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The preservation of the functional polarity of hepatocytes in liver snips (1 x 2 x 4 mm) was demonstrated by fluorescent microscopic studies using the sodium salt of (N-[7-(4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazol)]-3 beta-amino-7 alpha,12 alpha- dihydroxy-5 beta-cholan-24-oyl)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid. This fluorescent bile salt derivative is not only taken up by hepatocytes of several cell layers at the surface of the snips but also secreted into bile canaliculi. The intact hepatobiliary transport of bile salts by hepatocytes of liver snips demonstrates that they are a useful system for the investigation of those transcellular transport processes which require the integrity of hepatic structure. Photoaffinity labelling of liver snips with the sodium salt of (7,7-azo-3 alpha,12 alpha-dihydroxy-5 beta-[3 beta-3H]cholan- 24-oyl)-2-aminoethanesulfonic acid revealed that the bile-salt-binding membrane polypeptides with apparent Mr values of 54,000 and 48,000 are exclusively located in the sinusoidal membrane, whereas a single bile-salt-binding polypeptide with an apparent Mr of 100,000 is located in the bile-canalicular membrane. Photoaffinity labelling of liver snips at 4 degrees C, when transcellular bile-salt transport is insignificant, resulted in the labelling of the two sinusoidal membrane polypeptides and practically no labelling of the polypeptide with an apparent Mr of 100,000. This latter polypeptide was also not labelled when Ca2 deprivation abolished bile secretion completely. These results indicate that the directed hepatobiliary transport of bile salts in hepatocytes is accomplished by transport systems which are different for sinusoidal uptake and canalicular secretion.  相似文献   

A number of proteins and signalling molecules modulate voltage-gated calcium channel activity and neurosecretion. As recent findings have indicated the presence of Ca(v)2.1 (P/Q-type) channels and soluble N-ethyl-maleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) in the cholesterol-enriched microdomains of neuroendocrine and neuronal cells, we investigated whether molecules known to modulate neurosecretion, such as the heterotrimeric G proteins and neuronal calcium sensor-1 (NCS-1), are also localized in these microdomains. After immuno-isolation, flotation gradients from Triton X-100-treated synaptosomal membranes revealed the presence of different detergent-resistant membranes (DRMs) containing proteins of the exocytic machinery (Ca(v)2.1 channels and SNAREs) or NCS-1; both DRM subtypes contained aliquots of heterotrimeric G protein subunits and phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate. In line with the biochemical data, confocal imaging of immunolabelled membrane sheets revealed the localization of SNARE proteins and NCS-1 in different dot-like structures. This distribution was largely impaired by treatment with methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, thus suggesting the localization of all three proteins in cholesterol-dependent domains. Finally, bradykinin (which is known to activate the NCS-1 pathway) caused a significant increase in NCS-1 in the DRMs. These findings suggest that different membrane microdomains are involved in the spatial organization of the complex molecular network that converges on calcium channels and the secretory machinery.  相似文献   

Two proteins, in previous work labeled by affinity markers derived from taurocholic acid, were purified and partially sequenced. Antibodies were raised against purified proteins, and cross-reactions were carefully checked. The influence of these antibodies upon taurocholic acid import into vesicles from rat liver plasma membranes was measured, and showed a distinct inhibition of transport in the case of the 54 kD protein.  相似文献   

While many contraception options are available for women, birth control methods for men are limited to condoms and vasectomy. Past research into male contraceptives has focused on hormonal options but the associated side effects have thus far precluded this method from reaching the market. Non-hormonal male contraceptives and vas occlusion have also been explored, but to date no method has progressed past clinical testing. Recent interest in epigenetic research has unveiled a new potential non-hormonal male contraceptive target: the testis-specific bromodomain BRDT. Potent inhibitors for bromodomain-containing proteins are described in the literature, but a BRDT-specific compound has yet to be designed, prepared and tested. The high similarity between bromodomain proteins of the BET family makes development of selective and specific inhibitors both difficult and necessary. Selective inhibition of BRDT by a small molecule is an exciting new target in the search for a new non-hormonal male contraceptive.  相似文献   

