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We study the effects of heat loss and nest site quality on fecundity in a chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica) colony on Deception Island, Antarctica. During the austral summers of 1990–1991, 1993–1994, and 1995–1996, 441 randomly selected nests were analyzed. Penguins breeding in the center of subcolonies hatched significantly earlier and had larger broods and than those nesting near or at the edge of the subcolonies. These differences, however, were significantly affected by interaction between year and nest location, being highly significant in colder years, when peripheral nests produce fewer young. Analysis of the rate of heat loss showed that penguins breeding at the edge of subcolonies lost heat twice as rapidly as those breeding in the interior of the subcolony. In a re-occupation experiment, evacuated center nests were re-occupied almost ten times as rapidly as edge nests. An analysis of mean fecundity in the period 1991–1996 and mean wind chill suggested that most of the variability in fecundity among years was related to differences in the rate of heat loss. Subcolonies tend to be as circular as possible, thereby decreasing the proportion of edge nests as the size of subcolony increases. Our results support the site-dependent fecundity hypothesis.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that parental resource allocation may be the most important factor explaining differences in reproductive output among parents. That said at least two different hypotheses of balance between parental foraging effort and resource allocation have been proposed. First, parents with high foraging effort have high reproductive success. Second, parents with higher allocation of resources to offspring have high reproductive success. We tested the second hypothesis using chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) as a model. We evaluated nutritional condition of the parents using blood urea, uric acid, creatine kinase, and cholesterol levels. We evaluated reproductive success according to total mass of the brood and asymmetries inside the brood. We measured the degree of asymmetry using weight and culmen length. Generalized linear models were used to examine relationships between adult plasma urea levels with year, nest position, and degree of asymmetry in chicks. Our results demonstrate that lighter broods were more asymmetric and associated with lower values of adult plasma urea, uric acid, and creatine kinase. We interpret these findings as evidence that the birds allocate fewer resources to their chicks than adults with more symmetric broods are.  相似文献   

We studied haematocrit variation with age and reproductive status in chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) at Deception Island, South Shetlands. There was a significant difference in haematocrit values between different age groups (adults vs nestlings and juveniles). Adults had a higher haematocrit value than juveniles and nestlings and juveniles had higher haematocrit values than nestlings. There was also a significant difference in haematocrit values between adults of different status (breeding vs moulting). Breeding adults had higher haematocrit values than moulting adults. The observed differences between age groups were thought to be the result of different oxygen demands due to exercise. The observed differences between adults of different status could reflect the different demands associated with reproduction and moult fasting.  相似文献   

Population changes of top predators can provide key indications of environmental quality. In the Antarctic ecosystem, population dynamics of top predators like penguins may yield important information about how the environment is changing. From 1991–1992 to 2008–2009 censuses of the chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica), breeding population of Vapour Col in Deception Island (South Shetlands Islands) were carried out. Censuses were conducted on 19 sub-colonies, mainly in December around the time of peak hatching. Nest counts were taken from photographs that were recorded from a standard location. Some censuses were also made in mid-January in 1999, 2006, 2007 and 2008. Our results reveal that the population has declined by 36?% when comparing data from 1991 with those from 2008. The strongest decline occurred since 2000. No temporal trends were detected in reproductive success. Declines of Chinstrap penguin populations constitute a general pattern in the South Shetlands, and it has been suggested to be related to climate change through effects of reduction in sea-ice extent during winter and a consequent decline in the abundance of krill.  相似文献   

We examined if laying intervals and hatching asynchronies are related in a chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica) population in the South Orkneys. The lack of association between the two variables, as well as data on brood patch development, indicated that incubation did not begin immediately after the first egg was laid. This suggests that longer laying intervals may be compensated by longer delays in the onset of full incubation. Hatching asynchrony increased with within-clutch egg size asymmetry, decreased with breeding date, and was related to the laying order of the eggs according to size. However, only egg-size asymmetry remained significant when controlling for the other variables. We conclude that more asymmetric clutches were more asynchronous, although a large part of the variation in hatching asynchrony remains unexplained.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of egg size on chick growth in the chinstrap penguin under natural non-manipulative, conditions. The influence of egg size on chick mass at hatching, 15 and 45 days of age was analysed controlling for the effect of hatching date, as hatching date has been repeatedly associated with chick growth in this species. Egg volume explained 20% of the variation in the body mass of chicks at hatching. Its effect disappeared as chicks grew, being statistically not significant at the age of 15 and 45 days. Egg volume asymmetry also had no role in determining chicks' growth asymmetries. Accepted: 6 June 1998  相似文献   

