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Structures of glycoconjugate N-glycans and glycolipids of invertebrates show significant differences from those of vertebrates. These differences are due largely to the vertebrate beta1,4-galactosyltransferase-1 (beta4Gal-T1), which is found as a beta1,4-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase (beta4GalNAc-T1) in invertebrates. Mutation of Tyr285 to Ile or Leu in human beta4Gal-T1 converts the enzyme into an equally efficient beta4GalNAc-T1. A comparison of all the human beta4Gal-T1 ortholog enzymes shows that this Tyr285 residue in human beta4Gal-T1 is conserved either as Tyr or Phe in all vertebrate enzymes, while in all invertebrate enzymes it is conserved as an Ile or Leu. We find that mutation of the corresponding Ile residue to Tyr in Drosophila beta4GalNAc-T1 converts the enzyme to a beta4Gal-T1 by reducing its N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity by nearly 1000-fold, while enhancing its galactosyltransferase activity by 80-fold. Furthermore, we find that, similar to the vertebrate/mammalian beta4Gal-T1 enzymes, the wild-type Drosophila beta4GalNAc-T1 enzyme binds to a mammary gland-specific protein, alpha-lactalbumin (alpha-LA). Thus, it would seem that, during the evolution of vertebrates from invertebrates over 500 million years ago, beta4Gal-T1 appeared as a result of the single amino acid substitution of Tyr or Phe for Leu or Ile in the invertebrate beta4GalNAc-T1. Subsequently, the pre-existing alpha-LA-binding site was utilized during mammalian evolution to synthesize lactose in the mammary gland during lactation.  相似文献   

In a previous preliminary investigation, we reported on the excretion, tissue disposition and metabolism of the chemopreventive agent 1,4-phenylenebis(methylene)selenocyanate (p-XSC) in the rat, but similar studies in the mouse have not been explored. Following the oral administration of p-XSC (50 micromol/kg body weight), selenium excretion in feces was comparable to that in urine in mice, but in rats, feces was the major route of excretion. Tetraselenocyclophane (TSC) was the major metabolite detected in mouse and rat feces. In both species, levels of selenium in exhaled air were negligible. At termination, in the mouse, the stomach had the highest selenium content followed by liver and blood, but lung and kidney contained negligible levels of selenium; in the rat, the selenium level in liver was the highest followed by kidney, stomach, blood and lung. The identification of TSC as a fecal metabolite in both species let us to postulate the following metabolic pathway: p-XSC-->glutathione conjugate (p-XSeSG)-->a selenol (p-XSeH)-->TSC. Since the glutathione conjugate appears to be the proximal precursor for the selenol metabolite that may be an important intermediate in cancer chemoprevention, we report for the first time the synthesis of p-XSeSG and its other potential metabolites, namely the cysteine- and N-acetylcysteine-conjugates of p-XSC. HPLC analysis of the urine and bile showed a few metabolites of p-XSC; none of which eluted with the synthetic standards described above. When we examined the conversion of p-XSC and p-XSeSG in vitro using rat cecal microflora, TSC was formed from p-XSeSG but not from p-XSC. The formation of TSC from p-XSC in vivo but not in vitro suggests that p-XSC needs to be metabolized to p-XSeSG or an intermediate derived from its further metabolism. Thus, p-XSeSG was given orally to rats and the results showed that the pattern of selenium excretion after p-XSeSG treatment was similar to that of p-XSC; TSC was also identified as a fecal metabolite of p-XSeSG. It may be that the conversion of p-XSeSG to TSC is too facile, or the mere conjugation of p-XSC with glutathione does not occur in rats and mice.  相似文献   

