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Stress-induced abscission of buds and flowers is a constraintto the production of peppers (Capsicum annuum L.). Susceptibilityof pepper cultivars to stress-induced abscission may be relatedto assimilate levels and partitioning. Growth analysis experimentswere conducted in the field to determine whether cultivars differingin susceptibility to stress-induced abscission showed correspondingdifferences in growth rates and dry matter partitioning whensubjected to low light stress. With the stress susceptible cultivar'Shamrock', reduction in net assimilation rate (NAR) and relativegrowth rate (RGR) was greater under low light stress than withthe more tolerant cultivar 'Ace'. Compared to 'Ace', 'Shamrock'partitioned a smaller proportion of dry matter into reproductiveorgans and a larger proportion into expanded leaves. Cultivarsdid not differ in the amount of dry matter partitioned to youngleaves or in the extent to which accumulation of dry matterby young leaves was reduced by low light stress. Other experimentsconducted in growth chambers and greenhouse examined the effectof removal of leaves less than 3 cm long on high temperatureand low light stress-induced bud and flower abscission. Forboth 'Ace' and 'Shamrock', abscission was not altered by removalof these leaves. Preferential partitioning of assimilate toyoung leaves does not appear to be involved in stress-inducedabscission in these pepper cultivars.Copyright 1994, 1999 AcademicPress Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), abscission, low light stress, high temperature stress, assimilate partitioning, assimilation/growth rate, growth analysis, defoliation  相似文献   

Flower and immature fruit abscission can be caused by proximatefactors preventing the development of all flowers into maturefruits. Two potential limiting factors, pollen supply and carbohydrateavailability, were assessed as relative constraints on accumulationof fruit dry matter inPersoonia rigida(Proteaceae). Naturalpollen transfer was highly efficient, and no evidence of self-incompatibilitywas found. Levels of fruit set (67.4% following open-pollinationand 50.4–58.8% following hand-pollinations) may be thehighest recorded for a species of Proteaceae with hermaphroditicflowers. Fruit abscission occurred principally in a single phasefrom 4–10 weeks post-anthesis, with a peak during theeighth week post-anthesis, and this early abscission was theresult of fertilization failure in some flowers. Manipulationof carbohydrate availability by girdling and/or defoliationof branches provided evidence that carbohydrate supply affectedfruit set only when supply was very low. Fruit abscission dueto very low carbohydrate availability on defoliated brancheswas evident during the early abscission phase but was more pronouncedduring the second half of the fruit development period (>17weeks post-anthesis), coinciding with the period of greatestdry matter demand by the fruits. Minimal fruit abscission occurredduring this later period on leaf-bearing branches. Increasesin carbohydrate supply had no effect on fruit set, but fruitsize was highly sensitive to carbohydrate availability. Subtendingand adjacent leaves were identified as major contributors tothe carbohydrate supply of fruits, although some carbohydratecould be obtained from beyond the fruiting branch. Despite thehigh levels of natural fruit set, both pollen supply and resourceavailability were indicated as potential constraints on accumulationof fruit dry matter inP. rigida.Copyright 1999 Annals of BotanyCompany. Persoonia rigidaR.Br., Proteaceae, pollination, carbohydrates, fruit set, fruit size, abscission, girdling.  相似文献   

Dry mass production, leaf characteristics and diurnal photosynthesisof two N. tabacum L. genotypes selected for survival at lowCO2 and the parent Wisconsin-38 (control plants) were measuredon water-stressed and well-watered plants in the field. Differencesin photosynthesis per unit leaf area were small and not significantbetween genotypes, but different patterns of photosynthesiswere observed in stressed and non-stressed plants, with waterstress reducing total net carbon fixation by 45% in all genotypes.More dry mass was produced by the selected genotypes than byWisconsin-38 under irrigation. Production was smaller and thesame for all three genotypes when stressed. The increased drymass of the selected genotypes was related to greater totalleaf area per plant which was accompanied by more cells perunit leaf area but smaller cell volume than in the control plants.The decrease in dry mass production under water stress was relatedto a decrease in total leaf area per plant and a decrease incell number per unit leaf area; however, cell volume increased. Key words: Water stress, photosynthesis, productivity, leaf cells, genotype  相似文献   

