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C L Fu  R J Maier 《Applied microbiology》1991,57(12):3511-3516
Both nickel-specific transport and nickel transport by a magnesium transporter have been described previously for a variety of nickel-utilizing bacteria. The derepression of hydrogenase activity in Bradyzhizobium japonicum JH and in a gene-directed mutant of strain JH (in an intracellular Ni metabolism locus), strain JHK7, was inhibited by MgSO4. For both strains, Ni2+ uptake was also markedly inhibited by Mg2+, and the Mg(2+)-mediated inhibition could be overcome by high levels of Ni2+ provided in the assay buffer. The results indicate that both B. japonicum strains transport Ni2+ via a high-affinity magnesium transport system. Dixon plots (1/V versus inhibitor) showed that the divalent cations Co2+, Mn2+, and Zn2+, like Mg2+, were competitive inhibitors of Ni2+ uptake. The KiS for nickel uptake inhibition by Mg2+, Co2+, Mn2+, and Zn2+ were 48, 22, 12, and 8 microM, respectively. Cu2+ strongly inhibited Ni2+ uptake, and molybdate inhibited it slightly. Respiratory inhibitors cyanide and azide, the uncoupler carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, the ATPase inhibitor N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, and ionophores nigericin and valinomycin significantly inhibited short-term (5 min) Ni2+ uptake, showing that Ni2+ uptake in strain JH is energy dependent. Most of these conclusions are quite different from those reported previously for a different B. japonicum strain belonging to a different serogroup.  相似文献   

Molybdate transport by Bradyrhizobium japonicum bacteroids.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Bacteroid suspensions of Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 136 isolated from soybeans grown in Mo-deficient conditions were able to transport molybdate at a nearly constant rate for up to 1 min. The apparent Km for molybdate was 0.1 microM, and the Vmax was about 5 pmol/min per mg (dry weight) of bacteroid. Supplementation of bacteroid suspensions with oxidizable carbon sources did not markedly increase molybdate uptake rates. Anaerobically isolated bacteroids accumulated twice as much Mo in 1 h as aerobically isolated cells did, but the first 5 min of molybdate uptake was not dependent on the isolation condition with respect to O2. Respiratory inhibitors such as cyanide, azide, and hydroxylamine did not appreciably affect molybdate uptake, even at concentrations that inhibited O2 uptake. The uncouplers carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) and carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) and the ionophores nigericin and monensin significantly inhibited molybdate uptake. The electrogenic ionophores valinomycin and gramicidin stimulated molybdate uptake. Rapid pH shift experiments indicated that molybdate transport depends on a transmembrane proton gradient (delta pH), and it is probably transported electroneutrally as H2MoO4. Most of the 99MoO4(2-) taken up was not exchangeable with a 100-fold excess of unlabeled MoO4(2-). Tungstate was a competitive inhibitor of molybdate uptake, with a Ki of 0.034 microM, and vanadate inhibited molybdate uptake slightly.  相似文献   

Rhizobitoxine produced by Bradyrhizobium species strongly prevented derepression of hydrogenase expression in free-living Bradyrhizobium japonicum, although the toxin had no effect on the activity of cells which had already synthesized hydrogenase protein. Dihydrorhizobitoxine, a structural analog of rhizobitoxine, proved to be a less potent inhibitor of hydrogenase derepression. Rhizobitoxine did not cause cell death at a concentration sufficient to eliminate hydrogenase expression. The large subunit of hydrogenase was not detectable with antibody after derepression in the presence of rhizobitoxine. The general pattern of proteins synthesized from 14C-labeled amino acids during derepression was not significantly different in the presence or absence of rhizobitoxine. These results indicated that rhizobitoxine inhibited hydrogenase synthesis in free-living B. japonicum. Cystathionine and methionine strongly prevented the inhibition of hydrogenase derepression by rhizobitoxine, suggesting that the inhibition involves the level of sulfur-containing amino acids in the cell.  相似文献   

