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Neurotransmitter receptor clustering is thought to represent a critical parameter for neuronal transmission. Little is known about the mechanisms that anchor and concentrate inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in neurons. GABAA receptor (GABAAR) alpha5 subunits mainly locate at extrasynaptic sites and are thought to mediate tonic inhibition. Notably, similar as synaptic GABAARs, these receptor subtypes also appear in cluster formations at neuronal surface membranes and are of particular interest in cognitive processing. GABAAR alpha5 mutation or depletion facilitates trace fear conditioning or improves spatial learning in mice, respectively. Here, we identified the actin-binding protein radixin, a member of the ERM family, as the first directly interacting molecule that anchors GABAARs at cytoskeletal elements. Intramolecular activation of radixin is a functional prerequisite for GABAAR alpha5 subunit binding and both depletion of radixin expression as well as replacement of the radixin F-actin binding motif interferes with GABAAR alpha5 cluster formation. Our data suggest radixin to represent a critical factor in receptor localization and/or downstream signaling.  相似文献   

Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology - It has been shown that subunit composition is the main determinant of the synaptic or extrasynaptic localization of GABAA receptors (GABAARs). Synaptic and...  相似文献   

GABA(A) receptors (GABA(A)-Rs) are localized at both synaptic and extrasynaptic sites, mediating phasic and tonic inhibition, respectively. Previous studies suggest an important role of γ2 and δ subunits in synaptic versus extrasynaptic targeting of GABA(A)-Rs. Here, we demonstrate differential function of α2 and α6 subunits in guiding the localization of GABA(A)-Rs. To study the targeting of specific subtypes of GABA(A)-Rs, we used a molecularly engineered GABAergic synapse model to precisely control the GABA(A)-R subunit composition. We found that in neuron-HEK cell heterosynapses, GABAergic events mediated by α2β3γ2 receptors were very fast (rise time ~2 ms), whereas events mediated by α6β3δ receptors were very slow (rise time ~20 ms). Such an order of magnitude difference in rise time could not be attributed to the minute differences in receptor kinetics. Interestingly, synaptic events mediated by α6β3 or α6β3γ2 receptors were significantly slower than those mediated by α2β3 or α2β3γ2 receptors, suggesting a differential role of α subunit in receptor targeting. This was confirmed by differential targeting of the same δ-γ2 chimeric subunits to synaptic or extrasynaptic sites, depending on whether it was co-assembled with the α2 or α6 subunit. In addition, insertion of a gephyrin-binding site into the intracellular domain of α6 and δ subunits brought α6β3δ receptors closer to synaptic sites. Therefore, the α subunits, together with the γ2 and δ subunits, play a critical role in governing synaptic versus extrasynaptic targeting of GABA(A)-Rs, possibly through differential interactions with gephyrin.  相似文献   

The GABAA receptors are the major inhibitory receptors in the brain and are localized at both synaptic and extrasynaptic membranes. Synaptic GABAA receptors mediate phasic inhibition, whereas extrasynaptic GABAA receptors mediate tonic inhibition. Both phasic and tonic inhibitions regulate neuronal activity, but whether they regulate each other is not very clear. Here, we investigated the functional interaction between synaptic and extrasynaptic GABAA receptors through various molecular manipulations. Overexpression of extrasynaptic α6β3δ-GABAA receptors in mouse hippocampal pyramidal neurons significantly increased tonic currents. Surprisingly, the increase of tonic inhibition was accompanied by a dramatic reduction of the phasic inhibition, suggesting a possible homeostatic regulation of the total inhibition. Overexpressing the α6 subunit alone induced an up-regulation of δ subunit expression and suppressed phasic inhibition similar to overexpressing the α6β3δ subunits. Interestingly, blocking all GABAA receptors after overexpressing α6β3δ receptors could not restore the synaptic GABAergic transmission, suggesting that receptor activation is not required for the homeostatic interplay. Furthermore, insertion of a gephyrin-binding-site (GBS) into the α6 and δ subunits recruited α6GBSβ3δGBS receptors to postsynaptic sites but failed to rescue synaptic GABAergic transmission. Thus, it is not the positional effect of extrasynaptic α6β3δ receptors that causes the down-regulation of phasic inhibition. Overexpressing α5β3γ2 subunits similarly reduced synaptic GABAergic transmission. We propose a working model that both synaptic and extrasynaptic GABAA receptors may compete for limited receptor slots on the plasma membrane to maintain a homeostatic range of the total inhibition.  相似文献   

