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Windsor DP 《Theriogenology》1995,43(6):1009-1018
The experiments described examined the effects of a number of factors on the level of uterine insemination achieved in Merino ewes by a transcervical insemination technique (Guelph system for transcervical artificial insemination; GST-AI). Cervical penetration rate is an important limitation to the use of such methods in Merinos. Simulated insemination was performed to estimate the proportion of ewes in which a pipette could be passed through the cervix to the uterus. In Experiment 1, cervical penetration rate (n = 14 to 30) was unaffected by an increase in postpartum interval at AI from 12 to 26 wk. The results of cervical penetration for individual ewes were found to be repeatable (P < 0.05). Experiment 2 (197 ewes) revealed a clear effect of ewe parity on penetration rates in hormonally synchronized ewes during the nonbreeding season (P < 0.05). In Experiment 3, estrus synchronization using progestagen (n = 51) or prostaglandin (n = 50) did not affect penetration rate. The penetration rate was slightly higher in the naturally cycling ewes, but the difference was not significant. Comparison of ewes from Experiments 2 and 3 suggests the possibility of a major effect of stage of the breeding season on the penetration rate (P < 0.05). It is concluded that ewe selection and management techniques may be used to increase the proportion of transcervical insemination attempts resulting in uterine insemination. However, fertility testing will be required to determine whether such improvements translate into correspondingly increased pregnancy rates.  相似文献   

Following synchronisation of oestrus using FGA and PMSG, ewes were inseminated by either the conventional cervical (CC) method or directly into the uterus by laparoscopy (LI). The CC method was carried out either at 48 and 60 hours following progestagen withdrawal with 480 x 10(6) spermatozoa per inseminate or once only at 56 hours with 600 x 10(6) spermatozoa. The laparoscopic method was performed at 52 hr using 48 x 10(6) spermatozoa per ewe. In the first two trials eggs were recovered at laparotomy. The egg recovery rate was significantly lower (P<0.05) for those ewes which had been inseminated by the LI method (74%) compared with those inseminated by the CC method (85%); fertilization rates were not significantly different (92% and 89% respectively). In the third trial 20 ewes were bled to determine their periovulatory LH concentrations and the timing of peak LH concentrations correlated with the outcome of each insemination. Ewes inseminated using laparoscopy did not conceive when their LH surge occurred >58 hr after progestagen withdrawal. In this and in the final experiment, the combined pregnancy rates and litter sizes (assessed radiographically) were 67% (n = 51) and 2.21 (n = 34) for the CC method and 75% (n = 48) and 1.97 (n = 36) for the LI method (P>0.05).  相似文献   

Sayre BL  Lewis GS 《Theriogenology》1997,48(2):267-275
Based on our previous work, we found that exogenous oxytocin induces uterine tetany and cervical dilation, and permits transcervical access to the uterus. However, the oxytocin does not reduce sustained sperm transport from the uterus to the oviducts. Thus, we hypothesized that exogenous oxytocin may be a useful adjunct to transcervical intrauterine AI procedures for sheep: two experiments were conducted to test our hypothesis. In Experiment 1, purebred ewes (n = 75/group) were artificially inseminated intrauterine with either laparoscopic or oxytocin-transcervical (i.e., 200 USP units of oxytocin 30 min before AI) procedures. At 54 h after progestogenated pessaries were removed, ewes were inseminated with 200 x 10(6) sperm/0.25 ml of fresh, extended semen, which was collected from a purebred ram of the corresponding breed. Pregnancy rate was greater (P < 0.05) after laparoscopic (37.5%) than after transcervical AI (0%). Because of the disappointing results of Experiment 1, Experiment 2 was conducted to determine whether oxytocin or the AI procedure per se reduced ovum fertilization rate. Treatments were designed in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. At 60 h after norgestomet implant removal and 10 min before either laparoscopic or transcervical (cervical in a saline group) AI with 100 x 10(6) sperm/0.25 ml, ewes (n = 10/group) received an intravenous injection of either isotonic saline or 200 USP units of oxytocin. Fertilization rate, which was determined 72 h after AI, was greater (P < 0.05) after laparoscopic than after transcervical/cervical AI (92.5 vs 28%), but oxytocin treatment did not affect fertilization rate. The results indicate that exogenous oxytocin did not reduce ovum fertilization rate, but the transcervical AI procedure per se seemed to reduce fertilization rate.  相似文献   

