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A phylogenetic analysis can be no better than the characters on which it is based. Just as it is inappropriate to code character states of individual characters as separate presence/absence characters, it is inappropriate to combine independent characters because not all information in the data is being utilized. Composite characters link otherwise discernible states from different characters together to form new character states. There are two related problems with this coding. First, there is a loss of hierarchic information between the reductive and composite characters when unordered states are used. Second, the linking of separate characters that occurs during the construction of composite character states can create putative synapomorphies that were not present in the separate characters. For amino acid characters, the problem may occur whenever more than one position of a codon is variable among the terminals sampled. Groups that are resolved as paraphyletic with reductive coding may be resolved as monophyletic with composite coding. The artificial character states indicated by the amino acid characters are unlikely to be congruent with the true gene tree.  相似文献   

[m]3ta is a method that seeks to implement a taxic view of homology. The method is consistent with Patterson's tests for discriminating homology from nonhomology. Contrary to the claims of Kluge and Farris, (1999, Cladistics 15, 205–212), m3ta is not a phenetic method—nor does it necessarily place the basal split in a tree between the phenetically most divergent taxa. [m]3ta does not seek to accurately recover phylogeny but rather it seeks to maximize the information content of taxic homology propositions. [m]3ta is a method of classification in which the unit of analysis is the relation of homology. [m]3ta differs from all phylogenetic methods because the units of analyses in phylogenetic methods, including sca, are transformation series.  相似文献   

There is much debate on the definitions of homoplasy and homology, and on how to spot them among character states used in a phylogenetic analysis. Many advocate what I call a "processual approach," in which information on genetics, development, function, or other criteria help a priori in identifying two character states as homologous or homoplastic. I argue that the processes represented by these criteria are insufficiently known for most organisms and most characters to be reliably used to identify homoplasies and homologies. Instead, while not foolproof, phylogeny should be the ultimate test for homology. Character states are assumed to be homologous a priori because this is falsifiable and because their initial inclusion in the character-state analysis is based on the assumption that they may be phylogenetically informative. If they fall out as symplesiomorphies or synapomorphies in a phylogenetic analysis, their status as homologies remains unfalsified. If they fall out as homoplasies, having evolved independently in more than one clade, their status as homologous is falsified, and a homoplasy is identified. The character-state transformation series, functional morphology, finer levels of morphological comparison, and the distribution and correlation of characters all help to explain the presence of homoplasies in a given phylogeny. Explaining these homoplasies, and not ignoring them as "noise," should be as much a goal of phylogenetic analysis as the production of a phylogeny. Examples from the fossil record of Miocene hominoids are given to illustrate the advantages of a process-informs-pattern-recognition-after-the-fact approach to understanding the evolution of character states.  相似文献   

The Hydrophis subgenus Chitulia was analysed using the computer program Hennig86 (version 1.5). The character data set comprises 22 two-state characters, giving a minimum of 22 steps. Four trees with a length of 37 steps and a consistency index of 0.59 were found using the "ie*" option. The results indicate that the subgenus Chitulia is paraphyletic, and that the group has been based solely on plesiomorphic character states. The order of taxa input, the display of the root, and the effect of unknown character states using Hennig86 are commented on.  相似文献   

Several members of the dipteran family Tephritdae are serious pests because females lay eggs in ripening fruit. The genus Bactrocera is one of the largest within the family with over 500 described species arranged in 28 subgenera. The phylogenetic relationships among the various species and subgenera, and the monophyly of specific groups have not been examined using a rigorous phylogenetic analysis. Therefore, phylogenetic relationships among 24 Bactrocera species belonging to 9 subgenera were inferred from DNA sequence of portions of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA, cytochrome oxidase II, tRNA(Lys), and tRNA(Asp) genes. Two morphological characters that traditionally have been used to define the four groups within the subgenus Bactrocera were evaluated in a phylogenetic context by mapping the character states onto the parsimony tree. In addition, the evolutionary trend in male-lure response was evaluated in a phylogenetic context. Maximum parsimony analyses suggested the following relationships: (1) the genus Bactrocera is monophyletic, (2) the subgenus B. (Zeugodacus) is paraphyletic, (3) the subgenus B. (Daculus) is a sister group to subgenus B. (Bactrocera), and (4) the subgenus B. (Bactrocera) is monophyletic. The mapping analyses suggested that the morphological characters exhibit a simple evolutionary transition from one character state to another. Male-lure response was identified as being a labile behavior that has been lost on multiple occasions. Cue-lure response was plesiomorphic to methyl-eugenol response, and the latter has evolved independently within the Bactrocera and Zeugodacus groups of subgenera. The implications of our results for devising a coherent, consolidated classification for Bactrocera is discussed.  相似文献   

