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We previously showed that A23187 in high ionophore/protein ratios almost completely inhibits the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase [Hara, H. & Kanazawa, T. (1986) J. Biol. Chem. 261, 16584-16590]. In an attempt to obtain information on the mechanism of this inhibition, the effects of A23187 on conformational changes involved in the Ca(2+)-induced activation of the enzyme were investigated. The purified enzyme from sarcoplasmic reticulum of rabbit skeletal muscle as well as the purified enzyme labeled with fluorescein 5-isothiocyanate (FITC) were preincubated with A23187 in the absence of Ca2+ at pH 7.0 and 0 degrees C for 45 min. The activation of the enzyme following addition of CaCl2 was assessed by determining the capacity for rapid formation of phosphoenzyme from ATP. This activation was strongly inhibited by the preincubation with A23187. This indicates that the previously observed inhibition of the Ca(2+)-ATPase is mostly due to hindrance of the Ca(2+)-induced activation of the enzyme. In the control, in which the FITC-labeled enzyme was preincubated without A23187, the fluorescence intensity of the bound FITC decreased in a biphasic manner upon addition of CaCl2. The first rapid phase of this fluorescence drop was unaffected by A23187, whereas its second slow phase was almost completely inhibited by this drug. These results show that the Ca(2+)-dependent conformational change is biphasic and that the second slow phase (but not the first rapid phase) of this conformational change is inhibited by A23187. This suggests that the observed inhibition of Ca2+ activation is attributed to hindrance of the second slow phase of the Ca(2+)-dependent conformational change.  相似文献   

GMP-140, a receptor for myeloid cells that is expressed on surfaces of thrombin-activated platelets and endothelial cells, is a member of the selectin family of adhesion molecules that regulate leukocyte interactions with the blood vessel wall. Each selectin contains an N-terminal domain homologous to Ca(2+)-dependent lectins and mediates cell-cell contact by binding to oligosaccharide ligands in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. The mechanisms by which Ca2+ promotes selectin-dependent cellular interactions have not been defined. We demonstrate that purified GMP-140 contains two high affinity binding sites for Ca2+ as measured by equilibrium dialysis (Kd = 22 +/- 2 microM). Occupancy of these sites by Ca2+ alters the conformation of the protein as detected by a reduction in intrinsic fluorescence emission intensity (Kd = 4.8 +/- 0.2 microM). This Ca(2+)-dependent conformational change exposes an epitope spanning residues 19-34 of the lectin domain that is recognized by a monoclonal antibody capable of blocking neutrophil adhesion to GMP-140 (half-maximal antibody binding at approximately 20 microM Ca2+). Furthermore, a synthetic peptide encoding this epitope, CQNRYTDLVAIQNKNE, inhibits neutrophil binding to GMP-140. Mg2+ also alters the conformation of the protein, but not in a manner that will support leukocyte recognition in the absence of Ca2+. There is a strong correlation between the Ca2+ levels required for neutrophil adhesion to GMP-140, for occupancy of the two Ca(2+)-binding sites, for the fluorescence-detected conformational change, and for exposure of the antibody epitope in the lectin domain. We conclude that binding of Ca2+ to high affinity sites on GMP-140 modulates the conformation of the lectin domain in a manner that is essential for leukocyte recognition.  相似文献   

Liu M  Barth A 《Biophysical journal》2003,85(5):3262-3270
Infrared spectroscopy was used to monitor the conformational change of 2',3'-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)adenosine 5'-monophosphate (TNP-AMP) binding to the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase. TNP-AMP binding was observed in a competition experiment: TNP-AMP is initially bound to the ATPase but is then replaced by beta,gamma-iminoadenosine 5'-triphosphate (AMPPNP) after AMPPNP release from P(3)-1-(2-nitrophenyl)ethyl AMPPNP (caged AMPPNP). The resulting infrared difference spectra are compared to those of AMPPNP binding to the free ATPase, to obtain a difference spectrum that reflects solely TNP-AMP binding to the Ca(2+)-ATPase. TNP-AMP used as an ATP analog in the crystal structure of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase was found to induce a conformational change upon binding to the ATPase. It binds with a binding mode that is different from that of AMPPNP, ATP, and other tri- and diphosphate nucleotides: TNP-AMP binding causes partially opposite and smaller conformational changes compared to ATP or AMPPNP. The conformation of the TNP-AMP ATPase complex is more similar to that of the E1Ca(2) state than to that of the E1ATPCa(2) state. Regarding the use of infrared spectroscopy as a technique for ligand binding studies, our results show that infrared spectroscopy is able to distinguish different binding modes.  相似文献   