Light control of leaf abscission in Coleus (Coleus blumei Benthcv. Ball 2719 Red) appears to be regulated by the quantity ofendogenous auxin transported from the leaf blade to the abscissionzone. Gas chromatographic—mass spectrophotometric analysisindicated that diffusate collected from leaf tissue treatedwith red light contained significantly higher levels of auxinthan dark and far-red light-treated leaf tissue. In addition,diffusate from red light-treated tissue inhibited abscissionof leafless petioles while diffusate from far-red light-treatedtissue promoted abcission when compared with diffusate fromdark-treated tissue. The effect of red light on abscission couldbe mimicked by IAA, but not by other phytohormones. An auxintransport inhibitor, 2, 3, 5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), appliedeither as a lanolin ring around the petiole or vacuum infiltratedinto tissue, could completely eliminate any red light effecton abscission. The data are consistent with a phytochrome-mediatedlight regulation of endogenous auxin level in the leaf whichthen controls abscission. Key words: Abscission, Coleus, IAA, plant hormones, red (far-red) light, TIBA  相似文献   

Malformin, which induces resistance to dark leaf abscissionfollowing treatment in the light, did not alter the course ofdark aging (loss of chlorophyll, wet and dry weight) in Vigna.Peroxydisulfate, which destroys IAA, did not influence malformininducedabscission resistance. Leaf blades from cuttings treated withmalformin in the light contained higher levels of abscissioninhibitors, which could be divided into ethanolsoluble and water-solublefractions. The inhibitors appeared to be heat stable anionsthat are insoluble in ether. Although malformin also increasedthe amount of abscission inhibitors in leaves when applied inthe dark, where malformin stimulates abscission, a parallelincrease in abscission stimulators may explain the failure ofthese inhibitors to function in the dark. (Received June 25, 1984; Accepted August 20, 1984)  相似文献   

Studies on the histology and on effects of growth substancesand phenols as well as changes in activities of pectinmethylesterase indicated that the mechanism of abscission of Hevealeaflets infected with Microcyclus ulei differed from the mechanismof abscission of debladed, ethylene treated and senescent leaves.An abscission layer which was formed during abscission of debladed,ethylene-treated and senescent leaves was absent during abscissionof heavily diseased leaves. The ratio of pectinmethyl esteraseactivities in tissues distal to the abscission zone to activitiesin tissues proximal to the zone decreased in debladed and ethylenetreated leaves but such decreases were not detected during abscissionof Hevea leaves infected with M. ulei. Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg., rubber, leaf abscission, Microcyclus ulei, ethylene, indol-3-ylacetic acid, kinetin  相似文献   

6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) delays leaf abscission of soybeanGlycine max (L.) Merr. Abscission of the distal pulvinus ofprimary leaves was induced in 12-d-old seedlings or explantsby removal of the leaf blade. BAP applied to the cut end ofthe pulvinus following leaf blade removal delayed abscission.Discoloration of the pulvinus occurred before abscission commencedand the number of grana in chloroplasts within cortical parenchymacells of the pulvinus decreased over time following leaf bladeremoval. BAP prevented discoloration of pulvinus tissues anda decrease in grana number. Starch grains within amyloplastsof cells of the starch sheath in the pulvinus disappeared followingleaf blade removal, whereas starch accumulated within the abscissionzone prior to abscission. BAP prevented this apparent redistributionof starch and instead promoted an increase in starch withinplastids of cortical parenchyma cells of the pulvinus. Duringthe abscission process, cells within the separation layer enlargedand their nuclei and nucleoli became more evident prior to theirseparation from one another. Cell separation resulted from breakdownof middle lamellae and partial degradation of primary cell walls.Cycloheximide applied directly to the external surface of theabscission zone inhibited abscission in a similar way to theBAP treatment. These results suggest that BAP prevents abscissionby altering patterns of starch distribution in the pulvinusand abscission zone and by inhibiting the synthesis of proteinsthat typically appear de novo in induced abscission zone tissues. Key words: Benzylaminopurine, BAP, Soybean, Pulvinus, Abscission, amyloplast.  相似文献   