Summary Phlorizin binding is studied in isolated intestinal epithelial cells of the chick. Cells are ATP depleted to allow extensive manipulation of ionic gradients and membrane potential (). Phlorizin binding is assayed at steady state. Carrier specific phlorizin binding is defined asd-glucose (90 mM) inhibitable binding. Specific binding displays simple Michaelian kinetics as a function of phlorizin. indicating the presence of a single homogeneous binding site. Sodium concentrations and modify the apparent binding affinity but not the maximum number of binding sites. In contrast, the activation curve as a function of sodium concentrations is sigmoid and the apparent maximum number of binding sites at saturating sodium is phlorizin dependent. The rate of phlorizin association is both and sodium-concentration dependent. Dissociation is sodium-concentration dependent but not dependent. Theoretical analysis indicates binding order of substrates is random. In addition, data suggests that the phlorizin/sodium stoichiometry is 2:1. The dependence can be explained by two models: either translocation is the -dependent step and the free carrier is anionic, or sodium binding is the -dependent step.  相似文献   

Summary Transepithelial impedance-analysis studies were performed in turtle bladder epithelium in order to measure changes in the different epithelial membranes resulting from stimulation of electrogenic bicarbonate secretion. Changes in membrane conductance relate to changes in ionic permeability, whereas changes in membrane capacitance relate to changes in membrane area, since most biological membranes exhibit a specific capacitance of 1 F/cm2. The results of this investigation are summarized as follows: (i) cAMP and carbachol, agents which have been shown previously to stimulate electrogenic bicarbonate secretion, result in increases in apical-membrane conductance and capacitance; (ii) these changes occur concomitantly with the observed change in transport (measured using the short-circuit-current technique), thereby suggesting that bicarbonate secretion may be regulated in part by changes in the chloride conductance of the apical membrane; (iii) the increase in conductance does not reflect an increase in the membrane's specific conductance, thereby indicating that it results from the addition of membrane possessing similar ionic permeability as the existing apical membrane; (iv) the magnitude of the changes in capacitance indicate that a minor cell population (-type carbonic-anhydrase-rich cells) increase their apical-membrane area by several-fold; (v) a lack of transport-associated changes in the basolateral-membrane parameters suggest that transport is not regulated by alterations in basolateral-membrane ionic conductance or area; (vi) a lack of colchicine sensitivity, coupled with the magnitude of the changes in apical-membrane capacitance, indicate that the membrane remodeling processes are different from those involved in the regulation of proton secretion in a different cell population (-type carbonic-anhydrase-rich cells).  相似文献   

Summary Epithelial cells from the intrahepatic bile duct contribute to bile formation, but little is known of the cellular mechanisms responsible. In these studies, we have characterized the endogenous GTP-binding proteins (G proteins) present in these cells and evaluated their role in regulation of high conductance anion channels. G proteins were identified in purified plasma membranes of isolated bile duct epithelial cells using specific antisera on Western blots, and ion channel activity was measured in excised inside-out membrane patches using patch-clamp recording techniques. In patches without spontaneous channel activity, addition of cholera toxin to the cytoplasmic surface had no effect (n=10). Addition of pertussis toxin caused an activation of channels in 13/34 (38%) attempts, as detected by an increase in channel open probability. Activated channels were anion selective (gluconate/Cl permeability ratio of 0.17±0.04) and had a unitary conductance of 380 pS. Channel open probability was also increased by the nonhydrolyzable GDP analogue guanosine 5-0-(2-thiodiphosphate) in 8/14 (57%) attempts. In contrast, channel open probability was rapidly and reversibly decreased by the nonhydrolyzable analogue of GTP 5guanylylimidodiphosphate in 7/9 (78%) attempts. Western blotting with specific antisera revealed that both Gi –2 and Gi –3 were present in significant amounts, whereas Gi –1 and Go were not detected. These studies indicate that in bile duct epithelial cells, high conductance anion channels are inhibited, in a membrane-delimited manner, by PTX-sensitive G proteins.We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Marwan Farouk, M.D. in the preparation of bile duct epithelial cells, Lucy Seger in the identification of the G proteins, C.F. Starmer in channel analysis, and P.J. Casey for the gift of bacteria expressing the different G-protein -subunits. This work was supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health DK43278 (to J.G.F.), DK42486 (to T.W.G.), and DK07568 (to J.M.M.); American Gastroenterological Association/G.D. Searle Research Scholar Award (to J.G.F.) and an American Gastroenterological Association Advanced Research Training Award (J.M.M.).  相似文献   

