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P?i na?í práci s nádorotvornými bakteriemi se ukázalo, ?eBryophyllum diagremontiana L.,Bryophyllum tubiflorum L. aSolanum laciniatum L. jsou vhodné diferen?ní rostliny proAgrobacterium tumefaciens, Agrobacterium rhizogenes a směs obou těchto bakterií.
  1. 1.
    NaAgrobacterium tumefaciens reagujeBryophyllum diagremontiana tvorbou nádor? za 32 dní po o?kování a stimulaci r?stu ko?ínk? z okraj? ná dor? (za 52 dn?). UBryophyllum tubiflorum je inkubacni doba nádor? i ko?ínk? 30 dní.Solanum laciniatum má inkuba?ní dobu nádor? 15 dní, ale nedochází stimulaci r?stu ko?ínk?.  相似文献   

Na sání p?irozeně infikovaného p?ena?e?e viru prou?kovitosti p?enice (VPP) k?ísaCalligypona pellucida F. reagovaly charakteristickými p?íznaky v poměrně zna?ném rozsahuBromus arvensis L.,B. mollis L.,Avena fatua L.,A. nuda L. (HOEJ.),Triticum aestivum L. s. s.,T. compactum HOST.,T. dicoccum SCHRANK aHordeum murinum L., v men?ím podílu pakLolium multiflorum LAM.,L. perenne L.,Bromus tectorum L.,Poa annua L., Avena strigosa SCHREB., A. sterilis L.,Triticum spelta L.,T. durum DESF.,T. turgidum L. aT. polonicum L. Dal?ích 42 rostlinných druh? ze 6 ?eledí v této testaci neonemocnělo. Negativně vyzněl i pokus o umělé naka?eníPhleum pratense L.,tîeba?e u tohoto rostlinného druhu jsme v p?írodě pozorovali typické p?íznaky VPP. Máme za to, ?e některé negativní výsledky byly asi v p?í?inné spojitosti se ?na?ně kolísající p? ena?e?skou ú?inností vektora, známou ji? z d?ívěj?ích prací. V kulturách pícnin prvního u?itkového roku v místech s nadměrně hojným výskytem larevCalligypona pellucida bylo p?i terénních pozorováních zaznamenáno v některých lokalitách na ?eskomoravské vyso?ině silněj?í napadení VPP uLolium multiflorum. Charakteristické p?íznaky VPP jsme p?i tom zjistili i naPhleum pratense, Lolium perenne a Bromus mollis.  相似文献   

Seven Santonian (Isocrinus? minutus, Tetracrinus jagti, Cyathidium senessei, Bourgueticrinidae indet., Notocrinidae indet., Glenotremites paradoxus, Marsupites testudinarius) and seven Campanian (Nielsenicrinus carinatus, Austinocrinus sp., Bourgueticrinidae indet., Bourgueticrinus cf. constrictus, B. ellipticus, B.? suedicus, Roveacrinina gen. et sp. indet.) crinoid taxa from the Cretaceous glacial rafts of northwestern Poland (near Wolin Island) are described for the first time. The taphonomy and palaeogeographic implications are discussed. The present assemblage differs taxonomically from the crinoid faunules recently described from the glacial rafts of eastern Poland. However, these faunules are similar to crinoids from the autochthonous Upper Cretaceous sediments of southern and eastern Poland (Miechów Trough, Kraków-Cz?stochowa Upland, Middle Vistula River valley). An update of Late Cretaceous crinoids from the Miechów Trough and Kraków-Cz?stochowa Upland is also given.  相似文献   

