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Maternal effects, either environmental or genetic in origin, are an underappreciated source of phenotypic variance in natural populations. Maternal genetic effects have the potential to constrain or enhance the evolution of offspring traits depending on their magnitude and their genetic correlation with direct genetic effects. We estimated the maternal effect variance and its genetic component for 12 traits expressed over the life history in a pedigreed population of wild red deer (morphology, survival/longevity, breeding success). We only found support for maternal genetic effect variance in the two neonatal morphological traits: birth weight ( = 0.31) and birth leg length ( = 0.17). For these two traits, the genetic correlation between maternal and direct additive effects was not significantly different from zero, indicating no constraint to evolution from genetic architecture. In contrast, variance in maternal genetic effects enhanced the additive genetic variance available to respond to natural selection. Maternal effect variance was negligible for late-life traits. We found no evidence for sex differences in either the direct or maternal genetic architecture of offspring traits. Our results suggest that maternal genetic effect variance declines over the lifetime, but also that this additional heritable genetic variation may facilitate evolutionary responses of early-life traits.  相似文献   

Indirect genetic effects (IGE) of parental care performance and the direct–indirect covariance contribute substantially to total heritability in domesticated and laboratory mammals. For animals from natural populations empirical estimates of IGE are sparse. Thus, despite recent models relating IGE to evolution, evolutionary interpretations of IGE are limited. To address this deficit, we used a reciprocal cross‐fostering breeding design to estimate environmental influences, direct and indirect genetic effects, and direct–indirect genetic covariances in the burying beetle Nicrophorus pustulatus to determine the evolutionary importance of IGE arising from variation in parental care performance. Carrion size positively affected adult mass and time on carrion, but had no effect on total development time. Males were slightly larger than females. For both mass and development, independent of these environmental influences, direct and indirect genetic effects were of moderate magnitude. Total genetic effects explained 36–50% of the phenotypic variance in mass and size and 27–37% of phenotypic variance in development time. Direct–indirect genetic covariances were zero or close to zero. Thus, for both mass and development time, the response to natural selection arising from environmental variation may be accelerated by the presence of IGE in N. pustulatus. The generality of this pattern and the evolutionary significance of IGE arising from parental care awaits further study of natural populations.  相似文献   

Maternal effects are widespread and can have dramatic influences on evolutionary dynamics, but their genetic basis has been measured rarely in natural populations. We used cross-fostering techniques and a long-term study of a natural population of red squirrels, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, to estimate both direct (heritability) and indirect (maternal) influences on the potential for evolution. Juvenile growth in both body mass and size had significant amounts of genetic variation (mass h(2) = 0.10; size h(2) = 0.33), but experienced large, heritable maternal effects. Growth in body mass also had a large positive covariance between direct and maternal genetic effects. The consideration of these indirect genetic effects revealed a greater than three-fold increase in the potential for evolution of growth in body mass (h(2)t = 0.36) relative to that predicted by heritability alone. Simple heritabilities, therefore, may severely underestimate or overestimate the potential for evolution in natural populations of animals.  相似文献   

Genetic models of maternal effects and models of mate choice have focused on the evolutionary effects of variation in parental quality. There have been, however, few attempts to combine these into a single model for the evolution of sexually selected traits. We present a quantitative genetic model that considers how male and female parental quality (together or separately) affect the expression of a sexually selected offspring trait. We allow female choice of males based on this parentally affected trait and examine the evolution of mate choice, parental quality and the indicator trait. Our model reveals a number of consequences of maternal and paternal effects. (1) The force of sexual selection owing to adaptive mate choice can displace parental quality from its natural selection optimum. (2) The force of sexual selection can displace female parental quality from its natural selection optimum even when nonadaptive mate choice occurs (e.g. runaway sexual selection), because females of higher parental quality produce more attractive sons and these sons counterbalance the loss in fitness owing to over-investment in each offspring. (3) Maternal and paternal effects can provide a source of genetic variation for offspring traits, allowing evolution by sexual selection even when those traits do not show direct genetic variation (i.e. are not heritable). (4) The correlation between paternal investment and the offspring trait influenced by the parental effects can result in adaptive mate choice and lead to the elaboration of both female preference and the male sexually selected trait. When parental effects exist, sexual selection can drive the evolution of parental quality when investment increases the attractiveness of offspring, leading to the elaboration of indicator traits and higher than expected levels of parental investment.  相似文献   

