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Flapping flight places strenuous requirements on the physiological performance of an animal. Bird flight muscles, particularly at smaller body sizes, generally contract at high frequencies and do substantial work in order to produce the aerodynamic power needed to support the animal's weight in the air and to overcome drag. This is in contrast to terrestrial locomotion, which offers mechanisms for minimizing energy losses associated with body movement combined with elastic energy savings to reduce the skeletal muscles' work requirements. Muscles also produce substantial power during swimming, but this is mainly to overcome body drag rather than to support the animal's weight. Here, I review the function and architecture of key flight muscles related to how these muscles contribute to producing the power required for flapping flight, how the muscles are recruited to control wing motion and how they are used in manoeuvring. An emergent property of the primary flight muscles, consistent with their need to produce considerable work by moving the wings through large excursions during each wing stroke, is that the pectoralis and supracoracoideus muscles shorten over a large fraction of their resting fibre length (33-42%). Both muscles are activated while being lengthened or undergoing nearly isometric force development, enhancing the work they perform during subsequent shortening. Two smaller muscles, the triceps and biceps, operate over a smaller range of contractile strains (12-23%), reflecting their role in controlling wing shape through elbow flexion and extension. Remarkably, pigeons adjust their wing stroke plane mainly via changes in whole-body pitch during take-off and landing, relative to level flight, allowing their wing muscles to operate with little change in activation timing, strain magnitude and pattern.  相似文献   

Hui CA 《Journal of morphology》2002,251(3):284-293
This study examined furcula (wishbone) shape relative to flight requirements. The furculae from 53 museum specimens in eight orders were measured: 1) three-dimensional shape (SR) as indicated by the ratio of the direct distance between the synostosis interclavicularis and the ligamentous attachment of one of its clavicles to the actual length of the clavicle between those same two points, and 2) curvature within the primary plane (LR) as indicated by the ratio of the length of the clavicle to the sum of the orthogonal distances between the same points using a projected image. Canonical discriminant analysis of these ratios placed the individuals into a) one of four general flight categories and b) one of eight taxonomic orders. The four flight categories were defined as: i) soaring with no flapping, ii) flapping with no soaring, iii) subaqueous (i.e., all wingbeats taking place under water), and iv) partial subaqueous (i.e., wingbeats used for both aerial and submerged flapping). The error rate for placement of the specimens in flight categories was only 26.4%, about half of the error rate for placement in taxonomic orders (51.3%). Subaqueous fliers (penguins, great auks) have furculae that are the most V-shaped. Partial subaqueous fliers (alcids, storm petrels) have furculae that are more U-shaped than the subaqueous fliers but more V-shaped than the aerial flapping fliers. The partial subaqueous fliers have furculae that are also the most anteriorly curved, possibly increasing protraction capability by changing the angle of applied force and increasing attachment area for the origin of the sternobrachialis pectoralis. The increased protraction capability can counteract profile drag, which is greater in water than in air due to the greater density of water. Soaring birds have furculae that are more U-shaped or circular than those of flapping birds and have the smallest range of variation. These results indicate that the shape of the furcula is functionally related to general differences in flight requirements and may be used to infer relationships of these requirements among birds.  相似文献   

Flight mills are commonly used to assess the relative flight performance of migratory insects, but uncertainties about the rate of energy expenditure on the mill mean that absolute estimates of flight endurance are not usually attempted. In this paper we describe how we measured the power delivered to a lightweight flight mill by tethered Cicadulina storeyi China leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), and compared this to estimates of the power they use to maintain free flight. Our results showed that the leafhoppers were generating more than 0.90 W of mechanical power when on the mill, and that they probably have 3–4 W available for free flight. We conclude that whilst flying on the mill, the insects were generating at least 20–30% of the mechanical power needed for free flight, and that this percentage may have been significantly higher.  相似文献   

  1. The continuing global expansion of electricity networks increases the risk of bird collisions with power lines. Several field studies have demonstrated that this risk can be reduced by marking lines with flight diverters. A before‐after control‐impact (BACI) design is currently the suggested approach for evaluating the effectiveness of these diverters and is generally assumed to give unbiased results.
  2. Using systematic flight survey data, we demonstrate that the assumptions underlying the BACI approach are frequently violated, leading to biased effectiveness estimates. We present an alternative field and statistical design in which the number of bird strike victims is directly related to bird flight intensity (“fusion design”), instead of estimating it indirectly using a control site. The presented design is validated based on simulations.
  3. We demonstrate that the presented method is unbiased and shows an approximately 3‐fold higher statistical power compared with BACI, even under ideal/unbiased data conditions, with similar field‐experimental effort. Moreover, this approach can provide a direct analysis of bird reactions/collisions, estimation of collision rates, and the possibility of conducting the required fieldwork within a single season.
  4. Our presented method can be used to standardize and improve future studies on diverter effectiveness, for example, by supporting the acquisition of a more detailed picture of species‐, diverter type‐, and habitat‐specific estimates.