Cytolysin-induced membrane damage (which requires low Ca2+) has been studied 1) in E by assay of hemolysis, 2) in Lettre cells by measurement of transmembrane potential, intracellular content of K+ and Na+, leakage of phosphoryl[3H]choline or 51Cr from [3H]choline-labeled or 51CrO4(2-)-labeled cells and leakage of lactate dehydrogenase, and 3) in phospholipid bilayers by measurement of electrical conductivity changes. In Lettre cells, damage is restricted and reversible: little lactate dehydrogenase leaks from cells that leak substantial amounts of Na+, K+, and phosphoryl[3H]choline; at low amounts of cytolysin, membrane potential and intracellular content of Na+ and K+ recover within minutes. In E and Lettre cells, membrane damage is inhibited by Zn2+, by high Ca2+, or by low pH. Inhibition is reversible: addition of EGTA to Zn2+-protected E or Lettre cells (incubated in the presence of cytolysin, low Ca2+ and Zn2+) initiates leakage; removal of Zn2+ (and cytolysin and Ca2+) by washing also initiates leakage; such leakage is again sensitive to Zn2+, high Ca2+, or H+. In phospholipid bilayers, channels induced by cytolysin (at low Ca2+) are partially closed by negative voltage; Ca2+, Zn2+, or H+ promote channel closure. Channels are re-opened (only partially in the case of Zn2+) by positive voltage. From all these results it is concluded that the action of cytolysin on membranes is similar to that of other pore-forming agents: damage does not necessarily lead to lysis of nucleated cells, and can be prevented by Ca2+, Zn2+, or H+.  相似文献   

The root nodule locations of six Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains were examined to determine if there were any differences which might explain their varying competitiveness for nodule occupancy on Glycine max. When five strains were added to soybeans in plastic growth pouches in equal proportions with a reference strain (U.S. Department of Agriculture, strain 110), North Carolina strain 1028 and strain 110 were the most competitive for nodule occupancy, followed by U.S. Department of Agriculture strains 122, 76, and 31 and Brazil strain 587. Among all strains, nodule double occupancy was 17% at a high inoculum level (107 CFU pouch−1) and 2% at a low inoculum level (104 CFU pouch−1). The less competitive strains increased their nodule representation by an increase in the doubly occupied nodules at the high inoculum level. Among all strains, the number of taproot and lateral root nodules was inversely related at both the high and low inoculum levels (r = −0.62 and −0.69, respectively; P = 0.0001). This inverse relationship appeared to be a result of the plant host control of bacterial infection. Among each of the six strains, greater than 95% of the taproot nodules formed at the high inoculum density were located on 25% of the taproot length, the nodules centering on the position of the root tip at the time of inoculation. No differences among the six strains were observed in nodule initiation rates as measured by taproot nodule position. Taproot nodules were formed in the symbiosis before lateral root nodules. One of the poorly competitive strains (strain 76) occupied three times as many taproot nodules as lateral root nodules when competing with strain 110 (nodules were harvested from 4-week-old plants). Among these six wild-type strains of B. japonicum, competitive ability evidently is not related to nodule initiation rates.  相似文献   

In the American Midwest, superior N2-fixing inoculant strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum consistently fail to produce the majority of nodules on the roots of field-grown soybean. Poor nodulation by inoculant strains is partly due to their inability to stay abreast of the expanding soybean root system in numbers sufficient for them to be competitive with indigenous bradyrhizobia. However, certain strains are noncompetitive even when numerical dominance is not a factor. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the nodule occupancy achieved by strains is related to their nodule-forming efficiency. The nodulation characteristics and competitiveness of nine strains of B. japonicum were compared at both 20 and 30°C. The root tip marking technique was used, with the nodule-forming efficiency of each strain estimated from the average position of the uppermost nodule and the number of nodules formed above the root tip mark. The competitiveness of the nine strains relative to B. japonicum USDA 110 was determined by using immunofluorescence to identify nodule occupants. The strains differed significantly in competitiveness with USDA 110 and in nodulation characteristics, strains that were poor competitors usually proving to be inferior in both the average position of the uppermost root nodule and the number of nodules formed above the root tip mark. Thus, competitiveness was correlated with both the average position of the uppermost nodule (r = 0.5; P = 0.036) and the number of nodules formed above the root tip mark (r = 0.64; P = 0.005), while the position of the uppermost nodule was also correlated to the percentage of plants nodulated above the root tip mark (r = 0.81; P < 0.001) and the percentage of plants nodulated on the taproot (r = 0.67; P = 0.002).  相似文献   