Community genetics is a synthesis of community ecology and evolutionary biology. It examines how genetic variation within a species affects interactions among species to change ecological community structure and diversity. The use of community genetics approaches has greatly expanded in recent years and the evidence for ecological effects of genetic diversity is growing. The goal of current community genetics research is to determine the circumstances in which, and the mechanisms by which community genetic effects occur and is the focus of the papers in this special issue. We bring a new group of researchers into the community genetics fold. Using a mixture of empirical research, literature reviews and theoretical development, we introduce novel concepts and methods that we hope will enable us to develop community genetics into the future.  相似文献   

Gene interactions from maternal effects   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Theoretical analyses have demonstrated a potential role for epistasis in many of the most important processes in evolution. These analyses generally assume that an individual's genes map directly to its phenotype and epistasis results from interactions among loci that contribute to the same biochemical or developmental pathways (termed physiological, or within-genotype, epistasis). For many characters, particularly those expressed early in life, an individual's phenotype may also be affected by genes expressed by its parents. The presence of these parental effects allows for interactions between the genes present in the parental and offspring genomes. When the phenotypic effect of a locus in the offspring depends on the alleles possessed by its parents, genotype-by-genotype, or among-genotype, epistasis occurs. The among-genotype epistasis resulting from parental effects may contribute to ruggedness of adaptive landscapes because early mortality often accounts for much of the variance in fitness in populations. To demonstrate how parent-offspring interactions can result in among-genotype epistasis, I use a two-locus model, with one maternal effect locus and one direct effect locus, each with two alleles. Dynamical equations are presented for the two-locus model and are directly contrasted with the dynamical equations derived for a model for physiological epistasis. The relationship between the evolutionary dynamics resulting from these two forms of epistasis is discussed. Three scenarios are presented to illustrate systems in which maternal-offspring, genotype-by-genotype epistasis may occur. The implications of maternal-offspring epistasis for quantitative-trait-loci studies are also discussed.  相似文献   

A mother can influence a trait in her offspring both by the genes she transmits (Mendelian inheritance) and by maternal attributes that directly affect that trait in her offspring (maternal inheritance). Maternal inheritance can alter the direction, rate, and duration of adaptive evolution from standard Mendelian models and its impact on adaptive evolution is virtually unexplored in natural populations. In a hierarchical quantitative genetic analysis to determine the magnitude and structure of maternal inheritance in the winter annual plant, Collinsia verna, I consider three potential models of inheritance. These range from a standard Mendelian model estimating only direct (i.e., Mendelian) additive and environmental variance components to a maternal inheritance model estimating six additive and environmental variance components: direct additive and environmental variances; maternal additive and environmental variances; and the direct-maternal additive () and environmental covariances. The structure of maternal inheritance differs among the 10 traits considered at four stages in the life cycle. Early in the life cycle, seed weight and embryo weight display substantial , a negative , and a positive . Subsequently, cotyledon diameter displays and of roughly the same magnitude and negative . For fall rosettes, leaf number and length are best described by a Mendelian model. In the spring, leaf length displays maternal inheritance with significant and and a negative . All maternally inherited traits show significant negative . Predicted response to selection under maternal inheritance depends on and as well as . Negative results in predicted responses in the opposite direction to selection for seed weight and embryo weight and predicted responses near zero for all subsequent maternally inherited traits. Maternal inheritance persists through the life cycle of this annual plant for a number of size-related traits and will alter the direction and rate of evolutionary response in this population.  相似文献   

