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Genome-wide scans have mapped economically important quantitative trait loci (QTL) for mastitis susceptibility in dairy cattle at the telomeric end of bovine chromosome 18 (BTA18). In order to increase the density of markers in this chromosomal region and to improve breakpoint resolution in the human-bovine comparative map, this study describes the chromosomal assignment of seven newly developed gene-associated markers and five microsatellites and eight previously mapped sequence tagged site markers near these QTL. The orientation of KCNJ14, BAX, CD37, NKG7, LIM2, PRKCG, TNNT1, MGC2705, RPL28, EPN1, ZNF582, ZIM2, STK13, ZNF132 and SLC27A5 on the 3000-rad radiation hybrid (RH) map of BTA18 is homologous to the organization found on the corresponding 10 Mbp of human chromosome 19q (HSA19q). The resulting bovine RH map with a length of 20.9 cR spans over about 11 cM on the bovine linkage map. The location of KCNJ14 and SLC27A5 flanking the RH map on BTA18q25-26 has been confirmed by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The data of this refined human-bovine comparative map should improve selection of candidate genes for mastitis susceptibility in dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Radiation hybrid (RH) mapping has proven to be an extremely powerful approach to constructing high density maps of human chromosomes and is experiencing increased use in other animals, including cattle. A 5000 rad bovine whole-genome radiation hybrid panel was recently constructed in order to integrate existing cattle linkage maps with evolutionarily conserved genes and provide high resolution comparative maps relative to humans and mice. We utilized this panel to construct a 19 marker framework map of bovine chromosome 1 (BTA1), which included 8 Type I loci and 11 Type II loci ordered with at least 1000:1 odds. A 35 marker comprehensive map including 15 Type I loci and 20 Type II loci was also produced. Of the 15 Type I loci ordered on the comprehensive map, three are ordered on HSA3 and five are ordered in three blocks on HSA21 on the human cytogenetic maps.  相似文献   

We present herein a bovine chromosome 24 (BTA24) radiation hybrid (RH) map using 40 markers scored on a panel of 90 RHs. Of these markers, 29 loci were ordered with odds of at least 1000:1 in a framework map. An average retention frequency of 17.4% was observed, with relatively higher frequencies near the centromere. The length of the comprehensive map was 640 centiray5000 (cR5000) with an average marker interval of approximately 17.3 cR5000. The observed locus order is generally consistent with currently published bovine linkage and physical maps. Nineteen markers were either Type I loci or closely associated with expressed sequences and thus could be used to compare the BTA24 RH map with human mapping information. All genes located on BTA24 were located on human chromosome 18, and previously reported regions of conserved synteny were extended. The comparative data revealed the presence of at least six conserved regions between these chromosomes.  相似文献   

In this study we present a comprehensive 3000-rad radiation hybrid map on bovine chromosome 5 (BTA5) of a region between 12.8 and 74.0 cM according to the linkage map, which contains a quantitative trait loci for ovulation rate. We mapped 28 gene-associated sequence tagged site markers derived from sequences of bovine BAC clones and 10 microsatellite markers to the BTA5 region. In comparison with HSA12q, four blocks of conserved synteny were apparent showing three chromosomal breakpoints and two inversions in this segment of BTA5. Therefore, we have improved breakpoint resolution in the human-bovine comparative map, which enhances the determination of candidate genes underlying traits of interest mapped to BTA5.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assign both microsatellite and gene-based markers on porcine chromosome X to two radiation hybrid (RH) panels and to develop a more extensive integrated map of SSC-X. Thirty-five microsatellite and 20 gene-based markers were assigned to T43RH, and 16 previously unreported microsatellite and 15 gene-based markers were added to IMpRH map. Of these, 30 microsatellite and 12 gene-based markers were common to both RH maps. Twenty-two gene-based markers were submitted to BLASTN analysis for identification of orthologues of genes on HSA-X. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected for 12 gene-based markers, and nine of these were placed on the genetic map. A total of 92 known loci are present on at least one porcine chromosome X map. Thirty-seven loci are present on all three maps; 31 loci are found on only one map. Location of 33 gene-based markers on the comprehensive map translates into an integrated comparative map that supports conservation of gene order between SSC-X and HSA-X. This integrated map will be valuable for selection of candidate genes for porcine quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that map to SSC-X.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a radiation hybrid framework map of BTA13 composed of nine microsatellite loci, six genes and one EST. The map has been developed using a recently constructed 12''000 rad bovine-hamster whole-genome radiation hybrid panel. Moreover, we present a comprehensive map of BTA13 comprising 72 loci, of which 45 are microsatellites, 20 are genes and seven are ESTs. The map has an estimated length of 2694.7 cR12''000. The proposed order is in general agreement with published maps of BTA13. Our results only partially support previously published information of five blocks of conserved gene order between cattle and man. We found no evidence for the existence of an HSA20 homologous segment of coding DNA on BTA13 located centromeric of a confirmed HSA10 homologous region. The present map increases the marker density and the marker resolution on BTA13 and enables further insight into the evolutionary development of the chromosome as compared to man.  相似文献   

