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Marta Illyová 《Biologia》2006,61(5):531-539
The species composition, seasonal dynamic of biomass and density of zooplankton were studied in two arms with a different hydrological regime. The samples were collected in two hydrologically different years — extremely wet in 2002 and extremely dry in 2003. In the first arm the mean annual chlorophyll-a concentration was 31.6 μg L−1 (2002) and relatively high 64.7 μg L−1 during 2003. Mean seasonal zooplankton wet biomass was low and varied: 11.6 g m−3 (2002) and 2.93 g m−3 (2003). Total zooplankton density was high (7,370 N L−1) in 2002, when rotifers predominated in an open water zone and contributed up to 81% of the total zooplankton biomass and 83% of the total zooplankton density. In medial and littoral zone, in total, 22 cladoceran and 15 copepod species were identified. In the second arm the mean annual concentration of chlorophyll-a was high: 74.8 μg L−1 (2002) and 61.4 μg L−1 (2003). Mean seasonal zooplankton wet biomass varied from 92.5 g m−3 (2002) and 44.10 g m−3 (2003). In 2002 the planktonic crustaceans predominated; their mean biomass was 87.1 g m−3 and B. longirostris formed more than 91% of this value. In 2003, the zooplankton density was high (15,687 N L−1), when rotifers contributed up to 94% of this value. The boom of rotifers (58,740 N L−1) was recorded in June 2003. In total, 45 cladoceran and 14 copepod species were recorded in the medial and littoral zones. During observation we concluded that the structure of zooplankton, particularly species composition, abundance, biomass and seasonal dynamics are affected by the fluctuation of water levels in the arms of the rivers’ inundation areas. This unstable hydrological regime prevented the development of planktonic crustaceans.  相似文献   

Central Amazonian floodplain forests: Tree adaptations in a pulsing system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Amazonian floodplain forests are characterized by an annual flood pulse with changes of the water table that exceed 10 meters. Seedlings and adult trees are waterlogged or submerged for continuous periods lasting up to seven months per year. The monomodal flood pulse of the rivers causes drastic changes in the bioavailability of nutrients, oxygen levels, and concentrations of phytotoxins. The aquatic phase occurs during a period in which temperature and light conditions are optimal for plant growth and development, implying the need for adaptations. Not only do trees persist in a dormant state, they grow vigorously during most of the year, including the aquatic period. The regularity of flooding may have enhanced the evolution of specific traits, which partially are well known from floodplain trees in other tropical and in temperate regions. Different kinds of adaptations are found at the level of structural, physiological, and phenological traits. Combinations of adaptations regarding seed germination, seedling development, and traits of roots, shoots, and leaves result in a variety of growth strategies among trees. These lead to specific species distributions and zonations along the flooding gradient and within Amazonian floodplain systems (nutrient-rich white-water várzea and nutrient-poor black-water igapó).  相似文献   

Invasions of European earthworms into the forests of northern North America are causing dramatic changes in forest floor structure, vegetation communities, biogeochemical cycling, and site hydrology. However, long-term studies on the effects of invasive earthworms are limited because little data exist on the timing and rate of earthworm invasion at specific sites. We successfully used tree rings to identify the timing of earthworm invasions and the effects of earthworm activity on the Acer saccharum overstory of two recently invaded sites in northern Minnesota, thereby establishing a method to date earthworm invasions at other sites. In addition to identifying a tree-ring signature related to earthworm invasion, we found trees growing in invaded conditions were more sensitive to drought than trees growing in earthworm-free conditions. Increased drought sensitivity by A. saccharum has important implications for possible range shifts under climate change scenarios that include increasing drought frequency and severity.  相似文献   

