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The present study strongly suggests that, in humans, natural killer (NK) activity and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) are mediated by the same effector cell population. This is supported by two different experimental approaches. First, competition for NK effector cells was accompanied by simultaneous inhibition of ADCC activity. Target cells sensitive to NK activity were capable of inhibiting specifically an ADCC assay in cold target competition experiments. Second, specific removal of NK cells on monolayers formed by target cells sensitive to NK activity caused simultaneous depletion of ADCC effector cells. In association with the removal on the monolayers of effector cells for ADCC as well as NK activity, we also found a significant depletion of cells bearing Fc gamma receptors.  相似文献   

Macrophage-T interactions are required for the Con A-induced generation of human Ts capable of inhibiting PHA-induced blastogenesis among autologous PBMC. Con A treatment of adherent cell-depleted PBMC, or PBMC recovered after a 7-day incubation in FCS, failed to generate Ts. Addition of adherent cells to either of these populations restored Con A inducible Ts. Discontinuous density gradient fractionation of adherent cells demonstrated that the required accessory cell was a low density macrophage bearing the human equivalent of murine Ia.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which non-immune mononuclear cells recognize invading foreign material and are activated for cytotoxic attack was studied in a model system employing human mononuclear cells, fresh plasma, and 51Cr-labeled xenogeneic target erythrocytes. In these experiments, fresh antibody-depleted plasma or mononuclear leukocytes alone were poorly cytotoxic to xenogenic erythrocytes. However, these target cells were rapidly lysed when both fresh antibody-depleted plasma and mononuclear cells were present in the assay. The plasma factor could not be removed by extensive absorption with the target cells, was present in plasma from hypogammaglobulinemic patients, was heat labile, and was sensitive to incubation with zymosan and cobra venom factor. The "antigen" specificity of this reaction was directed by the serum factor inasmuch as target cells autologous to the effector cells could be killed in the presence of antibody-depleted xenogeneic plasma, but not autologous plasma. These data suggest that an important mechanism for the recognition of "foreigness" by non-immune mononuclear cells is via interaction with a plasma component, possibly a factor related to serum complement.  相似文献   

Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS). Anti-aquaporin-4 antibody (AQP4-Ab) is a highly specific serum autoantibody that is detected in patients with NMO. Several lines of evidence indicate that AQP4-Ab not only serves as a disease marker but also plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of NMO. Although the pathogenicity of AQP4-Ab in vivo has recently been demonstrated, the presence of CNS antigen-specific T cells is recognized as a prerequisite for the antibody to exert pathogenic effects. Thus, it remains unclear whether AQP4-Ab is the primary cause of the disease or a disease-modifying factor in NMO. Here we report that pre-treatment with complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) alone is sufficient for AQP4-Ab to induce astrocytic damage in vivo. Our results show the primary pathogenic role of AQP4-Ab in the absence of CNS antigen-specific T cells, and suggest that danger signals provided by nonspecific inflammation can be a trigger for those who harbor the autoantibody to develop NMO.  相似文献   

In recent experiments, a soluble factor (TRF) that mediates the differentiation of anti-immunoglobulin (Ig)-activated B cells to Ig-secreting cells has been identified. TRF works in concert with a growth factor, probably IL 2, in the induction of activated B cells. In previous studies, TRF was identified in culture supernatants of activated T cells and accessory cells, and thus the cellular source (T cell or accessory cell) of the factor was not determined. In the present studies, we succeeded in inducing the production of TRF by T cell populations from which accessory cells had been vigorously depleted. Lymph node cells were depleted of accessory cells by nylon wool adherence and anti-Ia and complement treatment; these cells were activated with Con A and a T cell hybridoma supernatant that contains IL 2. Supernatants from these activated T cell cultures supported the differentiation of anti-Ig-activated B cells to Ig secreting cells. These results show that T cells produce the differentiation factor, and further that they do so in response to ligand (Con A) plus a T cell-derived factor.  相似文献   

