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Cissé  Madiama  Vlek  Paul L. G. 《Plant and Soil》2003,250(1):105-112
The N2 fixed by Azolla before and after urea application during the rice cycle, the mineralisation of Azolla-N as well as its availability to rice was studied in two greenhouse experiments conducted in 1996 and 1997 and in June 1998 in Goettingen (Germany). Dry matter production of the various rice parts of experiment 1 showed a clear positive synergism between treatment with Azolla and urea with a resulting apparent N recovery by rice increasing from 40% (without Azolla) to 57% in the presence of Azolla. Part of this increase may be due to N fixed biologically by Azolla and transferred to the rice. The second experiment shed some light on the role of BNF. Using an iterative method of estimation, the daily rate of N fixation was estimated at 0.6 – 0.7 kg N ha–1. The rate was not so much affected by the age of the Azolla crop. At this rate, the BNF would amount to up to 100 kg N ha–1 over a 130-day season. Assuming that BNF may be inhibited for a period of 5 – 10 days following urea application due to high levels of N in the floodwater, this might reduce the BNF by between 6 and 14 kg N ha over the season. Using the mean-pool-abundance concept, it was estimated that around 75 – 80% of the Azolla-N mineralized during the growth period was actually absorbed by the rice plants. Of the N taken up by rice around 28% was derived from the biologically fixed Azolla N, the remainder was urea N cycled through the Azolla. Azolla also seems to help sustain the soil N supply by returning N to the soil in quantities roughly equal to those extracted from the soil by the rice plant.  相似文献   

Cissé  Madiama  Vlek  Paul L. G. 《Plant and Soil》2003,250(1):95-104
Nitrogen losses are notoriously high in flooded rice fertilized with urea. An Azolla intercrop can reduce such losses by immobilizing urea-N during periods of potentially high N-loss. The reduction in N loss linked with the absorption and remobilization of urea-N by Azolla, was studied in two greenhouse experiments conducted in Goettingen (Germany). Grain yield and N recovery were positively influenced by Azolla more than doubling grain yield and N uptake as compared to the split application of 300 mg N pot–1 alone (Exp. 1). In the second experiment, the yield increase was 78.3% with single applications of 97.5 and 68.4% after a split-application of a total of 195 mg N pot–1. In both years the effect of urea and Azolla combined exceeded that of the sum of the factors alone, a clear positive synergistic effect on yield and N uptake by rice. Azolla effectively competed with the young rice plants for applied urea, capturing nearly twice the urea-N than the rice plants up to tillering in experiment 1. In the second experiment, 64.6 mg N of the 97.5 mg applied early in the season was immobilized by Azolla within 2 weeks. This represented 63.1% of the total N accumulated in the Azolla. The fraction of Azolla-N derived from urea sank to 36.4 mg within 4 weeks and only 27.2 mg at maximum tillering as a result of Azolla senescence and N-release. Of this 64.6 mg urea N immobilized 28.7% is eventually taken up by the standing rice plant, representing 43.1% of the remineralized, urea-derived Azolla N. Following the second urea application, only 17.9 mg N were immobilized in the Azolla biomass during the 2 weeks, of which 6.9 mg pot–1 were still retained in the Azolla at maturity. At this stage, rice is the more effective competitor for applied N. As much as 42.1% of this immobilized N finds its way into the rice by maturity. Thus, Azolla contributed to the conservation of N in the system, particularly of the urea applied early in the season. Loss of N from the system amounted to no more than 15%. Although the early-applied N directly recovered by the rice plant was low (20%), 2/3 of the N captured by Azolla following this first urea application was released to the system by the time of rice harvest, over 40% of which was available to the rice plant. Azolla thus appears to act as a slow release fertilizer.  相似文献   