Vegetative crops of chrysanthemum were grown for 5 or 6 weekperiods in daylit assimilation chambers. Crop responses to differentradiation levels and temperatures were analysed into effectson dry matter partitioning, specific leaf area, leaf photosynthesisand canopy light interception. The percentage of newly formed dry matter partitioned to theleaves was almost constant, although with increasing radiationor decreasing temperature, a greater percentage of dry matterwas partitioned to stem tissue at the expense of root tissue.There was a positive correlation between the percentage of drymatter in shoot material and the overall carbon: dry matterratio. Canopy photosynthesis was analysed assuming identical behaviourfor all leaves in the crop. Leaf photochemical efficiency wasonly slightly affected by crop environment. The rate of grossphotosynthesis per unit leaf area at light saturation, PA (max),increased with increasing radiation integral, but the same parameterexpressed per unit leaf dry matter, Pw (max) was almost unaffectedby growth radiation. In contrast, PA (max) was hardly affectedby temperature but Pw (max) increased with increasing growthtemperature. This was because specific leaf area decreased withdecreasing temperature and increased with decreasing radiation.There was a positive correlation between canopy respirationintegral and photosynthesis integral, and despite a four-foldchange in crop mass during the experiments, the maintenancecomponent of canopy respiration remained small and constant. Canopy extinction coefficient showed no consistent variationwith radiation integral but was negatively correlated with temperature.This decrease in the efficiency of the canopy at interceptingradiation exactly cancelled the increase in specific carbonassimilation rate that occurred with increasing growth temperature,giving a growth rate depending solely on the incident lightlevel. Chrysanthemum, dry matter partitioning, photosynthesis, specific leaf area  相似文献   

The cytokinin levels of butanol and aqueous extracts of proximalportions of Streptocarpus leaves showed very little change duringthe summer and early autumn months, whereas those of the distalportions changed markedly. These changes appear to be closelyrelated to the formation of abscission layers and the subsequentsenescence of the distal part of the leaves. It is postulatedthat the increase in butanol-soluble cytokinins during Januarymay induce abscission, while the decrease in February appearsto be directly related to senescence of the distal portionsof the leaves.  相似文献   

NII  N. 《Annals of botany》1997,79(2):139-144
Changes in contents of nonstructural carbohydrates in leaves,as well as some characteristics of leaves before and after fruitremoval, were investigated in potted peach (Prunus persica L.)trees. Leaf area and dry mass per unit leaf area (SLW) at thefruit-maturation stage decreased with increasing numbers ofpeaches per tree, whereas the chlorophyll content per unit areain leaves of fruiting trees increased. The chlorophyll contentdecreased more rapidly upon removal of fruit than that in leavesof fruiting trees. The starch content per unit dry mass in leavesof fruiting trees at the fruit-maturation stage was lower thanthat in leaves of non-fruiting trees. Starch accumulated significantlyin leaves within 1 d of removal of fruit during the fruit-maturationstage and continued to increase thereafter. The accumulationof starch after removal of fruit occurred more rapidly thanthe decrease in chlorophyll content. Reducing and non-reducingsugars (total sugars) per unit dry mass in the leaves were higherin fruiting trees than in non-fruiting trees. After fruit removal,the total sugar content of leaves increased temporarily andthen gradually decreased. The sorbitol content per unit freshmass in leaves of fruiting trees during the fruit-maturationstage was slightly higher than that in leaves of non-fruitingtrees. One day after removal of fruit, the sorbitol contentincreased in parallel with the accumulation of starch and remainedhigh. The sucrose content of leaves did not change markedlyupon removal of fruit. Prunus persica L.; peach leaves; nonstructural carbohydrate; starch and sorbitol; fruit removal  相似文献   

