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The use of cross-species hybridization (CSH) to DNA microarrays, in which the target RNA and microarray probe are from different species, has increased in the past few years. CSH is used in comparative, evolutionary and ecological studies of closely related species, and for gene-expression profiling of many species that lack a representative microarray platform. However, unlike species-specific hybridization, CSH is still considered a non-standard use of microarrays. Here, we present the recent developments in the field of CSH for cDNA and oligomer microarray platforms. We discuss issues that influence the quality of CSH results, including platform choice, experiment design and data analysis, and suggest strategies that can lead to improvement of CSH studies to investigate species diversity.  相似文献   

In this study, we used the rat liver as a model system to optimize the conditions for extracting RNA from liver biopsies for use in cDNA microarrays. We found that a 5-mm biopsy with a 16-gauge needle and storage in RNA later at 4 degrees C were optimal conditions for RNA extraction. The most important factor for the quantity and quality of RNA extraction was the sample diameter. Using the optimized sampling conditions and a cDNA microarray, we compared the expression of genes in the normal and the fibrotic tissues of the LEC rat liver, a model of liver tumorigenesis, with SD rat liver RNA as a reference. We found 29 genes that were up-regulated and 33 genes that were down-regulated in the fibrotic part of the liver. Furthermore, with the help of the reference RNA, we were able to classify the expression profiles into five groups without complex mathematical analyses; without the reference RNA, the genes could be classified into only two groups. Finally, we found that osteopontin was expressed at a very high level in the fibrotic portion of the LEC rat liver. This cDNA microarray result was validated by immunohistochemistry, which showed an elevated expression of osteopontin in the region of cholangiocarcinoma and a lack of expression in normal tissues. With optimized conditions, we should be able to apply the microarray system for routine practice.  相似文献   

A concise guide to cDNA microarray analysis   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
Hegde P  Qi R  Abernathy K  Gay C  Dharap S  Gaspard R  Hughes JE  Snesrud E  Lee N  Quackenbush J 《BioTechniques》2000,29(3):548-50, 552-4, 556 passim
Microarray expression analysis has become one of the most widely used functional genomics tools. Efficient application of this technique requires the development of robust and reproducible protocols. We have optimized all aspects of the process, including PCR amplification of target cDNA clones, microarray printing, probe labeling and hybridization, and have developed strategies for data normalization and analysis.  相似文献   

一种标记cDNA芯片探针的新方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨mRNA长片段反转录PCR技术(RT-LDPCR)在cDNA芯片微量探针标记和信号放大中的应用.首先提取BEP2D细胞的总RNA,然后用两种不同的方法进行标记,一种为RT-LDPCR,用荧光素Cy3-dCTP进行标记;另一种为传统的RNA反转录,用荧光素Cy5-dCTP进行标记.将两种方法标记好的探针等量混合后与含有440个点(44个基因)的cDNA芯片同时杂交,发现二者具有很高的一致性(0.5<Cy3/Cy5>2.0).由于RNA反转录法为cDNA芯片探针标记的传统方法,从而验证了RT-LDPCR用于cDNA芯片探针标记的可行性.RT-LDPCR具有对样品总RNA的需要量少和可对样品中信号进行放大的优点,特别适合于对材料来源受到限制的RNA进行标记.  相似文献   

Image and statistical analysis are two important stages of cDNA microarrays. Of these, gridding is necessary to accurately identify the location of each spot while extracting spot intensities from the microarray images and automating this procedure permits high-throughput analysis. Due to the deficiencies of the equipment used to print the arrays, rotations, misalignments, high contamination with noise and artifacts, and the enormous amount of data generated, solving the gridding problem by means of an automatic system is not trivial. Existing techniques to solve the automatic grid segmentation problem cover only limited aspects of this challenging problem and require the user to specify the size of the spots, the number of rows and columns in the grid, and boundary conditions. In this paper, a hill-climbing automatic gridding and spot quantification technique is proposed which takes a microarray image (or a subgrid) as input and makes no assumptions about the size of the spots, rows, and columns in the grid. The proposed method is based on a hill-climbing approach that utilizes different objective functions. The method has been found to effectively detect the grids on microarray images drawn from databases from GEO and the Stanford genomic laboratories.  相似文献   

RNA amplification strategies for cDNA microarray experiments   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  



Normalization is a critical step in analysis of gene expression profiles. For dual-labeled arrays, global normalization assumes that the majority of the genes on the array are non-differentially expressed between the two channels and that the number of over-expressed genes approximately equals the number of under-expressed genes. These assumptions can be inappropriate for custom arrays or arrays in which the reference RNA is very different from the experimental samples.  相似文献   

In this paper, correlation of the pixels comprising a microarray spot is investigated. Subsequently, correlation statistics, namely, Pearson correlation and Spearman rank correlation, are used to segment the foreground and background intensity of microarray spots. The performance of correlation-based segmentation is compared to clustering-based (PAM, k-means) and seeded-region growing techniques (SPOT). It is shown that correlation-based segmentation is useful in flagging poorly hybridized spots, thus minimizing false-positives. The present study also raises the intriguing question of whether a change in correlation can be an indicator of differential gene expression.  相似文献   

New normalization methods for cDNA microarray data   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
MOTIVATION: The focus of this paper is on two new normalization methods for cDNA microarrays. After the image analysis has been performed on a microarray and before differentially expressed genes can be detected, some form of normalization must be applied to the microarrays. Normalization removes biases towards one or other of the fluorescent dyes used to label each mRNA sample allowing for proper evaluation of differential gene expression. RESULTS: The two normalization methods that we present here build on previously described non-linear normalization techniques. We extend these techniques by firstly introducing a normalization method that deals with smooth spatial trends in intensity across microarrays, an important issue that must be dealt with. Secondly we deal with normalization of a new type of cDNA microarray experiment that is coming into prevalence, the small scale specialty or 'boutique' array, where large proportions of the genes on the microarrays are expected to be highly differentially expressed. AVAILABILITY: The normalization methods described in this paper are available via http://www.pi.csiro.au/gena/ in a software suite called tRMA: tools for R Microarray Analysis upon request of the authors. Images and data used in this paper are also available via the same link.  相似文献   