Summary The symbiotic association of the water fernAzolla with the blue-green algaAnabaena azollae can fix 30–60 kg N ha–1 per rice cropping season. The value of this fixed N for rice production, however, is only realized once the N is released from theAzolla biomass and taken up by the rice plants. The availability of N applied asAzolla or as urea was measured in field experiments by two15N methods. In the first,Azolla caroliniana (Willd.) was labelled with15N in nutrient solution and incorporated into the soil at a rate of 144 kg N ha–1. The recovery ofAzolla-N in the above ground parts of rice [Oryza sativa (L) cv. Nucleoryza] was found to be 32% vs. 26% for urea applied at a rate of 100 kg N/ha; there was no significant difference in recovery. In the second, 100 kg N/ha of15N-urea was applied separately or in combination with either 250 or 330 kg N ha–1 of unlabelledAzolla. At the higher rate, the recovery ofAzolla-N was significantly greater than that of urea. There was a significant interaction when both N sources were applied together, which resulted in a greater recovery of N from each source in comparison to that source applied separately. Increasing the combined urea andAzolla application rate from 350 kg N ha–1 to 430 kg N ha–1 increased the N yield but had no effect on the dry matter yield of rice plants. The additional N taken up at the higher level of N application accumulated to a greater extent in the straw compared to the panicles. Since no assumptions need to be made about the contribution of soil N in the method using15N-labelledAzolla, this method is preferable to the15N dilution technique for assessing the availability ofAzolla-N to rice. Pot trials usingAzolla stored at –20°C or following oven-drying showed that both treatments decreased the recovery of N by one third in comparison to freshAzolla.  相似文献   

Erratic rainfall in rainfed lowlands and inadequate water supply in irrigated lowlands can results in alternate soil drying and flooding during a rice (Oryza sativa L.) cropping period. Effects of alternate soil drying and flooding on N loss by nitrification-denitrification have been inconsistent in previous field research. To determine the effects of water deficit and urea timing on soil NO3 and NH4, floodwater NO3, and N loss from added 15N-labeled urea, a field experiment was conducted for 2 yr on an Andaqueptic Haplaquoll in the Philippines. Water regimes were continuously flooded, not irrigated from 15 to 35 d after transplanting (DT), or not irrigated from 41 to 63 DT. The nitrogen treatments in factorial combination with water regimes were no applied N and 80 kg urea-N ha–1, either applied half basally and half at 37 DT or half at 11 DT and half at 65 DT. Water deficit at 15 to 35 DT and 41 to 63 DT, compared with continuous soil flooding, significantly reduced extractable NH4 in the top 30-cm soil layer and resulted in significant but small (<1.0 kg N ha–1) soil NO3 accumulations. Soil NO3, which accumulated during the water deficit, rapidly disappeared after reflooding. Water deficit at 15 to 35 DT, unlike that at 41 to 63 DT, increased the gaseous loss of added urea N as determined from unrecovered 15N in 15N balances. The results indicate that application of urea to young rice in saturated or flooded soil results in large, rapid losses of N (mean = 35% of applied N), presumably by NH3 volatilization. Subsequent soil drying and flooding during the vegetative growth phase can result in additional N loss (mean = 14% of applied N), presumably by nitrification-denitrification. This additional N loss due to soil drying and flooding decreases with increasing crop age, apparently because of increased competition by rice with soil microorganisms for NH4 and NO3.  相似文献   

In the recent past considerable attention is paid to minimize dependence on purchased inputs such as inorganic nitrogen fertilizer. Green manure in the form of flood-tolerant, stem-nodulatingSesbania rostrata andAeschynomene afraspera is an alternative N source for rice, which may also increase N use efficiency. Therefore research was conducted to determine the fate of N applied to lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) in the form ofSesbania rostrata andAeschynomene afraspera green manure and urea in two field experiments using15N labeled materials.15N in the soil and rice plant was determined, and15N balances established. Apparent N recoveries were determined by non-tracer method. 15N recoveries averaged 90 and 65% of N applied for green manure and urea treatments, respectively. High partial pressures of NH3 in the floodwater, and high pH probably resulted from urea application and favoured losses of N from the urea treatment. Results show that green manure N can supply a substantial proportion of the N requirements of lowland rice. Nitrogen released fromSesbania rostrata andAeschynomene afraspera green manure was in synchrony with the demand of the rice plant. The effect of combined application of green manure and urea on N losses from urea fertilizer were also investigated. Green manure reduced the N losses from15N labeled urea possibly due to a reduction in pH of the floodwater. Positive added N interactions (ANIs) were observed. At harvest, an average of 45 and 25% of N applied remained in the soil for green manure and urea, respectively.Contribution from IRRI, Los Baños, Philippines and Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, GermanyContribution from IRRI, Los Baños, Philippines and Justus-Liebig-University, Giessen, Germany  相似文献   

