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Summary Development involves a series of developmental events, separated by transformations, that follow a particular order or developmental sequence. The sequence may in turn be arbitrarily subdivided into contiguous segments (developmental stages). We discuss the properties of developmental sequences. We also examine the differing analytical approaches that have been used to analyse developmental sequences in an evolutionary context. Ernst Haeckel was a pioneer in this field. His approach was evolutionary and he introduced the idea of sequence heterochrony (evolutionary changes in the sequence of developmental events). Despite the availability of detailed developmental data (e.g. Franz Keibel’s ‘Normal Tables’), Haeckel was unable to undertake a quantitative analysis of developmental data. This is now possible through computer-based analytical techniques such as event-pairing, which can extract important biological information from developmental sequences by mapping them onto established phylogenies. It may also yield data that can be used in phylogeny reconstruction, although the inherent ‘non-independence’ of the data may make this invalid. In future, the methods discussed here may be applied to the analysis of patterns of gene expression in embryos, or adapted to studying gene order on chromosomes.  相似文献   

Willi Hennig's (Beitr. Ent. 1960, 10, 15) Die Dipteren-Fauna von Neuseeland als systematisches und tiergeographisches Problem applied a phylogenetic approach to examine the distributional patterns exhibited by the Diptera of New Zealand. Hennig showed how phylogenetic trees may be used to infer dispersal, based on the progression and deviation rules, and also discussed the existence of vicariance patterns. The most important author who applied Hennig's phylogenetic biogeography was Lars Brundin, when analysing the phylogenetic relationships of two taxa of Chironomidae (Diptera) and using them to examine the biogeographic relationships of Australia, New Zealand, South America and South Africa. The relevance of Brundin's contribution was noted by several authors, as it began the cladistic or vicariance approach to biogeography, that implies the discovery of vicariance events shared by different monophyletic groups. Both phylogenetic and cladistic biogeography have a place in contemporary biogeography, the former for analysing taxon biogeography and the latter when addressing Earth or biota biogeography. The recent use of the term “phylogenetic biogeography” to refer to a posteriori methods of cladistic biogeography is erroneous and should be avoided.  相似文献   

Xylella fastidiosa is xylem-limited bacterium capable of infecting a wide range of host plants, resulting in Pierce’s disease in grapevine, citrus variegated chlorosis, olive quick decline syndrome, peach phony disease, plum leaf scald, alfalfa dwarf, margin necrosis and leaf scorch affecting oleander, coffee, almond, pecan, mulberry, red maple, oak, and other types of cultivated and ornamental plants and forest trees. In the European Union, X. fastidiosa is listed as a quarantine organism. Since its first outbreak in the Apulia region of southern Italy in 2013 where it caused devastating disease on Olea europaea (called olive leaf scorch and quick decline), X. fastidiosa continued to spread and successfully established in some European countries (Corsica and PACA in France, Balearic Islands, Madrid and Comunitat Valenciana in Spain, and Porto in Portugal). The most recent data for Europe indicates that X. fastidiosa is present on 174 hosts, 25 of which were newly identified in 2021 (with further five hosts discovered in other parts of the world in the same year). From the six reported subspecies of X. fastidiosa worldwide, four have been recorded in European countries (fastidiosa, multiplex, pauca, and sandyi). Currently confirmed X. fastidiosa vector species are Philaenus spumarius, Neophilaenus campestris, and Philaenus italosignus, whereby only P. spumarius (which has been identified as the key vector in Apulia, Italy) is also present in Americas. X. fastidiosa control is currently based on pathogen-free propagation plant material, eradication, territory demarcation, and vector control, as well as use of resistant plant cultivars and bactericidal treatments.  相似文献   

The increasing availability of complete genome sequences and the development of new, faster methods for phylogenetic reconstruction allow the exploration of the set of evolutionary trees for each gene in the genome of any species. This has led to the development of new phylogenomic methods. Here, we have compared different phylogenetic and phylogenomic methods in the analysis of the monophyletic origin of insect endosymbionts from the gamma-Proteobacteria, a hotly debated issue with several recent, conflicting reports. We have obtained the phylogenetic tree for each of the 579 identified protein-coding genes in the genome of the primary endosymbiont of carpenter ants, Blochmannia floridanus, after determining their presumed orthologs in 20 additional Proteobacteria genomes. A reference phylogeny reflecting the monophyletic origin of insect endosymbionts was further confirmed with different approaches, which led us to consider it as the presumed species tree. Remarkably, only 43 individual genes produced exactly the same topology as this presumed species tree. Most discrepancies between this tree and those obtained from individual genes or by concatenation of different genes were due to the grouping of Xanthomonadales with beta-Proteobacteria and not to uncertainties over the monophyly of insect endosymbionts. As previously noted, operational genes were more prone to reject the presumed species tree than those included in information-processing categories, but caution should be exerted when selecting genes for phylogenetic inference on the basis of their functional category assignment. We have obtained strong evidence in support of the monophyletic origin of gamma-Proteobacteria insect endosymbionts by a combination of phylogenetic and phylogenomic methods. In our analysis, the use of concatenated genes has shown to be a valuable tool for analyzing primary phylogenetic signals coded in the genomes. Nevertheless, other phylogenomic methods such as supertree approaches were useful in revealing alternative phylogenetic signals and should be included in comprehensive phylogenomic studies.  相似文献   

We study the phylogeny of the placental mammals using molecular data from all mitochondrial tRNAs and rRNAs of 54 species. We use probabilistic substitution models specific to evolution in base paired regions of RNA. A number of these models have been implemented in a new phylogenetic inference software package for carrying out maximum likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic inferences. We describe our Bayesian phylogenetic method which uses a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to provide samples from the posterior distribution of tree topologies. Our results show support for four primary mammalian clades, in agreement with recent studies of much larger data sets mainly comprising nuclear DNA. We discuss some issues arising when using Bayesian techniques on RNA sequence data.  相似文献   

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