Research on the Morava River floodplain mosquito fauna was carried out from April to October in 2009 and 2010. Altogether, 5864 adults were collected and identified from 12 selected sites. The presence of 28 mosquito species belonging to 6 genera were confirmed in the study area. The floodplain of the Morava River is known for its frequent inundation every year. The floods are quite irregular and often followed by the mass production of mosquitoes. The most abundant species were Aedes vexans (41.4%), Ae. cinereus (7.5%), Ae. rossicus (16.7%), Ochlerotatus sticticus (20.5%), and Culex pipiens (3.1%). Ae. vexans and Oc. sticticus are typical outbreak species for the Morava River floodplain. The years 2009 and 2010 differed in the number of floods, which influenced the mosquito faunal composition and abundance during the year.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution pattern of centipedes (Chilopoda) in four primeval forests of the western Carpathians, central Slovakia. The forests are located in two different mountain ranges (Kremnické vrchy and Pol’ana Mountains), which are exposed on either the southern (Boky, Rohy) or northern slopes (Pol’ana, Badín). In these forests, the influence of coarse woody debris (CWD) on centipede distribution was studied, by distinguishing sampling sites on the forest floor, close to CWD (c-CWD) and distant from CWD (d-CWD). In total, we collected 2,706 individuals from 20 species of centipedes. Average species richness and number of individuals per forest ranged from 8 to 12 species/m2 and from 244 to 486 individuals/m2. The oak forests on south facing slopes harboured several species, which did not occur in the more northern exposed fir-beech forests. Number of species as well as individuals, however, varied more within than between individual forests. Increase of species number and density was mainly caused by CWD and was more pronounced on the southern slopes (P<0.001), characterized by high temperatures and low precipitation, than on the northern slopes (n.s. to P<0.01), characterized by low temperatures and high precipitation. It was found that CWD did not generally increase (species) diversity.  相似文献   

Using the Braun-Blanquet approach, a syntaxonomical revision of the order ofQuercetalia pubescenti-petraeae, based on the synthesis of 634 relevés, distinguished three alliances of the thermophilous oak forests in the Czech Republic: (1)Quercion pubescenti-petraeae (3 communities:Pruno mahaleb-Quercetum pubescentis, Lathyro versicoloris-Quercetum pubescentis, Corno-Quercetum), which includes peri-alpine and peri-Carpathian oak forests on calcareous bedrock, (2)Aceri tatarici-Quercion (2 communities:Quercetum pubescenti-roboris, Carici fritschii-Quercetum roboris), which comprises Pontic-Pannonian oak forests on loess or sand that occur in southern Moravia only, (3)Quercion petraeae (5 communities:Potentillo albae-Quercetum, Brachypodium pinnatum-Quercus robur community,Sorbo torminalis-Quercetum, Genisto pilosae-Quercetum petraeae, Asplenio cuneifolii-Quercetum petraeae), which includes Central European thermophilous oak forests distributed outside the range ofQuercus pubescens and some other submediterranean species.  相似文献   

Summary Seedlings of Acer rubrum, Carpinus caroliniana, and Platanus occidentalis were germinated and grown under contrasting light regimes: varied light (59% of the abovecanopy photon flux incrementally decreased to 9%, simulating a forest understory during canopy leaf-out) and low light (constantly less than 10%, simulating an understory after leaf-out). By the time that light in both treatments was equilibrated at 9%, 44 days after the first germination, varied light plants were an order of magnitude larger than low light plants. However, in the remainder of the experiment, during which all plants were kept at 9% light, varied light plants had lower relative growth due to: 1) lower leaf area per unit of plant mass; and 2) lower net productivity per unit of leaf area. A subset of plants were flooded after light equilibration, resulting in reduced growth. Varied and low light plants were equally affected by flooding. Reported differences among species in shade tolerance were poorly correlated with differences in response to light treatment.  相似文献   

Amazonian floodplain forests (known as várzea) are classified into high or low várzea depending on the spatial position on the plains. This topographic feature exposes the terrain over different time periods of inundation, causing a major limiting factor for tree seedling establishment. We hypothesize that, strategically, most of the seeds produced by trees in low várzea forests germinate faster and in synchrony (temporally concentrated germination), and that their seedlings tend to have cotyledons without reserve or foliaceous cotyledons (PEF). By contrast, seeds produced by high-várzea specialist trees exhibit slower and temporally scattered germination, and their seedlings tend to have reserve storage cotyledons (CHR). Generalist species may show no clear pattern or may be related to high-várzea species. To test this hypothesis, diaspores of 10 tree species were collected: five of low-várzea specialist trees, three of high-várzea specialist trees and two of generalist species. Seedling emergence and morphology were monitored daily in a nursery for a period of 150 days of being subjected to non-flooded (sown directly in várzea soil) and flooded conditions (15 days in water before sowing in the same soil). The seedling emergence of low-várzea species showed an increase of 37% in germinability whereas high-várzea and generalist species exhibited a decrease of 38% and 35% of germinability, respectively. Foliaceous cotyledons were preferentially found in seedlings of low-várzea species, and storage cotyledons were more common in those of high-várzea species, indicating how cotyledon morphology may determine the amount and use of resources available to a seedling during the first stages of establishment and growth. Conservation plans aiming for the maintenance of ecosystem services must consider these strategies.  相似文献   