Microtubules are highly dynamic cellular structures that are required for many biological processes. Cortical microtubules in plant play crucial roles during cell expansion. Its proper dynamics are required for plant growth and responses to environmental stimuli. Arabidopsis mutants, such as sav2/tub4 P287L , display a variety of growth defects, including short and twisting hypocotyls in dark and shade. Both microtubule organization and dynamics are altered in sav2. Here, we have identified a suppressor of sav2 (sus2), which surprisingly contains a missense mutation in another β tubulin gene, TUB6. The mutation results in a L246F substitution in TUB6. It locates at the interface of αβ-intradimer. This mutation partially suppressed the swirling microtubule arrangement in sav2 hypocotyl cells, leading to the partial rescue of sav2 phenotypes. As the mutant behaves as a semi-dominant mutation and the CFP-labeled tub6L246F can incorporate into microtubules, we propose that the incorporation of tub6L246F interferes with the normal function of microtubules. tub6 L246F single mutant is hypersensitive to drugs disrupting microtubule dynamics, such as colchicine, suggesting the mutation may affect microtubule dynamics. Moreover, we found the colchicine hypersensitivity of tub6L246F can be suppressed by tub4P287L, while tub6L246F interferes with the rescuing effect of EB1 on sav2. As P287 locates around M-loop, which is involved in interactions between microtubule protofilaments, we propose that altered interactions at αβ-intradimer interface may affect microtubule dynamics through M-loop mediated interactions between microtubule protofilaments.  相似文献   

U tňí saprofyt? byl sledován projev antagonismu proti pathogenuRhizoctonia solani v r?znýeh podm?nkách kultivace.Trichoderma viride aChaetomium cochlioides inhibovaly r?st R. solani ú?inněji p?i inkuba?ni teplotě25 a 30° C.T. viride bylo antagonisticky aktivněj?í v prost?edí kyselém,C. cochlioides v prost?edí alkalickém. Je vysloven p?edpoklad, ?e p?dni doplňky zvy?uj?c? aktivituC. cochlioides by být platným opat?en?m proti sledovanému pathogenu v alkalických p?dách. Na rozdíl od p?ede?lých zpráv byla kulturaR. solani celulolyticky zaktivněj?í ne?T. viride aC. cochlioides, a to i p?i pouzití chloridu amonného jako droje dusíku.  相似文献   

Testováním 55 slou?enin pyridinové ?ady v koncentraci 10?3 m na pokusné rostliněSinapis alba. L. bylo nalezeno základní soskupení, které je nositelem fytotoxické aktivity. Je diskutována závislost zmíněného ú?inku na konstituci slou?enin tohoto typu. Slou?eniny typu VII vyvolávají inhibici r?stu hypokotylu a zejména silnou inhibici r?stu ko?en? provázenou zpracidla chlorózou. K nejú?inněj?ím z nich pat?í 3-styrylpyridin a některé jeho soli. Silnou inhibici r?stu, av?ak bez chlorózy, zp?sobují ú?inné slou?eniny také uCucumis sativus.  相似文献   

Aeromonads represent bacteria thought to be primarily mostly autochthonous to aquatic environments. This study was focused on the relation with antibiotics and enterocins of identified Aeromonas species isolated from the intestine of trouts living in Slovakian aquatic sources. Intestinal samples from 50 trouts (3 Salmo trutta and 47 Salmo gairdnerii) were collected in April of years 2007, 2010, and 2015 from trouts of different water sources in Slovakia (pond Bukovec near Ko?ice, river ?ierny Váh). Due to the MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry evaluation, 25 strains were proposed to the genus Aeromonas involving nine different species (Aeromonas bestiarum—nine strains, Aer. salmonicida—four strains, Aer. encheleia, Aer. eucrenophila, Aer. molluscorum, Aer. media, Aer. sobria, Aer. popoffii, Aer. veronii). Phenotypic evaluation of individual strains confirmed their species identification. Twenty-five strains of different Aeromonas species were sensitive to azithromycin, amikacin, mecillinam, mezlocillin, piperacillin, gentamicin, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline. On the other side, they were resistant to carbenicillin and ticarcillin. The growth of Aer. bestiarum R41/1 was inhibited by treatment with Ent M and Ent 2019 (inhibition activity 100 AU/mL). Aer. bestiarum R47/3 was inhibited by eight enterocins (100 AU/mL). It is the first study testing enterocins to inhibit the growth of Aeromonas species from trouts.  相似文献   

