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Interaction of nucleolar phosphoprotein B23 with nucleic acids   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
T S Dumbar  G A Gentry  M O Olson 《Biochemistry》1989,28(24):9495-9501
The interaction of eukaryotic nucleolar phosphoprotein B23 with nucleic acids was examined by gel retardation and filter binding assays, by fluorescence techniques, and by circular dichroism. All studies utilized protein prepared under native conditions by a newly developed purification procedure. Electrophoretic gel mobility shift assays with phage M13 DNA suggested that protein B23 is a single-stranded nucleic acid binding protein. This was confirmed in competition binding assays with native or heat-denatured linearized plasmid pUC18 DNA where the protein showed a marked preference for the denatured form. In other competition assays, there was no apparent preference for single-stranded synthetic ribo- versus deoxyribonucleotides. Equilibrium binding with poly(riboethenoadenylic acid) indicated cooperative ligand binding with a protein binding site size of 11 nucleotides and an apparent binding constant (K omega) of 5 x 10(7) M-1 which includes an intrinsic binding constant (K) of 6.3 x 10(4) M-1 and a cooperativity factor (omega) of 800. In circular dichroism (CD) studies, protein B23, when combined with the single-stranded synthetic nucleic acids poly(rA) and poly(rC), effected a decrease in ellipticity and a shift of the positive peak at 260-270 nm toward higher wavelengths, indicating helix destabilizing activity. No CD changes were seen with double-stranded poly(dA.dT). The change in ellipticity of poly(rA) was sigmoidal upon addition of protein, confirming the cooperative behavior seen with fluorescence methods. These studies indicate that protein B23 binds cooperatively with high affinity for single-stranded nucleic acids and exhibits RNA helix destabilizing activity. These features may be related to its role in ribosome assembly.  相似文献   

For some time it has been known that the RNA genome of human hepatitis delta virus (HDV) undergoes a specific RNA editing event. This review describes the editing phenomenon and its potential biological significance, and evaluates the data regarding the mechanism involved, including the possible relationship to other RNA editing phenomena.  相似文献   

H W Wang  P J Chen  C Z Lee  H L Wu    D S Chen 《Journal of virology》1994,68(10):6363-6371
Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) is composed of four specific components. The first component is envelope protein which contains hepatitis B surface antigens. The second and third components are nucleocapsid proteins, referred to as small and large hepatitis delta antigens (HDAgs). The final component is a single-stranded circular RNA molecule known as the viral genome. In order to study the mechanism of HDV RNA packaging, a four-plasmid cotransfection system in which each viral component was provided by a separate plasmid was employed. Virus-like particles released from Huh-7 cells receiving such a cotransfection were found to contain HDV RNA along with three proteins. Therefore, the four-plasmid cotransfection system could lead to successful HDV RNA packaging in vitro. The system was then used to show that the large HDAg alone was able to achieve a low level of HDV RNA packaging. Analysis of a variety of large HDAg mutants revealed that the RNA-binding domain was essential for viral RNA packaging. By increasing the incorporation of small HDAg into virus-like particles, we found a three- to fourfold enhancement of HDV RNA packaging. This effect was probably through a direct binding of HDV RNA, independent from that of large HDAg, with the small HDAg. The subsequent RNA-protein complex was packaged into particles. The results provided insight into the roles and functional domains of small and large HDAgs in HDV RNA packaging.  相似文献   

The functions of delta antigens (HDAgs) in the morphogenesis of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) have been studied previously. The C terminus of large HDAg has been shown to complex with the small surface antigen (HBsAg) of helper hepatitis B virus, whereas the assembly of small HDAg requires interaction with the N terminus of large HDAg (M.-F. Chang, C.-J. Chen, and S. C. Chang, J. Virol. 68:646-653, 1994). To further examine the molecular mechanisms by which HDAgs are involved in the assembly of HDV RNA, we have cotransfected Huh-7 cells with plasmids representing a longer than unit-length HDV and the small HBsAg cDNAs. We found that HDAg mRNA could be generated from an endogenous promoter within the HDV cDNA that was translated into large HDAg. Large HDAg is capable of complexing with monomeric HDV genomic RNA to form ribonucleoprotein particles (RNPs) and is capable of forming enveloped HDV-like particles in the presence of small HBsAg without undergoing HDV replication. In addition, the middle region from amino acid residues 89 to 145 of large HDAg is required for assembly of the RNPs but is dispensable for assembly of the enveloped particles. RNA assembly is also demonstrated with small HDAg when it is cotransfected with a packaging-defective large HDAg mutant and small HBsAg. Leu-115 within the putative helix-loop-helix structure of the small HDAg is important for the replication of HDV but is not essential for RNA assembly, suggesting that conformational requirements of small HDAg for replication and assembly of viral RNA may be different. Further studies indicate that a 312-nucleotide linear HDV RNA from one end of the HDV and structure is sufficient to form RNP complexes competent for assembly of virus-like particles with large HDAg and small HBsAg.  相似文献   