Distinct physiological stimuli are required for bidirectional synaptic plasticity in striatum and hippocampus, but differences in the underlying signaling mechanisms are poorly understood. We have begun to compare levels and interactions of key excitatory synaptic proteins in whole extracts and subcellular fractions isolated from micro‐dissected striatum and hippocampus. Levels of multiple glutamate receptor subunits, calcium/calmodulin‐dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), a highly abundant serine/threonine kinase, and spinophilin, a F‐actin and protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) binding protein, were significantly lower in striatal extracts, as well as in synaptic and/or extrasynaptic fractions, compared with similar hippocampal extracts/fractions. However, CaMKII interactions with spinophilin were more robust in striatum compared with hippocampus, and this enhanced association was restricted to the extrasynaptic fraction. NMDAR GluN2B subunits associate with both spinophilin and CaMKII, but spinophilin‐GluN2B complexes were enriched in extrasynaptic fractions whereas CaMKII‐GluN2B complexes were enriched in synaptic fractions. Notably, the association of GluN2B with both CaMKII and spinophilin was more robust in striatal extrasynaptic fractions compared with hippocampal extrasynaptic fractions. Selective differences in the assembly of synaptic and extrasynaptic signaling complexes may contribute to differential physiological regulation of excitatory transmission in striatum and hippocampus.  相似文献   

Kainate receptors (KARs) are crucial for the regulation of both excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission, but little is known regarding the mechanisms controlling KAR surface expression. We used super ecliptic pHluorin (SEP)-tagged KAR subunit GluR6a to investigate real-time changes in KAR surface expression in hippocampal neurons. Sindbis virus-expressed SEP-GluR6 subunits efficiently co-assembled with native KAR subunits to form heteromeric receptors. Diffuse surface-expressed dendritic SEP-GluR6 is rapidly internalized following either N-methyl-d-aspartate or kainate application. Sustained kainate or transient N-methyl-d-aspartate application resulted in a slow decrease of base-line surface KAR levels. Surprisingly, however, following the initial loss of surface receptors, a short kainate application caused a long lasting increase in surface-expressed KARs to levels significantly greater than those prior to the agonist challenge. These data suggest that after initial endocytosis, transient agonist activation evokes increased KAR exocytosis and reveal that KAR surface expression is bidirectionally regulated. This process may provide a mechanism for hippocampal neurons to differentially adapt their physiological responses to changes in synaptic activation and extrasynaptic glutamate concentration.  相似文献   

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) type A receptors (GABA(A)Rs) mediate most fast synaptic inhibition in the mammalian brain, controlling activity at both the network and the cellular levels. The diverse functions of GABA in the CNS are matched not just by the heterogeneity of GABA(A)Rs, but also by the complex trafficking mechanisms and protein-protein interactions that generate and maintain an appropriate receptor cell-surface localization. In this Review, we discuss recent progress in our understanding of the dynamic regulation of GABA(A)R composition, trafficking to and from the neuronal surface, and lateral movement of receptors between synaptic and extrasynaptic locations. Finally, we highlight a number of neurological disorders, including epilepsy and schizophrenia, in which alterations in GABA(A)R trafficking occur.  相似文献   

GABAA receptors mediate the majority of fast synaptic inhibition in the brain. The accumulation of these ligand-gated ion channels at synaptic sites is a prerequisite for neuronal inhibition, but the molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon remain obscure. To further understand these processes, we have examined the cellular origins of synaptic GABAA receptors. To do so, we have created fluorescent GABAA receptors that are capable of binding -bungarotoxin (Bgt), facilitating the visualization of receptor endocytosis, exocytosis and delivery to synaptic sites. Imaging with Bgt in hippocampal neurons revealed that GABAA receptor endocytosis occurred exclusively at extrasynaptic sites, consistent with the preferential colocalization of extrasynaptic receptors with the AP2 adaptin. Receptor insertion into the plasma membrane was also predominantly extrasynaptic, and pulse-chase analysis revealed that these newly inserted receptors were then able to access directly synaptic sites. Therefore, our results demonstrate that synaptic GABAA receptors are directly recruited from their extrasynaptic counterparts. Moreover, they illustrate a dynamic mechanism for neurons to modulate GABAA receptor number at inhibitory synapses by controlling the stability of extrasynaptic receptors.  相似文献   