We have constructed a radiation hybrid (RH) map of chicken chromosome (GGA) 15. This map can be used as a resource to efficiently map genes to this chromosome. The map has been developed using a 6000 rad chicken-hamster whole-genome radiation hybrid panel (ChickRH6). In total, six microsatellite loci, 18 sequence tagged sites (STSs) from BAC end sequences and 11 genes were typed on the panel. The initial framework map comprised eight markers, and an additional 23 markers were then added to generate the final map. The total map length was 334 centiRay6000 (cR6000). The estimated retention frequency for the data set was 18%. Using an estimated physical length of 21 Mb, the ratio between cR6000 and physical distance over GGA15 was estimated to be 0.063 Mb/cR6000. The present map increases the marker density and the marker resolution on GGA15 and enables fast mapping of new chicken genes homologous to genes from human chromosomes 12 and 22.  相似文献   

More than 375,000 BAC-end sequences (BES) of the CHORI-243 ovine BAC library have been deposited in public databases. blastn searches with these BES against HSA18 revealed 1806 unique and significant hits. We used blastn-anchored BES for an in silico prediction of gene content and chromosome assignment of comparatively mapped ovine BAC clones. Ovine BES were selected at approximately 1.3-Mb intervals of HSA18 and incorporated into a human-sheep comparative map. An ovine 5000-rad whole-genome radiation hybrid panel (USUoRH5000) was typed with 70 markers, all of which mapped to OAR23. The resulting OAR23 RH map included 43 markers derived from BES with high and unique BLAST hits to the sequence of the orthologous HSA18, nine EST-derived markers, 16 microsatellite markers taken from the ovine linkage map and two bovine microsatellite markers. Six new microsatellite markers derived from the 43 mapped BES and the two bovine microsatellite markers were linkage-mapped using the International Mapping Flock (IMF). Thirteen additional microsatellite markers were derived from other ovine BES with high and unique BLAST hits to the sequence of the orthologous HSA18 and also positioned on the ovine linkage map but not incorporated into the OAR23 RH map. This resulted in 24 markers in common and in the same order between the RH and linkage maps. Eight of the BES-derived markers were mapped using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), to thereby align the RH and cytogenetic maps. Comparison of the ovine chromosome 23 RH map with the HSA18 map identified and localized three major breakpoints between HSA18 and OAR23. The positions of these breakpoints were equivalent to those previously shown for syntenic BTA24 and HSA18. This study presents evidence for the usefulness of ovine BES when constructing a high-resolution comprehensive map for a single sheep chromosome. The comparative analysis confirms and refines knowledge about chromosomal conservation and rearrangements between sheep, cattle and human. The constructed RH map demonstrates the resolution and utility of the newly constructed ovine RH panel.  相似文献   

Ovis aries chromosome one (OAR1) is the largest submetacentric chromosome in the sheep genome and is homologous to regions on human chromosomes 1, 2, 3 and 21. Using the USUoRH5000 ovine whole-genome radiation hybrid (RH) panel, we have constructed a RH map of OAR1 comprising 102 framework and 75 placed/binned markers across five linkage groups spanning 3759.43 cR5000, with an average marker density of 21.2 cR5000/marker. The alignment of our OAR1 RH map shows good concordance with the recently developed virtual sheep genome, with fewer than 1.86% discrepancies. A comparative map of OAR1 was constructed by examining the location of RH-mapped orthologues in sheep within the genomes of cow, human, horse and dog. Analysis of the comparative map indicates that conserved syntenies within the five ovine RH linkage groups underwent internal chromosomal rearrangements which, in general, reflect the evolutionary distances between sheep and each of these four species. The ovine RH map presented here integrates all available mapping data and includes new genomic information for ovine chromosome 1.  相似文献   