Moderation of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) replication is a likely prerequisite in the establishment of chronic infections and is thought to be mediated by the intracellular accumulation of large hepatitis delta antigen (L-HDAg). The regulatory role of this protein was suggested from several studies showing that cotransfection of plasmid cDNAs expressing both L-HDAg and HDV RNA results in a potent inhibition of HDV RNA replication. However, since this approach differs significantly from natural HDV infections, where HDV RNA replication is initiated from an RNA template, and L-HDAg appears only late in the replication cycle, it remains unclear whether L-HDAg can modulate HDV RNA replication in the natural HDV replication cycle. In this study, we investigated the effect of L-HDAg, produced as a result of the natural HDV RNA editing event, on HDV RNA replication. The results showed that following cDNA-free HDV RNA transfection, a steady-state level of RNA was established at 3 to 4 days posttransfection. The same level of HDV RNA was reached when a mutant HDV genome unable to make L-HDAg was used, suggesting that L-HDAg did not play a role. The rates of HDV RNA synthesis, as measured by metabolic labeling experiments, were identical at 4 and 8 days posttransfection and in the wild type and the L-HDAg-deficient mutant. We further examined the effect of overexpression of L-HDAg at various stages of the HDV replication cycle, showing that HDV RNA synthesis was resistant to L-HDAg when it was overexpressed 3 days after HDV RNA replication had initiated. Finally, we showed that, contrary to conventional thinking, L-HDAg alone, at a certain molar ratio with HDV RNA, can initiate HDV RNA replication. Thus, L-HDAg does not inherently inhibit HDV RNA synthesis. Taken together, these results indicated that L-HDAg affects neither the rate of HDV RNA synthesis nor the final steady-state level of HDV RNA and that L-HDAg is unlikely to act as an inhibitor of HDV RNA replication in the natural HDV replication cycle.  相似文献   

Abraham TM  Loeb DD 《Journal of virology》2007,81(21):11577-11584
Previous analysis of hepatitis B virus (HBV) indicated base pairing between two cis-acting sequences, the 5' half of the upper stem of epsilon and phi, contributes to the synthesis of minus-strand DNA. Our goal was to identify other cis-acting sequences on the pregenomic RNA (pgRNA) involved in the synthesis of minus-strand DNA. We found that large portions of the pgRNA could be deleted or substituted without an appreciable decrease in the level of minus-strand DNA synthesized, indicating that most of the pgRNA is dispensable and that a specific size of the pgRNA is not required for this process. Our results indicated that the cis-acting sequences for the synthesis of minus-strand DNA are present near the 5' and 3' ends of the pgRNA. In addition, we found that the first-strand template switch could be directed to a new location when a 72-nucleotide (nt) fragment, which contained the cis-acting sequences present near the 3' end of the pgRNA, was introduced at that location. Within this 72-nt region, we uncovered two new cis-acting sequences, which flank the acceptor site. We show that one of these sequences, named omega and located 3' of the acceptor site, base pairs with phi to contribute to the synthesis of minus-strand DNA. Thus, base pairing between three cis-acting elements (5' half of the upper stem of epsilon, phi, and omega) are necessary for the synthesis of HBV minus-strand DNA. We propose that this topology of pgRNA facilitates first-strand template switch and/or the initiation of synthesis of minus-strand DNA.  相似文献   