I. Watanabe 《Plant and Soil》1986,90(1-3):343-357
Summary Of the 143 million hectares of cultivated rice land in the world, 75% are planted to wetland rice. Wet or flooded conditions favour biological nitrogen fixation by providing (1) photic-oxic floodwater and surface soil for phototrophic, free-living or symbiotic blue-green algae (BGA), and (2) aphotic-anoxic soil for anaerobic or microaerobic, heterotrophic bacteria. TheAzolla-Anabaena symbiosis can accumulate as much as 200 kg N ha–1 in biomass. In tropical flooded fields, biomass production from a singleAzolla crop is about 15 t fresh weight ha–1 or 35 kg N ha–1. Low tolerance for high temperature, insect damage, phosphorus requirement, and maintenance of inoculum, limit application in the tropics. Basic work on taxonomy, sporulation, and breeding ofAzolla is needed. Although there are many reports of the positive effect of BGA inoculation on rice yield, the mechanisms of yield increase are not known. Efficient ways to increase N2-fixation by field-grown BGA are not well exploited. Studies on the ecology of floodwater communities are needed to understand the principles of manipulating BGA. Bacteria associated with rice roots and the basal portion of the shoot also fix nitrogen. The system is known as a rhizocoenosis. N2-fixation in rhizocoenosis in wetland rice is lower than that ofAzolla or BGA. Ways of manipulating this process are not known. Screening rice varieties that greatly stimulate N2-fixation may be the most efficient way of manipulating the rhizocoenosis. Stimulation of N2-fixation by bacterial inoculation needs to be quantified.  相似文献   

Little is known about whether the high N losses from inorganic N fertilizers applied to lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) are affected by the combined use of either legume green manure or residue with N fertilizers. Field experiments were conducted in 1986 and 1987 on an Andaqueptic Haplaquoll in the Philippines to determine the effect of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] cropping systems before rice on the fate and use efficiency of15N-labeled, urea and neem cake (Azadirachta indica Juss.) coated urea (NCU) applied to the subsequent transplanted lowland rice crop. The pre-rice cropping systems were fallow, cowpea incorporated at the flowering stage as a green manure, and cowpea grown to maturity with subsequent incorporation of residue remaining after grain and pod removal. The incorporated green manure contained 70 and 67 kg N ha−1 in 1986 and 1987, respectively. The incorporated residue contained 54 and 49 kg N ha−1 in 1986 and 1987, respectively. The unrecovered15N in the15N balances for 58 kg N ha−1 applied as urea or NCU ranged from 23 to 34% but was not affected by pre-rice cropping system. The partial pressure of ammoniapNH3, and floodwater (nitrate + nitrite)-N following application of 29 kg N ha−1 as urea or NCU to 0.05-m-deep floodwater at 14 days after transplanting was not affected by pre-rice cropping system. In plots not fertilized with urea or NCU, green manure contributed an extra 12 and 26 kg N ha−1, to mature rice plants in 1986 and 1987, respectively. The corresponding contributions from residue were 19 and 23 kg N ha−1, respectively. Coating urea with 0.2g neem cake per g urea had no effect on loss of urea-N in either year; however, it significantly increased grain yield (0.4 Mg ha−1) and total plant N (11 kg ha−1) in 1987 but not in 1986.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted on a clay soil (Andaqueptic Haplaquoll) in the Philippines to directly measure the evolution of (N2+N2O)−15N from 98 atom %15N-labeled urea broadcast at 29 kg N ha−1 into 0.05-m-deep floodwater at 15 days after transplanting (DT) rice. The flux of (N2+N2O)−15N during the 19 days following urea application never exceeded 28 g N ha−1 day−1. The total recovery of (N2+N2O)−15N evolved from the field was only 0.51% of the applied N, whereas total gaseous15N loss estimated from unrecovered15N in the15N balance was 41% of the applied N. Floodwater (nitrate+nitrite)−N in the 5 days following urea application never exceeded 0.14 g N m−3 or 0.3% of the applied N. Prior cropping of cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] to flowering with subsequent incorporation of the green manure (dry matter=2.5 Mg ha−1, C/N=15) at 15 days before rice transplanting had no effect on fate of urea applied to rice at 15 DT. The recovery of (N2+N2O)−15N and total15N loss during the 19 days following urea application were 0.46 and 40%, respectively. Direct recovery of evolved (N2+N2O)−15N and total15N loss from 27 kg applied nitrate-N ha−1 were 20% and 53% during the same 19-day period. The failure of directly-recovered (N2+N2O)−15N to match total15N loss from added nitrate-15N might be due to entrapment of denitrification end products in soil or transport of gaseous end products to the atmosphere through rice plants. The rapid conversion of added nitrate-N to (N2+N2O)−N, the apparently sufficient water soluble soil organic C for denitrification (101 μg C g−1 in the top 0.15-m soil layer), and the low floodwater nitrate following urea application suggested that denitrification loss from urea was controlled by supply of nitrate rather than by availability of organic C.  相似文献   