Normalization is a basic step in microarray data analysis. A proper normalization procedure ensures that the intensity ratios provide meaningful measures of relative expression values.  相似文献   

Hu L  Cogdell DE  Jia YJ  Hamilton SR  Zhang W 《BioTechniques》2002,32(3):528, 530-522, 534
Academic researchers are increasingly producing and using cDNA microarrays. Their quality and hybridization specificity are crucial in determining whether the generated data are accurate and interpretable. Here, we describe two methods of monitoring microarray production, the sustainability of DNA attachment, and the specificity of hybridization. The first method consists of labeling an oligonucleotide, which is one of the primers used to amplify all cDNA probes on the array (except for beta-actin and GAPDH) with fluorescent dye and hybridize it to the cDNA microarray. Attachment of the cDNAs on the array after the hybridization procedure was monitored by visualizing fluorescent signals from the spots on the array. In the second method, two selected DNA targets, beta-actin and GAPDH, were labeled with fluorescent dye to hybridize to the cDNA array. Hence, hybridization specificity was demonstrated by obtaining fluorescent signals solely from the genes corresponding to the target.  相似文献   

Normalization of cDNA microarray data   总被引:43,自引:0,他引:43  
Normalization means to adjust microarray data for effects which arise from variation in the technology rather than from biological differences between the RNA samples or between the printed probes. This paper describes normalization methods based on the fact that dye balance typically varies with spot intensity and with spatial position on the array. Print-tip loess normalization provides a well-tested general purpose normalization method which has given good results on a wide range of arrays. The method may be refined by using quality weights for individual spots. The method is best combined with diagnostic plots of the data which display the spatial and intensity trends. When diagnostic plots show that biases still remain in the data after normalization, further normalization steps such as plate-order normalization or scale-normalization between the arrays may be undertaken. Composite normalization may be used when control spots are available which are known to be not differentially expressed. Variations on loess normalization include global loess normalization and two-dimensional normalization. Detailed commands are given to implement the normalization techniques using freely available software.  相似文献   

Hierarchical Bayes models for cDNA microarray gene expression   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
cDNA microarrays are used in many contexts to compare mRNA levels between samples of cells. Microarray experiments typically give us expression measurements on 1000-20 000 genes, but with few replicates for each gene. Traditional methods using means and standard deviations to detect differential expression are not satisfactory in this context. A handful of alternative statistics have been developed, including several empirical Bayes methods. In the present paper we present two full hierarchical Bayes models for detecting gene expression, of which one (D) describes our microarray data very well. We also compare the full Bayes and empirical Bayes approaches with respect to model assumptions, false discovery rates and computer running time. The proposed models are compared to existing empirical Bayes models in a simulation study and for a set of data (Yuen et al., 2002), where 27 genes have been categorized by quantitative real-time PCR. It turns out that the existing empirical Bayes methods have at least as good performance as the full Bayes ones.  相似文献   

We have designed and established a low-density (295 genes) cDNA microarray for the prediction of IFN efficacy in hepatitis C patients. To obtain a precise and consistent microarray data, we collected a data set from three spots for each gene (mRNA) and using three different scanning conditions. We also established an artificial reference RNA representing pseudo-inflammatory conditions from established hepatocyte cell lines supplemented with synthetic RNAs to 48 inflammatory genes. We also developed a novel algorithm that replaces the standard hierarchical-clustering method and allows handling of the large data set with ease. This algorithm utilizes a standard space database (SSDB) as a key scale to calculate the Mahalanobis distance (MD) from the center of gravity in the SSDB. We further utilized sMD (divided by parameter k: MD/k) to reduce MD number as a predictive value. The efficacy prediction of conventional IFN mono-therapy was 100% for non-responder (NR) vs. transient responder (TR)/sustained responder (SR) (P < 0.0005). Finally, we show that this method is acceptable for clinical application.  相似文献   

DNA microarray data are affected by variations from a number of sources. Before these data can be used to infer biological information, the extent of these variations must be assessed. Here we describe an open source software package, lcDNA, that provides tools for filtering, normalizing, and assessing the statistical significance of cDNA microarray data. The program employs a hierarchical Bayesian model and Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation to estimate gene-specific confidence intervals for each gene in a cDNA microarray data set. This program is designed to perform these primary analytical operations on data from two-channel spotted, or in situ synthesized, DNA microarrays.  相似文献   

Normalisation is an essential first step in the analysis of most cDNA microarray data, to correct for effects arising from imperfections in the technology. Loess smoothing is commonly used to correct for trends in log-ratio data. However, parametric models, such as the additive plus multiplicative variance model, have been preferred for scale normalisation, though the variance structure of microarray data may be of a more complex nature than can be accommodated by a parametric model. We propose a new nonparametric approach that incorporates location and scale normalisation simultaneously using a Generalised Additive Model for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS, Rigby and Stasinopoulos, 2005, Applied Statistics, 54, 507-554). We compare its performance in inferring differential expression with Huber et al.'s (2002, Bioinformatics, 18, 96-104) arsinh variance stabilising transformation (AVST) using real and simulated data. We show GAMLSS to be as powerful as AVST when the parametric model is correct, and more powerful when the model is wrong.  相似文献   

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