The results of laparoscopic insemination of 28,447 Australian Merino ewes with semen from 468 rams were used to study factors influencing pregnancy. The overall pregnancy rate was 71.7% (20,423/28,447). Pregnancy rates varied with type of progestagen implant, type and dosage of PMSG, fresh or frozen semen, wool type and number of ewes inseminated per hour. The pregnancy rate (64.6%) obtained with Medroxy-progesterone acetate (MAP) sponges, was significantly (P < 0.01) lower than with Fluorogestone acetate 30 mg (FGA 30; 74.7%) sponges, Fluorogestone acetate 40 mg (FGA 40; 72.1%) sponges, and Controlled Internal Drug Release (CIDR-G; 71.7%) implants. A PMSG dose of 200 IU resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) lower pregnancy rates (62.4%) compared with 250 IU (72.9%), 300 IU (79.1%) and > or = 375 IU (69.4%). The mean pregnancy rate for ewes administered Folligon PMSG was 71.9%, which was significantly higher (P < 0.001) than that of ewes treated with Pregnecol PMSG (65.8%). The use of Pregnecol PMSG and MAP sponges was associated, and thus their conditional effects could not be calculated. Ewes inseminated with fresh semen were significantly (P < 0.001) more likely to become pregnant (82.2%) than those inseminated with semen frozen in pellets (69.5%) or straws (71.6%). Ewes inseminated during the months of March, April or May (fall, 71.5%) were just as likely to become pregnant as those ewes inseminated in November, December, January or February (69.6%). Significantly (P < 0.05) fewer strong wool ewes become pregnant to laparoscopic AI, (67.6%) than fine (71.7%), fine medium (73%) or medium wool ewes. Significantly (P < 0.0001) more pregnancies (77.6%) were achieved when more than 55 ewes were inseminated per hour compared with fewer than 35 ewes per hour (63.4%).  相似文献   

Hair sheep ewes (St. Croix White and Barbados Blackbelly) were used to evaluate 3 methods of estrus synchronization for use with transcervical artificial insemination (TAI). To synchronize estrus, ewes (n = 18) were treated with PGF2alpha (15 mg, im) 10 d apart, with controlled internal drug release (CIDR) devices containing 300 mg progesterone for 12 d (n = 18), or with intravaginal sponges containing 500 mg progesterone for 12 d (n = 18). On the day of the second PGF2alpha injection or at CIDR or sponge removal, sterile rams were placed with the ewes. Jugular blood samples were collected from the ewes at 6-h intervals until the time of ovulation, and daily for 16 d after estrus (Day 0). Plasma was harvested and stored at -20 degrees C until LH, and progesterone concentrations were determined by RIA. There was no difference (P>0.10) in time to estrus among the CIDR-, PGF2alpha- or sponge-treated ewes. All of the ewes in the CIDR group and 94.4% of the sponge treated ewes exhibited estrus by 36 h after ram introduction, while only 72.2% of PGF2alpha-treated ewes showed signs of estrus by this time (P<0.06). The time from ram introduction to ovulation was not different (P>0.10) among the CIDR-, PGF2alpha- or sponge-treated ewes. The time to the preovulatory LH surge was similar (P>0.10) among CIDR, PGF2alpha and sponge treated ewes. Progesterone levels through Day 16 after the synchronized estrus were not different (P>0.10) among treatment groups. Hair sheep ewes (n = 23) were synchronized using PGF2alpha and bred by TAI using frozen-thawed semen 48 h after the second injection. The conception rate to TAI was 2/23 (8.7%) and produced 3 ram lambs. In a subsequent trial, 17 ewes were synchronized with CIDR devices and bred by TAI using frozen-thawed semen 48 h after CIDR removal, resulting in a conception rate of 52.9% (9/17). It is possible to synchronize estrus in hair sheep using either CIDRs, sponges or PGF2alpha. Even though there were no significant differences in the timing of ovulation or the LH surge among the treatment groups, a higher conception rate was achieved in ewes synchronized with CIDR devices during the second trial. This may reflect an increase in the skill level of the TAI technician.  相似文献   