The nitrogen uptake and growth capabilities of the potentially harmful, raphidophycean flagellate Heterosigma akashiwo (Hada) Sournia were examined in unialgal batch cultures (strain CCMP 1912). Growth rates as a function of three nitrogen substrates (ammonium, nitrate and urea) were determined at saturating and sub-saturating photosynthetic photon flux densities (PPFDs). At saturating PPFD (110 μE m−2 s−1), the growth rate of H. akashiwo was slightly greater for cells grown on NH4+ (0.89 d−1) compared to cells grown on NO3 or urea, which had identical growth rates (0.82 d−1). At sub-saturating PPFD (40 μE m−2 s−1), both urea- and NH4+-grown cells grew faster than NO3-grown cells (0.61, 0.57 and 0.46 d−1, respectively). The N uptake kinetic parameters were investigated using exponentially growing batch cultures of H. akashiwo and the 15N-tracer technique. Maximum specific uptake rates (Vmax) for unialgal cultures grown at 15 °C and saturating PPFD (110 μE m−2 s−1) were 28.0, 18.0 and 2.89 × 10−3 h−1 for NH4+, NO3 and urea, respectively. The traditional measure of nutrient affinity—the half saturation constants (Ks) were similar for NH4+ and NO3 (1.44 and 1.47 μg-at N L−1), but substantially lower for urea (0.42 μg-at N L−1). Whereas the α parameter (α = Vmax/Ks), which is considered a more robust indicator for substrate affinity when substrate concentrations are low (<Ks), were 19.4, 12.2 and 6.88 × 10−3 h−1/(μg-at N L−1) for NH4+, NO3 and urea, respectively. These laboratory results demonstrate that at both saturating and sub-saturating N concentrations, N uptake preference follows the order: NH4+ > NO3 > urea, and suggests that natural blooms of H. akashiwo may be initiated or maintained by any of the three nitrogen substrates examined.  相似文献   

