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TGF-beta receptors (TbetaRs) are serine/threonine kinase receptors that bind to TGF-beta and propagate intracellular signaling through Smad proteins. TbetaRs are repressed in some human cancers and expressed at high levels in several fibrotic diseases. We demonstrated that epidermal growth factor (EGF) up-regulates type II TGF-beta receptor (TbetaRII) expression in human dermal fibroblasts. EGF-mediated induction of TbetaRII expression was inhibited by the treatment of fibroblasts with a specific p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitor, SB203580, whereas MEK inhibitor PD98059 did not block the up-regulation of TbetaRII by EGF. EGF induced the TbetaRII promoter activity, and this induction was significantly blocked by SB203580, but not by PD98059. The overexpression of the dominant negative form of p38alpha or p38beta significantly reduced the induction of TbetaRII promoter activity by EGF. These results indicate that the EGF-mediated induction of TbetaRII expression involves the p38 MAPK signaling pathway. The EGF-mediated induction of TbetaRII expression may participate in a synergistic interplay between EGF and TGF-beta signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae are human pathogens that often asymptomatically colonize the mucosal surface of the upper respiratory tract, but also occasionally cause invasive disease. The ability of these species to traverse the epithelium of the airway mucosa was modeled in vitro using polarized respiratory epithelial cells in culture. Migration across the epithelial barrier was preceded by loss of transepithelial resistance. Membrane products of S. pneumoniae that included lipoteichoic acid induced disruption of the epithelial barrier in a Toll-like receptor 2-dependent manner. This result correlates with a recent genetic study that associates increased TLR2 signaling with increased rates of invasive pneumococcal disease in humans. Loss of transepithelial resistance by the TLR2 ligand correlated with activation of p38 MAP kinase and transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta signaling. Activation of p38 MAPK and TGF-beta signaling in epithelial cells upon nasal infection with S. pneumoniae was also demonstrated in vivo. Inhibition of either p38 MAPK or TGF-beta signaling was sufficient to inhibit the migration of S. pneumoniae or H. influenzae. Our data shows that diverse bacteria utilize common mechanisms, including MAPK and TGF-beta signaling pathways to disrupt epithelial barriers and promote invasion.  相似文献   

Expression of the neuropeptide neurotensin (NT) and its high affinity receptor (NTR1) is increased during the course of Clostridium difficile toxin A-induced acute colitis, and NTR1 antagonism attenuates the severity of toxin A-induced inflammation. We recently demonstrated in non-transformed human colonic epithelial NCM460 cells that NT treatment caused activation of a Ras-mediated MAP kinase pathway that significantly contributes to NT-induced interleukin-8 (IL-8) secretion. Here we used NCM460 cells, which normally express low levels of NTR1, and NCM460 cells stably transfected with NTR1 to identify the upstream signaling molecules involved in NT-NTR1-mediated MAP kinase activation. We found that inhibition of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) by either an EGFR neutralizing antibody or by its specific inhibitor AG1478 (0.2 microm) blocked NT-induced MAP kinase activation. Moreover, NT stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of the EGFR, and pretreatment with a broad spectrum metalloproteinase inhibitor batimastat reduced NT-induced MAP kinase activation. Using neutralizing antibodies against the EGFR ligands EGF, heparin-binding-EGF, transforming growth factor-alpha (TGFalpha), or amphiregulin we have shown that only the anti-TGFalpha antibody significantly decreases NT-induced phosphorylation of EGFR and MAP kinases. Furthermore, inhibition of the EGF receptor by AG1478 significantly reduced NT-induced IL-8 promoter activity and IL-8 secretion. This is the first report demonstrating that NT binding to NTR1 transactivates the EGFR and that this response is linked to NT-mediated proinflammatory signaling. Our findings indicate that matrix metalloproteinase-mediated release of TGFalpha and subsequent EGFR transactivation triggers a NT-mediated MAP kinase pathway that leads to IL-8 gene expression in human colonic epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) is a pleiotropic growth factor that plays a critical role in modulating cell growth, differentiation, and plasticity. There is increasing evidence that after cells lose their sensitivity to TGF-beta-mediated growth inhibition, autocrine TGF-beta signaling may potentially promote tumor cell motility and invasiveness. To understand the molecular mechanisms by which autocrine TGF-beta may selectively contribute to tumor cell motility, we have generated MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells stably expressing a kinase-inactive type II TGF-beta receptor (T beta RII-K277R). Our data indicate that T beta RII-K277R is expressed, can associate with the type I TGF-beta receptor, and block both Smad-dependent and -independent signaling pathways activated by TGF-beta. In addition, wound closure and transwell migration assays indicated that the basal migratory potential of T beta RII-K277R expressing cells was impaired. The impaired motility of T beta RII-K277R cells could be restored by reconstituting TGF-beta signaling with a constitutively active TGF-beta type I receptor (ALK5(TD)) but not by reconstituting Smad signaling with Smad2/4 or Smad3/4 expression. In addition, the levels of ALK5(TD) expression sufficient to restore motility in the cells expressing T beta RII-K277R were associated with an increase in phosphorylation of Akt and extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 but not Smad2. These data indicate that different signaling pathways require different thresholds of TGF-beta activation and suggest that TGF-beta promotes motility through mechanisms independent of Smad signaling, possibly involving activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt and/or mitogen-activated protein kinase pathways.  相似文献   