Meal size of chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) was estimated through weighing adult breeders before and after food transfer during the crèche phase. Mean meal size delivered by each parent was 630.2 ± 178.3 g and was independent of breeding date, number of chicks and sex. Only body size as estimated by flipper length had a significant effect on meal size, suggesting an advantage of large body size which allows maximization of food carried per visit. Received: 22 September 1997 / Accepted: 16 December 1997  相似文献   

We report an observational study of aggressive behaviour by adults during the post-guard phase in the chinstrap penguin. The study was carried out in one subcolony where all the individuals (breeders, chicks and failed breeders) were banded, as well as in nine other subcolonies where individuals were not identifiable. Breeding adults were more aggressive towards unrelated chicks when they were feeding their own chicks than in other contexts. Chicks were also attacked at high rates by adults that did not belong to their own subcolonies. The evidence suggests that some aggressions to chicks by adults may function to avoid interference from unrelated chicks during food transfers, but our data also show that aggressive interactions are common in contexts other than chick feeding. However, aggression by adults did not show any clear spatial directionality or purpose of shepherding the chicks, and these tended not to move in any particular direction when attacked.  相似文献   

No haematoza were detected in 40 adult and 58 nestling wild chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) from Antarctica examined by blood smear. Received: 27 November 1996 / Accepted: 24 March 1997  相似文献   

Although the majority of chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) inhabit the Scotia Arc, a minuscule population of ten breeding pairs has been reported several times from Chinstrap Islet, in the Balleny Islands, 5,000 km distant on the opposite side of Antarctica. An aerial photographic census (December 2000) reveals that the overall penguin population of the Balleny Islands has declined by 8% since the last census 16 years ago, while the combined populations of the two largest colonies, Chinstrap Islet and Sabrina Islet, have increased by 11%. A ground visit confirmed for the first time that chinstrap penguins also breed on Sabrina Islet, occupying 20-24 nests on the margins of the Adélie colony (3,790 pairs in all). The small size and anomalous location of the Balleny Islands chinstrap population clearly warrant further study and the strongest protective measures.  相似文献   

Health status and immunocompetence have been proposed as important factors affecting individual variation in the attainment of breeding condition in birds. We studied individual variation in serological variables indicating health status (blood sedimentation rate, haematocrit, `buffy coat' layer, proportions of different types of leucocytes) in two groups of breeding chinstrap penguins Pygoscelis antarctica with breeding dates 9 days apart. We sampled these individuals shortly after hatching of their young and at the end of the chick-raising period. A group of failed breeders was also sampled. Birds of both sexes were included. We also measured the T-cell-mediated immune response as indicated by an in vivo hypersensitivity response to an intradermal injection of a mitogen (phytohaemagglutinin) in early and late breeders. Sex had no significant effect on most variables. Late breeders had poorer health (more leucocytes, especially heterophils and lymphocytes) and a lower T-cell-mediated immune response than early breeders. Failed breeders were more similar to late than to early breeders. Early breeders suffered a decline in health status throughout the chick-raising period. The impact of pathogens on variation in life history traits in avian populations may be important even in extreme Antarctic environments. Received: 18 December 1997 / Accepted: 1 March 1998  相似文献   

Adélie Pygoscelis adeliae and Chinstrap P. antarctica penguins are important consumers of Southern Ocean marine resources. The stomach contents of adult penguins at Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, were analysed quantitatively throughout the chick-rearing period. They consisted almost exclusively of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba , Adélies eating 35–63% by number and 23–28% by weight of juvenile krill and Chinstraps 72–87% by number and 90–95% by weight of mature krill, as well as small amounts offish and amphipods. Interspecific dietary differences may partly be attributable to Adélies starting breeding one month before Chinstraps but, as they persist when both are simultaneously rearing chicks, the two species may also forage in somewhat different areas.
Krill data from net hauls indicate a substantial overlap in the size of krill taken by scientific, and probably also commercial, operations and by Adélie and Chinstrap penguins.
Chicks were fed c. 300 g of food 0–5-0-8 times per day, Chinstrap chicks without a sibling being fed most frequently. Chicks of both species were most often fed in the late afternoon, and from estimates of swimming speed and feeding frequency adults may feed quite extensively at night.  相似文献   