In the present study, we have isolated and characterized the Lyt-1+, -2- T contrasuppressor (Tcs) cells from mice systemically primed with SRBC. Adoptive transfer of splenic Tcs cells from these mice abrogates oral tolerance and supports IgM and IgG anti-SRBC plaque-forming cell (PFC) responses; however, unlike the responses seen after transfer of Tcs cells derived from orally primed mice, low IgA responses were seen. Mice systemically primed with lower SRBC doses (0.01 to 1%) exhibited contrasuppression only within the L3T4- T cell subset, whereas mice primed with a high dose of SRBC (10%), harbored Lyt-1+, -2- Tcs cells in both the L3T4+ and L3T4- subsets. Both the L3T4- and L3T4+ Tcs cell subsets supported IgM and IgG responses when adoptively transferred to orally tolerized mice, and when added to tolerized spleen cell cultures. Splenic Tcs cells from systemically primed mice supported mainly IgG1 and IgG2b subclass anti-SRBC PFC responses, a pattern also seen with Tcs cells derived from orally primed mice. Both L3T4+ and L3T4- Tcs cells from systemically primed mice exhibited well established characteristics of contrasuppressor cells including binding to Vicia villosa lectin and expression of I-J. The splenic effector Tcs cells which support IgM, IgG1 and IgG2b anti-SRBC PFC responses are antigen-specific, since both L3T4- and L3T4+ Tcs cells from spleens of mice primed with 10% SRBC reverse tolerance to SRBC, but not to horse erythrocytes (HRBC). Further, both L3T4- and L3T4+ Tcs cells from HRBC-primed mice reverse tolerance to IgM and IgG anti-HRBC, but not to anti-SRBC responses. Isolation of T3-positive Lyt-1+, -2- and L3T4- Tcs cell subsets by flow cytometry followed by adoptive transfer, showed that effector Tcs cells express T3 and presumably contain an Ag-R (TCR-T3 complex). These studies show that systemic priming with heterologous RBC induces splenic Ag specific Tcs cells in a dose-dependent manner, which support IgM and IgG subclass responses, but not IgA responses.  相似文献   

Airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), a hallmark of asthma and several other diseases, can be modulated by gammadelta T cells. In mice sensitized and challenged with OVA, AHR depends on allergen-specific alphabeta T cells; but Vgamma1+ gammadelta T cells spontaneously enhance AHR, whereas Vgamma4+ gammadelta T cells, after being induced by airway challenge, suppress AHR. The activity of these gammadelta T cell modulators is allergen nonspecific, and how they develop is unclear. We now show that CD8 is essential for the development of both the AHR suppressor and enhancer gammadelta T cells, although neither type needs to express CD8 itself. Both cell types encounter CD8-expressing non-T cells in the spleen, and their functional development in an otherwise CD8-negative environment can be restored with transferred spleen cell preparations containing CD8+ dendritic cells (DCs), but not CD8+ T cells or CD8- DCs. Our findings suggest that CD8+ DCs in the lymphoid tissues enable an early step in the development of gammadelta T cells through direct cell contact. DC-expressed CD8 might take part in this interaction.  相似文献   

Local inflammation induces increased expression of MHC and other genes in the affected tissue because of the paracrine effects of cytokines such as IFN-gamma. We previously reported that one such process--local allograft rejection--was accompanied by increased expression of MHC in a remote tissue, namely kidney. To explore how local inflammation affects gene expression in remote tissues, we studied MHC, beta 2-microglobulin, and IFN-gamma expression in mice undergoing either of two T cell-dependent localized inflammatory processes: rejection of an ascites tumor allograft, and skin sensitization by oxazalone. As assessed by binding of radiolabeled mAb and by immunohistology, each stimulus increased MHC expression in many remote tissues, including liver, heart, pancreas, and kidney. This was associated with increases in steady state mRNA for class I, class II, and beta 2-microglobulin. MHC induction was inhibited by the in vivo administration of cyclosporine or anti-IFN-gamma mAb and did not occur in nude mice, confirming the key role of IFN-gamma released from T cells. When we examined tissues of mice with these localized inflammatory lesions for IFN-gamma mRNA levels by polymerase chain reaction, we found that IFN-gamma steady state mRNA levels were increased in the spleen and, more surprisingly, in the kidney, and in uninvolved skin. Moreover, anti-IFN-gamma inhibited the induction of IFN-gamma mRNA in the kidney, suggesting that IFN-gamma expression was induced by IFN-gamma in an autoregulatory fashion. Thus the systemic MHC induction accompanying local T cell-mediated inflammation reflects the release of IFN-gamma from the site of inflammation, but may be amplified by the ability of IFN-gamma to induce its own expression in remote tissues. This self-amplification of IFN-gamma may contribute to the ability of local inflammation to induce extensive systemic effects.  相似文献   