The profitability of dual-purpose breeding farms can be increased through genetic improvement of carcass traits. To develop a genetic evaluation of carcass traits of young bulls, breed-specific genetic parameters were estimated in three French dual-purpose breeds. Genetic correlations between these traits and veal calf, type and milk production traits were also estimated. Slaughter performances of 156 226 Montbeliarde, 160 361 Normande and 8691 Simmental young bulls were analyzed with a multitrait animal model. In the three breeds, heritabilities were moderate for carcass weight (0.12 to 0.19±0.01 to 0.04) and carcass conformation (0.21 to 0.26±0.01 to 0.04) and slightly lower for age at slaughter (0.08 to 0.17±0.01 to 0.03). For all three breeds, genetic correlations between carcass weight and carcass conformation were moderate and favorable (0.30 to 0.52±0.03 to 0.13). They were strong and favorable (−0.49 to −0.71±0.05 to 0.15) between carcass weight and age at slaughter. Between age at slaughter and carcass conformation, they were low and unfavorable to moderate and favorable (−0.25 to 0.10±0.06 to 0.18). Heavier young bulls tend to be better conformed and slaughtered earlier. Genetic correlations between corresponding young bulls and veal production traits were moderate and favorable (0.32 to 0.70±0.03 to 0.09), implying that selecting sires for veal calf production leads to select sires producing better young bulls. Genetic correlations between young bull carcass weight and cow size were moderately favorable (0.22 to 0.45±0.04 to 0.10). Young bull carcass conformation had moderate and favorable genetic correlations (0.11 to 0.24±0.04 to 0.10) with cow width but moderate and unfavorable genetic correlations (−0.21 to −0.36±0.03 to 0.08) with cow height. Taller cows tended to produce heavier young bulls and thinner cows to produce less conformed ones. Genetic correlations between carcass traits of young bulls and cow muscularity traits were low to moderate and favorable. Finally, genetic correlations between carcass traits of young bulls and milk production traits were low and unfavorable to moderate and favorable. These results indicate the existence for all three breeds of genetic variability for the genetic improvement of carcass traits of young bulls as well as favorable genetic correlations for their simultaneous selection and no strong unfavorable correlation with milk production traits.  相似文献   

Abstract Genetic variance‐covariance structures (G), describing genetic constraints on microevolutionary changes of populations, have a central role in the current theories of life‐history evolution. However, the evolution of Gs in natural environments has been poorly documented. Resource quality and quantity for many animals and plants vary seasonally, which may shape genetic architectures of their life histories. In the mountain birch‐insect herbivore community, leaf quality of birch for insect herbivores declines profoundly during both leaf growth and senescence, but remains stable during midsummer. Using six sawfly species specialized on the mountain birch foliage, we tested the ways in which the seasonal variation in foliage quality of birch is related to the genetic architectures of larval development time and body size. In the species consuming mature birch leaves of stable quality, that is, without diet‐imposed time constraints for development time, long development led to high body mass. This was revealed by the strongly positive phenotypic and genetic correlations between the traits. In the species consuming growing or senescing leaves, on the other hand, the rapidly deteriorating leaf quality prevented the larvae from gaining high body mass after long development. In these species, the phenotypic and genetic correlations between development time and final mass were negative or zero. In the early‐summer species with strong selection for rapid development, genetic variation in development time was low. These results show that the intuitively obvious positive genetic relationship between development time and final body mass is a probable outcome only when the constraints for long development are relaxed. Our study provides the first example of a modification in guild‐wide patterns in the genetic architectures brought about by seasonal variation in resource quality.  相似文献   

