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目的 探讨管理风险防控下的现代医院管理核心制度建设。方法 选取吉林省吉林市12家三级甲等医院,针对与管理风险有关的制度,如患者满意度、管理廉洁度、药品疗效、医院诚信度等38项核心制度进行风险控制等级评定。结果 依照所选制度的重要度均值分布情况,共有17项核心制度为高风险制度,12项为中等风险,9项为一般风险。结论 建设现代医院管理核心制度,不仅有助于提高医院风险防控管理水平,对推进医院廉政建设也有极其重要的意义。





目的 探索通过对电子病历疾病模板的专业性和规范化的控制提高病历质量。方法 对某综合性三甲医院的临床医生进行问卷调查。内容包括:调查对象对电子病历相关管理规范的认识,疾病模板的合理性及数量,使用疾病模板对提高工作效率、科研水平及改善病历质量等方面的作用。结果 92.14%的人员认为使用电子病历模板后减少了病历书写时间,83.90%的人员认为使用模板后改善了病历书写质量,92.17%的人员认为使用模板对科研工作有利。另外仅有29.87%的调查对象了解电子病历模板的制作规范,了解程度较低。结论 完善的电子病历疾病模板对提高工作效率、科研水平及改善病历质量具有重要作用。但在实际应用过程中仍存在不足,亟待解决。完善病历模板、加强质量监控可以提高电子病历质量及信息利用率。  相似文献   

提出并实现了基于“三卡通”(医保卡、就诊卡、银行借记卡)支付的医院门诊就医新模式,从而进一步改善门诊就医环境,便捷就医流程,缓解群众“就医难”的问题,提升医院的财务管理水平和医疗服务质量,推进数字化医院建设。  相似文献   

病理学诊断是临床诊断和疾病治疗的重要参考依据,病理科的质量控制也是医院管理中的重要环节之一。通过回顾分析病理科发生的1例标本混淆,寻找管理流程中存在的问题,提出改进措施和意见,以达到完善病理科管理、提高病理质量控制水平的目的。  相似文献   

目的 探讨临床输血病案文书的内涵质量。方法 采取随机抽查的方法对某院2009—2010年已经归档的输血病案,按卫生部“医院管理年和医疗质量万里行”活动内容进行调查。结果 发现多份病历不合格。结论 临床输血病案文书是临床医师对患者治疗过程的原始记录,是当时事态的真迹,是医疗事故或纠纷在认定是非、判明责任,以及医疗技术鉴定或司法鉴定时赖以立论的依据。因此,写好病案文书可减少医疗纠纷的发生。  相似文献   

目的 综合评价医院的住院医疗质量,为医院的管理决策提供依据,为政府部门提供参考。方法 运用抽样调查方法,抽取4个省的5家公立医院住院医疗服务情况,采用综合指数法对其进行评价。结果 综合评价的结果显示,2010年住院医疗质量最好的是C医院,最差的是E医院。结论 通过对各项指标的排序分析,了解到各医院在不同方面存在的问题与竞争优势,为医院的长远规划提供依据。  相似文献   

The threat of damage to buildings and other infrastructures resulting from land subsidence associated with groundwater pumping in urbanized areas is an ongoing problem requiring assessment. An important goal of subsidence vulnerability assessment is to construct a composite subsidence vulnerability index (SVI) that is represented by a set of indicators that focuses on four different thematic factors: physical, social, economic, and environmental vulnerability. These indicators are evaluated on the basis of indicator selection principles and then weighted by their contribution rate to the overall index. The weights reflect different measures assigned to the township-specific conditions. A complete and composite subsidence vulnerability assessment is developed in which future vulnerability management decision-making processes can be readily made. The vulnerability assessment includes not only the construction of the SVI, which involves selecting, assigning value to, weighting, and aggregating the vulnerability indicators, but also the presentation of the SVI decomposition. Research results demonstrate that a composite subsidence vulnerability assessment method can be made by first constructing and then decomposition-presenting the overall SVI. This allows for the relative comparison of subsidence vulnerability and the identification of the main vulnerable indicators; thus providing subsidence risk, which represents an important step toward vulnerability management of water resources.  相似文献   

对于正确应用SCI作为学术评估体系的一点看法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
世界上每年有上万种杂志发表研究论文,量化评估这些论文的质量,可以衡量其科学性和对相关领域的贡献.SCI是以引用为基础的计量法,可以为科学杂志排序,其引入对于促进中国科学界与世界同行的交流与合作,以及我国的科技发展具有不可忽视的作用.但是近年应用SCI,尤其是影响因子(IF)作为单一的论文质量评价指标而遭质疑.本文分析我国SCI论文评价的历史与现状,探讨如何客观地认识SCI等科技论文评价方法,建议提高国内学术期刊的国际影响力,在改进量化评价体系的同时,注意科技论文的定性评价,以推动我国学术评价体系的完善,以利于促进我国科技发展.  相似文献   