Two series of site-directed mutations to the individual Ca(2+)-binding sites of Drosophila melanogaster calmodulin have been generated and studied. In each mutant, a conserved glutamic acid residue at position 12 in all of the Ca(2+)-binding loops has been mutated in one site. In one series the residue is changed to glutamine; in the second series the change is to lysine. The Ca(2+)-binding properties of these mutants and the wild-type protein under pseudo-physiological conditions are presented. In addition, Ca(2+)-induced changes to the environment of the single tyrosine residue (Tyr-138) have been studied for some of the mutants. Ca2+ binding to the wild-type protein is best modeled as two pairs of sites with a higher affinity pair that shows strong cooperativity. For all but one of these eight mutant proteins, only three Ca(2+)-binding events can be detected. In three of the amino-terminal mutants, the three residual sites are (i) a pair of relatively high affinity sites and (ii) a weakened low affinity site. For all four carboxyl-terminal mutations, the residual sites are three relatively low affinity sites. In general, mutations to sites 2 and 4 prove more deleterious than mutations to sites 1 and 3. The Ca(2+)-induced conformational changes in the vicinity of Tyr-138 are relatively undisturbed by mutations of site 1. However, the changes to Tyr-138 in the carboxyl-terminal site mutants indicate that upon disruption of the cooperative binding at the high affinity sites, conformational change in the carboxyl terminus occurs in two phases. It appears that binding of Ca2+ to either carboxyl-terminal site can elicit the first phase of the response but the second phase is almost abolished when site 4 is the mutated site. The final conformations of site 3 and 4 mutants are thus significantly different.  相似文献   

We have purified the two functionally distinct domains of gelsolin, a Ca(2+)-dependent actin binding protein, by proteolytic cleavage and characterized their size and shape in solution by dynamic light scattering. In the absence of calcium we obtained the same translational diffusion coefficient for both fragments which are of approximately equal molecular mass. The frictional ratio fo/fexp (1.33-1.39) is similar to the value as obtained for intact gelsolin (1.37) in aqueous solution (Patkowski, A., J. Seils, H. Hinssen, and T. Dorfmüller. 1990. Biopolymers. 30:427-435), indicating a similar molecular shape for the native protein as well as for the two subdomains. Upon addition of Ca2+ the translational diffusion coefficient of the carboxyl-terminal half decreased by almost 10%, while there was no change observed for the amino terminus. This result indicates that the ligand-induced conformational change as seen for intact gelsolin is probably located on the carboxyl-terminal domain of the protein. Since gelsolin has binding sites in both domains, and the isolated amino terminus binds and severs actin in a calcium-independent manner, our results suggests that the structural transition in the carboxyl-terminal part of intact gelsolin also affects the actin binding properties of the amino-terminal half.  相似文献   

The localization of Ca(2+)- and Mg(2+)-ATPases was determined in Aplysia central and peripheral nervous system, using an electron microscopic cytochemical method. The enzyme activity appeared localized to the membrane of glial granules (gliagrana), particularly in the peripheral nervous system of the esophagus, and on the plasma membrane of central glial cells adjacent to neuronal cell bodies. No calcium- and/or magnesium-ATPase activity was detectable on the plasma membrane of glial cells surrounding nerve axons in the pleuro-visceral connectives. These findings are discussed along two main lines: (a) the calcium-ATPase of the gliagrana coincides with a high intragranular calcium and/or proton concentration; and (b) the presence of a calcium-ATPase activity at the glio-neuronal interface around the neuronal cell bodies coincides with the use of calcium ions as charge carriers of the action potential, and its absence at the level of the axon with the concurrent functional use of sodium ions.  相似文献   

The skeletal muscle sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA1a) mediates muscle relaxation by pumping Ca(2+) from the cytosol to the ER/SR lumen. In efforts aimed at understanding the structural basis for the conformational changes accompanying the reaction cycle catalyzed by SERCA1a, we have studied the ATP-binding domain of SERCA1a in both nucleotide-bound and -free forms by NMR. Limited proteolysis analyses guided us to express a 28 kDa stably folded fragment containing the nucleotide-binding domain of SERCA1a spanning residues Thr357-Leu600. ATP binding activity was demonstrated for this fragment by a FITC competition assay. A nearly complete backbone resonance assignment of this 28 kDa ATP-binding fragment, in both the AMP-PNP-bound and -free forms, was obtained by means of heteronuclear multidimensional NMR techniques. NMR titration experiments with AMP-PNP revealed a confined nucleotide-binding site which coincides with a cytoplasmic pocket region identified in the crystal structure of apo-SERCA1a. These results are consistent with previous site-directed mutagenesis studies of SERCA1a.  相似文献   