The novel cultivation of paddy rice in aerobic soil reveals the great potential not only for water-saving agriculture, but also for rice intercropping with legumes and both are important for the development of sustainable agriculture. A two-year field experiment was carried out to investigate the yield advantage of intercropping peanut (Arachis hypogaea L., Zhenyuanza 9102) and rice (Oryza sativa L., Wuyujing 99-15) in aerobic soil, and its effect on soil nitrogen (N) fertility. A pot experiment was also conducted to examine the N2-fixation by peanut and N transfer from peanut to rice at three N fertilizer application rates, i.e., 15, 75 and 150 kg N ha–1 using a 15N isotope dilution method. The results showed that the relative advantage of intercropping, expressed as land equivalent ratio (LER), was 1.41 in 2001 and 1.36 in 2002. Both area-adjusted yield and N content of rice were significantly increased in the intercropping system while those of peanut were not significantly different between intercropping and monocropping systems. The yields of rice grain and peanut, for example, were increased by 29–37% and 4–7% in the intercropping system when compared to the crop grown in the monocropping system. The intercropping advantage was mainly due to the sparing effect of soil inorganic N contributed by the peanut. This result was proved by the higher soil mineral N concentration under peanut monocropping and intercropping than under the rice monocropping system.%Ndfa (nitrogen derived from atmosphere) by peanut was 72.8, 56.5 and 35.4% under monocropping and 76.1, 53.3 and 50.7% under the intercropping system at N fertilizer application rates of 15, 75 and 150 kg ha–1, respectively. The 15N-based estimates of N transfer from peanut (%NTFL) was 12.2, 9.2 and 6.2% at the three N fertilizer application rates. N transferred from peanut accounted for 11.9, 6.4 and 5.5% of the total N accumulated in the rice plants in intercropping at the same three N fertilizer application rates, suggesting that the transferred N from peanut in the intercropping system made a contribution to the N nutrition of rice, especially in low-N soil.  相似文献   

Summary The fate of 100 kg N ha–1 applied as15N-urea and its modified forms was followed in 4 successive field-grown wetland rice crops in a vertisol. The first wet season crop recovered about 27 to 36.6% of the applied N depending upon the N source. In subsequent seasons the average uptake was very small and it gradually decreased from 1.4 to 0.5 kg N ha–1 although about 18 to 20, 12 to 17 and 14 to 18 kg ha–1 residual fertilizer N was available in the root zone after harvest of first, second and third crops, respectively. The average uptake of the residual fertilizer N was only 7.6% in the second crop and it decreased to 4.5% in the third and to 3.2% in the fourth crop although all these crops were adequately fertilized with unlabelled urea. The basal application of neem coated urea was more effective in controlling the leaching loss of labelled NH4+NO3–N than split application of uncoated urea. In the first 3 seasons in which15N was detectable, the loss of fertilizer N through leaching as NH4+NO3–N amounted to 0.5 kg ha–1 from neem-coated urea, 1.5 kg from split urea and 4.1 kg from coal tar-coated urea. At the end of 4 crops, most of the labelled fertilizer N (about 69% on average) was located in the upper 0–20 cm soil layer showing very little movement beyond this depth. In the profile sampled upto 60 cm depth, totally about 13.8 kg labelled fertilizer N ha–1 from neem-coated urea, 12.7 kg from coal-tar coated urea, and 11.8 kg from split urea were recovered. The average recovery of labelled urea-N in crops and soil during the entire experimental period ranged between 42 and 51%. After correcting for leaching losses, the remaining 47 to 56% appeared to have been lost through ammonia volatilization and denitrification.  相似文献   

Nitrogen cycling in a northern hardwood forest: Do species matter?   总被引:23,自引:7,他引:16  
To investigate the influence of individual tree species on nitrogen (N) cycling in forests, we measured key characteristics of the N cycle in small single-species plots of five dominant tree species in the Catskill Mountains of New York State. The species studied were sugar maple (Acer saccharum), American beech (Fagus grandifolia), yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis), eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), and red oak (Quercus rubra). The five species varied markedly in N cycling characteristics. For example, hemlock plots consistently showed characteristics associated with "slow" N cycling, including low foliar and litter N, high soil C:N, low extractable N pools, low rates of potential net N mineralization and nitrification and low NO 3 amounts trapped in ion-exchange resin bags buried in the mineral soil. Sugar maple plots had the lowest soil C:N, and the highest levels of soil characteristics associated with NO 3 production and loss (nitrification, extractable NO 3 , and resin bag NO 3 ). In contrast, red oak plots had near-average net mineralization rates and soil C:N ratios, but very low values of the variables associated with NO 3 production and loss. Correlations between soil N transformations and litter concentrations of N, lignin, lignin:N ratio, or phenolic constituents were generally weak. The inverse correlation between net nitrification rate and soil C:N that has been reported in the literature was present in this data set only if red oak plots were excluded from the analysis. This study indicates that tree species can exert a strong control on N cycling in forest ecosystems that appears to be mediated through the quality of soil organic matter, but that standard measures of litter quality cannot explain the mechanism of control.  相似文献   