Ultraviolet-B (UVB, wavelength 280-320 nm) radiation has beendemonstrated to affect growth and development of many plants.This study was conducted to determine the effect of UVB radiationon stomatal density and opening of Oryza sativa and to testif the stomatal response to UVB was associated with differentsensitivity of growth to UVB in four cultivars. Ten-day-oldseedlings of IR45 and IR74 (UVB sensitive), and IR64 and IR30(UVB less sensitive), were subjected to UVB radiation in a glasshousefor 6 h d-1 for 4 weeks. The unweighted UVB radiation was 1·94W m-2 for UVB treatment and 0·15 W m-2 for control. Leafarea and plant dry mass were determined every 2 weeks whilestomatal density and opening were recorded weekly. Results showedthat a 2-week UVB treatment had no effect on the leaf area orplant dry mass of any test cultivar, but significantly reducedstomatal density and opening in IR45 and IR74. Under 4-weekUVB exposure, leaf area and plant dry mass of IR45 and IR74were significantly reduced. Stomatal density decreased in allcultivars, except in IR64. Greater reduction of stomata on theadaxial surface than on the abaxial surface under 3 and 4 weeksof UVB exposure suggests a direct effect of UVB radiation onstomata. IR45 and IR74 showed significant reductions in stomatalopening after 2 weeks of exposure to UVB, while stomatal openingin IR30 and IR64 decreased significantly after only 4 weeksof UVB treatment. Difference in plant dry mass between UVB treatedand control plants was significantly correlated with the reductionsin stomatal opening and density on adaxial surface under UVBtreatment. Thus, reduction in dry mass of rice plants underUVB in the glasshouse could be attributed to decrease in stomataldensity and opening.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Oryza sativa, UVB radiation, stomatal density, stomatal opening  相似文献   

In debladed bean petioles calcium and dry weight increased in the abscission zone during an induction period of 14 hr. Before the microscopic appearance of the abscission layer calcium decreased in the abscission zone and increased in the petiole. Dry matter began to decrease in both the abscission zone and the petiole 24 hr after deblading. The first visual change in the cells of the abscission zone was a swelling of the pectic materials of the cell walls. This was followed by breakdown of other cell wall components, i.e., non-cellulosic polysaccharides and cellulose. The cellulose of the cell walls adjacent and distal to the abscission layer was found to be altered; however, no lignin was present during abscission layer development. The alteration of pectic materials, coupled with breakdown of cell wall components, resulted in the collapse of cells of the abscission layer just prior to separation. Auxin delayed abscission and also delayed the initial increase in calcium, the movement of calcium from the abscission zone to the petiole, and the decrease in dry weight.  相似文献   

The Abscission of Rose Petals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Petal abscission was studied in twelve hybrid tea rose (Rosahybrida L.) cultivars. At about 20 °C the time to petalabscission in uncut stems in greenhouses was the same as incut stems placed in water in the greenhouse or in a climate-controlledroom. The time between petal unfolding and abscission dependedon the cultivar, and varied between 12 and 35 d. The time topetal abscission of the cultivars was inversely correlated withtheir flower diameter at full bloom (linear regression, r2 =0·82). In the cultivars with a relatively large flowerdiameter (10-18 cm) the petals fell without visible desiccationsymptoms, whereas in the group with a small diameter the petalswere partially or fully desiccated when shed. Fertilization occurred in some flowers of a few cultivars studied.In cultivars with a relatively large flower diameter (Papa Meilland,Cocktail, Dr. Verhage, Tineke) it had no effect on the timeto abscission in Motrea, Europa, and Carolien roses, which bearsmall flowers, the petals fell after fertilization, whereasin unfertilized flowers of the latter group of cultivars anabscission zone just above the uppermost node became activeand all parts above this node (pedicel and flower) turned brownand desiccated, though remained attached for more than a month. It is concluded that in the cultivars investigated: (a) thetime to petal abscission was inversely related to their flowerdiameter, (b) abscised petals were more desiccated in cultivarsin which the time to abscission was longer, (c) fertilizationhad little effect on the time to abscission in most cultivars,whereas the absence of fertilization prevented petal abscissionin a number of the small-diameter cultivars where it was replacedby flower abscission, and (d) cutting and placement in waterat 20 °C did not affect the time to abscission.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Abscission, fertilization, flowers, petals, Rosa hybrida L., rose, water stress, carbohydrate stress  相似文献   