Transgenerational effects are broader than only parental relationships. Despite mounting evidence that multigenerational effects alter phenotypic and life‐history traits, our understanding of how they combine to determine fitness is not well developed because of the added complexity necessary to study them. Here, we derive a quantitative genetic model of adaptation to an extraordinary new environment by an additive genetic component, phenotypic plasticity, maternal and grandmaternal effects. We show how, at equilibrium, negative maternal and negative grandmaternal effects maximize expected population mean fitness. We define negative transgenerational effects as those that have a negative effect on trait expression in the subsequent generation, that is, they slow, or potentially reverse, the expected evolutionary dynamic. When maternal effects are positive, negative grandmaternal effects are preferred. As expected under Mendelian inheritance, the grandmaternal effects have a lower impact on fitness than the maternal effects, but this dual inheritance model predicts a more complex relationship between maternal and grandmaternal effects to constrain phenotypic variance and so maximize expected population mean fitness in the offspring.  相似文献   

Consistent individual differences in behaviour, and behavioural correlations within and across contexts, are referred to as animal personalities. These patterns of variation have been identified in many animal taxa and are likely to have important ecological and evolutionary consequences. Despite their importance, genetic and environmental sources of variation in personalities have rarely been characterized in wild populations. We used a Bayesian animal model approach to estimate genetic parameters for aggression, activity and docility in North American red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus). We found support for low heritabilities (0.08-0.12), and cohort effects (0.07-0.09), as well as low to moderate maternal effects (0.07-0.15) and permanent environmental effects (0.08-0.16). Finally, we found evidence of a substantial positive genetic correlation (0.68) and maternal effects correlation (0.58) between activity and aggression providing evidence of genetically based behavioural correlations in red squirrels. These results provide evidence for the presence of heritable variation in red squirrel behaviour, but also emphasize the role of other sources of variation, including maternal effects, in shaping patterns of variation and covariation in behavioural traits.  相似文献   

Simulations were used to study the influence of model adequacy and data structure on the estimation of genetic parameters for traits governed by direct and maternal effects. To test model adequacy, several data sets were simulated according to different underlying genetic assumptions and analysed by comparing the correct and incorrect models. Results showed that omission of one of the random effects leads to an incorrect decomposition of the other components. If maternal genetic effects exist but are neglected, direct heritability is overestimated, and sometimes more than double. The bias depends on the value of the genetic correlation between direct and maternal effects. To study the influence of data structure on the estimation of genetic parameters, several populations were simulated, with different degrees of known paternity and different levels of genetic connectedness between flocks. Results showed that the lack of connectedness affects estimates when flocks have different genetic means because no distinction can be made between genetic and environmental differences between flocks. In this case, direct and maternal heritabilities are under-estimated, whereas maternal environmental effects are overestimated. The insufficiency of pedigree leads to biased estimates of genetic parameters.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of maternal ectoparasite load (measured at parturition) on the life-history traits of the offspring of the host Lacerta vivipara, the European common lizard. The ectoparasite, a mite belonging to the family Laelapidae, had a detrimental effect on its host: parasite load was associated with increased host mortality, and was negatively correlated with host body mass. Parasite load was persistent over time, suggesting that parasite load can be predictable. Offspring of highly parasitised mothers had higher values of several fitness components early in life than offspring of parasite-free mothers or lightly infested mothers. This was expressed in terms of increased F1 yearling growth rate, and reproductive investment at first reproduction (measured as F2 hatchling mass). These results are interpreted as a host adaptation to attenuate the impact of parasites. Indeed, if high parasite loads arise from long exposure time to a constant population of parasites, and if the negative effects of parasites are additive over time, hosts could reduce the impact of parasites simply by investing more during the earlier stages of life. Naturally, having better performance early in life should lead to higher mortality rates and/or lower fecundity later in life.  相似文献   

