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Health risk from exposure of perfluorochemicals (PFCs) to wildlife and human has been a subject of great interest for understanding their molecular mechanism of toxicity. Although much work has been done, the toxigenicity of PFCs remains largely unknown. In this work, the non-covalent interactions between perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and serum albumin (SA) and DNA were investigated under normal physiological conditions, aiming to elucidate the toxigenicity of PFCs.  相似文献   

The interaction of proteins with glucose results in their non-enzymatic glycation and influences their structural and functional properties. Human serum albumin (HSA) interacts with glucose forming glycated HSA. However, the glucose binding sites and the thermodynamic characteristics of the glycated HSA require further delineation. Here, the binding properties of HSA and glucose were studied utilizing fluorescent techniques. HSA was incubated with glucose in the 0-300mM range at 27 or 37 degrees C. The interaction of HSA with glucose showed two sets of binding sites. The first set consists of two sites with positive cooperativity and the second set consists of nine identical non-cooperative sites. The percentage of glycated HSA (gly%) and the moles of glucose bound to moles of HSA (r) were utilized to obtain binding constants and thermodynamic parameters based on the Wyman binding potential. The enthalpy of binding, obtained by van't Hoff relation, presented exothermicity up to 7mM glucose (126mg/dl, normal range) and endothermic propensity at higher glucose concentrations (>7mM, diabetic range). The start of endothermic propensity was consistent with the diabetic range of glucose concentration and indicates unfolding of HSA. The Gibbs free energy and entropy of binding further supports the unfolding of HSA. Therefore, glucose interacts with multiple sites on HSA affecting its biochemical and biophysical properties. This may interfere with HSA normal function contributing to diabetic complications.  相似文献   



Human serum albumin is the principal protein in human serum. It participates in regulation of plasma oncotic pressure and transports endogenous and exogenous ligands such as thyroxine, free fatty acids, bilirubin, and various drugs. Therefore, studying its ligand binding mechanism is important in understanding many functions of the protein.

Scope of review

This review discusses the pleiotropic biochemical effects and their relevance to physiologic functions of albumin.

Major conclusions

Although HSA is traditionally recognized for its ligand transport and oncotic effects in human circulation, our studies have revealed its participation in several other important physiological functions. In some instances, it may function as a catalyst. Pleiotropic properties of HSA have been exploited by development of recombinant HSA and its mutants, and the use of these recombinant proteins in studies with various biochemical and biophysical techniques. These studies allowed us to obtain new insights on the diverse roles of HSA in human physiology. The following aspects of HSA were discussed in this review: 1) HSA and its mutants' role in thyroxine transport, 2) structural details of the ligand binding functions of HSA to ligands such as warfarin, digoxin, halothane anesthetics, nitric oxide, bilirubin, free fatty acids, etc, and 3) the formation of modified albumin during myocardial ischemia, its diagnostic significance, and HSA's role in cardiovascular disease.

General significance

The appreciation and understanding of structural details and new physiological roles has provided a renewed interest in HSA research. Specific structural information gained on various mechanisms of HSA–ligand interaction can be used to develop a model to better understand protein–drug interactions, aid in the development of new drugs with improved pharmacokinetic effects, and ultimately be used to improve the quality of healthcare. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Serum Albumin.  相似文献   

4-[(1Z)-1-(2-carbamothioylhydrazinylidene)ethyl]phenyl acetate [Ace semi],4-[(1Z)-1-(2-carbamothioylhydrazinylidene)ethyl]phenyl propanoate [Pro semi] from the family of thiosemicarbazones derivative has been newly synthesized. It has good anticancer activity as well as antibacterial and it is also less toxic in nature, its binding characteristics are therefore of huge interest for understanding pharmacokinetic mechanism of the drug. The binding of thiosemicarbazone derivative to human serum albumin (HSA) has been investigated by studying its quenching mechanism, binding kinetics and the molecular distance (r) between donor (HSA) and acceptor (thiosemicarbazone derivative) was estimated according to Forster’s theory of non-radiative energy transfer using fluorescence spectroscopy. The binding dynamics has been elaborated using synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy, and the feature of thiosemicarbazone derivative induced structural changes of HSA has been studied by circular dichorism, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Molecular modelling simulations explore the hydrophobic interaction and hydrogen bonding which stabilizes the interaction.  相似文献   