缺血—再灌注过程中心肌肌浆网钙摄取和...   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
齐鹰  吴立玲 《生理学报》1992,44(4):379-385
Using Langendorff's perfusion model of isolated rat heart, the effect of period of ischemia, ischemia-reperfusion and changes in perfusate pH on the function of calcium uptake of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) was observed. The initial rate and capacity of calcium uptake by SR decreased significantly after 25 min ischemia, and were further worsened when ischemia was prolonged to 40 min. When hearts were subjected to 15 min reperfusion after 25 min ischemia, calcium uptake capacity and initial rate decreased even more in comparison with that of 40 min ischemia. In addition, the calcium dependent ATPase activity of SR was also markedly inhibited. Reperfusion with acid (pH 6.8) or alkaline (pH 8.0) made no significant difference on the aforementioned reperfusion induced changes. The results indicated that myocardial ischemia depressed the calcium transport activity of SR, and this depression was further aggravated with prolonging ischemia. Reperfusion after ischemia exacerbated the ischemic injury. Reperfusion with either acid or alkaline Krebs-Henseleit solution could not improve the calcium uptake function of SR, implying that the pH change does not seem to be an important factor in inducing the SR dysfunction during ischemia-reperfusion.  相似文献   

We have used four mutant calmodulins to study the regulation of human erythrocyte Ca(2+)-ATPase by the calmodulin-dependent pathway; the conserved Glu at position 12 in each of the four Ca(2+)-binding domains of calmodulin (Glu31, Glu67, Glu104, or Glu140) was replaced by Ala. At pCa 7, where unmodified calmodulin maximally activates the erythrocyte Ca(2+)-ATPase, all four mutants stimulated Ca(2+)-ATPase activity to the same maximal velocity. However, the concentrations of mutant calmodulins required for half-maximal activation (KCaM) were significantly higher than that for unmodified calmodulin and were strongly dependent on the domain in which the mutated Glu was located; substitution in either the first or second Ca(2+)-binding domain had little effect (2-3-fold increase in KCaM), whereas substitution in either the third or fourth domain resulted in a dramatic, 25-71-fold increase in KCaM. The same order of sensitivity was observed when the Ca2+ dependence of enzyme activation was measured at a constant 100 nM concentration of mutant calmodulin. These data point to dramatic differences in the functional significance of the replacement of the Glu at position 12 in each of the four Ca(2+)-binding domains for activation of the Ca(2+)-ATPase. The 2 Glu residues located in the carboxyl-terminal half of calmodulin (particularly Glu140) are crucial for activation of the Ca(2+)-ATPase at physiologically significant Ca2+ concentrations.  相似文献   

Calcium influx is required for the mammalian sperm acrosome reaction (AR), an exocytotic event occurring in the sperm head prior to fertilization. We show here that thapsigargin, a highly specific inhibitor of the microsomal Ca(2+)-Mg(2+)-ATPase (Ca(2+) pump), can initiate acrosomal exocytosis in capacitated bovine and ram spermatozoa. Initiation of acrosomal exocytosis by thapsigargin requires an influx of Ca(2+), since incubation of cells in the absence of added Ca(2+) or in the presence of the calcium channel blocker, La(3+), completely inhibited thapsigargin-induced acrosomal exocytosis. ATP-Dependent calcium accumulation into nonmitochondrial stores was detected in permeabilized sperm in the presence of ATP and mitochondrial uncoupler. This activity was inhibited by thapsigargin. Thapsigargin elevated the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)), and this increase was inhibited when extracellular Ca(2+) was chelated by EGTA, indicating that this rise in Ca(2+) is derived from the external medium. This rise of [Ca(2+)](i) took place first in the head and later in the midpiece of the spermatozoon. However, immunostaining using a polyclonal antibody directed against the purified inositol 1,4,5-tris-phosphate receptor (IP(3)-R) identified specific staining in the acrosome region, in the postacrosome, and along the tail, but not in the midpiece region. No staining in the acrosome region was observed in sperm without acrosome, indicating that the acrosome cap was stained in intact sperm. The presence of IP(3)-R in the anterior acrosomal region as well as the induction, by thapsigargin, of intracellular Ca(2+) elevation in the acrosomal region and acrosomal exocytosis, implicates the acrosome as a potential cellular Ca(2+) store. We suggest here that the cytosolic Ca(2+) is actively transported into the acrosome by an ATP-dependent, thapsigargin-sensitive Ca(2+) pump and that the accumulated Ca(2+) is released from the acrosome via an IP(3)-gated calcium channel. The ability of thapsigargin to increase [Ca(2+)](i) could be due to depletion of Ca(2+) in the acrosome, resulting in the opening of a capacitative calcium entry channel in the plasma membrane. The effect of thapsigargin on elevated [Ca(2+)](i) in capacitated cells was 2-fold higher than that in noncapacitated sperm, suggesting that the intracellular Ca pump is active during capacitation and that this pump may have a role in regulating [Ca(2+)](i) during capacitation and the AR.  相似文献   