Combined pH-metric, UV-Vis, 1H NMR and EPR spectral investigations on the complex formation of M(II) ions (M=Co, Ni, Cu and Zn) with N-(2-benzimidazolyl)methyliminodiacetic acid (H2bzimida, hereafter H2L) in aqueous solution at a fixed ionic strength, I=10−1 mol dm−3, at 25 ± 1 °C indicate the formation of M(L), M(H−1L) and M2(H−1L)+ complexes. Proton-ligand and metal-ligand constants and the complex formation equilibria have been elucidated. Solid complexes, [M(L)(H2O)2] · nH2O (n=1 for M = Co and Zn, n=2 for M = Ni) and {Cu (μ-L) · 4H2O}n, have been isolated and characterized by elemental analysis, spectral, conductance and magnetic measurements and thermal studies. Structures of [Ni(L)(H2O)2] · 2H2O and {Cu(μ-L) · 4H2O}n have been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The nickel(II) complex exists in a distorted octahedral environment in which the metal ion is coordinated by the two carboxylate O atoms, the amino-N atom of the iminodiacetate moiety and the pyridine type N-atom of the benzimidazole moiety. Two aqua O atoms function as fifth and sixth donor atoms. The copper(II) complex is made up of interpenetrating polymeric chains of antiferromagnetically coupled Cu(II) ions linked by carboxylato bridges in syn-anti (apical-equatorial) bonding mode and stabilized via interchain hydrogen bonds and π-π stacking interactions.  相似文献   

The effects of various surfactants on the activity and stability of the human adenosine A3 receptor (A3) were investigated. The receptor was expressed using stably transfected HEK293 cells at a concentration of 44 pmol functional receptor per milligram membrane protein and purified using over 50 different nonionic surfactants. A strong correlation was observed between a surfactant's ability to remove A3 from the membrane and the ability of the surfactant to remove A3 selectively relative to other membrane proteins. The activity of A3 once purified also correlates well with the selectivity of the surfactant used. The effects of varying the surfactant were much stronger than those achieved by including A3 ligands in the purification scheme. Notably, all surfactants that gave high efficiency, selectivity and activity fall within a narrow range of hydrophile-lipophile balance values. This effect may reflect the ability of the surfactant to pack effectively at the hydrophobic transmembrane interface. These findings emphasize the importance of identifying appropriate surfactants for a particular membrane protein, and offer promise for the development of rapid, efficient, and systematic methods to facilitate membrane protein purification.  相似文献   

Using anion-exchange chromatography on Source 15Q followed by hydrophobic interaction chromatography on Source 15 Isopropyl, a lichenase-like endo-(1→4)-β-glucanase (BG, 28 kDa, pI 4.1) was isolated from a culture filtrate of Aspergillus japonicus. The enzyme was highly active against barley β-glucan and lichenan (263 and 267 U/mg protein) and had much lower activity toward carboxymethylcellulose (3.9 U/mg). The mode of action of the BG on barley β-glucan and lichenan was studied in comparison with that of Bacillus subtilis lichenase and endo-(1→4)-β-glucanases (EG I, II, and III) of Trichoderma reesei. The BG behaved very similar to the bacterial lichenase, except the tri- and tetrasaccharides formed as the end products of β-glucan hydrolysis with the BG contained the β-(1→3)-glucoside linkage at the non-reducing end, while the lichenase-derived oligosaccharides had the β-(1→3)-linkage at the reducing end. The BG was characterized by a high amino acid sequence identity to the EG of Aspergillus kawachii (UniProt entry Q12679) from a family 12 of glycoside hydrolases (96% in 162 identified aa residues out of total 223 residues) and also showed lower sequence similarity to the EglA of Aspergillus niger (O74705).  相似文献   

Cathepsin K is the major collagenolytic enzyme produced by bone-resorbing osteoclasts. We showed earlier that the unique triple-helical collagen-degrading activity of cathepsin K depends on the formation of complexes with bone-or cartilage-resident glycosaminoglycans, such as chondroitin 4-sulfate (C4-S). Here, we describe the crystal structure of a 1:n complex of cathepsin K:C4-S inhibited by E64 at a resolution of 1.8 Å. The overall structure reveals an unusual “beads-on-a-string”-like organization. Multiple cathepsin K molecules bind specifically to a single cosine curve-shaped strand of C4-S with each cathepsin K molecule interacting with three disaccharide residues of C4-S. One of the more important sets of interactions comes from a single turn of helix close to the N terminus of the proteinase containing a basic amino acid triplet (Arg8-Lys9-Lys10) that forms multiple hydrogen bonds either to the caboxylate or to the 4-sulfate groups of C4-S. Altogether, the binding sites with C4-S are located in the R-domain of cathepsin K and are distant from its active site. This explains why the general proteolytic activity of cathepsin K is not affected by the binding of chondroitin sulfate. Biochemical analyses of cathepsin K and C4-S mixtures support the presence of a 1:n complex in solution; a dissociation constant, Kd, of about 10 nM was determined for the interaction between cathepsin K and C4-S.  相似文献   