Interactions of human serum albumin with chlorogenic acid and ferulic acid   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The interactions of chlorogenic acid and ferulic acid with human serum albumin (HSA) have been investigated by fluorescence and Fourier transformed infrared (FT-IR) spectrometry. Fluorescence results showed that one molecule of protein combined with one molecule of drugs at the molar ratio of drug to HSA ranging from 1 to 10, and their binding affinities (KA) are 4.37 x 10(4) M(-1) and 2.23 x 10(4) M(-1) for chlorogenic acid and ferulic acid, respectively. The primary binding site for chlorogenic acid is most likely located on IIA and that for ferulic acid in IIIA. The main mechanism of protein fluorescence quenching was static quenching process. Combining the curve-fitting results of infrared amide I and amide III bands, the alterations of protein secondary structure after drug complexation were estimated. With increasing the drug concentration, the protein alpha-helix structure decreased gradually and the reduction of protein alpha-helix structure reached about 7% and 5% for protein binding with chlorogenic acid and ferulic acid individually at the drug to protein molar ratio of 30. This indicated a partial unfolding of HSA in the presence of the two acids. From the fluorescence and FT-IR results, the binding mode was discussed.  相似文献   

There is no shift of emission maximum (F470nm) of bovine serum albumin (BSA)-l-anilino-8-naphthatene sulphonic acid (ANS) complex in the pesence of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC) alone and cannabidiol (CBD) or cannabinol (CBN) in the presence and absence of delta-9-THC. Delta-9-THC (1.66–13.33 M) and CBD at higher concentrations (13.33–20.0 M) produce a concentration-dependent significant quenching of fluorescence of BSA-ANS complex, but CBN (l.66–20.0 M) as well as CBD at lower concentrations (1.66–6.66 M) fails to produce any significant change in Iluorescence intensity under similar conditions. Furthermore, neither CBD nor CBN is able to affect the delta-9-THC-induced quenching of fluorescence intensity of BSA-ANS complex. These results indicate that the binding of cannabinoids to the ANS binding sites of BSA molecule are in the order detta-9-THC > CBr3 > CBN, and CBD or CBN does not have any influence on the binding of delta-9-THC to BSA molecules under these conditions.  相似文献   

The binding of clofazimine to human serum albumin (HSA) was investigated by applying optical spectroscopy and molecular docking methods. Fluorescence quenching data revealed that clofazimine binds to protein with binding constant in the order of 104 M?1, and with the increase in temperature, Stern–Volmer quenching constants gradually decreased indicating quenching mode to be static. The UV–visible spectra showed increase in absorbance upon interaction of HSA with clofazimine which further reveals formation of the drug–albumin complex. Thermodynamic parameters obtained from fluorescence data indicate that the process is exothermic and spontaneous. Forster distance (Ro) obtained from fluorescence resonance energy transfer is found to be 2.05 nm. Clofazimine impelled rise in α-helical structure in HSA as observed from far-UV CD spectra while there are minor alterations in tertiary structure of the protein. Clofazimine interacts strongly with HSA inducing secondary structure in the protein and slight alterations in protein topology as suggested by dynamic light scattering results. Moreover, docking results indicate that clofazimine binds to hydrophobic pocket near to the drug site II in HSA.  相似文献   

The interaction of four benzothiazole tethered triazole analogues (MS43, MS70, MS71, and MS78) with human serum albumin (HSA) was investigated using various spectroscopic techniques (ultraviolet–visible (UV–vis) light absorption, fluorescence, circular dichroism (CD), molecular docking and density functional theory (DFT) studies). Fluorescence quenching constants (~1012) revealed a static mode of quenching and binding constants (Kb ~104) indicating the strong affinity of these analogues for HSA. Further alteration in the secondary structure of HSA in the presence of these analogues was also confirmed by far UV–CD spectroscopy. The intensity loss in CD studied at 222 nm indicated an increase in random coil/β‐sheet conformations in the protein. Binding energy values (MS71 (?9.3 kcal mol?1), MS78 (?8.02 kcal mol?1), MS70 (?7.16 kcal mol?1) and MS43 (?6.81 kcal mol?1)) obtained from molecular docking revealed binding of these analogues with HSA. Molecular docking and DFT studies validated the experimental results, as these four analogues bind with HSA at site II through hydrogen bonding and hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

The binding affinity of human serum albumin (HSA) to three antimalarial indolone-N-oxide derivatives, INODs, was investigated under simulated physiological conditions using fluorescence spectroscopy in combination with UV-vis absorption and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. Analysis of fluorescence quenching data of HSA by these compounds at different temperatures using Stern-Volmer and Lineweaver-Burk methods revealed the formation of a ground state indolone-HSA complex with binding affinities of the order 10(4) M(-1). The thermodynamic parameters ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS, calculated at different temperatures, indicated that the binding reaction was endothermic and hydrophobic interactions play a major role in this association. The conformational changes of HSA were investigated qualitatively using synchronous fluorescence and quantitatively using CD. Site marker competitive experiments showed that the binding process took place primarily at site I (subdomain IIA) of HSA. The number of binding sites and the apparent binding constants were also studied in the presence of different ions.  相似文献   