Nickel uptake in Bradyrhizobium japonicum.   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Free-living Bradyrhizobium japonicum grown heterotrophically with 1 microM 63Ni2+ accumulated label. Strain SR470, a Hupc mutant, accumulated almost 10-fold more 63Ni2+ on a per-cell basis than did strain SR, the wild type. Nongrowing cells were also able to accumulate nickel over a 2-h period, with the Hupc mutant strain SR470 again accumulating significantly more 63Ni2+ than strain SR. These results suggest that this mutant is constitutive for nickel uptake as well as for hydrogenase expression. The apparent Kms for nickel uptake in strain SR and strain SR470 were found to be similar, approximately 26 and 50 microM, respectively. The Vmax values, however, were significantly different, 0.29 nmol of Ni/min per 10(8) cells for SR and 1.40 nmol of Ni/min per 10(8) cells for SR470. The uptake process was relatively specific for nickel; only Cu2+ and Zn2+ (10 microM) were found to appreciably inhibit the uptake of 1 microM Ni, while a 10-fold excess of Mg2+, Co2+, Fe3+, or Mn2+ did not affect Ni2+ uptake. The lack of inhibition by Mg2+ indicates that nickel is not transported by a magnesium uptake system. Nickel uptake was also inhibited by cold (53% inhibition at 4 degrees C) and slightly by the ionophores nigericin and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone. Other ionophores did not appreciably affect nickel uptake, even though they significantly stimulated O2 uptake. The cytochrome c oxidase inhibitors azide, cyanide, and hydroxylamine did not inhibit Ni2+ uptake, even at concentrations (of cyanide and hydroxylamine) that inhibited O2 uptake. The addition of oxidizable substrates such as succinate or gluconate did not increase nickel uptake, even though they increased respiratory activity. Nickel update showed a pH dependence with an optimum at 6.0. Most (approximately 85%) of the 63Ni2+ taken up in 1 min by strain SR470 was not exchangeable with cold nickel.  相似文献   

In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, the effect of different cations on the acid phosphatase activity was studied in order to acquire more information related to a previously proposed mechanism, involving the coordinated action of this enzyme with phospholipase C. Although the natural substrate of this enzyme is phosphorylcholine, in order to avoid the possible interaction of its positive charge and those of the different cations with the enzyme molecule, the artificial substrate p-nitrophenylphosphate was utilized. Kinetic studies of the activation of acid phosphatase (phosphorylcholine phosphatase) mediated by divalent cations Mg2+, Zn2+ and Cu2+ revealed that all these ions bind to the enzyme in a compulsory order (ordered bireactant system). The Km values obtained for p-NPP in the presence of Mg2+, Zn2+ and Cu2+ were 1.4 mM, 1.0 mM and 3.5 mM, respectively. The KA values for the same ions were 1.25 mM, 0.05 mM and 0.03 mM, respectively. The Vmax obtained in the presence of Cu2+ was about twofold higher than that obtained in the presence of Mg2+ or Zn2+. The inhibition observed with Al3+ seems to be a multi-site inhibition. The K'app and n values, from the Hill plot, were about 0.25 mM and 4.0 mM, respectively, which were independent of the metal ion utilized as activator. It is proposed that the acid phosphatase may exert its action under physiological conditions, depending on the availability of either one of these metal ions.  相似文献   

Aggregation of nucleosomes by divalent cations.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Conditions of precipitation of nucleosome core particles (NCP) by divalent cations (Ca(2+) and Mg(2+)) have been explored over a large range of nucleosome and cation concentrations. Precipitation of NCP occurs for a threshold of divalent cation concentration, and redissolution is observed for further addition of salt. The phase diagram looks similar to those obtained with DNA and synthetic polyelectrolytes in the presence of multivalent cations, which supports the idea that NCP/NCP interactions are driven by cation condensation. In the phase separation domain the effective charge of the aggregates was determined by measurements of their electrophoretic mobility. Aggregates formed in the presence of divalent cations (Mg(2+)) remain negatively charged over the whole concentration range. They turn positively charged when aggregation is induced by trivalent (spermidine) or tetravalent (spermine) cations. The higher the valency of the counterions, the more significant is the reversal of the effective charge of the aggregates. The sign of the effective charge has no influence on the aspect of the phase diagram. We discuss the possible reasons for this charge reversal in the light of actual theoretical approaches.  相似文献   

