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Due to the increasing atmospheric concentration of the greenhouse gas methane, more knowledge is needed on the management of methanotrophic communities. While most studies have focused on the characteristics of the methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB), less is known about their interactions with the associated heterotrophs. Interpretative tools based on denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis allowed to evaluate the influence of copper—an important enzymatic regulator for MOB—on the activity and composition of the bacterial community. Over 30 days, enrichments with 0.1, 1.0 and 10 μM Cu2+ respectively, showed comparable methane oxidation activities. The different copper concentrations did not create major shifts in the methanotrophic communities, as a Methylomonas sp. was able to establish dominance at all different copper concentrations by switching between both known methane monooxygenases. The associated heterotrophic communities showed continuous shifts, but over time all cultures evolved to a comparable composition, independent of the copper concentration. This indicates that the MOB selected for certain heterotrophs, possibly fulfilling vital processes such as removal of toxic compounds. The presence of a large heterotrophic food web indirectly depending on methane as sole carbon and energy source was confirmed by a clone library wherein MOB only formed a minority of the identified species.  相似文献   

Summary The rate of nitrification by soil aggregates at pH 5.5 and 7.5 was examined by a perfusion technique. Nitrification occurred at both levels of H-ion concentration but at the higher pH the rate of nitrification was greater. The population estimates of nitrifying bacteria were correspondingly greater at the high pH. Once the pH was lowered from 7.5 to 5.5, the nitrification rate decreased slowly with a corresponding decrease in the numbers of nitrifying bacteria. The distribution of nitrifying bacteria throughout soil aggregates was homogenous. The lower limit of pH for nitrification was 4.3.  相似文献   

Selection of resistant bacteria at very low antibiotic concentrations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The widespread use of antibiotics is selecting for a variety of resistance mechanisms that seriously challenge our ability to treat bacterial infections. Resistant bacteria can be selected at the high concentrations of antibiotics used therapeutically, but what role the much lower antibiotic concentrations present in many environments plays in selection remains largely unclear. Here we show using highly sensitive competition experiments that selection of resistant bacteria occurs at extremely low antibiotic concentrations. Thus, for three clinically important antibiotics, drug concentrations up to several hundred-fold below the minimal inhibitory concentration of susceptible bacteria could enrich for resistant bacteria, even when present at a very low initial fraction. We also show that de novo mutants can be selected at sub-MIC concentrations of antibiotics, and we provide a mathematical model predicting how rapidly such mutants would take over in a susceptible population. These results add another dimension to the evolution of resistance and suggest that the low antibiotic concentrations found in many natural environments are important for enrichment and maintenance of resistance in bacterial populations.  相似文献   

The diffusion behavior of DNA samples of molecular weights between 1 × 106 and 25 × 106 Daltons was investigated under standard conditions at mean concentrations c? between 0.0009 and 0.017 g/dl. Special techniques described previously were used and supplemented. The sensitivity required was accomplished by multiple passage through the sample cells (effective path length of 10–45 cm) and application of the Gouy interference method. The maximum DNA refraction index difference has been determined more precisely from Gouy interference fringes by applying a systematic variation procedure and a linear-plot criterion. Convection was prevented by a temperature constancy better than 0.002°C/day, vibrationless operation, and by application of a slight density gradient of heavy water, which also improved the boundary-forming procedure. The corresponding optical HDO gradient was compensated. The concentration dependence of the DNA diffusion coefficient average DA was found to be positive and very small at extremely low concentrations, that is, below c? = 0.008 g/dl, for the sample of highest molecular weight investigated. With beginning penetration of different DNA molecules, DA increases markedly. The diffusion constant averages of our polydisperse samples will be corrected for monodisperse subfractions in a following paper. The resulting molecular weights M from diffusion and sedimentation constants (D0, s0) together with data from literature are the basis of new s0M, D0 ? M, and [η]–M relations for monodisperse DNA samples.  相似文献   

Two marine bacteria, an Acinetobacter sp. (strain GO1) and a vibrio sp. (strain G1), were isolated by extinction dilution and maintained in natural seawater supplemented with nitrogen, phosphorus, and glucose at 0.01 and 10 mg of glucose carbon per liter above ambient monosaccharide concentrations, respectively. After 3 days in unsupplemented natural seawater, growth in batch culture with glucose supplements was determined by changes in cell numbers and glucose concentration. The exponential growth of the Acinetobacter strain with added glucose was indistinguishable from that in natural seawater alone, whereas that of the Vibrio strain was more rapid in the presence of glucose supplements, suggesting that the Acinetobacter strain preferred the natural organic matter in seawater as a carbon source. The ultrastructure for both isolates was unaffected by glucose supplements during exponential growth, but there were marked changes in stationary-phase cells. The Vibrio strain formed polyphosphate at 10 mg of glucose carbon per liter, whereas poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate formation occurred at 100 mg and became excessive at 1,000 mg, disrupting the cells. In contrast, the Acinetobacter strain elongated at 100 and 1,000 mg of glucose carbon per liter but failed to show poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate formation. The diversity of responses shown here would not have been detected with a single concentration of substrate, often used in the literature to characterize both pure and natural populations of marine bacteria.  相似文献   