We compared conventional methods for laparoscopic and cervical artificial insemination (AI) to a transcervical AI procedure (Guelph System for Transcervical AI; GST-AI) for use with frozen semen in Merino ewes. The GST-AI procedure was performed by an experienced operator in Experiment 1 (771 ewes) and by 2 inexperienced operators in Experiment 2 (555 ewes). In Experiment 1, intrauterine insemination by GST-AI was achieved in 76% of the ewes. The pregnancy rate at Day 70 for ewes inseminated by laparoscopy (48%, 120 251 ) was higher (P<0.01) than for ewes inseminated by either intrauterine GST-AI (32%, 64 201 ) or cervical AI (9%, 24 256 ). The overall (intrauterine and intracervical) pregnancy rate for GST-AI was 26% (68 264 ) and was unaffected by depth of insemination within the cervix. Pregnancy rates were unaffected by ram or day of insemination. In Experiment 2, the operators achieved intrauterine inseminations by GST-AI in 43% (78 182 ) of the ewes, with a significant operator effect (P<0.01) on depth of cervical penetration. The pregnancy rate to intrauterine GST-AI (40%, 31 78 ) did not differ from that to laparoscopic insemination. The total pregnancy rate for GST-AI in Experiment 2 (19%, 34 182 ) was lower (P<0.05) than that for laparoscopic AI (39%, 72 187 ) but superior (P<0.05) to that for cervical AI (1%, 1 186 ). The GST-AI pregnancy rates were affected by depth of AI (P<0.01) and by operator (P<0.05). It is concluded that GST-AI is superior to cervical AI, and may have application in Merinos if cervical penetration rates can be improved.  相似文献   

Ewe breed has been shown to have a major effect on pregnancy rates following cervical AI using frozen-thawed semen. The main objective of this study was to examine the differences between purebred Belclare and Suffolk ewes (multiparous) in fertilization rate, number of accessory sperm and stage of embryo development on day 6 after cervical or laparoscopic AI with frozen-thawed semen. In experiment 1, Belclare and Suffolk ewes were synchronized for 12 days and were either cervically inseminated (year 1: n=28 and 31; year 2: n=16 and 15, respectively) or laparoscopically inseminated (year 2: n=13 and 14). In experiment 2, superovulated Belclare (n=4) and Suffolk (n=13) ewes were laparoscopically inseminated. All ewes were slaughtered 6 days after AI; oocytes/embryos were recovered, morphologically graded and stained to assess the number of cells and accessory spermatozoa. Data from both experiments were combined for statistical analysis. The proportion of ewes with fertilized oocytes was significantly higher following laparoscopic AI compared with cervical AI (54% versus 19%). More Belclare than Suffolk ewes yielded fertilized oocyte(s) after cervical AI (34% versus 10%, P<0.02) but there was no difference after laparoscopic AI (62% versus 60%). From the ewes that yielded at least one fertilized oocyte the proportion of Belclare ewes with embryos at the morula/blastocyst stage was significantly greater than for Suffolk ewes (94% versus 59%, P<0.02). A higher proportion of Belclare than Suffolk ewes had evidence of sperm reaching the site of fertilization following cervical AI (39% versus 15%, P<0.02) but there was no difference after laparoscopic AI (62% versus 64%, P>0.8). Amongst the ewes with evidence of sperm at the site of fertilization, laparoscopic AI resulted in a higher number of sperm per oocyte/embryo or per ewe than cervical AI (P<0.01). These results suggested that the difference in pregnancy rate between Suffolk and Belclare ewes following cervical AI was due to: (i) sperm traversing the cervix and uterus in a higher proportion of Belclare than Suffolk ewes, leading to a higher incidence of fertilization and (ii) the lower developmental competence of fertilized oocytes from Suffolk ewes.  相似文献   