In this study, fluorescence spectroscopy and molecular modeling approaches were employed to investigate the binding of methotrexate to human serum albumin (HSA) under physiological conditions. From the mechanism, it was demonstrated that fluorescence quenching of HSA by methotrexate results from the formation of a methotrexate/HSA complex. Binding parameters calculated using the Stern–Volmer method and the Scatchard method showed that methotrexate binds to HSA with binding affinities in the order 104 L·mol?1. Thermodynamic parameter studies revealed that the binding reaction is spontaneous, and that hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions play a major role in the reaction. Site marker competitive displacement experiments and a molecular modeling approach demonstrated that methotrexate binds with appropriate affinity to site I (subdomain IIA) of HSA. Furthermore, we discuss some factors that influence methotrexate binding to HSA.  相似文献   

The specific binding of carrier ligands of antidiabetic vanadium(IV) and zinc(II) complexes into drug binding pockets of human serum albumin (HSA) has been investigated via displacement reactions of site markers such as warfarin and dansylglycine by different spectroscopic (fluorescence, circular dichroism, NMR) and separation methods (capillary zone electrophoresis, ultrafiltration-UV). Conditional stability constants of the ligands were calculated for the binding at sites I and II of HSA. Binding site I was found to be the primary binding site for 2,6-pyridine dicarboxylic acid (dipic) and picolinic acid (pic), and site II for 6-methylpicolinic acid (6-Mepic) and maltol, although dipic, 6-Mepic and pic displace both site markers at differing extents. The experimental data is complemented by protein-ligand docking calculations for dipic and 6-Mepic which support the observations.  相似文献   

Virstatin is a small molecule that inhibits Vibrio cholerae virulence regulation, the causative agent for cholera. Here we report the interaction of virstatin with human serum albumin (HSA) using various biophysical methods. The drug binding was monitored using different isomeric forms of HSA (N form ~pH 7.2, B form ~pH 9.0 and F form ~pH 3.5) by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. There is a considerable quenching of the intrinsic fluorescence of HSA on binding the drug. The distance (r) between donor (Trp214 in HSA) and acceptor (virstatin), obtained from Forster-type fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), was found to be 3.05 nm. The ITC data revealed that the binding was an enthalpy-driven process and the binding constants K(a) for N and B isomers were found to be 6.09×10(5 )M(-1) and 4.47×10(5) M(-1), respectively. The conformational changes of HSA due to the interaction with the drug were investigated from circular dichroism (CD) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. For 1:1 molar ratio of the protein and the drug the far-UV CD spectra showed an increase in α- helicity for all the conformers of HSA, and the protein is stabilized against urea and thermal unfolding. Molecular docking studies revealed possible residues involved in the protein-drug interaction and indicated that virstatin binds to Site I (subdomain IIA), also known as the warfarin binding site.  相似文献   

Triclocarban (TCC), as a broad spectrum antibacterial agent widely used in personal care products, has recently been recognized as environmental pollutant with the potential of adversely affecting wildlife and human health. However, the behavior of TCC in blood circulatory system and the potential toxicity of TCC at the molecular level have been poorly investigated. In this study, the effect of TCC on human serum albumin (HSA) and the binding mechanism of TCC to HSA were examined using spectroscopic techniques and molecular modeling methods. The fluorescence results suggested that the fluorescence of HSA was quenched by TCC through a static quenching mechanism and nonradiation energy transfer, and TCC was bound to HSA with moderately strong binding affinity via hydrophobic interaction based on the analysis of the thermodynamic parameters. The site marker competitive experiments revealed that TCC bound into subdomain IIA (site I) of HSA. In addition, the results obtained from the circular dichroism, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid fluorescence, synchronous fluorescence, three-dimensional fluorescence spectra and dynamic light scattering suggested the change in the microenvironment and conformation of HSA during the binding reaction. Finally, the best binding mode of TCC and specific interaction of TCC with amino acid residues were determined using molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations. In a word, the present studies can provide a way to help us well understand the transport, distribution and toxicity effect of TCC when it diffused in the human body.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma  相似文献   

In this work, fluorescence spectroscopy in combination with circular dichroism spectroscopy and molecular modeling was employed to investigate the binding of 10-hydroxycamptothecin (HCPT) to human serum albumin (HSA) under simulative physiological conditions. The experiment results showed that the fluorescence quenching of HSA by HCPT was a result of the formation of HCPT–HSA complex. The corresponding association constants (K a) between HCPT and HSA at four different temperatures were determined according to the modified Stern–Volmer equation. The results of thermodynamic parameters ΔG, ΔH, and ΔS indicated that hydrogen bonds and van der Waals forces played major roles for HCPT–HSA association. Site marker competitive displacement experiment indicated that the binding of HCPT to HSA primarily took place in sub-domain IIA (site I). Molecular docking study further confirmed the binding mode and the binding site obtained by fluorescence and site marker competitive experiments. The conformational investigation showed that the presence of HCPT decreased the α-helical content of HSA and induced the slight unfolding of the polypeptides of protein, which confirmed some micro-environmental and conformational changes of HSA molecules.  相似文献   