A high-resolution radiation hybrid map of porcine chromosome 6   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A high-resolution comprehensive map was constructed for porcine chromosome (SSC) 6, where quantitative trait loci (QTL) for reproduction and meat quality traits have been reported to exist. A radiation hybrid (RH) map containing 105 gene-based markers and 15 microsatellite markers was constructed for this chromosome using a 3000-rad porcine/hamster RH panel. In total, 40 genes from human chromosome (HSA) 1p36.3-p22, 29 from HSA16q12-q24, 17 from HSA18p11.3-q12 and 19 from HSA19q13.1-q13.4 were assigned to SSC6. All primers for these gene markers were designed based on porcine gene or EST sequences, and the orthologous status of the gene markers was confirmed by direct sequencing of PCR products amplified from separate Meishan and Large White genomic DNA pools. The RH map spans SSC6 and consists of six linkage groups created by using a LOD score threshold of 4. The boundaries of the conserved segments between SSC6 and HSA1, 16, 18 and 19 were defined more precisely than previously reported. This represents the most comprehensive RH map of SSC6 reported to date. Polymorphisms were detected for 38 of 105 gene-based markers placed on the RH map and these are being exploited in ongoing chromosome wide scans for QTL and eventual fine mapping of genes associated with prolificacy in a Meishan x Large White multigenerational commercial population.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in mammals codes for antigen‐presenting proteins. For this reason, the MHC is of great importance for immune function and animal health. Previous studies revealed this gene‐dense and polymorphic region in river buffalo to be on the short arm of chromosome 2, which is homologous to cattle chromosome 23. Using cattle‐derived STS markers and a river buffalo radiation hybrid (RH) panel (BBURH5000), we generated a high‐resolution RH map of the river buffalo MHC region. The buffalo MHC RH map (cR5000) was aligned with the cattle MHC RH map (cR12000) to compare gene order. The buffalo MHC had similar organization to the cattle MHC, with class II genes distributed in two segments, class IIa and class IIb. Class IIa was closely associated with the class I and class III regions, and class IIb was a separate cluster. A total of 53 markers were distributed into two linkage groups based on a two‐point LOD score threshold of ≥8. The first linkage group included 32 markers from class IIa, class I and class III. The second linkage group included 21 markers from class IIb. Bacterial artificial chromosome clones for seven loci were mapped by fluorescence in situ hybridization on metaphase chromosomes using single‐ and double‐color hybridizations. The order of cytogenetically mapped markers in the region corroborated the physical order of markers obtained from the RH map and served as anchor points to align and orient the linkage groups.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a comprehensive 5000-rad radiation hybrid map of a 40-cM region on equine chromosome 4 (ECA4) that contains quantitative trait loci for equine osteochondrosis. We mapped 29 gene-associated sequence tagged site markers using primers designed from equine expressed sequence tags or BAC clones in the ECA4q12-q22 region. Three blocks of conserved synteny, showing two chromosomal breakpoints, were identified in the segment of ECA4q12-q22. Markers from other segments of HSA7q mapped to ECA13p and ECA4p, and a region of HSA7p was homologous to ECA13p. Therefore, we have improved the resolution of the human-equine comparative map, which allows the identification of candidate genes underlying traits of interest.  相似文献   

In this study, we constructed high-resolution radiation hybrid (RH) and comparative maps of ovine chromosomes or chromosomal segments that are homologous to human chromosome 6 (HSA6). A total of 251 markers were successfully genotyped across the recently developed USUoRH5000 whole-genome panel; 208 of these markers were assigned to five RH linkage groups distributed on three ovine chromosomes (OAR8, 9 and 20). The RH maps have good correspondence with previous chromosome painting data, although a small centromeric region on OAR9 that is homologous to HSA6 had not been previously detected using human chromosome paints on ovine chromosomal spreads. High percentages of the ovine markers were identified as orthologues in the bovine (86.3%), dog (85.8%), horse (69.3%) and human (88.7%) genomes. These maps contribute to investigations in mammalian chromosome evolution and the search for economic trait loci in sheep.  相似文献   

We have constructed a radiation hybrid (RH) map of the porcine genome using an RH panel generated by an irradiation dose of 5000-rad (Sus scrofa radiation hybrid map, SSRH map). Normal porcine aortic endothelial cells were irradiated and fused with a thymidine kinase-deficient mouse cell line, L-M (TK-). A total of 110 cell lines were selected and used for further analysis. Among 1091 microsatellite (MS) markers selected for mapping, 842 markers (77%) could be typed on the panel. The framework map comprised 342 MS markers and an additional 247 MS markers were then added to generate the whole-genome map. The average retention frequency for the data set was 30.6%. The total map length was 5596.2 centiRay (cR). Using an estimated physical length of 2718 Mbp, the average ratio between cR and physical distance over the porcine genome was estimated to be 0.49 Mb/cR.  相似文献   

The pseudoautosomal region (PAR) of bovine chromosome X (BTA X) has a particularly low representation of genes and markers, making comparative gene mapping in this region difficult. We describe the localization of three genes, colony-stimulating factor 2 receptor alpha (CSF2RA), ADP/ATP translocase 3 (ANT3) and steroid sulphatase (STS) on PAR of BTA X using a 5000 rad whole-genome radiation hybrid panel. The relationship of these genes to a number of previously mapped simple sequence repeat (microsatellite) markers is determined by physical and radiation hybrid mapping methods. The resulting radiation hybrid map resolves a discrepancy between the two major bovine linkage maps in the PAR of BTA X.  相似文献   