Bacteria species involved in degradation of cellulosic substrates produce a variety of enzymes for processing related compounds along the hydrolytic pathway. Paenibacillus polymyxa encodes two homologous beta-glucosidases, BglA and BglB, presenting different quaternary structures and substrate specificities. We previously reported the 3D-structure of BglA, which is highly specific against cellobiose. Here, we present structural analysis of BglB, a monomeric enzyme that acts as an exo-beta-glucosidase hydrolyzing cellobiose and cellodextrins of higher degree of polymerization. The crystal structure of BglB shows that several polar residues narrow the active site pocket and contour additional subsites. The structure of the BglB-cellotetraose complex confirms these subsites, revealing the substrate-binding mode, and shows the oligosaccharide-enzyme recognition pattern in detail. Comparison between BglA and BglB crystal structures suggests that oligomerization in BglA can assist in fine-tuning the specificity of the active centre by modulating the loops surrounding the cavity. We have solved the crystal structure of BglB with bound thiocellobiose, a competitive inhibitor, which together with the BglB-cellotetraose complex delineate the general features of the aglycon site. The detailed characterization of the atomic interactions at the aglycon site show a recognition pattern common to all bacterial beta-glucosidases, and presents some differences with the aglycon site in plant beta-glycosidases essentially by means of a different orientation of the basal Trp. The crystal structures of of BglB with a covalently bound inhibitor (derived from 2-fluoroglucoside) and glucose (produced by hydrolysis of the substrate in the crystal), provide additional pictures of the binding events and the intermediates formed during the reaction. Altogether, this information can assist in the understanding of subtle differences of the enzyme mechanism and substrate recognition within this family of enzymes, and consequently it can help in the development of new enzymes with improved activity or specificity.  相似文献   

The compound 2-hydroxy-3-(1'-propen-3-phenyl)-1,4-naphthoquinone (PHNQ6) was evaluated for activity against Toxoplasma gondii, alone or combined with sulfadiazine. Treatment with PHNQ6 combined with sulfadiazine protected at least 70 and 90% of mice infected with RH and EGS strains, respectively. Mice were treated with PHNQ6 (50 mg/kg/day) alone or combined with sulfadiazine (40 mg/L) 30 days after infection with P strain. The number of brain cysts was lower in mice treated with PHNQ6 alone or combined with sulfadiazine compared to that in control mice. Degenerated bradyzoites were observed in animals treated with PHNQ6. Infectivity of bradyzoites treated with PHNQ6 alone or combined with sulfadiazine was inhibited after in vitro incubation.  相似文献   

Conformation and microenvironment at the active site of 1,4-beta-D-glucan glucanohydrolase was probed with fluorescent chemo-affinity labeling using o-phthalaldehyde. OPTA has been known to form a fluorescent isoindole derivative by cross-linking the proximal thiol and amino groups of cysteine and lysine. Modification of lysine of the enzyme by TNBS and of cysteine residue by PHMB abolished the ability of the enzyme to form an isoindole derivative with OPTA. Kinetic analysis of the TNBS and PHMB-modified enzyme suggested the presence of essential lysine and cysteine residues, respectively, at the active site of the enzyme. The substrate protection of the enzyme with carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) confirmed the involvement of lysine and cysteine residues in the active site of the enzyme. Multiple sequence alignment of peptides obtained by tryptic digestion of the enzyme showed cysteine is one of the conserved amino acids corroborating the chemical modification studies.  相似文献   