Hydrogenase-constitutive (Hupc) mutants of Bradyrhizobium japonicum were previously shown to accumulate more nickel than the wild-type strain. In a 2 h period Hupc strains JH101 and JH103 also accumulated 2- to 3-fold more Mg2+, Zn2+ and Cu2+, and about 4-fold more Co2+ and Mn2+ than the wild-type strain JH. Init uptake rates (first 10 min) by the Hupc strains were also greater for all the metals. The mutation in the Hupc strains affecting a trans-acting regulator of the hup structural genes appears to have also amplified a metal uptake/accumulation process common to many divalent metal ions. From efflux experiments (suspension of cells in metal-free medium after metal accumulation) to determine the degree of dissociation of each metal with the cells it was concluded that Zn2+, like Ni2+, was rapidly and tightly cell-associated. In contrast, about 50% of the accumulated Cu2+ and about 30% of the Mn2+ was effluxed within 2 h by both the Hupc and wild-type strains. Cobalt was more tightly cell-associated than Mn2+ or Cu2+, as the strains effluxed about 26% of the previously accumulated metal in 2 h. Even after accounting for effluxed metal, the Hupc strains retained more of each metal than the wild-type. The increased metal accumulation by Hupc strains could not be accounted for solely at the level of transport, as known metabolic inhibitors (carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone and nigericin) of nickel transport partially inhibited (1 h) accumulation of only some (magnesium, zinc and copper) of the other metals. Hydrogenase-derepressed wild-type cells exhibited slightly higher (22–27% more) 2 h accumulation capacity for some of the metals (nickel, zinc and copper) than did non-derepressed cells, but not to the 2- to 4-fold greater level observed for Hupc strains compared with the wild-type. The Hupc strains JH101 and JH103 do not synthesize more capsular/cell wall carbohydrate than the wild-type strain.  相似文献   

Rhizobia utilize phenolic substances as sole carbonsource. Bradyrhizobium japonicum utilizescatechin, a unit of condensed tannin as carbonsource. To establish the degradative pathway ofcatechin, the products of catechin degradation wereisolated by paper chromatography and TLC andidentified by HPLC, UV, IR and NMR spectra. B.japonicum cleaves catechin through catechinoxygenase. Phloroglucinolcarboxylic acid andprotocatechuic acid were identified as the initialproducts of degradation. Phloroglucinolcarboxylicacid is further decarboxylated to phloroglucinolwhich is dehydroxylated to resorcinol. Resorcinolis hydroxylated to hydroxyquinol. Protocatechuicacid and hydroxyquinol undergo intradiol cleavagethrough protocatechuate 3,4-dioxygenase andhydroxyquinol 1,2-dioxygenase to form-carboxy cis, cis-muconic acidand maleylacetate respectively. The enzymes ofcatechin degradative pathway are inducible. Estimation of all the enzymes involved in thecatabolism of catechin reveals the existence of acatechin degradative pathway in B. japonicum.  相似文献   

Intact cells of Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA 110 were transformed with a 30-kilobase plasmid to efficiencies of 10(6) to 10(7) transformants per microgram by high-voltage electroporation. The technique was reliable and simple, with single colonies arising from transformed cells within 5 days of antibiotic selection. Plasmid DNA from B. japonicum transformed the Bradyrhizobium (Arachis) sp. with high efficiency, while the same plasmid extracted from Escherichia coli transformed B. japonicum at very low efficiency. The electrical conditions that resulted in the highest efficiencies were high voltage (10.5 to 12.5 kV/cm) and short pulse length (6 to 7 ms). A linear increase in the number of transformants was observed as DNA concentration was increased over 4 orders of magnitude; saturation appeared to begin between 120 ng/ml and 1.2 micrograms/ml. This novel method of transformation should enhance B. japonicum genetic research by providing a valuable alternative to conjugal mating, which is currently the only efficient, widely used means of introducing DNA into this organism.  相似文献   

Biochemical evidence has shown that dicarboxylic acids actively support symbiotic nitrogen fixation by both fast- and slow-growing Rhizobium. Mutants defective in the active uptake of succinate have been previously described only in species of the fast-growing rhizobium. This article is a report on the isolation of mutants defective in dicarboxylate transport in a slow-growing species of rhizobium, Bradyrhizobium japonicum. One of these presumptive dicarboxylate transport mutants, GTS, was characterized further. Cultured GTS was unable to accumulate [14C]succinate above background levels but possessed normal rates of malate dehydrogenase, fumarase, and hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase activities. When inoculated onto soybeans, GTS produced a Nod+, Fix- phenotype. The bacteroids isolated from these nodules failed to accumulate labelled succinate. Electron micrographs of nodules formed by inoculation with GTS appeared normal with the exceptions of more prominent peribacteroid spaces in the infected cells and the appearance of starch granules in the noninfected cells. The phenotypical and morphological changes observed for B. japonicum are similar to those previously reported for the fast-growing species.  相似文献   