The interrelation between node of flowering, rate of node productionand times of flower initiation, and flowering is examined andthe limitations of node of flowering as an index of developmentdefined. Node of flowering is shown to be useful as an indexof development only in so far as it can be used to estimatetime of flower initiation and for this to be possible, informationon rate of node production is also required.  相似文献   

A sediment quality index (SQI) based on the Canadian Water Quality Index was developed and applied to the assessment of sediment quality in two Great Lakes Areas Of Concern where metals are the primary contaminants of potential concern, Peninsula Harbour (Lake Superior) and Collingwood Harbour (Lake Huron). The SQI was calculated according to an equation incorporating two elements; scope—the number of variables that do not meet guideline objectives; and, amplitude—the magnitude by which variables exceed guideline objectives. Categorizations of sediment quality were developed based on SQI scores. The robustness of the SQI was evaluated through comparison of the relative rankings of sediment quality in the two test areas with results obtained from principle components analysis (PCA) incorporating reference sites, and calculations of hazard quotients (HQs). Trends and rankings in sediment quality determined by the SQI were similar to those calculated using PCA at both test areas. The HQs also appeared to be good indicators of sediment quality. Both the SQI and HQ methods are based on existing Sediment Quality Guidelines, but the SQI had the added benefit of allowing straightforward integration of multiple contaminants. The SQI and PCA analyses appeared complementary in that the SQI incorporated information on the number of variables exceeding guideline values and the degree to which these guidelines were exceeded. The PCA allowed a simple check of the SQI by relating test conditions to regional background. It is recommended that this analysis be performed concurrently with SQI to ensure that non-anthropogenic sources of contaminants (metals in this case) are not considered as representing an anthropogenic hazard.  相似文献   

This study evaluated both biosafety levels (BLs) and airborne fungal concentrations in microbiological laboratories in Seoul, Korea. To evaluate biosafety facilities, we used a checklist containing 67 questions in nine categories. We also measured airborne fungal concentration according to the BLs. Airborne fungal concentrations were higher in BL-1 facilities (240 CFU/m3) than in BL-2 facilities (25 CFU/m3). The airborne fungal concentrations significantly differed among the laboratories that were graded as poor, fair, and good. Especially, a significant negative correlation was observed between the airborne fungal concentrations and the biosafety levels (p = .001). We recommend that the guidelines of biosafety be followed to improve laboratory environment.  相似文献   

目的 建立一套科学合理、量化可比、简便易行的现代化综合性中医院医疗质量评价指标体系。方法 对我国现有的医疗质量评价的文献进行循证分析,按循证医学的标准和引用频率提取综合性医院的共性指标和中医院特有的非共性指标,从而拟定指标体系草案。运用德尔菲法,进行3轮专家咨询,采用相乘模型的综合指数法筛选指标,用层次分析法和比例分配法确定指标权重。结果 指标体系由5个一级指标、23个二级指标构成,其中反映中医院特色的二级指标6个,占26%。结论 整套指标体系既有医院的共性指标,又强调了综合性中医院的特性指标,既能突出中医医疗质量管理与质量控制的特色,又能结合中医医院现代化发展的需要。  相似文献   

##正## Based on auditory peripheral simulation model, a new Sound Quality Objective Evaluation (SQOE) method is presented,which can be used to model and analyze the impacts of head, shoulder and other parts of human body on sound wave trans-mission.This method employs the artificial head technique, in which the head related transfer function was taken into account tothe outer ear simulation phase.First, a bionic artificial head was designed as the outer ear model with considering the outersound field in view of theory and physical explanations.Then the auditory peripheral simulation model was built, which mimicsthe physiological functions of the human hearing, simulating the acoustic signal transfer process and conversion mechanismsfrom the free field to the peripheral auditory system.Finally, performance comparison was made between the proposed SQOEmethod and ArtemiS software, and the verifications of subjective and objective related analysis were made.Results show thatthe proposed method was economical, simple, and with good evaluation quality.  相似文献   

选取与乡村人居林关系最为密切的林木覆盖指数、林木结构指数、林网密度指数、林木健康指数和林木稳定指数指标,利用层次分析法确定权重系数,通过间接构建评价指标各要素占评价区域加权面积比重的方法,进行乡村人居林质量评价,结果表明,4个代表型村庄人居林建设质量差异较大,以南书村为最好,上浦村和扁山村其次,茜黄村最差,综合评价得分分别为75.7972分、52.7972分、41.5418分和9.7689分.这种评价方法科学有效、简单快速,实用性强,避免了传统评价方法基础数据获取困难和可操作性不强的缺陷,为乡村人居林质量评价提供依据.  相似文献   

Actinobolin was evaluated in vitro by a paper disc-agar diffusion method for inhibitory activity against mixed microbial cultures obtained from patients with periodontal disease and against pure bacterial cultures tentatively identified as strains of Bacteroides melaninogenicus, Fusobacterium fusiforme, Leptotrichia buccalis, and Veillonella parvula. Every culture tested was inhibited to some degree by actinobolin. These observations suggest that actinobolin may be effective in the treatment of periodontal disease.  相似文献   

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