Forty superovulated dairy ewes of the Greek Chios breed were used in an experiment to evaluate the efficiency of laparoscopic intrauterine insemination on fertilization and embryo recovery rates as well as embryo quality. Estrus was synchronized by intravaginal progestagen impregnated sponges and superovulation was induced by administration of 8.8 mg o-FSH i.m. following a standard 8 dose protocol. A small volume (0.3 mL) of diluted fresh ram semen was deposited in each uterine horn 24 to 28 h after onset of the estrus by a laparoscopic technique. The animals were allocated randomly into two groups (Group A and B) of 20 animals each. In Group A, embryos were recovered 18 to 24 h after the intrauterine insemination and in Group B on Day 6. The average number of corpora lutea was 12.8 +/- 1.2 and 11.5 +/- 1.1 (+/- SEM); the overall embryo recovery was 66.4% and 57% and the percentage of recovered fertilized ova was 81% and 82.8% in Groups A and B, respectively. More fertilized ova were collected per ewe from Group A (P < or = 0.1). Results indicated that in Chios breed, superovulation using homologous FSH combined with laparoscopic AI leads to good ovarian response with satisfactory results in fertilization, embryo recovery and quality of embryos. This could lead to improved and more efficient methods for obtaining large numbers of high quality oocytes and embryos for embryo transfer programs which could contribute to genetic improvement and increase of the population size.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate genetic and non-genetic factors influencing artificial insemination (AI) success in French dairy goats. Data analysis, on a total of 584 676 and 386 517 AI records for Alpine and Saanen breed, respectively, collected from 1992 to 2009, was conducted separately on each breed. We used a linear simple repeatability animal model which combined male and female random effect and environmental fixed effects. The most important environmental factor identified was the period within year effect due to the European heat wave of 2003. The estimated values of the annual fertility exhibited a negative trend of 1% loss of AI success per 10 years for Alpine breed only. The range of variation for the flock×within years random effect was 70% and 65% for Alpine and Saanen breeds. The negative effect on AI success of antibody production after repetitive hormonal treatment was confirmed. We observed an important positive relationship between fertility and protein yield expressed as quartile within flock×years of protein 250-day yield for female with lactation number over 1, while this trend was negative for primiparous females. We detected a negative effect of the duration of conservation of semen with a difference of about 4% of AI success between extreme values (2 to 8+ or 9+ years). Heritability estimates for male fertility were 0.0037 and 0.0043 for Alpine and Saanen breed respectively, while estimates for female fertility was 0.040 and 0.049. Repeatability estimates for males were 0.008 and 0.010 for Alpine and Saanen, respectively, and 0.097 and 0.102 for females. With such low values of heritability, selection can hardly affect fertility.  相似文献   

Artificial inseminations (n = 678 168) recorded during 5 years in five French artificial insemination (AI) centres (2 'Lacaune', 1 'Manech tête rousse', 1 'Manech tête noire' and 1 'Basco béarnaise') were analysed to determine environmental and genetic factors affecting the insemination results. Analyses within centre-breed were performed using a linear model, which jointly estimates male and female fertility. This model combined four categories of data: the environmental effects related to the female, those related to the male, the non-sex-specific effects and finally the pedigree data of these males and females. After selection, the environmental female effects considered were age, synchronisation (0/1) on the previous year, total number of synchronisations during the female reproductive life, time interval between previous lambing and insemination, already dry or still lactating (0/1) when inseminated, and milk quantity produced during the previous year expressed as quartiles intra herd * year. The environmental male effects were motility and concentration of the semen. The non-sex-specific effects were the inseminator, the interaction herd * year nested within the inseminator, considered as random effects and the interaction year * season considered as a fixed effect. The main variation factors of AI success were relative to non-sex-specific effects and to female effects. Heritability estimates varied from 0.001 to 0.005 for male fertility and from 0.040 to 0.078 for female fertility. Repeatability estimates varied from 0.007 to 0.015 for male fertility and from 0.104 to 0.136 for female fertility. These parameters indicate that genetic improvement of AI results through a classical polygenic selection would be difficult. Moreover, in spite of the large quantity of variation factors fitted by the joint model, a very large residual variance remained unexplained.  相似文献   

In two trials involving the artificial insemination of 194 ewes, the fertility of ram semen was examined following freezing, either in pellet form or in straws, and after storage in a chilled state (15 degrees C) for up to 16 hours. Estrus was synchronized in ewes by intravaginal sponge (MAP) treatment for 14 days. At sponge removal 600 IU PMSG was injected and the ewes received two inseminations 50 and 60 hours later. Fertility was assessed at lambing. In trial 1, the mean lambing rate of 52% (16 31 ) for semen frozen in pellets was higher than 29% (9 31 ) for semen frozen in straws but this difference was not significant. In trial 2, ewes inseminated with chilled semen and semen frozen in pellets had lambing rates of 83% (44 53 ) and 55% (44 79 ) respectively (P<0.001).  相似文献   

