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The uptake of vitamin B12 was measured in cells of Escherichia coli whose growth had been inhibited by any of a variety of treatments. In all cases, the secondary, energy-dependent phase of B12 uptake was depressed in proportion to the decrease in growth rate, but uptake was constant in cells growing logarithmically at different rates. The depression of B12 uptake activity was independent of the site of cell metabolism affected by the inhibitor or by its effect on cell viability, and was both more rapid and of greater degree than the effects on the uptake of any of the six amino acids tested. The decline was not affected by inhibitors of either cell division or proteolysis and was manifested without any apparent decrease in the surface B12 binding activity. Transport activity was rapidly regained upon reversal of the inhibition of protein synthesis. Prompted by this response, the uptake of B12 was contrasted to the apparent uptake of the E colicins, which share the same outer membrane receptor. Sensitivity to colicin E1, measured by its inhibition of proline uptake, was not affected by growth inhibition by antibiotic treatment. Finally, there was no specific depression of B12 uptake in cells rendered colicin tolerant either by mutation or as a consequence of phage f1 infection.  相似文献   

Colicin E3 was found to kill, under conditions of osmotic shock, cells lacking a functional outer membrane receptor (bfe). Under such conditions, component A of the colicin, carrying endonucleolytic activity, also killed bfe cells, whereas fragment T2, obtained by tryptic digestion of the colicin and also active endonucleolytically, was inactive. Tolerance to the colicin caused by defects in the outer membrane could be overcome by osmotic shock, whereas tolerance probably caused by an altered plasma membrane could not.  相似文献   

Growth of Escherichia coli K-12 strains in the presence of the vitamin cyanocobalamin (B12) resulted in an 80 to 90% reduction in B12 uptake activity of washed cells. Coincident with the decline in uptake activity was the depression of B12-binding activity in energy-poisoned cells, suggesting that growth in B12 resulted in the repression of synthesis of the B12 receptor protein in the outer membrane. Growth in the presence of B12 led to marked reduction in sensitivity to the E colicins, whose adsorption to cells requires the B12 receptor, and to a decrease in the amount of a band on electropherograms of outer membrane proteins. That polypeptide was also missing from mutants altered at btuB, the locus encoding the B12 receptor. Addition of B12 to growing cultures resulted in the exponential decline in specific activity of B12 uptake, as expected for dilution of functional receptors by further growth. Repression of receptor synthesis appears to be regulated by the level of intracellular, rather than extracellular, B12 and is separate from the regulation of the methionine biosynthetic pathway. Mutants altered in btuC, which are defective in accumulation and retention of B12, exhibit a much lower degree of repressibility.  相似文献   

Abstract Sensitivity of Escherichia coli bacteria to colicins A and E1 was significantly increased by overproduction of the BtuB receptor protein. The amount of vitamin B12 needed before colicins A and E1 treatment to protect cells against killing was found to be a function of the number of BtuB molecules present at the cell surface. Cells treated by colicins A and E were rescued from killing by addition of vitamin B12 shortly after colicin treatment. The rate of reversal by vitamin B12 may correspond to the kinetics of irreversible binding to BtuB of the various colicins.  相似文献   

The outer membrane (OM) vitamin B(12) receptor, BtuB, is the primary receptor for E group colicin adsorption to Escherichia coli. Cell death by this family of toxins requires the OM porin OmpF but its role remains elusive. We show that OmpF enhances the ability of purified BtuB to protect bacteria against the endonuclease colicin E9, demonstrating either that the two OM proteins form the functional receptor or that OmpF is recruited for subsequent translocation of the bacteriocin. While stable binary colicin E9-BtuB complexes could be readily shown in vitro, OmpF-containing complexes could not be detected, implying that OmpF association with the BtuB-colicin complex, while necessary, must be weak and/or transient in nature.  相似文献   