Hybrid forms of human phenylalanine hydroxylase (hPAH) mutants have been found to present catalytic activities lower than predicted from the individual recombinant forms, indicating that interallelic complementation could be a major determinant of the metabolic phenotype of compound heterozygous phenylketonuric (PKU) patients. To provide a molecular explanation for interallelic complementation we have here developed a bicistronic expression system and a purification strategy to obtain isolated hPAH heteromeric forms. On co-expression of WT-hPAH (~ 50% tetramer; ~ 10% dimer) and the N- and C-terminally truncated form ΔN102/ΔC24-hPAH (~ 80% dimer) no heterodimers were recovered. Moreover, by co-expression of WT-hPAH and the N-terminally truncated form ΔN102-hPAH (~ 95% tetramer), heterotetramers, as a result of an assembly of two different homodimers, were isolated. The recovered (WT)/(ΔN102)-hPAH heterotetramers revealed a catalytic activity deviating significantly from that calculated by averaging the respective recombinant homotetrameric forms. The heterotetramer assembly also results in conformational changes in the WT-hPAH protomer, as detected by trypsin limited proteolysis. The finding that the presence of two homodimers with different kinetic parameters influences the properties of the resulting heterotetrameric protein indicates that the dimers exhibit interactions which are transmitted across the assembled tetramer. The bicistronic expression system developed here allowed the isolation of hybrid forms that exhibit negative interallelic complementation, and may represent a model system for studying the molecular pathogenic mechanisms of PAH gene mutations in compound heterozygous PKU patients, providing the rationale to understand the observed inconsistencies both in genotype/phenotype correlations and in the response to BH4 supplementation.  相似文献   

Cannabinoid ligands are implicated in many physiological processes and to date two receptors have been identified. However, a growing body of evidence exists that suggests the presence of additional receptors. Whilst cloning the previously described hCB1a, we have identified a novel variant that we call hCB1b. Characterising these two splice variants demonstrates that they have a unique pharmacological profile and that their RNA's are expressed at low levels in a variety of tissues.  相似文献   

The fusion peptides of HIV and influenza virus are crucial for viral entry into a host cell. We report the membrane-perturbing and structural properties of fusion peptides from the HA fusion protein of influenza virus and the gp41 fusion protein of HIV. Our goals were to determine: 1), how fusion peptides alter structure within the bilayers of fusogenic and nonfusogenic lipid vesicles and 2), how fusion peptide structure is related to the ability to promote fusion. Fluorescent probes revealed that neither peptide had a significant effect on bilayer packing at the water-membrane interface, but both increased acyl chain order in both fusogenic and nonfusogenic vesicles. Both also reduced free volume within the bilayer as indicated by partitioning of a lipophilic fluorophore into membranes. These membrane ordering effects were smaller for the gp41 peptide than for the HA peptide at low peptide/lipid ratio, suggesting that the two peptides assume different structures on membranes. The influenza peptide was predominantly helical, and the gp41 peptide was predominantly antiparallel beta-sheet when membrane bound, however, the depths of penetration of Trps of both peptides into neutral membranes were similar and independent of membrane composition. We previously demonstrated: 1), the abilities of both peptides to promote fusion but not initial intermediate formation during PEG-mediated fusion and 2), the ability of hexadecane to compete with this effect of the fusion peptides. Taken together, our current and past results suggest a hypothesis for a common mechanism by which these two viral fusion peptides promote fusion.  相似文献   

We have carried out guanidinium chloride (GdmCl) and urea denaturations of bovine beta-lactoglobulin A (beta-lgA) at pH 2.0 and 25 degrees C, using far-UV and near-UV circular dichroism, near-UV absorption and tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopies. The stable intermediate state that occurs during GdmCl denaturation has been characterized by the far- and near-UV circular dichroism, tryptophan difference absorption, tryptophan fluorescence and 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulphonic acid binding measurements. Following conclusions have been reached. (a) Urea-induced denaturation is not a two-state process. (b) GdmCl-induced denaturation is composed of two distinct two-state processes. (c) alpha-Helical content, burial of tryptophan residues and burial of hydrophobic surface area are more in the GdmCl-induced stable intermediate than those originally present in the native protein.  相似文献   

MRP1 couples ATP binding/hydrolysis to solute transport. We have shown that ATP binding to nucleotide-binding-domain 1 (NBD1) plays a regulatory role whereas ATP hydrolysis at NBD2 plays a crucial role in ATP-dependent solute transport. However, how ATP is hydrolyzed at NBD2 is not well elucidated. To partially address this question, we have mutated the histidine residue in H-loop of MRP1 to either a residue that prevents the formation of hydrogen-bonds with ATP and other residues in MRP1 or a residue that may potentially form these hydrogen-bonds. Interestingly, substitution of H827 in NBD1 with residues that prevented formation of these hydrogen-bonds had no effect on the ATP-dependent solute transport whereas corresponding mutations in NBD2 almost abolished the ATP-dependent solute transport completely. In contrast, substitutions of H1486 in H-loop of NBD2 with residues that might potentially form these hydrogen-bonds exerted either full function or partial function, implying that hydrogen-bond formation between the residue at 1486 and the γ-phosphate of the bound ATP and/or other residues, such as putative catalytic base E1455, together with S769, G771, T1329 and K1333, etc., holds all the components necessary for ATP binding/hydrolysis firmly so that the activated water molecule can efficiently hydrolyze the bound ATP at NBD2.  相似文献   