NMDA receptors (NMDARs) play a pivotal role in the regulation of neuronal communication and synaptic function in the central nervous system. The subunit composition and compartmental localization of NMDARs in neurons affect channel activity and downstream signaling. This review discusses the distinct NMDAR subtypes and their function at synaptic, perisynaptic, and extrasynaptic sites of excitatory and inhibitory neurons. Many neurons express more than one of the modulatory NR2 subunits that participate in the formation of di- and/or triheteromeric channel assemblies (e.g., NR1/NR2A, NR1/NR2B, and/or NR1/NR2A/NR2B). Depending on the subunit composition and presence or absence of intracellular binding partners along the postsynaptic membrane, these NMDAR subtypes are allocated to distinct synaptic inputs converging onto a neuron or are distributed differentially among synaptic or extrasynaptic sites. These sites can carry NR2A and NR2B subunits, supporting the hypothesis that the spatial distribution of scaffolding and signaling complexes critically determines the full spectrum of NMDAR signaling.The author thanks the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for financial support (Ko 1064/5).  相似文献   

The number and subunit composition of synaptic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) are not static, but change in a cell- and synapse-specific manner during development and in response to neuronal activity and sensory experience. Neuronal activity drives not only NMDAR synaptic targeting and incorporation, but also receptor retrieval, differential sorting into the endosomal-lysosomal pathway and lateral diffusion between synaptic and extrasynaptic sites. An emerging concept is that activity-dependent, bidirectional regulation of NMDAR trafficking provides a dynamic and potentially powerful mechanism for the regulation of synaptic efficacy and remodelling, which, if dysregulated, can contribute to neuropsychiatric disorders such as cocaine addiction, Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia.  相似文献   

GluN2A and GluN2B are the major subunits of functional NMDA receptors (NMDAR). Previous studies have suggested that GluN2A and GluN2B may differentially mediate NMDAR function at synaptic and extrasynaptic locations and play opposing roles in excitotoxicity, such as neurodegeneration triggered by ischemic stroke and brain injury. By using pharmacological and molecular approaches to suppress or enhance the function of GluN2A and GluN2B in cultured cortical neurons, we examined NMDAR-mediated, bidirectional regulation of prosurvival signaling (i.e. the cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB)-Bdnf cascade) and cell death. Inhibition of GluN2A or GluN2B attenuated the up-regulation of prosurvival signaling triggered by the activation of either synaptic or extrasynaptic NMDAR. Inhibition of GluN2A or GluN2B also attenuated the down-regulation of prosurvival signaling triggered by the coactivation of synaptic and extrasynaptic receptors. The effects of GluN2B on CREB-Bdnf signaling were larger than those of GluN2A. Consistently, compared with suppression of GluN2A, suppression of GluN2B resulted in more reduction of NMDA- and oxygen glucose deprivation-induced excitotoxicity as well as NMDAR-mediated elevation of intracellular calcium. Moreover, excitotoxicity and down-regulation of CREB were exaggerated in neurons overexpressing GluN2A or GluN2B. Together, we found that GluN2A and GluN2B are involved in the function of both synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDAR, demonstrating that they play similar rather than opposing roles in NMDAR-mediated bidirectional regulation of prosurvival signaling and neuronal death.  相似文献   