In vitro weathering of phlogopite by ectomycorrhizal fungi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Oxalate accumulation in external medium under hyphal mats of two ectomycorrhizal species is strongly stimulated (1.7 to 35 fold) by a simultaneous depletion of available K+ and Mg2+. Pisolithus tinctorius strain 441 accumulates oxalate both on NH4–N and on NO3–N whereas Paxillus involutus strain COU only accumulates oxalate on NO3–N. On NO3–N, under a simultaneous K+ and Mg2+ deficiency, P. involutus COU is a very active oxalate producer compared to P. tinctorius 441. The present results could explain the various mineralogical evolutions of a phlogopite mica previously recorded under P. involutus COU or P. tinctorius 441 and suggest a key role for fungal oxalic acid during mineral weathering in response to nutrient deficiency.  相似文献   

Fate of urea-N in floodwater   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One day after application, urea-N remaining in the floodwater and determined as water-soluble N (urea-N + NH4 +-N) was used to calculate the potential N loss from lowland rice soils. Actual N loss calculated from 15N balance measurements using forced air exchange (airflow rate: 20 L min-1) in greenhouse pots. Conditions for variable potential N loss were created by manipulating the method of urea application and duration of presubmergence or by selecting soils with diverse cation exchange capacities (CEC). Potential N loss tended to be lower than actual N loss; the differences were, however, nonsignificant. The method of urea application that led to the lowest potential N loss from a Guthrie silty clay loam (Typic Fragiaquult) also led to the least 15N loss and vice-versa (r=0.99**). Duration of presubmergence did not alter the relationship between potential and actual N loss although it influenced the rate of urea hydrolysis in floodwater. The primary depencence of actual N loss on water-soluble N was maintained in soils differing in CEC (r=0.83**). The association between potential and actual N loss was closer for high-CEC soils ( 20 cmol [+] kg-1 soil, r=0.91**) than for low-CEC soils (<20 cmol [+] kg-1 soil, r=0.85**). Ammonia volatilization could be more closely predicted by potential N loss than could apparent denitrification.The results of this study suggest that potential N loss calculated from one-time determination of water-soluble N in floodwater can be a good index of actual N loss from flooded, puddled rice soils. Notable exceptions are to be expected for soils in which water-soluble N gets lost from floodwater either before (soils with fast urea hydrolysis in floodwater) or after (soils with steady leaching) determination of potential N loss.  相似文献   

In short-term water culture experiments with different 15N labeled ammonium or nitrate concentrations, citrus seedlings absorbed NH4 + at a higher rate than NO3 . Maximum NO3 uptake by the whole plant occurred at 120 mg L–1 NO3 -N, whereas NH4 + absorption was saturated at 240 mg L–1 NH4 +-N. 15NH4 + accumulated in roots and to a lesser degree in both leaves and stems. However, 15NO3 was mostly partitioned between leaves and roots.Adding increasing amounts of unlabeled NH4 + (15–60 mg L–1 N) to nutrient solutions containing 120 mg L–1 N as 15N labeled nitrate reduced 15NO3 uptake. Maximum inhibition of 15NO3 uptake was about 55% at 2.14 mM NH4 + (30 mg L–1 NH4 +-N) and it did not increase any further at higher NH4 + proportions.In a long-term experiment, the effects of concentration and source of added N (NO3 or NH4 +) on nutrient concentrations in leaves from plants grown in sand were evaluated. Leaf concentration of N, P, Mg, Fe and Cu were increased by NH4 + versus NO3 nutrition, whereas the reverse was true for Ca, K, Zn and Mn.The effects of different NO3 -N:NH4 +-N ratios (100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100) at 120 mg L–1 total N on leaf nutrient concentrations, fruit yield and fruit characteristics were investigated in another long-term experiment with plants grown in sand cultures. Nitrogen concentrations in leaves were highest when plants were provided with either NO3 or NH4 + as a sole source of N. Lowest N concentration in leaves was found with a 75:25 NO3 -N/NH4 +-N ratio. With increasing proportions of NH4 + in the N supply, leaf nutrients such as P, Mg, Fe and Cu increased, whereas Ca, K, Mn and Zn decreased. Yield in number of fruits per tree was increased significantly by supplying all N as NH4 +, although fruit weight was reduced. The number of fruits per tree was lowest with the 75:25 NO3 -N:NH4 +-N ratio, but in this treatment fruits reached their highest weight. Rind thickness, juice acidity, and colour index of fruits decreased with increasing NH4 + in the N supply, whereas the % pulp and maturity index increased. Percent of juice in fruits and total soluble solids were only slightly affected by NO3 :NH4 + ratio.  相似文献   

