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We have sequenced the available cloned examples of the intron-coding sequence junctions for the rDNA of the higher Dipteran, Calliphora erythrocephala. The introns interrupt the rDNA at the same position as the type 1 intron family detected in Drosophila melanogaster and D. virilis (10,11). A duplication of 14 base pairs of the 28S rRNA coding sequence surrounds a short version of the major genomic length class of introns. This same duplication is associated with boundaries of the type 1 introns in D. virilis and D. melanogaster (10, 13,14). We have detected considerable homology between the 3' intron sequences of C. erythrocephala and D. virilis. The rRNA coding sequences flanking the introns are extremely homologous in C. erythrocephala, D. melanogaster and D. virilis, with only one small region of significant divergence. This corresponds to a variable stem region previously identified in eukaryotic 28S rRNA at a site analogous to the L1 ribosomal protein binding site of prokaryotic 23S rRNA (27).  相似文献   

Analysis of localization of chromosomes 2, 3, and 6 of Calliphora erythrocephala Mg. in ovarian nurse cell nuclei with different chromatin structure has shown that the regions of DNA probe hybridization reduced with increasing chromatin compaction. Hybridization of DNA probes of chromosomes 3 and 6 to secondary reticular nuclei demonstrated that chromosomes retain their territories in the nuclei when the chromatin acquires a reticular structure. These results suggest regular organization of the chromosomal apparatus at all stages of the endomitotic cycle, including the stage of highly polyploid reticular nuclei. FISH of DNA probe of the chromosome 2 telomeric region to secondary reticular nuclei revealed a peripheral distribution of the signal. Zones of more intensive DNA probe hybridization have been distinguished. These zones probably are the regions of accumulation of telomeric and (or) centromeric chromosome regions.  相似文献   

Multicolor 3D fluorescence in situ hybridization was used to study arrangement of rRNA genes in Calliphora erythrocephala nurse cell nuclei with different levels of polyteny. It has been shown that the rRNA genes are exclusively localized to chromosome 6, suggesting that chromosome 6 is the only C. erythrocephala chromosome responsible for nucleolar formation. We have also described changes in localization of ribosomal genes within the chromosome territory during polytenization, namely, that rDNA signals are detected in the peripheral region of chromosome territory starting from the stage of polytene chromosomes. In addition, it has emerged that large nucleolus associated with chromosome 6 starts to develop in the central nuclear region in the C. erythrocephala nurse cell nuclei at the stage of a primary reticular structure. The central position and nucleolar structure are retained at the stages when chromosome 6 occupies the central position, that is, at the stages of polytene and bloblike chromosomes. When the nucleus restores a reticular structure but at a higher polyteny level, the displacement of chromosome 6 to the nuclear periphery is accompanied by disruption of the large nucleolus into micronucleoli. The micronucleoli are distributed in the nuclear space retaining their association with the nucleolar-organizing regions of chromosome 6. Thus, our data suggest that the large-scale alterations in the organization of chromosome 6 and the nucleolus during polytenization are the correlated processes directly dependent on the rRNA gene activity. The earlier described dynamics of nucleolar-organizing chromosome territory and nucleolus in the nuclear space is likely to be associated with the change in the total expression activity of the nucleus, which complies with the hypothesis on the correlation between spatial nuclear organization and expression regulation of genetic material.  相似文献   

Summary The histology of the corpus cardiacum (c. card.) and the hypocerebral ganglion of Calliphora has been described from sections mainly stained with paraldehyde-fuchsin (PAF) and counterstained with Halmi's mixture. Concurrently the nervous connections of these organs with the neurosecretory system and the stomatogastric nervous system were studied.Neurosecretory material from the medial neurosecretory cells of the brain (m.n.c.) could be traced through the cardiac-recurrent nerve, and passing through the c. card. it was seen to be abundantly present in the wall of the aorta and the two pairs of nerves leaving the c. card.-hypocerebral ganglion complex posteriorly, i.e. the aortic and the oesophageal nerves. However, in some old, fed flies a considerable amount of neurosecretory material was also observed in anastomosing branches of the cardiac-recurrent nerve inside the c. card. Thus storage of neurosecretory material originating in the m.n.c. may take place both in the aorta wall and in the c. card. This observation is relevant to the interpretation of previous experiments of E. Thomsen (1952).The c. card. cells proper (the c.n.c.) were not stained by the PAF, although they are known to be neurosecretory.This work was supported by grants from the Carlsberg Foundation. I am grateful to Professor C. Overgaard Nielsen for laboratory facilities.  相似文献   

