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Is there a role for actin in virus budding?   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
Electrophoretic data from both sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels (SDS-PAGE) and acid-urea gels reveal a protein in purified murine mammary tumor virus (MuMTV) which co-migrates with purified chick skeletal muscle actin. 125I-labeling of intact and disrupted virus preparations shows that the actin-like protein is not artifactually adsorbed to the outside of virions during isolation. Quantitative SDS- PAGE and examination of negatively stained preparations show that the actin cannot be accounted for by a contaminating population of virus- free vesicles. The ultrastructure of mammary epithelial cells and of Rous sarcoma virus-transformed chick embryo fibroblasts shows that virus extrusion is associated with filament-containing cellular processes. In particular, MuMTV is released from the ends of long microvilli which contain a bundle of 6-8-nm microfilaments and share other structural features with intestinal microvilli. We suggest that virus nucleoids require an interaction with host cell contractile proteins for their extrusion from the cell.  相似文献   

The metabolic demand for docosahexaenoic acid (22:6 n-3, DHA) is increased during pregnancy because of the extra needs of the fetus, expanded maternal cell mass and placenta. In Western countries maternal dietary DHA intake in pregnancy is low and it is not clear whether adaptive metabolic mechanisms, such as increased DHA synthesis from precursor fatty acids, are capable of meeting the increased DHA need in pregnancy. Consequently randomized controlled trials are important to determine whether additional dietary DHA in pregnancy modifies maternal or infant health outcomes. The available randomized comparisons of DHA supplements vs placebo have assessed outcomes as diverse as maternal depression, infant visual acuity and development, and infant growth and allergy. The outcomes of these trials have not been conclusive because they have often been limited by small sample size. On the other hand, large-scale trials assessing marine oil supplementation with large doses indicate that DHA supplementation in pregnancy is safe.  相似文献   

Is there a role for copper in neurodegenerative diseases?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Copper is an essential metal in living organisms; thus, the maintenance of adequate copper levels is of vital importance and is highly regulated. Dysfunction of copper metabolism leading to its excess or deficiency results in severe ailments. Two examples of illnesses related to alterations in copper metabolism are Menkes and Wilson diseases. Several proteins are involved in the maintenance of copper homeostasis, including copper transporters and metal chaperones. In the last several years, the beta-amyloid-precursor protein (beta-APP) and the prion protein (PrP(C)), which are related to the neurodegenerative disorders Alzheimer and prion diseases respectively, have been associated with copper metabolism. Both proteins bind copper through copper-binding domains that also have been shown to reduce copper in vitro. Moreover, this ability to reduce copper is associated with a neuroprotective effect exerted by the copper-binding domain of both proteins against copper in vivo. In addition to a functional link between copper and beta-APP or PrP(C), evidence suggests that copper has a role in Alzheimer and prion diseases. Here, we review the evidence that supports both, the role of beta-APP and PrP(C), in copper metabolism and the putative role of copper in neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Denise Meyerson 《Bioethics》2015,29(5):342-352
Demands for access to experimental therapies are frequently framed in the language of rights. This article examines the justifiability of such demands in the specific context of surgical innovations, these being promising but non‐validated and potentially risky departures from standard surgical practices. I argue that there is a right to access innovative surgery, drawing analogies with other generally accepted rights in medicine, such as the right not to be forcibly treated, to buy contraceptives, and to choose to have an abortion, including a post‐viability abortion where the mother's life or health is threatened by the pregnancy. I argue that we accept these rights because we believe that people are entitled to try to preserve their lives and health and to make choices of an important and intensely personal kind, and I suggest that a person's choice of medical treatment should be seen in the same light. However, since few rights are absolute, I also consider the circumstances in which it may be justifiable to limit the right to access innovative surgery. In discussing this question, I apply the human rights standard of proportionality, comparing the importance of the reasons for limiting the right with the severity of the invasion on liberty.  相似文献   