The Upper River Paraná Floodplain System comprises the rivers Ivinheima, Baía and Paraná, which with their associated waterbodies form three subsystems, each showing individual characteristics. Hydrilla verticillata recently invaded the Upper Paraná Floodplain, while Egeria najas is the native most abundant submersed macrophyte. A large flood-pulse, during January–March 2007, abruptly reduced macrophyte stands in many areas to near-zero and dispersed propagules over the entire floodplain. From April 2007 to April 2008, we conducted three surveys sampling for the presence–absence of H. verticillata and E. najas and environmental variables aiming to answer: (1) How rapid is the colonization–regeneration process for both species? (2) Which habitats seem to be more susceptible to their colonization? (3) Which environmental factors can best predict their occurrence? Neither H. verticillata nor E. najas colonized the Ivinheima subsystem. In the Baía subsystem, E. najas had only two occurrences while H. verticillata was not present. In the Paraná subsystem, E. najas predominantly occurred in river channels, but it was also common in floodplain lakes. In April 2007, it was found in 13% of the sites in the Paraná subsystem, increasing to 30% in November 2007 and reaching 34% in April 2008. H. verticillata did not successfully colonize floodplain lakes of the Paraná subsystem. In channels, it had 34% occurrence in April 2007, increasing to 62% in November 2007 and remaining at 62% in April 2008. The role of environmental variables in predicting species occurrence changed depending upon the scale of the analysis. Considering the whole Upper Paraná floodplain, water transparency followed by electrical conductivity were the strongest predictors for both species. Colonization by submersed plants seems improbable in the Ivinheima subsystem owing to its low water transparency besides frequent localized floods; in the Baía subsystem, it seems inhibited by transparency and low alkalinity. Considering just the Paraná subsystem, the proportion of organic matter in sediment, ten times higher in floodplain lakes than in channels, was the best predictor for H. verticillata occurrence (also related to water pH and transparency), while E. najas was only significantly explained by transparency.  相似文献   

U r?stově na za?átku fyziologického odpo?inku inhibovaných rostlinTilia platyphyllos Scop. aTilia cordata Mill. se vlivem giberelové kyseliny (GA3) zachoval terminální pupen jako náznak monopodiálního větvení, co? lze vylo?it jako fylogenetickou rekapitulaci. P?itom se ukázalo, ?e po?et normálně na letorostech zachovávaných list? je p?edur?en ji? v pupenech.  相似文献   

V pokusech s raj?aty (Solanum lycopersicum L.) odr?dy Pr?honické byla sledována otázka vzniku viru v rostlině vlivem p?sobení kolísání teplot jak popisuje VOVK (1958). Raj?ata byla pěstována za aseptických podmínek a byla vylou?ena jakákoliv kontaminace. P?da, květiná?e a bedni?ky byly desinfikovány, a zaléváno bylo p?eva?enou vodou. Pokusné rostliny byly p?es den ve skleníku p?i teplotě 12–35° C, na noc byly p?eneseny do místnosti o teplotě 1–4° C. Kontrolní rostliny byly pěstovány ve skleníku. V ?ádném p?ípadě se nepoda?ilo vyvolat p?íznaky virového ochuravění, co? bylo té? dokázáno testy naNicotiana tabacum L. Samsun aNicotiana glutinosa L. Kolísání teplot neovlivnilo tedy metabolismus rajcat tak, aby do?lo ke vzniku viru ve zdravé rostlině.  相似文献   

Byly studovány cytologické ú?inky insekticidu systoxu na primární ko?ínkyVicia faba a p?ípadné mutagenní ú?inky naArabidopsis thaliana. Bylo zji?těno, ?e 0.02% vodní roztok systoxu po 3, 6 a 9hod. p?sobení za ?áste?ně anaerobních podmínek:
  1. a)
    nevyvolává inhibici mitosy;  相似文献   

