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Because the interests of mutualists are not perfectly aligned, conflicts between partners often arise, rendering mutualism unstable by allowing the evolution of cheating. The dwarf palm Chamaerops humilis is engaged in a nursery pollination mutualism with a specific weevil Derelomus chamaeropsis. In exchange for pollen dispersal, dwarf palms provide pollinators with food, shelter and egg-laying sites, but pollinators can develop only within male inflorescences. Here we show that weevils lay eggs in female inflorescences but processes associated with fruit development prevent larval development. The cost imposed by developing larvae probably differs between male and female plants, explaining why only females defend their inflorescences. Female palms thus cheat their pollinating weevil, and pollinators are expected to 'punish' (avoid) them. We found no evidence for such punishment: weevils visit female plants and the duration of visits to male and female inflorescences does not differ. Thus mutualists do not always co-operate and cheating may not be necessarily punished.  相似文献   

Chamaerops humilis is decreasing in abundance in Mediterranean Europe, which has induced the European community to call for its protection in Special Areas of Conservation. However, information about its genetic and morphological variability, which is crucial to the development of any conservation strategies, is insufficient. The present study aimed to investigate the genetic and morphological variability of C. humilis in Sicily, which was selected as a model because of the high number of dense populations. The relationships between morphological traits and climatic variables were studied to highlight patterns of adaptation to the environment, along with the genetic similarity among the populations. Ten natural populations were sampled, analyzed using 28 specifically designed SSR primers, and evaluated based on 29 morphological traits. The populations were clustered similarly based on genetic and morphological traits. Heterozygosity was high and inbreeding coefficients were low. These results, along with higher intra‐ than inter‐population differentiation, suggest that C. humilis populations in Sicily differentiated from a common ancestor and that inter‐population variation arose from secondary evolution processes induced by ecological adaptation. The correlations between climatic variables and morphological traits suggest that the morphological adaptation to arid environments depends more on summer temperatures than on evapotranspiration or rainfall and that autumn and winter temperatures are determinants of the species establishment at new sites. Considering the response of C. humilis to seasonal temperatures, the present results indicate this species as a candidate for tracking climatic changes in Europe. Further studies are needed to highlight the adaptation of C. humilis to cold environments. Palaeo‐climatological and ‐ecological studies could help clarify its strategies for the colonization of new sites. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 66–81.  相似文献   

Volatile compounds, which frequently play important roles in plant-insect interaction, can be produced either by flowers to attract pollinators or by leaves to deter herbivores. The specialized structures associated with odor production differ in these two organs. The European dwarf palm Chamaerops humilis represents a unique intermediate between these two. In previous work, its leaves were shown to produce volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that attract pollinators only during flowering. Because the leaf sinuses look like a gland, the sinus was examined histologically and with environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) for evidence that the sinus emits VOCs. Volatile compounds emitted by the different parts of the leaf were extracted by washes and headspace then analyzed by gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The sinus does not have the expected gland-like structure; the VOCs are actually produced by the whole leaf, even if the composition of the VOCs emitted by the sinus slightly differs. Thus, attraction of pollinators does not result from specialized secreting cells in leaves of flowering European dwarf palms. The results are discussed in the context of a convergent evolution of leaves toward petals.  相似文献   

Summary Intact cores from the wet coastal arctic tundra at Barrow, Alaska, were used as microcosms in the measurement of CO2 fluxes between peat, vegetation, and atmosphere under controlled conditions. Net ecosystem CO2 uptake was almost twice as high at present summer temperatures (4° C) than at 8°. Lowering the water table from the soil surface to -5 cm also had a pronounced effect in decreasing net ecosystem carbon storage. Warming of the tundra climate could change this ecosystem from a sink for atmospheric CO2 to a source.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in floral morphology is often assumed to reflect geographic variation in pollinator communities and associated divergence in selective pressures. We studied populations of Nerine humilis (Amaryllidaceae) to assess whether geographic variation in floral form is the result of local adaptation to different pollinator communities. We first tested for associations between floral traits and visitor communities, and found that populations with similar floral morphologies were visited by similar insect communities. Mean style length in each population was also closely associated with the mean body length of the local visitor community. A reciprocal translocation experiment demonstrated that native phenotypes set more seed than translocated phenotypes. Single visitation experiments showed that native flowers received more pollen, and set more seed per visit, than introduced phenotypes in both populations. This suggests that the effectiveness of pollinator visits is determined by the degree of mechanical fit between flowers and visitors. We provide strong evidence that the observed among‐population variation in floral traits is an adaptive response to geographic variation in the pollinator community.  相似文献   