We used acid digestion and glycogen depletion to determine fascicle organization, fiber morphology, and physiological and anatomical features of individual motor units of an in-series muscle, the pectoralis (pars thoracicus) of the pigeon (Columba livia). Most fascicles are attached at one end to connective tissue. Average fiber length in the four regions examined range from 42% to 66% of average fascicle length. More than 65% of fibers are blunt at one end of a fascicle and taper intrafascicularly. Fibers with blunt–blunt endings range from 13% to 31% of the population in different regions; taper–taper fibers range from 2% to 17%. Pigeon pectoralis fibers are distinguished histochemically into fast-twitch glycolytic (FG) and fast-twitch oxidative-glycolytic (FOG) populations. Three units composed of FG fibers (FG units) contract more quickly than three units composed of FOG fibers (FOG units) (range 31–37 vs 47–62 msec), produce more tetanic force (0.11–0.32 vs 0.02–0.05 N) and are more fatigable (<18% initial force vs >50% after repeated stimulation). Most motor units are confined to one of the four muscle regions. Territory of two FOG units is <30% of parent fascicle length. Territories of other units spanned parent fascicles; most fibers in these units do not extend the full fascicle length. Compared to FG units, FOG units have lower maximum innervation ratios and density indices (ratio of depleted/total FOG fibers in territory 8–14% vs 58–76% for FG units). These differences support the hypothesis that FG units are organized to produce substantial force and power for takeoff, landing and other ballistic movements whereas FOG units are suited for sustained flight when power requirements are reduced. Implications of findings for understanding the control of in-series muscles and the use of connective tissue elastic elements during wing movements are discussed. J.Morphol. 236:179–208, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Similar to insects, birds and pterosaurs, bats have evolved powered flight. But in contrast to other flying taxa, only bats are furry. Here, we asked whether flight is impaired when bat pelage and wing membranes get wet. We studied the metabolism of short flights in Carollia sowelli, a bat that is exposed to heavy and frequent rainfall in neotropical rainforests. We expected bats to encounter higher thermoregulatory costs, or to suffer from lowered aerodynamic properties when pelage and wing membranes catch moisture. Therefore, we predicted that wet bats face higher flight costs than dry ones. We quantified the flight metabolism in three treatments: dry bats, wet bats and no rain, wet bats and rain. Dry bats showed metabolic rates predicted by allometry. However, flight metabolism increased twofold when bats were wet, or when they were additionally exposed to rain. We conclude that bats may not avoid rain only because of sensory constraints imposed by raindrops on echolocation, but also because of energetic constraints.  相似文献   

本研究旨在阐明楚雄腮扁叶蜂Cephalcia chuxiongica Xiao飞行肌结构蛋白及飞行能量代谢相关酶基因信息。首先采用电镜技术对楚雄腮扁叶蜂飞行肌进行了观察,结果表明,肌原纤维(由粗丝和细丝组成,其数量比例为1∶3)是飞行肌的基本成分,肌原纤维横切面平均面积为0.771±0.042μm2,肌节平均长度为2.698±0.116μm。进一步通过飞行肌转录组分析,共筛选到11大类飞行肌结构蛋白,其中肌球蛋白(Myosin)和肌动蛋白(Actin)的转录本数较多,分别为127个和54个。发现1个飞行蛋白Flightin编码基因(可编码一个长152 aa的蛋白),在该蛋白中检测到6个模体结构(Motif),膜翅目昆虫中在Motif 1的一些位点上其氨基酸类型表现出明显的特异性。在楚雄腮扁叶蜂中筛选到了25个飞行能量代谢关键酶编码基因,并基于这些酶构建了三条飞行能量代谢途径,即糖酵解(涉及15种酶)、脂肪氧化(涉及6种酶)和脯氨酸氧化(涉及4种酶)。在楚雄腮扁叶蜂中发现4个3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶GPDH异构体,但并未在这些异构体中找到类似果蝇飞行肌GPDH异构体所具有...  相似文献   