N-methyl-d-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) are located in neuronal cell membranes at synaptic and extrasynaptic locations, where they are believed to mediate distinct physiological and pathological processes. Activation of NMDARs requires glutamate and a coagonist whose nature and impact on NMDAR physiology remain elusive. We report that synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDARs are gated by different endogenous coagonists, d-serine and glycine, respectively. The regionalized availability of the coagonists matches the preferential affinity of synaptic NMDARs for d-serine and extrasynaptic NMDARs for glycine. Furthermore, glycine and d-serine inhibit NMDAR surface trafficking in?a subunit-dependent manner, which is likely to influence NMDARs subcellular location. Taking advantage of this coagonist segregation, we demonstrate that long-term potentiation and NMDA-induced neurotoxicity rely on synaptic NMDARs only. Conversely, long-term depression requires both synaptic and extrasynaptic receptors. Our observations provide key insights into the operating mode of NMDARs, emphasizing functional distinctions between synaptic and extrasynaptic NMDARs in brain physiology.  相似文献   

The behavioral and functional significance of the extrasynaptic inhibitory GABA(A) receptors in the brain is still poorly known. We used a transgenic mouse line expressing the GABA(A) receptor alpha6 subunit gene in the forebrain under the Thy-1.2 promoter (Thy1alpha6) mice ectopically expressing alpha6 subunits especially in the hippocampus to study how extrasynaptically enriched alphabeta(gamma2)-type receptors alter animal behavior and receptor responses. In these mice extrasynaptic alpha6beta receptors make up about 10% of the hippocampal GABA(A) receptors resulting in imbalance between synaptic and extrasynaptic inhibition. The synthetic GABA-site competitive agonist gaboxadol (4,5,6,7-tetrahydroisoxazolo[5,4-c]pyridin-3-ol; 3 mg/kg) induced remarkable anxiolytic-like response in the light : dark exploration and elevated plus-maze tests in Thy1alpha6 mice, while being almost inactive in wild-type mice. The transgenic mice also lost quicker and for longer time their righting reflex after 25 mg/kg gaboxadol than wild-type mice. In hippocampal sections of Thy1alpha6 mice, the alpha6beta receptors could be visualized autoradiographically by interactions between gaboxadol and GABA via [(35)S]TBPS binding to the GABA(A) receptor ionophore. Gaboxadol inhibition of the binding could be partially prevented by GABA. Electrophysiology of recombinant GABA(A) receptors revealed that GABA was a partial agonist at alpha6beta3 and alpha6beta3delta receptors, but a full agonist at alpha6beta3gamma2 receptors when compared with gaboxadol. The results suggest strong behavioral effects via selective pharmacological activation of enriched extrasynaptic alphabeta GABA(A) receptors, and the mouse model represents an example of the functional consequences of altered balance between extrasynaptic and synaptic inhibition.  相似文献   

突触上的N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(N-methyl-D-aspartate,NMDA)受体与学习记忆以及细胞的存活有着密切关系,而定位于突触外的NMDA受体则参与了细胞死亡通路的激活.本文主要从突触NMDA受体的结构和功能出发,阐述突触上与突触外NMDA受体分布的原因,阐明其介导不同信号通路的具体分子机制及其在阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimer's disease,AD)中扮演的角色.最后,以突触外的NMDA受体为靶点,对AD疾病的治疗提出合理的展望,以期推动对该疾病的研究和治疗.  相似文献   

Glycine receptors (GlyRs) can dynamically exchange between synaptic and extrasynaptic locations through lateral diffusion within the plasma membrane. Their accumulation at inhibitory synapses depends on the interaction of the β-subunit of the GlyR with the synaptic scaffold protein gephyrin. An alteration of receptor-gephyrin binding could thus shift the equilibrium between synaptic and extrasynaptic GlyRs and modulate the strength of inhibitory neurotransmission. Using a combination of dynamic imaging and biochemical approaches, we have characterised the molecular mechanism that links the GlyR-gephyrin interaction with GlyR diffusion and synaptic localisation. We have identified a protein kinase C (PKC) phosphorylation site within the cytoplasmic domain of the β-subunit of the GlyR (residue S403) that causes a reduction of the binding affinity between the receptor and gephyrin. In consequence, the receptor's diffusion in the plasma membrane is accelerated and GlyRs accumulate less strongly at synapses. We propose that the regulation of GlyR dynamics by PKC thus contributes to the plasticity of inhibitory synapses and may be involved in maladaptive forms of synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence indicates that neuroadaptations leading to addiction involve the same cellular processes that enable learning and memory, such as long-term potentiation (LTP), and that psychostimulants influence LTP through dopamine (DA)-dependent mechanisms. In hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons, LTP involves insertion of alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (AMPA) receptors into excitatory synapses. We used dissociated cultures to test the hypothesis that D1 family DA receptors influence synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons by modulating AMPA receptor trafficking. Brief exposure (5 min) to a D1 agonist increased surface expression of glutamate receptor (GluR)1-containing AMPA receptors by increasing their rate of externalization at extrasynaptic sites. This required the secretory pathway but not protein synthesis, and was mediated mainly by protein kinase A (PKA) with a smaller contribution from Ca2+-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII). Prior D1 receptor stimulation facilitated synaptic insertion of GluR1 in response to subsequent stimulation of synaptic NMDA receptors with glycine. Our results support a model for synaptic GluR1 incorporation in which PKA is required for initial insertion into the extrasynaptic membrane whereas CaMKII mediates translocation into the synapse. By increasing the size of the extrasynaptic GluR1 pool, D1 receptors may promote LTP. Psychostimulants may usurp this mechanism, leading to inappropriate plasticity that contributes to addiction-related behaviors.  相似文献   