Murine spleen natural killer (NK) cells from normal and Toxoplasma-infected BALB/c mice were examined for their reactivity against RH strain tachyzoites in vitro. First, the effect of suspending medium on survival of extracellular RH tachyzoites was determined. Optimal parasite viability (by ethidium bromide-acridine orange staining) was observed when tachyzoites were incubated in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 10% horse serum (HS) for as long as 5 hr. In addition, parasite viability in PBS-HS correlated with subsequent infectivity, because freshly harvested and PBS-HS-incubated tachyzoites were equivalent in their ability to cause lethal infections in normal mice and to survive within normal mouse macrophages. Furthermore, viability and tumoricidal capacity of murine spleen NK cells incubated in PBS-HS was comparable to that of NK cells incubated in a standard cytotoxicity medium. Incubation of effector NK cells and target tachyzoites in PBS-HS in vitro revealed that spleen NK cells from 3-day Toxoplasma-infected mice had significantly greater cytotoxicity for extracellular RH tachyzoites than did control cells from uninfected mice. Moreover, Toxoplasma gondii-induced spleen NK cell toxoplasmacidal activity was significant at all effector to target cell ratios tested, and appeared to be mediated by direct contact between the host cell and the parasite. These in vitro results suggest that NK cells may be important in host defense against T. gondii.  相似文献   

We have found that a mouse monoclonal antibody (alpha Leu-13) to a 16 kilodalton human lymphocyte surface antigen reacts with vascular endothelial cells as determined by immunoperoxidase staining of frozen tissue sections. In earlier studies, alpha Leu-13 was found to induce purified T cells to aggregate when added to cultures in nanogram concentrations. In the studies reported here, alpha Leu-13 stained vascular endothelial cells of arteries, capillaries, and veins in all organs examined from adults. It also reacted weakly with epithelial cells of proximal tubules of the kidney and with nonkeratinized basal epithelial cells of the cervix and esophagus. When a panel of tissues from a 14-wk-old fetus was examined, alpha Leu-13 was not found to react with endothelial cells of any specimen. However, it did stain medullary thymocytes and placental trophoblasts of this fetus. The implications of these findings to the possible function of the Leu-13 antigen in immune ontogeny are discussed.  相似文献   

As Autophagy is a pivotal mechanism of cancer cell survival and the development of chemotherapeutic resistance; therefore, new approaches are warranted for its targeting which may be fulfilled by cathepsins regulation. Amongst cathepsins, cathepsin C (CTSC) is highly expressed in various cancers and possesses significant therapeutic potential in autoimmune disorders; however, its role in colorectal cancer has not been explored. Herein, we aimed to investigate the role of CTSC in autophagy regulation mediated colorectal carcinoma cell proliferation. Cathepsin C targeting through inhibitors/siRNA leads to the accumulation of light chain 3 II and p62 without affecting the lysosomal integrity, revealed dysfunctional autolysosomal degradation which is also substantiated by proteolytic studies. Cathepsin C inhibition showed comparable autophagy blockade with E64d and augmented the autophagy blockade mediated by bafilomycin. Loss of CTSC function also induced ER stress-mediated JNK phosphorylation accompanied by the translocation of mitochondrial cyt c followed by apoptotic cell death in colorectal carcinoma cells. Taken together, the study reveals that CTSC targeting plays a key role in the regulation of autophagy mediated colorectal cancer cell proliferation. Further investigations are required to determine the functional role of CTSC in other tumors also which may have implications for the therapeutic prevention of cancer in the future.  相似文献   

G Weskamp  L F Reichardt 《Neuron》1991,6(4):649-663
Trophic factors, such as NGF, regulate survival and differentiation of many classes of neurons by binding specific receptors. Two types of NGF receptors have been identified, which bind NGF with low and high affinity. The latter mediates the major biological actions of NGF. To determine the relationship between these two receptor types, polyclonal antibodies to the low affinity receptor have been prepared and used in ligand-binding, ligand-cross-linking, and biological assays. These antibodies eliminated binding of NGF to low affinity receptors and to one class of high affinity receptors, but did not prevent binding to a second class of high affinity receptors. The same antibodies did not inhibit NGF-stimulated neuronal survival or neurite outgrowth. Thus, a biologically important class of high affinity NGF receptors is antigenically distinct from the low affinity receptor and may be encoded by a novel gene.  相似文献   

D-Ribose isomerase was purified and crystallized from cells of Mycobacterium smegmatis grown on either D-ribose or L-rhamnose. Isomerase activity for both of these sugars remained together throughout the purification. The isomerase from L-rhamnose-grown cells had the same chemical and physical properties as the enzyme isolated from D-ribose grown cells. In addition, immunological studies indicated that both activities were in the same protein since antisera prepared against either of the crystals cross-reacted with the other and gave lines of symmetry by the agar gel diffusion method.  相似文献   