Komeiji Y  Ueno Y  Uebayasi M 《FEBS letters》2002,521(1-3):133-139
Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to simulate Ca(2+)-dependent conformational change of calmodulin (CaM). Simulations of the fully Ca(2+)-bound form of CaM (Holo-CaM) and the Ca(2+)-free form (Apo-CaM) were performed in solution for 4 ns starting from the X-ray crystal structure of Holo-CaM. A striking difference was observed between the trajectories of Holo-CaM and Apo-CaM: the central helix remained straight in the former but became largely bent in the latter. Also, the flexibility of Apo-CaM was higher than that of Holo-CaM. The results indicated that the bound Ca(2+) ions harden the structure of CaM.  相似文献   

The Ca(2+) binding sites of the Ca(2+)-ATPase of skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) have been identified as two high-affinity sites orientated towards the cytoplasm, two sites of low affinity facing the lumen, and a transient occluded species that is isolated from both membrane surfaces. Binding and release studies, using (45)Ca(2+), have invoked models with sequential binding and release from high- and low-affinity sites in a channel-like structure. We have characterised turnover conditions in isolated SR vesicles with oxalate in a Ca(2+)-limited state, [Ca(2)](lim), where both high- and low-affinity sites are vacant in the absence of chelators (Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1418 (1999) 48-60). Thapsigargin (TG), a high-affinity specific inhibitor of the Ca(2+)-ATPase, released a fraction of total Ca(2+) at [Ca(2+)](lim) that accumulated during active transport. Maximal Ca(2+) release was at 2:1 TG/ATPase. Ionophore, A23187, and Triton X-100 released the rest of Ca(2+) resistant to TG. The amount of Ca(2+) released depended on the incubation time at [Ca(2+)](lim), being 3.0 nmol/mg at 20 s and 0.42 nmol/mg at 1000 s. Rate constants for release declined from 0. 13 to 0.03 s(-1). The rapidly released early fraction declined with time and k=0.13 min(-1). Release was not due to reversal of the pump cycle since ADP had no effect; neither was release impaired with substrates acetyl phosphate or GTP. A phase of reuptake of Ca(2+) followed release, being greater with shorter delay (up to 200 s) following active transport. Reuptake was minimal with GTP, with delays more than 300 s, and was abolished by vanadate and at higher [TG], >5 microM. Ruthenium red had no effect on efflux, indicating that ryanodine-sensitive efflux channels in terminal cisternal membranes are not involved in the Ca(2+) release mechanism. It is concluded that the Ca(2+) released by TG is from the occluded Ca(2+) fraction. The Ca(2+) occlusion sites appear to be independent of both high-affinity cytoplasmic and low-affinity lumenal sites, supporting a multisite 'in line' sequential binding mechanism for Ca(2+) transport.  相似文献   