Four new triphenyltin(IV) complexes of composition Ph3SnLH (where LH = 2-/4-[(E)-2-(aryl)-1-diazenyl]benzoate) (1-4) were synthesized and characterized by spectroscopic (1H, 13C and 119Sn NMR, IR, 119Sn Mössbauer) techniques in combination with elemental analysis. The 119Sn NMR spectroscopic data indicate a tetrahedral coordination geometry in non-coordinating solvents. The crystal structures of three complexes, Ph3SnL1H (1), Ph3SnL3H (3), Ph3SnL4H (4), were determined. All display an essentially tetrahedral geometry with angles ranging from 93.50(8) to 124.5(2)°; 119Sn Mössbauer spectral data support this assignment. The cytotoxicity studies were performed with complexes 1-4, along with a previously reported complex (5) in vitro across a panel of human tumor cell lines viz., A498, EVSA-T, H226, IGROV, M19 MEL, MCF-7 and WIDR. The screening results were compared with the results from other related triphenyltin(IV) complexes (6-7) and tributyltin(IV) complexes (8-11) having 2-/4-[(E)-2-(aryl)-1-diazenyl]benzoates framework. In general, the complexes exhibit stronger cytotoxic activity. The results obtained for 1-3 are also comparable to those of its o-analogs i.e. 4-7, except 5, but the advantage is the former set of complexes demonstrated two folds more cytotoxic activity for the cell line MCF-7 with ID50 values in the range 41-53 ng/ml. Undoubtedly, the cytotoxic results of complexes 1-3 are far superior to CDDP, 5-FU and ETO, and related tributyltin(IV) complexes 8-11. The quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) studies for the cytotoxicity of triphenyltin(IV) complexes 1-7 and tributyltin(IV) complexes 8-11 is also discussed against a panel of human tumor cell lines.  相似文献   



Substitutions on the xylan main chain are widely accepted to limit plant cell wall degradability and acetylations are considered as one of the most important obstacles. Hence, understanding the modes of action of a range of acetylxylan esterases (AcXEs) is of ample importance not only to increase the understanding of the enzymology of plant decay/bioremediation but also to enable efficient bioconversion of plant biomass.


In this study, the modes of action of acetylxylan esterases (AcXEs) belonging to carbohydrate esterase (CE) families 1, 4, 5 and 6 on xylooligosaccharides generated from hardwood acetyl glucuronoxylan were compared using MALDI ToF MS. Supporting data were obtained by following enzymatic deacetylation by 1H NMR spectroscopy.


None of the used enzymes were capable of complete deacetylation, except from linear xylooligosaccharides which were completely deacetylated by some of the esterases in the presence of endoxylanase. A clear difference was observed between the performance of the serine-type esterases of CE families 1, 5 and 6, and the aspartate-metalloesterases of family CE4. The difference is mainly due to the inability of CE4 AcXEs to catalyze deacetylation of 2,3-di-O-acetylated xylopyranosyl residues. Complete deacetylation of a hardwood acetyl glucuronoxylan requires additional deacetylating enzyme(s).

General significance

The results contribute to the understanding of microbial degradation of plant biomass and outline the way to achieve complete saccharification of plant hemicelluloses which did not undergo alkaline pretreatment.  相似文献   