Modified three-taxon analysis (m3ta), a method in which three-taxon statements are produced from a nonadditive binary coding of the original data, has been proposed as a model-free way of assessing monophyly of groups, utilizing the taxic concept of homology. In fact the taxic concept amounts to a model, and, further, one that seems to conflict directly with evolution. M3ta is a type of grouping by all similarities and, like all such methods, would require a clock assumption if the tree were to be interpreted phylogenetically. Groupings based on this method, consequently, are phenetic, and they have little to do with monophyly. It has been proposed to define phylogenetic systematics in terms of grouping only by presences. While popular among advocates of 3ta, such definitions are completely inadequate, both because absences may be apomorphic and because phenetic methods can disagree with phylogenetic ones even when no absences are involved.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships between major groups of plesiomorphic pentaradial echinoderms, the Paleozoic crinoids, blastozoans, and edrioasteroids, are poorly understood because of a lack of widely recognized homologies. Here, we present newly recognized oral region homologies, based on the Universal Elemental Homology model for skeletal plates, in a wide range of fossil taxa. The oral region of echinoderms is mainly composed of the axial, or ambulacral, skeleton, which apparently evolved more slowly than the extraxial skeleton that forms the majority of the body. Recent phylogenetic hypotheses have focused on characters of the extraxial skeleton, which may have evolved too rapidly to preserve obvious homologies across all these groups. The axial skeleton conserved homologous suites of characters shared between various edrioasteroids and specific blastozoans, and between other blastozoans and crinoids. Although individual plates can be inferred as homologous, no directly overlapping suites of characters are shared between edrioasteroids and crinoids. Six different systems of mouth (peristome) plate organization (Peristomial Border Systems) are defined. These include four different systems based on the arrangement of the interradially-positioned oral plates and their peristomial cover plates, where PBS A1 occurs only in plesiomorphic edrioasteroids, PBS A2 occurs in plesiomorphic edrioasteroids and blastozoans, and PBS A3 and PBS A4 occur in blastozoans and crinoids. The other two systems have radially-positioned uniserial oral frame plates in construction of the mouth frame. PBS B1 has both orals and uniserial oral frame plates and occurs in edrioasterid and possibly edrioblastoid edrioasteroids, whereas PBS B2 has exclusively uniserial oral frame plates and is found in isorophid edrioasteroids and imbricate and gogiid blastozoans. These different types of mouth frame construction offer potential synapomorphies to aid in parsimony-based phylogenetics for exploring branching order among stem groups on the echinoderm tree of life.  相似文献   

In sponges, as in other taxa with simple organization, the evaluation and use of morphological characters is difficult. Phylogenetic analysis of the first 850 nucleotides from the 5' end of the 28S rRNA gene is used here to assess the homology of spicules used in the classification of the subclass Tetractinellida. A single well-supported MP tree was obtained. The monophyly of the nine Tetractinellida species studied confirms the tetraxon megasclere as a morphological synapomorphy for the Tetractinellida. Two species are reallocated, Penares helleri as a Geodiidae, now thought to have lost sterraster microscleres, and Stryphnus mucronatus to the Streptosclerophorida. SEM micrographs of Stryphnus microscleres show that the morphology of the sanidasters is compatible with the hypothesis that they are homologous with streptoscleres and confirm this reallocation. Two other synapomorphies are confirmed within the tetractinellid clade, the simultaneous presence of tetraxon megasclere and aster-type microsclere (Astrophorida) and the loss of the streptosclere and persistence of the euaster s.s. microscleres (Euastrophorida) evidenced by the reallocation of Stryphnus mucronatus. The streptosclere microscleres cannot be evaluated in terms of homology because Streptosclerophorida may be paraphyletic (although these nodes are not supported by reliable bootstrap proportions) contrary to the currently accepted classification.  相似文献   

