These studies show that the rhLCV-specific immune response to latent infection proteins is similar to the EBV response in humans, and a potential immune evasion mechanism for EBNA-1 has been conserved in rhLCV. Thus, the rhLCV animal model can be used to analyze the immune responses important for control of persistent LCV infection and the role of the EBNA-1 GAR for immune evasion in vivo.  相似文献   

Although CD8(+) T lymphocytes targeting lytic infection proteins dominate the immune response to acute and persistent EBV infection, their role in immune control of EBV replication is not known. Rhesus lymphocryptovirus (rhLCV) is a gamma-herpesvirus closely related to EBV, which establishes persistent infection in rhesus macaques. In this study, we investigated cellular immune responses to the rhLCV BZLF1 (rhBZLF1) homolog in a cohort of rhLCV-seropositive rhesus macaques. rhBZLF1-specific IFN-gamma ELISPOT responses ranging between 56 and 3070 spot-forming cells/10(6) PBMC were detected in 36 of 57 (63%) rhesus macaques and were largely mediated by CD8(+) T lymphocytes. The prevalence and magnitude of ELISPOT responses were greater in adult (5-15 years of age) rather than juvenile macaques (<5 years of age), suggesting that rhBZLF1-specific CTL increase over time following early primary infection. A highly immunogenic region in the carboxyl terminus of the rhBZLF1 protein containing overlapping CTL epitopes restricted by Mamu-A*01 and other as yet unidentified MHC class I alleles was identified. The presence of a robust CD8(+) T lymphocyte response targeting this lytic infection protein in both rhesus macaques and humans suggests that these CTL may be important for immune control of EBV-related gamma-herpesvirus infection. These data underscore the utility of the rhLCV-macaque model for studies of EBV pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Current therapies for the treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection are only effective in a restricted number of patients. Cellular immune responses, particularly those mediated by CD8(+) CTLs, are thought to play a role in the control of infection and the response to antiviral therapies. Because the Core protein is the most conserved HCV protein among genotypes, we evaluated the ability of a Core prototype vaccine to prime cellular immune responses in rhesus macaques. Since there are serious concerns about using a genetic vaccine encoding for Core, this vaccine was a nonclassical ISCOM formulation in which the Core protein was adsorbed onto (not entrapped within) the ISCOMATRIX, resulting in approximately 1-microm particulates (as opposed to 40 nm for classical ISCOM formulations). We report that this Core-ISCOM prototype vaccine primed strong CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell responses. Using intracellular staining for cytokines, we show that in immunized animals 0.30-0.71 and 0.32-2.21% of the circulating CD8(+) and CD4(+) T cells, respectively, were specific for naturally processed HCV Core peptides. Furthermore, this vaccine elicited a Th0-type response and induced a high titer of Abs against Core and long-lived cellular immune responses. Finally, we provide evidence that Core-ISCOM could serve as an adjuvant for the HCV envelope protein E1E2. Thus, these data provide evidence that Core-ISCOM is effective at inducing cellular and humoral immune responses in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, as well as the accumulation of intraneuronal proteinaceous inclusions known as Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites. The major protein component of Lewy inclusions is the intrinsically disordered protein α-synuclein (α-Syn), which can adopt diverse amyloid structures. Different conformational strains of α-Syn have been proposed to be related to the onset of distinct synucleinopathies; however, how specific amyloid fibrils cause distinctive pathological traits is not clear. Here, we generated three different α-Syn amyloid conformations at different pH and salt concentrations and analyzed the activity of SynuClean-D (SC-D), a small aromatic molecule, on these strains. We show that incubation of α-Syn with SC-D reduced the formation of aggregates and the seeded polymerization of α-Syn in all cases. Moreover, we found that SC-D exhibited a general fibril disaggregation activity. Finally, we demonstrate that treatment with SC-D also reduced strain-specific intracellular accumulation of phosphorylated α-Syn inclusions. Taken together, we conclude that SC-D may be a promising hit compound to inhibit polymorphic α-Syn aggregation.  相似文献   

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