昆虫飞行肌的肌原纤维不仅含有粗肌丝、细肌丝、纤肌丝,还含有很多其它蛋白质参与肌原纤维的组装和调节,文章介绍了10余种蛋白质的结构、功能及其在肌原纤维中的位置和功能,对于了解昆虫飞行肌的发育和探索昆虫飞行能力差异的原因具有重要意义。  相似文献   

饥饿和交配对小地老虎飞行肌发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王伟  尹姣  曹雅忠  李克斌 《昆虫知识》2013,(6):1573-1585
小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon(Rottemburg)成虫飞行肌的发育常受一些因素影响而发生变化,为探讨饥饿和交配行为对飞行肌发育的影响,通过电子显微镜对雌虫飞行肌(背纵肌)的肌原纤维、线粒体结构进行观察,结果显示:4日龄饥饿雌虫,肌原纤维直径、肌节长度、肌原纤维体积均显著(P<0.05)小于取食的。7日龄饥饿雌虫肌原纤维直径、肌节长度、肌原纤维体积分数较4日龄的差异均不显著(P≥0.05),而7日龄饥饿的肌原纤维直径显著(P<0.05)大于7日龄取食的;羽化10 d后,饥饿雌虫肌节长度显著(P<0.05)大于取食雌虫的,而肌纤维体积分数和线粒体体积分数均却小于后者。7、10、13日龄交配雌虫肌原纤维横切直径分别显著(P<0.05)小于同日龄非交配的;7、10、13日龄交配雌虫肌原纤维体积分数显著(P<0.05)小于非交配的,线粒体体积分数虽然无差异(P≥0.05),但是交配雌虫的早在4日龄便已明显(P<0.05)减小。上述结果表明:正常取食的小地老虎飞行肌4日龄后会发生降解现象;饥饿抑制飞行肌前期发育和中期的降解,而促进成虫末期肌原纤维的分解;交配能促进飞行肌的降解。  相似文献   

Muscles driving rhythmic locomotion typically show strong dependence of power on the timing or phase of activation. This is particularly true in insects' main flight muscles, canonical examples of muscles thought to have a dedicated power function. However, in the moth (Manduca sexta), these muscles normally activate at a phase where the instantaneous slope of the power-phase curve is steep and well below maximum power. We provide four lines of evidence demonstrating that, contrary to the current paradigm, the moth's nervous system establishes significant control authority in these muscles through precise timing modulation: (i) left-right pairs of flight muscles normally fire precisely, within 0.5-0.6 ms of each other; (ii) during a yawing optomotor response, left-right muscle timing differences shift throughout a wider 8 ms timing window, enabling at least a 50 per cent left-right power differential; (iii) timing differences correlate with turning torque; and (iv) the downstroke power muscles alone causally account for 47 per cent of turning torque. To establish (iv), we altered muscle activation during intact behaviour by stimulating individual muscle potentials to impose left-right timing differences. Because many organisms also have muscles operating with high power-phase gains (Δ(power)/Δ(phase)), this motor control strategy may be ubiquitous in locomotor systems.  相似文献   

The migratory patterns of birds have been the focus of ecologists for millennia. What behavioural traits underlie these remarkably consistent movements? Addressing this question is central to advancing our understanding of migratory flight strategies and requires the integration of information across levels of biological organisation, e.g. species to communities. Here, we combine species‐specific observations from the eBird citizen‐science database with observations aggregated from weather surveillance radars during spring migration in central North America. Our results confirm a core prediction of migration theory at an unprecedented national scale: body mass predicts variation in flight strategies across latitudes, with larger‐bodied species flying faster and compensating more for wind drift. We also find evidence that migrants travelling northward earlier in the spring increasingly compensate for wind drift at higher latitudes. This integration of information across biological scales provides new insight into patterns and determinants of broad‐scale flight strategies of migratory birds.  相似文献   