An increased anthropogenic impact on the hydrophilic ecosystems of technogenic ponds of the Volga–Caspian basin has enhanced the migration of Typha latifolia L. and closely related species. Due to backcrossings and anomalies among bractless sections of the genus Typha, new morphological traits have been formed in T. latifolia via the stage of a nonspecific form development. Morphological anomalies revealed in an association of Typhetum latifoliae Soó 1927 of a small anthropogenic pond in the Yaroslavl region have been studied.  相似文献   

The region of Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and the neighbouring countries is important for some groups of the speciesLotus L., especially those of the circle ofL. corniculatus L. andL. gebelia Vent. The first group is represented by the speciesL. corniculatus L. with 4 subspecies (3 of which are important for this region), andL. tenuis Waldst. etKit. which here attains the eastern boundary of the continuous area of distribution, and by the eastern speciesL. krylovii Schischk. etSerg. andL. rechingeri Chrtková-?ertová. The second group is represented by the speciesL. gebelia Vent.,L. michauxianus Ser. in DC. andL. libanoticus Boiss. their areas of distribution covering mostly those regions. Most of the species show considerable variability within the species.  相似文献   

In Slovakia, a diversity of entomopathogenic fungi (Ascomycota, Hypocreales) associated with outbreaks of Ips typographus was studied in 81 localities and as many as 113 in vitro cultures of five entomopathogenic species were isolated from infected individuals: Beauveria bassiana (87 isolates), B. pseudobassiana (14 isolates), B. caledonica (6 isolates), Lecanicillium lecanii (4 isolates) and Isaria farinosa (2 isolates). B. pseudobassiana is recorded in natural populations of I. typographus for the first time. Biological properties of selected Beauveria isolates, including colony growth, biomass production, conidia yield and pathogenicity to I. typographus adults, were studied in a series of laboratory bioassays and much intra- and interspecific variability was detected. B. bassiana isolates produced biomass or conidia at significantly higher rate than B. pseudobassiana and B. caledonica isolates. Two B. bassiana isolates were selected as the most virulent to bark beetle adults, demonstrating a mean LC50 ranging from 0.72 to 2.05?×?106 conidia ml?1, and were qualified as promising candidates for biocontrol of I. typographus. Their virulence was significantly higher than that of the mycoinsecticides Boverol®, which was used as a reference strain in the virulence bioassays.  相似文献   

A taxonomical rearrangement of “Aemiliapagana species-group is proposed: Leucanopsis pagana (Schaus in Proc Zool Soc London 1894:225–243, 1894) comb. nov. and L. ninae (Orfila in Rev Soc Entomol Argent 21:67–70, 1959) comb. nov. A new endemic species from Pampa de Achala, Córdoba, Argentina, closer to both species, is described: Leucanopsis navarroi sp. nov. These three species can be recognized because the color pattern is the darkest among species of Leucanopsis. Characteristics of male genitalia suggest the nomenclatural rearrangement proposed. Leucanopsis pagana comb. nov. has a wide distribution from the center of Brazil to northeastern Argentina, including southern Paraguay. The known distribution and geospatial analysis suggest that this species is not in danger. Leucanopsis ninae comb. nov. is restricted to only one known locality (Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires). The restricted known distribution, the different land use practices, and geospatial analysis suggest that this species could be endangered. Leucanopsis navarroi sp. nov. is endemic to the high plateau present in the center of Argentina called Pampa de Achala. The known distribution and geospatial analysis suggest that this species could be endangered. Further studies are necessary to determine effectively the conservation status of these three species.  相似文献   

An analysis of indicator values of four Saussurea DC. species, S. baicalensis (Adams) B. L. Rob., S. frolowii Ledeb., S. salicifolia (L.) DC., and S. schanginiana (Wydl.) Fisch. ex Serg., have been carried out by the method of indicator scales of soil moisture and nutrient availability and salinity in more than 1600 relevés. The size of their ecological ranges and the values of their competitiveness in phytocenoses are determined. As a result of a comparison of the locality of local populations within the ecological range and their occurrence, the vulnerability of S. baicalensis, S. frolowii, S. salicifolia, and S. schanginiana in the Kuznetsk Alatau is evaluated. The types of rarity for these species in the Kuznetsk Alatau are determined.  相似文献   