Although the migration of hepatic myofibroblasts (HMFs) contributes to the development of fibrosis, the signals regulating migration of these cells are poorly understood. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that HMF migration is stimulated by platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB) through p38 mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) signaling pathways. This hypothesis was addressed by directly visualizing the migration of cultured human HMFs into a wound. PDGF-BB stimulated membrane ruffling, migration, and proliferation. PDGF-BB also induced activation of p38 MAP kinase, its downstream effector, heat shock protein (HSP) 27, ERK 1 and ERK 2, and p125 focal adhesion kinase (FAK). Selective antagonism of p38 MAP kinase blocked PDGF-BB-stimulated HSP 27 phosphorylation, membrane ruffling, and migration, but did not alter PDGF-BB-induced proliferation. Selective antagonism of ERK kinase inhibited PDGF-BB-induced ERK phosphorylation and proliferation, but did not affect PDGF-BB-stimulated migration. Concentrations of PDGF-BB that stimulated migration and proliferation did not influence myosin-dependent contractility. Neither selective inhibition of p38 MAP kinase nor ERKs altered PDGF-BB-induced activation of FAK. In conclusion, these results provide novel evidence indicating that (1) HMF migration is stimulated by PDGF-BB through the regulation of membrane ruffling by a p38 MAP kinase signaling pathway, (2) whereas p38 MAP kinase mediates PDGF-BB-stimulated migration, but not proliferation, ERKs mediate PDGF-induced proliferation, but not migration, and (3) increases in myosin-dependent contractility are not required for PDGF-BB-stimulated migration.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) belongs to a family of multifunctional cytokines that regulate a variety of biological processes, including cell differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis. The effects of TGF-beta1 are cell context and cell cycle specific and may be signaled through several pathways. We examined the effect of TGF-beta1 on apoptosis of primary human central airway epithelial cells and cell lines. TGF-beta1 protected human airway epithelial cells from apoptosis induced by either activation of the Fas death receptor (CD95) or by corticosteroids. This protective effect was blocked by inhibition of the Smad pathway via overexpression of inhibitory Smad7. The protective effect is associated with an increase in the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 and was blocked by the overexpression of key gatekeeper cyclins for the G1/S interface, cyclins D1 and E. Blockade of the Smad pathway by overexpression of the inhibitory Smad7 permitted demonstration of a TGF-beta-mediated proapoptotic pathway. This proapoptotic effect was blocked by inhibition of the p38 MAPK kinase signaling with the inhibitor SB-203580 and was associated with an increase in p38 activity as measured by a kinase assay. Here we demonstrate dual signaling pathways involving TGF-beta1, an antiapoptotic pathway mediated by the Smad pathway involving p21, and an apoptosis-permissive pathway mediated in part by p38 MAPK.  相似文献   