Under native purification conditions, an oligomeric form (Mr = 230 000) and monomeric form (37 000) of protein B23 were purified by affinity chromatography. Both forms were identified by Western blot immunoassay and ELISA. The molecular weight of the oligomeric form of protein B23 was estimated to be 230 000 with a Stoke's radius and a sedimentation coefficient of 51 Å and 10 S, respectively. The oligomer (230 kDa) of protein B23 was dissociated into monomers (37 kDa) by treatment with 7 M urea. Quantitation of the monomer by gel scanning densitometry indicated that the oligomeric form of protein B23 is a hexamer containing four α and two β monomers (37 kDa). A trace amount of nucleic acids (amounting to less than 3% of the total mass) was detected in the affinity-purified oligomers of protein B23. Protein B23 may be a structural element which is involved in ribosome transport or assembly in the nucleus.  相似文献   

M F Chang  C Y Sun  C J Chen    S C Chang 《Journal of virology》1993,67(5):2529-2536
The functions of delta antigens (HDAgs) in the replication of hepatitis delta virus (HDV) have been identified previously. The small HDAg acts as a transactivator, whereas the large HDAg has a negative effect on replication. To understand the molecular mechanisms involved in the control of HDV replication, we have established a replication system in Huh-7 cells by cotransfecting a monomeric cDNA genome of HDV and a plasmid encoding the small HDAg. We demonstrate that a leucine repeat in the middle domain of the small HDAg is involved in binding to the HDV genome and transactivation of HDV replication. When the leucine repeat was disrupted by a substitution of valine for leucine at position 115, both RNA-binding and transactivation activity of the small HDAg were abolished. In contrast, the binding and transactivation activities were not affected when Leu-37 and Leu-44 of the small HDAg were replaced by valines. In addition, small and large HDAgs can interact with each other to form protein complexes in vitro. The complex formation that may lead to the trans-dominant negative regulation of large HDAg in HDV replication is mediated by a cryptic signal located between amino acid residues 35 and 65 other than the putative N-terminal leucine zipper motif. Furthermore, an extra 21-amino-acid extension near the N terminus converts the small HDAg into a pseudo-large HDAg with negative regulation activity of HDV replication even though the extreme C-terminal residue is unchanged.  相似文献   

Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) core protein is detected not only in the cytoplasm but also in the nucleoli of infected cells. We previously showed that a mutant JEV lacking the nucleolar localization of the core protein impaired viral replication in mammalian cells. In this study, we identified a nucleolar phosphoprotein B23 as a protein binding with the core protein of JEV but not with that of dengue virus. The region binding with JEV core protein was mapped to amino acid residues 38 to 77 of B23. Upon JEV infection, some fraction of B23 was translocated from the nucleoli to the cytoplasm, and cytoplasmic B23 was colocalized with the core protein of wild-type JEV but not with that of the mutant JEV. Furthermore, overexpression of dominant negatives of B23 reduced JEV replication. These results suggest that B23 plays an important role in the intracellular localization of the core protein and replication of JEV.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of the hepatitis delta virus antigens.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
V Bichko  S Barik    J Taylor 《Journal of virology》1997,71(1):512-518
We used two-dimensional electrophoresis (nonequilibrium pH gradient electrophoresis followed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-10% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) coupled with 32P labeling and immunoblotting detection with 125I-protein A to detect and quantitate phosphorylation of the large and small forms of the delta antigen (deltaAg-L and deltaAg-S, respectively). Analysis of deltaAg species from the serum and liver of an infected woodchuck as well as deltaAg species expressed in and secreted from transfected Huh7 cells revealed the following. (i) No detectable phosphorylation of deltaAg-S occurred. (ii) In virions from the serum of an infected animal and in the particles secreted from cotransfected cells, none of the deltaAg-L was phosphorylated. (iii) Only in the infected liver and in transfected cells was any phosphorylation detected; it corresponded to a monophosphorylated form of deltaAg-L. Given these results, we carried out serine-to-alanine mutagenesis of the deltaAg-L to determine whether the monophosphorylation was predominantly at a specific site on the unique 19-amino-acid (aa) extension. We mutated each of the two serines, aa 207 and 210, on this extension and also the serine at aa 177. These three mutations had no significant effect on phosphorylation. In contrast, mutagenesis to alanine of the cysteine at aa 211, which normally acts as the acceptor for farnesylation, completely inhibited phosphorylation. Our interpretation is that the site(s) of phosphorylation is probably not in the 19-aa extension unique to deltaAg-L and that phosphorylation of deltaAg-L may depend upon prior farnesylation. The possible significance of the intracellular phosphorylated forms of deltaAg-L is discussed.  相似文献   