Summary Neurosecretory cells in the brain and suboesophageal ganglion of the adult female Calliphora erythrocephala have been studied in the light microscope. The paraldehydefuchsin stain (PAF) gave by far the clearest pictures.The medial neurosecretory cells of the protocerebrum (m.n.c.) show definite cyclic changes as to the size of the nuclei and the content of secretory material. The cytological changes depend on the age of the fly and the diet given and are correlated with ovarian development.The nuclear size is held to express the metabolic activity of the cells. Cells with large nuclei, as found in young sugar-flies (S1D) and meat-fed flies with developing ovaries (S4D/M2D), contain less secretory material which is released through the axons, while the m.n.c. of old sugar-flies (S6D) have small nuclei and are stuffed with secretory material which is stored in the perikarya.These results confirm those obtained by darkfield microscopy of living m.n.c. by Lea and E.Thomsen (1962 and unpublished).No really convincing evidence for the existence of more than one type of m.n.c. was found.Two small groups of lateral cells were observed. Possibly neurosecretory are further: 1-(2) cells at the base of each optic lobe, two groups of 2–3 cells on the caudal side of the brain, and 2 cells ventrally in the suboesophageal ganglion.Giant neurons of unknown function are situated very near the m.n.c. Their axons join those from the m.n.c., but end in the suboesophageal ganglion.The same region comprises a number of peculiar cells, each containing a large, fluid-filled vacuole (the vacuolated cells). Similar cells are associated with the possibly neurosecretory cells on the caudal side of the brain.My sincere thanks are due to my wife Dr. Ellen Thomsen, who made all the excisions of the brains and the measurements of the nuclei, to T.C.Normann for valuable assistance with the photographic work, and to Mrs. K. Bahnert for technical help with the gallocyanin method. The Carlsberg Foundation has supported the work with grants.  相似文献   

Intranuclear dynamics of chromosome 6 in nurse cell nuclei of Calliphora erythrocephala Mg. (Diptera: Calliphoridae) was studied. The 3D FISH method was used for the first time to study chromosome territories in highly polyploid nuclei whose chromosomes undergo morphological changes. A considerable change in the intranuclear location of chromosome 6 and a morphological alteration of the chromosome territory in the course of chromatin polytenization were revealed.  相似文献   

Summary In continuation of previous light microscopical investigations using darkfield microscopy of the living cells and sections stained with paraldehyde-fuchsin, an electron microscopical study of the medial neurosecretory cells (m.n.c.) of virgin females of Calliphora has been performed. The neurosecretory material consists of elementary granules corresponding in quantity to the amount of secretory material found by the two other methods in flies of the same age and kept on the same diet. The majority of the cells (m.n.c. I) contain granules measuring c. 2000–3000 Å, while fewer cells (m.n.c. II) show a smaller granular diameter (c. 1000–1500 Å). Due to the Tyndall effect the elementary granules are visible when using darkfield microscopy.The granules were seen to be pinched off from the Golgi complexes. These are numerous and well-developed, except in the less active m.n.c. I of the six days old sugar-flies. The reticulum and mitochondria are described. Axoplasmic channels were observed in the m.n.c. I, probably corresponding to structures found by Wigglesworth (1959 and 1960) in other insect neurons with another technique.The fine structure of the giant neurons and the vacuolated cells has been studied, the observations supporting the conclusions of M. Thomsen in a light microscopical study (1965). Lacunae in the ramifying glia are interpreted as belonging to the glial lacunar system described by Wigglesworth (1960).Dedicated to the memory of Ernst Scharrer (1905–1965), pioneer in the study of neurosecretion.We are grateful to the Carlsberg Foundation and the State General Scientific Foundation for financial support.  相似文献   