Summary During 1976 through 1978, 10N treatments (combinations of N application times and rates) were used in a corn study. Those treatments created different levels of soil NO 3 –N content that were well-suited to a study of the influence of residual NO 3 –N and applied N on soybean yield. In April 1979 we applied ammonium nitrate at rates of 0, 75, or 150 kg N/ha to three subplots formed from each of the whole plots (previous N treatment plots). With N fertilization in 1979, seed yield increased where the residual NO 3 –N amount was less than 190 kg/ha but decreased where the residual amount was greater than 190 kg/ha. As the NO 3 –N content in the soil increased by 1 kg/ha, the soybean yield increase due to N fertilization in 1979 decreased by approximately 4 kg/ha.Contribution no. 82-368-J, Dep. of Agronomy, Kansas Agric. Exp. Stn., Manhattan, KS 66506, USA  相似文献   

Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) populations were studied on the root surface of different rice cultivars by PCR coupled with denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). PCR-DGGE of the ammonium monooxygenase gene (amoA) showed a generally greater diversity on root samples compared to rhizosphere and unplanted soil. Sequences affiliated with Nitrosomonas spp. tended to be associated with modern rice hybrid lines. Root-associated AOB observed by FISH were found within a discrete biofilm coating the root surface. Although the total abundance of AOB on root biofilms of different rice cultivars did not differ significantly, there were marked contrasts in their population structure, indicating selection of Nitrosomonas spp. on roots of a hybrid cultivar. Observations by FISH on the total bacterial community also suggested that different rice cultivars support different bacterial populations even under identical environmental conditions. The presence of active AOB in the root environment predicts that a significant proportion of the N taken up by certain rice cultivars is in the form of NO3 -N produced by the AOB. Measurement of plant growth of hydroponically grown plants showed a stronger response of hybrid cultivars to the co-provision of NH4 + and NO3 . In soil-grown plants, N use efficiency in the hybrid was improved during ammonium fertilization compared to nitrate fertilization. Since ammonium-fertilized plants actually receive a mixture of NH4 + and NO3 with ratios depending on root-associated nitrification activity, these results support the advantage of co-provision of ammonium and nitrate for the hybrid cultivar.  相似文献   

