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Trait consistency over time is one of the cornerstones of animal personality. Behavioral syndromes are the result of correlations between behaviors. While repeatability in behavior is not a requirement for behavioral syndromes, the two concepts studied together provide a more comprehensive understanding of how behavior can change over ontogeny. The roles of ontogenetic processes in the emergence of personality and behavioral syndromes have received much individual attention. However, the characterization of both individual trait consistency and behavioral syndromes across both sexes, as in our study, has been relatively rare. Ontogeny refers to changes that occur from conception to maturation, and juveniles might be expected to undergo different selection pressures than sexually mature individuals and also will experience profound changes in hormones, morphology, and environment during this period. In this study, we test for behavioral trait consistency and behavioral syndromes across six time points during ontogenetic development in the desert funnel‐web spider (Agelenopsis lisa). Our results indicate behavioral traits generally lack consistency (repeatability) within life stages and across ontogeny. However, penultimate males and mature females do exhibit noticeable mean‐level changes, with greater aggressive responses toward prey, shorter latencies to explore their environment and in the exhibition of risk‐averse responses to predatory cues. These traits also show high repeatability. Some trait correlations do exist as well. In particular, a strong correlation between aggressiveness toward prey and exploration factors is observed in mature males. However, because correlations among these factors are unstable across ontogeny and vary in strength over time, we conclude that behavioral syndromes do not exist in this species. Nevertheless, our results indicate that increased consistency, increasing average trait values, and varying correlations between traits may coincide with developmentally important changes associated with sexual maturation, albeit at different time points in males and females. This period of the life cycle merits systematic examination across taxa.  相似文献   

Reproductive success is determined by a complex interplay between multiple sexual traits that promote mate acquisition and, following copulation, provide control over paternity. The intensity of sexual competition that individuals experience often fluctuates, and here we investigate how this influences the expression of reproductive traits and their relationships. We show in the fowl, Gallus gallus, that males of different social status, which experience different intensities of sexual competition, before and after copulation, have different reproductive phenotypes. Dominant males are more vigilant, feed less, and have larger sexual ornaments than subordinate males. Experimentally manipulating social status revealed that these differences were phenotypically plastic, indicating multiple sexual traits were dependent on the social environment. We integrated these data with previous published findings on changes in sperm numbers and velocity to show that relationships between traits were different for males when they were dominant and when they were subordinate. Furthermore, when males switched status a complex array of negative and positive correlations between the degree traits changed was observed. Our results suggest that variation in the intensity of sexual competition generates reversible plasticity in reproductive phenotypes and that relationships between sexual traits may be variable and influence the evolution of reproductive strategies.  相似文献   

Recent studies of animal personality have focused on its proximate causation and its ecological and evolutionary significance, but have mostly ignored questions about its development, although an understanding of the latter is highly relevant to these other questions. One possible reason for this neglect is confusion about many of the concepts and terms that are necessary to study the development of animal personality. Here, we provide a framework for studying personality development that focuses on the properties of animal personality, and considers how and why these properties may change over time. We specifically focus on three dimensions of personality: (1) contextual generality at a given age or time, (2) temporal consistency in behavioural traits and in relationships between traits, and (3) the effects of genes and experience on the development of personality at a given age or life stage. We advocate using a new approach, contextual reaction norms, to study the contextual generality of personality traits at the level of groups, individuals and genotypes, show how concepts and terms borrowed from the literature on personality development in humans can be used to study temporal changes in personality at the level of groups and individuals, and demonstrate how classical developmental reaction norms can provide insights into the ways that genes and experiential factors interact across ontogeny to affect the expression of personality traits. In addition, we discuss how correlations between the effects of genes and experience on personality development can arise as a function of individuals' control over their own environment, via niche‐picking or niche‐construction. Using this framework, we discuss several widely held assumptions about animal personality development that still await validation, identify neglected methodological issues, and describe a number of promising new avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Plants make foraging decisions that are dependent on ecological conditions, such as resource availability and distribution. Despite the field of plant behavioral ecology gaining momentum, ecologists still know little about what factors impact plant behavior, especially light‐foraging behavior. We made use of the behavioral reaction norm approach to investigate light foraging in a plant species that exhibits rapid movement: Mimosa pudica. We explored how herbivore avoidance behavior in M. pudica (which closes its leaflets temporarily when disturbed) is affected by an individual's energy state and the quality of the current environment and also repeatedly tested the behavior of individuals from two seed sources to determine whether individuals exhibit a “personality” (i.e., behavioral syndrome). We found that when individuals are in a low‐energy state, they adopt a riskier light‐foraging strategy, opening leaflets faster, and not closing leaflets as often in response to a disturbance. However, when plants are in a high‐energy state, they exhibit a plastic light‐foraging strategy dependent on environment quality. Although we found no evidence that individuals exhibit behavioral syndromes, we found that individuals from different seed sources consistently behave differently from each other. Our results suggest that plants are capable of making state‐dependent decisions and that plant decision making is complex, depending on the interplay between internal and external factors.  相似文献   