The goal of our study was to find the relationship between fertility of bulls qualified for AI and the percentage of spermatozoa with abnormal chromatin structure as an independent parameter. We used the frozen semen of 8 mature bulls from one AI center. Each bull was represented by 3 ejaculates collected with at least 2-week intervals. Bull fertility was calculated on the basis of non-return ratio and was expressed as a scale where 100 points represented the average fertility of all the AI center's bulls. Bulls with lower or higher fertility received a lower or higher score respectively. Fertility scores of bulls used in the study ranged from 83 to 104 . Semen was processed according to the SCSA (sperm chromatin structure assay) method and was analyzed by flow cytometry. "Artificial" alpha(t) (alpha(t)=red/green+red fluorescence) and red fluorescence histograms were used for calculation of COMPalpha(t), SDalpha(t), %Red, %PeakR and MeanR parameters. The percentage of spermatozoa with abnormal chromatin ranged from 1.2% to 23.8%. A large variation among ejaculates was found for bulls with lower fertility. Fertility correlated significantly with COMPalpha(t) (-0.50, P < 0.05), SDalpha(t) (-0.55, P < 0.01), %Red (-0.53, P < 0.01), %PeakR (-0.58, P < 0.01) and MeanR (-0.45, P < 0.05). The SCSA method has a practical application in analyzing spermatogenesis disorders in bulls. If regularly applied, it allows us to identify and eliminate ejaculates with a high level of sperm chromatin abnormalities.  相似文献   

The underlying theme of this study involved the evaluation of the dilatory effects of prostaglandin E2 on the ovine cervix and thus the assessment of its potential applicability to transcervical artificial insemination (TCAI) in ewes. A novel method of prostaglandin E2 administration (controlled slow-release vaginal inserts) was examined, and the practical implications of this approach including cervical penetrability and posttreatment pregnancy rates were evaluated. The Guelph method of TCAI was performed during the seasonal anestrus (n = 40) and the breeding season (n = 40) on multiparous Rideau Arcott × Polled Dorset ewes, with or without the pretreatment with Cervidil (for a duration of 12 hours or 24 hours before TCAI). Cervical penetration rates averaged 82.5% (66 of 80), and they varied neither (P > 0.05) between the two seasons nor between Cervidil-treated ewes and their respective controls. Cervidil priming significantly reduced the total time required for TCAI during the breeding season in comparison with controls (54 vs. 98 seconds), especially after the 24-hour exposure (38 vs. 108 seconds). The time taken to traverse the uterine cervix was negatively correlated (P < 0.05) with the breed (percentage of Rideau Arcott genotype) and lifetime lamb production in seasonally anestrous ewes. Four out of 36 (11%) successfully penetrated ewes in the breeding season (three ewes allocated to the 12-hour control group and one ewe that had received Cervidil for 12 hours) became pregnant and carried the lambs to term. Vaginal mucus impedance at TCAI was significantly and positively correlated with the total time required to complete the procedure in cyclic ewes, and the negative correlation between vaginal mucus impedance and total time values at the time of controlled intravaginal drug release device removal approached to significance in anestrous ewes. The present results indicate a moderate benefit of using Cervidil for inducing cervical dilation before TCAI in ewes, mainly in the breeding season. The specific reason(s) for impaired fertility after the TCAI using frozen–thawed ram semen remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2014,14(3):234-237
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether fertile or non-fertile inseminations (AI) in synchronized ewes are correlated with the electrical resistance of cervical mucus (ERCM) and the ovarian steroid concentration. AIs were performed either at fixed-time (group A) or after estrus detection (group B). Retrospective analysis revealed that at AI, pregnant ewes had lower ERCM values and progesterone concentrations than non-pregnant ones (p < 0.05). It appears that ERCM may be used as an additional index for fertility enhancement of inseminated ewes.  相似文献   