Because Pee-Wee (version 2.5.1 and earlier versions) treats all within-terminal steps (internal steps) as homoplasies, if the command "ccode = (space).;" is in effect, it reports incorrect, and consistently too low, fit values for characters having states that occur only within polymorphic terminals (WPTO states). For matrices with WPTO states, this property of Pee-Wee may bias tree search in favour of characters having fewer WPTO states, other things being equal. Contrary to the intended purpose of the Goloboff criterion, Pee-Wee may even, in certain cases involving WPTO states, assign higher weight (fit) to characters with more homoplasy and therefore resolve character conflict in favour of less reliable characters.  相似文献   

Abstract Missing values have been used in cladistic analyses when data are unavailable, inapplicable or sometimes when character states are variable within terminal taxa. The practice of scoring taxa as having "missing values" for polymorphic characters introduces errors into the calculation of cladogram lengths and consistency indices because some character change is hidden within terminals. Because these hidden character steps are not counted, the set of most parsimonious cladograms may differ from those that would be found if polymorphic taxa had been broken into monomorphic subunits. In some cases, the trees found when polymorphisms are scored as missing values may not include any of the most parsimonious trees found when the data are scored properly. Additionally, in some cases, polymorphic taxa may be found to be polyphyletic when broken into monomorphic subunits; this is undetected when polymorphisms are treated as missing. Because of these problems, terminal units in cladistic analysis should be based on unique, fixed combinations of characters. Polymorphic taxa should be subdivided into subunits that are monomorphic for each character used in the analysis. Disregarding errors in topology, the additional hidden steps in a cladogram in which polymorphisms are scored as missing can be calculated by a simple formula, based on the observation that if it is assumed that polymorphic terminals include all combinations of character states, 2 p − 1 additional steps are required for each taxon in which p polymorphic binary characters are scored as missing values. Thus, when several polymorphisms are scored as missing in the same taxon, very large errors can be introduced into the calculation of tree length.  相似文献   

Absent characters (negative characters) are difficult to assess and their correct interpretation as symplesiomorphies, synapomorphies or convergencies (homoplasies) is one of the greatest challenges in phylogenetic systematics. Different phylogenetic assessments often result in contradictory phylogenetic hypotheses, in which the direction of evolutionary changes is diametrically opposed. Especially in deciding between primary (plesiomorphic) and secondary (apomorphic) absence, false conclusions may be reached if only the outgroup comparison and the principle of parsimony are employed without attempting any biological evaluation or interpretation of characters. For example, in the higher‐level systematization of the Annelida and related taxa different assessments of absent characters have led to conflicting hypotheses about the phylogenetic relationships and the ground pattern of the annelid stem species. Varying phylogenetic interpretations regarding the absence of the chemosensory nuchal organs in the clitellates and their presence in polychaetes initiated a controversy that produced two alternative phylogenetic hypotheses: (1) the Clitellata are highly derived Annelida related to a subtaxon within the, in this case, paraphyletic ‘Polychaeta’ or (2) the Clitellata are comparatively primitive Annelida representing the sister group of a monophyletic taxon Polychaeta. In the former, the absence of nuchal organs in the Clitellata is regarded as a secondary character, in the latter as primary. As most Clitellata are either limnetic or terrestrial, we must ask which characters are plesiomorphies, taken from their marine stem species without changes. In addition to a thorough investigation and evaluation of clitellate characters, a promising approach to these questions is to look for such characters in limnetic and terrestrial annelids clearly not belonging to the Clitellata. A similar problem applies to the evaluation of the position of the Echiura, which lack both segmentation and nuchal organs. Evidence is presented that in both taxa these absent characters represent derived, apomorphic character states. The consequences for their phylogenetic position and the questionable monophyly of the Polychaeta are discussed. The conclusion drawn from morphological character assessments is in accordance with recently published hypotheses based on molecular data.  相似文献   