The ability to examine epigenetic mechanisms in the brain has become readily available over the last 20 years. This has led to an explosion of research and interest in neural and behavioral epigenetics. Of particular interest to researchers, and indeed the lay public, is the possibility that epigenetic processes, such as changes in DNA‐methylation and histone modification, may provide a biochemical record of environmental effects. This has led to some fascinating insights into how molecular changes in the brain can control behavior. However, some of this research has also attracted controversy and, as is dealt with here, some overblown claims. This latter problem is partly linked to the shifting sands of what is defined as ‘epigenetics’. In this review, I provide an overview of what exactly epigenetics is, and what is hype, with the aim of opening up a debate as to how this exciting field moves forward.  相似文献   

谭烨辉  黄良民  黄小平  苏强  时翔  黄建荣 《生态学报》2010,30(24):6835-6844
2004年8月通过对三亚珊瑚礁水域纤毛虫进行表、底层采集分析,共鉴定6纲14目33属58种浮游纤毛虫,其中旋毛纲41种,叶口纲6种,寡膜纲5种,叶咽纲4种,前口纲和伪纤毛纲各1种。在14个目中,以旋毛纲环毛亚纲砂壳目纤毛虫种类最多,达到31种。主要优势种为布氏拟铃虫 Tintinnopsis bütschlii、小拟铃虫 Tintinnopsis minuta、丁丁急游虫Strombidium tintinnodes和具沟急游虫Strombidium sulcatum等,底层纤毛虫数量和种类都较表层高,底、表层平均丰度分别为375个/L和346 个/L,表、底层纤毛虫种类差异明显,表层主要由浮游纤毛虫组成,以旋毛纲环毛亚纲砂壳目纤毛虫为主,急游目纤毛虫次之;而底层主要由缘毛目组成,如长圆靴纤虫 Cothurnia oblonga、透明鞘居虫Vaginicola crystalline、钟虫Vorticella sp.以及吸管目的壳吸管虫 Acineta sp. 等。结果显示,在活珊瑚覆盖率高的站位(S4,S7和S9)纤毛虫数量明显低于珊瑚覆盖率低或没有珊瑚覆盖的站位,这暗示了珊瑚对纤毛虫的摄食作用。典型对应分析结果表明,影响三亚湾海域纤毛虫分布的主要因素有Chla、颗粒悬浮物SS和活性磷,以及水体溶解有机碳含量。通过对纤毛虫数量与环境因子关系的分析表明,三亚湾珊瑚礁水域纤毛虫的数量与叶绿素呈明显的正相关性。  相似文献   

