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In Adaptation and Natural Selection, George C. Williams linked the distinction between group and individual adaptation with the distinction between group and individual selection. Williams’ Principle, as we will call it, says that adaptation at a level requires selection at that level. This is a necessary but not a sufficient condition; for example, group adaptation requires group selection, but the fact that group selection influences a trait’s evolution does not suffice for the resulting trait frequency to be a group adaptation. What more is required? In this paper, we describe an answer to this question that has been developed in multilevel selection theory. We also discuss an alternative framework for defining units of adaptation that violates Williams’ Principle.  相似文献   

Adaptation is often regarded as the sequential fixation of individually, intrinsically beneficial mutations. Contrary to this expectation, we find a surprisingly large number of evolutionary trajectories on which natural selection first favors a mutation, then favors its removal, and later still favors its ultimate restoration during the course of antibiotic resistance evolution. The existence of reversion trajectories implies that natural selection may not follow the most parsimonious path separating two alleles, even during adaptation. Altogether, this discovery highlights the unusual and potentially circuitous routes natural selection can follow during adaptation.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms are believed to be an evolutionary adaptation to daily environmental cycles resulting from Earth's rotation about its axis. A trait evolved through a process of natural selection is considered as adaptation; therefore, rigorous demonstration of adaptation requires evidence suggesting evolution of a trait by natural selection. Like any other adaptive trait, circadian rhythms are believed to be advantageous to living beings through some perceived function. Circadian rhythms are thought to confer advantage to their owners through scheduling of biological functions at appropriate time of daily environmental cycle (extrinsic advantage), coordination of internal physiology (intrinsic advantage), and through their role in responses to seasonal changes. So far, the adaptive value of circadian rhythms has been tested in several studies and evidence indeed suggests that they confer advantage to their owners. In this review, we have discussed the background for development of the framework currently used to test the hypothesis of adaptive significance of circadian rhythms. Critical examination of evidence reveals that there are several lacunae in our understanding of circadian rhythms as adaptation. Although it is well known that demonstrating a given trait as adaptation (or setting the necessary criteria) is not a trivial task, here we recommend some of the basic criteria and suggest the nature of evidence required to comprehensively understand circadian rhythms as adaptation. Thus, we hope to create some awareness that may benefit future studies in this direction. (Author correspondence: or )  相似文献   

Adaptation of natural populations to variable environmental conditions may occur by changes in trait means and/or in the levels of plasticity. Theory predicts that environmental heterogeneity favors plasticity of adaptive traits. Here we investigated the performance in several traits of three sympatric Drosophila species freshly collected in two environments that differ in the heterogeneity of environmental conditions. Differences in trait means within species were found in several traits, indicating that populations differed in their evolutionary response to the environmental conditions of their origin. Different species showed distinct adaptation with a very different role of plasticity across species for coping with environmental changes. However, geographically distinct populations of the same species generally displayed the same levels of plasticity as induced by fluctuating thermal regimes. This indicates a weak and trait‐specific effect of environmental heterogeneity on plasticity. Furthermore, similar levels of plasticity were found in a laboratory‐adapted population of Drosophila melanogaster with a common geographic origin but adapted to the laboratory conditions for more than 100 generations. Thus, this study does not confirm theoretical predictions on the degree of adaptive plasticity among populations in relation to environmental heterogeneity but shows a very distinct role of species‐specific plasticity.  相似文献   

Amino acid and cDNA sequences of eutherian PI protamines, known from publications of other authors, were compared by a cladistic method. Fish, toad and bird protamines were used for the pertinent “outgroup comparisons”, i.e. they provided relevant data for the comparative alignment of the sequences and for the recognition of evolutionary trends. In the sequence positions compared, each amino acid was individually assigned as a plesiomorphic or apomorphic character state (qualitative treatment). The resulting phylogenetic tree (Fig. 2) is only partially in accordance with common ideas on eutherian phylogeny. Disagreements refer to the branching points of Perissodactyla, Lagomorpha and Rodentia.  相似文献   