Cervical anatomy limits the use of transcervical intrauterine artificial insemination (TC AI) in sheep. We have developed an instrument to cope atraumatically with the cervix; although this instrument has not affected fertilization rate or pregnancy rate through Day 3, the effects on sperm transport and pregnancy after Day 3 are not known. The objective of the present study was to determine whether our TC AI instrument affected sperm transport, pregnancy rates, or lambing rate. In Experiment 1, ewes were assigned to two treatments: TC AI using the new TC AI instrument (n=10) or AI via laparotomy using a laparoscopic AI instrument (n=10). Twenty hours after artificial insemination, the uterine horns and oviducts were recovered and flushed to collect spermatozoa. Sperm transport did not differ (P>0.05) between the two treatments. In Experiment 2, ewes were assigned to three treatments: TC AI using the new TC AI instrument+sham intrauterine AI via laparotomy (n=29); sham TC AI+intrauterine AI via laparotomy using a laparoscopic AI instrument (n=29); and sham TC AI+intrauterine AI via laparotomy using the new TC AI instrument (n=30). On Day 14 after AI, uteri were collected and flushed to recover blastocysts. Transcervical deposition of semen reduced (P<0.05) Day 14 pregnancy rate (17.2% versus 61%), but intrauterine deposition of semen using the TC AI instrument via midventral laparotomy increased (P<0.05) Day 14 pregnancy rate (76.6% versus 44.8%). In Experiment 3, ewes were assigned to two treatments: sham cervical manipulation (n=40) or cervical manipulation to mimic TC AI (n=40). Immediately after treatment, each ewe was mated with a ram and watched until the ram mounted and ejaculated into the ewe. Treatment did not affect Day 30 or 50 pregnancy rate (67.5 and 66.2%, respectively), determined ultrasonically, or lambing rate (62.5%). The differences between Days 30 and 50 pregnancy rates and lambing rate were not significant. In Experiment 4, ewes were assigned to two treatments: TC AI (n=99) or laparoscopic AI (n=99). Transcervical AI reduced (P<0.01) Day 30 (TC AI versus laparoscopic AI; 5.0% versus 46.0%) and Day 50 pregnancy rates (4.0% versus 41.0%), determined ultrasonically, and lambing rate (4.0% versus 41.0%). Although the TC AI procedure significantly reduced pregnancy and lambing rates, large numbers of spermatozoa deposited at natural insemination seemed to compensate. Because our TC AI procedure has all but eliminated any visual evidence of trauma, and because the procedure does not seem to affect sperm transport or embryonal survival until Day 3, we speculate that cervical manipulation associated with TC AI may activate pathways that interrupt pregnancy between Days 3 and 14.  相似文献   

The results of embryo transfers from 130 donor Angora goats and 60 sheep of 3 breeds are presented, and the data analyzed to determine some of the sources of variation in success rate. Of all adult donor goats programmed, 94.9% yielded embryos suitable for transfer and 93.4% yielded offspring from the transfers. Donor ewes yielded percentages of 76.8 and 46.7, respectively. Fertilization failure and/or degeneration of embryos in donors prior to flushing accounted for the lower recoveries of viable embryos from sheep, the incidence of both being greater in donors with higher ovulation rates. High ovulation rate of donors also decreased percentage survival of sheep but not goat embryos after transfer. Stage of embryo development, site of transfer (oviduct vs. uterus) or number of embryos transferred (1 vs. 2) per recipient did not affect survival of sheep embryos following transfer to appropriately synchronized recipients. In goats, survival was significantly better with two than with one embryo transferred per recipient. Super-ovulation failure and poor fertilization limited the yield of embryos obtained from donor goats and sheep less than 1 year of age. These could be overcome to some extent by use of progestagen sponge rather than prostaglandin in the superovulation treatment regimen.  相似文献   

C R Youngs 《Theriogenology》2001,56(8):1311-1320
Progress in reproductive biotechnologies has led to an increased use of embryo transfer in both swine research and swine production. This review article describes the history and subsequent development of porcine embryo transfer. Special attention is given to aspects of the overall process of embryo transfer which are unique to pigs.  相似文献   

Short-term effects of nutrition on conception rate (CR), ovulation rate (OR), ova and embryo losses (OEL) during the first 50 days following insemination and total reproductive wastage after ovulation (TRW), were investigated in primiparous lactating Sarda ewes after oestrous synchronisation and cervical [corrected] artificial insemination (AI). Eighty ewes grazing a green high-quality pasture were offered one of three iso-energetic supplements from day 14 before to day 2 after AI: whole maize grain (M); soyabean meal (S); maize gluten meal (G); or served as controls (C). Supplements G and S were iso-nitrogenous but provided different amounts of rumen undegradable digestible protein. The intake of herbage and digestible dry matter, measured by the n560 mg/l was associated with lower CR. Ranking by ovulation groups of CR was single相似文献   

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