Transcription of human ribosomal DNA may terminate at multiple sites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Effects of low temperature and low oxygen partial pressure on theoccurrence and activity of 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol degrading bacteria in a boreal chlorophenol contaminated groundwater and a full-scale fluidized-bed bioreactor were studied using four polychlorophenol degrading bacterial isolates of different phylogenetic backgrounds. These included an -proteobacterial Sphingomonas sp. strain MT1 isolated from the full-scale bioreactor and three isolates from the contaminated groundwater whichwere identified as -proteobacterial Herbaspirillum sp. K1,a Gram-positive bacterium with high G + C content Nocardioides sp. K44 and an -proteobacterialSphingomonas sp. K74. The Sphingomonasstrains K74 and MT1 and Nocardioides sp. K44 degraded2,4,6-trichlorophenol and 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol as the solecarbon and energy sources. Close to stoichiometric inorganic chloride release with the 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol removal andthe absence of methylation products indicated mineralization. Tetrachlorophenol degradation by the Herbaspirillum sp. K1 was enhanced by yeast extract, malate, glutamate, pyruvate, peptone and casitone. At 8 °C, Sphingomonas sp. K74 had the highest specific degradation rate(max = 4.9 × 10-12 mg h-1 cell-1) for 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol. The Nocardioides strain K44 had the highest affinity (Ks = 0.46 mg l-1) for tetrachlorophenol. K1 and MT1 grew microaerophilically in semisolid glucose medium. Furthermore, the growth of MT1 was inhibited in liquidglucose medium at high oxygen partial pressure indicating sensitivity to accumulating toxic oxygen species. On the other hand, trichlorophenol degradation was not affected by oxygen concentration (2–21%). The isolates K44, K74 and MT1, with optimum growth temperaturesbetween 23 and 25 °C, degraded tetrachlorophenol faster at 8 °C than at room temperature indicating distinctly different temperature optima for chlorophenol degradation and growthon complex media. These results show efficient polychlorophenol degradation by the isolates at the boreal groundwater conditions, i.e., at low temperature and low oxygen concentrations. Differences in chlorophenol degradation and sensitivities to chlorophenols and oxygen among the isolates indicate that the phylogenetically different chlorophenol degraders have found different niches in the contaminated groundwater and thus potential for contaminantdegradation under a variety of saturated subsurface conditions.  相似文献   

Two marine bacteria, an Acinetobacter sp. (strain GO1) and a vibrio sp. (strain G1), were isolated by extinction dilution and maintained in natural seawater supplemented with nitrogen, phosphorus, and glucose at 0.01 and 10 mg of glucose carbon per liter above ambient monosaccharide concentrations, respectively. After 3 days in unsupplemented natural seawater, growth in batch culture with glucose supplements was determined by changes in cell numbers and glucose concentration. The exponential growth of the Acinetobacter strain with added glucose was indistinguishable from that in natural seawater alone, whereas that of the Vibrio strain was more rapid in the presence of glucose supplements, suggesting that the Acinetobacter strain preferred the natural organic matter in seawater as a carbon source. The ultrastructure for both isolates was unaffected by glucose supplements during exponential growth, but there were marked changes in stationary-phase cells. The Vibrio strain formed polyphosphate at 10 mg of glucose carbon per liter, whereas poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate formation occurred at 100 mg and became excessive at 1,000 mg, disrupting the cells. In contrast, the Acinetobacter strain elongated at 100 and 1,000 mg of glucose carbon per liter but failed to show poly-beta-hydroxybutyrate formation. The diversity of responses shown here would not have been detected with a single concentration of substrate, often used in the literature to characterize both pure and natural populations of marine bacteria.  相似文献   

Some proteins have the property of self-assembly, known to be an important mechanism in constructing supramolecular architectures for cellular functions. However, as yet, the ability of double-stranded (ds) DNA molecules to self-assemble has not been established. Here we report that dsDNA molecules also have a property of self-assembly in aqueous solutions containing physiological concentrations of Mg2+. We show that DNA molecules preferentially interact with molecules with an identical sequence and length even in a solution composed of heterogeneous DNA species. Curved DNA and DNA with an unusual conformation and property also exhibit this phenomenon, indicating that it is not specific to usual B-form DNA. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) directly reveals the assembled DNA molecules formed at concentrations of 10 nM but rarely at 1 nM. The self-assembly is concentration-dependent. We suggest that the attractive force causing DNA self-assembly may function in biological processes such as folding of repetitive DNA, recombination between homologous sequences, and synapsis in meiosis.  相似文献   

The present study describes the airborne pollen grain concentrations at two different heights (1.5 m and 15 m, respectively). The survey was carried out in 1991 and 1992, using two Burkard spore-traps, both set up at the University of Córdoba, Faculty of Sciences. Generally, and for all herbaceous plants, pollen detection started and ended around the same date on both samplers. However, in the case ofOlea europaea, the pollen was detected in advance by the sampler located at 1.5 m compared with the one located at 15 m, probably due to the fact that olives growing close to the low sampler flower before the great olive plantations located some 60 km south of the city. No significant differences between the counts of both samplers have been observed, except in the case of Urticaceae, where the sampler situated on top of the building recorded higher pollen concentrations in both years. Similar annual peaks of Urticaceae are probably due to the buoyancy of their small, light grains and the explosive pollination mechanism which liberates pollen grains from the anthers of the Urticaceae family, includingUrtica andParietaria.  相似文献   

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