Stem rust of wheat, caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici (Pgt), is a threat to global food security due to its ability to cause total crop failures. The Pgt race TTKSK (Ug99) and its derivatives detected in East Africa carry virulence for many resistance genes present in modern cultivars. However, stem rust resistance gene Sr26 remains effective to all races of Pgt worldwide. Sr26 is carried on the Agropyron elongatum (syn. Thinopyrum ponticum) segment 6Ae#1L translocated to chromosome 6AL of wheat. In this study, a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from a cross between the landrace Aus27969 and Avocet S, which carries Sr26, was used to develop co-dominant kompetitive allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (KASP) markers that co-segregate with Sr26. Four KASP markers (sunKASP_216, sunKASP_218, sunKASP_224 and sunKASP_225) were also shown to co-segregate with Sr26 in four additional RIL populations. When tested on Australian cultivars and breeding lines, these markers amplified alleles alternate to that linked with Sr26 in all cultivars known to lack this gene and Sr26-linked alleles in cultivars and genotypes known to carry Sr26. Genotypes WA-1 and WA-1/3*Yitpi carrying the shortest Sr26 translocation segment were positive only for markers sunKASP_224 and sunKASP_225. Our results suggest the four KASP markers are located on the original translocation and sunKASP_224 and sunKASP_225 are located on the shortened version. Therefore, sunKASP_224 and sunKASP_225 can be used for marker-assisted pyramiding of Sr26 with other stem rust resistance genes to achieve durable resistance in wheat.  相似文献   

During 2009 and 2010 samples from 251 wild birds (37 species) from nine sites of Slovakia were collected. Blood samples were tested for Plasmodium, Haemoproteus, and Leucocytozoon spp. parasites using both PCR-based and microscopy techniques. The overall prevalence of infection was 56.6%, while prevalence of Haemoproteus a Plasmodium spp. (were evaluated separately from Leucocytozoon) was 46.6% and the prevalence of Leucocytozoon spp. was 33.9%. After microscopic examination of stained blood smears the identification of haemoproteids was performed. There were 14 species of three genera identified, i.e., Haemoproteus parabelopolskyi, H. belopolskyi, H. magnus, H. fallisi, H. fringillae, H. balmorali, H. dolniki, H. tartakovskyi, H. lanii, Leucocytozoon majoris, L. dubreuili, Plasmodium vaughani, P. relictum, P. circumflexum. Except for H. fringillae, H. balmorali, H. belopolskyi, L. majoris and L. dubreuili, the mentioned species of parasites were recorded for the first time in Slovakia.  相似文献   

Although interactions between alien and native plant species are well studied, data on interactions between two co-existing alien species with respect to their invasibility are scarce. The aims of this study were (1) to evaluate three factors shaping abundance of the alien shrub species Cornus alternifolia: abundance of another alien (invasive) shrub species (Prunus serotina), type of tree stand (coniferous vs. broadleaved) and distance to propagule sources and (2) to assess the potential dispersal distance of the species studied. Densities of both species were assessed within 194 experimental plots (located in experimental plantations of trees) in Rogów Arboretum (Central Poland). P. serotina occurred on 79 and C. alternifolia on 33 of the 194 plots. The furthest distance of C. alternifolia from the propagule source was 338 m. C. alternifolia reached higher densities in coniferous than broadleaved tree stands. Density of C. alternifolia depended on tree stand type and distance from the propagule source, but did not depend on density of P. serotina. Density of C. alternifolia decreased with increasing distance from the propagule source; however, this relationship was modified by the type of tree stand: densities were lower in broadleaved than in coniferous stands. The presence of the invasive species seems to neither facilitate nor limit the dispersal distance of C. alternifolia, as these two species differ in shade tolerance. The study also provided the first information about C. alternifolia potential invasiveness, because earlier this species was noticed only as casually escaping from cultivation in Slovakia.  相似文献   

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