hIL-1beta-derived polypeptide, when fused to the N-terminal end of target proteins, exerts a potent secretion enhancer function in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We investigated the effect of N-glycosylation of the secretion enhancer peptide on the secretion of target proteins. The N-terminal 24 amino acids (Ser5-Ala28) of human interleukin 1beta (hIL-1beta) and interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) were used as secretion enhancer for synthesizing recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (rhG-CSF) from S. cerevisiae. The mutation of potential N-glycosylation site, by substituting Gln for either Asn7 of N-terminal 24 amino acids of hIL-1beta (Asn7Gln) or Asn84 of IL-1ra (Asn84Gln), resulted in a dramatic reduction of rhG-CSF secretion efficiency. In contrast, the mutant containing an additional N-glycosylation site on the N-terminal 24 amino acids of hIL-1beta (Gln15Asn) secreted twice as much rhG-CSF into culture media as wild type hIL-1beta. These results show that N-glycosylation of the secretion enhancer peptide plays an important role in increasing the secretion efficiency of the downstream target proteins. The results also suggest that judicious choice of enhancer peptide and the control of its glycosylation could be of general utility for secretory production of heterologous proteins from S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The interlobular duct cells of the guinea-pig pancreas secrete HCO(3)(-) across their luminal membrane into a HCO(3)(-)-rich (125 mM) luminal fluid against a sixfold concentration gradient. Since HCO(3)(-) transport cannot be achieved by luminal Cl-/HCO(3)(-) exchange under these conditions, we have investigated the possibility that it is mediated by an anion conductance. To determine whether the electrochemical potential gradient across the luminal membrane would favor HCO(3)(-) efflux, we have measured the intracellular potential (V(m)) in microperfused, interlobular duct segments under various physiological conditions. When the lumen was perfused with a 124 mM Cl- -25 mM HCO(3)(-) solution, a condition similar to the basal state, the resting potential was approximately -60 mV. Stimulation with dbcAMP or secretin caused a transient hyperpolarization (approximately 5 mV) due to activation of electrogenic Na+-HCO(3)(-) cotransport at the basolateral membrane. This was followed by depolarization to a steady-state value of approximately -50 mV as a result of anion efflux across the luminal membrane. Raising the luminal HCO(3)(-) concentration to 125 mM caused a hyperpolarization (approximately 10 mV) in both stimulated and unstimulated ducts. These results can be explained by a model in which the depolarizing effect of Cl- efflux across the luminal membrane is minimized by the depletion of intracellular Cl- and offset by the hyperpolarizing effects of Na+-HCO(3)(-) cotransport at the basolateral membrane. The net effect is a luminally directed electrochemical potential gradient for HCO(3)(-) that is sustained during maximal stimulation. Our calculations indicate that the electrodiffusive efflux of HCO(3)(-) to the lumen via CFTR, driven by this gradient, would be sufficient to fully account for the observed secretory flux of HCO(3)(-).  相似文献   

The molecular and functional characterization of severalproteins involved in the uptake and excretion of xenobioticsand endogenous compounds in the hepatocyte has been achievedthrough intensive research conducted in the past few years.These studies have lead to the identification of specificmembrane transporters located in the basolateral andcanalicular membrane domains of the hepatocyte. The organicanion-transporting polypeptide (OATP), present in thebasolateral membrane of the hepatocyte, is responsible for thetranslocation of xenobiotics from the sinusoidal space into thehepatocyte. Once inside the cell, unconjugated neutral, anionicand cationic xenobiotics can be secreted into bile by themultidrug-resistance P-glycoprotein 1 (MDR1). Conjugatedxenobiotics (e.g. glucuronides and glutathione conjugates) aresecreted into bile by the canalicular multispecific organicanion transporter (cMOAT). Other transporters play keyphysiological roles, including the basolateral uptake of bilesalts (sodium-taurocholate cotransporter, NTCP) and thesecretion into bile of conjugated and unconjugated bile salts(bile salt export pump, BSEP) and phospholipids (MDR2).Experimental approaches used to investigate the role of thebasolateral and canalicular transporters in the hepatocyte haveincluded both in vivo and in vitro models. Animalmodels lacking canalicular transporters include the`hyperbilirubinemic' rats (Groningen-Yellow (GY), Eisaihyperbilirubinemic (EHB) and TR- rats), which aredeficient in the cMOAT protein, and `knock-out' mice, lackingeither the MDR1 or MDR2 transporter. Although no animal modelsare currently available for the study of basolateraltransporters, their function has been conveniently investigatedthrough heterologous expression in Xenopus laevis oocytesand also with basolateral membrane vesicles isolated fromhepatocytes. The total number of basolateral and canaliculartransport proteins present in the hepatocyte is still unknown,but current knowledge indicates that there are at least fourpresent in the basolateral membrane and five in the canaliculardomain. The present review focuses on the current knowledgeabout the most relevant hepatocyte transporters involved in theuptake of foreign and endogenous compounds from the sinusoidalspace and in their active secretion into bile. The first partof the review deals with the basolateral (sinusoidal) transportof organic anions, and the major basolateral transporters (e.g.NTCP, OATP) are described here, both in terms of their knownbiochemistry and physiology. In the second part of the review,the canalicular (apical) transport of organic anions isdiscussed and the biochemistry and physiological role of MDR1,MDR2, cMOAT and BSEP is described in detail. The concludingremarks point out areas of research that need to be addressedin order to answer important questions that still remainunanswered in this important field of study.  相似文献   