Evolutionary adaptation concerns a relative concept and the study of adaptations is directed to structures of individuals. The concept is devoid of any meaning when it is applied to species or populations. Adaptation is not synonymous with fitness or survival but does contribute to both of them. The term adaptation has a dual meaning since it refers both to the process of adaptation and to the state of being adapted. In the process of adaptation the mechanism of natural selection takes a prominent position. But the operation and effectiveness of natural selection are constrained by various limiting factors. Besides that, features may also be the result of nonadaptive evolution and only attain their present adaptive function at a later point in time. Another possibility is that features have at present a function different from the one for which they were initially designed. With respect to the state of being, the study of adaptation attempts to examine whether a particular feature indeed forms an adequate response to selection forces from the environment. Five methods or approaches generally are used to assess the adaptive significance of features, viz. the comparative, correlation, optimization, cladistic, and synthetic approach. Only the last-mentioned approach forms an adequate method since it attempts to establish, by direct analysis, which well-defined selection force exerts its influence on a certain character. The practicing taxonomist is faced with the problem that the data necessary to apply the synthetic method, generally require detailed field studies. Not all evolutionary changes are under the influence of natural selection. The presence of some features may be based on entirely different mechanisms, such as genetic drift, mutational pressure, pleiotropic gene action, allometric growth, or ecophenotypic responses. Various problems inherent to the optimization approach, and several others of practical and theoretical nature, make the morphocline method of the functional and evolutionary morphologists unsuitable as a method for phylogenetic reconstruction.  相似文献   

SCOTLAND, R. W., 1992. Systematics, similarity and Acanthaceae pollen morphology. A brief discussion of the history of Acanthaceae classifications is provided. It is argued that several approaches utilizing pollen morphological data for the classification of the family can be identified. The Lindau pollen types are shown to have an indirect relationship to Lindau's own classification. Pollen morphological similarity is explored within the context of cladistic methodology. It is shown that some of the Lindau pollen types are analogous. It is demonstrated that shared similarities can be of three types: conflicting (homoplasious), plesiomorphic and apomorphic.  相似文献   



Adaptation is an evolutionary process in which traits in a population are tailored by natural selection to better meet the challenges presented by the local environment. The major discussion relating to natural selection concerns the portraying of the cause and effect relationship between a presumably adaptive trait and selection agents generating it. Therefore, it is necessary to identify trait(s) that evolve in direct response to selection, enhancing the organism''s fitness. “Evolution Canyon” (EC) in Israel mirrors a microcosmic evolutionary system across life and is ideal to study natural selection and local adaptation under sharply, microclimatically divergent environments. The south-facing, tropical, sunny and xeric “African” slope (AS) receives 200%–800% higher solar radiation than the north-facing, temperate, shady and mesic “European” slope (ES), 200 meters apart. Thus, solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is a major selection agent in EC influencing the organism-environment interaction. Melanin is a trait postulated to have evolved for UV-screening in microorganisms. Here we investigate the cause and effect relationship between differential UVR on the opposing slopes of EC and the conidial melanin concentration of the filamentous soil fungus Aspergillus niger. We test the working hypothesis that the AS strains exhibit higher melanin content than strains from the ES resulting in higher UV resistance.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We measured conidial melanin concentration of 80 strains from the EC using a spectrophotometer. The results indicated that mean conidial melanin concentration of AS strains were threefold higher than ES strains and the former resisted UVA irradiation better than the latter. Comparisons of melanin in the conidia of A. niger strains from sunny and shady microniches on the predominantly sunny AS and predominantly shady ES indicated that shady conditions on the AS have no influence on the selection on melanin; in contrast, the sunny strains from the ES displayed higher melanin concentrations.


We conclude that melanin in A. niger is an adaptive trait against UVR generated by natural selection.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis of subtribe, Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae) is based on 45 anatomical/ morphological characters. The ingroup members comprise 24 genera; the large genus Pleurothallis consists of two subgenera and ten species complexes. Three taxa representing subtribes Laeliinae and Arpophyllinae are designated as outgroup. Eight most parsimonious trees were discovered using computer assisted software (length = 230; CI = 0.27). The hypothesis that subtribe Pleurothallidinae has undergone a unilinear reduction in the number of pollinia is not supported by this study. Although the eight-pollinia state as represented by Octomeria apparently is plesiomorphic, the two-pollinia and four-pollinia states arose early in the phylogeny of the subtribe. Both two-and four-pollinia states subsequently reappeared as parallelisms. The six-pollinia state exhibited in Brachionidium is autapomorphic. This cladistic analysis suggests that Pleurothallis is not a natural genus and, perhaps may be divided into several discrete genera.  相似文献   

A cladistic analysis of subtribe, Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae) is based on 45 anatomical/ morphological characters. The ingroup members comprise 24 genera; the large genus Pkurothallis consists of two subgenera and ten species complexes. Three taxa representing subtribes Laeliinae and ArpophyUinae are designated as outgroup. Eight most parsimonious trees were discovered using computer assisted software (length = 230; CI = 0.27). The hypothesis that subtribe Pleurothallidinae has undergone a unilinear reduction in the number of pollinia is not supported by this study. Although the eight-pollinia state as represented by Octomeria apparently is plesiomorphic, the two-pollinia and four-pollinia states arose early in the phytogeny of the subtribe. Both two-and four-pollinia states subsequently reappeared as parallelisms. The six-pollinia state exhibited in Brachionidium is autapomorphic. This cladistic analysis suggests that Pkurothallis is not a natural genus and, perhaps may be divided into several discrete genera.  相似文献   