Since the 1950s, researchers have examined how differences in the social and asocial environment affect learning in rats, mice, and, more recently, a variety of other species. Despite this large body of research, little has been done to synthesize these findings and to examine if social and asocial environmental factors have consistent effects on cognitive abilities, and if so, what aspects of these factors have greater or lesser impact. Here, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis examining how different external environmental features, including the social environment, impact learning (both speed of acquisition and performance). Using 531 mean-differences from 176 published articles across 27 species (with studies on rats and mice being most prominent) we conducted phylogenetically corrected mixed-effects models that reveal: (i) an average absolute effect size |d| = 0.55 and directional effect size d = 0.34; (ii) interventions manipulating the asocial environment result in larger effects than social interventions alone; and (iii) the length of the intervention is a significant predictor of effect size, with longer interventions resulting in larger effects. Additionally, much of the variation in effect size remained unexplained, possibly suggesting that species differ widely in how they are affected by environmental interventions due to varying ecological and evolutionary histories. Overall our results suggest that social and asocial environmental factors do significantly affect learning, but these effects are highly variable and perhaps not always as predicted. Most notably, the type (social or asocial) and length of interventions are important in determining the strength of the effect.  相似文献   

Kamimura Y 《Journal of morphology》2006,267(11):1381-1389
The number of penises vary in the insect suborder Forficulina (order Dermaptera; earwigs). Males of the families Diplatyidae, Pigidicranidae, Anisolabididae, Apachyidae, and Labiduridae have two penises (right and left), while those of the Spongipohridae, Chelisochidae, and Forficulidae have a single penis. The proposed phylogenetic relationships among these families suggest that the single‐penis families evolved from an ancestor possessing two penises. To date, examinations of double‐penis earwig species have found that only a single penis is used per single copulation. These diversities in structural and behavioral aspects of genitalia raises the following intriguing questions: How are the two penises used? Why did a penis degenerate in several earwig families, and which one was lost? To address these questions, structural and behavioral asymmetries were examined in detail for a representative species Labidura riparia (Labiduridae). Although there was no detectable morphological differentiation between the right and left penises, male L. riparia predominantly used the right one for insemination. This significant “right‐handedness” developed without any experience of mating and was also manifested in the resting postures of the two penises when not engaged in copulation. However, surgical ablation of the right penis did not influence the insemination capacity of males. In wild‐caught males, only about 10% were left‐handed; within this group, abnormalities were frequently observed in the right penis. These lines of evidence indicate that the left penis is merely a spare intromittent organ, which most L. riparia males are likely never to use. Additional observations of five species of single‐penis families revealed that the left penis degenerated in the common ancestor of this group. Considering the proposed sister relationship between the Labiduridae and the single‐penis families, it is possible that such behavioral asymmetries in penis' use, as observed in L. riparia, are parental to the evolutionary degeneration of the infrequently used left penis. J. Morphol., 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Food-attraction conditioning is a learning phenomenon by which adult Helix pomatia acquire the ability to locate food through exposure to that particular food. Food-conditioned snails can be distinguished from naive snails during their approach to food. Naive snails keep their tentacles upright — whereas food-conditioned animals bend the tentacles down-ward, in a horizontal orientation, pointed in the direction of the food.Tentacle musculature is innervated by two peritentacular nerves (PTn), each projecting to approximately one hemi-section of the tentacle wall. Stimulating the peritentacular nerves caused the tentacles to bend downward in a manner reflecting the full complement of tentacle movements performed by conditioned snails.The neural correlate of tentacle movements was investigated in isolated ganglion preparations with the posterior tentacles attached. PT nerve activity was recorded while the olfactory epithelia were stimulated with natural food odors. Preparations obtained from conditioned animals responded with a substantial increase in unit activity (mean increase 280%) to stimulation with odor of the conditioned food but not to other odors. Preparations from naive animals did not respond to food odor stimulation. The electrophysiological results demonstrated that plasticity due to conditioning the snails in vivo survived dissection and could be monitored in vitro.Abbreviations ext PTn external peritentacular nerve - int PTn internal peritentacular nerve  相似文献   