RAPD analysis was used to examine the extent of genetic polymorphism in two populations of Gentoo penguin (Pygoscelis papua) from Antarctic Islands (Petermann and Livingston). The chosen two of three 10 mer oligonucleotide primers accordingly to preliminary results showed different levels of polymorphism in Gentoo penguins at Petermann Island (from 23.53 to 42.86%) and Livingston Island (from 52.94 to 57.14%). Nei's similarity coefficients were in range from 0.5606 (when Gentoo genome profiles were compared with RAPD profiles of two related penguin species: Pygoscelis adeliae (Adelie) and Pygoscelis antarctica (Chinstrep)) to 0.9281 among observed Gentoo penguin populations. Nei's distances values ranged from 0.0746 to 0.5787 among the populations and species. The obtained results will be used for further estimation of genetic diversity of Gentoo penguins and determination of their taxonomic status.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of hatching date on breeding performance (chick growth and mortality) and phenology (creching and fledging ages) of the chinstrap penguin during three years. The year affected every variable considered, probably due to pack-ice persistence and food availability differences between years. Hatching date had slight or no effect on mortality and early growth, but was negatively correlated with creching age, which, in turn, was positively related to final size. The decision to leave the chicks unguarded does not seem to be based on the condition of the chicks, but on that of adults. Fledging age was negatively correlated with hatching date, and this effect was more marked in the year with poor growth performance. Given the short time available for breeding in Antarctica, there must be conflicting pressures between investing in feeding chicks and advancing the period of premoult resource storage, this explaining the strong relationship between hatching dates and subsequent phenological events (creching and fledging). In this kind of study, it may be important to remove the effect of inter-year variation before assessing the possible effects of other variables.  相似文献   

The intensity of stone collection and stone theft by breeding Chinstrap penguins was measured, and estimations made of the number of stones per nest in large (> 400 nests) and small subcolonies (< 50 nests) in the large Vapour Col colony on Deception Island, South Shetland Islands. Stone availability was significantly higher both inside and outside small subcolonies. Penguins carried stones to the nest at the same rate in large and small subcolonies, but stole more intensively in large subcolonies. Stones obtained by theft were significantly larger than those collected elsewhere. When stone availability was increased experimentally, individuals of large subcolonies collected more intensively than control individuals in large and small subcolonies, and stole significantly less than control individuals in large subcolonies, and as much as individuals in small subcolonies. The greater theft pressure in large subcolonies was accompanied by more aggressive defence by nest owners and by reduced succession stealing. However, the reduced availability of stones on the ground near large subcolonies led to a significantly lower number of stones per nest than in small subcolonies. These results are interpreted in the light of the geometric effects of breeding group size (perimeter to surface ratio) on stone accessibility.  相似文献   

Historically wildlife conservation was based on habitat protection and exploitation control. Only recently have diseases been considered an important issue. However, pathogens are usually described during or after disease outbreaks, but to determine which pathogens may be emerging, surveys of wildlife health are critical in a given time. This study deals with the health status of gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua in two localities at the Antarctica Peninsula and one at Ardley Island off the South Shetland Islands. Cloacal swaps, fresh fecal samples, ectoparasites, and blood smears were collected. We examined and dissected 14 penguin corpses found dead. Fecal samples were positive for Campylobacter, Escherichia coli and in the carcasses four endoparasitic species were found: Diphyllobothrium sp. and Parorchites zederi, Corynosoma shackletoni and Stegophorus adeliae. The tick Ixodes uriae occurred in five of the examined penguins, and the louse Austrogoniodes gressitti on six birds. From the colony grounds, we collected 1,184 I. uriae. We recorded antibiotic-resistant bacteria, such as E. coli, in ecosystems where gentoo penguins breed. Cloacal samples (300) were negative for Chlamydia, as well as for Salmonella, Campylobacter, E. coli, Newcastle and Influenza viruses.  相似文献   

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