Salts of monovalent cations at concentrations less than 10 mm and buffers such as tricine were found to increase spillover from Photosystem II to Photosystem I in green plant photosynthesis as measured by a decrease in chlorophyll a fluorescence at room temperature. At 77 °K, they increased the fluorescence emission at 735 nm relative to the bands at 685 and 693 nm indicating that Photosystem I was receiving a greater part of the excitation energy. Divalent cations and monovalent cations at concentrations greater than 10 mm reversed the fluorescence changes.  相似文献   

We describe a K+ transport system in Methanospirillum hungatei cells depleted of cytoplasmic K+ via an ammonia/K+ exchange reaction (Sprott, G. D., Shaw, K. M., and Jarrell, K. F. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 12602-12608). Ammonia-treated cells contained low concentrations of ATP and were unable to make CH4 or to transport 86Rb+. All of these properties were restored by CaCl2, MgCl2, or MnCl2, and not by CoCl2 or NiCl2. The Rb+ transport system had a Km of 0.42 and Vmax of 29 nmol/min X mg; K+ inhibited competitively. Both H2 and CO2 were required for appreciable transport, whereas air, valinomycin, or nigericin were potent inhibitors. The influx of Rb+ was electrogenic and associated with proton efflux, producing a delta pH (alkaline inside) in acidic media. In the absence of K+ (or Rb+), the activation of CH4 synthesis by Mg2+ produced little change in the cytoplasmic pH, showing that methanogenesis did not elicit a net efflux of protons. The pH optimum for transport was in the range 6.0-7.3 where the transmembrane pH gradient would contribute minimally to the proton motive force. Protonophores at pH 6.3 caused a partial decline in CH4 synthesis and the ATP content and dramatically collapsed Rb+ transport. These and other inhibitor experiments, coupled with the fact that the Rb+ gradient was too large to be in equilibrium with the proton motive force alone, suggest a role for both ATP and the proton motive force in Rb+ transport. Also, a role for K+ in osmoregulation is indicated.  相似文献   

Nickel accumulation and storage in Bradyrhizobium japonicum.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
R J Maier  T D Pihl  L Stults    W Sray 《Applied microbiology》1990,56(6):1905-1911
Hydrogenase-derepressed (chemolithotrophic growth conditions) and heterotrophically grown cultures of Bradyrhizobium japonicum accumulated nickel about equally over a 3-h period. Both types of cultures accumulated nickel primarily in a form that was not exchangeable with NiCl2, and they accumulated much more Ni than would be needed for the Ni-containing hydrogenase. The nickel accumulated by heterotrophically incubated cultures could later be mobilized to allow active hydrogenase synthesis during derepression in the absence of nickel, while cells both grown and derepressed without nickel had low hydrogenase activities. The level of activity in cells grown with Ni and then derepressed without nickel was about the same as that in cultures derepressed in the presence of nickel. The Ni accumulated by heterotrophically grown cultures was associated principally with soluble proteins rather than particulate material, and this Ni was not lost upon dialyzing an extract containing the soluble proteins against either Ni-containing or EDTA-containing buffer. However, this Ni was lost upon pronase or low pH treatments. The soluble Ni-binding proteins were partially purified by gel filtration and DEAE chromatography. They were not antigenically related to hydrogenase peptides. Much of the 63Ni eluted as a single peak of 48 kilodaltons. Experiments involving immunoprecipitation of 63Ni-containing hydrogenase suggested that the stored source of Ni in heterotrophic cultures that could later be mobilized into hydrogenase resided in the nonexchangeable Ni-containing fraction rather than in loosely bound or ionic forms.  相似文献   

Lomofungin inhibition of yeast growth and RNA synthesis is prevented by Cu++ or Zn++ ions which chelate with the antibiotic and prevent its uptake by the cells. EDTA potentiates the inhibition. Mg++ ions do not protect in vivo or against the inhibition of purified bacterial RNA and DNA polymerases. Lomofungin prevents formation of the RNA polymerase. DNA initiation complex, probably by chelation with the firmly bound Zn++ of the enzyme.  相似文献   

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