To characterize lipoprotein uptake by macrophages, we studied J774 murine macrophage-derived cells. Uptake of 125I-labeled beta-VLDL and 125I-labeled chylomicron remnants was saturable, specific, and of high affinity. Maximal specific uptake and the concentration at which half-maximal uptake occurred were similar for both beta-VLDL and chylomicron remnants. Specific uptake of 125I-labeled chylomicrons was only 1/5 that of the other two lipoproteins. Cholesterol loading decreased 125I-labeled chylomicron remnant and 125I-labeled beta-VLDL uptake by 25%. Chylomicron remnants and beta-VLDL were equipotent in cross-competition studies; acetyl-LDL did not compete, and human LDL was a poor competitor. Although the amounts of cell-associated lipoproteins were similar, beta-VLDL and chylomicron remnants had different effects on cellular lipid metabolism. beta-VLDL produced a threefold stimulation while chylomicron remnants caused a decrease in [3H]oleate incorporation into cholesteryl ester. beta-VLDL had no effect while chylomicron remnants caused a threefold increase in [3H]oleate incorporation into triacylglycerol. beta-VLDL produced a 44% suppression and chylomicron remnants produced a 78% increase in HMG-CoA reductase activity. In summary, J774 macrophages express a receptor site that recognizes both beta-VLDL and chylomicron remnants; however, these lipoproteins exhibit strikingly different effects on intracellular lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

Recently, several laboratories have identified a novel protein(s) of 70,000 to 75,000 Da (IL-2R beta-subunit) that, when expressed with the p55 Tac protein (alpha-subunit), imparts high affinity IL-2 binding. Expression of the beta-subunit mediates acquisition of MHC-unrestricted cytotoxicity in large granular lymphocytes. We report that thymocytes and T acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells express the beta-subunit of the IL-2R in the absence of detectable alpha-subunit expression and that IL-2 induces acquisition of MHC-unrestricted cytotoxic activity in these cells through stimulation of the beta-subunit.  相似文献   

The propagation of mucosal tolerance as a therapeutic approach in autoimmune diseases remains a difficult goal to achieve, and therefore further mechanistic studies are necessary to develop potential clinical protocols to induce mucosal regulatory T cells (Tr cells). In this study we addressed whether oral or nasal proteoglycan induced functional Tr cells in the cartilage proteoglycan-induced chronic arthritis model. Both nasal and oral application of human proteoglycan before induction of disease suppressed arthritis severity and incidence. Tolerized mice showed enhanced numbers of IL-10 producing CD4(+) cells in the paw-draining lymph nodes. Furthermore, CD4(+) spleen cells displayed enhanced expression of molecules associated with Tr cells, such as IL-10, Foxp3, and TGF-beta. Transfer of CD4(+) spleen cells from mucosally tolerized donors into proteoglycan-immunized mice abolished arthritis and reduced humoral responses, indicative of Tr cells with the capacity to inhibit already induced immune responses. Tr cells were activated upon transfer, because enhanced proliferation was observed in the joint draining lymph nodes compared with activated T cells from nontolerized donors. Upon cotransfer with naive proteoglycan-specific T cells, mucosally induced Tr cells inhibited proliferation of these arthritogenic T cells in vivo. Herein we show that both oral and nasal Ag application induced Tr cells, which had a direct inhibitory effect on already established pathogenic B and T cell responses.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are professional APC that control the balance between T cell immunity and tolerance. Genetic engineering of DC to regulate the outcome of the immune response is an area of intense research. Galectin (gal)-1 is an endogenous lectin that binds to glycoproteins and exerts potent regulatory effects on T cells. Consequently, gal-1 participates in central deletion of thymocytes and exerts therapeutic effects on experimental models of T cell-mediated autoimmune disorders and graft-vs-host disease. Together, these observations strongly indicate that engineering DC to express transgenic (tg) gal-1 may be beneficial to treat T cell-mediated disorders. In this study, we have investigated the impact of the expression of high levels of tg gal-1 on maturation/activation of DC and on their T cell stimulatory function. Murine DC were transduced with a recombinant adenovirus encoding hu gal-1 (gal-1-DC). Tg gal-1 was exported by a nonclassical pathway through exosomes and was retained on the DC surface inducing segregation of its ligand CD43. Expression of tg gal-1 triggered activation of DC determined by induction of a more mature phenotype, increased levels of mRNA for proinflammatory cytokines, and enhanced ability to stimulate naive T cells. Conversely, gal-1-DC induced rapid apoptosis of activated T cells. In vivo, gal-1-DC increased significantly the sensitization phase of contact hypersensitivity assays while inducing a drastic inhibition of the elicitation phase by triggering apoptosis of activated T cells in the dermis. Gal-1-DC represent a novel tool to control differentially the afferent and efferent arms of the T cell response.  相似文献   

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