The stable isotope15N was added as (15NH4)2SO4 to throughfall water for one year, to study the fate of the deposited nitrogen at different levels of N deposition in two N saturated coniferous forests ecosystems in the Netherlands. The fate of the15N was followed at high-N (44–55 kg N ha–1 yr–1) 1) and low-N (4–6 kg N ha–1 yr–1) deposition in plots established under transparent roofs build under the canopy in a Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forest.The applied15N was detectable in needles and twigs, the soil and soil water leaching below the rooting zone (90 cm depth). Total15N recovery in major ecosystem compartments was 71–100% during two successive growing seasons after the start of a year-round15N application to throughfall-N. Nine months after the year-round15N application, the15N assimilated into tree biomass was 29–33% of the15N added in the Douglas fir stand and less than 17% in the Scots pine stand. At the same time total15N retention in the soil (down to 70 cm) of the high-N plots was about 37% of the deposited15NH4-N, whereas 46% and 65% of the15N was found in the soil of the low-N deposition plots at the Douglas fir and Scots pine stand, respectively. The organic layers accounted for 60% of the15N retained in the soil. The total N deposition exceeded the demand of the vegetation and microbial immobilization. Total15N leaching losses within a year (below 90 cm) were 10–20% in the high-N deposition plots in comparison to 2–6% in the lowered nitrogen input plots. Relative retention in the soil and vegetation increased at lower N-input levels.Species differences in uptake and tree health seem to contribute to lower15N recoveries in the Scots pine trees compared to the Douglas fir trees. The excessive N deposition and resulting N saturation lead to conditions were the health and functioning of biota were negatively influenced. At decreased N deposition, lower leaching losses together with increased soil and plant retention indicated a change in the fate of the15N deposited. This may have resulted from changes in ecosystem processes, and thus a shift along the continuum of N saturation to N limitation.  相似文献   

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is able to fix 20–60 kg N ha–1 under tropical environments in Brazil, but these amounts are inadequate to meet the N requirement for economically attractive seed yields. When the plant is supplemented with N fertilizer, N2 fixation by Rhizobium can be suppressed even at low rates of N. Using the 15N enriched method, two field experiments were conducted to compare the effect of foliar and soil applications of N-urea on N2 fixation traits and seed yield. All treatments received a similar fertilization including 10 kg N ha–1 at sowing. Increasing rates of N (10, 30 and 50 kg N ha–1) were applied for both methods. Foliar application significantly enhanced nodulation, N2 fixation (acetylene reduction activity) and yield at low N level (10 kg N ha–1). Foliar nitrogen was less suppressive to nodulation, even at higher N levels, than soil N treatments. In the site where established Rhizobium was in low numbers, inoculation contributed substantially to increased N2 fixation traits and yield. Both foliar and soil methods inhibited nodulation at high N rates and did not significantly increase bean yield, when comparing low (10 kg N ha–1) and high (50 kg N ha–1) rates applied after emergence. In both experiments, up to 30 kg N ha–1 of biologically fixed N2 were obtained when low rates of N were applied onto the leaves.  相似文献   

Observations of near-bottom populations of Karenia brevis suggest that these cells may derive nutrients from the sediment–water interface. Cells undergoing a metabolic-mediated migration may be in close proximity to enhanced concentrations of nutrients associated with the sediment during at least a fraction of their diel cycle. In this study, the growth, uptake and assimilation rates of ammonium, nitrate, and urea by K. brevis were examined on a diel basis to better understand the potential role of these nutrients in the near-bottom ecology of this species. Three strains of K. brevis, C6, C3, and CCMP 2229, were grown under 12:12 light dark cycle under 30 μmol photons m−2 s−1 delivered to the surface plain of batch cultures. Nitrogen uptake was evaluated using 15N tracer techniques and trichloroacetic acid extraction was used to evaluate the quantity of nitrogen (N) assimilated into cell protein. Growth rates ranged from a low of 0.12 divisions day−1 for C6 and C3 grown on nitrate to a high of 0.18 divisions day−1 for C3 grown on urea. Diurnal maximum uptake rates, ρmax, varied from 0.41 pmol-N cell−1 h−1 for CCMP 2229 grown on nitrate, to 1.29 pmol-N cell−1 h−1 for CCMP 2229 grown on urea. Average nocturnal uptake rates were 29% of diurnal rates for nitrate, 103% of diurnal uptake rates for ammonium and 56% of diurnal uptake rates for urea. Uptake kinetic parameters varied between substrates, between strains and between day and night measurements. Highest maximum uptake rates were found for urea for strains CCMP2229 and C3 and for ammonium for strain C6. Rates of asmilation into protein also varied day and night, but overall were highest for urea. The comparison of maximal uptake rates as well as assimilation efficiencies indicate that ammonium and urea are utilized (taken up and assimilated) more than twice was fast as nitrate on a diel basis.  相似文献   

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