Rab6 GTPase regulates intracellular transport at the level of the Golgi complex. Using the yeast two-hybrid screen, we have isolated two clones that specifically interact with the three isoforms of Rab6 present in mammalian cells (Rab6A, A' and B). The cDNAs encode two proteins of 976 and 1120 amino acids (calculated molecular mass of 112 and 128 kDa, respectively) that we named Rab6IP2A and Rab6IP2B (for Rab6 Interacting Protein 2). The two proteins likely correspond to spliced variants of the same gene. Rab6IP2s have no significant homology with other known proteins, including Rab effectors or partners. They are ubiquitously expressed, mostly cytosolic and found in high molecular mass complexes in brain cytosol. We show that Rab6IP2s can be recruited on Golgi membranes in a Rab6:GTP-dependent manner. The overexpression of any form of Rab6IP2 has no detectable effect on the secretory pathway. In contrast, the retrograde transport of the Shiga toxin B subunit between the plasma membrane and the Golgi complex is partly inhibited in cells overexpressing the Rab6-binding domain of Rab6IP2. Our data suggest that Rab6IP2s is involved in the pathway regulated by Rab6A'.  相似文献   

Summary The permeability and partition coefficients of tetraphenylarsonium (TPA) and several other organic cations were studied in the human erythrocyte using an ion-selective electrode. The permeability constant for the different cations could be explained quite well by differences in oil/water partition coefficients. No evidence for facilitated transport could be found. Binding of the organic ions occurred to both the cell membrane and to intracellular contents. Partitioning to the membrane remained relatively constant despite variation from ion intracellular binding with blood samples from different donors. TPA flux is stimulated by substoichiometric amounts of tetraphenylboron and other organic anions, suggesting an ion-pairing mechanism.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum (human malaria) infections are characterized by the attachment of erythrocytes infected with mature stage parasites to endothelial cells lining the post-capillary venules, a phenomenon known as sequestration. In the human body, the microvessels of the heart, lungs, kidneys, small intestine, and liver are the principal sites of sequestration. Sequestered cells that clog the brain capillaries may reduce blood flow sufficiently so that there is confusion, lethargy, and unarousable coma--cerebral malaria. This review considers what is known about the molecular characteristics of the surface proteins, that is, the red cell receptors and the endothelial cell ligands, involved in sequestration. Recent work from our laboratory on the characterization of the adhesive proteins on the surface of the P falciparum-infected red cell, and the ligands to which they bind on human brain endothelial cells is also discussed. Finally, consideration is given to the multifactor processes involved in sequestration and cerebral malaria, as well as the possible role of 'anti-adhesion therapy' in the management of severe malaria.  相似文献   