Keloids represent a dysregulated response to cutaneous wounding that results in an excessive deposition of extracellular matrix, especially collagen. However, the molecular mechanisms regulating this pathologic collagen deposition still remain to be elucidated. A previous study by this group demonstrated that transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1 and -beta2 ligands were expressed at greater levels in keloid fibroblasts when compared with normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDFs), suggesting that TGF-beta may play a fibrosis-promoting role in keloid pathogenesis.To explore the biomolecular mechanisms of TGF-beta in keloid formation, the authors first compared the expression levels of the type I and type II TGF-beta receptors in keloid fibroblasts and NHDFs. Next, they investigated the phosphorylation of Smad 3, an intracellular TGF-beta signaling molecule, in keloid fibroblasts and NHDFs. Finally, they examined the regulation of TGF-beta receptor II by TGF-beta1, TGF-beta2, and TGF-beta3 ligands.Our findings demonstrated an increased expression of TGF-beta receptors (types I and II) and increased phosphorylation of Smad 3 in keloid fibroblasts relative to NHDFs. These data support a possible role of TGF-beta and its receptors as fibrosis-inducing growth factors in keloids. In addition, all three isoforms of recombinant human TGF-beta proteins could further stimulate the expression of TGF-beta receptor II in both keloids and NHDFs. Taken together, these results substantiate the hypothesis that the elevated levels of TGF-beta ligands and receptors present in keloids may support increased signaling and a potential role for TGF-beta in keloid pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Human collagenase-3 (matrix metalloproteinase 13 (MMP-13)) is characterized by exceptionally wide substrate specificity and restricted tissue specific expression. Human skin fibroblasts in culture express MMP-13 only when they are in three-dimensional collagen (Ravanti, L., Heino, J., López-Otín, C., and K?h?ri. V.-M. (1999) J. Biol. Chem. 274, 2446-2455). Here we show that MMP-13 is expressed by fibroblasts during normal human gingival wound repair. Expression of MMP-13 by human gingival fibroblasts cultured in monolayer or in collagen gel was induced by transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1). Treatment of gingival fibroblasts with TGF-beta1 activated two distinct mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs): extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) in 15 min and p38 MAPK in 1 and 2 h. Induction of MMP-13 expression by TGF-beta1 was blocked by SB203580, a specific inhibitor of p38 MAPK, but not by PD98059, a selective inhibitor of ERK1/2 activation. Adenovirus-mediated expression of dominant negative p38alpha and c-Jun potently inhibited induction of MMP-13 expression in gingival fibroblasts by TGF-beta1. Infection of gingival fibroblasts with adenovirus for constitutively active MEK1 resulted in activation of ERK1/2 and JNK1 and up-regulation of collagenase-1 (MMP-1) and stromelysin-1 (MMP-3) production but did not induce MMP-13 expression. In addition, activation of p38 MAPK by constitutively active MKK6b or MKK3b was not sufficient to induce MMP-13 expression. These results show that TGF-beta-elicited induction of MMP-13 expression by gingival fibroblasts is dependent on the activity of p38 MAPK and the presence of functional AP-1 dimers. These observations demonstrate a fundamental difference in the regulation of collagenolytic capacity between gingival and dermal fibroblasts and suggest a role for MMP-13 in rapid turnover of collagenous matrix during repair of gingival wounds, which heal with minimal scarring.  相似文献   