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) activates synaptic GABA(A) receptors to generate inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. GABA also acts on extrasynaptic GABA(A) receptors, resulting in tonic inhibition. The physiological role of tonic inhibition, however, remains elusive. We explored the neurophysiological significance of tonic inhibition by testing whether selective activation of extrasynaptic GABA(A) receptors is sufficient to curb excitotoxicity. Tonic inhibition was selectively enhanced by increasing ambient GABA. In both acute hippocampal slices and cultured hippocampal neurons, boosting tonic inhibition alone is insufficient to withstand the hyper-excitability of hippocampal neurons induced by low-magnesium (Mg2+) baths. Furthermore, selective activation of extrasynaptic GABA(A) receptors resulted in no significant neuroprotective effects against glutamate or low-Mg2+-induced neuronal cell deaths. These data imply that under physiological conditions extrasynaptic GABA(A) receptors are optimally activated by ambient GABA and that a further increase in extracellular GABA concentration will not significantly enhance the effect of tonic inhibition on neuronal excitability.  相似文献   

Dynamic regulation of glycosylation of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) by an unusual large negatively charged polysialic acid (PSA) is the major prerequisite for correct formation of brain circuitries during development and for normal synaptic plasticity, learning and memory in the adult. Traditionally, PSA is viewed as a de-adhesive highly hydrated molecule, which interferes with cell adhesion and promotes cellular/synaptic dynamics by steric hindrance. Analysis of synaptic functions of PSA-NCAM highlighted additional features of this molecule. First, PSA promotes interaction of NCAM with heparan sulfate proteoglycans and thus stimulates synaptogenesis. Second, PSA-NCAM modulates glutamate receptors: it restrains activity of extrasynaptic GluN2B-containing NMDA receptors and facilitates activity of a subset of AMPA receptors. Perturbation in polysialylation and/or NCAM expression in mouse models recapitulates many symptoms of human brain disorders such as schizophrenia, depression, anxiety and Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Gardner SM  Takamiya K  Xia J  Suh JG  Johnson R  Yu S  Huganir RL 《Neuron》2005,45(6):903-915
A recently described form of synaptic plasticity results in dynamic changes in the calcium permeability of synaptic AMPA receptors. Since the AMPA receptor GluR2 subunit confers calcium permeability, this plasticity is thought to occur through the dynamic exchange of synaptic GluR2-lacking and GluR2-containing receptors. To investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying this calcium-permeable AMPA receptor plasticity (CARP), we examined whether AMPA receptor exchange was mediated by subunit-specific protein-protein interactions. We found that two GluR2-interacting proteins, the PDZ domain-containing Protein interacting with C kinase (PICK1) and N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein (NSF), are specifically required for CARP. Furthermore, PICK1, but not NSF, regulates the formation of extrasynaptic plasma membrane pools of GluR2-containing receptors that may be laterally mobilized into synapses during CARP. These results demonstrate that PICK1 and NSF dynamically regulate the synaptic delivery of GluR2-containing receptors during CARP and thus regulate the calcium permeability of AMPA receptors at excitatory synapses.  相似文献   

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