Free-standing giant unilamellar vesicles were used to visualize the complex lateral heterogeneity, induced by ceramide in the membrane bilayer at micron scale using C12-NBD-PC probe partitioning under the fluorescence microscope. Ceramide gel domains exist as leaf-like structures in glycerophospholipid/ceramide mixtures. Cholesterol readily increases ceramide miscibility with glycerophospholipids but cholesterol-ceramide interactions are not involved in the organization of the liquid-ordered phase as exemplified by sphingomyelin/cholesterol mixtures. Sphingomyelin stabilizes the gel phase and thus decreases ceramide miscibility in the presence of cholesterol. Gel/liquid-ordered/liquid-disordered phase coexistence was visualized in quaternary phosphatidylcholine/sphingomyelin/ceramide/cholesterol mixtures as occurrence of dark leaf-like and circular domains within a bright liquid phase. Sphingomyelin initiates specific ceramide-sphingomyelin interactions to form a highly ordered gel phase appearing at temperatures higher than pure ceramide gel phase in phosphatidylcholine/ceramide mixtures. Less sphingomyelin is engaged in formation of liquid-ordered phase leading to a shift in its formation to lower temperatures. Sphingomyelinase activity on substrate vesicles destroys micron Lo domains but induces the formation of a gel-like phase. The activation of phospholipase A2 by ceramide on heterogeneous membranes was visualized. Changes in the phase state of the membrane bilayer initiates such morphological processes as membrane fragmentation, budding in and budding out was demonstrated.  相似文献   

Clinical imaging of primary and metastatic cancers with Fluoro deoxy-d-Glucose Positron Emission Tomography (FdG PET) has clearly demonstrated that increased glucose flux compared to normal tissue is a common trait of human malignancies (Gambhir, 2002) This is a consequence of a shift of glucose metabolism to less efficient glycolytic pathways in response to regional hypoxia and evolution of aerobic glycolysis in many cancer phenotypes. This distinctive metabolic profile presents an inviting target for cancer treatment and prevention. Here, we summarize the therapeutic strategies under investigation to exploit or interrupt tumor glycolytic metabolism. Although a number of approaches are under investigation, none has been sufficiently successful to warrant widespread clinical application. We point out that the environmental heterogeneity and evolutionary capacity of tumor cells that likely led to development of upregulated glycolysis could also promote adaptive strategies that confer resistance to therapies designed to inhibit glucose metabolism.  相似文献   

Pundhir S  Kumar A 《Bioinformation》2011,6(10):380-382
Protein secretion systems used by almost all bacteria are highly significant for the normal existence and interaction of bacteria with their host. The accumulation of genome sequence data in past few years has provided great insights into the distribution and function of these secretion systems. In this study, a support vector machine (SVM)- based method, SSPred was developed for the automated functional annotation of proteins involved in secretion systems further classifying them into five major sub-types (Type-I, Type-II, Type-III, Type-IV and Sec systems). The dataset used in this study for training and testing was obtained from KEGG and SwissProt database and was curated in order to avoid redundancy. To overcome the problem of imbalance in positive and negative dataset, an ensemble of SVM modules, each trained on a balanced subset of the training data were used. Firstly, protein sequence features like amino-acid composition (AAC), dipeptide composition (DPC) and physico-chemical composition (PCC) were used to develop the SVM-based modules that achieved an average accuracy of 84%, 85.17% and 82.59%, respectively. Secondly, a hybrid module (hybrid-I) integrating all the previously used features was developed that achieved an average accuracy of 86.12%. Another hybrid module (hybrid-II) developed using evolutionary information of a protein sequence extracted from position-specific scoring matrix and amino-acid composition achieved a maximum average accuracy of 89.73%. On unbiased evaluation using an independent data set, SSPred showed good prediction performance in identification and classification of secretion systems. SSPred is a freely available World Wide Web server at http//www.bioinformatics.org/sspred.  相似文献   

In Trypanosoma brucei the GPI-anchored variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) represents ∼90% of cell surface protein and a major proportion of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) biosynthetic output. We identified four trypanosomatid-specific genes encoding candidate ER-resident proteins; all were required for normal proliferation. For Tb11.01.2640 and Tb11.01.8120, an increase in VSG abundance was found on silencing, while the protein products localized to the ER; we designated these ERAP32 and ERAP18 for ER-associated protein of 32 kDa and 18 kDa. Silencing ERAP32 or ERAP18 did not alter expression levels of ISG65 or ISG75, the major surface trans-membrane domain proteins. Surface biotinylation or immunoflorescence did not identify intracellular VSG accumulation, while FACS and fluorescence microscopy indicated that the cells were not increased in size, arguing for increased VSG density on the cell surface. Therefore, ERAP32 and ERAP18 are trypanosome-specific ER-localized proteins with a major role in VSG protein export and, contrary to current paradigms, VSG is not saturated on the cell surface.  相似文献   

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