Cowpea cultivars, Adzuki, Ife Brown and New Era, were raisedin a pot-soil experiment, under greenhouse conditions. Whenapplied as a foliar spray, none of the three growth regulators,gibberellic acid (GA), benzyladenine (BA) and 2-chloroethylphosphonicacid (CEPA), had any significant effects on the vegetative growthof either Adzuki or Ife Brown, CEPA, however, suppressed stemelongation and root dry weight, and also caused defoliation,in New Era. GA had no significant effect on fertility (defined as the proportionof the number of floral buds to those developing into mature,functional, seed-bearing pods). GA also had no significant effecton harvest index (expressed as the percentage of whole plantdry weight represented by seed dry weight) in the three cultivars.BA suppressed fertility in both Ife Brown and New Era, but hadno influence on Adzuki. CEPA was effective in controlling abscission in cowpea by reducingthe number of floral buds initiated, but enhancing the numberof functional pods set, in New Era. CEPA also enhanced harvestindex in this cultivar by increasing the absolute seed weightwithout affecting total plant dry weight. The implications ofthese observations on the physiology of the cultivars are discussedin relation to the problem of fruit abscission in the cowpeaplant. Vigna unguiculata L., cowpea, abscission, gibberellic acid, benzyladenine, 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid  相似文献   

The effect of Ca addition to Cd, Cr and Pb solutions on the nuclear and cytoplasmic dry mass content and its concentration as well as on these organelles dimensions were studied in cortex cells of pea roots. Ca alone, at the concentration 10(-8)M brought about a decrease (in comparison to water) in the dry mass content of nuclei and its concentration, but the increment was almost twice in the dry mass content of cytoplasm; however, it has no significant effect on its concentration. Ca ions addition does not change the surface area of nuclei except the 1st and 5th mm segments but causes a doubling of the area occupied by cytoplasm. In response to Ca addition to Cd or Cr solutions a further diminution of nuclear dry mass content takes place. Only in the case of Pb nuclear dry mass increases in the 7th mm or is similar in remaining root segments. The diminution of nuclear dry mass content due to Ca presence in metal solutions is accompanied by a lowering in its concentration, although in the presence of Cd and Pb the diminution is not significant. Ca ions addition results in an increase in cytoplasmic dry mass content. No such regularities were observed in the 1st (Cd, Pb) and 3rd (Cr) root segments. In response to Ca ions the concentration of cytoplasmic dry mass content increased insignificantly in differentiation zone and underwent reducation in the meristematic zone--in the 1st mm (Cr) and 3rd (Cd). After Ca addition to studied metal solutions the decrease in nuclear dimensions was visible only in Cd or Pb treated cells in the 3rd and 7th or in the 1st mm, respectively. An increase in nuclear size occurred only in Cr treated cells in the 7th mm. Enrichment of heavy metals with Ca caused the marked enlargement in cytoplasmic area in differentiation zone but the increment in it in meristematic zone was observed only in Cd (1st, 3rd) and Cr (1st) treated cells.  相似文献   

Yamada T  Ichimura K  van Doorn WG 《Planta》2007,226(5):1195-1205
Depending on the species, the end of flower life span is characterized by petal wilting or by abscission of petals that are still fully turgid. Wilting at the end of petal life is due to programmed cell death (PCD). It is not known whether the abscission of turgid petals is preceded by PCD. We studied some parameters that indicate PCD: chromatin condensation, a decrease in nuclear diameter, DNA fragmentation, and DNA content per nucleus, using Prunus yedoensis and Delphinium belladonna which both show abscission of turgid petals at the end of floral life. No DNA degradation, no chromatin condensation, and no change in nuclear volume was observed in P. yedoensis petals, prior to abscission. In abscising D. belladonna petals, in contrast, considerable DNA degradation was found, chromatin was condensed and the nuclear volume considerably reduced. Following abscission, the nuclear area in both species drastically increased, and the chromatin became unevenly distributed. Similar chromatin changes were observed after dehydration (24 h at 60°C) of petals severed at the time of flower opening, and in dehydrated petals of Ipomoea nil and Petunia hybrida, severed at the time of flower opening. In these flowers the petal life span is terminated by wilting rather than abscission. It is concluded that the abscission of turgid petals in D. belladonna was preceded by a number of PCD indicators, whereas no such evidence for PCD was found at the time of P. yedoensis petal abscission. Dehydration of the petal cells, after abscission, was associated with a remarkable nuclear morphology which was also found in younger petals subjected to dehydration. This nuclear morphology has apparently not been described previously, for any organism.  相似文献   