Extreme climatic events and anthropic disturbances affect the hydrological regime of Amazonian rivers and connected floodplain forests. This study aims to investigate the impacts of the Balbina hydroelectric power plant on the floodplain forests of the Uatumã River, in the Central Amazon. For this, tree age and diameter increment from the most abundant tree species of three different topographic levels were obtained and analyzed in the affected area downstream of the Balbina dam (Uatumã River) and compared to an undisturbed site (Abacate River, affluent) considering age structure and mean diameter increments between the topographic levels and the two systems. The occurrence of old trees is much lower at the disturbed site compared to the undisturbed system. Especially at the middle topography of the Uatumã site, we observed tree species with high mean diameter increment indicating a strong disturbance. We suggest that the disturbances may be associated with extreme hydro‐climatic events, such as extreme droughts that occurred during the El Niño years 1925/26 and 1982/83 and that these events may increase vulnerability of igapó floodplains to wildfires. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   

The species composition, abundance and, vertical distribution of Collembola (53 species), Lumbricidae (6 species), and Elateridae (12 species) are estimated in alluvial soils of the middle taiga floodplain forests. The significance of individual species in the formation of invertebrates communities in different biotopes are demonstrated, species that are adapted to high humidity are revealed. Invertebrates prefer to inhabit higher elements of the floodplain relief. The effects of relative “deepening” of groups of springtails and earthworms are demonstrated in wet soils of inter-ridge depressions.  相似文献   

During the years 2015–2016, we studied the fauna of epigeon in eight similar habitats in Slovakia and Serbia. The study material of Opiliones was obtained by a pitfall trap method. We focused on the comparison of the incidence of harvestmen in floodplain forests and ecotones alongside the Danube River in Slovakia and along the Tisa and Begej River in Serbia. We examined their dependence on anthropogenic impact (frequency of visits), cover of vegetation layers (herbs, shrubs and trees), plant diversity of vegetation layers, area of forest stands, distance to the forest edge, circumference of forest stands, age of forest stands, thickness of litter layer and physico-chemical properties of soil and litter (pH, conductivity, P, N, C, H). Total epigeic activity of harvestman showed significant positive relationship with proportion of N in litter. Community equitability was positively related with species richness of plant communities in shrub layer and negatively related with H content of soil. We did not find any significant correlations between diversity of harvestman communities and measured environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

Questions: 1. How do physiography, flooding regime, landscape pattern, land‐cover history, and local soil conditions influence the presence, community structure and abundance of overstorey trees? 2. Can broad‐scale factors explain variation in the floodplain forest community, or are locally measured soil conditions necessary? Location: Floodplain of the lower 370 km of the Wisconsin River, Wisconsin, USA. Methods: Floodplain forest was sampled in 10 m × 20 m plots [n= 405) during summers of 1999 and 2000 in six 12‐ to 15‐km reaches. Results: Species observed most frequently were Fraxinus pennsylvanica, Acer saccharinum and Ulmus americana. Physiography (e.g. geographic province) and indicators of flooding regime (e.g. relative elevation and distance from main channel) were consistently important in predicting occurrence, community composition, and abundance of trees. Correspondence analysis revealed that flood‐tolerant and intolerant species segregated along the primary axis, and late‐successional species segregated from flood‐tolerant species along the secondary axis. Current landscape configuration only influenced species presence or abundance in forests that developed during recent decades. Land‐cover history was important for tree species presence and for the abundance of late‐successional species. Comparison of statistical models developed with and without soils data suggested that broad‐scale factors such as geographic province generally performed well. Conclusions: Physiography and indicators of flood regime are particularly useful for explaining floodplain forest structure and composition in floodplains with a relatively high proportion of natural cover types.  相似文献   