Several studies demonstrated that in insects cuticle melanism is interrelated with pathogen resistance, as melanin‐based coloration and innate immunity possess similar physiological pathways. For some insects, higher pathogen resistance was observed in darker individuals than in individuals with lighter cuticular coloration. Here, we investigated the difference in immune response between two color morphs (black and red) and between the life stages (pupa and adult) of the red palm weevil Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Here in this study, cuticle thickness, microbial test (antimicrobial activity, phenoloxidase activity, and hemocyte density), and immune‐related gene expression were evaluated at different stages of RPW. Study results revealed that cuticle thickness of black phenotype was thicker than red phenotype at old‐pupa stage, while no significant difference found at adult stage. These results may relate to the development processes of epidermis in different stages of RPW. The results of antimicrobial activity, phenoloxidase (PO) activity, and hemocyte density analyses showed that adults with a red phenotype had stronger pathogen resistance than those with a black phenotype. In addition to antimicrobial activity and PO activity, we tested relative gene expression in the fat body of old pupae. The results of hemolymph antimicrobial analysis showed that old pupae with a red phenotype were significantly different from those with a black phenotype at 12 hr after Staphylococcus aureus injection, suggesting that red phenotype pupae were more sensitive to S. aureus. Examination of gene expression in the fat body also revealed that the red phenotype had a higher immune response than the black phenotype. Our results were inconsistent with the previous conclusion that dark insects had increased immune function, suggesting that the relationship between cuticle pigmentation and immune function in insects was not a direct link. Additional possible factors that are associated with the immune response, such as life‐history, developmental, physiological factors also need to be considered.  相似文献   

Seed lipids composition is a tool to discriminate among plant taxa and is related to phylogeny and biogeographic distribution. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the fatty acid (FA) composition of the seed lipids from nine natural Chamaerops humilis L. population and its relation with the climatic traits of the collection sites. The average seed lipids content was 54.8 g kg? 1 and the most represented FAs were oleic (478 g kg? 1 oil) and linoleic (230 g kg? 1 oil), with significant differences among the accessions. Most of the lipid traits significantly correlated with climatic traits. In particular, oleic acid negatively correlated with year potential evapotranspiration. These relations could emerge from a genotypic adaptation to the environment. The seed of C. humilis showed high content of lipids, which implies an importance of the species for feeding wild life during winter, and a high degree of unsaturation. Considering the importance of the unsaturated FAs in human and animal nutrition, the present results suggest that European fan palm could be introduced in breeding programmes and its seed extract used as FA in diet supplementation. Further studies are needed to identify the content of anti-nutritional or nutraceutical compounds.  相似文献   

Chamaerops humilis L. (Mediterranean dwarf palm) is an important floristic element of the western Mediterranean region because it is the only palm species naturally distributed in both Europe and Africa. The combination of a time-calibrated phylogeny, a haplotype network and genetic diversity analyses based on plastid sequences, together with previous nuclear DNA fingerprint results, helped reconstruct the colonization history of the dwarf palm. Based on a sample of 218 individuals taken from 29 geographical areas that cover the current distribution of Chamaerops, we detected four plastid DNA (petA-psbJ) haplotypes distributed in two haplotype groups (lineage 1: haplotypes A/B; lineage 2: haplotypes C/D). Haplotypes A, B, and C showed a widespread geographical distribution in both Africa and Europe, whereas haplotype D was restricted to two African localities. Paleobotanical data, species distribution modeling and divergence time estimates suggest that Chamaerops diverged from Trachycarpus in the Miocene (27.05–6.05 Ma), followed by a split of the two C. humilis lineages that remained isolated during the Miocene-Pliocene. Divergence estimates also support a derived split into two haplotypes (A/B) in the Pleistocene, when the Mediterranean Sea barrier was in existence. This, together with geographical distribution of haplotypes A and B, strongly suggests that the disjunct distribution of C. humilis haplotypes in Europe and Africa is the result of long-distance dispersal (LDD) events rather than vicariance. In agreement with recurrent gene flow (events of LDD colonization), AMOVA revealed that most of the genetic variance was found among populations (61.52%). Irrespective of predominant plant translocations by humans or seed dispersal by natural means, our results support that current populations are the result of relatively recent contacts between Africa and Europe in the Quaternary.  相似文献   