Burdon  J. N.; Sexton  R. 《Annals of botany》1993,72(4):289-294
The time-course of flower development of Rubus idaeus L. cv.Glen Clova was studied on detached buds opened in the laboratory.After sepal and petal opening petal abscission occurred withthe petals from an individual flower being shed over 3-4 h.Abscission was accompanied by a peak in ethylene production.Treatment of flowers with aminoethoxyvinylglycine eliminatedthe peak in ethylene production but did not prevent petal abscission.However, petal loss was much slower, taking place over a periodof days rather than hours. Abscission was more effectively retardedby silver thiosulphate. Exogenous ethylene accelerated the rateof petal abscission and senescence. The increase in ethyleneproduction coincident with petal abscission appears to accelerateand co-ordinate the shedding of the separate petals on an individualflower. If ethylene is important in the induction of abscissionit would appear that the low rate of production sustained inthe presence of aminoethoxyvinylglycine must be sufficient.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Rubus idaeus L., raspberry, flower, petal, abscission, ethylene  相似文献   

Leaf separation and loss in the grass Molinia caerulea (L.)Moench was investigated using scanning electron microscopy.Leaf senescence and subsequent shedding of leaves was precededby the formation of a leaf abscission zone. The zone containscells which have more than doubled their wall thickness to greaterthan 0-4 µm. The line of fracture associated with thezone principally followed the middle lamellae, leaving intactcells on the fracture faces. Molinia should prove an interestingmodel in which to study abscission processes in the Gramineae. Molinia caerulea, leaf abscission zone, electron microscopy  相似文献   

The ability of white light to inhibit malformin-induced abscissionon cuttings of Phaseolus aureus involved a red-far red reversiblephenomenon. Treatment with far red radiation prior to dark incubationenhanced abscission on both control and malformin-treated cuttings.The dark aging process, which enhances abscission on both controland malformin-treated cuttings, was inhibited by red radiationand was also far red reversible. The photoreceptor for lightinhibition of malformin-induced abscission was located in theprimary leaves. A role of phytochrome in the inhibition of abscissionon control and malformin-treated cuttings is indicated. (Received September 20, 1977; )  相似文献   

Carbohydrate Availability in Relation to Fruitlet Abscission in Citrus   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Abscission of flowers and fruitlets in the Washington navelorange (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck) has been characterizedin relation to carbohydrate availability. A main wave of flowerabscission occurs shortly after anthesis while the carbohydratereserves in the tree are high. Fruitlet abscission starts approx.30 d after the commencement of flowering, while carbohydrates(mainly starch) are being accumulated in the leaves. Flowerand early fruitlet abscission are not caused by carbohydrateshortage. During late fruitlet abscission sucrose concentrationin the leaves falls to a low value demonstrating a limitationin supply and competition among the developing fruitlets forcarbohydrates. Concentrations of sucrose and reducing sugarsin the peel of the fruitlets also fall to low values, and arelationship could be demonstrated between these free sugarlevels and abscission. Ringing increases carbohydrate supplyto fruit and reduces late fruitlet abscission, but only hasa marginal effect on the growth of the fruitlets, which seemsless sensitive than abscission to carbohydrate shortage. Thelimitation of carbohydrate supply to the fruitlets occurs whilestarch levels in the leaves remain high. Slow mobilization ofstarch reserves may be one factor limiting set in Citrus. Copyright2001 Annals of Botany Company Carbohydrate supply, citrus, fruit growth and abscission, ringing, navel orange, starch, sugar metabolism  相似文献   

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