The salivary gland of adult Calliphora erythrocephala is a tubular structure composed of secretory, reabsorptive, and duct regions. Development of these structures has been followed during the six days of larval and ten days of pupal growth. Two small groups of imaginal cells located at the junction between larval gland and duct give rise to the adult gland. These presumptive adult cells divide during all larval stages and appear to be functional components of the larval gland. Shortly after pupation, the larval gland breaks down and the imaginal cells proliferate rapidly, forming sequentially the duct, reabsorptive and secretory regions. Proliferating regions of the developing gland are frequently encrusted with haemocytes. As it elongates the gland establishes intimate contacts first with the basement membrane of the degenerating larval gland, later with an epithelial layer surrounding the main dorsal tracheal trunks, and then with the gut. Cell division continues until about five days after pupation, bu t the gland is unable to secrete fluid in response to 5-hydroxytryptamine stimulation until two hours after the adult fly emerges. The Golgi complex appears to be involved in forming the highly folded membranes of the canaliculi in the secretory region. Presumptive adult salivary gland cells appear to increase in number logarithmically from the time of hatching of the larva until five days after pupation. This contrasts with the development of classical imaginal discs, in which cell division ceases prior to pupation.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die rhythmischen Aktionspotentiale in den optischen Ganglien der Schmeißfliege (Calliphora erythrocephala) werden untersucht.Wird das Komplexauge von Calliphora belichtet, so können vom Ganglion opticum II schnelle, rhythmische Aktionspotentiale, 'Belichtungsrhythme , abgegriffen werden (Abb. 1). Sie treten im Bereich physiologischer Temperaturen und Lichtintensitäten stets und unabhängig von Schädigungen auf. Sie sind die einzige Form von Erregung, die zwischen dem retinalen Bereich und dem Cerebralganglion nachgewiesen werden kann. Die Belichtungsrhythmen zeigen gesetzmäßige Abhängigkeiten von den Reizgrößen. Es ist daher wahrscheinlich, daß sie in die Kausalkette der bei Belichtung des Auges ablaufenden zentralen Vorgänge eingeschaltet sind.Die optischen Ganglien werden mit einer Doppelmikroelektrode abgetastet. Da die Spannung zwischen zwei eng benachbarten Elektroden in der Nähe der Spannungsquelle am größten sein muß, kann gezeigt werden, daß die Belichtungsrhythmen wahrscheinlich in der äußeren Körnerschicht des Ganglion opticum II entstehen (Abb. 14 und 15).Als Maß für die Größe der Belichtungsrhythmen wird die größte während einer Belichtung auftretende Amplitude gewählt, die 'Maximalamplitud ; sie hängt stetig und reproduzierbar von der Zahl belichteter Ommatidien, von der Lichtintensität und vom Adaptationszustand des Auges ab (Abb. 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 und 12).Die Amplituden der Belichtungsrhythmen klingen bei längerer Belichtung allmählich ab (Helladaptation), (Abb. 1C, Abb. 5). Die Heiladaptationszeit ist der Maximalamplitude proportional (Abb. 6, 8, 9 und 10). Wird die Belichtung vor dem völligen Abklingen der Rhythmen unterbrochen, so werden sie durch den Aus-Effekt des Retinogramms gehemmt und brechen sofort und vollkommen ab (Abb. 1 D). Die Dunkeladaptation ist selbst nach vorangegangener Belichtung mit sehr hohen Lichtintensitäten nach spätestens einer Minute abgeschlossen (Abb. 6 und 7).Die Frequenz der Belichtungsrhythmen liegt zwischen 100 sec–1 und 250 sec–1, sie nimmt mit steigender Temperatur zu (Tabelle 1). Die Frequenz ist unabhängig von der Lichtintensität, vom Adaptationszustand d von der Zahl belichteter Ommatidien.Während der einzelnen Belichtung zeigen die Rhythmen ein verschieden starkes Schwanken der Amplitude, eine Amplitudenmodulation. Die Modulation hängt vom Präparat und vom Präparationszustand ab.Durch den Vergleich der verschiedenen Modulationstypen und durch gleichzeitige Ableitung an mehreren Stellen des Ganglions können die physikalischen Überlagerungsvorgänge untersucht werden. Die Einzelschwingungen physiologischer Einheiten überlagern sich am gemeinsamen Ableitwiderstand zwischen den Elektroden. Durch die Art der Überlagerung wird die Modulationsform bestimmt. Sie hängt im besonderen von der Frequenz und der Phasenlage der Einzelrhythmen und von physiologischen Synchronisationsvorgängen ab (Abb. 1, 2 und 16).Auch wenn ein Bereich der Retina gereizt wird, der nur wenige Sinneszellen umfaßt, treten Belichtungsrhythmen wie bei großen Reizflächen auf (Abb. 12). Deshalb wird die Möglichkeit diskutiert, daß bereits die kleinste physiologische Einheit im Ganglion mit rhythmischer Erregung antwortet, die in ihrer Amplitude, nicht aber in ihrer Frequenz vom Reiz abhängt.Herrn Prof. Dr. H. Autrum danke ich für das stete Interesse, das er den Untersuchungen entgegengebracht hat. Die Untersuchungen wurden zum Teil mit Apparaten durchgeführt, die die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Herrn Prof. Autrum zur Verfügung stellte.  相似文献   

During metamorphosis of the blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala extracellular ribosomes, in the form of monosomes, appear in the body fluid. The total number of ribosomes, i.e. intracellular and extracellular, remains approximately constant during this period, whereas the proportion of extracellular ribosomes first rises, plateaus, and then declines in a manner suggesting that their appearance is a result of larval tissue breakdown.  相似文献   

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