Abstract: The response of four singly caged baboons to radio music was measured using behavioral and physiological indices. Heart rate and blood pressure, measured through a tether system, as well as behavior, were recorded during a two-week period in which radio music was available in half of the samples. The behavior of the subjects, as well as their blood pressure, did not vary in relation to radio music. Heart rate was significantly lower when the radio was on.  相似文献   

Data collected in a limnological survey, carried out between 1987 and 1988 on 21 Sicilian reservoirs of varying trophic state, were ordinated using CANOCO 3.1 to generalise the way in which the structure of phytoplankton assemblage is conditioned by both physical and chemical variables. The results showed that in these man-made lakes, characterised by conspicuous water-level fluctuations, the annual and interannual variability in the abundance and composition of phytoplankton may be strongly influenced by their peculiar hydraulic regimes rather than by nutrient availability. In particular, it was highlighted that, from the early summer, water abstraction often leads to increased circulation and to the deepening of the mixed layer. In this way, an increase of the ratio of mixing depth to euphotic depth is forced, with the result that phytoplankton cells experience longer periods in darkness as they are carried through the mixed layer. Phytoplankton assemblages change in species composition in response to the environmental variation. Both the raising of the trophic state, with an increase in phytoplankton biomass and a decrease in transparency, and the intensified abstraction enhance the role of light availability in promoting the development of specific phytoplankton assemblages adapted to the modified physical environment. Light climate is an important influence on the species structure of the phytoplankton, especially in the higher part of the trophic gradient. In contrast, the influence of nutrients on the structure of the assemblages appears to be higher in the lower part of the trophic spectrum or in those environments characterised by a higher hydrological stability during the year.  相似文献   

This review presents a critical and comprehensive documentation and analysis of the developments in agricultural, environmental, molecular, and physiological studies related to Azospirillum cells, and to Azospirillum interactions with plants, based solely on information published between 1997 and 2003. It was designed as an update of previous reviews (Bashan and Levanony 1990; Bashan and Holguin 1997a), with a similar scope of interest. Apart from an update and critical analysis of the current knowledge, this review focuses on the central issues of Azospirillum research today, such as, (i) physiological and molecular studies as a general model for rhizosphere bacteria; (ii) co-inoculation with other microorganisms; (iii) hormonal studies and re-consideration of the nitrogen contribution by the bacteria under specific environmental conditions; (iv) proposed Azospirillum as a non-specific plant-growth-promoting bacterium; (v) re-introduction of the "Additive Hypothesis," which suggests involvement of multiple mechanisms employed by the bacteria to affect plant growth; (vi) comment on the less researched areas, such as inoculant and pesticide research; and (vii) proposes possible avenues for the exploitation of this bacterium in environmental areas other than agriculture.  相似文献   

Aims The plants of Mediterranean sea cliff ecosystems are resistant to several environmental challenges. In this study, six species typical of the coastal rocky cliffs have been analyzed in order to evaluate their diverse morphological and physiological responses to their environment across the seasons, and to examine the strategy of the ecological group to which each species belongs. Since these species are widespread across the Mediterranean region, our aim was also to highlight their ecophysiological features in habitats where the direct influence of the sea is stronger.Methods The selected species are characteristic of the sea cliffs of Elba island (Tyrrhenian sea, Italy): the halophyte Crithmum maritimum, the semideciduous Helichrysum italicum and Lavandula stoechas and the sclerophylls Myrtus communis, Quercus ilex and Rhamnus alaternus. Four morphological traits—canopy height, leaf area, specific leaf area and leaf dry matter content—and two physiological traits—leaf water potential (LWP) and photosynthetic efficiency (PE), measured before the dawn and at midday—were analyzed. Water potential was measured by a pressure chamber and photosynthetic efficiency was determined by the analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence. Plant performance was also evaluated by calculating chronic (PI chr) and dynamic photoinhibition (PI dyn).Important findings Crithmum maritimum showed high resistance to the recurrent dry periods, because of the high water storage capacity of its leaves and its PE declined markedly only in July, under the harshest climatic conditions. Semideciduous taxa utilize primarily an avoidance strategy, which aims at reducing the overall leaf surface, while sclerophylls mostly show a tolerance strategy towards the prevailing stressors, as demonstrated by LWP and PE, that are lower in the sclerophylls than in the semideciduous taxa during summer, due to osmoregulation and photoinhibition, respectively. Furthermore, variability of physiological parameters was higher in the sclerophylls than in the semideciduous taxa, because the former had to withstand wider oscillations of their LWP and PE. The sclerophyllous taxa underwent a slight loss of PE also in winter, likely owing to the combined action of low temperature and high irradiance. In Mediterranean sea cliff ecosystems, the stressful combination of high irradiance, high temperatures and low rainfall typical of the summer season may have been intensified by the shallow soil which displays a poor water storage capacity. On the other hand, winter stress, caused by high solar radiation and low temperatures, does not seem to seriously affect the performance of the studied species.  相似文献   