The role of calmodulin in the regulation of microsomal 45Ca2+ transport in canine tracheal smooth muscle was studied. Calmodulin stimulated ATP-dependent 45Ca2+ uptake and (Ca2+Mg2+)-ATPase activities in microsomes treated with 0.5 mM EDTA and 0.5 mM EGTA. Oxalate also stimulated ATP-dependent 45Ca2+ uptake and (Ca2+Mg2+)-ATPase activities and the stimulation was additive to the effects of calmodulin. The (Ca2+Mg2+)-ATPase and ATP-dependent 45Ca2+ uptake activities are probably related as they exhibited similar [Ca2+]free- and [calmodulin]-dependencies. These results indicate that calmodulin may play a role in the control of the cytosolic [Ca2+]free in canine tracheal smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA) transports two Ca(2+) ions across the membrane of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum against the concentration gradient, harvesting the required energy by hydrolyzing one ATP molecule during each transport cycle. Although SERCA is one of the best structurally characterized membrane transporters, it is still largely unknown how the transported Ca(2+) ions reach their transmembrane binding sites in SERCA from the cytoplasmic side. Here, we performed extended all-atom molecular dynamics simulations of SERCA. The calculated electrostatic potential of the protein reveals a putative mechanism by which cations may be attracted to and bind to the Ca(2+)-free state of the transporter. Additional molecular dynamics simulations performed on a Ca(2+)-bound state of SERCA reveal a water-filled pathway that may be used by the Ca(2+) ions to reach their buried binding sites from the cytoplasm. Finally, several residues that are involved in attracting and guiding the cations toward the possible entry channel are identified. The results point to a single Ca(2+) entry site close to the kinked part of the first transmembrane helix, in a region loaded with negatively charged residues. From this point, a water pathway outlines a putative Ca(2+) translocation pathway toward the transmembrane ion-binding sites.  相似文献   

Dissociation of purified erythrocyte Ca(2+)-ATPase by hydrostatic pressure.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Subunit interactions in the Ca(2+)-ATPase from erythrocyte plasma membranes were investigated through a combination of fluorescence spectroscopy and high-pressure techniques. Application of hydrostatic pressure in the range of 1 bar to 2.4 kbar promoted full dissociation of the ATPase, as revealed by spectral shifts of the intrinsic fluorescence emission and by changes in the fluorescence polarization of dansyl-conjugated ATPase. Pressure dissociation of the ATPase displayed a dependence on protein concentration compatible with dissociation of a dimer. Calculated from pressure-dissociation curves, the standard volume change dV0 for the association of subunits was 43-50 ml/mol and K0, the dissociation constant at atmospheric pressure, was 6-9 x 10(-8) M. Addition of Ca2+ stabilized the dimeric ATPase structure against pressure dissociation, whereas addition of vanadate facilitated dissociation by pressure. These results suggest that intersubunit interactions depend on the equilibrium between the two major conformational states E1 and E2 of the ATPase. Addition of calmodulin in the presence of Ca2+ had no additional effect when compared to that observed in the presence of Ca2+ alone. This finding is interpreted in terms of the mechanism of calmodulin activation of ATPase catalysis.  相似文献   

Rapid quench experiments at 25 degrees C were carried out on selected mutants of the sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase to assess the kinetics of the conformational changes of the dephosphoenzyme associated with ATP binding/phosphoryl transfer and the binding and dissociation of Ca(2+) at the cytoplasmically facing transport sites. The mutants Gly(233) --> Glu, Gly(233) --> Val, Pro(312) --> Ala, Leu(319) --> Arg, and Lys(684) --> Arg differed conspicuously with respect to the behavior of the dephosphoenzyme, although they were previously shown to display a common block of the transformation of the phosphoenzyme from an ADP-sensitive to an ADP-insensitive form. The maximum rate of the ATP binding/phosphoryl transfer reaction was reduced 3.6-fold in mutant Gly(233) --> Glu and more than 50-fold in mutant Lys(684) --> Arg, relative to wild type. In mutant Leu(319) --> Arg, the rate of the Ca(2+)-binding transition was reduced as much as 10-30-fold depending on the presence of ATP. In mutants Gly(233) --> Glu, Gly(233) --> Val, and Pro(312) --> Ala, the rate of the Ca(2+)-binding transition was increased at least 2-3-fold at acid pH but not significantly at neutral pH, suggesting a destabilization of the protonated form. The rate of Ca(2+) dissociation was reduced 12-fold in mutant Pro(312) --> Ala and 3.5-fold in Leu(319) --> Arg, and increased at least 4-fold in a mutant in which the putative Ca(2+) liganding residue Glu(309) was replaced by aspartate. The data support a model in which Pro(312) and Leu(319) are closely associated with the cation binding pocket, Gly(233) is part of a long-range signal transmission pathway between the ion-binding sites and the catalytic site, and Lys(684) is an essential catalytic residue that may function in the same way as its counterpart in the soluble hydrolases belonging to the haloacid dehalogenase superfamily.  相似文献   