Sahoo BK  Ghosh KS  Dasgupta S 《Biopolymers》2009,91(2):108-119
Curcumin is a nontoxic natural product with diverse pharmacological potencies. We report the interaction of a potent synthetic derivative of curcumin, isoxazolcurcumin (IOC) with human serum albumin (HSA) using various biophysical methods. The observed fluorescence quenching of HSA by IOC is due to a complex formation by a static quenching process with a quenching constant of the order of 10(5) M(-1). The binding affinity and the number of binding sites were obtained from a Scatchard analysis. Thermodynamics reveals that the interaction is entropy driven with predominantly hydrophobic forces. From the observed F?rster-type fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), the donor (Trp 214 in HSA) to acceptor (IOC) distance is calculated to be 3.2 nm. The conformational changes of HSA due to the interaction were investigated qualitatively from synchronous fluorescence spectra along with a quantitative estimation of the secondary structure from Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopies. Molecular docking studies were performed to obtain information on the possible residues involved in the interaction process, and changes in accessible surface area of the interacting residues were calculated. The preferred binding site of IOC was analyzed by ligand displacement experiments with 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate (ANS) and warfarin-bound HSA.  相似文献   

The interaction between paracetamol and human serum albumin (HSA) under physiological conditions has been investigated by fluorescence, circular dichroism (CD) and docking. Fluorescence data revealed that the fluorescence quenching of HSA by paracetamol was the result of the formed complex of HSA–paracetamol, and the binding constant (Ka) and binding number obtained is 1.3 × 104 at 298 K and 2, respectively for the primary binding site. Circular dichorism spectra showed the induced conformational changes in HSA by the binding of paracetamol. Moreover, protein–ligand docking study indicated that paracetamols (two paracetamols bind to HSA) bind to residues located in the subdomain IIIA.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that many arachidonic acid metabolites bind to human serum albumin (HSA) and that the metabolism of these molecules is altered as a result of binding. The present study attempted to gain insights into the mechanisms by which prostaglandins bound to subdomain 2A of HSA are metabolized by catalytic processes. The breakdown of the prostaglandin 15-keto-PGE(2) to 15-keto-PGA(2) and 15-keto-PGB(2) in the presence of wild-type HSA and a number of subdomain 2A mutants was examined using a previously validated spectroscopic method which monitors absorbance at 505 nm. The species examined using this method were wild-type HSA, K195M, K199M, F211V, W214L, R218M, R218P, R218H, R222M, H242V, R257M, and bovine serum albumin. Previous studies of HSA-mediated catalysis indicated that the breakdown of HSA-bound prostaglandins results from an alkaline microenvironment in the binding site. Our results show that the catalytic breakdown of HSA-bound 15-keto-PGE(2) to 15-keto-PGB(2) results from two specific processes which are modulated by specific amino acid residues. Specifically, some amino acid residues modulate the rate of step 1, the conversion of 15-keto-PGE(2) to 15-keto-PGA(2), while other residues modulate the rate of step 2, the conversion of 15-keto-PGA(2) to 15-keto-PGB(2). Some residues modulate the rate of steps 1 and 2. In total, while our results support the involvement of certain basic amino acid residues in the catabolism of HSA-bound 15-keto-PGE(2), our data suggest that metabolism of HSA-bound prostaglandins may be a more complex and specific process than previously thought.  相似文献   

The interaction of paclitaxel with human serum albumin (HSA) was studied using fluorescence, resonance light scattering, ultraviolet‐visible, circular dichroism and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy at pH 7.4. Fluorescence data revealed that the fluorescence quenching of HSA by paclitaxel was a static quenching procedure. Time‐resolved fluorescence data also confirmed the quenching mode, which present a constant decay time of about 5 ns. The binding sites were approximately 1 and the binding constant suggested a weak association (324/M at 298 K), which is helpful for the release of the drug to targeted organs. The thermodynamic parameters, ΔG, ΔH° and ΔS° were calculated as – 1.06 × 104 J/mol, 361 J/mol per K and 9.7 × 104 J/mol respectively at 298 K, suggesting that binding was spontaneous and was driven mainly by hydrophobic interactions. The binding distance between HSA and paclitaxel was determined to be 2.23 nm based on the Förster theory. Analysis of circular dichroism, ultraviolet‐visible, three‐dimensional fluorescence, Fourier transform infrared and resonance light scattering spectra demonstrated that HSA conformation was slightly altered in the presence of paclitaxel and dimension of the individual HSA molecules were larger after interacting with paclitaxel. These results were confirmed by a molecular docking study. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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