On the basis of precise trilobite examples, the difficulties and interest in cladistic analysis are emphasized. The problem of distinguishing plesiomorphic and apomorphic characters is exemplified in Morgatia with reference to auxiliary impressions of the glabella and vincular furrows. In Crozonaspis , cladograms by themselves do not clarify the distinction of primitive versus derived features; the stratigraphical distribution of species, although not conclusive, is helpful in clarifying relationships. Although stratigraphical data are essential for reconstructing species lineages, they may be misleading when dealing with taxa above the species level. For all phylogenetical reconstructions, the completeness of the palaeontological and biogeographical record must be taken into consideration. D Trilobita, Phacopida, cladistics, Ordovician.  相似文献   

Phenotype, whether conventional or extended, is defined as a reflectionof an underlying genotype. Adaptation and the natural selection thatfollows from it depends upon a progressively harmonious fit betweenphenotype and environment. There is in Richard Dawkins' notion ofthe extended phenotype a paradox that seems to undercut conventionalviews of adaptation, natural selection and adaptation. In a nutshell, ifthe phenotype includes an organism's environment, how then can theorganism adapt to itself? The paradox is resolvable through aphysiological, as opposed to a genetic, theory of natural selection andadaptation.  相似文献   

Local adaptation is often obvious when gene flow is impeded, such as observed at large spatial scales and across strong ecological contrasts. However, it becomes less certain at small scales such as between adjacent populations or across weak ecological contrasts, when gene flow is strong. While studies on genomic adaptation tend to focus on the former, less is known about the genomic targets of natural selection in the latter situation. In this study, we investigate genomic adaptation in populations of the three‐spined stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus L. across a small‐scale ecological transition with salinities ranging from brackish to fresh. Adaptation to salinity has been repeatedly demonstrated in this species. A genome scan based on 87 microsatellite markers revealed only few signatures of selection, likely owing to the constraints that homogenizing gene flow puts on adaptive divergence. However, the detected loci appear repeatedly as targets of selection in similar studies of genomic adaptation in the three‐spined stickleback. We conclude that the signature of genomic selection in the face of strong gene flow is weak, yet detectable. We argue that the range of studies of genomic divergence should be extended to include more systems characterized by limited geographical and ecological isolation, which is often a realistic setting in nature.  相似文献   

Seven species are included in the genus Xylomoia Staudinger, two of which are new: X. retinax sp.n. from the Novosibirsk area, Western Siberia, and from the Chelyabinsk area, southern Ural Mountains, and X. stangelmaieri sp.n. from Caorle, Venezia Giulia, on the Adriatic coast. A North American species, Chortodes didonea (Smith) comb.n., is removed from the genus. According to a cladistic analysis, the genus Xylomoia comprises one plesiomorphic species group, the chagnoni group, and two apomorphic groups: the graminea and strix groups. The latter are exclusively temperate Palaearctic. Xylomoia chagnoni (Barnes & McDunnough) is the only Nearctic species of the genus, and the loosely related X. apameaoides (Hacker) was recently described from Turkey. In geographical isolation, these two species have retained many ancestral features. In the more central area, the common ancestor of the graminea and strix groups has evolved into at least five species. The locality and rarity of the species of Xylomoia seemingly result from adaptation of the species to moist habitats, the larvae probably bore inside grass stems (the case of X. chagnoni ). What are called lock-and-key mechanisms may lead to the use of non-independent character states in a cladistic analysis; particularly in the case of homoplasy this kind of double-weighting may result in erroneous cladograms. In Xylomoia , deleting female lock-and-keys affected only the number of cladograms produced, whereas omitting the corresponding male characters had profound effects on the cladogram.  相似文献   


A phylogeny of guenons was drawn up from the analysis of the acoustic structure of their cohesion, contact and alarm calls, as well as of the loud calls of the adult males. The plesiomorphic or apomorphic state of every acoustic parameter retained was inferred from comparisons with calls given by papionines and/or colobines. A cladistic method was used for analysing a matrix of species by character.