In contrast to birds, bats are possibly limited in their capacity to use body fat as an energy source for long migrations. Here, we studied the fuel choice of migratory Pipistrellus nathusii (approximate weight: 8 g) by analysing the stable carbon isotope ratio (δ(13)C(V-PDB)) of breath and potential energy sources. Breath δ(13)C(V-PDB) was intermediate between δ(13)C(V-PDB) of insect prey and adipocyte triacylglycerols, suggesting a mixed-fuel use of P. nathusii during autumn migration. To clarify the origin of oxidized fatty acids, we performed feeding experiments with captive P. nathusii. After an insect diet, bat breath was enriched in (13)C relative to the bulk and fat portion of insects, but not deviating from the non-fat portion of insects, suggesting that bats oxidized exogenous proteins and carbohydrates, but not exogenous fatty acids. A feeding experiment with (13)C-labelled substrates confirmed these findings. In conclusion, migratory P. nathusii oxidized dietary proteins directly from insects captured en route in combination with endogenous fatty acids from adipocytes, and replenished their body reserves by routing dietary fatty acids to their body reserves.  相似文献   

Birds utilize one of two hindlimb postures during flight: an extended posture (with the hip and knee joints flexed, while the ankle joint is extended caudally) or a flexed posture (with the hip, knee, and ankle joints flexed beneath the body). American Avocets (Recurvirostra americana) and Black‐necked Stilts (Himantopus mexicanus) extend their legs caudally during flight and support them for extended periods. Slow tonic and slow twitch muscle fibers are typically found in muscles functioning in postural support due to the fatigue resistance of these fibers. We hypothesized that a set of small muscles composed of high percentages of slow fibers and thus dedicated to postural support would function in securing the legs in the extended posture during flight. This study examined the anatomy and histochemical profile of eleven hindlimb muscles to gain insight into their functional roles during flight. Contrary to our hypothesis, all muscles possessed both fast twitch and slow twitch or slow tonic fibers. We believe this finding is due to the versatility of dynamic and postural functions the leg muscles must facilitate, including standing, walking, running, swimming, and hindlimb support during flight. Whether birds use an extended or flexed hindlimb flight posture may be related to the aerodynamic effect of leg position or may reflect evolutionary history. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the flight muscles of insects, virtually every mitochondrion is in contact with or is encircled by terminal tracheoles which reach them by following the channels formed by the invaginated plasma membrane of the muscle fibres, the T-system tubules. In Musca, Calliphora and Drosophila (Diptera), Apis (Hymenoptera) and Tenebrio (Coleoptera) the terminal tracheoles are smooth-surfaced tubes with a lumen of about 50 nm. In Pieris (Lepidoptera) the terminal tracheoles occupy the regular transverse tubular system which runs between the mitochondria and across the fibrils on either side of the H zone. They are smooth tubules of 80–200 nm diameter. Preliminary observations suggest the same arrangement in Ischnura (Odonata). In Rhodnius and other Hemiptera the transverse T-tubule system forms large cavities among the mitochondria: these cavities in Rhodnius are occupied by smooth-walled tracheole endings. In the mature adult of Schistocerca (Orthoptera) T-tubules of varying size are utilized by terminal tracheoles (diameter 50–100 nm). The terminal tracheoles of the flight muscles are highly permeable to myrcene and kerosine. They commonly fill with liquid during rest and this liquid is resorbed during activity. It is suggested that these adaptations increase the efficiency of respiration in the flight muscles by ensuring that, when it is most needed, gaseous oxygen extends to the surface of the mitochondria, from which it is separated by a very permeable barrier.  相似文献   

Hummingbirds (Trochilidae) are widely known for their insect-like flight strokes characterized by high wing beat frequency, small muscle strains and a highly supinated wing orientation during upstroke that allows for lift production in both halves of the stroke cycle. Here, we show that hummingbirds achieve these functional traits within the limits imposed by a vertebrate endoskeleton and muscle physiology by accentuating a wing inversion mechanism found in other birds and using long-axis rotational movement of the humerus. In hummingbirds, long-axis rotation of the humerus creates additional wing translational movement, supplementing that produced by the humeral elevation and depression movements of a typical avian flight stroke. This adaptation increases the wing-to-muscle-transmission ratio, and is emblematic of a widespread scaling trend among flying animals whereby wing-to-muscle-transmission ratio varies inversely with mass, allowing animals of vastly different sizes to accommodate aerodynamic, biomechanical and physiological constraints on muscle-powered flapping flight.  相似文献   