We report the first radiation hybrid map of the river buffalo X chromosome generated from a recently constructed river buffalo ( Bubalus bubalis ) whole-genome radiation hybrid panel (BBURH5000). This map contains a total of 33 cattle-derived markers, including 10 genes, four ESTs and 19 microsatellites. The markers are distributed in two linkage groups: LG1 contains eight markers spanning 125.6 cR, and LG2 contains 25 markers spanning 366.3 cR. LG1 contains six markers in common with bovine sequence assembly build 3.1. With the exception of BMS2152 , the order of these markers on our BBUX map is shuffled when compared to the cow X chromosome ( Bos taurus ; BTAX). From LG2, two markers ( AMELX and BL22 ) map to a more distal portion of BTAX compared to BBUX. In addition, two pairs of LG2 markers exhibit inversions compared to BTAX ( ILSTS017 and ATRX ; XBM38 and PPEF1 ). Alternatively, when compared to the most recent bovine RH map (Bov-Gen 3000rads), BL1098 and BMS2227 from LG1 as well as PLS3 and BMS1820 from LG2 showed inverted positions on the BBUX map. These discrepancies in buffalo and cattle maps may reflect evolutionary divergence of the chromosomes or mapping errors in one of the two species. Although the set of mapped markers does not cover the entire X chromosome, this map is a starting point for the construction of a high-resolution map, which is necessary for characterization of small rearrangements that might have occurred between the Bubalus bubalis and Bos taurus X chromosomes.  相似文献   

Whole-genome radiation hybrid (RH) panels have been constructed for several species, including cattle. RH panels have proven to be an extremely powerful tool to construct high-density maps, which is an essential step in the identification of genes controlling important traits, and they can be used to establish high-resolution comparative maps. Although bovine RH panels can be used with ovine markers to construct sheep RH maps based on bovine genome organization, only some (c. 50%) of the markers available in sheep can be successfully mapped in the bovine genome. So, with the development of genomics and genome sequencing projects, there is a need for a high-resolution RH panel in sheep to map ovine markers. Consequently, we have constructed a 12 000-rad ovine whole-genome RH panel. Two hundred and eight hybrid clones were produced, of which 90 were selected based on their retention frequency. The final panel had an average marker retention frequency of 31.8%. The resolution of this 12 000-rad panel (SheepRH) was estimated by constructing an RH framework map for a 23-Mb region of sheep chromosome 18 (OAR18) that contains a QTL for scrapie susceptibility.  相似文献   

Comparative mapping studies facilitate the identification of genes located in quantitative trait locus (QTL) regions in domestic animals by utilizing information from the human genome. Radiation hybrid (RH) mapping is effective for this purpose because of its high resolution in ordered gene mapping on chromosomes. We constructed an RH map of pig chromosome 7, by adding 23 markers associated with genes. This RH map clearly demonstrated the mosaic of homology between pig chromosome 7 (SSC7) and human chromosomes 6, 14 and 15 at a 'gene' level, and was confirmed by linkage analysis. Clarification of the homology of SSC7 to human chromosomes will contribute to the elucidation of the gene(s) responsible for QTL detected on this chromosome.  相似文献   

To locate quantitative trait loci (QTL) for intramuscular fat deposition (marbling) in a local population of Japanese Black cattle, we performed a genome scan using a paternal half-sib family of Bull A. A marbling QTL was mapped in the region flanked by DIK0079 (20.7 cM) and TGLA303 (39.3 cM) on bovine chromosome (BTA) 7, affecting 5.0% of the total family variance. Haplotype analysis of the QTL region revealed that the marbling-increasing Q allele was transmitted from the dam. On the other hand, Bull B, a maternal half-sib of Bull A, did not receive the Q allele from its dam, based on the following findings: (i) a marbling QTL on BTA7 was not detected in the Bull B paternal half-sib family; (ii) recombination between DIK0079 (20.7 cM) and RM006 (25.4 cM) in the QTL region was observed in the maternal chromosome of Bull B; and (iii) the Q -harbouring steers from Bull A exhibited significantly higher marbling than the steers from Bull B and the remaining steers from Bull A. To precisely compare the maternal chromosomes of both bulls, we constructed a bacterial artificial chromosome contig covering the region between DIK0079 and RM006 and developed DNA markers. The recombination occurred between DIK8042 and DIK8044 , indicating that the marbling QTL was in a 2.9-cM region flanked by DIK0079 and DIK8044 .  相似文献   

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