Selective inhibition of hepatitis B virus replication by RNA interference   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
Small interfering RNA (siRNA) is a powerful tool to silence gene expression in mammalian cells including genes of viral origin. To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of siRNA against the hepatitis B virus (HBV), we studied the effect of transfection of the HBV-inducible cell lines HepAD38 and HepAD79 with siRNA specific for the core gene of the HBV genome. HepAD38 cells produce wild-type HBV, whereas HepAD79 cells produce the lamivudine resistant YMDD variant. Transfection of HepAD38 cells with either 1.6 or 4 microg/ml siRNA resulted in a profound inhibition (72% and 98%, respectively) of viral replication (as assessed by real-time quantitative PCR). The inhibitory effect was corroborated by a marked reduction of HBV core protein synthesis in induced HepAD38 cells. In HepAD79 cells, transfected with 1.6 or 4 microg/ml HBV-specific siRNA, virus production was reduced by 75% and 89%, respectively.  相似文献   

C Z Lee  J H Lin  M Chao  K McKnight    M M Lai 《Journal of virology》1993,67(4):2221-2227
Hepatitis delta antigen (HDAg) is an RNA-binding protein with binding specificity for hepatitis delta virus (HDV) RNA (J. H. Lin, M. F. Chang, S. C. Baker, S. Govindarajan, and M. M. C. Lai, J. Virol. 64:4051-4058, 1990). By amino acid sequence homology search, we have identified within its RNA-binding domain two stretches of an arginine-rich motif (ARM), which is present in many prokaryotic and eukaryotic RNA-binding proteins. The first one is KERQDHRRRKA and the second is EDEKRERRIAG, and they are separated by 29 amino acids. Deletion of either one of these ARM sequences resulted in the total loss of the in vitro RNA-binding activity of HDAg. Thus, HDAg is different from other RNA-binding proteins in that it requires two ARM-like sequences for its RNA-binding activity. Replacement of the spacer sequence between the two ARMs with a shorter stretch of sequence also reduced RNA binding in vitro. Furthermore, site-specific mutations of the basic amino acid residues in both ARMs resulted in the total loss or reduction of RNA-binding activity. The biological significance of the RNA-binding activity was studied by examining the trans-activating activity of the RNA-binding mutants. The plasmids expressing HDAgs with various mutations in the RNA-binding motifs were cotransfected with a replication-defective HDV dimer cDNA construct into COS cells. It was found that all the HDAg mutants which had lost the in vitro RNA-binding activity also lost the ability to complement the defect of HDV RNA replication. We conclude that the trans-activating function of HDAg requires its binding to HDV RNA.  相似文献   

Monomers of the genomic strand of hepatitis delta virus RNA were transcribed in vitro and then delivered to NIH 3T3 fibroblasts by using a liposome fusion technique. After 7 days, genome replication was detected, but only in fibroblasts that stably expressed the delta antigen. Sequence analysis of the replicated products identified them as faithful copies of the hepatitis delta virus genome found in virions.  相似文献   

Hepatitis delta virus (HDV) particles were produced in Huh7 human hepatoma cells by transfection with cloned hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA and HDV cDNA. The particles were characterized by their buoyant density, the presence of encapsidated viral RNA, and their ability to infect primary cultures of chimpanzee hepatocytes. Successful infection was evidenced by the appearance of increasing amounts of intracellular HDV RNA after exposure to particles. Infection was prevented when particles were incubated with antibodies directed against synthetic peptides specific for epitopes of the pre-S1 or pre-S2 domains of the HBV envelope proteins before exposure to hepatocytes. These data demonstrate that HDV particles produced in vitro are infectious and indicate (i) that infectious particles are coated with HBV envelope proteins that contain the pre-S1 and pre-S2 regions, (ii) that epitopes of the pre-S1 and pre-S2 domains of HBV envelope proteins are exposed at the surface of HDV particles, and (iii) that antibodies directed against those epitopes have neutralizing activity against HDV.  相似文献   

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