This article presents tests of the theoretical predictions onoptimal soaring and gliding flight of large, diurnal migrantsusing Pennycuick's program 2 for "bird flight performance."Predictions were compared with 141 observed flight paths ofmigrating steppe buzzards, Buteo buteo vulpinus. Calculationsof cross-country speed relative to the air included bird's airspeedsand sinking rates in interthermal gliding and climbing ratesin thermal circling. Steppe buzzards adjusted interthermal glidingairspeed . according to their actual climbing rate in thermalcircling. By optimizing their gliding airspeed, the birds maximizedtheir crosscountry performance relative to the air. Despitethis general agreement with the model, there was much scatterin the data, for the model neglects horizontal winds and updraftsduring the gliding phase. Lower sinking rates due to updraftsduring the gliding phases allowed many birds to achieve highercross-country speeds than predicted. In addition, birds reactedto different wind directions and speeds: in side and opposingwinds, the steppe buzzards compensated for wind displacementduring soaring and increased their gliding airspeed with decreasingtailwind component Nevenheless, cross-country speed relativeto the ground, which is the important measure for a migratorybird, was still higher under following winds. This study showsthat Pennycuick's program 2 provides reliable predictions onoptimal soaring and gliding behavior using realistic assumptionsand constants in the model, but a great deal of variation aroundthe mean is generated by factors not included in the model  相似文献   

The nest micro-environment is a widely studied area of avian biology, however, the contribution of nest conductance (the inverse of insulation) to the energetics of the incubating adult and offspring has largely been overlooked. Surface-specific thermal conductance (W °C(-1) cm(-2)) has been related to nest dimensions, wall porosity, height above-ground and altitude, but the most relevant measure is total conductance (G, W °C(-1)). This study is the first to analyse conductance allometrically with adult body mass (M, g), according to the form G = aM(b). We propose three alternative hypotheses to explain the scaling of conductance. The exponent may emerge from: heat loss scaling (M(0.48)) in which G scales with the same exponent as thermal conductance of the adult bird, isometric scaling (M(0.33)) in which nest shape is held constant as parent mass increases, and structural scaling (M(0.25)) in which nests are designed to support a given adult mass. Data from 213 cup-shaped nests, from 36 Australian species weighing 8-360 g, show conductance is proportional to M(0.25). This allometric exponent is significantly different from those expected for heat loss and isometric scaling and confirms the hypothesis that structural support for the eggs and incubating parent is the primary factor driving nest design.  相似文献   

袁瑞玲  王晓渭  杨珊  陈鹏 《昆虫学报》2015,58(5):471-478
【目的】明确桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)飞行肌对能源物质的利用。【方法】通过生化方法测定了能源物质代谢相关5种酶[3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶(GAPDH)、3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶(GDH)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、柠檬酸合酶(CS)和3-羟酰辅酶A脱氢酶(HOAD)]活性的变化。【结果】桔小实蝇成虫中所测的5种酶活性随日龄的变化而变化,4日龄GAPDH,GDH,LDH和CS活性最高,20日龄HOAD活性最高。吊飞过程中,GAPDH,GDH和CS的活性变化基本一致,随吊飞时间的延长活性逐渐升高;LDH和HOAD的活性变化雌、雄虫完全不同。雄虫LDH活性除吊飞2 h外其他时间均高于静息状态,雌虫则始终低于静息状态;雄虫HOAD活性只有吊飞24 h低于静息状态水平,而雌虫吊飞后HOAD活性一直在静息状态水平及以下波动。【结论】桔小实蝇飞行所利用的能源物质包括糖类和脂肪,以糖类能源为主。吊飞过程中,雄虫除可以进行高速有氧代谢以外,还具备一定的无氧代谢能力,而雌虫只进行有氧代谢;雄虫能利用脂肪供给能量,雌虫则几乎不动用脂肪。研究结果为进一步阐明桔小实蝇的迁飞行为机制提供了依据。  相似文献   

The emplacement of the first imaginal myoblasts along the larval muscles which are precursors of the dorsal longitudinal flight muscles, has been studied in Chironomus (Diptera, Nematocera), by light and electron microscopy. At the beginning of larval life there are no imaginal myoblasts stored along these muscles. These cells are discerned only at the beginning of the last larval instar. They first appear in the median region of the muscles near the neuromuscular junction. Prior to this, however, there are cells possessing the same cytological characteristics as the imaginal myoblasts inside the sheath of the motor nerves that supply the muscles. These observations suggest that myoblasts could arrive by the nerve sheath. The presence of a thick, continuous basal lamina around the larval muscles seems to exclude all other possibility of access to these muscles. The extension of this hypothesis to the Cyclorrhaphan Diptera is discussed.  相似文献   

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