树木外生菌根菌与环境因子关系研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
土壤、气候和立地因子等环境因子影响树木外生菌根菌的种类及数量。本文通过查阅大量国内外文献 ,综述了外生菌根菌与土壤、季节气候及立地因子等环境因子的相互关系 ,探讨了环境因子对外生菌根菌的影响 ,揭示了外生菌根菌研究中所关注的环境因子问题。同时 ,提出了外生菌根菌与环境因子关系今后研究的主要内容与方向 ,旨在为森林生态系统的可持续经营和退化森林生态系统的恢复、改造等提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Biopsy techniques have been developed to collect skin and blubber samples through non‐lethal methods. One sample can provide data on genetics, prey preferences, foraging ecology, contaminant loads, and physiological processes. The limited data available suggest that biopsy wounds heal quickly and that there are usually no discernable adverse health effects. Published accounts on factors contributing to the success of collecting biopsy samples and the behavioral impacts to cetaceans following biopsy sampling were standardized to permit statistical analysis. Several factors contribute to the success of acquiring samples; however, sampling rates do not differ significantly between delivery devices. Behavioral responses to biopsy sampling vary by species and other factors. The most predominant response for odontocetes is low, while low and moderate responses are equally prevalent for mysticetes. The use of retrieval lines may increase the occurrence of moderate and strong responses by mysticetes. These findings suggest that biopsy sampling is relatively benign, causing only minor and short‐lived responses. However, most researchers do not report sufficient data to assess short‐ and long‐term physiological and behavioral impacts. Finally, limited data suggest that biopsy sampling does not impact cetacean habitat use or distribution patterns. Yet these impacts are rarely investigated, so additional data are needed.  相似文献   