Parsimony analysis aims at finding the tree that best fits hypotheses of homology. However, parsimony does not directly maximize homology, but minimizes homoplasy. When a parsimony analysis results in more than a single most-parsimonious tree (MPT), it is shown that the number of homologous characters may vary significantly. We propose a method called MaHo to identify, among the MPTs, the tree(s) that has (have) the highest number of characters that are homologies. We apply this approach to the phylogenetic relationships of the Dombeyoideae (Malvaceae) of the Mascarene Islands. A parsimony analysis was performed, including 31 representatives of the Dombeyoideae. The search resulted in 29,336 MPTs. MaHo was used in order to improve the resolution of the consensus and to increase the number of unambiguous homologies. The consensus of the 7592 MPTs presenting the highest number of homologies was chosen. This resulted in unravelling five additional synapomorphies and in reducing the number of MPTs.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, behavioural biologists and ecologists have made effective use of the comparative method, but have often stopped short of adopting an explicitly phylogenetic approach. We examined 68 behaviour and life history (BLH) traits of 15 penguin species to: (i) infer penguin phylogeny, (ii) assess homology of behavioural characters, and (iii) evaluate hypotheses about character evolution and ancestral states. Parsimony analysis of the BLH dataset found either two shortest trees (characters coded as unordered) or a single shortest tree (characters coded as a combination of unordered and Dollo). The BLH data had significant structure. Kishino–Hasegawa tests indicated that BLH trees were significantly different from most previous estimates of penguin phylogeny. The BLH phylogeny generated from Dollo characters appeared to be less accurate than the tree derived from the completely unordered dataset. Dividing BLH data into display and non‐display traits resulted in no significant differences in level of homoplasy and no difference in the accuracy of phylogeny. Tests for homology of BLH traits were performed by mapping the characters onto a molecular tree. Assuming that independent gains are less likely than losses of character states, 65 of the 68 characters were likely to be homologous across taxa, and at least several characters appeared to have been stable since the origin of modern penguins around 30 Myr. Finally, the likely BLH traits of the most recent common ancestor of extant penguins were reconstructed from character states along the internal branch leading to the penguins. This analysis suggested that the “proto‐penguin” probably had a similar life history to current temperate penguins but few ritualized behaviours. A southern, cool‐temperate origin of penguins is suggested.  相似文献   

Morphological characters of the Euthyneura available from the literature were re-evaluated in terms of terminology and primary homology. A total of 77 characters and 75 taxa were retained in a data matrix. Several assumptions on character weights and types were tested. In the cladistic analyses, it appeared that the data matrix was highly homoplastic, and only robust nodes (those which were little modified by variations in weight and coding of characters) were retained in a concensus tree. The evolutionary histories of all characters and monophylies of higher euthyneuran taxa were discussed. The following interrelationships of the taxa were obtained in a consensus tree: the clade Heterobranchia includes paraphyletic allogastropod taxa which emerge basally, and the clade Euthyneura. The latter includes the clade Pulmonata and at least 10 opisthobranch clades of unresolved relationship (Thecosomata, Gymnosomata, Acochlidioidea, Pyramidelloidea, Runcinoidea, Cephalaspidea, Sacoglossa, Umbraculoidea, Pleurobranchoidea, Nudibranchia). The Pulmonata include basommatophoran paraphyletic taxa and the clade Geophila (Onchidiidae, Soleolifera, Stylommatophora). The position of the Sacoglossa and the monophyly of the Notaspidea are also discussed.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 135 , 403–470.  相似文献   

Three-taxon statement analysis (3TA) and standard cladistic analysis (SCA) were evaluated relative to propositions of taxic homology. There are definite distinctions between complement relation homologs and paired homologs. The complement relation is discussed, relative to rooting, parsimony, and taxic propositions of homology. The complement relation, as implemented in SCA, makes sense only because SCA is a simple evolutionary model of character-state transformation. 3TA is a method for implementing complement relation data from a taxic perspective. The standard approach to cladistic analysis distinguishes taxa by rooting a tree, which means that that approach is incompatible with taxic propositions of homology, because a taxic homology is a hypothesis of relationship between taxa that possess a homolog relative to taxa that lack a homolog. It is not necessary to treat paired homologs from a transformational perspective to distinguish informative from uninformative data. 3TA yields results markedly different from those of SCA. SCA, which seeks to minimize tree length, may not maximize the relation of homology (congruence) relative to a tree.  相似文献   

Abstract— Quantitative and qualitative ultrastructural data from the spermatozoa of 11 oligochaete species, representing all orders (Tubificida, Lumbriculida, and Haplotaxida, yielded a single most parsimonious tree, using the Wagner-tree (PAUP) method of Swofford (1984). The Haplotaxida ( Haplotaxis through Megascolecidae) form a discrete monophyletic group, with inclusion, however, of the reproductively exceptional tubificidan Phreodrilus. Bythonomus , representing the Lumbriculidae, the phylogenetic position of which has been so controversial, forms the plesiomorphic sister group of the Haplotaxida, a position which is supported from other evidence. The Tubificida, represented by two tubificids ( Rhizodrilus and Limnodriloides ) and by the enchytraeid Lumbricillus , are plesiomorphic relative to the lumbriculid+haplotaxid assemblage and lie at the base of the tree, but all three appear mutually paraphyletic. Monophyly of the Tubificida cannot, however, be considered conclusively refuted from the small sample used. Lumbricillus appears to have the most plesiomorphic sperm in the investigated oligochaetes. The Megascolecidae ( Amynthas and Fletcherodrilus ) form the highest affinity and most apomor-phic group. The implications of relative apomorphy of the Lumbriculida ( Bythonomus ) are profound. Branchiobdellids and leeches are generally regarded as sharing a common ancestry with lumbriculids and would, because of the revised position of the latter, cladistically constitute part of the Oligochaeta sensu lato .  相似文献   