Yu L  Hébert MC  Zhang YE 《The EMBO journal》2002,21(14):3749-3759
Through the action of its membrane-bound type I receptors, transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) elicits a wide range of cellular responses that regulate cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Many of the signaling responses induced by TGF-beta are mediated by Smad proteins, but certain evidence has suggested that TGF-beta can also signal independently of Smads. We found in mouse mammary epithelial (NMuMG) cells, which respond to TGF-beta treatment in multiple ways, that TGF-beta-induced activation of p38 MAP kinase is required for TGF-beta-induced apoptosis, epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), but not growth arrest. We further demonstrated that activation of p38 is independent of Smads using a mutant type I receptor, which is incapable of activating Smads but still retains the kinase activity. This mutant receptor is sufficient to activate p38 and cause NMuMG cells to undergo apoptosis. However, it is not sufficient to induce EMT. These results indicate that TGF-beta receptor signals through multiple intracellular pathways and provide first-hand biochemical evidence for the existence of Smad-independent TGF-beta receptor signaling.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) on DNA synthesis in human fetal fibroblasts, as measured by the incorporation of [3H]thymidine and cell replication. In serum-free medium, without additional peptide growth factors, TGF-beta had no action on thymidine incorporation. However, in the presence of 0.1% v/v fetal calf serum, TGF-beta exhibited a bi-functional action on the cells. A dose-dependent stimulation of [3H]thymidine incorporation, and an increase in cell number, occurred with fibroblasts established from fetuses under 50 g body weight, with a maximum stimulation seen at 1.25 ng/ml. For fibroblasts from fetuses of 100 g or greater body weight, TGF-beta caused a dose-related decrease in thymidine uptake with a maximal inhibition at 2.5 ng/ml, and a small decrease in cell number. When DNA synthesis was stimulated by the addition of somatomedin-C/insulin-like growth factor I, epidermal growth factor, or platelet-derived growth factor, their actions were potentiated by the presence of TGF-beta on cells derived from fetuses under 50 g body weight, but inhibited on cells obtained from the larger fetuses weighing more than 100 g. Similar results were found for changes in cell number in response to TGF-beta when stimulated by SM-C/IGF I. The ability of TGF-beta to modulate [3H] thymidine incorporation did not involve a change in the time required for growth-restricted cells to enter the S phase of the replication cycle. These data suggest that TGF-beta may exert either a growth-promoting or growth-inhibiting action on human fetal connective tissues in the presence of other peptide growth factors, which is dependent on fetal age and development.  相似文献   

Type I interferons (IFNs) are potent regulators of normal hematopoiesis in vitro and in vivo, but the mechanisms by which they suppress hematopoietic progenitor cell growth and differentiation are not known. In the present study we provide evidence that IFN alpha and IFN beta induce phosphorylation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein (Map) kinase in CD34+-derived primitive human hematopoietic progenitors. Such type I IFN-inducible phosphorylation of p38 results in activation of the catalytic domain of the kinase and sequential activation of the MAPK-activated protein kinase-2 (MapKapK-2 kinase), indicating the existence of a signaling cascade, activated downstream of p38 in hematopoietic progenitors. Our data indicate that activation of this signaling cascade by the type I IFN receptor is essential for the generation of the suppressive effects of type I IFNs on normal hematopoiesis. This is shown by studies demonstrating that pharmacological inhibitors of p38 reverse the growth inhibitory effects of IFN alpha and IFN beta on myeloid (colony-forming granulocytic-macrophage) and erythroid (burst-forming unit-erythroid) progenitor colony formation. In a similar manner, transforming growth factor beta, which also exhibits inhibitory effects on normal hematopoiesis, activates p38 and MapKapK-2 in human hematopoietic progenitors, whereas pharmacological inhibitors of p38 reverse its suppressive activities on both myeloid and erythroid colony formation. In further studies, we demonstrate that the primary mechanism by which the p38 Map kinase pathway mediates hematopoietic suppression is regulation of cell cycle progression and is unrelated to induction of apoptosis. Altogether, these findings establish that the p38 Map kinase pathway is a common effector for type I IFN and transforming growth factor beta signaling in human hematopoietic progenitors and plays a critical role in the induction of the suppressive effects of these cytokines on normal hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

The recombinant human p38 MAP kinase has been expressed and purified from both Escherichia coli and SF9 cells, and has been crystallized in two forms by the hanging drop vapor diffusion method using PEG as precipitant. Both crystal forms belong to space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). The cell parameters for crystal form 1 are a = 65.2 A, b = 74.6 A and c = 78.1 A. Those for crystal form 2 are a = 58.3 A, b = 68.3 A and c = 87.9 A. Diffraction data to 2.0 A resolution have been collected on both forms.  相似文献   

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