Summary For decades the floodplain forests of the River Murray have endured the effects of prolonged water stress. This has resulted in significant crown dieback and loss of condition. The Living Murray (TLM) initiative aims to restore the ecological health of six Icon Sites along the River. The two eucalypts River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) and Black Box (Eucalyptus largiflorens) that dominate the forests at five of the six Icon Sites are undergoing widespread decline. To enable effective management and restoration of these forests, we developed a standardised tree condition assessment method. Named the TLM tree condition assessment method, it utilises visual assessment of a range of tree crown variables (extent and density of the foliage in the crown, epicormic growth, new tip growth, reproductive activity, leaf die‐off, mistletoe infestation) and measurements of bark condition, diameter at breast height and dominance class. This article describes the TLM tree condition assessment method and assesses it for consistency between multiple observer teams after limited training. The level of observer agreement between six teams each comprised of two observers was assessed for seven of the ten variables. Intra‐class correlation was used to compare scores of 30 River Red Gum trees assessed on Gunbower Island on the River Murray. The level of agreement for all variables was statistically significant with six of seven variables having correlation coefficients over R = 0.5. The TLM tree condition assessment method was found to provide accurate estimates of a range of tree variables that can be used to determine tree condition. The TLM tree condition assessment method provides a valuable monitoring tool that can be used to assess management interventions, such as management flooding and silvicultural thinning.  相似文献   

Jan Douda 《植被学杂志》2010,21(6):1110-1124
Questions: What is the relative importance of landscape variables compared to habitat quality variables in determining species composition in floodplain forests across different physiographic areas? How do species composition and species traits relate to effects of particular landscape variables? Do lowland and mountain areas differ in effects of landscape variables on species composition? Location: Southern Czech Republic. Methods: A total of 240 vegetation relevés of floodplain forests with measured site conditions were recorded across six physiographic areas. I tested how physiographic area, habitat quality variables and landscape variables such as current land‐cover categories, forest continuity, forest size and urbanization influenced plant species composition. I also compared how mountain and lowland areas differ in terms of the relative importance of these variables. To determine how landscape configuration affects the distribution of species traits, relationships of traits and species affinity with landscape variables were tested. Results: Among landscape variables, forest continuity, landscape forest cover and distance to nearest settlement altered the vegetation. These variables also influenced the distributions of species traits, i.e. life forms, life strategies, affinity to forest, dispersal modes, seed characteristics, flooding tolerance and Ellenberg indicator values for nitrogen, light, moisture and soil reaction. Nevertheless, physiographic area and habitat quality variables explained more variation in species composition. Landscape variables were more important in lowland areas. Forest continuity affected species composition only in lowlands. Conclusions: Although habitat quality and physiographic area explained more vegetation variability, landscape configuration was also a key factor influencing species composition and distribution of species traits. However, the results are dependent on forest geographical location, with lowland forests being more influenced by landscape variables compared to mountain forests.  相似文献   

River regulation and water extraction have altered the hydrology of rivers resulting in substantial changes to forest structure and the dieback of floodplain forests globally. Forest mortality, due to water extraction, is likely to be exacerbated by climate change-induced droughts. In 1965, a plantation trial was established within a natural floodplain forest to examine the effect of planting density on timber production. We used data from this trial to investigate the effect of initial stand density on the structure and dynamics of Eucalyptus camaldulensis (Dehnh.) forests. Highest density stands (8000 trees ha−1) were dominated by many slender trees, mostly<10 cm in diameter, whereas the lowest density stands produced size distributions with a wider range of stem diameters and higher mean and maximum stem diameter. After 1996, the study area experienced a sharp decline in water availability due to a substantial lowering of the water table, reduced flooding frequency, a pronounced rainfall deficit and increased maximum temperatures. The drought coincided with a dramatic increase in mortality in the high-density stands, yet remained little changed in low-density treatments. Our results highlight the importance of initial stand density as a key determinant of the development of forest structure. Early thinning of high-density stands is one component of a broader management approach to mitigate impacts of human-induced drought and water extraction on developing floodplain forests.  相似文献   

Schindlbacher  A.  Heinzle  J.  Gollobich  G.  Wanek  W.  Michel  K.  Kitzler  B. 《Biogeochemistry》2022,157(2):193-213
Biogeochemistry - The effects of single macrofauna taxa on benthic nitrogen (N) cycling have been extensively studied, whereas how macrofaunal communities affect N-related processes remains poorly...  相似文献   

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