Summary Respiration rates of the bacterivorous freshwater nematode Plectus palustris were measured during the whole life cycle of the species and for animals grown at two food densities. Covariance analysis showed that small, but significant differences exist in the elevation of the respiration rate—body weight regressions (R=aW b, in nl O2/ind·h and g wet weight) for different food densities. At a food density of 6–9·108 bacterial cells/ml the level of respiration is 14% lower compared to rates of animals cultured at a ten times higher food density. However, the allometric function, R-aW b, adequately describes the relationship of respiration and body weight only during the larval growth phase and for young females, while respiration rates of newly hatched larvae and mature females at maximal egg production have lower metabolic rates. Cumulated metabolic costs to attain a certain age, size and stage of development have been determined and are used in a subsequent paper (Schiemer et al., 1979) to calculate the energy budgets of the species.  相似文献   

Summary Growth and reproduction of the parthenogenetic freshwater nematode,Plectus palustris, were studied at different controlled levels of food densities at 20° C. A bacteria-sloppy agar mixture was used as substrate and food medium. No growth or reproduction occurred at the lowest food density (8.107 bacterial cells ml-1). At 8.108 cells ml-1, the larval duration was 18.5 days, the instantaneous growth rate (g) of young larvae 0.2 d-1 and the daily fecundity rate during a prolonged period of constant egg production 12.6 eggs·d-1. At a food density of 8.109 cells ml-1, the corresponding values are 12.5 days, 0.4 d-1 and 37.7 eggs d-1.By including the data on respiration from a previous paper (Klekowski et al., 1979), the energetics of the species at different food densities can be discussed: production processes are apparently more dependent on food supply than respiration. However, prolongation of the larval phase in lower food densities greatly increases the cumulated respiratory costs per unit production. A second point is the ability to produce smaller-sized primiparous females in sub-optimal food which shortens the immature life period and serves to reduce the burden of cumulated metabolic costs for attaining sexual maturity.A comparison of the range of food densities used in the experiments with bacterial densities known from lake sediments of different trophic type suggests that food is likely to be the main factor governing the population dynamics of bacterivorous species under field situations.  相似文献   

Arctomecon humilis is a critically endangered species endemic to the Moenkopi shale of Washington County, Utah. Recovery plans for the species would be improved by an understanding of genetic diversity and gene flow among its remaining populations. Ten variable isozyme loci were used to calculate genetic diversity statistics for study populations. Westerly populations possessed higher levels of genetic variability than other populations at the same isozyme loci. Three of the populations exhibited significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations. No correlation existed between genetic distance and geographic distance. Most of the genetic diversity was distributed among populations with little gene flow between populations, suggesting that observed genetic differences may arise from genetic drift. For the westerly populations, similar genotypes were observed in the seedling and old age classes, while intermediate age classes typically possessed an alternate set of genotypes at Pgi-2. Mean heterozygosity increased with age class across populations. Westerly populations of A. humilis shared more alleles with the nearest geographic population of A. californica than other populations. Since the westerly populations contained more genetic variability and more alleles in common with a near relative, they may be relictual. Other populations may contain less genetic diversity due to founder effects and/or genetic drift.  相似文献   