The amplifier hypothesis states that selection could favour the evolution of traits in signallers that improve the ability of receivers to extract honest information from other signals or cues. We provide a formal definition of amplifiers based on the receiver's mechanisms of signal perception and we present a game-theoretical model in which males advertise their quality and females use sequential-sampling tactics to choose among prospective mates. The main effect of an amplifier on the female mating strategy is to increase her mating threshold, making the female more selective as the effectiveness of the amplifier increases. The effects of the amplifier on male advertising strategy depends both on the context and on the types of the amplifier involved. We consider two different contexts for the evolution of amplifiers (when the effect of amplifiers is on signals and when it is on cues) and two types of amplifiers (the ‘neutral amplifier’, when it improves quality assessment without altering male attractiveness, and the ‘attractive amplifier’, when it improves both quality assessment and male attractiveness). The game-theoretical model provides two main results. First, neutral and attractive amplifiers represent, respectively, a conditional and an unconditional signalling strategy. In fact, at the equilibrium, neutral amplifiers are displayed only by males whose advertising level lays above the female acceptance threshold, whereas attractive amplifiers are displayed by all signalling males, independent of their quality. Second, amplifiers of signals increase the differences in advertising levels between amplifying and not-amplifying males, but they decrease the differences within each group, so that the system converges towards an ‘all-or-nothing’ signalling strategy. By applying concepts from information theory, we show that the increase in information transfer at the perception level due to the amplifier of signals is contrasted by a decrease in information transfer at the emitter level due to the increased stereotypy of male advertising strategy.  相似文献   

The very young embryo of a flowering plant is not an idealsystem in which to study the effects of auxin. Conversely, auxin isusually not considered as a major component of developmental processesin early embryogenesis. However, recent findings from both experimentalstudies in Brassica and analyses of developmental mutants inArabidopsis make it worthwhile to examine critically thepossibility that auxin may have a role in early embryogenesis. In thisreview, we will focus on specific processes, such as formation of anapical-basal axis of polarity and the initiation of the primary rootmeristem. To provide a conceptual framework in which to discuss possibleeffects of auxin, we will first briefly summarise essential features ofearly embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. This will be followed by anevaluation of relevant data suggesting a role for auxin in axisformation and root meristem initiation. Finally, we will discuss a fewexperimental approaches that we believe are necessary to examine whetheror not auxin plays a role in fundamental processes of earlyembryogenesis.  相似文献   

Despite strict regulation and a clean safety record, research and development of genetically modified (GM) crops and other organisms has been confronted with tremendous public hostility. Why has this happened, and how can scientists try to guide the debate into more rational channels? The answers may determine the future of GM technology and our ability to provide for a growing world population.  相似文献   

The concept of pilot pseudopodia is reconsidered 30 years after its inauguration (Gerisch, G., Hülser, D., Malchow, D., Wick, U., 1975. Cell communication by periodic cyclic-AMP pulses. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 272, 181-192). The original hypothesis stated that protruding pseudopodia serve as dynamic sensory organelles that aid a cell in perceiving variations of chemoattractant concentration and, consequently, in navigation during chemotaxis. This influential idea is reevaluated in the light of recent findings about the mechanisms governing chemotactic cell motility, morphology and dynamics of pseudopodia, and about molecular constituents and regulators of pseudopod extension and retraction. It is proposed that stimulation by a chemoattractant modulates speed of pseudopod protrusion and thereby increases cell elongation. Elongation further enhances chemotactic sensitivity of the cell to shallow chemoattractant gradients, reinforces cell polarization, and finally leads to suppression of lateral pseudopodia and continuation of cell migration in the gradient direction.  相似文献   

Most genetic variants associated with complex diseases in humans are believed to have a small impact on risk. With traditional candidate gene/pathway approaches several associations with disease risk could be identified. However, now that genome-wide association studies are feasible, the question arises if there is still a need for these approaches. By using HapMap data, we evaluated to which extent commercially available microarrays cover, through linkage disequilibrium, all currently known genes and biological processes in different populations. Furthermore, we estimated the power to detect an association with any specific SNP. Our study shows that coverage of individual genes and pathways by current commercial genotyping platforms is satisfactory for the vast majority of RefSeq gene regions. However, depending on the gene or the population, there may still be a need for candidate gene approaches, especially when looking at polymorphisms with low allele frequencies.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, a compelling number of studies reported that observing an action makes the imitation of that action more likely. The automatic character of human imitative behaviour was often claimed, but rarely tested. The demonstration of the absence of conscious control has been attempted in a recent report claiming that imitation can occur in the rock-paper-scissors (RPS) game, where strategic players should avoid imitating their opponents. This surprising result could serve as strong evidence that humans imitate each other unconsciously. We find, however, that this conclusion is problematic. In addition to reviewing the original methods, in this work, we also replicated the experiment with double the sample size. Thorough examination of the original analyses and the results of the present replication do not support the original conclusion. In our view, testing the theory of automatic imitation in RPS games is a potentially promising avenue of exploration, yet the interpretation of the data requires further understanding of the subsidiary effects controlling the behaviour of the players.  相似文献   

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