Life-history theory is based on the assumption that evolution is constrained by trade-offs among different traits that contribute to fitness. Such trade-offs should be evident from negative genetic correlations among major life-history traits. However, this expectation is not always met. Here I report the results of a life-table experiment designed to measure the broad-sense heritabilities of life-history traits and their genetic correlations in 19 different clones of the aphid Myzus persicae from Victoria, Australia. Most individual traits, as well as fitness calculated as the finite rate of increase from the life table, exhibited highly significant heritabilities. The pattern of genetic correlations revealed absolutely no evidence for life-history trade-offs. Rather, life histories were arranged along an axis from better to worse. Clones with shorter development times tended to have larger body sizes, higher fecundities, and larger offspring. The fitness of clones estimated from the life table in the laboratory tended to be positively associated with their abundance in the field. Fitness also increased significantly with heterozygosity at the seven microsatellite loci that were used to distinguish clones and estimate their frequencies in the field. I discuss these findings in light of a recent proposition that positive genetic correlations among life-history traits for which trade-offs are expected can be explained by genetic variation for resource acquisition ability that is maintained in populations by a cost of acquisition, and I propose ways to test for such a cost in M. persicae.  相似文献   

1. For this study a cohort of melanic Harmonia axyridis males homozygous for the spectabilis allele was produced. These were used to produce four kinds of twice‐mated females, comprising all four permutations of melanic and non‐melanic (succinic) males. A series of 12 larvae were then reared from the first and 10th clutches of each female to compare progeny developmental phenotypes. 2. There were no effects of mating treatment on overall female reproductive performance (preoviposition period, 20‐day fecundity, or egg fertility). 3. Age‐specific maternal effects were evident in progeny developmental phenotypes; larvae of 10th clutches developed more slowly, pupation was shorter, and adults emerged at heavier weights. 4. Paternal effects were superimposed on maternal effects and affected progeny independent of their paternity; melanic males induced slower larval development and slower pupation, but only in 10th clutches and only when they mated second. 5. There was a significant three‐way interaction between male mating treatment, clutch number and progeny phenotype, indicating that progeny developmental responses to (mixed) paternal effects varied depending on their own phenotype and the time elapsed since their mother's last mating. 6. Melanic males mating second obtained a P2 advantage over succinic males, which increased from first to 10th clutch, but the reverse was not true when succinic males mated second. Thus, polyandry in H. axyridis facilitates both genetic and epigenetic competition among males while simultaneously enabling the sharing of predominant paternal effects among the progeny of different fathers.  相似文献   

The backtest response of a pig gives an indication of its coping style, that is, its preferred strategy to cope with stressful situations, which may in turn be related to production traits. The objective of this study was therefore to estimate the heritability of the backtest response and estimate genetic correlations with production traits (birth weight, growth, fat depth and loin depth). The backtest was performed by placing the piglet on its back for 60 s and the number of struggles (NrS) and vocalizations (NrV), and the latency to struggle and vocalize (LV) was recorded. In total, 992 piglets were subjected to the backtest. Heritability estimates for backtest traits were statistically moderate (although high for behavioral traits), with LV having the highest heritability estimate (0.56±0.10, P<0.001) and NrS having the lowest estimate (0.37±0.09, P<0.001). Backtest traits also had high genetic correlations with each other, with vocalization traits (NrV and LV) having the highest (−0.94±0.03, P<0.001), and NrS with NrV the lowest correlation (0.70±0.09, P<0.001). No significant correlations were found between backtest traits and production traits, but correlations between NrS and birth weight (−0.38±0.25), and NrV and loin depth (−0.28±0.19) approached significance (P=0.07). More research into genotype-by-environment interactions may be needed to assess possible connections between backtest traits and production traits, as this may depend on the circumstances (environment, experiences, etc.). In conclusion, heritability estimates of backtest traits are high and it would therefore be possible to select for them. The high genetic correlations between backtest traits indicate that it may be possible to only consider one or two traits for characterization and selection purposes. There were no significant genetic correlations found between backtest traits and production traits, although some of the correlations approached significance and hence warrant further research.  相似文献   