Behavioral and physiological ecologists have long been interested in explaining the causes and consequences of trait variation, with a focus on individual differences in mean values. However, the majority of phenotypic variation typically occurs within individuals, rather than among individuals (as indicated by average repeatability being less than 0.5). Recent studies have further shown that individuals can also differ in the magnitude of variation that is unexplained by individual variation or environmental factors (i.e., residual variation). The significance of residual variation, or why individuals differ, is largely unexplained, but is important from evolutionary, methodological, and statistical perspectives. Here, we broadly reviewed literature on individual variation in behavior and physiology, and located 39 datasets with sufficient repeated measures to evaluate individual differences in residual variance. We then analyzed these datasets using methods that permit direct comparisons of parameters across studies. This revealed substantial and widespread individual differences in residual variance. The magnitude of individual variation appeared larger in behavioral traits than in physiological traits, and heterogeneity was greater in more controlled situations. We discuss potential ecological and evolutionary implications of individual differences in residual variance and suggest productive future research directions.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective was to examine a breadth of personal, behavioral, and socio‐environmental factors as potential risk and protective factors of overweight among male and female adolescents. Research Methods and Procedures: A longitudinal study was conducted with an ethnically and socio‐economically diverse sample of 2516 adolescents who completed surveys at both Time 1 (1998 to 1999) and Time 2 (2003 to 2004) of the Project Eating Among Teens (EAT) study. Results: In 1998 to 1999, 335 (25.7%) girls and 282 (26.4%) boys met the age‐adjusted criteria for overweight. During the 5‐year study period, 236 (70.5%) of the overweight girls and 185 (65.7%) of the overweight boys remained overweight and 115 (12.0%) girls and 77 (9.9%) boys originally not overweight became overweight. Although differences by sex were found, a number of personal, behavioral, and socio‐environmental factors were associated with overweight among both male and female adolescents. Body dissatisfaction and weight concerns at Time 1 predicted overweight at Time 2 for both male and female adolescents. Dieting and use of unhealthy weight control behaviors at Time 1 also predicted overweight at Time 2. Greater frequency of breakfast consumption at Time 1 was protective against overweight. Higher levels of weight‐related teasing and parental weight‐related concerns and behaviors at Time 1 were positively associated with Time 2 overweight. Discussion: Body dissatisfaction, weight concerns, use of unhealthy weight control behaviors, weight‐related stigmatization, and parental concern about the child's weight may increase risk for adolescent overweight. Interventions that enhance adolescents’ body satisfaction while providing them with skills to avoid dieting and to engage in more effective weight‐control behaviors should be developed and tested.  相似文献   

Behavioural ecologists have proposed various evolutionary mechanisms as to why different personality types coexist. Our ability to understand the evolutionary trajectories of personality traits requires insights from the quantitative genetics of behavioural reaction norms. We assayed > 1000 pedigreed stickleback for initial exploration behaviour of a novel environment, and subsequent changes in exploration over a few hours, representing their capacity to adjust their behaviour to changes in perceived novelty and risk. We found heritable variation in both the average level of exploration and behavioural plasticity, and population differences in the sign of the genetic correlation between these two reaction norm components. The phenotypic correlation was not a good indicator of the genetic correlation, implying that quantitative genetics are necessary to appropriately evaluate evolutionary hypotheses in cases such as these. Our findings therefore have important implications for future studies concerning the evolution of personality and plasticity.  相似文献   

2019年对南通市中央创新区新建湖泊紫琅湖的浮游植物进行了4个季度的调查,旨在研究典型城市新建景观湖泊的浮游植物群落结构特征及其与环境因子关系。紫琅湖全年共鉴定出浮游植物种类7门186种,春季种类数最多,共6门113种,其中蓝藻门(Cyanophyta)占17.7%,绿藻门(Chlorophyta)占19.5%,硅藻门(Bacillariophyta)占39.8%;夏季种类数最少,共7门43种,其中蓝藻门占32.6%,绿藻门占30.2%,硅藻门占16.3%;冬季和春季则硅藻种类多。从丰度来看,各季节浮游植物组成均以蓝藻为主,冬、夏、秋季蓝藻的丰度分别为(26.81±6.70)×106 ind./L、(12.77±1.02)×106 ind./L和(31.99±10.23)×106 ind./L,显著高于其他藻类(P<0.05)。典范对应分析(CCA)表明透明度、pH、总磷和浊度是与浮游植物群落相关性较强的4个环境因子,其中透明度是最主要的环境因子。冬季和春季浮游植物主要与透明度正相关,夏季主要与总磷和浊度呈正相关,秋季主要与pH呈正相关。紫琅湖的浮游植物优势类群以蓝藻门为主,其中伪鱼腥藻(Pseudoanabaena sp.)为全年唯一的优势藻类(优势度指数分别为Y=0.66,Y=0.10,Y=0.16,Y=0.26)。综合营养指数表明湖泊处于轻度富营养水平,浮游植物多样性水质评价表明夏季水体污染相对严重。城市新建景观湖泊紫琅湖营养水平较高、透明度低、浮游植物群落结构波动大,暴发蓝藻水华的可能性较高,研究结果可为城市新建景观湖泊水质改善和健康生态系统的构建提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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