The major endogenous gibberellin (GA) in shoots, roots and ears of the rice plant, Oryza sativa L. japonica cv. Nihonbare, was identified as GA19 by combined gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and GC-selected ion current monitoring (GC-SICM). Another GA present in these tissues in small quantity was tentatively identified as GA1 by GC-SICM, and GA4 may be present in the seeds (kernels) of 3rd-leaf-stage seedlings. Using GC-SICM, the GA19 content was quantified throughout the life cycle of rice plants. It was found to reach high levels (ca. 10–15 g/kg fresh weight) in 3rd-leaf seedlings, at panicle initiation (shoots), and during heading and anthesis (ears). The levels of GA19 in Oryza sativa indica cv. T-136 underwent changes closely similar to those found in Nihonbare. The growth-promoting activity in rice of exogenous GA19 is generally considerably less than that of GA1. It therefore seems possible that GA19 functions as a pool GA. The level of active GAs such as GA1 may be regulated by the rate of biosynthesis of GA19 or its metabolic conversions.Abbreviations GA(s) gibberellin(s) - GAn gibberellin An - GAn-MeTMS trimethylsilyl ether of GAn methyl ester - GC-MS combined gas liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry - GC-SICM combined gas liquid chromatography-selected ion current monitoring - TLC thin-layer chromatography  相似文献   

The distribution, fine structure and function of the sensilla present on the antennal club of Rhynchophorus palmarum were studied. No sex dimorphism was observed. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy showed five types of hair-like structures, four of which were evenly distributed on the antennal club. Two types of hair (IV and V) showed wall pores, a characteristic of olfactory sensilla. The antenna numbers 11,190 +/- 3040 type IV and 7360 +/- 1500 type V hairs. Using single sensillum recording, we identified 17 types of olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) on the basis of their responses to pheromone and host plant odors, triggering synergic behavioral responses. We characterized highly specific and sensitive ORNs tuned to the aggregation pheromone (18% ORNs; 0.01-1 ng response threshold) and to host plant odors such as ethyl acetate, ethanol, acetoin and guaiacol (10% ORNs; 1-10 ng response threshold). Eleven percent of the ORNs were more generalist, responding to several odors with low sensitivity. Nine percent of the ORNs showed a complex pattern of responses, being co-activated by the pheromone and plant odors. This suggests an interaction at the sensory neuron level between pheromone and plant odors, triggering synergic behavioral responses.  相似文献   

In marine invertebrates that acquire their symbionts from the environment, these are generally only taken up during early developmental stages. In the symbiosis between lucinid clams and their intracellular sulfur-oxidizing bacteria, it has been shown that the juveniles acquire their symbionts from an environmental stock of free-living symbiont forms, but it is not known if adult clams are still competent to take up symbiotic bacteria from the environment. In this study, we investigated symbiont acquisition in adult specimens of the lucinid clam Codakia orbiculata, using transmission electron microscopy, fluorescence in situ hybridization, immunohistochemistry and PCR. We show here that adults that had no detectable symbionts after starvation in aquaria for 6 months, rapidly reacquired symbionts within days after being returned to their natural environments in the field. Control specimens that were starved and then exposed to seawater aquaria with sulfide did not reacquire symbionts. This indicates that the reacquisition of symbionts in the starved clams returned to the field was not caused by high division rates of a small pool of remaining symbionts that we were not able to detect with the methods used here. Immunohistochemistry with an antibody against actin, a protein involved in the phagocytosis of intracellular bacteria, showed that actin was expressed at the apical ends of the gill cells that took up symbionts, providing further evidence that the symbionts were acquired from the environment. Interestingly, actin expression was also observed in symbiont-containing cells of untreated lucinids freshly collected from the environment, indicating that symbiont acquisition from the environment occurs continuously in these clams throughout their lifetime.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Does the diversity and abundance of one trophic level affect another? Several studies at the landscape level have found a positive relationship between the diversity of floral resources and the diversity and abundance of pollinators. However, little is known about the relationship between these trophic levels on a smaller spatial scale, and the importance of blossom density relative to plant species richness in predicting abundance and richness of different flower visitor groups. 2. This study used a small‐scale approach to investigate how, and if, the diversity and abundance of floral resources in study plots affected the visitation activity of different flower visitor groups. During 201 observation periods between late May and mid‐August 2003, 3682 visits were observed. Bumblebees (60%), muscoids (17%), syrphids (9%), and beetles (5%) were the most abundant flower visitors. 3. Regression analysis was used to investigate the relationship between blossom density and plant species richness with visitation activity, including the probability of presence in plots, the visits within plots, and the visitor richness of the most abundant pollinator groups. 4. The activity of beetles, bumblebees, and muscoids was positively predicted by the variation in blossom density, while syrphid activity was better predicted by plant species richness. Overall, the models for beetles and bumblebees explained much more of the variation in activity compared with the models for the dipterans, and blossom density was a better predictor of both flower visitor richness and activity than was plant species richness.  相似文献   