Females often prefer males with elaborate traits, even when they receive no direct benefits from their choice. In such situations, mate discrimination presumably has genetic advantages; selective females will produce offspring of higher genetic quality. Over time, persistent female preferences for elaborate secondary-sexual traits in males should erode genetic variance in these traits, eventually eliminating any benefit to the preferences. Yet, strong female preferences persist in many taxa. This puzzle is called the lek paradox and raises two primary questions: do females obtain genetic benefits for offspring by selecting males with elaborate secondary-sexual characteristics and, if so, how is the genetic variation in these male traits maintained? We suggest that indirect genetic effects may help to resolve the lek paradox. Maternal phenotypes, such as habitat selection behaviours and offspring provisioning, often influence the condition and the expression of secondary-sexual traits in sons. These maternal influences are commonly genetic based (i.e. they are indirect genetic effects). Females choosing mates with elaborate traits may receive ‘good genes’ for daughters in the form of effective maternal characteristics. Recognizing the significance of indirect genetic effects may be important to our understanding of the process and consequences of sexual selection.  相似文献   

An approach frequently used to demonstrate a genetic basis for population-level phenotypic differences is to employ common garden rearing designs, where observed differences are assumed to be attributable to primarily additive genetic effects. Here, in two common garden experiments, we employed factorial breeding designs between wild and domestic, and among wild populations of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). We measured the contribution of additive (V(A)) and maternal (V(M)) effects to the observed population differences for 17 life history and fitness-related traits. Our results show that, in general, maternal effects contribute more to phenotypic differences among populations than additive genetic effects. These results suggest that maternal effects are important in population phenotypic differentiation and also signify that the inclusion of the maternal source of variation is critical when employing models to test population differences in salmon, such as in local adaptation studies.  相似文献   

Estimates of (co)variance components were obtained for weights at birth, weaning and at 6, 9 and 12 months of age in Jamunapari goats maintained at the Central Institute for Research on Goats, Makhdoom, Mathura, India, over a period of 23 years (1982 to 2004). Records of 4301 kids descended from 204 sires and 1233 does were used in the study. Analyses were carried out by restricted maximum likelihood (REML), fitting an animal model and ignoring or including maternal genetic or permanent environmental effects. Six different animal models were fitted for all traits. The best model was chosen after testing the improvement of the log-likelihood values. Direct heritability estimates were inflated substantially for all traits when maternal effects were ignored. Heritability estimates for weights at birth, weaning and at 6, 9 and 12 months of age were 0.12, 0.18, 0.13, 0.17 and 0.21, respectively. Maternal heritability of body weight declined from 0.19 at birth to 0.08 at weaning and was near zero and not significant thereafter. Estimates of the fraction of variance due to maternal permanent environmental effects were 0.09, 0.13 and 0.10 for body weights at weaning, 6 months and 9 months of age, respectively. Results suggest that maternal additive effects were important only in the early stages of growth, whereas a permanent environmental maternal effect existed from weaning to 9 months of age. These results indicate that modest rates of genetic progress appear possible for all weights.  相似文献   

Heritable maternal effects have important consequences for the evolutionary dynamics of phenotypic traits under selection, but have only rarely been tested for or quantified in evolutionary studies. Here we estimate maternal effects on early-life traits in a feral population of Soay sheep (Ovis aries) from St Kilda, Scotland. We then partition the maternal effects into genetic and environmental components to obtain the first direct estimates of maternal genetic effects in a free-living population, and furthermore test for covariance between direct and maternal genetic effects. Using an animal model approach, direct heritabilities (h2) were low but maternal genetic effects (m2) represented a relatively large proportion of the total phenotypic variance for each trait (birth weight m2=0.119, birth date m2=0.197, natal litter size m2=0.211). A negative correlation between direct and maternal genetic effects was estimated for each trait, but was only statistically significant for natal litter size (ram= -0.714). Total heritabilities (incorporating variance from heritable maternal effects and the direct-maternal genetic covariance) were significant for birth weight and birth date but not for natal litter size. Inadequately specified models greatly overestimated additive genetic variance and hence direct h2 (by a factor of up to 6.45 in the case of birth date). We conclude that failure to model heritable maternal variance can result in over- or under-estimation of the potential for traits to respond to selection, and advocate an increased effort to explicitly measure maternal genetic effects in evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

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