For the first time the phylogenetic relationships of early eureptiles, consisting of captorhinids, diapsids, and protorothyridids, are investigated in a modern phylogenetic context using both parsimony and Bayesian approaches. Ninety parsimony-informative characters and 25 taxa were included in the analyses. The Bayesian analysis was run with and without a gamma-shape parameter allowing for variable rates across characters. In addition, we ran two more Bayesian analyses that included 42 autapomorphies and thus parsimony-uninformative characters in order to test the effect of variable branch lengths. The different analyses largely converged to the same topology, suggesting that the "protorothyridid" Coelostegus is the sister taxon of all other eureptiles and that the remaining "protorothyridids" are paraphyletic. Also, there is a close relationship between diapsids and Anthracodromeus, Cephalerpeton, and Protorothyris, a grouping of Thuringothyris with captorhinids, and a variable position of the "protorothyridids" Brouffia, Hylonomus, and Paleothyris. The lack of resolution in some parts of the tree might be due to "hard polytomies" and short divergence times between the respective taxa. The tree topology is consistent with the hypothesis that the temporal fenestrations of diapsid reptiles appear to be the consequence of a more lightly built skeleton, indicating a significant ecological shift in the early stages of diapsid evolution. Bayesian analysis is a very useful additional approach in studies of fossil taxa in which more traditional statistical support like the bootstrap is often weak. However, the exclusive use of the Mk model appears suitable only if autapomorphic characters are included, whereas the Mk+gamma model performed well with or without autapomorphies.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships among the main evolutionary lines of the arachnid order Opiliones were investigated by means of molecular (complete 18S rDNA and the D3 region of the 28S rDNA genes) and morphological data sets. Equally and differentially weighted parsimony analyses of independent and combined data sets provide evidence for the monophyly of the Opiliones. In all the analyses, the internal relationships of the group coincide in the monophyly of the following main groups: Cyphophthalmi, Eupnoi Palpatores, Dyspnoi Palpatores, and Laniatores. The Cyphophthalmi are monophyletic and sister to a clade that includes all the remaining opilionid taxa (=Phalangida). Within the Phalangida the most supported hypothesis suggests that Palpatores are paraphyletic, as follows: (Eupnoi (Dyspnoi + Laniatores)), but the alternative hypothesis (Laniatores (Eupnoi + Dyspnoi)) is more parsimonious in some molecular data analyses. Relationships within the four main clades are also addressed. Evolution of some morphological characters is discussed, and plesiomorphic states of these characters are evaluated using molecular data outgroup polarization. Finally, Martens' hypothesis of opilionid evolution is assessed in relation to our results.  相似文献   

Protein-coding genes may be analyzed in phylogenetic analyses using nucleotide-sequence characters and/or amino-acid-sequence characters. Although amino-acid-sequence characters "correct" for saturation (parallelism), amino-acid-sequence characters are subject to convergence and ignore phylogenetically informative variation. When all nucleotide-sequence characters have a consistency index of 1, characters coded using the amino acid sequence may have a consistency index of less than 1. The reason for this is that most amino acids are specified by more than one codon. If two different codons that both code for the same amino acid are derived independent of one another in divergent lineages, nucleotide-sequence characters may not be homoplasious when amino-acid-sequence characters may be homoplasious. Not only may amino-acid-sequence characters support groupings that are not supported by nucleotide-sequence characters, they may support contradictory groupings. Because this convergence is a problem of character delimitation, it affects the results of all tree-construction methods (maximum likelihood, neighbor joining, parsimony, etc.). In effect, coding amino-acid-sequence characters instead of nucleotide-sequence characters putatively corrects for saturation and definitely causes a convergence problem. An empirical example from the Mhc locus is given.  相似文献   

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