The proposed phylogeny separates guenons into two groups: the one includes all forest- living arboreal forms, the other most of the terrestrially-adapted species. The latter, together with C. nigroviridis, which lie close to the origin from which all guenons diverged, share a relatively primitive position, while the arboreal species are the most derived living representatives of the taxon. Quite reliable interspecific affinities are found among arboreal forms, while there are some inconsistencies for the more primitive species. Such results suggest that cercopithecines would have undergone a radiation from more or less open habitats into forests, the evolution proceeding from large-bodied, partly-terrestrial forms to smaller arboreal ones.  相似文献   

Pesticide resistance is a major concern in natural populations and a model trait to study adaptation. Despite the importance of this trait, the dynamics of its evolution and of its ecological consequences remain largely unstudied. To fill this gap, we performed experimental evolution with replicated populations of Caenorhabditis elegans exposed to the pesticide Levamisole during 20 generations. Exposure to Levamisole resulted in decreased survival, fecundity and male frequency, which declined from 30% to zero. This was not due to differential susceptibility of males. Rather, the drug affected mobility, resulting in fewer encounters, probably leading to reduced outcrossing rates. Adaptation, i.e., increased survival and fecundity, occurred within 10 and 20 generations, respectively. Male frequency also increased by generation 20. Adaptation costs were undetected in the ancestral environment and in presence of Ivermectin, another widely-used pesticide with an opposite physiological effect. Our results demonstrate that pesticide resistance can evolve at an extremely rapid pace. Furthermore, we unravel the effects of behaviour on life-history traits and test the environmental dependence of adaptation costs. This study establishes experimental evolution as a powerful tool to tackle pesticide resistance, and paves the way to further investigations manipulating environmental and/or genetic factors underlying adaptation to pesticides.  相似文献   

Class Seticoronaria and Phylogeny of the Phylum Priapulida   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Recent class Seticoronaria (Priapulida) as represented by the genus Maccabeus is compared with the newly described Priapulida from the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale. It is concluded that the Seticoronaria retained such plesiomorphic characters of the Cambrian Priapulida as sedentary life and food trapping tentacles, whereas the other Recent class, the Priapulomorpha, is the derived, apomorphic branch of this small phylum. The bearing of this hypothesis on an eventual phylogenetic sequence of the Metazoa is discussed.  相似文献   

The evolution of endothermy in birds and mammals was one of the most important events in the evolution of the vertebrates. Past tests of hypotheses on the evolution of endothermy in mammals have relied largely on analyses of the relationship between basal and maximum metabolic rate, and artificial selection experiments. I argue that components of existing hypotheses, as well as new hypotheses, can be tested using an alternative macrophysiological modeling approach by examining the development of endothermy during the Cenozoic. Recent mammals display a 10°C range in body temperature which is sufficiently large to identify the selective forces that have driven the development of endothermy from a plesiomorphic (ancestral) Cretaceous or Jurassic condition. A model is presented (the Plesiomorphic‐Apomorphic Endothermy Model, PAE Model) which proposes that heterothermy, i.e. bouts of normothermy (constant body temperature) interspersed with adaptive heterothermy (e.g. daily torpor and/or hibernation), was the ancestral condition from which apomorphic (derived), rigid homeothermy evolved. All terrestrial mammal lineages are examined for existing data to test the model, as well as for missing data that could be used to test the model. With the exception of Scandentia and Dermoptera, about which little is known, all mammalian orders that include small‐sized mammals (<500 g), have species which are heterothermic and display characteristics of endothermy which fall somewhere along a plesiomorphic‐apomorphic continuum. Orders which do not have heterothermic representatives (Cetartiodactyla, Perissodactyla, Pholidota, and Lagomorpha) are comprised of medium‐ to large‐sized mammals that have either lost the capacity for heterothermy, or in which heterothermy has yet to be measured. Mammalian heterothermy seems to be plesiomorphic and probably evolved once in the mammalian lineage. Several categories of endothermy are identified (protoendothermy, plesioendothermy, apoendothermy, basoendothermy, mesoendothermy, supraendothermy, and reversed mesoendothermy) to describe the evolution of endothermy during the Cenozoic. The PAE Model should facilitate the testing of hypotheses using a range of macrophysiological methods (e.g. the comparative method and the reconstruction of ancestral states).  相似文献   

We investigate changes in resistance to desiccation and starvation during adaptation of Drosophila melanogaster to laboratory culture. We test the hypothesis that resistance to environmental stresses is lost under laboratory adaptation. For both traits, there was a rapid loss of resistance over a three-year period. The rapidity of the response suggested that mutation accumulation could not account for it. Rather, resistance to environmental stresses appeared to be lost as a correlated response to selection on another trait, such as early fertility, with which stress resistance is negatively genetically correlated. These results suggest that caution is needed when extrapolating from evolution of stress resistance in long-established laboratory stocks to patterns of responses and correlated responses in natural populations.  相似文献   

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