The chemical synthesis of 3beta,7beta-dihydroxy-5-cholen-24-oic acid, triply conjugated by sulfuric acid at C-3, by N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) at C-7, and by glycine or taurine at C-24, is described. These are unusual, major metabolites of bile acid found to be excreted in the urine of a patient with Niemann-Pick disease type C1. Analogous double-conjugates of 3beta-hydroxy-7-oxo-5-cholen-24-oic acid were also prepared. The principal reactions involved were: (1) beta-d-N-acetylglucosaminidation at C-7 of methyl 3beta-tert-butyldimethylsilyloxy (TBDMSi)-7beta-hydroxy-5-cholen-24-oate with 2-acetamido-1alpha-chloro-1,2-dideoxy-3,4,6-tri-O-acetyl-d-glucopyranose in the presence of CdCO(3) in boiling toluene; (2) sulfation at C-3 of the resulting 3beta-TBDMSi-7beta-GlcNAc with sulfur trioxide-trimethylamine complex in pyridine; and (3) direct amidation at C-24 of the 3beta-sulfooxy-7beta-GlcNAc conjugate with glycine methyl ester hydrochloride (or taurine) using 4-(4,6-dimethoxy-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl)-4-methylmorpholinium chloride as a coupling agent in DMF. The structures of the multi-conjugated bile acids were characterized by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry with an electrospray ionization probe under the positive and negative ionization modes.  相似文献   

Weinreb G  Lentz BR 《Biophysical journal》2007,92(11):4012-4029
We propose a model that accounts for the time courses of PEG-induced fusion of membrane vesicles of varying lipid compositions and sizes. The model assumes that fusion proceeds from an initial, aggregated vesicle state ((A) membrane contact) through two sequential intermediate states (I(1) and I(2)) and then on to a fusion pore state (FP). Using this model, we interpreted data on the fusion of seven different vesicle systems. We found that the initial aggregated state involved no lipid or content mixing but did produce leakage. The final state (FP) was not leaky. Lipid mixing normally dominated the first intermediate state (I(1)), but content mixing signal was also observed in this state for most systems. The second intermediate state (I(2)) exhibited both lipid and content mixing signals and leakage, and was sometimes the only leaky state. In some systems, the first and second intermediates were indistinguishable and converted directly to the FP state. Having also tested a parallel, two-intermediate model subject to different assumptions about the nature of the intermediates, we conclude that a sequential, two-intermediate model is the simplest model sufficient to describe PEG-mediated fusion in all vesicle systems studied. We conclude as well that a fusion intermediate "state" should not be thought of as a fixed structure (e.g., "stalk" or "transmembrane contact") of uniform properties. Rather, a fusion "state" describes an ensemble of similar structures that can have different mechanical properties. Thus, a "state" can have varying probabilities of having a given functional property such as content mixing, lipid mixing, or leakage. Our data show that the content mixing signal may occur through two processes, one correlated and one not correlated with leakage. Finally, we consider the implications of our results in terms of the "modified stalk" hypothesis for the mechanism of lipid pore formation. We conclude that our results not only support this hypothesis but also provide a means of analyzing fusion time courses so as to test it and gauge the mechanism of action of fusion proteins in the context of the lipidic hypothesis of fusion.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) instability represents one of the most profound obstacles in the structural study of GPCRs that bind diffusible ligands. The introduction of targeted mutations at nonconserved residues that lie proximal to helix interfaces has the potential to enhance the fold stability of the receptor helix bundle while maintaining wild-type receptor function. To test this hypothesis, we studied the effect of amino acid substitutions at Glu1223.41 in the well-studied β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR), which was predicted from sequence conservation to lie at a position equivalent to a tryptophan residue in rhodopsin at the 3,4,5 helix interface among transmembrane (TM) domains 3, 4, and 5. Replacement of Glu1223.41 with bulky hydrophobic residues, such as tryptophan, tyrosine, and phenylalanine, increases the yield of functionally folded β2AR by as much as 5-fold. Receptor stability in detergent solution was studied by isothermal denaturation, and it was found that the E122W and E122Y mutations enhanced the β2AR thermal half-life by 9.3- and 6.7-fold, respectively, at 37 °C. The β1AR was also stabilized by the introduction of tryptophan at Glu1473.41, and the effect on protein behavior was similar to the rescue of the unstable wild-type receptor by the antagonist propranolol. Molecular modeling of the E122W and E122Y mutants revealed that the tryptophan ring edge and tyrosine hydroxyl are positioned proximal to the helical break in TM5 introduced by the conserved Pro2115.50 and may stabilize the helix by interacting favorably with the unpaired carbonyl oxygen of Val2065.45. Conformational flexibility of TM5 is likely to be a general property of class A GPCRs; therefore, engineering of the TM4-TM3-TM5 interface at the 3.41 position may provide a general strategy for the stabilization of other receptors.  相似文献   

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