Preincubation of thapsigargin with sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles in the presence of high Ca(2+) or the addition of high Ca(2+) to microsomal vesicles preincubated with thapsigargin in the absence of Ca(2+) allowed full enzyme phosphorylation by ATP. However, the enzyme activity was not protected by high Ca(2+) even when the samples were subjected to gel filtration before ATP addition. Our data indicate that: (i) the enzyme in the Ca(2+)-bound conformation can be stabilized in the presence of thapsigargin; (ii) the conformational transition from the Ca(2+)-free to the Ca(2+)-bound state can be elicited by Ca(2+) when thapsigargin is present; (iii) thapsigargin binding occurs whether or not the enzyme is in the presence of Ca(2+), and so a ternary complex enzyme-Ca(2+)-thapsigargin may be formed; (iv) thapsigargin can be dissociated from the enzyme with a slow kinetics after dilution under drastic conditions; (v) the kinetics of Ca(2+) binding is clearly slowed down by thapsigargin; and (vi) thapsigargin does not affect the hydrolysis rate of phosphorylating substrates when measured in the absence of Ca(2+), indicating that thapsigargin specifically inhibits the Ca(2+)-dependent activity.  相似文献   

The (Ca2(+)-Mg2(+)-ATPase purified from skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum binds two Ca2+ ions per ATPase molecule. On reconstitution into bilayers of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine [C18:1)PC) or dinervonylphosphatidylcholine [C24:1)PC) the stoichiometry of binding remains unchanged, but when the ATPase is reconstituted into bilayers of dimyristoleoylphosphatidylcholine [C14:1)PC) the stoichiometry changes to one Ca2+ ion per ATPase molecule. Nevertheless, the level of phosphorylation is the same for the ATPase reconstituted with (C18:1)PC or (C14:1)PC. The effect of (C14:1)PC on the stoichiometry of Ca2+ binding is prevented by androstenol at a 1:1 molar ratio with the phospholipid.  相似文献   

In many cell types, receptor stimulation evokes cytosolic calcium oscillations with a frequency that depends on agonist dose. Previous studies demonstrated controversial effects of changing the activity of the endoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase upon the frequency of oscillations. By numerical simulations, we found that the model of De Young and Keizer (J. Keizer and G.W. De Young, 1994, J. Theor. Biol. 166: 431-442), unlike other models, can explain the observed discrepancies, assuming that the different experiments were performed at different stimulus levels. According to model predictions, partial inhibition of internal calcium pumps is expected to increase frequency at low stimulus strength and should have an opposite effect at strong stimuli. Similar results were obtained using an analytical estimation of oscillation period, based on calcium-dependent channel activation and inactivation. In experiments on HeLa cells, 4 nM thapsigargin increased the frequency of calcium oscillations induced by 1 and 2.5 microM histamine but had no effect on supramaximally stimulated cells. In HEp-2 cells, 2 nM thapsigargin slowed down the rapid, ATP-induced oscillations. Our results suggest that in the investigated cell types, the De Young-Keizer model based on inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-dependent calcium-induced calcium release can properly describe intracellular calcium oscillations.  相似文献   

The bidentate complex of ATP with Cr(3+), CrATP, is a nucleotide analog that is known to inhibit the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase and the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase, so that these enzymes accumulate in a conformation with the transported ion (Ca(2+) and Na(+), respectively) occluded from the medium. Here, it is shown that CrATP is also an effective and irreversible inhibitor of the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase. The complex inhibited with similar efficiency the Ca(2+)-dependent ATPase and the phosphatase activities as well as the enzyme phosphorylation by ATP. The inhibition proceeded slowly (T(1/2)=30 min at 37 degrees C) with a K(i)=28+/-9 microM. The inclusion of ATP, ADP or AMPPNP in the inhibition medium effectively protected the enzyme against the inhibition, whereas ITP, which is not a PMCA substrate, did not. The rate of inhibition was strongly dependent on the presence of Mg(2+) but unaltered when Ca(2+) was replaced by EGTA. In spite of the similarities with the inhibition of other P-ATPases, no apparent Ca(2+) occlusion was detected concurrent with the inhibition by CrATP. In contrast, inhibition by the complex of La(3+) with ATP, LaATP, induced the accumulation of phosphoenzyme with a simultaneous occlusion of Ca(2+) at a ratio close to 1.5 mol/mol of phosphoenzyme. The results suggest that the transport of Ca(2+) promoted by the plasma membrane Ca(2+)-ATPase goes through an enzymatic phospho-intermediate that maintains Ca(2+) ions occluded from the media. This intermediate is stabilized by LaATP but not by CrATP.  相似文献   

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