上海地区红棕象甲的耐寒性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红棕象甲Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier)是我国危害棕榈科植物的重要入侵害虫, 为探明其越冬抗寒性, 利用过冷却点测定仪测定了红棕象甲上海种群不同虫态的过冷却点, 在低温箱内测定了该虫不同虫态的耐寒性, 然后结合田间越冬模拟试验、气象资料和寄主分布情况, 初步确定了红棕象甲在我国的越冬北界。结果表明: 红棕象甲过冷却点随虫态的发育程度的升高而下降, 卵、1龄幼虫、5龄幼虫、9龄幼虫和成虫的平均过冷却点分别为-5.92, -6.42, -7.19, -7.43和-11.84℃, 过冷却点由高到低的顺序依次为: 卵>幼虫>成虫。在6, 24, 48和72 h 4个时间处理下, 各虫态在低温与存活率之间呈显著或极显著的logistic回归, 半致死温度(Ltemp50)均随处理时间的延长而上升, 不同虫态在处理72 h 后, 卵、1龄幼虫、5龄幼虫、9龄幼虫和成虫之间的Ltemp50分别为1.61, -1.67, -2.39, -2.40和-0.40℃, 各虫态耐寒性由弱到强的顺序依次为: 卵<成虫<幼虫。红棕象甲不同发育阶段的过冷却点与其耐寒性并不完全相关, 幼虫和成虫均可能是该虫的越冬虫态。连续两年的田间模拟越冬试验表明, 在上海地区, 红棕象甲的幼虫和成虫的越冬存活率均在60%以上, 说明红棕象甲在上海地区是可以越冬的。根据这些结果, 结合寄主分布情况, 初步将红棕象甲在我国的越冬北界定于北纬35°附近, 即1月份0℃等温线左右。  相似文献   

The salamander tail displays different functions and morphologies in the aquatic and terrestrial stages of species with complex life cycles. During metamorphosis the function of the tail changes; the larval tail functions in aquatic locomotion while the juvenile and adult tail exhibits tail autotomy and fat storage functions. Because tail injury is common in the aquatic environment, we hypothesized that mechanisms have evolved to prevent altered larval tail morphology from affecting normal juvenile tail morphology. The hypothesis that injury to the larval tail would not affect juvenile tail morphology was investigated by comparing tail development and regeneration in Hemidactylium scutatum (Caudata: Plethodontidae). The experimental design included larvae with uninjured tails and with cut tails to simulate natural predation. The morphological variables analyzed to compare normally developing and regenerating tails were 1) tail length, 2) number of caudal vertebrae, and 3) vertebral centrum length. Control and experimental groups do not differ in time to metamorphosis or snout-vent length. Tails of experimental individuals are shorter than controls, yet they display a significantly higher rate of tail growth and less resorption of tail tissue. Anterior to the site of tail injury, caudal vertebrae in juveniles display greater average centrum lengths. Results suggest that regenerative mechanisms are functioning not only to produce structures, but also to influence growth of existing structures. Further investigation of juvenile and adult stages as well as comparative analyses of tail morphology in salamanders with complex life cycles will enhance our understanding of amphibian development and of the evolution of amphibian life cycles. J Morphol 233:15–29, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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