ColE9 is a plasmid-encoded protein antibiotic produced by Escherichia coli and closely related species that kills E. coli cells expressing the BtuB receptor. The 15-kDa cytotoxic DNase domain of colicin E9 preferentially nicks double-stranded DNA at thymine bases and shares a common active-site structural motif with a variety of other nucleases, including the H-N-H homing endonucleases and the apoptotic CAD proteins of eukaryotes. Studies of the mechanism by which the DNase domain of ColE9 reaches the cytoplasm of E. coli cells are limited by the lack of a rapid, sensitive assay for the DNA damage that results. Here, we report the development of an SOS promoter-lux fusion reporter system for monitoring DNA damage in colicin-treated cells and illustrate the value of this reporter system in experiments that probe the mechanism and time required for the DNase domain of colicin E9 to reach the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

It was shown that feuB mutants (defective in ferric enterochelin uptake) were unable to adsorb colicin B. In addition, they were missing one of the three outer-membrane proteins which are over produced in strains grown in iron-deficient, extracted medium. Thus this protein (the feuB protein) is probably the receptor for colicin B and functions in enterochelin-mediated iron transport. The feuB gene was located by P1 transduction at approximately 72.5 min on the Escherichia coli K-12 genetic map and thus maps separately from the other genes concerned with the enterochelin system. The outer membranes of various strains grown in the presence of 1 mM citrate contained a high level of a protein which was present in very small amounts when citrate was absent from the growth medium. This protein was most easily observed in feuB mutants grown in the presence of citrate, since on polyacrylamide gels it ran in a similar position to the feuB protein, which is missing in these mutants. The relationship of this citrate-inducible protein to the inducible citrate-dependent iron uptake system is discussed.  相似文献   

The events that occur after the binding of the enzymatic E colicins to Escherichia coli BtuB receptors that lead to translocation of the cytotoxic domain into the periplasmic space and, ultimately, cell killing are poorly understood. It has been suggested that unfolding of the coiled-coil BtuB receptor binding domain of the E colicins may be an essential step that leads to the loss of immunity protein from the colicin and immunity protein complex and then triggers the events of translocation. We introduced pairs of cysteine mutations into the receptor binding domain of colicin E9 (ColE9) that resulted in the formation of a disulfide bond located near the middle or the top of the R domain. After dithiothreitol reduction, the ColE9 protein with the mutations L359C and F412C (ColE9 L359C-F412C) and the ColE9 protein with the mutations Y324C and L447C (ColE9 Y324C-L447C) were slightly less active than equivalent concentrations of ColE9. On oxidation with diamide, no significant biological activity was seen with the ColE9 L359C-F412C and the ColE9 Y324C-L447C mutant proteins; however diamide had no effect on the activity of ColE9. The presence of a disulfide bond was confirmed in both of the oxidized, mutant proteins by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time of flight mass spectrometry. The loss of biological activity of the disulfide-containing mutant proteins was not due to an indirect effect on the properties of the translocation or DNase domains of the mutant colicins. The data are consistent with a requirement for the flexibility of the coiled-coil R domain after binding to BtuB.  相似文献   

Colicin Ia can be cleaved by isolated outer membranes prepared from sensitive and resistant (lacking the colicin Ia receptor) strains of Escherichia coli. Both active and heat-denatured colicin Ia are extensively fragmented. Such proteolysis does not occur when colicin Ia is added to whole sensitive or resistant cells. These results demonstrate that cleavage of colicin Ia is not mediated by its outer membrane receptor.  相似文献   

Abstract The current model of TonB-dependent colicin transport through the outer membrane of Escherichia coli proposes initial binding to receptor proteins, vectorial release from the receptors and uptake into the periplasm from where the colicins, according to their action, insert into the cytoplasmic membrane or enter the cytoplasm. The uptake is energy-dependent and the TonB protein interacts with the receptors as well as with the colicins. In this paper we have studied the uptake of colicins B and Ia, both pore-forming colicins, into various tonB point mutants. Colicin Ia resistance of the tonB mutant (G186D, R204H) was consistent with a defective Cir receptor-TonB interaction while colicin Ia resistance of E. coli expressing TonB of Serratia marcescens , or TonB of E. coli carrying a C-terminal fragment of the S. marcescens TonB, seemed to be caused by an impaired colicin Ia-TonB interaction. In contrast, E. coli tonB (G174R, V178I) was sensitive to colicin Ia and resistant to colicin B unless TonB, ExbB and ExbD were overproduced which resulted in colicin B sensitivity. The differential effects of tonB mutations indicate differences in the interaction of TonB with receptors and colicins.  相似文献   

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